H o w Significant is AngularJS Development in 2022?
What Makes AngularJS Such a Great Framework?
In just a fairly short period of time, AngularJS has made its incredible mark in the world of web development. It’s a robust JavaScript framework developed by Google in the year 2009.
AngularJS development services were started with the purpose of making front-end development much simpler for the developers across the globe.
AngularJS is used by a number of tech-giants such as Netflix, PayPal, Upwork, etc. In the year 2018, the framework has been ranked the second most used technology after NodeJS. This incredible framework offers amazing features enabling developers to write readable as well as maintain code easily.
What Makes AngularJS Such a Great Framework? According to a report, around 45,687 websites use AngularJS. There are a myriad of benefits of using this amazing framework for front-end development.
Some of these are listed below:
Supports MVC Architecture Simple to Use Dual Data Binding Impressive User Interface Simple Testing New Module Creation Single Page Application Building Massive Community Support
AngularJS is an open-source framework which is managed by a community of developers. It offers several benefits to the developers for solid web development. The ever-growing popularity of Angular provides outstanding opportunities to best A ngularJS development c ompanies around the globe. So, this tells the significance of the framework and also the reasons for why you should prefer the technology over other frameworks.
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