~L%IL TO: DYANNE POTTS. 4917 ZAKON RD. TORRANCE, CA. 90505. 213 373-2562 ................. Hello Santa Potts, enclosed is a check for $ to reserve a spot at the dinner table for
name address eve phone
............................ tear out and mail now .......................................
It’s getting close to the end of the year, in one way it seems like "already?", and in another way it seems "At Last.’". Those 400 some odd members who have never been president have no way of knowing what the position is like. Because we ran a tight and controlled event at Riverside we became known over the weekend as the Gestapo.. What ya gonna do? Things went well, uoone hit the wall thru turn 9, no one rolled, timing went off well. Imagine what it’s like to be chairman for an event where cars are going between 110 & 130 MPH and there are 158 of the little devils. You gotta pull the reins tight sometimes. I asked for an opinion early this year about the attitude of the membership toward Zone 8 competition series and haven’t much response. Last weekend 21 cars turned out to run a little low pressure rallye to Big Bear while 39 from LA went to Riverside for a do-or-die to win a trophy. Trophies are neat to have but are they worth the effort that some put in’ to win one. Maybe I’m different but I’ve always entered an event to enjoy myself or put on an event because I enjoyed the friendship and comradery that the atmosphere provoked. I have only seen this atmosphere prevail ~n Zone 8 Rallyes, certainly not in Time Trials and unfortunately not iu Concours either. I hope many many people turn out for the LA only Slalom in November. I quite honestly am tired of trying to pump people up to something that they just don’t have the desire to do. This month a letter was published in the POC Newsletter from a lady who moved away but was and still is very active in the club. The letter tells about a one day DRIVer’S SCHOOL at Sears Point, a PCA event that had uo cla~ses or trophies or cheaters or gripes but one heck of a lot of driving a~d learning. There was no long wait after only half of the day had gone by sitting in line to be timed so tha~ the $30.00 entry fee and the $28.00 hotel room and the $250. race tires and so forth could be rewarded with a $i0.00 trophy. Our society is ego blowing enough. Why must we publish a list that shows "last in class" or "slowest time of day". I hope someone in the LA Region reads this letter and makes a co~eut pro or con about its message (please don’t critize the grammar). At the October meeting a slate of candidates will be presented to the board and nominations are asked from the members present. Please don’t be silent when this happens. It is up to the members to govern the direction of the club and this is the time to do it. We have had a successful year to date, but without 2 or 3 key people it wouldn’t have happened. My suggestions are these: don’t gripe, rather suggest atleruatives, don’t look for a scapegoat but for a positive feature, talk to people about what you can do rather than to tell them what it wrong. Get my point. The board of directors are only people, like yourself, who Work all day and then try to manage a 400 member club in their spare time. Be tolerant. The princess will strike again on 27 Dec. try and be there to make it happen.
Dove (Dianne), 5301 Debater Ave #3, Bakersfield, 805 831-1974 ’67 912 Coupe Laurel Oplatka, 1253 West~ate Ave #5, W.L.A., ’6i 356B Coupe A1 Butkus, 2513 M~_-hattan Awe, l~mmhattan Beach, 90266 545-7244 ’72 911T Coupe Daniel Ziesler, 655 Deep Yalley ~r.#30~, Rolling Hills Estates, 90274 ’74 911S Targa Patrick Kurihara, 512 S. Im~ian ~Ii #204, Claremont 91Tll, 6~I-4355, ’74 911 Targa Alan Mittelman, 5160 Venlee Blvd., L.A. 90019, 937-2330, ’73 911T Targa Gene Rafanelli, Rt 5, Box 710, B~ne, N.C. 28607 (704)262-1479 (Judith) ’68 911L Coupe Stephen Cuthbert, (Patricia), 215 B Nicholson Ave, Monterey Pk, 91754 ’58 356A Coupe
I’d like to welcome all the new members and hope none of them are competitive in Class A ’cause I don’t need the competition, but anyhow I also hope that they all come to the membership m~etln~s at the Marina, I’m the tall, dark and handsome stranger at the door ........... Jose Ochoa, membership.
