Porscherama 1972 September

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~- I~rsche club of america

los angeles region

P,ORSCHERAMA september 1972

calendar SEPTEMBER 14: Gemeral Membership Meeting, 8:@0 p.m. SANTA MONICA BLVD. ELEMENTARY SOHOOL, 1022 V~N NESS AVE., HOLLYWOOD. Guest--Ell!ott Forbes~Robinson. ~See ’E~ents’. SPET~BER 17: PCA-0CR Swap Meet at The Brlggs ~in~ham Museum. See ’Events ’. SEPTemBER 19: Board Meeting 8:00 p.m. Lewis Pmlley’s home 8615 Lubee St. Downey 861-Ih~!3. ’ Everyone is welcome to attend. SEPT~X~BER ~11 : GAY NINETIES PICNIC and Box Leach Secial at Griffith Park. See ’Events’. SEPTEMBER 29: PCA-LA "Porscherama" put-togerber, Geri Boothe’s home, call 696-0866. 9CTOBER 14-15: WILLOW SPRINGS TIME TRIALS ca~l Bob Van Cleave 368-h059 for information. -NOV~MBER 18-19: BIG- SUR- CARMEL TOUR. ’Events, ~DECEMBER 9: Christmas Dinner-Dance. ’

DIAL-A-PORSCHE-CLUB For information about PCA activities, call: 398-2217



Gertrude Bo~the 696-0866 7957 S. Forest Ave. Whittier, Calif. 90602


283-7423 Duane Alan 1049 Bradshaw Ave. Monterey Park, California 91754


Dale Anderson Paul Beam (805) Lewis Pulley George Gedeon Ron Ramage Geri Boothe Rob, t VanCleave Corky Kirk P.O. Box 416 Arcadia, Calif.


459-1219 948-_24.84 861 I~3 869_-7~A~2 37~-6888 696-0866. 368-4059 4~7--5109 91006

all porsche We

are PORSCHE. AUDI sp~c!.~;$ts We offer a complete one-stop shop for all your air conditioning needs. Our prices ~re fair and our w~rk is guaranteed,

accessories ALL PARTS ORIGINAL for 356’s &


stee~ing wheels, bras, sway bars 10 percent off net to PCA members

on R & R C]]~[OII] AI][O 9519 E. ARTESIA BLVD.

