1901Lindauer Dr., La Habra OCTOBER 1966 NEW ~.~FTING PLACE:
ALFXANDRIA AVE. SCHOOL 8:00 p.m. on Monday 4211 0akwood Ave. October I0, 1966 Los Angeles (5 blks W of Vermont, I blk N of Beverly)
For the entertainment after the business portion of the meeting the movie "Porsche Strasse 42" will be rerun. It is most interesting in that it shows the new 900 series Porsches being made by hand. All the 911 and 912 owners would be most interested in the movie.
The following will be the minutes gathered at the September general meeting of the Porsche Club of America. The meeting was held on the second Monday of the month. This month it fell on 9-12-66. Club members were in attendance in record numbers. In the absence of the club president, John Bevan, Norm Sandusky (Vice-President) presided. Other than the president a full Board membership was in attendance. The meeting proceeded along these lines: 1. In direct contrast to tradition the order of business was reversed. To accomodate our speaker for the evening he was allowed to go on before the business portionof the meeting. Meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. Norm introduced the speaker who was an Officer Jerry Cokley of the L.A. Police Department, Traffic Information Division, and he presented a talk on ~’defensive driving." He followed this with a 30 minute film on what he called, "the positive side of bringing across what happens, in traffic accidents." The fi~m was quite realistic, indeed. It was followed with a sh0rt-question and answer period. The meeting was then adjourned for coffeeib’reak at 9:20. 2. Coffee and donuts were served by Shirley Kornfeld and Charlotte S emans. 3. Following the break the minutes of the August meeting were approved as they appeared in the September issue of PORSCHFRAMA. 4. Harold Semans gave the financial status of the club. As of last ~night we had a balance of ~i13.00 in the bank. However, Harold pointed out that currently the financial balance is in.the state of flux but the true up-to-the-minute balance was around the announced figure. Harold anhounced for the benefit of newe~ members that he is the man to see regarding name badges at ~I.00 each~ They normally take about 3-4 weeks to arrive after a workable order is submitted.
8. Secretary was asked for remarks but he was caught dottln~ his "i’s" and with nothing to say. 6. Club Advisor, Nick Friesen was called upon for any comment and he had none to offer. 7. Acting as Vice-President, No~ Sandusky advises that during the past month he received only four new "Profiles." This totaled to 80 at the moment. Norm feels that it would be worthless to compile the few he has in. He feels that 20 more would be needed to arrive at a meaningful compilation. He explained that future club activities will depend heavily on the compilationo The Board wants to run the Region in a manner best suited to the needs and wants of its membership, so get you filled resumes in, please 8. Activities Chairman, Miles Jackson was given the floor at this point and in spite of a foot encased in a cast he really took hold. He announced that the August event "Carrera 6" drew 21 cars. Gary Kious presented trophies to the winners. Gary and Kay were thanked for putting on such an interesting event. September event, the Drlver~s School, drew really top flight instructors present. The course was perfect for the school. A faster course was set up in the afternoon after all had gotten preliminary instruction. It was a general feeling that everyone benefited greatly. A show of hands was asked for-over the question if membership would be interested in another school as an added event in a couple of months. Possibility is good at this moment that the additional school w~ll be conducted. John McNeil was thanked for putting on such an excellent event. Miles then brought attention to his "Tour For Miles" section of the PORSCHFRA~A. He went on ~O remind the members of the coming Porsche ~Veekend in Sacramento on October 1 and 2. A total of $55 will cover your financlal burden for this one. Lyle Arnold then presented a progress report on his efforts towards putting together a Caravan to travel to the Races in ~aguna ~eea next month. Lyle stated that the distance la about 520 miles. Caravan will start at 6:50 a.m. on I0-I~-~6. Place will be the Fred Harvey Diner at the Saugus Turnoff on U.S. Route ~. He has a block of rooms set aside for PCA-LA people. He suggested you directly contact the motel with a deposit if you desire a room. Contact ~rs. Harris, Carmel Valley Inn, P.O. Box 118, Carmel Valley, Calif. The usual champagne party will be held at $2.80 per person. Place will be the Hunt Club in ~onterey. No advance reservations for this affair will be needed. Lyle will offer full details in the next PORSCHERA~A. The ~LUCKY 7" will be held in October with Don ~orrls as the Rally Master. You can be assured that it will be a top quality event. ~iles went on to state that participation of club members at this year~s calendar of events is on the up-swing. He hopes this trend will continue. George Gedeon then presented a run-down of what can be expected for your money (~.00 per couple) at the November event in Las Vegas. Seems like quite a bundle (money and worth). ~eorge promised much more detailed information later on this event. Closing date for reservations will be October i@, -~.
