DIRECTORS BOARD CHAIRMAN Duane Alan PRESIDENT John Kepler 12425 Texas Ave. Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 VICE-PRESIDENT Ron Ramage SECRETARY Edith Savage TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Del Jackson PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Larson MEMBERSHIP Tore Johnson 4225 Virginia Vista Long Beach, Ca. 90807
283-7423 820-2097
374-6888 454-4041 447-5109 928-1909 378-4790 821-3591 426-8063
PCA’LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice a~d expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region’~ of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a. forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:
Here is your ballot for the 1974 Board of Directors of the L.A. Region of PCA. We would appreciate having it returned by the November 8th Membership }~eetlng~ Thanks for your postage and immediate response. PLEASE VOTE FOR 8 DON COLWELL, JR PAUL EDWARDS KEN GRACE DEL JACKSON CORKY KIRK MARC ROTHMAN BOB VAN CLEAVE
presidential rhetoric
~ ~RD$
4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 378-4790 (night) 372-1171 (day)
I would like to add my congratulations to all of the L.A. Region winners at the Parade in Monterey: Vern and Ada Covert Ralph and Geri Booth Ralph Campbell John Williamson Alan Johnson Thanks for upholding L.A.’s honor at the Parade. . .
STAFF Tore Johnson Carol Scoville Old Wierd Jim POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by Porscherama no later than ~he 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscherama unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication,
One of the advantages PCA has over some other car clubs is that it is a national club - with other regions. This can engender a feeling of competition which c~n be quite healthy. With this in mind, Zone 8 is putting together a competition c~lendar for next year that you may be interested in. It would consist of six speed events in 1974. An overall champion would be determined on the best four out of six basis. The proposed events are time trials at Willow Springs, Holtville0 Ontario (or OCR), Riverside, Phoenix and Santa Maria. This would require a uniform set of competition rules, which is in the process of being ironed out. Incidentally, (Continued on Page 2) COVER Thanks to our treasurer, Corky Kirk, who stopped his adding machine long enough to snap this shot (and those adorning this month’s centerfol~) at the Willow Springs Time Trials ....
Half page Quarter page Eighth page
$30/mo $20/mo $15/mo
$120/6 mo $ 80/6 so $ 60/6 mo
$180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr
Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.
(Continued from Page i) in case you were wondering, Zone 8 includes the following regions: Arizona, California Central, L.A., Riverside, Orange Coast, Southern Arizona, Santa Barbare and San Diego. If you have any thoughts on this, please let me know . . . The National Academy of Sciences is a prestigious group of people with no axe to grind either for or against the existing 1970 Clean Air Act. I was delighted to learn that they were looking into the Clean Air Standards, since I knew that their recommendations would be factual and unbiased, Late last month they testified before the House Subcommittee on Public Health. If you are interested in good r~nning cars and clean air, you may be interested in their report, "An emission limit for CO (carbon mortoxide) approximately three times as high as that promulgated by EPA for 1975 would give assurance of not exceeding the 8-hour air-quality standard of 9 parts per million CO more than once a year." (i.e., The very strict requirements are set three times higher than need be to obtain the desired results.) And: "Present federal emission requirements of 0.41 grams per mile HC (hydrocarbons) and 0.4 g/mi NOX (oxides of nitrogen) seem more restrictive than need be by a factor of about three . . . These conclusions suggest that the 90% reduction of CO and NOX specified in Sec. 202 of the Clean Air Act may be more than is required to meet the present national air quality standards for CO, NOX and oxident." For those of you who have been following the story of the Clean Air Act, this will not come as any great surprise. When Congress set up the standards (hastily in the closing days of the 1970 session), they used the only data that was available, That data has subsequently been shown to be erroneous. In fact, even California pollution experts (probably the most knowledgable in the field) felt that these original standards were too strict. Since the standards were passed during the white heat of enthusiasm for environmental issues, and since one senator desired this feather in his cap to help his presidential bid, perhaps we can exc~ise the mistake.
