Porscherama 1984 June

Page 1



Are you ready PCA/LA? In 1984 PCA/LA plans to host the 28th Annual Porsche Parade. A bid has been submitted to National, a Chairman has been appointed [yours truly] and the Parade Committee is being formed. There is much work to be done in preparation for the Parade and, even though 1984 seems a long way off, we must start now. Since the Southern California area is such a hotbed of Porschephiles, we could expect any Parade in the area to be well-attended. But, then add in the excitement that will be generated with the 1984 Olympics in L.A. and you have the potential for explosive enthusiasm [as well as an exciting Parade]. There are so many attractions and things to do in our area that one of our major tasks will be in keeping the number of activities associated with the Parade to the most enjoyable few that can be fit into the Parade schedule.

The theme for the Parade will be the Olympics, and some people are already calling it the "L.A. Olympic Porsche Parade." The Parade logo emphasized the Olympics connection, and trophies and awards will continue with the Olympics theme idea. The Olympics also turn out to be one of our biggest problems, since many facilities large enough to handle the 1,500+ people are already being reserved for the Olympics activities. Our solution to this problem is twofold; the first part is to schedule the Parade immediately, before or after the Olympics; the second, and most important, is to obtain a commitment from PCA National as soon as possible to allow us to reserve the space we need. We have tentative dates promised to us -- now all we need is the go-ahead from National. [continued p. 5]

Board Of Directors


PRESIDENT Judd Boykin ..................................... days 550-3805 eves 788-4182

PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with tl~e club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America.

VICE PRESIDENT Jerry Pennington ............................... eves 822-5475 SECRETARY Carmela Tellez ................................. eves 362-3801 TREASURER Dustin Janes.


Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later.than the 1st of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis.

..... days 476-4732

ACTIVITIES Sam Wang ................................ eves [7141831-3799 Ken Ito [Concours] ............................ eves 937-808! Bill LeFlang [Rally] ............................. eves 794-5277 Jan Winthrop [Speed] ....................... eves 325-3433 TECH John Fels ........................................... eves 476-4755 MEMBERSHIP Bob Housman ................................... eves 990-2869 EDITORS Connie Fern ...................................... days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki ................................... eves 398-1963 Ann Wang ........................................ days 393-0411 CHAIRMAN OF BOARD John Williamson ............................... days 391-7118

PCA-LA At A Glance PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating [and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.

Subscriptions PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $12 per year. Send requests to 1911 Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA.

Statements appearing in PO,RSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.

Moving ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us, care of Ann Wang, 12222 Montana, LA 90049.

Ad Rates ADVERTISING RATES [Effective Feb. I, 1981] Size of Ad



Back Cover [I/2) Full Page I/2 Page t/3 Page I/4 Page I/6 Page Business Card

$100.00 65.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 25.00

$800.00 750.00 400.00 325.00 275.00 250.00 180.00

PCA HOTLINE 398-2217

3 Have you ever wanted to see how your Porsche would do in direct competition with sport cars of other makes? This is the year you will have your chance, September 12 and 13 at Riverside International Raceway is the place. In conjunction with POC we will be hosting a non-Zone 8 time trial which will include entrants from both the Pantera and Ferrari Clubs. Trophies will be provided for PCA entrants in Porsche classes as well as additional trophies for the overall competition between the marques. The event will be fairly low cost [$40-$50 range], provide excellent driver instruction as well as giving you the opportunity to compete with other makes. There will be a 150 car limit which will be reached rapidly so watch the newsletter for the entry blanks. Send them in early to avoid disappointment. This will be a great warm-up for our October 10-I I Zone 8 Time Trial at Riverside. How come Jan Winthrop never brings home any fish from his "fishing trips"?

