Porscherama 1980 June

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Porscherama june 80

THE BOARD PRESIDENT John Williamson .................. days 391-7118 VICE PRESIDENT days 550-3805 Judd Boykin ...................... eves 788-4182 SECRETARY Pete Zimmermann .................. days 450-7414 ¯

TREASURER Jerry Pennington ...................... 822-5475 ACTIVITIES days 820-2551 Mickey Harris .................... eves 476-4753 TECH~|ICAL Jose Ochoa ....................... days 398-2217 MEMBERSHIP days 393-0411 Ann Wang ......................... eves 826-9628 CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Dave Stephens .................... days 540-7752 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Burt Misevic .................... (805) 482-7076 PORSCHERAMA EDITORIAL BOARD Connie Fern (Advertising) ........ days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki (Calendar) .............. 398-1963 Send correspondence (For Sale ads, articles, etc.) to: PORSCHERAMA 12222 Montana Avenue Los Angeles 90049

editor’s notes You didn’t Set a ne~sletter last montl~. ~.$e know. No one, did. Our former edieor resisned in the middle of the montl], with no expl~n~tion to the board. We think you deserve better treatment. Flyers are OK, and they get the work out quickly and cheaply. But then you miss out on For Sale items, upcoming events, articles, and membership notes. A club the size of LA Region ought to be able to produce a monthly newsletter and get it out on time to you. So here it is folks -- the new improved economy size version of PORSCHERAMA. You’ll notice from %he list of board members that this is now a group effort. Connie, Lark and Ann are going to share the responsibility for getting this rag out every month. We"re rather pleased with our first effort and we hope you like it. If you have suggestions or would like to write an article, draw & cartoon, or help mail the newsletter out, get in touch with one of us. It’s a lot easier to do if more people are involve<, .~nd.it’s & lot more fun already. Lark is responsiple for the art work -- how do you like our new calendar format? Connie is handling advertising (we’re finally going to get around to billing the advertisers!) and setting info on upcoming events. Ann is riding shotgun, picking up loose ends and typing

like mad. ,,_ ’ ’ ~\ -


So far, so

good. So keep your fingers crossed. As ions a.s we’re having a good time, you can count on a newsletter every month.

ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA JUNE 13-15, 1980 Drive on the full 20-turn famous OMS road course. Joint event of PCA-Orange Coast Region and the PORSCHE OWNERS CLUB OF LOS ANGELES. Sponsored by BOZZANI PORSCHE+ AUDI of West Covina, and BILL YATES MOTORS of San Juan Capistrano. For registration form and more information, call


or call Bill Gartee (714)


spanky corner Our parking lot BBO. last month was a terrific success. About 120 members and friends joined in the fun. Dustints food was great as always, our thanks to the whole Janes f$mily and to their helpers (!ors of people asked for the recipe; we’ve reprinted it below). For entertainment, we listened to the country rock sounds of the High Sierras (thanks to Sara for arranging it). Alan Shoemaker won the scavenger hunt, finding 17 items in his car out of a list of 25 (we’re not sure that’s something to be proud of, Alan[). Our membership meeting for this month will be at the Yacht Club with Rudi Spielberger from VOA as our guest speaker. Rudi’s an expert on the development of the 928 and 9S5. It should be a great evening; so everybody come. Only 4 of us managed to go to the Las Vegas TT -me and Sam and Rick Jackson and Lynne Smith. I got beat. Upcoming events: July 27 we’re planning a fun Sunday Brunch rally, ending at the Zimmerman’s home for eats and swimming. . . The PCA/POC Challenge Cup Slalom at LAPP will be held July 20; it’s our turn to host. Finally, we’ve got a whole new team doing our newsletter--Connie from Porschop, Ann from Rand, and Lark from Jose. They’re real enthusiastic right now; so let’s give them lots of support. Yhey want more personal art.icles -- your Porsche experiences, a trip, a time trial, anything. Special thanks to Bob Morgan for our cartoon this month.

DUSTIN’S RECIPE For one flank steak, combine 2/3 cup vegetable oil, juice of 2 lemons, i bay leaf, 1 clove garlic crushed, 6 drops liquid smoke. Trim fat and membrane from flank steak~ pierce steak all over with fork and sprinkle with meat tenderizer. [;~arinate at least 15 rains, at room temperature before barbecuing.


Board m~g. @ the Pennington’s; call 822-5475 for directions. 8 PM.