What we cannot excuse is a failure on the part of the legislators to correct those mistakes now. Probably logic will not prevail. The congressmen will probably be reluctant to back down on these standards since pressure from the environmentalists will no doubt be fierce. Senator Muskie refuses to believe that his original numbers are unsupportable. He does his scientific research by looking out of the window. "As I returned from Maine to the Senate," he said recently, "I saw this dirty air mass covering the land, urban and rural alike, and darkening the sun." Let’s hope Congress as a whole will rely on scientific data rather than looking out of the Window. Looks’s time to dust off the writing paper and let your elected representarives know that all things considered, you’d rather not have an expensive cataiytic converter on your car - especially since it’s not necessary.
R £ M £ M B£ .............. Christmas is coming to PorscheLand, and its time for all good boys and girls to set aside an evening in December to party with fellow Porsche People . . . The festivities will ¯ be on Friday, Decemher 21 at the Odyssey Restaurant in Mission Hills. Open Bar, Good Food, Music, Dancing, D~r Prizes and SUPER PEOPLe. Ink us in on calendar riqht now, and next month we’ll fill you in on all the details. ~ EEK! less than 50
~ NOVEMBER 1973 Sono,~g
~ ...... ~
5 2 10 6 9 7 5 4 ~,~.~ .......... 12 13 14 15 16 17 ~!~ 191~~ ....
~ ~
~:~,~’" 22
NO"OVBm’6r: FUEL INJECTION MEETING~~ ¯ " Thursday/8:00 p.m. The buckeroos will motor out to Jerry Fairchild Industries, 135 West Union in Pasadana this Thursday to hear the ins and outs of Bosch Eisenspritzers . . . how they work and how they’re fixed . . . from those. who really know. (Only two places rebuild injectors and Jerry’s is supposed to be "the best in the west".) It appears that we’ll also be able to eye a Bosch movie on the subject. See map of how to get there on page 8. ISI
oth DINNER MEETING Thursday/7:30 p.m. It’s back to the Original Bar-B-Q (remembar that . . . burp . . . place??) at 8th and Vermont in Los Angeles for this month’s General Membership Meeting. The festivities will begin at 7:30 with dinner, to be followed by "surprise" entertainment. If you have any curiousity at all, you’ll be there just to see what Ramage has cooked up for us - certainly hope it’s not dinner! (Maybe he’ll pop out of a cake or something??) There will be lots of info on our upcoming events, so BE THERE OR BE SQUARE! ~
~~ ~% ~o ~~%~%.~ (Burp)
Sunday/9:00 a.m. Burn off those pounds before Thanksgiving and come on out to Don Burns Prestige. Porsche-Audi for the "Take Your Turkey And Stuff It With Cranberry Sauce" Rallye. Don Burns is located at 13631 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove 92640, and the first car will be roaring out (roar! roar!) from there at 9:00 a.m. (which means be there at 8:00) .
There will be both SOP and Navigational Classes, and the fee for all this fun is a mere pittance of $5.00. Those who can make it through this rallye will get together afterward at a restaurant for a lit_ tle (?) food and beer. So... come out and while away a few Sunday hours with some of the wierdest Porsche owners in town . see you there,
BOARD MEETING 2oth Tuesday/8:00 p.m. The Board returns to the home of Duane Alan this month (thanks for volunteering aqain, Duane) for its monthly, merry gettogether. Last month’s board meeting had a great turn-out (too great, in fact), so let’s keep it up. After all, this is your second-to-the-last chance to see this year’s Board in action. If you are planning to attend, though, give Duane a call at 2837423, so that you can have some dessertl Bytheway, Duane lives at 1049Bradshaw Ave., Monterey Park. Also, note the change from the regular meeting date. Everyone is welcome!