Our swap meet/bake sale was a success, considering that we were competing with Los Alamitos. We had a lot of fun anyway. Thanks to everyone who contributed food, including Linda Akita, Sara Pennington, Lark, Chris, Bob Housman, and Jack Leonard who was our "chief hot dog cook." A big thank you to Ann Kennedy and the Grandview School for allowing us to use their parking lot. Cindy managed the Goodie Store and wants to extend a special thanks to !~obin Wing for giving so much "support." On the subject of the newsletter, our bulk mailing seems to be getting better each month, with some members reporting they get the newsletter just two days after we mail it. We are very grateful to Virginia Kerns of the Inglewood P.O. for all her help and also to Pam in the Malibu P.O. For those of you who like the newsletter and want to know about how it’s put together, we are planning a PORSCHERAMA WORKSHOP for the afternoon of July 1 I. We’ll cover everything from the "tools of the trade" to actually putting the paper together for the printer. We hope a lot of people will come, just so you can see it’s really a fun job.


450-Y4 4 ~|


y //


repair and maintenance of Porsche automobiles

720 Colorado Avenue Santa Monica, California 90401 s~ec,~.,,n~ .n Po,,che and VW M~ch~o~0~


CALENDAR CHANGES: Instead of the Zone 8 time trial scheduled for October I0-I I at Riverside, we’re planning a 4-club time trial at the same track to include PCA, POC and the Ferrari and Pantera clubs. The One-Day Willow on October 24 has been cancelled to be replaced sometime in December by a two-day event at Willow. The July tech meeting has been changed to the 25th [Saturday] to be held at Norris Rayburn Design Engineering [more in John’s column next month] we want to thank everybody for their articles, including Sara, Bob Housman, Howard Rodgers, and Lee Burton. Keep ’em coming. Finally, we’re sending out our advertising bills this month, Once again we’d like to thank all those people who support us through ads, and to encourage any members who have a business or a friend who might like to advertise, to get in touch with us. We’re also looking for an advertising manager who can help us seek out new advertisers as well as keeping in touch with ones we have. Anybody interested? That’s all for this month.




ConnieLark’nAnn (213) 794-8402


Hello Fellow Porsche Pushers!


Here is what’s been happening with PCA/LA-On April 16th we had our General Membership Meeting at the Yacht Club. Judd called the meeting to order at 8:15 p.m. and the officers’ reports followed. There was a special presentation of a 20 Year Membership Certificate for Nick and Cece Friesen - Congratulations. A quick rundown on the work being done on the 1984 Parade Bid followed. It was noted that our bid had been sent to National and that they were very impressed by it. At the April Ist Board Meeting, the Board Members present, discussed, voted and passed the motion to elect Bob Housman [PCA/LA Membership Chairman] Chairman of the 1984 Parade. Bob has done all thofootwork necessary to get a good Parade Bid put together and we’d like to thank him [and his wife "George" for her patience] on a job well done. But, it’s not over, tentative committees are being formed at thqs time, so if any of you are interested in helping out on a committee - see Bob. Our April Swap Meet and Bake Sale cleared about $250. We had a poor turnout [possibly due to our coinciding with an event at Los Alamitos] but, never fear, we will try again October. The April Concours was a huge success. We had beautiful, warm weather and lots of beautiful cars. A special thanks to Event Chairman Ken Ito and Co-chairman Jerry Pennington for a job well done and to all those hard workers who kept everything going smoothly. Thanks also to our sponsor DownTown LA Porsche/Audi for supporting this event. April 22nd saw another great tech session arranged by John Fels at Pete Zimmermann’s shop Red Line. Jose Ochoa [Porschop] showed all interested some home maintenance on a 356, while Jan Bieren [Porschop] did the same for we 911 owners. We learned quite a bit, I am now prepared to change my oil, check the wheel bearings, know where to adjust my clutch, and God help me if I lose the notes I took! Thanks to Pete for letting us descend on his shop and Jose and Jan for their expertise and time in showing us some good preventive maintenance.