hard parts

PCA orders shipped same day

(2’13) 866-2914


SPECIAL.I o Hard plastic airducts, will not kick shut=


]ames R. Griffin ~,,~.,,.,o=,

11324 SANTA MONICA BL. CA. 90025


WI~RE TH]~J~ IS A WILL...THERE’S A WAVE . . . . by Bob Raucher


~ere cemes a time in everyone’s life, after he has cut the umbilical cord, that he nmt face reality--the need to drive in Los Angeles. You will notice I said need, mot desire, because without a car Charlie, your dead. (Come to think of it, it cam werk bot~ ways! ) I recall recently asking a newly arrived tourist, "What in our beautiful city struck you first?" "A car," came his reply. Although its been said t~at many people have trouble adapting to the Los Angeles freeway of life, it isn’t all that its cracked up to be. (Pun intended) For instance the Angelinos, I mean t~ose that are really true to L.A. will tell you that their interpretation of rush hour is ’when all the cars are standin8 still’. Sere are other sayings, of course, ¯ewever, they are unprintable.... By virtue of these thoughts, we can see democracy in action. (And a need for rapid transit. Ed.) Be that as it may, it still remains that driving a Porsche in L.A. is hell J It can eat up Hausserman clutches, Bosch ignitions, Reutter 1~0dies" and sundry other items automotive in our quest to get from point A to point B. It also drinks gas and oil like any other car, only a little less. No, come to think of it a lot less. But we enjoy the Porsche, right, so right on.... Lately however, one b g~---pseudo-intellectual problem has come . into the glaring light. Porsche drivers around the country and So. California par ticularly, have, as the years passed and the sales curves of Porsches zoomed (sic) tmrmed to a form of snobbery. By itself this is not necessarily a bad thing, but within our own peer group this is tantamount to trying to stop a freight train with a eandle~ Oh c~me now, you know of what I speak. When was the last time you saw a 1963 Porsche super blink it’s headlights and wave a big "hello" to a 1959 normal? I Ill bet you have to think back quite a while. I must admit that I did see a Speedster wave at a new coupe a week ago, but get this, the coupe did not wave backJ I can remember acknowledgement on a moment to moment basis not too many years ago. So, fellow Porsche--Pushers, I think we should bring back the joy and love between our many friends who share the same driving pleasures as we. I mean, really fellas and gals, 900cc couldn’t mean this is how it will endJ Try to remember this creed; Rogardless of color, year of birth, convertible, coupe, roadster or speedster, raced or not; no mat.ter where you’re from, next time you see a Porsche, any Porsche, how about a great big ’hello’. Danka. Edlterts note: Porsche owner’s comaraderie is new to a lot of people. Back in the @ays when there were only a couple dozen registered in the county, a Porsche owner warn delighted to see anyone who had the same automotive interests as he and so he waved or blinked his lights. Sings have changed, unfortunately, and some of the nostalgia is gone. Around the beach cities especially, Porsches are as common as Fords and Chevys. And aren’t you really glad? Mechanical problems are much easier delt with now than in what we call the ’good old days’. Progress is c~uel in many ways, but we cannot fight it. So let’s be thankful for a decade or so of fun with the 356 series. Those days can be rivaled, but never repeated. IF A SOUTH AMERICAN PSYCHO IS A BRAZIL NUT, WHAT IS A PORSCHE NUT?

We tock a complete inventory of racing & high perf.ormance parts as

well as new and used parts for your Porsche,

glass,.suspension end drive line components for the earliest 356 to the latest 900’s.

, comment. con..t’d We are very pleased to announce that GABRIEL & 0LSEN PORSCHE ~ AUDI in Encino are sponsoring the trophies for WILLOW SPRINGS TIME TRIALS and they will be th_e site of our ~re-tech inspection Wednesday, October llth, 7 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. They are located at 15531 Ventura Blvd. in E~cino a~d it is recommended that you come prepared to register for Willow on tech night. YOu must have a pre-tech inspection of your car that evening if you live within a 40 mile radius of GABRIEL & 0LSEN P/A. ~e cost will be $17.50 for male or female driver and $2.~0 for 2rod driver (female) Registratiom at the track (within 40 mile radius of pre-tech) will be $20.00 for the first driver aud $5.00 for the second female driver. You may register at the track if you live outside the 40 mile radius for $17.50 plus $2.50 for second female ,driver. ~is is our biggest event of the year, so let’s ~_~e it a goo~_..one~ CONGRATULATIONS are in order as CATHY CLARK became MRS. SCOOTER PATRICK in June. HAROLD and CHARLOTTE S~JkNS took delivery of a red~911T at the factory in June and are touring Switzerland, Austria, Yugoslavia, B~l~aria mud Romania along the Black Sea. A postcard from them in Brasov, Romaula, a 500 year old city at the edge of the Carpathian Mountains, said they seldom get into 4th or 5th gear after leaving the ~Autobahn. They said it had been hot and humid and their air-conditioner worked great. They had to boil all their drinking water - no "tourista". The Porsche was a great curiosity to many and they will have a slide show for us when they return.


