Football Drills
Utilizing only four cones, these drills can help boost your swiftness on game day. Looking for drills to help improve your agility on the football field? Try adding these five-yard agility box drills to your practice. All you need is four cones and some space to get started. To set the box up, place four cones in a square. Try to keep five yards between each cone.
The first drill requires you to only utilize the outside of the box. When running through this drill, try not to perform it with too much space between you and the box. “Try to keep it tight,” Division I football coach Chris Merritt says. Begin this drill by standing next to one of the cones and facing away from the box. Perform the drill by:
• Backpedaling to the first cone. • Shuffling to the second cone. • Sprinting to the third cone. • Shuffling to finish. You should end the drill at the cone you started.
You can change this drill up some by replacing shuffling with karaoke. This is a movement that starts by crossing your right foot in front of your left leg. You’ll then step out with your left leg before following with your right foot behind your left. Repeat this movement down the line. Again, start by standing next to a cone and facing away from the box. Then, run through the drill by:
• Backpedaling to the first cone. • Karaoke to the second cone. • Sprinting to the third cone. • Karaoke to finish. You’ll end at the cone you started at.
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