To those of you who kindly offered assistance in revising the PCA/LA bylaws, don’t despair; I haven’t forgotten you. I haven’t forgotten the task either; I’ve just been putting it off. But the time has come to move into action. I have made one pass through our current bylaws, and with the help of the board, I have some ideas that I would like all of you to think about. Right now the Chairman of the Board is the past president and a voting board member. But for the past several years, the chairmanship has been a superfluous job, We would like to abolish the position of chairman and instead make the past President a non-voting member of the board [Judd doesn’t like this one!] who will be encouraged to continue his participation. We are also considering the pros and cons of lengthening the term of office for all board members to two years and staggering the terms so that the board would always have some older and more experienced members. Both of these ideas were suggested as possible ways to gain some continuity in the board from year to year. It usually takes three to four months for a board to really settle into the job and then it’s only a couple more months before a nominating committee is formed to find new people to take over. That means a lot of wasted time and energy. The plan we discussed would allow the board to retain some experienced members while taking in new ones. We also thought this would be important, considering our bid for the 1984 Parade. Whatever your feelings about these ideas, I would like to hear them, And any other suggestions you may have. I’ll be having a meeting at my house toward the end of May to hash out a final draft of the bylaws for board consideration in June. If you would like to be notified when I finally set a date, please call me at 393-0411 during the day. Ann Wang 1__



[Mi[HELII~I ’X--’] ~’I~:MI~:illl"

Till next month ....







(~13| |118,-1104.677-8112 27




5 This has been a super-active month in the Membership Corner, with the most new members [15] to join in a one-month period this year. Additionally, we had a very high renewal rate [37 members]. All of this must mean that something is going right in club this year. By the time you read this, the second New Member Meeting will have been held and hopefully it will have been as successful as previous ones. Let’s welcome the new members for this month .... Mort & Peggy Bauchman Del & Greg Bowman George & Sheila Dresnin Herb Gran Ann & Lisle Kendall Jim Koda Karen Kruger Sean & Deborah McMillan John Parillo Ran Ramsey Robert Schlick Elliot & Ellen Shell Gary Tolfa Harold & Vivian UIIman Dennis Varga

1977 911S Coupe 1975 911S Targa 1980 91SC Targa 1979 928 1979 924 1977 911S Targa 1976 91 IS Coupe 1980 . 928 1966 912 Coupe 1970 91 IT Coupe 1981 928 1974 91 ~ Targa and ~967 9~2 Coupe ~973 9~T ~979 924 and ~97~ 9~4 ~977 930

Let’s also welcome the following transfers: James & Susan Bulgrin Guy Kawasaki Stephen Lui

Chicago Region Orange Coast Orange Coast

FEATURE ARTICLE [continued] The Queen Mary is the proposed Parade Headquarters. The Wrather Hotel chain recently took over the operation of the Queen Mary and is bringing back the class feeling that the ship had when she sailed the route from New York to London. Along with the sprucing up of the Queen Mary, the Spruce Goose [Howard Hughes’ seaplane] will be located next to the Queen Mary as an added attraction. For those who get seasick too easily, additional rooms will be available next door at the Queensway Hilton. The proposed Concours site is the Long Beach Convention Center, the Driving Event at, LAPD Driver’s Training site on Terminal Island, and a Ral~lye into the back country of L.A. and Orange counties. So...there’s an outline of our 1984 Parade proposal. We look forward to any suggestions and/or assistance from Club members, so don’t hesitate to call me. ’Til later .... BOB HOUSMAN


Welcome back to...Nick Friesen...who signed up as a dual member ~ust couldn’t stay away from PC~).

~Y ~UNE I~, I~1 ~~o~

This month, thanks go to Howard Rodgers and Pete Zimmerman for referring new members and constant thanks to Connie Fern for passing on all the inquiries and for waiting patiently for my afficle! ’Til next month.