~I TTLERED S ell00LHOUS ~E~.’ CALAGENERALMEETI N.GATL I TTLERED S CH00LHOUSEP C ALAGENERA~MEETINGATL I SEP~ER I~T~ we will meet a~ ~a different school due to earthquake damage repairs Being made on the Cahuenga School. Our new meet.ing place will be the Santa Monica Blvd. Elementary School, 1022 Van Ness Ave., Holl~wood at the corner of Santa Monlca Hlvd. ~he time is 8:00 p.m. and our guest speaker will be Elliott Forbes-Robinson who will talk about the Richie Ginther prepared 91~ in ’E’ Production racing in SCCA. This should be very interesting to all Porsche enthusiasts, especially 91~ owaers. See you there. S~APMEETDIGOUTTHOSEOLDUNUSEDPORS CHEPARTSLYINGAROUNDANDCOMETO THEocRswAPMEETSWAPMEETSW SEPTEMBER 17TH our Orange Coast neighbors are having a swap meet for Porsche related parts. Now is your chance to get rid of any goodies you have lying around taking up .garage space. ..Your cas.t-offs might be just what someone~ else is looking for, or vi~e-versa. It will be held at The B~iggs Cunningham Museum, 250 Baker St., Costa esa. (Refer to your Orange County map for direc.tions. ) There will be no charge er buying or selling but sellers must register w~th their driver’s license number. Came early and take in the museum while you are there. It’s very interesting.


BPE~DADAYAT@HEPARKWI THP 0RSCHEFRI END SFUNANDGO 0DFOODSP ENDADAYATTHEPARKANDP I CNI CPICNI CP SEPTEMBER PI!TH is the day for our GAY NINETIES PICNIC to be held at Griffith Park s~arting at 1O:30 a.m. Den Colwell is chairman of this event and promises us lots ~f f~m playing ping pong, volleyball, croquet and there will be a surprise~ Everyeme will Bring a box lunch whi.ch will be raffled off, so girls, dig down into your e~ulimary talents and let’s have a good old fashloned--picnic, that is. To get to Griffith Park take the Golden State freeway north or south to Western Ave., then west to park. The actual location is almost in Burbank, near Victory Blvd. and Riverside Dr.-- From the Ventura freeway go south, to Victory, left to Western, left to .picnic. For information call Dom Collwell ~12~8208 or 636-2319. TOURTOURTOURTOBI GSURTOURTOURTOURToBI (~ SURSEEI TBEFOREI TALLBURNSD oWNTOURTOBI G~URTOURTO£ NOVEMBER 18TH AND 19TH - A tour to BIG SUR ~and CARMEL on the MONTEREY PENINSULA .has been planned for this weekend and overnight accommodations have been arranged at the Big Sur Lodge at the entrance to Pfelffer State Park. A leisurely trip up and a morning of sightseeing on the Monterey Coast~,is on the agenda. ~ere will be

¯Lmner at the RockyPoint Restaurant, 12 miles north of Big Sur on Saturday nigh~. A teu~ route to show the prettiest roads in California at an ideal time of y~ar will take you through San Marcos Pass, Morro Bay and up winding Hwy. 1 to the top of the

Pe~,sula and through Carmel Valley (a ion~, twisty and pretty deserted road).


thoroughly enjoyable dinner is planned for Sunday evenin~ at Mattel t s Tavez-n in

Los Ollvos.... If youtve never gone through that pa~t of California when tourism is at a low and the scenery is at a high, then this is the time to take it in. If yo~ ~ve never seen it at all, then youtd better see it while it’s still there. I JUSt csme back ~Tom a trip to lay out the proposed route, talked to motel people and looked for places to eat and the area has never looked better to me..Right now

I need a llst of people who would llke to be a part of this tou~. as follows: Queen size double bed for two persons -_$18.00.