~er devourin~ several pounds of barbequed hotdogs, everyone made their way to the bar for drinks. The meeting was then opened by president Ron Ramage at 8:35 PM at which time he welcomed new members and guests. Board reports were as follows: Vice Pres Kurt Schweickhard in charge of entertainment for all meetings announced that an African rally film will be shuwn at the next meeting. He also said the trophys for the PCA/POC Slalom will be awarded. Treasurer Ken Grace reported a bank balance of $6020. before the expenses for Riverside which, incidentally, was a profitable event. Tech Chairman John Williamson announced a tech meetin~ Sept 24th. He paid compliments to Rick Potts and Don Colwell for their success in running the Riverside Raceway ~vent. Publicity Director Jack Di~osario thanked Ron Ramage for doing the publicity for Riverside. Membership Chairman Jose Ochoa announced that the dues increase is now in effect at the new rate is $24.00/year. Ron said that we’ve been so pre-occupled with Riverside that 1976 nomination of new officers will be delayed one month. Nominations will be taken from the membership at the Oct meeting when a slate of contestants will also be presented to the members. Activities chairman Rick Potts read a llst of the POC/PCA Slalom winners. He announced forthcoming events and asked if anyone knew a place where the slalom in November could be held. Any large parking lot will do. There was an excellent slide presentation of the Riverside Time Trials taken by various members. Everyone seemed tolike themselves on the screen. Respectfully submitted, Geri Boothe, secretary.
~ Have you been waiting for the swap meet to find that particular part that you need for ~ your 51 Cabriolet aluminum special signature edition Porsche? Well, this might be the place to find it. SAN DIEGO REGION of PCA presents 2nd annual SWAP ME~T ’d PORSCHE, on Sunday November 2nd, at AL~/~ JOHNSON Porsche/Audi in San Diego. Seller’s fee is $2.00 and buyer’s fee is free. (Take something along to trade). 9:00 AM at Rosecrans and Sports Arena Blvd. for iufo: Tom Hauser 714 272-9022
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDA~ 8:00 - 5:00 (213) 469-2289
These pages are devoted to Riverside. Class A J.Ochoa LA 120.04 * D. Jackson LA 121.40 * GJ~’~hitelock SD 123.03 A.Jackson LA DNR Class B R.Schooley SD 114.70 ~ J,Boucher SB 114.81 * R.Kerner SB 115.65 D.Relph RR 117.61 H.Watanabe OC 118.10 Class C W.Baker SD 113.59 ~ B.Bombeau POC 115.~2 ¯ Q.Williams LA 115.88 J.Horuer SD 117.75 M.Duncan S~iR 120.39 E.Bode LA 124.50 Class D L.Romer SAR 113.38 * J.Miller SB 115.31 * P.Zarcades SD 116.77 J.’~,~itkowski ~tRIZ 117.46 R.Wagner LA 121.90 Class E C.Cunningham SB 110.99 * G.Hart SAR 112.03 * P.Zimmerman LA 115.15 Class F J.Gamble SAR 105.00 * W.Doyle SAR 107.09 * D.Shoemaker OC 108.60 ¯ K.Schaad SAR 110.11 * B .Brewster 112.11 K.Schweick. LA 112.44 S.Wang LA 112.84 S.Marchese POC 113.08 P.Edwards LA DNF J.Sturm SD D~R P .See POC DNR Class G P.McQuillen POC 106.02 ¯ B.Douglas LA 107.40 * E.Schuman 0C 108.15 * R.Ryan 110.12 ¯ K. Schuman OC 110.29 R.Sidell-Fish SiR I~ 2.62 M.Fellows LA D~ T.Loftus D~,~ B.Randle LA DI~ R. Swayden POC DNR ~ G.Arnett POC DI,~R Class P Z.Yates SB 121.71 ¯ T.Gould OC 131.80 ¯ B.Leflang LA 135.08 B .Bohn LA D~,!R
Starting with the participants. Class H !.i.L~ammond RR 102.43 * L. Hurty SD 103.41 P.Riley LV 106.08 Class J ~,~.Ober SB 120.77 * R.Hartin SB 115.59 ~ J.L~f!ang LA 120.16 * J..~-lauhart SD 119.84 ,9.Berzsenyi POC 121.62 P~.f~erzog SD 135.39 ][.[Iurley SD K.oell _ Class CP T.~,larx POC 102.13 ¯ J.Ramos SD 102.30 ~ ll.Roth~an LA 103.25 F. Greenfield LA 106.39 Class EP T.Tullius Jr OC 101.51 * D. Anderson SD Class L4 S.Grig~s SB 122.06 ¯ i~i.Laumann S~ 123.03 * C.Briggs SD 127.98 ~ J.Vaughn SD 129.99 ~ G.Boykin LA 130.18 L.Smith LA 127.57 D.Uphoff POC 120.95 M.Miller SB 133.70 D.Chaehula LA 139.68 H.Felo LA 148.95 P.Spittler DNR Class L6 J.Endler RR 1~9.27 * R.Cunningham SB 127.10 ¯ S.Becker CH 133.36 ~ C.Auderson LA 123.54 B.Hauhart SD 135.00 J.Ryburg LA DNR K.Randle LA D~ Class M B.Riddle LA 104.61 ¯ F.Trueman OC 112.91 * Bob McCalla LA 117.85 D. Goodell SD 119.78 A.Uphoff POC D~ M.Livingston POC DNR Class N C.Johnson SD 106.51 * T.Tullius OC 106.73 ~ S. Springer SD 111.78 J.Uphoff POC DNR Class R B.Shaffer SD 117.99 ~ A.Bauman RR 121.42 ¯ D.Silsbee SiR 124.27 ~ D. Haney LV 124.47 R.Vessels OC 123.59 J.Allston ARIZ 127.95 R. Coyne OC 129.14 J. B oykin LA DNR