J ’s Po che Se ce Independ~nl Porsche Se~icing


Po~sche. Audi, BMW-Volkswa~n

...................... ~ ....................... INtRUSiON: 4215 L;ncoln Blvd. * Marina del Rey ¯ 821-7567 ¯ 823-4~3



~--33 7


AUTO SOUND FOR PORSCHES After driving Porsches for the past ten years, I feel that in addition to performance, Porsches are also excellent in terms of auto sound capabilities, Porsches have a smaller interior area that is easier to fill with sound. They have excellent acoustical properties as a result of their normally plush interiors. Also most of the models are usually solid and rattle free so you don’t have a lot of annoying sounds interfering with your stereo. Recent major advances in the field of auto stereo components have led to auto sound systems equaling and exceeding the performance of home hi-fidelity component systems, in this article I would like to give you a few pointers on car stereo basics and tips for your Porsche. Most Porsches have excellent acoustics which is important for good sound. The most common approach to better sound in a Porsche has been your basic car radio with a cassette deck [forget eight tracks] and a booster amp. This was connected to a couple of coaxial speakers. Coaxial speakers are speakers that actually contain two speakers in One. A woofer for bass tones and a tweeter mounted in the center for treble tones. The problem with a coaxial speaker is putting the tweeter inside the woofer causes interference between the two and the sound suffers greatly, Utilizing separate woofers and tweeters is the superior approach, The first step is to get yourself a good quality car radio/tape deck. Because of space limitations here I will just mention the features you should look for: AM/FM stereo, Dolby system for tape, fast forward, rewind, connections for the hook up of a


ALPiNe7307 I AUD~OB~.N ~B-39 I ~,~oo~"~,c.~ ~ I .~ ~,E~UZ~,s~c~,O, ~0~ ~ I ~o~u~ I s~c~?~ s~c~o~ ~ / ~

~ ~w~

~ o~ossow~ ~



Next are the speakers. Here, as I mentioned above, instead of the coaxial approach, recommend the use of separate speaker components. In a late model Porsche 9t I for example, you can get a terrific sounding system and not have to cut any holes in the car. In our installations in 911’s, we put 6t/2" woofers in the doors behind the factory grills [a system in the Porsche should not be very obvious from the outside - the car is tempting enough], tweeters in separate enclosures in the package tray facing upright in front of the armrest [they are virtually invisible], many 91 ISC’s come with a rear factory speaker enclosure, in these we build 4" woofers and tweeters. So, in the 911, we have basically a total of 4 twoway speaker systems and a power amplifier and a equalizer can be added anytime. An equalizer divides the sound into more bands than just bass and treble and gives you more control over the sound. A 928 requires more work and the use of a separate enclosure for the woofers. We match this to the upholstery of the car. It fits nicely in the rear. For future articles I’ll be more specific about what works best in a particular Porsche. Some last bit of advice: have your installation done by a professional and ask to see the work that he has done. Be sure that all the equipment you’ve selected is compatible [many brands are incompatible]. Be wary of the auto sound places whose systems get up into the thousands and load your trunk full of amplifiers and other electric gadgets. Take it from me, it’s not necessary and most "high end" auto stereo places have systems so complex, the sound suffers. I recommend that you familiarize yourself with what is available in components and speakers and check references of installers.



power amp, push buttons to pre-set your stations and separate bass and treble controls. While brands vary in quality, any model that has all of these features is probably decent. You’ll need a power amplifier which hooks directly into your radio/tape unit [bypassing your radio’s amplifier]. This power amplifier should have a honest 20 watts per channel minimum. Most brands of amplifiers ratings today aren’t honest - sometimes they exaggerate by over 100%.



Howard Rodgers

/ ~o~ II ~°~°~°~ I I
















8 ’sunday









JUNE--PCA/LA Board Meeting at 8 p.m. Call John Fels for directions 476-4755 PORSCHERAMA deadline-July Dinner Meeting at 7:30 p.m. Bruno’s Ristorante 3838 Centinela Avenue, Mar Vista Tech Session/Picnic--lO a.m. Briggs Cunningham Museum 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa



Golden Empire Region Zone 8 Rally Columbus Porsche/Audi 1919 Columbus St., Bakersfield Registration: 9 a.m. First Car Off: 10:01 a.m.

Riverside Region Zone Concours Pierre Biane Winery 10013 Eighth Street, Rancho Cucamonga Registration Opens: 8:30 a.m. Judging begins: 11:00 a.m.

