Porscherama 1980 August

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Porscherama AUGUST 80

THE BOARD PRESIDENT John Williamson .................. days 391-7118 VICE PRESIDENT days 550-3805 Judd Boykin ...................... eves 788-4182 SECRETARY Pete Zimmermann .................. days 450-7414 TREASURER Jerry Pennington ...................... 822-5475 ACTIVITIES days 820-2551 Mickey Harris .................... eves 476-4753 TECHNICAL Jose Ochoa ....................... days 398-2217 MEMBERSHIP days 393-0411 Ann Wang ......................... eves 826-9628 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dave Stephens .................... days 540-7752 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Burt Misevic .................... ’(805) 482-7076 PORSCHERAMA EDITORIAL BOARD CoBnie Fern (Advertising) ........ days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki (Calendar) .............. 398-1963 Send correspondence (For Sale ads, articles, etc.) to: PORSCHERAMA 12222 Montana Avenue Los Angeles 90049

editor’s notes ~e’re ~till at it and getting better every month, don’t you th~nk? (That’s a hint for a little praise -- we thr~ve on it). Connie says we can also take the criticism (Lark and Ann aren’t so sure). We have changed our product~.on night to the Sunday following the ~Sth o~ each month. That way we have time ho organize all the things we need to include in the newsletter, and working on a Sunday proves to be better than trying to crank this o~,t o~-, ~ ~e~’knight (it also gives Connie more time to prepare a big dinner for us~ this ~s hard work and we get hungry). If there are any other hungry people out there who would l~ke to pitch in and help us, please give us a call (our phone numbers are on the it, side cover). Than~s to Doralyn Harris and Sara Pennlngton for contributing articles this month. We’d love to hear from more of you. See Lark’s WANTED article! it might get you enthused about writing something for us. The more people involved in creating POR$CHERA~, the more it represents the whole club, and the more fun it is for everyone. August is traditionally a slow month, what with Parade and the Monterey Weekend taking so many members out of town. Buh we have planned a hot dog BBQ for our membership meeting this month. PLEASE NOTE~ The membership meeting is on the 14th, a week earlier than usual. Come enjoy some good food and good fun at the Yacht Club.

for sale 61 356B Super 90. New off-white lacquer with black int~ all rust removed9 all new engine parts; transaxle overhauled, boots, new shocks and bearings~ rebuilt and aligned front end; new brakes and tires~ ~7M miles since reshoration0 Call Jack E. Leonard 45~-8495 office, 459-4103 home. 64 356C. Reds new upholstery, new wheels and tires, new paint~ overhauled. $7500. Call Dick Curtis 823-2948. 64 356C. Red/blacks extremely clean but not true concours~ total rechrome~ new rubber all arounds new interiors clock w/ second-hand~ NO RUST. Serious inquiries. Call Russell Merrell (714) 644-7705. 65 356SC. Toga Brown, all original interior~ no rust~ Sports 340 Solex’s~ 38,000 original miles. $13,500. Call Bob Becker (714) 525-1718 home, 738-~000 work. Will send picture. 65 356SC. Red/blacks completely restored, rebuilt 18,000 mi~ new trans bearings~ NO RUSTs replaced rubber~ new interior~ electric sunroofs car cover and bra~ Sanyo AM-FM cassette. Call Nancy Lasdon 363-4386 eves, 681-8679 Monday only. 69 European 911S Tarqa. Metallic blue/tan int~ 66,000 mi~ 5,000 on rebuilt engine~ Webers, Filtrons, 72 front spoiler~ new paint, black trim~ lowered; Pioneer cassette, wired for CB; harness mounts, extras. Legal w/Nevada registrat~on. First time offered in US~ orig. owners Piers Courage. $9500. Call Rick Dunn, 39063 Ocotillo Dr., Palmdale 93550~ (805) 947-3385. 73 914 2.0 5-speed. Custom pearl blue. Custom body - spoilers, roof~ Ist thru 4th airport gears, 911S fifth; appearance group; AM-FM stereo cassette; cover and bra~ European Its front and back. One of a kind~ must see to appreciate. Call Tina Florin 693-6935.