~he costs are

If you want to double

up they have a ~wo bedroom suite, each with a queen size bed for $2~.00. For families they have two queens and two twins (6 persons) for $30.00. Send the tear.off below to me : Ron Ramage. 1507 Manhattan Ave., He~nosa Beach, Cal. "9025~ or call me at 461-31~ days, 378-6888 home. Th,-Ws, Ron Rama~e. BIG SUR RESE~VATION: I want to reserve acco~uodations for the following: i room for 2 persons at $18.00 plus tax. I room for ~ persons (2 queen-size beds) at $2~.00 plus tax. I room for 6 persons (2 queens, 2 twins) at $30.00 plus tax. I waut a room with a fireplace for an additional $3.00. N~ ADDRESS

NUM. IN P~ ,



presidential rhetoric At the last board meeting George Godson brought up the need to appoint a nominating committee for the new board before October 1st. Ron Ramage agreed to be the chairman of the cummittee which is to be comprised of one board member and the rest from the membership. With a membership as large as ours, there is a lot of hidden ¯ talent out there and now is your chance to do your thing for your club. Someone has to do each Job or there won’t be any club to belong to and the more people who volunteer, the less responsibility there will be for each person. If you are not called on for a board position and f.eel you would like to try for it, please vo~test. If you are ca~led, its because someone is acquainted with your capabilities and thinks you would be good for the job. Inexperience is no excuse for refusing a Job as none of the Jobs are that difficult to perform.


TECH.NOTES P.S. - ~", ¢~. A.I. C .aldwell/Ro~er 0rth, ~he Pacific Northwest Re~ion ~7n the June article about C-D ignitions, we neglected to mention that most of.the emission control cars have an RPM transducer lead as well as a tachometer lead that must be changed when you switch from one ignition type to the other.. This lead should normally be .connected to the same terminal as the tachometer lead. An invaluable tool for this type of project is the car’s wiring diagram. It used to be imcluded in the drlver~s manua!, but alas, like other good things has been dlscontimued. However, wiring diagrams for your model are probably available if you ask ar@und a little. (Note: If anyone would like a copy of the article with diagram, that was published in the June Porscherama on how to convert to another system if you~ C-D ignition should fail, call Geri Boothe 696-0866 and she will mail you one. "WESTERN POLITICS IS SHOOTING FROM TH~ LIP" -4-

,- secretarial



A ~da~ner meeting was held at the Proud Bird Res.tau~ant at the east end of the L.A. Int’l. Airport. After dinner, President Duane Alan opened the meeting and officer reports were heard. It was reported that Ernle 0zsvath donated one of his new L.A. Region car badges to the club to be displayed in a show-2oom at the Porsche factory in Stuttgart, West Germany, along with many other club badges from the world over. Bob Van Cleave said that arrangements are coming along nicely for th~ Willow Sprlng~ event. He tried to interest those people who had never been there to come out ~nd "try it, you111 llke~ it". George Gedeon also asked for lots of support at the big annual event. Ron Ramage reported that Don Colwell is chairing our next event in September which will be a picnic at Grlffith Park on Sept. 24th. Lewis Pulley ported that the slow return of checks to member.~ is because he waits to collect -~everal before making a deposit. Slides were then shown of the Tahoe trip and an enjoyable evening was had by all. Respectfully submitted, Paul Beam, Secretary PORSCHE CLUB.0F AMERICA, INC., LOS ANGELES REGION * Statement of receipts and disBt~rsements 7 18-72 to 8-10-72. Lewis Pulley, Treasurer. CASH ON HAND, July 18, 1972 - $1,645~61 RECEIPTS : Don Ricardo Dinner Dance $427.50 Don Ricardo Ba~ Income 87.00 Nat’l. Dues Refund 6-29-72 194.20 Jewelry Sales 4e6.00 Coffee 1-72 ..53 Coffee 2-72 5.80 Jewelry Sales 9.25 Proud Bird Dinner 318.00 -

$1,097.28 TOTAL CASH TO BE ACCOUNTED FOR $2,742.89

CASH ON HAND, August 10, 1972

- .. .

a’o,,, Mo P,.0S]~ ~ack E. LERG Cris LI’CUDINE Edward R. JAGELS Howard F. DUNHOLTER TRANSFER INs : Rodney G. Girard James N. Hauh.art C.A. Torgersen ADDRESS CHANGES: Dick Seward John F. Carroll Steven B. Peterson