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Class S
D.Rover ARIZ 121.35 R.’.~ondorp ARIZ 122.00 L.Scruggs Jr ~R 122.08 M. Vaughn SD 127.47 R.Kanta SB 134.20 D.ic Intyre OC DNE N. LaForte SD D~ Class T J.Williamson LA 115.14 P.Haas SD 115.81 J. Sink LA 123.56 J.$oria SB 124.72 R.Smith POC 126.61 S.Spittler 131.92 W.~ush LA 132.73 Class U H.Bales SD 118.22 H. Oaks 121.33 L.Rice OC 122.35 J. ~-iarks 123.18 T.Kennedy ~IZ 123.53 R. Gibson 131.64 B.Plagge SD 131.64 Class Z O.Thwing SD 102.99 hLFranklin SAR 109.05 A.Latkowsk7 SAR 113.41 Dhq~ V.Covert LA
Class V
S.Michaelson LA 114.82 * P.Siripan 116.10 * * T.Hauseur Jr SD 116.10 * T.Mumford 117.49 * R.Neufeld RR 119.46 J. Fels LA 120.02 B .Misevic SB 120.55 * M.Leonetti OC 124.19 * Lee DeCapua OC 125.90 * R. Jones 128.81 Class W S.Whyte POC 111.87 * R.Ramage LA 114.59 * J.DiRosario LA 117.21 * V.Todaro SD 119.92 * B.Maashoff LA 119.92 M. Levitt LA 124.02 * H.Roth SD 124.21 L.Koch LA D~’~ Class X B.Barnes SD 9’;.34 * D.Kravig RR 97.30 * J.Bond Jr SD 103.24 * T.Sutowski SD * ~.~.Thompson ~L3rennan Jr D~ ;~.Verbiesen P0C D~’~ Class EX B.Yates 91.79 A.Johnson SD 92.35 Next we’ll hear from the people who planned and worked the whole thing out. "I want to say thanks to the 156 people who registered for Riverside. Your cooperation and patience are really appreciated. A special super fantastic thank you to Dyanne Potts, Madeline Johnson, Carol Edwards and Eileen Koch for their help during reg and timing. ’.’:ithout you wonderful people, I’d have bleeding ulsers, grey hair and a nervous breakdown. Also a special thanks to Curt Keubler, Bill, John and ~velyu LeFlang for the most effecient timing ever. Everyone please join with me in giving these people a standing ovation." Teri Colwell *
P.S. Reg classes will be forming soon, see me. "My thanks to everyone who worked the Riverside event, especially Rick Potts and Don Colwell, Teri Colwell, Pete Zimmerman and Nick Friesen, Keith George (who’s not even a member), Tim and ~hureen Hunter, Jose and Lark, Curt Kuebler and Bill Leflang, Teddy Fels, Roger Wagner, Jack DiRosario, [,/anne Potts and everyone who had a hand in the whole thing." Tore Johnson .
On the fifth of October the president of this club sent 21 Porsches with inhabitants off into the mountains armed with 2 sheets of instructions. The first sheet said you must pay ’~i and then guess the mileage that you anticipated getting in your Porsche on a trip that would end at Big Bear Lake. After leaving that guess with the chairman, you were to leave only to arrive at some obscure intersection in the mountains at a oredetermined time. Early or late arrival time would give you an error that would be ~ounted against you. However, you weren’t just to drive there. Uoon arrivin~ you were to show oroof that you had visited a winery in Guasti or Cucamonga (b~eath tests didn’t count), you~had to know the street address of the Ontario Airport, a brochure from the Arboratem in Arcadia, a copy of the. San Gabriel Tribune Sunday funnies and know the posted oooulation of San Bernardino. ¯ Upon arriving we were instructed to fill our tanks and record milea.ues and ~allons. After that we went to Gold Mine near Moonri.dze where the local natives were having an OKTOB~RFEST celebration. Well we all showed our skills at the fair booths. If Harty Traxler ever throws a pie at you don’t worry, he’ll never hit you, or Jorge Juarez or Ralph Arredondo couldn’t hit you with a cork gun if there chain tensioner depended on it (not to mention the event chairman). The Oktoberfest looked fun but there were so many Germans there that you couldn’t tell what was going on. The Colwells made the trio in there 14 FOR 4, I think he raced his dad and morn all the way there (don’t know who won)] Bobby from Porschoo made the trio in her pretend Porsche. Pete Zimmerman enjoyed the Ritter Bier (~..~hatever ti~at is). A lot of new faces, but some people still had their same old ones. Phe winner of the day ?