14- Ontario Motor Speedway Time 15 Trials -- see flyer 19 PCA-LA Membership mtg at the SCC Yacht Club, 13445 Mindanao Way in the Marina. (Take Marina Fwy west to Mindanao and turn left, turo the first right after Admiralty Way. 25 Tech mtg. @ The Porsha Place, 4083 Redwood Ave. Call John 391-7118 for more info. OTHER JUNE EVENTS 8 SD swap meet @ Alan Johnson P/A, 3663 Rosecrans St., San Diego. Gates open 9 AM. Call Bill Haggerty (714) 234-8106 for more info. 22 Grand Prix Region rally; call Ron Ramage 597-7746 for time place. UP ’N COMIN July 2 PCA-LA board mtg 13 17 20 26 27

S.D. Zone 8 Concours; call Burt (805) 482-7076 for info PCA-LA membership mtg. PCA-POC Challenge Cup Slalom SB Zone 8 Rally PCA-LA Sunday Brunch rally

Jim Nielson is interested in getting together a PCA-LA golf tourney. Call 781-8445.

MEMBERSHIP Since we didn’t have a newsletter last month, I’ve got almost three mo ~hs worth of new members to welcome. Hope you haven’t been feeling left out. We’re really glad to have all of you with us. Ron Alpert Ken Ballard Al Barnhardt Jim Detrixhe

Harvey Hetland James Kosnett Dan Kotanian Brian Lapworth

A.M. Riach Leonard Scott Paul Takakjian Tom Truman

Rufina Follis Harlan Girard

Sean Lusk William Pagan

Tom Wardlaw Carl Wong

Steve Grass Michael Grady

Cyndel Podich (welcome back~)

Glenn Yee

TRANSFERS TO LOS ANGELES REGION: Wm. & Bettina Gruver from Carolinas Region Wm. Scott from Las Vegas Region T.V. & Betty Morgan from Peachstate Region .Tom & Jill Shubin from San Gabriel Valley Region Robt. & Naomia Bennett from Southeast Michigan Brian Launder from Orange Coast Dennis Carroll.from Potomac Region George Brewster from Nord Stern John Clemson from Potomac Region Wm. & Paula Kelley from Golden Gate Region Terry Hinze from Hawaii Region Charles Anderson from Schattenbaum Region Jerome & Joan DeWayne from Maverick Region

for sale

4 new Pirelli CN36 tires for cars with flared fenders, $150 each. 4 Lillygard Porsche-style mags for 924 -2 7" & 2 8" wheels, $495. H-4 headlites, $95 each. Custom 3-piece BBS wheels with polished factory Porsche mag center, any width you desire, inquire about price. Call Ralph Boothe (213) 336-1396. Air conditioner for 1973 Targa. Best offer. Call Paul Hamilton (213) 474-3157 home or 836-3464 work.

CAR TIPS by Henry Anonymous One of the most common complaints from the owners of 1969 and earlier 4-cylinder Porsches equipped with Solex carburetors has been the erratic idle and intermittent flat spot in the midrange. These carburetors today are at least 11 years old, some have been operating for at least 200,000 miles, and (remember) of the three pedals underneath your feet, the one that gets the most use is the accelerator pedal. Consequently, the entire linkage develops a little wear at every point in the linkage. Most of these can be taken care of with minimal amounts of labor and parts. However, when this wear pattern reaches the final point at the carburetors, especially in the throttle shaft area, then it no longer is a minor problem. There are at present 3 remedies. One, disassemble and rebuild the throttle shaft assemblies. Two, replace the carburetors; however, the only ones available today are the 1969 emission model. And three, install a Weber carburetor conversion. The cost of each is approximately the same. Those Porsche owners who have used the Weber conversion report noticeably increased performance and, most important, gas mileage increases of up to 20-25% range. This article could continue for hours. So for the best info for your car, contact your Tech chairman. He would be most happy to advise you of your. particular needs. P.S. Why don’t you ask your local P/A dealer why they don’t make stronger hood struts for the front and rear deck?

INDEPENDENT PORSOHE SERVIOE AND REPAIR ¯ Quality S~rvice & Maintenance at fair rates =

Engine.transmisslon rebuilding

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AL}ADENA. CALIFORNIAg]00! (213) 794-8402 68]-5991

-- Complete Engine and Transmission Overhlul -- 911 Fuel Injection Analysis and RN~ir -- Expert Turbo Service and Repeir

7~GOIO~IKIO Avenue Santa Monic~, CA ~0401

¯ Fast;Turnaround

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¯ Reasonable Rates ¯ Flares

¯ Body Modification~

emlco "-:

10:00 a.m.--7:00 p,m.



Most BOdy Parl~ ¯ CusEom Paint

We Do Flare Work on Your Porsche Without

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Any Plastic, Lead, Welding Rod U~=d. "SOLID"f

15% Off With Work. Except Insurance Work.

¯ Collision Welcomed NO BODY FILLER USED ! Porsche Specialist George Takeuchi

14g01 Moran ~;treet We~minstar, Calif. 92683

¯ Your Car is Always in Our Garage ¯

(Near Boise & Magnolia)

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