DISBURSemENTS : Membership Committee 6-10-72 Membership Committee Expenses and Jewelry 6-72 Duane C. Alan Telephone Exp. South Hills Caterers Don Ricardo Gertrude Boothe Pacific Telephone Kenneth Fredericks Kenneth Fredericks Gertrude Boothe Stove Pipe Wells Village Proud Bird Restaurant



2.67 56.11 22.00 354.50 225.00 90.00 9.90 37.28 31.50 88.00 50.00 324.00


mem 0l i-ers-p

1912J4. Pacific Coast Ewy., Ealibu 90265, 14-56-3505 *62 356B 890 Cp 3300 Kelbumn Ave., Rosemead 91770, 280-1792 ’58 356A Cp. 8909 Nevada Ave., Canoga Park 91304, 887-6322 ’68 912 Cp. 202 S. Lake Ave., Pasadena 91101, 684-2401 ’70 911T Targa 1732 Via Boronda, Palos Verdes 90274, 373-1810 ’54 356 Cp.

38422 37th St. E., ~almdale 93550 P.O. Box 2853, San Rafael 94902 23442-C Anza Ave., Torrance 90505

From Southern Arizona Region From Redwood Region From Northern Ohio Region

12823 E. Beverly Blvd., Whittier 90601 .4501 Canoga Dr., Woodland Hills 91364 400 0nda, Newport Beach 92660

Lock your Porsche.

Headcount is about 241.

Put aPCA emblem on your Porscbe


NEW GIFT IDEA: LOS ANGELES REGION CAR BADGES, abeauti~l 3~ inch diameter, fou.P eeler enamel plaque in the design of a mag Wheel made by E~nie 0zsvath. Exclusive and limited production - $15.00 each, including tax. Phone E~nle at 796-3878. P0R SALE: Judson Magneto Coil, new- $25.00, fits all cars. Paul Beam 805/948-2~84. 911S EXHAUST HEADERS, stock without heater boxes, make offer. PENNZOIL 30wt, 12qts. re ..~lls~, 8 qts. racing, fair price. Misc. 911 parts. Nick F~lesen 481-5571 days~

283 7471 n hts.

FACTOHY MANUAL for 356 B & C, new - $35.00. Bill Rolke 966-2846 in Covlna. CUSTOM MADE WIDE RIMS - 7 in. for 911~s, 6 in. for 356~s - Painted or chrome. NEW in box - Bosch Quartz Iodine Headllghts for 911~s. Call Ralph Boothe 696-0866. MOTOR & TRANS. ~m 1971 91~-4, 32,000 miles, very good shape, serviced by AePo P/A

$500.00, call Geemo - 672-1196 or 938-0042.

’63 356B and ’64 356C, metal flake paint Jobs, AM/FM, eve~ythlng works, 372-8307. 911 Bu~sch muffler - $40.00, mall Ron Ramage 461-31;!~ days, 374-6888 evenings. 1971 911S Ta~ga - mmtalic gold, 22,000 mi., Reca~o seats, FM stereo with tape deck; ca~ is lowered and is still on warranty. Call Bob V~n Horn 655-4900 days, at h~ae

etcetera ’


























¯ 70 65 55 55



160 150 130 ll0


140 130 100 I00


75 45 40 35








CO~.WELL, ~.


~0 50 .45.


40 35 35





90 90 90


70 60 50


70 60 60




60 40 16




2~ 25 20




ZIESENHENNE 35 KUEBLER, 0. 30 KR~OLD 30 Points ~me aw~ded as follows: PARTI 0I PATI 0~ Attend meeting Enter event Chair event Co-chalr event

Work on event (per day) Write article Help with Porscherama

5 15 100 50


00MPETI TI ON First place I00 Second place ~hird place Fourth place





25 I0

. . . Tenth place


90 80 70

. ~0

Points are given for participation and cc~petition in PCA-LA Region events only. Board members and spouses are not eligible for participation points or awards.

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