27-28 Orange County Region/POC Zone 8 Time Trial Willow Springs Raceway, Rosamond


3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217





PCA/LA Board Meeting PORSCHERAMA deadline-Aug,

50CR Concours School 11 16 18

Info: Felix 7 ~ 4-962-2875 PORSCHERAMA workshop PCA/LA Membership Meeting Zone 8 Rally--LA

25 26 31

PCA/LATech Meeting PORSCHE PARADE--Ashville, N.C. PORSCHERAMA deadline-Sept. Saturday, June 6, 9:00 AM (First car out I0:01) Coffee and donuts will be served



5 PC/~LA Board Meeting

13 15 20

PCA/LA New Member Meeting Zone 8 Rally--Santa Barbara PCA/LA Membership Meeting

s~T LOCATION: Colt~mbus Porsche+Audi 1919 cosT:

$1o.o0, Non P.C.A.



2 PCA/LA Board Meeting 2 PORSCHERAMA deadline-Oct 12-13 Four Club Time Trial Riverside International Raceway 12-13 Zone 8 Concours--Arizona

Ca. 93309

21st Annual

13 ,MSA--LagunaSeca


PCA/LA Membership Meeting Zone 8 Concours--Santa Barbara


ZOlI~ 8




(If you preregister before Iday 30th, the cost will be $8.00, non P.C.A. $i0.00. Make checks payable to: P.C.A. Golden Empire Region and send to: Greg Fuller (805) 832-7097 300 S. ~arnsey Avenue

22-2,3 Vintage Car Races--Laguna Seca

17 27

Col~unbus Street



PCA/LA Board Meeting





7 PORSCHERAMA deadline--Nov .... , ...... 10-11 Zone 8 Time TriaI--LA whe,? 3une 2?th and 28th, 1981 Riverside International Raceway Where? Willow Springs Raceway, Rosamond near Lancaster ~h),? We tola you that might he the last Ontario! Zone 8 Concours--San Diego 11

15 PCA/LA Membership Meeting !7 Zone 8 Rally--Riverside 17-18 Las Vegas Grand Prix 31 PChJLA Swap Meet


~re-~e=~ at Promotion Limited o.~ Sponsort Promotion Lirn~tea,

Jhne 18, 1981 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. ~11 prov~e special prizes ~or Fast

Men and Fast Time of Day, Ladies and other special prizes. Zo

join as

for the

21st A~nual





Jn the




4 PCA/LA Board Meeting 4 PORSCHERAMA deadline--Dec. 7-8 POC Time Trial 11 19

Riverside International Raceway PCA/LA New Member Meeting PCA/LA Membership Meeting



DAYS/EVES (Circle one)





NOVICE (Circle one)





If Known











Brookly~n Ave,





CA 92670

10 POINTS SUMMARY--FIRST QUARTER Mens’ Competition I. 2. 3.

4. 5.


7. 8. 9. 10.

Scott, Len Burton, Lee Ballard, Ken Jackson, Rick Williamson, John Zimmermann, Pete Cushman, Len Meek, Ran Wang, Sam Harbaugh, Chuck Kusior, Robert Nakazaki, Tracy Hess, Fred Mortimer, Rick diRosario, Jack Leffe, Peter Ito, Ken Morrow, Brent

230 120 100 I00 I00 92 90 90 90 80 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 40

Womens’ Competition I. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Scott, Kathy Mortimer, Laurie Bartelle, V Meek, J Ellison, Coralee Burton, Toni Yoka Hess, Rita Jenkins, S Dominquez, Carla Tellez, Carmela Crystal, Cindy

Womens’ Participation I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Pennington, Sara Housman, George Tonius, Nickie Crystal, Cindy Ellison, Coralee Clark, Jan Burton, Toni Dominquez, Carla Wing, Robin Bartelli, V. Bess, Rita Jenkins, S. Mortimer, Laurie Scott, K Yoka Meek, J.