9. Curt Kuebler, Activities Chairman stated that they are making excellent progress on the work towards putting together a modern edition of the "UP-FIXIN DFR PORSCHE." Announced that the next Tech Session will be at the usual place and time. The place is 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., West L.A. The time is the fourth Wednesday of each month and at 8:00 in the evening. Curt asked for a show of hands of those interested in seeing a motor assembled. This we may see soon. 10. Editor, John McNeil, announced that as usual he could use copy for the PORSCHERAMA. Let’s get the news in. ll. 01d business was called for and there was none. A faint effort was made to introduce the "Blazer Situation" once more it didn’t get too far. 12.
New business was asked for.
None was offered from the floor.
13. Nick Friesen introduced a long list of guests (~2 of them). This followed with an announcement that we had acquired ten new members during the past couple of days. Keep your eye on this situation. 14. Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. (This meeting was held at the Alexandria Avenue School, 4~iI 0akwood Lane, Los Angeles). 15.
Next Board meeting will be on I0-3-66~ at John Bevan’s home. Pete Galena - Secretary FROM THE EDITORS: Sorry for the delay of this month’s paper, but our new Assistant Editor, Paul Gregory, arrived Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. and yelled, "Stop the Presses ~:" Would you believe? H_~e only weighed 7 lb. I oz. and was 19 inches long : John & Viv McNeil
’ 67 CANDIDATES How about it? ~q~en you answer your telephone and that voice asks that you submit your name as a candidate for office in ~67 ... how about it? There is lots to be done and much fun ahead in helping to make PCA-LA reach its goal - "The best and biggest" of all the 60 regions. TECH COMMITTF_E REPORT Next Tech Committee meeting is set for October 28th at the regular place, 11650 Santa Monica Blvd., West L.A. (8.-00 p.m.) Progress on publication of UP-FIXIN, Vol. 2 is quite good - thanks to the efforts of Bud Snyder. Better than 25% of the PANORAMA articles have been sorted and taped to "drop-out-blue" sheets in preparation for make page negatives. Copies of PORSCH~ PANORAMA for Aug. ’61, Sep. ’61, Nov. ’61, June ’62 and June ’63 are still needed. A rew~rd for information leading to the procurement of these issues may be obtained by calling Curt Kuebler at 398-2~17. Porscheneers with loose coupe seats might be interested in Bill Arnett’s (Golden Gate Region) analysis of the problem: (to be continued) --3--
"Several known-.failure cases of the Porsche sest~ back attachment have formed the basis for this dlscus~ion. The hinged supports forthe back rest each have three counter-sunk holes for 6~ oval headscrews attaching to captive nuts on the inside of the metal frame of the back rest. These screws loosen up perlodlcall~ from the forces applied by the driver and passenger ~in normal use... The me,hod used by Reut.ter .in attaching these oaptlve nuts consists.of two spot welds. The difference in thickness between the nut and the frame material is so large that, more often than not,.a ."burn". weld occurs. Thi~ is not .significant until the owner takes his socket mounted phillips head driver andapplies excessive torque to the screws in an effort to take the reck and roll out of the back. rest, hopefully for all time. Very often, this will break the nut .loose, sometimes losing it inside the back rest upholstery. Before this catastrophe occurs, it is well to remdee..the screw and squeeze a small quantity of LOCTITE or other metal-adhering glue in the hole of.the nut before re-installing the screw. A limit, of about i0 lb.-ft, of torque should be applied in tightening these screws. Thlsmay not hold-.forever, but it will enable trouble-free use .for longer-periods of time (especially if you are in the 20~# class). From year to year, it has been anticipated.l that Porsche/Reutter.would remedy th~s weakness by the addition of Welded projections to carry the shear stresses, leaving the,screw the. simple role of a tension device. Let us prayS"
Fbr/ the %hind ~quarter of 1966 we are publishing the top ten places in competition~.:points-for the male and female competitors of the Los Angeles Region. These .standings are based upon the ocmpetltion points system published on the reverse side of your activity card. WOMEN points 64 46
Name Frlesen
points 42 32
White ,. P~.