25th Sunday/10:00
a.m. Well, folks, PCA-LA has finally gone risquel Yap, you’re all invited to buy or sell (or both) at the X-rated "Bob a~d Carol and Ted and Alice" Swap Meet. The place is a parking lot (right out in public, no less) located at 8332 Iowa Street in Downey. It will cost you only $2.00 to sell your goodies from i0:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Anyone and everyone is invited, so b~ing your friends and get some great buys on Porsche everything, old and new. See map page I0.
PORSCHE PARADE/ MONTEREY 1973 BY GERI BOOTHE Vern and Ada Covert have attended twelve of these parades. After going to one, you’ll try your darndest to make them all, or at least the ones in the western part of the U.S. our first was at Sun Valley and this year the setting for the Monterey Parade was just as great. Being a small cog in the large wheel of parade activities limits us to reporting only our impressions and so we will leave most of the final results for you to read in Pano. Wi~h Ralph driving our 356 and me following him in the 911, we finally groped our way to the Del Monte Hyatt House very late Friday evening, the 17th of August. After a slight misunderstanding as to the route we would ~take, I was led a perilous 65 miles west into a blazing setting sun, trying to keep up with Ralph passing vehicles at 80 mph plus on a rough two-lane road. I was not in a very good mood as we approached Highway i01 and continued north toward Salinas. I kind of got the idea we should have stayed home after gashing my big toe on a broken bottle; turning off for food and gas (without Ralph) and, when tilting the driver’s seat forward, having it !ock with headrest against the steering wheel; opening the trunk lid for warmer clothes and realizing as I pushed it down that the left corner was protruding about an inch above the fender line. Its bra strap had caught in the latch. Worst of all, I phoned the hotel for help from Ralph, figuring he was way ahead of me, and then got smart and ran the seat back on the runners and released the lever that lays the back down. Meanwhile, Ralph all too promptly got my message and in the pitch black .night we must have passed each other on the road to Laguna Seca. When we finally rendezvoused, there were mumblings of divorce among other comments. With my suitcase permanently locked in the trunk of the 911, I had made up my mind to head back to L.A. the next day. However, when I awoke late in the morning, Ralph had already fixed the seat, released the jammed trunk lid and eaten breakfast, He reported some juicy-looking morsels had arrived in covered trailers for the parade and with that news I was delighted as the excitement of being part of it all took over. Lots of conversation with fellow Porsche-
Pushe~rs from other states, including Alaska and Hawaii added to the excitement. It was hard to find time to work on the car for the concours, but by Monday morning Ralph, with the enthusiastic help of Don Sommerville, had our 911 standing tall. The weather was sunny and warmer than expected, and at 8:30 a.m. all the gorgeous Porsches rolled onto a dry lawn at the Pebble Beach Golf Course in front of the Del Monte Lodge. This event drew a large crowd of PCA members and other spectators. After Dr. and Mrs. Porsche made the awards of a blue ribbon and a bottle of champagne, the finalists were, again, judged for Best of Show. This was a flawless black 1960 356B Coupe from Concord, California. Four of the first-in-class winners were from the L.A. Region. They were Vern and Ada Covert with their famous 904; John Williamson and his 914-6 GT; Chuck and Stana Cooper, recently from Colorado, with their beautiful grey 1957 356A Coupe and Ralph and myself, with our 1969 911E Targa "en air-scoop" formed on the rear deck lid from 20 gauge steel~ Ralph Campbell also, very excitedly, took 10th in his class. The Concours award banquet was