Takashi Murayama
Waikiki Beach
• Waikiki beach is the most congested beach on this island. This popular beach is both famous and infamous; this location attracts tourists from all around yet it is probably the most detrimental to its residents. • Before Waikiki became a tourist district, it was a swamp. This area contained rich, fertile soil for growing crops fit for the Hawaiians nobles. Now, Waikiki is the most capitalized area out of any place on the Hawaiian islands, and it bringing more investments and capitals each year. The economic expansion of Waikiki has never seemed to slow down since US colonial arrival. Its urban development caused Hawaiians to lose their homes and heritage.
• Ala Wai Canal is located between Waikiki and Ala Wai area. It was constructed for a drainage purposes for Waikiki and Ala Wai such as sewage. Many pollutants are flushed down to this canal including fertilizer, chlorophyll, herbicide, and pesticides coming from the Ala Wai Golf Club.
Ala Wai Canal
Ala Moana Mall
• Ala Moana Shopping Mall attracts a lot of tourists all year long. This location makes the mall extremely attractive and convenient to tourists since the hotels are close by. Within the past few years, General Growth Properties has redeveloped Ala Moana Shopping Center. It has replaced most of the local stores with high-end, luxury stores. This is an obvious move to cater to tourists, far neglecting its middleclass residents. While it does somewhat boost local economy by engaging in construction, there were numerous reports that General Growth repeatedly violated labor regulations. General Growth is one of the worst perpetrators of contemporary settler domination. Although the mall takes up to approximately 2,400,000 square feet, Ala Moana Mall is beautifully engineered architecture, but it is one of the greatest symbol of US colonialism.
• Walmart is the most well-stocked department store in United States. However, the Walmart by Ala Moana Shopping Mall is unique compared to all its other chains. Since Honolulu lack space for its fast growing economy, this store was built right on top of Hawaiian ancestral cemetery. The headquarters of Walmart nor the State of Hawaii did not formally apologize or retributes to the Hawaiian families. This act in particular reveals the true, exploitative nature of capitalism, and the lack of voice in the judicial court for native Hawaiians.
• Hula is a sacred ritual practiced by Hawaiians for centuries, although it is heavily iconized as ‘exotic’. Since Hula is viewed as entertainment, rather than an important ritual, it became into a commodity for tourists, and its sacred meanings are neglected. In a capitalist society, everything has to do with money and there is no stone left unturned to make a profit. Capitalism exploits everything that can possibly make profits including culture.
Hawaiian Culture: Hula
• For foreigners, “Aloha” is a term commonly known as ‘welcome/hello’, or a word to just to say if you're in Hawaii. However, aloha means more than just a welcome. Aloha's meaning has depths that tourists are unable to capture while being used in a tourist setting. It is a code of ethics that encompasses many aspects of life. The way that it is portrayed in Waikiki confines it to a singular, one dimensional definition. In Waikiki, there is a open-bar that is called “Aloha”. A bar is where alcoholic drinks are served - proceeding to get drunk and watching American football game on TV is not “Aloha” at all in Hawaiian perspective.
• Marukame Udon is a Japanese fast food restaurant in Waikiki. In a capitalistic economy, many foreign businesses and investors are easily able to come in since its laissez faire - market system. This means that mainlanders and immigrants come here to start a store or get a job. This is another reason why capitalism is fueling settler colonialism.
Foreign Businesses
• Honolulu Zoo is another popular place for tourists to enjoy their stay in Waikiki. This zoo was built as an attribution (memorial) for Hawaiian monarchy. Unfortunately, it only adds a destination on tourist’s to-go lists - boosting tourism.
Honolulu Zoo
• Aloha - Kamanamaikalani Beamer, “Tūtū’s Aloha `Āina Grace,” [VH2] ; Aloha term http://www.huna.org/html/deeper.html
• Ala Moana Mall - General Growth http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/30356390/state -raids-ala-moana-center-construction-sites-followingpossible-labor-violations • "Honolulu Zoo Beginnings." : Honolulu Zoo. April 20, 2016. http://www.honoluluzoo.org/aboutus/history.html.