Porscherama 1966 July

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1901 Lindauer Dr., La Habra JULY 1966 NEW MEETING PLACE --- ALEXANDRIA AVE. SCHOOL 4211 Oakwood Ave. Los Angeles

8:00 p.m. on Monday, July ll, 1966

5 blocks west of Vermont I block north of Beverly

MINUTES OF THE JUNE MEMBERSHIP MEETING Minutes of the general meeting for June 1966, PCA-LA held at Campo de Cahuenga, located at 3193 Lankershim Blvd. in No. Hollywood. Date of meeting was June 13, 1966, which as a~ways represented the second Monday of the month. Officers were all present as well as the usual large number of members. The evenin~ was cool, pleasant and in tune for an interesting meeting. Meeting was called to order at 8.-05 p.m. with our President, John Bevan, presiding I.

Run-down of the various committee reports:

TREASURER:. Harold semans reported that o~r balance as of the first of ~ae month of June ~mounted. to the total of"~Vl.32. However, this sum is to be modified by some Current bills outstanding. Harold reported that the new order of name badges ¯ is now in and hopes that members that have a badge ordered will pick it up at their earliest cor~enience. There are still a few left over unclaimed from the last shipment and they too should be claimed by the person placing the order for the identification badge. A new supply of PCA emblem badges are in. Each member should identify his car with a badge. Harold announced that the negotiations for our new meeting place ended in a successful manner. Sta.rtln~ next ..month (the Jul~ meeting) we will meet at the Alexandria Ave. Elementar~.School’0 Ple~se pass this word around. ~nform~tion r~’garding the exac~ location will be included in the July PORSCHERAMA in plenty of time for the next meeting. We will have use of the auditorium at the school and there will be plenty of parking. The school is centrally located near the LA Downtown area, and of course near. all freeways. The school will provide a custodian and we all are Urged to help keep the place neat and clean. SECRETARY.. Minutes were approved as they appeared in the June issue of the PORSCHERAMA. ~ VICE-PRESIDENT: Norm Sandusky announced that the long awaited "Resume" forms are ready. Members. present were.asked to pick ~p their copy and the balance would be mailed out. Norm stressed~ once..more ~the importance of filling them out and retu1~ning them promptly. In this way your officers may better serve the :best interests of the club and its membership. Norm hoped that the forms would be° re, turned quickly so ¯~hat by the next meeting some sort oT compilation might be achieved. He asked that the filled forms be brought to the next meeting, at the latest. Norm announced that our 1966 Christmas Party will be held at the La Mirada Country Club on December 3rd. More~ news. on this event will follow as the months go by. ACTIVITIES: Miles Jackson announced that 24 cars (and enclosed people of course) were in attendance at the May event. He described our visit to the Brlggs Cunnlngham Museum of Classic Cars. A good time was had by all. Our June event was held~in conjunction with the Orange Coast Region and was once again at the ~Museum, but this time in the parking lot. John McNeil described the.event as a rather tight Slalom. PCA-LA members were not there in great numbers, but we walked off with more than our share of trophies. Ho~e our welcome was not worn thin. Miles went on to report that the "Top Ten" listing was available and current as of the Ist of June. Our July event was

announced. It will be the "Post Parade Party." The affair will be held at Jim Hawkln’s home In~Tarzana. The big day is on July ~rd. It will be catered and the fee is ~8.80 per person. Some arrangement will be made for small children. Bring your own "booze", mixes will be available there. Affair will start at mld-day to take advantage of the swimming pool. The address with directions will appear in the next PORSCHERA~A. PAST PRESIDEI~T: Nick Friesen asked for the names of all members planning to drive to Colorado Springs for the Parade. This separated the lucky from the not so lucky. He told. of some of the plans made regarding the drive up. Sounds very interesting. Hope the 911’s get "burned out." TECHNICAL CHAIRNAN: .Curt Kuebler described the last open house held at Trans Ocean ~dotors. A large enthusiastic turnout was present. Next meeting will be on June 22, 1966 at 8:00 p.m. Meeting will be at 11650 Santa Nonica Blvd. in West L.A. Meeting place is in the rear of the store on the second floor. All are welcome. EDITOR: John McNeil announced some items for sale that were not submitted in time for publication in the last issue. 2.