delightful and the Hyatt House did a splendid job of serving nearly 900 people. There were varying opinions on the other evenings’ dinners, but one thing for sure--the expensive imported wines and champagne flowed generously. Two cocktail parties included a large variety of hors d’oeuvres surrounding each a 911 and a 914 centerpiece carved in ice. And, an exceptional setting for the Mexican Fiesta was the Carmel Mission, complete with Mariachi music. Tuesday morning held much anticipation for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to experience a little of what the pros do a Laguna Seca Raceway. The 1.9 mile track walk was thoroughly enjoyable with expert instruction on how to take every turn. The following two days were devoted to timed runs with the "hot ones" running last. It is a tricky course and Wester Porsche-Audi’s repair shop was filled with some of the results of having too heavy a foot. Competition was stiff and fastest TOD was accomplished by Alan Johnson. Some were betting " (Continued on Page 8)
Once upon a time there was a Porsche Clu~. And this Porsche Club put on a time trial in a far-away place called Willow Springs. Ninety plus drivers showed up. They drove such Porsches as 908’s# 911 Carreras and all the production models. The weather was fabulous for the whole week-end. And to top it all off, one individual came forth to pay for most of the expenses. Does all this sound too good to be true? Those of us who were there know that it wasn’t a fairy tale. Those of you who were not there really missed a great event. Everything went perfectly, right from the beginning. The first day (Saturday) was spent drooling at some of the cars that showed up. There was a 908 and a 911 Carrera from Vasek Polak. There was Vern Covert’s beautiful 904. Bill Yates had his 911S coupe with a 3.0 liter engine. A 911 Carrera Targa and 914-6 GT’s showed up, too. As if that wasn’t enough, you should have seen the party Saturday night at the Sand Sailor. We had the banquet room reserved for a little "get-it-on", oops, I mean get-together. Boy, we did "get it on", thought! A rock band called The Hereafter kept us all thereafter. I think the bartender is still there pouring, Anyway, a fantastic time was had by all, and even more important, there were no, repeat, n__qo mishaps at the track except for a few shattered egos. A special thanks to Vasek Polack for sponsoring our event and making it come off so well! Tore Johnson Chairman, Willow ’73 P.S. Here is a list of all the participants in the various classes. An * indicates a trophy winner. Class AS i. Ed Yates* .................... 139.10 2. Mark Knox ................... 144.74 3. Dan Wier .................... 149.50 Class BS i. Doug Brownlee* ............... 128.31 2. George Gedeon* ............... 135.63 3. Tim Hunter .................. 143.40 4. John Larson ................. 145.97 Class CS i. Jim .Lawrence* ................ 140.44 2. Willard Edwards ............. 141.18
i. Richard Martin* .............. 2. Don Colwell, Jr ............. Class DS i~7 i. John Williamson* ............. 2. Dave Kolbach* ................ 3. Tom Davis* ................... 4. Dave Hamren* ................. 5. Robert Duckworth-Ford ....... 6. Gilson Grey ................. 7. Michael Nissley ............. 8. Richard Lyons ............... 9. Mark Bohn ................... i0. Jose Ochoa .................. Ii. Don Ris .....................
131.77 132.15 ~32.94 136.47 136.82 138.35 138.45 142.52 142.88 145.64 146.51
Class ES i. Richard Rogers* .............. 2. James Lewis* ................. 3. Mike Meissner ............... 4. Pete Zimm~rman .............. 5. Ken Wainwright ..............
125.94 128.74 132.85 136.02 141.60
Class FS i. Phillip Harvey* .............. 2. DeWitt Collier* .............. 3. Robert Milostan ............. 4. Paul Edwards ................ 5. Del Jackson ................. 6. Sam Wang ....................
