Porscherama 1966 June

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1901 Lindauer Dr., La Habra JUNE 1966 The June membership meeting will be held on the 13th at CAMP0 DE CAHUENGA, 3193 Lsnkershim Blvd., North Hollywood. The meeting will be opened at 8100 p.m. Mr. George Clark, the Territory Sales Manager for A.C. Spark Plugs, will touch on the subject of spark plug and oll filter design and manufacture for the second half of our meeting. There will also be a technical discussion.

MINUTES OF THE MAY MEMBERSHIP MEETING Minutes of the general meetlng for May 1966, PCA-LA, held at de Cahuenga located at 3193 Lankershlm Blvd., in North Hollywood, Calif. Date was May 9, as always the second Monday of the month. Meeting called to order promptly at 8:00 p.m. with John Bevan presiding. First order of business was a run down of the committee reports: Secretar[: Minutes of April meeting were approved as printed in the May issue of PORSCHERAMA. Treasurer: Our Treasurer, Harold Semans reports that as the end of April we have a balance of ~668.31 in the till. However, he went on to state that no bills were paid during the month, sosome bills are outstanding. Harold asked members h~ving club name badges ordered to make an effort to pick them up at the next meeting. They are accumulating. Activities: MilesJackson thanked members attending the April event. It turned out to be a still another successful one. Duane Alan passed out the prizes to the winners.. Prizes were beau$!ful photo enlargements plus.a Kodak InstamatlcCamera, (First prize) Miles mentioned the fact that as always the points listing is available and is current. The May event is having insurance problems. A flyer will be issued on the event (Driving School,). A show of hands was asked for from members oonsldering attendance at the coming Parmde in Colorado. A number of hands were in evidence. The June event, "PRE-PARADE CONCOURS" may be ~ancelled in favor of a Caravan Trip to some point. More on this later. If Driver’s School is keld as published it was decided to make it open to club members and "frieAds" .only. Vlce-~resldent: Norm Sandusky announced that the "PCA Member Profile" is now ready for circulation. He had a brief run-down of its contents. He hopes that members’ will fill out .the information promptly and --1--

completely. Purpose of this form is to get to know our members better and in doing so help the Board run the club in a manner better suited to all. PORSCHERAMA Editor: John McNeil explained that in the future pictures w’~ll"no~ be included in the publication. Our present equipment does not suit itself to this sort of reproduction. John asked for more material for future issues from members. Tech Chairman: Curt Kuebler announced that Tech sessions are held each fourth wednesday of the month at 11650 Santa Monica Blvd. in West L.A. All are welcome. Curt made an appeal for members to submit any information of a technical nature. He is compiling a library for future use of all club members. Next orderof business was "old business." The "official" club Blazer was displayed once more so that color and style might be seen by members once more. Harold Semans explained efforts in a new direction towards getting a new meeting place for the club. Current efforts are directed towards gettln~ a school for this use. 0nly drawback would be the ban on smoking indoors. However, the price is right. More on this later. Next order of business was "new business." Monterey Region wants to know how many PCA-LA members they can expect at the Laguna Seca Races next October 15th. They set up a hospitality ~ent there. Question was then raised regarding a Spring Treffen in 196~. John Bevan did not know but would find out. This information would be forthcoming from the minutes of the recent meeting of the PCA officers back east. Question was then asked from the floor regarding a new club roster. It is being planned. Next order of business were the announcements. John Bevan brought attention to the membership that parking in the Universal lot across the street is not permitted. Next Board meeting is called for June 6. All members are welcome, but call first. Guests and new members were then introduced. Coffee hostesses were announced as Vivian McNeil and Helen Boyd. Meeting was called for coffee break at 8:50. Meeting was called to order again at 9:18. Norm introduced our speaker for the evening, George Fullmer. George was good enough to speak to us still "flying" from a return frgm up north at Laguna Seca. His talk was extremely interesting. He outlined his recent activities as well as future plans. He gave us an excellent insight on the sort of activities a top flight driver is involved in. George answered a number of questions from the floor. Meeting was adjourned at i0:00 p.m. THEREWILL BE NO PRE-PARADE CONCOURS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE, DUE TO PREPARATIONS B~THE MEMBERS TO LEAVE FOR THE PARADE. PCA-LA’S TOP TEN For the second quarter of 1966 we are publishing the top ten placed in competition points for the male and female competitors of the LA Region. These standings are based on. the competition points system published on the reverse side of your activity card. As a reminder, the only way to accumulate more points is to participate in the events ~.and working on these events. If you have any interest in chairmaning an event, --2--

please contact Miles Jackson at any membership meeting or at the following phone number: 247-3866. I certainly hope to see Tour name in the TOP TEN in the next qu.arter. MEN Points 39 30 21 18 17 17 17 17 17 17







Friesen Jacks on, Morris Boyd Bevan Kalbach Kious Lewis S chne ider Walros e.