FOR SALE (cont.) 77 911S. Palma yellow; sunroof; AM-FM cassette; elect’ric windows, leather seats, new Konis, new XWXs; 30,000 mi; S wheels; hideaway CB; great condition. Call Bill ScOtt 827-5461. 904-906 alum. brake calipers & discs, ft & rear 0rig and new; 911 2.0 cyl. heads, complete, reconditioned; 59 356A Conv.D door glass and panels; 66 911Solex carb set-up, complete incl. air cleaner; 63 356C 1600S engine, rebuilt, complete, b~nch-tested; 70 911T engine, rebuilt, bench-tested, complete, ready for installation; 66 911-912 seats with rails (black, used). Call Charlie Akly 790-5070. 4 chrome reverse deep-dish 911-912 5½ x 15 wheels, $225. 4 disc caps, $200. All in good condition. Call A1 Cardenas 869-4218. 924 bra, never used, license plate cutout, no fog its, $35. 911T bra for 73, Colgan, w/ fog lites, lic. plate cutout and bumperguard cutouts, $30. AM-FM Blaupunkt stereo for 73 911, $50. one set taillight lens off 73 911 (not European), $20. Call Carmela Tellez 362-3801 after 5 PM.


MEMBERSHIP We have almost as many transfers this month as we do new members. Welcome to everyone of you. ÂŻ

NEW MEMBERS: Charles Harbaugh -- 75 914 - Copper Martin Paravato -- 78 924 - Black Bernard McNamara -- still looking~ Herbert Strickstein -- 64 356C - Ruby Red Dan Rosenthal - 67 911S - Dark Grey Stephen Wheeler -- 78 911SC - Copper Met. Phillip Friedman -- 72 911 - Brown Galen Senogles -o 72 911Targa - Silver Harry Deutsch -- 77 911S Targa - Sahara Beige

TRANSFERS TO LOS ANGELES REGION: Gary Perser from Golden Gate Dennis & Connie Smith from San Diego James Olson from Gold Coast (Florida) William & Linda Scott from Llano Esta~ado (Texas) Roger Grago from San Diego John & Julie Mann from Mid-Ohio Bonnie Springer from San Diego Donald & Marion Williamson from Redwood Region 10.000 TIRES iN ST~K



Sunny skies, ocean breezes and Q-Tips were the order of the day at the San Diego Concours held Sunday July 13. Thirty-six outstanding Porsches lined the Fashion Island Mall. Only two of those were from our L.A. region. Len Rosen, wife Adrienne and son, Steve~ did us proud by placing 2nd in S-5 with his ’79 Silver 924. Mickey Harris and family team placed first in C-5 and Best in Show Concours Division with their ’79 924 Sebring. Winning Best in Show Street Division were Donand Kathy Nielsen from San Gabriel. The Concours, put on by Richard & Patti Herzog board a new division, "Wash & Shine," which drew 13 entrants. Thanks to Ed Hemmer and Kenney Malkus for this innovation, which Judged only interior and exterior. What a great way to show and growl Doralyn Harris

-- Complete Engine and Tran~nilsio~ Ov~t~ul -- 911 Fuel Injection Analysis Ind Flepli( -- Expert Turbo ~e~vice lind P,el~ir

Sant~, Monica, CA g0401


WANTED FEATURE WRI TERS Your Editors are going to make it as easy as possible for you, so you won’t have an excuse anymore for not writing an article for us. We are going to provide you with an outline and all you have to do is fill in the blanks. We think the Newsletter. ~.~-’~ should cover every event the Club has as well as any members attend outside the Club. For further info contact: Ann at. 393-0411 days, 826-9628 eves, Connie at 398-2217 days 456-1208 eves: or Lark at 398-1963 eves.


