Freedom Fighters Slogan in Hindi – Indian freedom fighters inspiring slogan

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Freedom Fighters Slogan​ – Indian freedom fighters inspiring slogan Freedom Fighters Slogan The slogan of freedom fighters encourages us to do work for our nation. For freedom, they sacrificed their lives and fought again the British Government. As we all know our country was under the British Government for a long time. our ancestors died whiling fighting against British govt. In between our freedom fighters spoke many​ inspiring slogans​ ​for us. Motivational quotes or lines work like a sharp weapon. Nowadays we follow the slogan of an Indian freedom fighter in a critical situation. After reading their lines and statements we get the courage to do anything. Therefore we apply their slogan in our daily life. Overall we can say their life propels us on the success path.

1) ” Aaram haram hai” – Pt. Nehru Nehru Ji was a very successful Indian leader. He ruled 3 times as prime minister of India. The slogan of Jawahar Lal Nehru inspires us not to take more rest in life. Always fight against British govt till then not getting freedom. He was the first prime minister of India and was well know English writer. According to his rule rest will keep back so never take rest till then we do not get freedom. Currently, this line inspires us to achieve our goal. We must not forget freedom fighter slogans. 2) “Inqlaab Zindabad” – Shaheed Bhagat Singh We can not control our tears from the eye if we read his starting and end life. He sacrificed his life at 23 Age. He refused many plans of the British Govt. At this age, anyone can not do like Bhagat Singh. The meaning of the Inqilab zindabad slogan meaning is the Long Live Revolution. Bhagat Singh Ji has stated this logo to involve young and fight against British Government. By speaking this slogan every one motivates himself. Above all slogans inspire us for patriotism. 3) “Tum Mujhe Khoon Do, Main Tumhe Azadi Dunga” – Subhash Chandra Bose The most powerful freedom fighter slogan is “Tum Mujhe Khoon Do, Main Tumhe Azadi Dunga”. This line was wonderful in Indian freedom fighters. The meaning of this slogan is ” Give me blood I would give your freedom” Narrated by Subhas Chandra Bose. Bose’s team was very powerful to fight against the British rules. It awakened in them the feeling of patriotism and a pro-independence sentiment. Similarly, many freedom fighters shared their thoughts and ideas in young.

4. Vande Mataram – Bankim Chatterji Chatterji Ji was a very famous poet in his era. The meaning of Vande Mataram is Mother, I bow to thee. The line “Vande Mataram” has been frequently used to salute the motherland respectfully. Vande Mataram is a famous poem in that time. He was a social activist along with a brilliant poet. The stanza of the poem adopted by an Indian National song. 5) “Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna ab hamare dil me hai, dekhna hai zor kitna blaze-e-qaatil me hai” – Ramprasad Bismil This motivational line is taken from Ramprasad Bismil’s article. The most powerful line helped to Indian freedom fighters to kill the British Government rules. Bismil was a very famous writer and helped to freedom fighters. He was born at Shahjahanpur in Uttar Pradesh on 11 June 1897. That time this place was undertaking the British Government.

Bismil has given a good contribution to our nation. He learned Hindi and Urdu. He started writing on Patriotism topics and cult many patriotism poems. Along with he joined Arya Samaj at his native place. 6. “Karo ya Maro” – Gandhi Ji Gandhi Ji is our national father. His contribution to our nation can not be forgotten. If we discuss the slogan of freedom fighter Gandhi Ji. Nation father babu Ji has given many slogans and motivational golden lines to us but Karo Ya Maro is the best slogan forever.

Famous Slogans of Indian Freedom Fighters In view of the situation, Gandhi Ji addressed this unique slogan to our freedom fighters. His full name was Mohan Das Karam Chandra Gandhi, in short, we know him Babu Ji either Gandhi Ji. Gandhi Ji gave this slogan after a meeting of all India Congress Committee. This comedy took place on 7th August 1947. Mahatma Gandhi Ji said if I go jail alone not possible. Make the unity and fight against the British Govt. The theme of Karo ya Maro’s slogan is ” Do free India from British or Die while fighting. Overall after applying this line in our life, we can find changes in us. 7. “Swaraj Mera Janamsiddh Adhikar hai, aur mai ise lekar rahunga” – Bal Gangadhar Tilak