01d Business:

No old business was announced.


New Business:

No new business was brought up.

4. Announcements: Anyone interested in Continental Radial Tires can make arrangements through PCA-LA for a 30% discount. 5. FROM THE PRESIDENT: John Bevan read a letter from the Parade Committee regarding the llth Parade coming up. The letter contained a lot of information of value to members planning to attend. He received a "Parade Guideline" booklet filled with more information. It was made available to members who were interested. 5. Announcements of Guests: .A large number of fellow Porsche Pushers were in attendance as ou~ guests. There sure are a lot of 912’s around these days. V. Special Interest~ Harold Semans announced that Emily Wells is in better health these days. Earnie has his Porsche (early 1962) up for sale. Press of business prompted the move to sell the car. No one has to be told about this beauty. Sure hate to have to make that announcement. Earnie has been one of our most valued members. 8. Board Affairs: Next Board meeting was not announced, due to the Parade. The actual date will b~ annouhced later. 9. Distant Members: Dale Boyd welcomed Vern and Ada Covert back from still another season at the Virgin Islands. Vern has a new 911 and as usual he is making some modifications. Car looks tlp-top. Vivlan ~cNell and Kay Kious served as coffee hostesses at the breakat 8:45 p.m. The meeting was re-convened at 9:15 p.m. Norm Sandusky announced our guest for the evening. Mr. George Clark of the A.C. Spark Plug Co. showed two films. One was on the manufacturing process for spark plugs and the other was on the 1964, Grazd Prlx of Motorcycle Racing. -- 3--

The racing film was made by Hond~ Motdrs of Japan. George also answered some questions from the floor. Our last meeting at Campo de Cahuenga was finally closed at 10:05 p.m. Your Secretary wishes to make mention of the passing of an era for the club. Ever since my entry (early in 1960) we have met on Lankershlm Blvd. In many ways I feel sad that we will no longer meet there. I think back warmly on the many friends I met there at the monthly meetings. Manyhave since dropped out of club affairs for a number of reasons but we still think about them and wish they were back. However one must look into the future. The place was simply too small to properly serve our membership. Now we have a new and larger place to meet. I suppose this is as it should be but one can still think of meetings past and hope that the future will bring Just as many warm memories. Secretary - Pete Galena THEY’RE Approximately 15 L.A. Region Porsches left for the llth Parade in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The itinera~ywas to leave the Huddle Restaurant in Cov ina at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday the 25th, stopping overnight in Flagstaff. Then a two day layover in Durango and on to the Parade Wednesday. TECH COMMITTEE REPORT Discussion at the June Tech Committee meeting (held June 22rid at 11650 Santa Monica Blvd.) turned naturally to 900 series topics in the presence of Kurt Meier and E~nard Zedelmeier, guests of the evening. PCA members attending the meeting learned, among other things, that: 1.

The recommended procedure for cleaning platinum spark plugs is a liquid process -- not blasting with sand, glass beads, or walnut shells. The Aircraft Spark Plug Service, Inc., in North Hollywood is reportedly capable of cleaning and re-gapping the platinum-tipped plugs.


There may be a Super 911 in the showrooms this fall for people who need a machine with something llke 170 hp.

We hope to see Kurt and Erhard at future Tech Committee meetings. After the meeting, everyone gathered around Vern Covertts 911 to admire the custom features -- including chromed bhmpers, map light, symmetric twin exhausts, louvered rear cover panel, padded dash, t~amk lights, luggage rack, and photoelectronic ignition system. These items are all of Vern’s own design, except for the ignition system. The photoelectronic ignition is a prototype model and will soon be available for all Porsches. The advantages are perfect timing at all engine speeds and. zero maintenance (no points to wear

out). The next ~egular Tech Co~m~ittee meeting will be held July 27th at 11650 Santa Monlca Blvd., West L.A., at 8 p.m. Interested PCAters are weloome, as ususl.