23 21 20 20 18 14 14 13 12 l0

Boyd Kious Bevan Sandusky Hawkins Arnold Morris Lovell Gede on S emans


TOUR FOR MILES For those of you who are fortunate enough to be leaving for the llth PARADE about the end.o’f this month we will devote this column to the suggestion of a few locations enroute and at your destination which should provide add~tlonal photos and memories for your return trip. Since I personally Will not be able to~make the trip any further than "Lost Wages" I hope to hear many tales and see the photo’s upon everyone’s return. HERE WE GO : NEVADA:

Las Vegas - nothing to do but gamble and en~oy the Lido de Paris and the Follies (no rest).


Arches Nat’l Monument- 5 ml l~J of Noab. Features Devil’s Garden, Windows, Landscape Arch (longest arch in world, 291 feet). Bryce Canyon Park - 26 mi S of Panguitch. Eroded canyon walls in fantastic forms, colorful rocks, etc. Zion Nat’l Park - Visitation Center featuring museum, auditorium, exhibits, Zion Tunnel, Great White Throne, Temple of Sinawava. Colorful canyon with camping facilities in the desert-canyon area Of Utah. Cedar. Breaks Nat’l Monument - Between Bry, ce Canyon and Cedar City. Colliseum shaped natural-amphitheater, Variety of colorful, formations. Dinosaur Nat’l Monument - 6 miles from Jensen, Colorado. Source of prehis~toric fossils and bones in their original positions which illustrate the history of dinosaurs. Rainbow Bridge Nat’l. Monument - reached from Glen Canyon Dam by boat and a l~ mile hike. Almost perfectly formed arch 309 ft above the’streambed and 278 ft wide: (Continued) ~3-


Mesa Verde NatWl Park - Southwestern Colorado. Archeological preserve. Tours conducted to many of the various cliff dwelling ruins, campfire programs, horseback riding and trips, museum. Points of interest’. Ruins Road, Sprlce Tree House, Cliff .Palace, Balcony House, many other ruins will ~ovide much Interestin~ sightseeing and infor-

mationo Colorado Nat Wl Monument - West central Colorado near Grand Jct. 27 mi course alon~ canyon rims 1,000 to S,000 ft above the canyon floor. Excellent examples of erosion, canyons with monoliths (most prominent is Independence Rock). Air P~ce Academy - 15 mi N of Colorado Springs, America’s newest service school. Colorado Springs - Headquarters for North American Air Defense Command. Points’of interest.- Pioneers’ Museum - historical and archeological collections~ Van Briggle Art Potter_~ guided tours ~ Monument Valley Park - 2 mi lon~ ps~k with swim pool, tennis courts, etc~ North Cheyenne Canonrock formations and numerous wsterfalls~ Garden of the Gods - inside the Gateway Rocks a~e Cathedral Spires o~her rock formations of red sandstone, chuck wagon dinners and one hou~ western shows held Mort thou Fri~ Pikes Peak - Summit house lunchroom, co~ railway "vista top" cars run from Manitou Springs to s~it @ 9AM & ZPM. Du~an~o - One of the most scenic area’s of the state. Silverton narrow gauge railway runs from Du~ango to Silverton (one day trip) Check with Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad in Du~sn~o for information. Have a safe and sane trip to s~ae of the most beautiful country in the United States, and bring back many photo’s to sha~e-with those of us who cannot make the trip for one reason or another. More from M~LES ne t month.

., C CAL C0M IT . I.

Next Meeting’. Interested parties are invited to the next regular Tech Committee meetin~ to be held on the 4th Wednesday of June (ZZnd). Time and place are 8p~ at II~50 Santa Monica Blvd., West L.~. Kurt Meier, ou~ local POAC Service Representative, has been invited and should be on hand to answer questions.


Summar~ of ~pril ~Vth Tech Meetin~ Bud Snyder read a letter frum PANORAMA Editor Hein~iller concerning publishing an updated version ~ixin der Porsche." Seems that PCA officers are in favor of such an undertaki~, and Heinmiller offered full support, including material, advertising, an~ mailing service. Bud agreed to organize ~he effort, since Tech Committee support of the idea seemed unanimous. John Bevan read a letter about his experiences with the 911~ and mentioned that he w~ote it for the benefit of executives from the

local distributor and POAC. Don L~dikay described his research into 911 carburetor adjustments. His technique for setting linkages seemed correct, and he agreed to document the scheme for a future PORSCHERAMA. Don Morris mentioned the possibility of a field trip to see the dynamometer at Trans Ocean Motors’ new facility. 3.

