UCL Portfolio

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UCL PORTFOLIO Architecture M(XArch)

Poppy Newton Email: poppyjnewton@gmail.com Mobile Number: 07503275912


Green Town Phase 9.........................................................................................................................3 Urban Sapling Pavilion.....................................................................................................................8 Penine Tots Nursery..........................................................................................................................10 Part 1 Year Out - TP Bennett..........................................................................................................13


Green Town Phase 9

3rd Year - Final Project Milton Keynes

A series of ETFE Space frame structure domes built by a community called ‘Green Town Phase 9’ set in 2123 (100 years from now) Climate Change has destroyed our world, large amounts of polution are prevalent, forcing this community to live in ventilated Domes to survive.

(Not to scale)

Leisure Dome Section The Leisure Dome is the space where the community will sleep, relax and eat. The space consists of mycelium ‘Floating’ structures that act as the sleeping pods for the community members. Ring road like paths surround these pods to create easy access from one to another, encourgaing interation around the space and creating landing platforms for hovercrafts and jetpacks. 3

(Not to scale)

Environmental Section Each dome is connected to an earth tube ventilation system with supported mechical ventilation connected to the outside of the dome walls. The sunpath shows the winter and summer sun in Milton Keynes, UK. Fritting is placed on the south side to shade from the sun while also acting as thin PVs as a power source for the community. 4

Organic Abstract sketching These archigram inspired drawings were created to inspire the design process. The drawings include elements of organic forms influenced by mycelium as well as structural elements like a massing tower which will be implemented into the design. 5

ETFE Space Frame Structure with ETFE Cushions 4 different types of connections were made for the project. The composite plastic rods would connect to these connections at a certain angle as each connection has a sloped whole in each side allowing the rods to lay on a diagonal and form the dome. 6

Second Floor Plan: This floor plan shows all three domes, including the Farming dome, Leisure dome and Visitor dome. As well as how they connect, which is using an exterior air tight bridge, where the community and vistors can travel safely from one dome to the next..

Second Floor (Cut through)

First Floor

Ground Floor

Urban Sapling Pavilion:

3rd Year - Semester 1 Milton Keynes, UK When Milton Keynes was created 100 Million trees were given to its residents. This proposes a pavilion to continue this allowing residents to come and collect their own sapling

Route to Site: A series of sketches to show the site, route from site to plantation and the sapling plantiation area itself

Pavilion Model: The urban sapling pavilion was designed to bring back biodiversity in Milton Keynes. When the town was created specific trees were planted in 4 different areas of the town. This meant that the trees didnt mix causing a lack of biodiversity. The aim for the pavilion is that people can take a tree and plant it at their homes, going against the current species locations. 8

Grey Infrastructure - Roundabouts

Green Infrastructure - Green Verges

Blue Infrastructure - Willen Lake

Landscape Physical Models: These models were created in order to study the different types of infrastructure in Milton Keynes today as part. These were created as part of a group project that looked at Milton Keynes then, now and what it could look like in the future. 9

Penine Tots Nursery:

2nd Year - Final Proje ct Peterlee, UK A surestart childrens centre/Community hall that priorities sleep as well as learning The building works as both nursery and community centre, with the ground floor being the community centre and the first floor being the nursery.

First Floor Plan (not to scale)

Ground Floor Plan (not to scale)

(not to scale)

Roof Plan: The nursery site is situated on Passfield Way, a busy, main street in Peterlee. Therefore, privacy has been created using interactive “barriers” around the outdoor play area using elements like the natural trees and built in seating and climbing frames. 10

Playroom Threshold

Adult and Child Sleep Room

(not to scale)

Playroom Nursery South Elevation: These elevations were made to show how the building interacts with the curvature of the surrounding landscape. A well as showing off the materiality of the structure, Cross Laminated Timber and Polycarbonate. 11

Nursery West Elevation: These elevations were made to show how the building interacts with the curvature of the surrounding landscape. As well as showing off the materiality of the structure, cross laminated timber and polycarbonate. 12

Stonecutter Court:

TP Bennett - Part 1 Year Out London, UK Stage (5) - Office and retail building current in the construction fase based in farringdon, London.

Totum Sign: Designing a totum sign for the front of the building, included looking at finer detailing like typography, material.

Level 8, 10 and 12 Terraces: Another Element looked at for this project was the paving on the terraces, these were layed out in an exact formation to make them easy to construct, and look aesthetically pleasing from the facade. 13

Tetra Pak - The Connector:

TP Bennett - Part 1 Year Out Lund, Sweden Stage (0-1) -A truly remarkable space where employees, customers, visitors, and the local community can come together to connect, collaborate, and thrive.

Entrance Views

Connections to existing high street at the back

First Floor

Ground Floor

Learning Revit and Rendering: During my recent work on The Connector i have helped design the early stage plans. Design the facade, then create this on revit and take redners for the project from this using enscape. 14

The Gingerbread City: TP Bennett - Part 1 Year Out London, UK Competition

AJ Website

Inital Sketch

Bake the world a better place Community centre: I was chosen by TP Bennett to be a representitive of their gingerbread city team. As 1 of 5 team members, I created a gingerbread community centre with values of rainwater harvesting, inclusivity and sustainability. The project was put on the AJ websiteto showcase the competition. 15

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