124.07 124.49 125.39 128.54 141.01 142.43
132.44 141.90
Class GS i. J~les Dobkin* ................ 131.71 2. Paul Riley .................. 134.99 Class HS i. Jim Br%Lno* ................... 124.61 2. Robert Stevens .............. 127.87 3. Ken Grace ................... 141.49 4. Don Somerville .............. 144.66 Class B i. Roger Kerner* ................ 130.16 2. J.C. Barrison ............... 131.50 (Continued on Page 12)
you the
made it happen... captions are yours
I left for Willow Springs expecting to have a boring week-end; but - are you ready for this? - I had a blast, a super blast! When Terri Colwell asked me to help hand out helmets, I never realized it could be fun. For anyone who is single, it’s a terrific job. After all, when you hand out a helmet, you take in a driver’s license, and it’s surprising what that can reveal (height, weight, age, marital status, address and, in some cases, occupation), What more could you want?! But there’s more to Willow than helmets. What I really Wanted was a ride in a fast car - with a good driver, of course. Thanks to my husband, Del, Don Colwell, and Tore Johnson, I got a ride with a really nice guy, Don Kravig, president of PCA-Riverside. After buckling down, we were off. From the start until turn three, I was terrified, The car seemed to be all over the road. Then I found out Don was only testing to see if a tire was low. Back to the pits. I thought it was all over when Don told me to sit tight and we’d try it again. Wommm 90, wommm i00, wommm ii0 - wow!! Don sure can drive! What a thrill. When w~ had finished our first lap, Don asked me if I was afraid. "No," I told him, "after riding with my husband, nothing could scare me." Wommmm! Thank you, Don Kravig, for making Willow that much more exciting for me. Arda Jackson
on John Williamson and his "Mini-Turbo Panzer", but John got greedy and tried to squeeze a little extra performance out of it, and, shall we say, "screwed up" and came in third. For all-over points~ he didn’t do too bad though, and a third place in the rally with Bill Le Flang navigating, put him sixth over-all in the Parade. Again, Ralph Campbell took a fifth place trophy in his class and I was quite thrilled to receive a fifth place trophy in the ladies’ class. If I have forgotten to mention any other trophy winners, please forgive me. The Monterey Meander Rally started early Friday morning with the first car out at 7:30, and there to greet us with our instructions was L.A. Region’s Mary Felo. As she wished us al! good luck, we struck out for parts unknown and spent the next six hours viewing quaint farmlands near Watsonville and deep, dark, misty forests around Santa Cruz. It was a good rally put on by John Clever, with a minimum of his "Clever" tricks. This was evidenced by the winner’s one-half minute error in the equipped class. It was a beautiful parade and a fun week, and everything was very efficiently and professionally run. About thirty or more people from the L.A. Region showed up at one time or another, either as spectators or participants. Together with the Parade activities and what the Monterey Peninsula has to offer for entertainment, there was enough to keep everyone busy every waking moment. Geri Boothe
looking for a partner . . . a ladder?
(Continued from Page 4)
¯"¯"¯" Courts located at Laurel Canyon and Victory (behind Sears Store)
FOR ~o~o~ CALL Suzanne Sproul 764-1337
.......... O goll~ sakes, it feels good to be back! After missing the last two papers due to the Parade and then willow Springs, my right hand was gettin pretty tight. Now if I could just tighten up my bladder. Every time I go to see my doc, she starts singing, "Ring around the . . . collar." Everyone had so much fun at~willow that I thought I’d let you hear some of the more interesting quotes, "Where the hell is the wind?!" by Everyone Who’s Been to Willow Before. "How could a 914 1.7 beat a 914 2.0?" by Don Colwell, Jr. "I’m sure glad Alan Jonson didn’t show up!" by John williamson, "Where i~s Willow Springs?" by John Kepler. "I’d go to willow if it wasn’t so dusty" by Ralph Campbell. "why is Sam Wang taking every turn in first gear??" by Ann Wang. "What?! I can’t hear you!" by Everyone at the Party While the Band Was Playing. "where did we go wrong?" by the Fraudi Audi Racing Ream. , "Wait ’til next year, ~an’t ~ast F_orever Racing Team!!" also by the Fraudi Audi Racing Team. Love and kisses, Fraudi P.S. Special thanks to Don Colwell, Jr. for proving that just because you have more horse power doesn’t mean you can win!
m pnn H; OHHFR i-,--A new 0,~o~ Pa~ a,~ Acce~o~i~ StoR .... d~ot~ excl~ively to the Porsche Owner.