SPEED EVENTS Specializing in Porsche

and VW Machining



AL[AD£NA. CALIFORNIA 91001 (213) 794-8402 681-,5991

JULY DINNER MEETING Our dinner meeting for July was held at the Acapulco Restaurant on La Cienega (thanks to Doralyn Harris, our unofficial dinner meeting chairman, for arranging it). Along with the marguerltas and enchiladas, we had for our entertainment a display of miniature car models made by (believe it or not) Jack Daniels. Jack works at Douglas Aircraft, but his heart is obviously in his hobby. He brought along a whole display of Porsche models, plus some others, just to show us the different types available to the hobbyist. He gave a brief talk on his favorite cars, and we all stayed after the meeting to take a closer look. Jack was so enthusiastic about his models, he got the rest of us excited about them too. The special feature of this meeting was a presentation to t~o of our earl£est club members -- and two of our favorite people -Vern and Ada Covert. Vern and Ada are pulling up stakes and moving to Prescott, Arizona, after many years in LA. Vern, who along with Ada and Curt Kubler, founded PORSCHOP, has given unselfishly of his time and talent to help the club and individual members, and we wanted to thank him. President John Wmson presented a plaque, expressing our respect and admiration. We’ll missboth Vern and Ada. |

play ball! There’s going to be a Softball Game and Picnic with Long Beach Region on August I0, at Stem’s Park. Starting time around !0z30 or ~]:00 am. Stern’s Park is located at 4900 Sterns Blvd., Long Beach. Take San Diego Freeway South, exit at Lakewood - go West approx. one mile - turn left on Sterns. Bring your own food, drink, and equipment. For more information call. Tore Johnson at 698-9848.



At 8:00pro

~ the Pennington’s (223 Waterview, Playa del Rey) call Sara (213) 822-5475 for directions.

14 MEMBERSHIP MEETING - 8:00pm @ the SCC Yacht Club, 13445 Min danao Way, Marina del Rey. Take Marina Fwy West to Mindanao & turn left~ turn right ist opp. after Admiralty Way. -~5 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 17

NEWSLETTER PASTE-UP Contact Connie if you’d like to help. NO TECH MEETING THIS MONTH

23-24: MONTERY VINTAGE AUTO’S For more info see Ann’s article 24-30: PORSCHE PARADE -Portland

ZONE 8 AUG 9: Rally, San Diego Region SEPT 13: Concours, Arizona SEPT 27-28: Riverside Time Trial, L.A. Region OCT. 5: Concours, Santa Barbara OCT 18: Rally, Riverside NOV. 8: Time Trial, Arizona Mov. 15-16: National Tech Session, Orange Coast

Probably the most distressing fact of life, concerning Porsches of virtually any year, is the one you learn when you go out to your garage or parking place and find out is’s not there%|~ Letls face it, Porsches have been one of the hottest vehicles on the car theft market for years; and they’re getting HOTTER! So for your benefit I’ll try to list the most practical methods to help you keep yours. First, a good alarm, usually set up with a page alert, motion detector, electrical kill switch, loud horn or similar sound device. Second, Mag wheel locks, available almost everywhere. Third, additional steering wheel lock, available again almost everywhere. Fourth, a separate kill switch hooked into the fuel system and/or ignition system.

Joe’s Porsche Service Independent Porsche Se~icing

Pot sche,Audl* BMW .Volkswagen All makes of foreign cars

4215 Lincoln Blvd. ¯ Madna del Rey ° 821-7567 ¯ 823.4683

owner~ G. J(~; Pacheco

Other little items worth considering: The car cover should have some identifying information (name, license #,etc.) on it in large letters in indelible ink. If you use a Bra, take it to a top shop and have them stitch on it similar identifying Infm. For those of you with late model remote mirrors: Pop out the little plastic cap on the mirror retaining bolt, mix up a small amount of epoxy and fill the recessed bolt with it. Most mirrors are stolen where the car is parked. This makes it vez~ difficult without special tools. Use this same method for the bolts on your fog lights. ~hese are also most often stolen where your car is parked~ make it difficult and you probably won’t be bothered. Do not get into the habit, if at all possible of your Porsche consistantly being in the same spot at the same time, day after day. Most stolen’ cars are spotted well ahead of time. Best of Motoring Henry Anaymous