Summary of Ma7 25.th Tech Meeting - Don and Mary Morris deserve all credit for arranging ~he excellent field trip to Trans Ocean Motors. Don~s report will appear next month.


Technical Articles - The following information from Don Lidikay should be of interest to all. The "appeal" was written for a purpose. Send your inputs to Curt Kuebler, 3533 Moore St., L.A., 90066.

AN APPEAL Your Technical Committee appeals to you, Mr. Porsche Pusher, for contributions to PORSCHEF~n~A each month to be used in a column dugged "TECHNIFACTS." You don’t have to be an expert, or the authority on how to do it - just let us have some of the items of interest to Porsche owners. .Let us all share yOUr experiences with the gadgets you may have applied, the experiences you feel are a contribution to your enjoyment of the machine. Perhaps you have installed a tape recorder, or learned a trick or two about setting valves or carburetors. All of us are interested in keeping~ our cars running and looking like the Jewel we talk about. You must have a dozen such items that have gotten to be old shoe to you, but new to some other owner. Come on, share them with all ~ TECHINIFACTS It is now official, Weber Carburetors, type 40 IDA C-3 as of Feb. 23 and Engine #907001 on the Porsche Model 911. In case you have thoughts of purchasing this conversion, it requires new manifolding, new cover plate on left bank timing chain, (mechanical pumps eliminated) and new air cleaners. The filter element can be used however. Availability however will probably be limited as none of the new carbs will be released for sale thru Weber Distributors until the commitment to the Porsche Factory has been made. No guess on when that may be. Apparently there were 6900 engines produced with the Solex Carb~ as serials numbers started with 900101. They are a triple unit with one diaphram type pump feeding all three acceleration nozzles, and are also of the float type (utilizing two floats). Don Lidikay 1800 CC KIT FOR YOUR FOUR BANGER The Service Manager at Four J Motors is driving a version of the 912 that should interest anyone considering the possibilities of putting more push in the Porsche. Most hop up routines should be approached with the utmost caution. I feel, however, the True Forge 1800 CC Kit is an exceptionally well engineered item. A lot of research went into this project with much cooperation and interest from Porsche.


True Forge produces cylinders and pistons, machines the crankcase, and heads to fit, a mild Iskenderian #107 Cam was fitted. The result, an exceptionally gutty, smooth engine that might Sust surprise the devil out of an unsuspecting 911 driver. The car revs well up in the 6 grand section Of the tach, and the torque is probably the most surprislr~ product, turning on in surprising quantity around 2000 rpm and ne~ stumble the rest of the way .up the tach. Itts not hard to make a Porsche go, but to make it Smooth and~ tractable at the s~me time is the realization of a dream. The new Bursch Muffler ~for the 912 was also installed along with a set of some pretty impressive mag wheels. The muffler ~Is a neat package stowed well up under the bodywork, and combined with the above kit it sure plays a sweet tune. How muCh?~ Sorry that had to come -- the whole package ready to run around $700. Don Lidikay CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Miles Jackson 416 Pioneer Dr., #17 Glendale 3, Calif. 912 03 FOR SALE.



247-3866 849-3~83


Becket AM/FM Radio - Make Offer by contacting George Gedeon phone 869-7842 (4) 15" Porsche Wheels with Turbo Whael Covers, plus (3) used Dunlops (mounted), plus (4) Botyl Tubes for same. $I0 complete Contact Bob Downie 346-6675

Porsche Coupe, 1957 1600 356A Radio, Seat Belts, Dunlop Gold Seal Tires, Bursch Exhaust, Tool Kit, Owners Manual, Good Paint. Slate Call 284-7306 weekdays after Gray - Red Interior. ~1250.00 0wen F. Champion 5:00 p.m. All day Sat. & Sun. 2 front brake drums 356B 2 rear brake drums 356B I oil cooler, late model 2 VW 15" tires I gas & oll gauge combination 4 road--wheels, 356C I fuel pump, 356B I fuel pump, 356C i VW generator (early) i $90 flywheel 2 front Koni shocks Odds & Ends ?? Phone 345-7958 after 7:00 pm working condition. WANTED:



420.00 20.00 5.00 2.50 7.50 I0.00 5.00 6.50 7.50 5.00 5.00

ca. ea. ea. ea.

All items are used and in

Cabriolet Soft Top Assembly for 1961 Super Porsche. Will consider trading removable hardtop. Don Groth 345-4160 -6-

~ ~

FOR ALL CABRIOLET 0V~RS --~Here~ something of interest for you. Sears produces 4 year money back guarantee soft tops with wide rear windows for around ~45. 2 weeks delivery - custom made easy to install. Dave Kalbach SERVICE HINTS:


Here is a tip on the use of radial ply tyres from the British Tyre Industry, a trade association: Radial ply and cross ply tyres have vastly different properties when co,meting and the wrong combination of such tyres is dangerous. Therefore, the following information is vital: I.