67 31 27 25 19 13 12 11 11 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

The competition points do not include Willow Springs, as the official results have not been received. Carmilla Tellez

I00 I O0 90 90 90 82 70 70 30 20 20 2

Mens’ Participation I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7. 8. 9.


Ballard, Ken Ochoa, Jose Burton, Lee Scott, Len Wheeler, Steve Firth, Martin Zimmermann, Pete Hess, Fred Marks, Cal

42 25 22 20 18 18 17 17 14

356 and 900 series Porsches.

Jackson, Rick Wing, Roger Jenkins, Ham Clark, John Harbaugh, Chuck Hauft, Nell Leffe, Peter Morrow, Brent Fern, Bob

14 13 13 13

for bodies and interior Introducing the " " " pb tweeks line of accessories and apparel for the discriminating Porsche enthusiast.

pb tweeks moves west! Visit our new Long Beach store.

.a treasure " chest of original and reproduction parts for

Featuring many hard to find restoration parts

11 11 11 11 Specializing in original and reproduction parts for the 356 and 900 Porsche.

4001 E Anaheim / Long Beach, CA 90804 / (213) 438-9767

11 PHOENIX TIME TRIAL Thanks to Pete and Karen Zimmermann for their report on the event, A very good turnout from the LA Region with nine competitors showing up to participate on this very fast 2,7 mile road course, With the weather about 900 degrees each day it must have been exhausting, but the very nice and courteous Phoenix people made the eight hour trip worth it all, The little blue rocket, featured on the cover of April’s PORSCHERAMA finished with top time.of the day with a strong win in Class X for Pete, Karen. and the kids, The most recent graduate of the "John Williamson’s School of High Performance Sliding", Coralee, gave another fine performance and along with John won their classes. Bob Truesdale turned in a terrific time wih his 2,2 999T to a class win, Chuck Harbaugh and his friend Keri had a good time with their 994 2,0, Rick Jackson and Dave Erb with their newly,formed Jackson/Erb Racing Team had a lot of fun, and Rick took his class with an excellent time, [Ed. note: 2nd FTD]

Peter Sontag and ELCO

with the endorsement of the PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. cordially invites you to join our SI XTH AN N UAL F=] [] I~ S C H E

’I’IH ’i


~’~,.,. I’,.,,.,.. .. ..,.,

I |YIII AII|I Personally Escorted by Peter Sontag October 1 to October 11 ’ 1981

When the official times are available, we will send them along, Everyone attending this event had a great time,


any questions or requests?

factory INDEPENDENT PORSCHE SERVICE AND REPAIR ¯ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial - Race Specialists

12131 391-7277

ThreeGel PLEASE coNancy Gelco Travel Newell call or Services Drive write to: Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 (800) 328-6200 (OUTSIDE MN) (612) 835-3525 (WITHIN MN) OR call the Treffenmeister, Peter Sontag: 16121 828-2526



12 Activites for June are again varied and numerous. Wednesday, June 3 we will have the monthly Board of Directors meeting at the home of Tech Director John Fels. Call ahead for a good seat at 476-4755. Saturday, June 6 will be Golden Empire Region’s first effort at a Zone 8 Rallye. See elsewhere in this PORSCHERAMA for full details, Our proposed Funkhana [parking lot low-speed gimmick slalom] for June 7 had to be cancelled, The Rose Bowl was out due to "noise regulations" and other possible sites were all booked. We’ll do our best to put something together for later this year, perhaps in Long Beach. The next Sunday, June 14, will see Riverside Region’s Zone 8 Concours. After seeing our own LA Concours’ success, we’ll be ~ounting on a fine show. Details elsewhere in this issue, Thursday, June 18 will be the night for our famous Bruno’s dinner meeting with perhaps the best Italian food in the area. Bruno’s has become a favorite of PCA/LA. We’ll be having a guest speaker and/or film. Be sure to get your reservation early - the place fills up fast! Sunday, June 21 we will have the monthly Tech Meeting at Briggs Cunningham’s Auto Museum in Costa Mesa. John Fels has a nice article with full details, but let me just say this this collection is just fantastic. We’ll see racing Bugattis running, a huge Rolls Royce compression - staffed, the 300 SLR’s desmodromic valves - it’s really neat! And don’t forget the picnic! And, the "piece de resistance" for June, the PCA/POC June Bug Time Trial at Willow Springs. Because of the demise of Ontario Motor Speedway, our clubs will fall back on old reliable Willow. Be sure to pre-register for this event and keep your eyes open for pre-tech dates and locations. If any questions on how to get into this favorite PCA activity, call our Prez-Judd Boykin.