O~,we~y$:9:00-6:00 ~,~y:9:00-4:00 ~4~~2~1~i~ ~l~~~--~/~’~ 10946"Santa Mortice Bou~verd West Los A~geles, Calif. 90025
Phone: 477--0507
die ainuten September General Membership Meeting Shortly after the September memberhip meeting at Monty’s Steak House, the Secretary became incapacitated till she left for Cleveland. I am pinch-hitting for her and for this month’s minutes, so please bear with me. After a delicious dinner and before our guest speaker was introduced, Tore gave the tophies to the winners of the ~CA-POC Challenge Cup Slalom. He was assisted by his guest for the evening, Miss Sylmar. Also, the PCA-LA winners at the National Porsche Parade in Monterey were mentioned. SHORT--BREAK Wally Cole, National PCA Vice-President, showed the slides of his special tour of the Stuttgart Factory. The tour also included seeing the factory’s test track, or maybe I should call it the "torture track". All in all, it was instructional as well as fun to see the Porsches being formed from scratch. Thank you, M~. Cole. Meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted? The Phantom Pinch-Hitter P.S. Those who hadn’t seen the 1974 Porsche models stayed to see Ron Ramage’s slides from his latest European adventure. October General Membership Meeting Following cocktails and a good dinner, the October membership meeting at the Luminaries Restaurant in Monterey Park started off with John Larson’s "Show and Tell" about brake discs - if you keep tabs on the pads, it could save untold expense in labor and new discs. Corky’s treasurer’s report was short: "SOlvent." Tore informed us that our current membership of 331 makes us the third largest PCA region. Del Jackson regretfully announced that the October 20th sail planing reservations were full. But, he told us that we~ could all look forward to a real rally challenge on November 18. Tore was again called upon this time to announce the winners of Willow Springs - see the exciting times elsewhere in this issue.
President John let us know that the recently proposed by-law changes "carried" and he read the following slate for next year’s (Continued on Page Ii)
Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column. 1969 Porsche S enqine. Low mileage with fuel injection. Has been well cared for and never raced. $1800. Contact Dean Aronis, 469-0802 (after 7:00 p.m.!.
~,%%~%~ Specia|i*ingin cio,e-tolerance %%~ %~%~\~
ai~cooled engines.
PORSCHE&HIPERFORMANCE Send for FREE Catalog covering components,
914 Stabilizer Bars. New 22 mm front and rear bars by Addco with all hardware. Will sell front bar for $25 and rear for $27 or best offer. Contact Ed Bode, 2884 Sawtelle Blvd., Apt. 103, LOS Angeles. Phone is
servicing tips,
4 7 7- 7 7 81.
VW’s-- Our bag!
and prices you can live with. MASTER
CHARGE/BANK AMERICARD ACCEPTED. 2095N. LakeAve. Altadena, ea. 91001 |213} 794-8402
WANTED FOR DER CLUB. One club photographer - some experience (hopefully). Must be able to take photos at events. Selfdeveloping would be nice, but not required. Only black and white pictures needed. Photos will be published in Porscnerama monthly and in Porsche Panorama occasionally.
This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PeA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. All listings must conform to the following : i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses); 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers; 3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. AI.I listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in t]~e next month’s issue.
Once again, your editor needs your help. If we can’t find the following people soon, they will have to be dropped from our mail~ng list, since all mail that we have sent them recently has been returned. Please contact Paul Edwards if you know the whereabouts of Kurt Hymen, ~ony Kustein or Jim Smith. Thanks. t[SWAP
(Continued from Page
rpo__, CI [ -November i0-ii
San Diego Re~ion’s Driver Trai~inq and Time Trials at Holtville. Registration and tech at the track will begin at 7:30 a.m. both Saturday and Sunday. PCA-LA members: $8.00, Lady Co-drivers: $2.00. Headquarters will be the Airporter Inn, Imperial, California.
.December 8-15
International Race Car Show at the Anaheim Convention Center.
Respectfully submitted, Edith Savage Secretary
~ ~~ ~f2’~ [i~ ;
POC Slalom at Ontario Motor Speedway. Track opens at 8:00 a.m. Timed runs begin at. l:OO p.m. $8.00, $2.00 for lady codrivers. For information call Bobbee Nylander at 790-3813 or Sherrie King at 537-4423.