Do not in any circumstances have radial ply tyres on front wheels with cross ply tyres on the rear. There are no exceptions to this and it applies whether the car has front or rear wheel drive, or whether the rear tyres are standard tread cross ply or winter tread cross ply.


Do not mix cross ply and radial DIy tyres on front or rear ~Th~els. If fitting the spare results in !’mixing" proceed with extra care and correct the fitment as soon as possible.


The b~st combinations are either cross ply tyres all around, or ..... Lal ply tyres all around, but in most cases it is safe tc h~Je cro~s ply tyres on the front and radial ply tyres on th~ rear. For high performance cars, mixed e~uipment is not recommended.

Remember, do not fit radial ply tyres of any make to front wheels only~ (Taken from Triumph TSOA Newsletter) POST PARADE PARTY!~ The Post Parade Party will be held on July 23rd at the same wonderful spot as last year -- 5166 Avenida Hacienda in Tarzana. There will be ham, beef, turkey smergasbord with six salads catered by ~ebster’s Catering. The fee per dinner will be ~3.50, and this will also cover ice and mixa~s. BYOB. There will be facilities for swimming, volleyball, pool, and fun, fun, fun!! The party is open to PCA’ers and their guests. Be sure to fill out the entry space in this paper and send it in r~ght away to Jim Hawkins at the above address, along with your reservation money. (See below)

POST PARADE PARTY Name Number of reservations required at ~3.50 each. ~q~$$ Enclosed


Here’s an excellent poem which came out of the PCA Orange Coast Region’s publication, the PORSCHE PARDE~0N~, edited this last May. SO YOU’VE JOINED A CLUB Some members keep their club so strong, ~hile others ~oin Sust to belong. Some dig right in .. some serve with pride; Some go along Sust for the ride. Some volunteer to do their share~ While some lie back, and Just donlt care. On meetin6 days, some ¯ always show,

While others simply never go. Some do their best ... some build ... some make .. Some drag ... some pull ... some don’t ... some do .. Consider ... which one of these are you?

TIT,,~S~ AND ,T,~ FORSweaR, 911 STUN ENTIRE FIELD AT LACUNA SECA ROAD RACES Jerry Titus in the Porsche 911 Coupe completely dominated the A, B, C and D production race held Just prior to the United States Road Racing Championship races at Laguna Seca May Vth and 8th. The Porsche

911, with its under two liter engine, was pitted against caps with up to seven liter engines running in the larger classes. (taken from Porsche Car Dist.ls NEWS) ju~ BIG SLALOM,,

On June 5th at the Briggs CuDningham Auto Museum parking lot, the Orange Coast Region put on its annual June Bug Slalom. There was excellent participation by PCA-LA’ers, even with the last minute notification. A previous PCA-LA member broug~ht his Fo~mula.Vee (T. and gave the course s good working out. Also, several of the Brig, s Cunning~am cars were on exhibition and a few even tried out the course too. Listed below are the PCA-LA~ers who placed with trophies at the event. Class Class Class Class Class

II Super .................. l~.t III $90 and 912 ...........ist IV Mod and 911 ,...........5~d V Ladies ......... ...... ...2nd V Ladies o...... ......... ..Srd

... ... ... ... ...

Dick Wslrose Paul White Nick Friesen Kay Kious Mary Morris

GOING TO THE PARADE? Anyone goind to the !lth Parade needing rallye equipment, autocross equipment, safety gear, drivin6 gloves, luggage racks, etc., please contact John McNeil (d ’Elegance Sports Car Accessories) phone 691-5648. ATTENTION ’. !



TOUR THRU BRIGGS CUNNINGHAM ADTO MUBEUM On May ~nd, a large gathering of PCA-LA’ers took a tour through the Briggs Cunningham Automobile Museum together. Due to the fact that one of the Orange Coast PCA’ers works there, a special and most informative tour was enjoyed by all. A complete history and story was delivered concerning each auto displayed there, and it was indeed fascinating to see how the automobile has developed over the years. PLEASE BE SURE TO SE~ IN ANY CHANGES IN ADDRESS TO YOUR PORSCHERAMA EDITOR. If you have any interesting articles you’d like to see printed in next month’s PORSCFA~,RAMA, be sure to have them to your Editor by June 27th at the latest. Mail them to: John P. McNeil 1901 Lindauer Drive La Habra, Calif. 90631


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