Curt Kuebler, Technical Chairman

TECH COMNITTEE REPORT ON ACTIVITIES The Tech Committee of PCA-LA and a few interested members attended a tour of the new Porsche Service Facilities at TRANS-0CEAN Motors in Pasadena on May 28. Our host Ed Graham, Service Manager, was introduced by our "fearless" leader, Curt Kuebler. Ed in turn introduced his service staff and gave a brief biography on each man. He also presented George Follmer, who was our guest speaker at the Nay PCA meeting. George had a movie of last year’s ~atkins Glen Race and also one of vintage stockcar racing including the Nexican Road Race, both of which were very entertaining. The remaining part of the evening was spent looking at, getting in, touching, commenting, and fussing around the different types of Porsches on display, which included 91~’s, 911’s, Carrera’s and a few vintage 388’s. The models were equipped with all the latest accessories and new wonders from Stuttgart. Also on hand was Vern Covert who had just arrived the night before from cross-country with wife Ada, bringing with him a new 911 with the latest refinements including the Weber Carburetors. Everyone was int@rested in seeing this wonder, including the Service Staff, since it was their first look at the new change in carburetion on the controversial 911, The highlight of the evening was a demonstration of the Engine Dyno. A Super 90 engine was on the running block. We were shown the proper way in which an Engine Dyno is used and also what the Dyno can tell the operator about the output, etc., of the mounted engine. All in all, evening and eyeball and business of

those in attendance had Itm sure, a very interesting at the same time had an opportunity to meet eyeball to question a few of the service personnel who are in the Porsche.

The Tech Committee of PCA-LA meets every fourth Wednesday in the month. Everyone is welcome to attend. Information to such can be had by contacting Curt Kuebler. Don Morris - Tech Committee NEED 01L FOR YOUR PORSCHE? Due to the request from many of our members, oil is again available if enough people sign up for it. Anyone interested in Castrol or Kendall should contact John McNeil with their order. The prices are as follows: 15 25 Case Lots Case Lots Castrol HD20 or 30 weight $ 8.90/case’ ~ 8.46/case Kendall HD20 or 30 weight 8.50 " 8.04 " Kendall GT i Racing 30 wt. 10.80 " 9.60 " Castrol XL Multi-Viscosity 9.64 " 9.06 " ALL PORSCHERAMA COPY FOR NFYT MONTH IS DUE BY JULY ~9th. SHARE THE FUN AND ACTIVITY THAT THF PARADE OFFERED TO YOU. ~’RE ALL DYING TO HEAR HOW THINGS ~fERE. SEND COPY TO JOHN MCNEIL, 1901Lindauer, La Habra, 90631 Phone~ 691-3648.



The party is due to start at 5:00 p.m. at the home of Jim Hawkins and his wife Ruth in Tarzana (same location as last year). There will be a fine catering service for our dinner and it will include ham, beef, turkey smorgasbord with six salads. The catering service is Webster’s Catering. The fee per dinner will be $5.80 and this also covers ice and mixers. Bring your own beverage. Arrangements are being made for the price change on children’s dinners. There are excellent facilities for swi.~.-.ing, volleyball, pool, and loads of fun, fun, fun::’. The party is open to PCA members and their guests. It is most important that you pre-register and send your money in to jim Hawkins, in order that arrangements can be made for our meal. DIRECTIONS:

Take the Ventura Fwy to the Reseda offramp. Go south to Ventura Blvd., turn left, two blocks to Avenida Hacienda, turn right. Address: 8186 Avenida Hacienda, Tarzana Telephone : 545-5584

Bud Snyder and John McNeil strongly suggest that everyone wear tennis shoes : :


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