Dieter Schoepflin owner of

LOMITA PORSCHE SERVICE, INC. f"DIRO K. G., "oc.’" Continues 25 years of Quality Workmanship on PORSCHES & MERCEDES (including diesels) from the same 11 year location. He hopes his past and new Porsche & Mercedes frien~is will continue to be satisfied here with Dieter, as always.


Our June 21st Tech meeting is one we have all been looking forward to - a guided tour of the world famous Briggs Cunningham Automotive Museum in Costa Mesa [please see map for details as to how to get there]. We will meet promptly at 10 a.m. and be escorted through the Musuem by the Director-Manager, John Burgess on a personal tour of the facility for members and guests of PCA-LA only. Following the tour we’ll have a picnic next to the Museum. You supply the groceries and the Club will provide beer, wine and soft drinks. Also, next to the Museum is a marvelous tr~ck for watching and racing radiocontrolled cars, Those of us who have such a car should bring them along, and, if we have enough particip, ants, we’ll have some super inter-club competition. We are also planning some other surprises known only to Board members, so the day will be fun and full for everybody. Young people enjoy his Museum especially, so this is the day to bring the family along. For those who are not familiar with the Museum, a bit of history may be in order. Mr. Cunningham, one of the most colorful figures in American sports history, has raced Le Mans in his own designed and manufactured cars I 0 times and skippered the 12 meter yacht "Columbia" to victory in the America’s Cup Races. He started his collection of historic automobiles shortly after the end of World War II. The particular emphasis on the collection is the sport car, but included are many other famous automobiles, among them the fabled Bugatti Type 41 "Royale," one of the largest and most expensive production cars every built, Over 80 cars are now in the collection representing 55 years of automotive production. These cars were selected for their pace-setting roles in the story of automotive engineering and design, included are a Porsche 904GTS, several examples of the Cunningham manufactured cars that raced Le Mans in the 1950~s, some wonderful Bentley’s, Bugatti’s, Dusenbergs, Ferrari’s, Mercedes’ and many others. Famous race cars include two examples of the late Lance Reventlow Scarab raced so successfully in the ’50’s, the "Birdcage" Maserati, the Eagle Formula I car designed and driven by Dan Gurney to victory in Belgium, a Ford GT 40, and Indianapolis "champ-car," "C," "D" , and "E" Jaguar Sports Racers, a factory restored 1933 K-3 M.G., and the incredible 1950 Cisitalia which set the styling trend that is still followed

today, [continued on page ~ 3]

13 1970 914/6: Totally rust-free car that was originally purchased and and has lived its entire life in Las Vegas. Zero miles on 2.2 engine rebuild with piston/cylinder kit, valves, etc. Dash, upholstery, master cylinder and brakes all new. Extras include Scheel seats, 15" mags, front oil cooler, front and rear sway bars, Konis. Car has never been in an accident and had 100% original factory paint, $t 1,000 or will sell with original stock 2.0 engine for $9,000. Carl Young 702-876-7982. 1970 914/6:. Excellent condition, special factory red paint by Walt Stickel in 1979. 24,000 miles on complete engine rebuild with complete suspension restoration and t~n.,e_ 1978. Factory 6" alloys [1976] w/Semperits v-600 s. Rust and damage free, a rare and collectable 914-6. $13,000. Call AI King 916-756-8086.