Jacks on,
36 35 31 30 30 30 25 25
Kuebler, .C’ McNeil Morx~ls Hawk ins Kioue -: Love 11.. Bevan Schnetde~ ..:
50 29 27 24 23 22 22 20
N.ame Kious Hawkins
..... +~ ’
Level I Bevan Boy~ Sandusky S emans Oedeon . Morris McNei! ¯
Again may I remind y~ aiii.that partlo~patlon is the key word "to place your name within the~top.~ten_, . May i su~gest’ that Don Morris is looking for workers for the "~ucky.~" Rallye~ com~ng up on October 23rd and it offers an opportunit~ .to .aid "in the presentation of a 8Peat rallye as well as pick up some extra points, Miles Jackson-Actlvities Cha irman LUCKY ~ RALLYE~ HERE WE .C0~E | On Oct, S3rd PCA will again present its annual "Lucky ~" Rallye, looking forward to seeing .all of you! (continued) -4-
We are
As in the past, the "Lucky 7" will be a "time Distance Rallye, it will not be unusually long or difficult and will be over interesting roads with enough diversion to keep both driver and navigator on the edge of their seats. We will have the General Instructions and samples of what the Route Instructions will look like at the October meeting, and should you have amy questions I will be glad to talk with you. The "Lucky 7" and the Christmas Party are the only annual events and as tradition would have it, the people working on the "Lucky 7" are enthusiastically reading all the phases that are necessary to put on a good event. Show y.ou.~ spirit and enthusiasm by coming out and participating: For those that ran the Sunday Shortie Rallye last March--did you have a good time? If so, we expect to see your smiling faces on Oct. 23. For those who have never been on a time distance rallye before, now is the time to take the plunge ! The Rallye will be open to all sports cars at ~4.50 a car including dash plaques. We will again start at Ricky’s Restaurant, 323 W. Valley Blvd., Alhambra (San Bernardino Frwy., Garfield off-ramp, one block west of Garfield). First car out at 8:01 a.m. (no it’s not a misprint) come as you are, we have included a breakfast break where you can dress, shave and brush your teeth: See you there :.’ CARE TO CARAVAN TO THE LAGUNA SECA RACES? The meeting place is the lot of the Fred Harvey Restaurant, Saugus turn-off of Route 99 North. We will leave there at 6:30 a.m. sharp on Saturday morning, October 15th. For those not going with the caravan, the following information will be of help: The Monterey region has provided parking for Porsche’s and a hospitality tent on turn #7. Be sure to use the Barloy Canyon gate. Th Champagne party will be held at the Hunt Club at the Monterey fair grounds from 7-9:00 p.m. Saturday night. Tickets can be obtained at the Hospitality tent or at the door. No reservations are necessary for this. Some rooms are reserved at the Carmel Valley Inn, Carmel Vally, but at this labe date availability should be checked. The Auto Club lists many motel.~ in ~onterey, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove and Salinas so yot~ c~n find accomodations somewhere. TO
S.TAR.D.US.T GR~., .N!). PR!X, !966 Be sure and not forget to get your reservations in to. Bruce Mu~h by October 14th ! You should have received a flyer tellln~ you all about the event and our own region’s arrangements for it. The. dates will be November II, 12 and 13 in good old Lag Vegas, Nevada !
Harry F. Mort 8009 Belton Dr, L.A., Calif. 90045
Gerhard F. Schilling 20562 Quedo Drive Woodland Hills, Calif.
Peter Inoue 12~5 N. Westmoreland L.A., Calif. 900~
Kelth R. LaFond
Albert E. Phelps
Robert T. Lanz
4350 W. Olympic Blvd.
28 Coronado Way
3927 Gavlota Ave.
L.A., Calif. 90019
Mission Hills, Calif.
Long Beach,..Calif.
Edward V. Condon Jr. 2813 Moraga Dr. L.A., Calif. 900~4
Satoru Nakatanl 1844 Barrington Ave. L.A., Calif. 900~5
George A. Tipton 3915 Vineland #I "Studio City, Calif.
Stewart Resnick 1947 S. Sepulveda L.A. , Calif. 90025
H.E. Stout 2578 Harbor Sight Dr. Rolling Hills, Calif.
Kay Matthews 4845 Canoga Dr. Woodland Hills,Callf.
Eugene S. Bradford E.E. Broberg 1056 S. Normandie Ave., #212 1678 Ana Caps Drive L.A., Calif. 90006 Camarillo, Calif.
Ralph Pierce 435 E. Hilt Ave. Pomona,~ Calif.
Joseph E. Grlggs 16th TRS AP0 San Francisco, Calif.
Edward C. Bobo 2525 So. 5th Ave. L.A., Calif. 90018
William J. Ziegler 9.132 ~0~$0 St. Downey, Calif.
William G. Leflang 31~3~ Foothill Blvd., ~ La Crescents, Calif. 91014
Dennis M. Budimlr 2415~ Hitchcock Dr. Alhambra, Calif.
LeRoy Taylor .18~4 S.Sycamore~ Ave L.A., Calif.
Herschell Bottrell 627 E. Adomar Torrance, Calif. 9050~
Russell W. Gates ~(Gerl) 216 28th St. Manhattan Beach, Calif.
R. Do~ani 1939 N. Beverly Gln L.A., Calif.
Roger D. Johnson 1244 So. Walnut St. San Gabriel, Calif. 91776
Charles Roach 3964 So. 01d Malibu Rd. Malibu, Calif. 90265
Jack B. Schlemer 555 Alta Vista Ave S.Pasadena, Calif.