.November 4
Corky Kirk Don Colwell, Jr. Marc Rothman Paul Edwards Bob VanCleave Ken Grace Del Jackson Tore Johnson Wanna add your nomination??? Elections are coming up in November - your ballot is included in this issue of Porscherama~ Ron gave us a treat with the film The One Eor the Road - it showed beautiful Porsches and how lovingly they are "put together". Meeting adjourned,
call joe deSantis
PORSCHE - AUOI 10959 Santa Monica Boulevard, Westwood, California 90025
Phone: 478-4095
(Continued from Page 5) Class C i. Dave Goodell* ................ 121.81 2. Nick Friesen ................ 133.41 3. Donald Relph ................ 138.41 Class D i. Roger Wagner* ................ 134.86 2. Edward Bode ................. 151.20 Class E i. Marc Rothman* ................ 119.03 Class F i. Don Kravig* .................. 115.69 2. Bob Barnes* .................. 115.99 3. Marvin Bauer ................ 126.20 4. Kurt Schweickhard ........... 131.87 Class G i. Roy Woodward* ................ 115.76 2. Lloyd Wright ................ 117.47 3. Tore Johnson ................ 120.35 Class H I. Walt Kaye* ................... 123.70 Class M i. Joe Schneider* ............... 118.15 2. Frank Thayer* ................ 117.89 3. Bill McInerney .............. 122.92 4. Jim Baughman ................ 132.83 5. Pat Wadell .................. 134.38 6. Cliff Yost .................. 138.00 Class Z i. Vern Covert* ................. 125.35 Class X 1 Peter Wood ................. 113.43 Class L i~ Mary von Laumann* ........ i01.3~ 2. Margie Wood* .............. 99.~ 3. Joella Jones* ............. 93.~ 4. Ellen Peterson ........... 90.1% 5. Sharon Yates ............. 88.8~ 6. Mary Felo ................ 87.6% 7. Patricia Akly ............ 85.8% 8. Carola Anderson .......... 83.6% **Top time of the day
398-2217 pca activity info
(C) (X) (D) (D) (A) (A) (X) (F)
914, 914-6 Gas Line I encountered a problem with my 914-6 recently. The connecting gas line from the fuel pump to the cold start valve (line passes under the battery mount) is a plastic type that hardens, becomes brittle, and cracks upon aging. Unless replaced therapeutically through your concern or via an astute (but rare) servicing mechanic, tragedy may strike you in the form of a raging fire of so-called "unknown" origin. It is not of unknown origin when you are able to see "raw" gas pooled on the engine shrouding minutes before the flames erupt. Conversations with other 914 fire cases and my insurance company indicate that there have been quite a number of so-called unknown origin fires in this particular species. A fiery letter to Porsche-Audi, Volkswagen of-America requesting that they correct this engineering oversight in future 914’s, as they all have this cheap "fire trap" tubing, resulted in a shortly worded acknowledgement of receipt of my letter. So if you own a 914 or a 914-6, check your gas supply line and, perform post haste a very simple procedure that I did on my 914-6 replacement. PUT IN SOME COPPER TUBING IMMEDIATELY. And if you’re concerned with battery acid spillage onto the copper tubing, this can be covered with about twelve inches of acid resistant tygon tubing. Horace L. Searcie (Sorry to hear of your unfortunate experience0 Horace. Hopefully, your advice will prevent the same thing from happening to another PCA member. Thanks for the article. Ed.) LOCk yOH~
BULL ~CH ~ETING ....... NO~ER i e~E~HIP ~ETING ........... N~ER eT~ YO~ T~Y ~ S~FF IT WITH C~BE~ SAUCE ~LL~ ............ NO~ER 18 eBOB ~ CAROL ~ICE SWAP ~ET ... NO~ER 25 eC~IST~ PAR~ AT T~ ODYS S EY ~STAU~ ........ DECE~ER 21
~O~SCH~ LOS 4451