You guessed it, the Duscketts (how do they do it ?).
THE PORSCHE MARQUE A 100% virgin wool, tufted tapistry, hand crafted to order exclusively for Porsche owners. This exceptionally high quality wall hanging will be an exquisite addition for your trophy room. library or study. Created in the high quality that is Porsche. In order that only Porsche owners purchase these wall hangings, you must send us your vehicle serial number with your order. These tufted tapistr-~ regularly sell for $75.00. We are offerring them to PCA members for a limited time for only $60.00.
Please send your check, serial number Approx. size: 3 x 2 ft. Alloy 6 weeks for delivery. Thank you Sheya 11040 Magnolia Blvd., N. Hollywood, Ca. 91601
Questions: Tom 762-3510
STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS July I, 1975 to September 30, 1975 Cash on hand, July 1, 1975 $1203.11 RECEIPTS: Regional dues $ ~85~00 Merchandise sold 62.00 Event receipts: Beach party/rallye $ 36.00 Willow Springs 25.00 Challenge cup slalom 579.88 ¯ Riverside .3853.00 4493.88 Porscherama advertising 50.00 Other receipts 451.00 Total receipts 5541.88 Total cash to be accounted for DISBURSEMENTS: ~ Santa Anita concours $ 57.00 Riverside 1038.01 Porscherama 281.79 Challenge cup slalom 65.52 Meeting expense 74.04 1975 Christmas party (band deposit) 50.00 Total disbursements $1581.36 Cash on hand, September 30, 1975 .5163.63 Total cash to be accounted for
Respectfully submitted, Ken Grace, PCA-LA Treasurer
’61 Cabriolet, Karman body, restored 1600 Super, white w/ red interior 47,000 Miles - $4500 ......... Tommy Farrell 213 784-5676 ’60 Porsche 1600 normal coupe, original type car w/ 90% original paint, complete original interior and even same tires, 28,000 Miles, white w/ red interior, one owner since delivery new at Stuttgart in Oct ’59 .... make offer .... Ron Maylin, 213 553-4441 / 273-6865 ’52 Porsche coupe, needs some restoration - best offer over $2500.00... Michael Frumkin, 213 997-0966 5521½ Tilden, Van Nuys, Ca. ROAD & TRACK, 5 Year subscription, Bill Leflang 213 794-5277
4 - 22.5 x 17.5 x 15 Goodyear Racing tires w/ new Caldwell Recaps on 914-4 5½" wheels. Also 6 spacers for 914 or 911 wheels. ~175.O0 complete, Don Colwell, Jr. 213 881-4319 evenings. ’54 356 Coupe, completely restored to Coucours’, blue lacquer, black interior, divorce forces sale, best offer over $4200.00 .... Rich Tilden 213 621-3139 days, 795-5050 eves.
’65 356C Coupe, Concours, black/black interior, 60,000 mi., same mechanic since new. Mint throughout, all stock except Abarth muffler. 10 chrome wheels, for street new XAS on 5~ , for show X on 43" Ist or 2rid every show entered. Last 60 days wins at 14th Porscherama, I@NJR-PCA and New Hope (largest show in East). References available, delivery arrangements possible. Consider offers over $8500.. Alan Singer, Thosmor Rd, Bedminster, N.J., 07921 201 234-0649 evenings.
1 pr. front Koni externally adjustable shocks..~150.O0, I Burch Racing exhaust system...$30.00, 2 Bell/Bell Star helmets (white)..$60.00, I 911 rollbar..$75.00, 4 7"x15 steel wheels w/2~.5 x 11.5 GoodYear Blue Streak Tires 3/4 tread left...~250.O0, I auto trailer complete..$1000.O0, or $1500 for all...Bob Clark 714 784-3891
i set 906 Carrera brakes,alloy calipers & rotors, cross drilled rear rotors & w/ complete emergency brake, fits 356C and 911...$300., 911S front oil cooler $100.00, 911 heads..$75.ea., 911 cam housings..$125.ea., early 911 chain housings..$1OO.pr., mech. chain tensioner & 911 oil pumps. 911 Carrera fiberglass body components, whale tail, late front & rear bumpers, hood, doors & 4 fender flares. Gil Rios,.. 213 545-5268
2 8" Porsche alloy wheels, new or used but in perfect condition, also need full set of 356A bumpers preferrably 58, also I Speedster seat in any condition... Ron Ramage 213 461-3144.