TECH TALK [continued] Besides the automobile collection, a complete restoration shop can be viewed where all cars have been returned to their original condition. There is also a complete library, art collection and other automotive related subjects including several famous engines on display stands. The Museum’s display area in this 40,000 square foot building is arranged to allow full public viewing of each car. One may walk around each car and fully appreciate its beauty, All cars are in working order and several engines will be started for our visit by our host, John Burgess, who is familiar with every detail of each car and will be available to answer any questions you might have.

!972 914: Rebuilt 2.0 litre engine with dual ~Vebers, new Riviera mags, battery, Konis, C.V. joints and fresh gold paint. Zero rust car just brought out of three years of storage with major service on brakes, bearings, etc. Super nice car. $5,250. Carl Young 702-876-7982.



1976 912E: White/Lobster, A/C, alloys, stereo ~assette, 69,000 miles, Ziebart, $13,000, OBO. Call Stu Watson 213-551-3225 days; 213-378-6082 eves. N~early completed conversion of ’69 91 IT to Carrera body configuration with flares, whale tail, spoiler, polished mags, dual oil coolers. Price negotiable. Carl Young 702-876-7982. 924 Bra: Never been used. $35. Call eves 213-362-3801 Carmela. MISC. PORSCHE PARTS: 4 7x15 American Mag wheels for Porsche [5 bolt] w/lug nuts w/mounted 23x8.5x15 gumballs r-8 compound w/1 event on tires. Excellent condition. $400 complete.,, I pr. stock 911 frt. torsion bars I pr. stock 911 rear torsion bars I pr. stock 911sfrt. & rear sway bars All from 1970 $150 I stock [1967] 912 oil temp gauge w/sender unit. Make offer 1pr. stock 914-6 frt. torsion bars $50 pr. I pr. 914-6 [stock] cams $200 pr. I stock 911 deck lid [metal] from ’70 "S" $100 I set [6] Weber Velocity stack covers plastic $5 set. I stock 911 S [2.2] crank - I journal bad and slightly bent but repairable. $150 OBO Contact: Leland Hurty [7141492-8360. Removable hardtol~, for ’63 Cab. Headliner intact; good condition. Best offer. Call Harry Robertson [2131427-7106 or 592-2360. Becker Mexico radi~ AM/FM stereo cassette from ’79 911SC - perfect. Cost $800 sac. $400/0B0. Don eves [2131998-4957.


. ~0 ,0 o~ !~~~o~.]i

The 356 Registry, a Porsche Club, dedicated to the maintenance and perpetuation of the 356 model type, is holding it’s annual West Coast Holiday at Lake Tahoe on July9-12. A group of 356 owners will be touring up U.S. 395 to Tahoe on Friday, July 9th. They would like to invite anyone who owns a 356 to join them. For more details about the trip up and the weekend in general, call Felix Macaluso [7141962-2875.



Sandy Sigoloff David Louzek



316.7 310,6

Norman Wykes Robin Wing Grief Snyder


C2 C2 C2

322. I 304.8 301.6

David Walker




Ron & Susan Armour Ron & DeDe Hughes


C6 C6

315.5 258.0

John Cesareo Cecil & Mary O’Brien Pat Scanlon AI & Candy Barnhart H.A. Klabunde Michael Grady Richard Bietcher Herb Strickstein


$I $I $I $I $I $I SI SI

240.5 229.9 229.3 228.3 220.3 218.7 184.4 178.6

Don & FIo Washburn Dirk Layer Ron Ramage


$2 $2 $2

229.2 222.2 209.8

Don & Kathy Nielsen John & Jan Clark Sandy Kunza Cal Marks Bud Anderson Dustin Janes Randy Evitts


$3 $3 $3 $3 $3 S3 $3

244.0 234.6 230.4 215.8 198,8 195.0 189.5






Judd Boykin/Connie Fern LA



Bob Wood Fred Hess Sara Pennington Paul Takakjian Robert Shadur


125.9 120,7 119.1 114.3 104.7


OVERALL WINNERS: CONCOUR DIVISION: Norman Wykes 1966 911 STREET DIVISION: Don & Kathy Nielsen 1979 91 ISC

,’ ---~- -


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