The Digital Dragon Volume 4 Issue 2 June-July

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The Digital Dragon HSMSE KEY CLUB

Volume 4 Issue 2 June - July

Key Club Pledge I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and world; and combat all forces that tend to undermine these institutions.


Editor's Message Hey












vacation. I recently finished up my online internship at the Queens Zoo, which was a lot of fun because I got to help create educational virtual activities for younger kids interested in wildlife. It's been quite a while since I've made my last newsletter. I apologize for the long hiatus, I was just feeling a bit uninspired. But the new school year is coming up and I'm ready to get back into the key club grind!

P.S. there were sadly not that many opportunities to take pictures due to all the events being virtual. If the articles look like garbage that's why. I had to improvise a little! - Lucia Corte


Table of Contents Cover


Key Club Pledge


Editor's Message


Board Members


Aids Walk&Superhero Walk


Human Rights Conference


& Global Pride


Chalk the Walk


Write an Elder


Board Members


Vice President


Brianna Nee

Jocelyn Widjaja

Polina Mosharova



Siddhaarta Venkatesh

Lucia Corte


AIDS WALK JUNE 7TH, 2020 Xuang Jin Events Head

For this year's AIDS Walk, our club members participated by tracking their steps on their walks. Although we couldn't attend the event physically, the organization was still able to raise awareness and lots of people donated to the cause.

SUPERHERO WALK FOR BRAIN INJURY MAY 23RD, 2020 Polina Mosharova Secretary

Our key club walked the Mike's Superhero Walk for Brain Injury 5K in the comfort of their own homes. We had a little more flexibility and the amounts people walked ranged from half a mile to 3 miles. However, I think it was a very fun event and a great way to get outside during these difficult times. This event was meant to support kids with brain injuries and raise awareness about the issue because not a lot of people know about the dangers. I believe that events that support the more vulnerable age groups such as children and the elderly are so important to spread the word about. We also had the opportunity to donate money to the charity to show our support.


The annual AIDS Walk is a fundraiser that collects donations to raise awareness and combat AIDS. Unfortunately, this year people weren't able to attend the event in large groups but the organization still raised over a million dollars. Altogether, our members walked approximately 5 miles.

H HU UM MA AN N RR II G GH H TT SS C CO ON N FF EE RR EE N NC C EE JJ uu nn e e 22 55 tt hh ,, 22 00 22 00 Polina Mosharova Secretary I really enjoyed this event. Before today I had never really attended a pride rally or conference and I didn't even know they existed before this event. This was truly an eye-opening experience. The public figures that presented in the panels were so amazing and inspiring. It really made me want to run out of my house and make the world a place where no one would be ashamed of who they are. And there was so much helpful advice given, that not only applied to the LGBTQ+ community but to everyone who goes about living their daily lives. Even though the event was virtual, I think it was still an amazing way to celebrate Pride in 2020. A lot of worries were going around if the event would have taken place in it's normal setting with a huge crowd but this was almost as good as the real thing and I feel very happy to have had the opportunity to listen to so many amazing voices.


G G LL O O BB A A LL PP RR II D D EE JJ uu nn e e 22 77 tt hh ,, 22 00 22 00 Xuang Jin Events Head Global Pride 2020 is an event hosted by multiple pride organizations from around the world in response to pride events being cancelled this year due to covid. The virtual festival showcased public speakers, performers, and public figures. It was super fun to watch diverse performers show their art and listening to people speak on about BLM and LGBTIA+ rights. Some of the songs that were performed were were sung really well and had meaningful lyrics that conveyed the struggle of the community really well. 10/10 would recommend xoxo


Chalk the Walk June 30th, 2020 Xuang Jin Events Head

Polina suggested this event where people go out with chalk and draw/write something encouraging on the sidewalks. Something as small as some cute cartoon on the sidewalk could brighten someone's day. Overall, it was pretty fun to vandalize the streets and the it was cool to see what everyone came up with.


Write an Elder July 8th, 2020 Angel Tang Member

Starting on July 8, 2020, students have written countless letters to elders sharing parts of their day or experiences. Due to circumstances, our notes were delivered through their website. The Write an Elder event aims to connect students and youth with elders of their community by writing letters and delivering meals to home bound elders. These notes were written with hopes of lifting these elders spirits during quarantine. As well as to share some of our joy with them. This event helps connect us as youths with the elders of our community. With hopes of bringing them joy and company during times like these, we wrote notes to them that would be sent to them with a meal attached. Events such as this create a closely bound community and brings our elders joy. While participating in this event, I felt lots of joy in being able to possibly brighten up the day of an elder in my community. As I’m sure we all can understand how lonely quarantine can get, I hope these letters have made their quarantine experience even a tiny bit better and brighter.

"Dear Senior Citizen, I hope you have a wonderful day! Enjoy your special meal, it was made just for you. Please know that you are in my thoughts every other day." - Arden Levin

"This past year was full of surprises and troubles. However, I know that you are being affected by it the most. I hope this meal will allow you to know that you are always in our thoughts. We are thinking of you and I hope you can feel our concern and love. We will always stand beside you even if we can't visit you personally." - Sharna Saha

"Please know that there are people who care about you want want to help you out in any way possible. I really hope that despite all of this craziness, you know that you are an inspiration to everyone you meet. Keep being the amazing human being you are and thank you for all the work you have done throughout the years. You are loved and appreciated." - Polina Mosharova


Contact us! Board Members

Committee Heads

Brianna Nee

Sharna Saha

Jocelyn Widjaja

Xuang Jin

Polina Mosharova

William Zhang

Siddhaarta Venkatesh

Social Media

Lucia Corte

Remind: @msekc

Facebook Group: HSMSE Key Club

Email: Instagram: @hsmsekeyclub Website:


See you next time Key Club!

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