If we explain this slogan in English – “Freedom is my birthright and I shall have it” Think, The most powerful lines change our mind to do something for our nation. Tilak Ji spread this inspiring lines among young and grew patriotism. He not only gave this line but also left an impact on young education. The mission of Tilak Ji was to educate every young Indian. He was a lawyer and knew about human rights. Therefore his marvelous work compels us to learn something. His slogan inspired people to get freedom and increased love and affection for the nation. 8. Sare Jahan Se Achha Hindustan Hamara” – Muhammad Iqbal We will never ever forget this freedom fighter slogan in our life. Slogan’s meaning is Our nation is good as compare to the other countries. Iqbal was a very famous poet along with a social reformer. He did the work as a barrister in British India. By spreading this slogan Iqbal grew the patriotism seeds in youth. This song is used in the Indian Army at Parade time or other force occasions. We salute such people who did the surprising work for our nation and gave us freedom. 9. “Satyameva Jayate” Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya The cause of this motto lies in the outstanding mantra from the Mundaka Upanishad. “Truth alone triumphs” is the exacting significance of this expression which isn’t just received as the

national proverb of India yet additionally recorded at the base of our national insignia. It was Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya, a dissident and furthermore the organizer of Banaras Hindu University, who utilized this trademark in his presidential location in 1918 in the Indian National Congress show. He ensured this motto arrived at the majority and enlivened them. What are the slogans of Indian freedom fighters? Mostly we remember our nation hero (Indian Freedom Fighters) on Republic Day, Independence Day or any national festival. As this is wrong. We must remember our freedom fighters and their famous songs always. After reading or listing the slogans of our courageous freedom fighters we feel proud of our nation. They have sacrificed their lives to the nation-building. The value of freedom fighters’ slogan is very inspiring and this inspiring slogan attracts us. Thus we understand the history of our freedom fighters struggle and their contribution. That is why our intention should be for nation-building not only for one community or caste. We hope you have understood the importance of freedom fighter’s slogan and inspiring lines. Mostly our Indian freedom fighters delivered their thoughts in many languages like Hindi, English, Bengali along Punjabi. Although their intuition and thoughts were only for our country. Our vision and imagination must be clear about nation-building. You can read freedom fighters slogans in Hindi including other regional languages.

Indian Freedom Fighters Slogan in Hindi We would discuss the slogan of our national hero in Hindi. Because our national language is Hindi. People of India prefer to read the thoughts of freedom fighters in Hindi. We reveal the all-important slogan of freedom fighters in Hindi. Below explained in detail the list of the slogan of a nation builder. List of Slogans in Hindi 1. द ल चलो का नारा कसने दया था – ​सभ ु ाष चं बोस 2. “सारे जहाँ से अ छा ह दो तां हमारा” – इ ​ कबाल 3. जय जवान जय कसान का नारा कसने दया था – ल ​ ाल बहादरु शा ी जी ने ां त का नारा कसने दया था? – ​ जय काश नारायण 4. स पण ू 5. “सरफरोसी क तम ना अब हमारे दल म है ” कसने कहा था?– ​राम साद वि मल 6. “ वजयी व व तरं गा यारा, झंडा ऊँचा रहे हमारा” कसने नारा दया था? – ​ याम लाल गु ता 7. करो या मरो का नारा कसने दया था? – ​महा मा गांधीजी 8. वद क तरफ लौटो का कथन कसने कहा था? – ​दयानंद सर वती 9. इंकलाब िजंदाबाद का नारा कसने दया था? – ​भगत संह ं ल पांडय े 10. मारो फरं गी को का नारा कसने दया था? – ​मग 11. वंदे मातरम का नारा कसने दया था – ब ​ ं कम चं चटज 12. वरा य हमारा ज म स ध अ धकार है कसने कहा था – ब ​ ाल गंगाधर तलक 13. जय जगत का नारा कसने दया था – ​ वनोवा भावे

14. आराम हराम है कथन कसका था?– ज ​ वाहर लाल नेह वरा य का कथन कसने कहा था – ​जवाहर लाल नेह 15. पण ू 16. तम ​ भ ु मझ ु े खन ू दो मैतु हे आजाद दं ग ु ाष चं बोस ू ा का नारा कसका है – स 17. Who Lives if India dies का कथन कसका है ?–​ ​जवाहर लाल नेह 18. जय ह द का नैरा कसने दया है – सभ ु ाष चं बोस 19. हे राम कसका वचन था – गाँधी जी क 20. भारत छोडो का नारा कसने दया था – गाँधी जी 21. कर मत दो का नारा कसने दया है – सरदार पटे ल 22. जन गण मन का नारा कसने दया था – र वं नाथ ठाकुर 23. सा ा यवाद का नाश हो -भगत संह 24. साइमन कमीशन वापस जाओ – लाला लाजपत राय 25. मेरे सर पर लाठ का एक हार , अं ेजी शासन के ताबत ू क सा बत होगा – लाला लाजपत राय Above all important slogan of Indian freedom fighters list will assist for your competitive exam. All best freedom fighters slogans are very essential in term of exam and general information.

Freedom Fighters slogans in English If you are from English median students you just need to lean all slogans in English. Actually freedom fighters slogan are given in Hindi but few of them are in English. No matter these are in English or Hindi. Learn all inspiring slogans in English of Freedom Fighters. There are many freedom fighters who’s name is not famous at this time. We request to all youngsters to have knowledge about Indian freedom fighters.

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