Mr. W. G. Smay 4834 Los Fellz Blvd. Hollywood, Calif. 90027
Leonard R. Miller 313 0 Mariquita .St. Long Beach, Calif.
Loring Myers 4409 Ocean Dr. Manhattan Bch, Cal
Gordon R. Jackson 5~35 N. Citrus #91 A.zusa, Calif. 91702
Robert J. Martin (Joyce) Alexander D. Gray 4600 Calle De Arboles 16666 McCormick St. Torrance, Calif. 90505 Encino, Calif.
Paul Dunlap 777 Pierre Road Walnut, Calif. 91789
Timothy C. Morosco (Janelle) 1623 Granville Lawrence T. Hammett West L.A., Calif. 900~ 1212 Story Place Alhambra, Cal if
NEW MEMBERS (Continued) Dr. Alain G. Mona IIT~B Wilshire Blvd. Apt. B 1403 Los Angeles, Calif. 90025
Dean K. Williams 7200 Bollinger Rd. Apt. 709 San Jose, Calif. 95129
Marcia Lou Wilson 10475 Bellagio Road L.A., Calif. 90024
Eve Kothe 323 E. Foothill Monrovia, Calif. 91016
Chrome plated Nurf Bars for "A" Model Porsche. $42.50 Contact Curt Kuebler, 398-2~17
New set of 4 each.
Porsche, 1961 Normal, removable hard-top, full tonneau, new paint of slate gray/light gray top, red interior, recent engine overhaul, Becket AM~FM. One owner car, approx. 6%000 miles. $e350.00 Contact Budd Snyder, 645-0279
Late ’66 Model 911 with Weber Carbs. This is Vernon Covertts Concours trophy winning red beauty with all the custom extras chromed bumpers, symmetric dual free flow exhaust system, luggage rack, cover, map light, padded dash, head rests, wide seat belts, and photo-electronic ignition system. Send serious inquiries air mail to: Capt. Vernon A. Covert P.O. Box 2713 St. Thomas U.S. Virgin Islands 00801
Chrome Wheels (4 each) to fit all disc brake Porsches - .~I00 Contact Nick Friesen, 481-4883 (days)
Porsche, 1962 Super Coupe~ Bursch exhaust system, Michelin X tires, gray with red interior. $2700 or best offer. Contact Jerry Rainforth,
Porsche, 1957, 1600 356A, near new Dunlops, new Bursch exhaust. Runs good, mechanically sound. $1150.00 Contact 0wen F. Champion after 5:00p.m. weekdays 284-7306
Porsche, 1964C, with a 911 wheel, AM/FM, wheels, belt harnesses, headrest (special adjustable), Bursch, fog lights, new Koni~. Contact Karl Schreiber - 378-0749
’61Porsche, 1600N, (LTK 013), 49,500 original miles, never raced, new tires, new light blue paint (Jan. ’66), engine has been stripped and new rod bearings put in (June ’66), i~mculate inside and out, racing mirror, "impact" safety belts (competition), Blaupunkt radio AM with 2 speakers, beige interior, new muffler. Owner must sacrifice this beauty - is buying a house. Make offer. Call 248-1173 after 6pm or 244-1151 (office). Hilko 0. Dreeliws, 2915 Henrietta, La Crescenta, Calif.
SEPTFMBER DRIVER’S SCHOOL John McNeil, Paul ~q~ite and Nick Friesen wish to thank you for your participation in the driver’s school held last month. Thanks also to all the workers. We will possibly h_o~_d another school this year%
23, 1966
Navigational and Seat of the Pants opened to all cars.
A simple time
distance rallye designed for the
Novice and SOP Cars. ENTRIES:
$4.50 per car including dash plaques. Car Nos. will bemailedinadvance to Pre-Entries. Please make checks payable to PCA Los Angeles Region. Mail to:
Don Morris 1532 Prospect Avenue, Apt. 32
San Gabriel, California 91776 START:
First car out at 8:01 - Ricky’s Restaurant, 323 W. Valley, Alhambra, California (one block west of Garfield).
This course will not be unusually long or difficult and will be run over good roads. It will take about 5 hours (including breakfast and lunch breaks) to complete. The course was measured to the nearest 1/100th of a mile by a Porsche equipped with Continental radial tires (inflated to 30 psi) never zeroing odometer. The driver and navigator will be equally challenged to make winning
the event a team victory. All signs and traps will be carefully planned to prevent anyone from becoming hopelessly lost.
speeds over some beautiful out-of-the-way rallye roads will be the order of the day. RALLYEMASTER: Don Morris - 284-0387
Addres s
Driver: Phone:
Dr. Lic #
Car Marque:
Class: Navigational