porscheneering consultants for:

custom engine rebuilding and blueprinting precision transmission setup

fabrication of special tooling imported metric fasteners special engine- transmission

installations quality metric tools functional accessories instrument repair mechanical detailing precision

machine work

first SARA PENN INGTON "Time Trial my Cabriolet! You’ve got to be kidding. What if it breaks?" Jose said, "Sunday drivers don’t break cars." Job_n Williamson called it a patriohic duty to run my car and beat P.O.C. (not a very good reason) and Jose said, "You,ll get a trophy, as no other girl is foolish enough to run her 356." So off to the races. My instructor, Jose, took me on the track and mentioned to be smooth, don’t be nervous and if you crash be sure to keep the clutch in. I was assigned the yellow class (does that signify chicken) and immediately went into a trance--best described as zombie-like. Every instruction by Jose was answered by,"I can’t hurt baby~ you’re kidding~ or how can I stick out my left arm when all those 911’s are so c io se." Well I got through practice and even passed a 914. Side Notes When I was working a corner, I noticed that all the ~llow stickers had smiled, blue and green sometimes had smiles after a turn, and red dots never smiled. Does this mean the yellows have more fun?? The official timed laps started about 2pm and my hands started sweating, my heartbeat was a casual 160, and my knees started shaking. I was told this is normal. Everything that Jose taught me was thrown out and I motored around in 2nd gear, except for the straight when I got into 3rd. My time was around Is22. There were actually people that were slower. Would I ever do it again? Maybe.



TROPHY WINNERS NAME FAST LAP Bob Kann 74.31 Mike Standvich 75.42 Kenneth Becker 75.72 Bill Bartee 76.62 John Williamson 72.74 Rich Mortimer 74.22 Dave Stephens 71.76 Mark Stephens 73.50 Beverly Frohm 73.50 Jack Guy 70.37 Fred Bower 70.49 Fred Trueman 71.93 Bill Pagan 72.04 Louise Ellison 73.04 Heinz Mikula 75.76 Ron Armour 74.11 Bill Seare 75.36 Lee Burton 6~.36 Rick Jackson 68.60 Topper Chasse 64.55 Roll Meijer 65.87 Gordon Hood 66.74 John Wallis 7(.44 Art Zapf 65.33 Sam Cabiglio (FTD) 61.03 Susan Armour 76.38 (.o9~) Janet Sullivan 78.70 ( .88) Sandy Kunza 74.75 ( .98) Lani Guy 74.88 (.93) Joann Mikula 74.82 (I. 01 )

we won ~CA - 12

POC - 11




¯ Reasonable Rates

10:00 a.m,-7:00 p.m.

¯ Flares ¯ Body Modifications ¯ C~storn Paint ¯ Quality

TOP QUALITY BODY WORK FOR PORSCHE We Do Flare Work on Your Porsche Without Any Plastic, Lead. Welding Rod Usual. "’SOLID"!

Tuesday-Saturday Most Body Parts 15% Off With Work. Excel~t Insurance Work.

¯ Collision Welcomed NO BODY FILLER USED !

14901 Moran Street

Porsche Specialist George Takeochi

¯ Your Car i= Alway= in Our Garage ¯

Westminster’, Calif. 92683 (Near Balsa & Magnolia)


Th~s year the Historic Auto Races at Laguna

Seca and the Pebble Beach Concours are be_ing held on the sa~e weekend that the Portland Parade begins. Some o[ us are going only to

Monterey, others plan to stop for a day before continuing on north, and some Parade entrants will go straight to Portland.

"Whatever your plans, your editors would to know. At this printing we don’t even have a list of LA ~arade entrants. ~iso, i[ you

are interested in caravann~ng to Monterey and/ or Portland, please tell. us, and we’ll try to get everyone together. Call Ann Wang at 393-04].I days or 826-9628 in

the evening.



~ualit¥ Service & Maintenance at fair rates = Engine.transmission rebuilding ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial - Race ~Decialists



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