Porsche Club of America
Nethercutt Collection Story and Photos By Bob Gordon On Saturday February 3rd, 50 members in 24 Porsches gathered at Taft High School and set out on our trip to the Nethercutt Collection in Sylmar. It was a beautiful day as we took a
Los Angeles Region
Three Days And 726 Miles A Totally Smooth Run From Dyson Racing SEBRING, FL January 24. Dyson Racing tested the first of their two new Porsche RS Spyders at the three day official American Le Mans Winter Test at Sebring International Raceway January 22 24. “The car ran perfectly right out of the box,” said Chris Dyson. “The fundamentals of the car
The 1937 Talbot Lago at the Nethercutt.
rather straightforward route to the Nethercutt, travelling along the 101 to the 405 and exiting at Roxford in Sylmar. Any route is fun when you’re in a line comprised of 24 Porsches. Once off the freeway, it was a short hop to Bledsoe Street and into the Nethercutt parking lot.
Continued on Page 4.
The #16 ALMS LMP-2 Dyson Porsche RS Spyder.
F e b r u a r y, 2 0 0 7
Inside: Nethercutt Collection Tour . . . . . . . . . . .1 Dyson Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 New Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 LA Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 8 Zone 8 Events Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 are quite good. Aerodynamically it is very well balanced and the engine runs like a Swiss watch. It is typical Porsche, from stem to stern, no stone left unturned.” Observing the action on Tuesday was Andy Lally, who will be joining the team as the third driver along with Butch Leitzinger and Andy Wallace in the #16 Thetford/Norcold entry for the 55th Mobil 1 12 Hours of Sebring on March 17. “This is an absolute honor to be part of this team and part of this program,” said Lally. “It is something I have desired to do since I got into sportscars. Dyson Racing is the benchmark
Continued on Page 6.
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PCA-LA REGION PRESIDENT ......................................................David Altemus 310-478-7727, fax 310-479-5181 1537 Pontius Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025 VICE PRESIDENT ..................................................Bob Gordon 818-888-7224, fax 818-615-0624 SECRETARY .........................................................Roger Ignon rignon@edgesystem.net TREASURER ........................................................Jan Altemus 310-478-7727, fax 310-479-5181 MEMBERSHIP ...............................................Joe Shubitowski joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR ..........................................Bob Gordon 818-888-7224, fax 818-615-0624 ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE Dick Shipman.....................................310-474-8194 Roger Ignon .........................rignon@edgesystem.net WEB MASTER............................................................Eric Mai ericmai@msn.com ADVERTISING MGR. ...........................................Bruce Pollock fax 818-760-4704, bpollock@pobox.com NEWSLETTER EDITOR .......................................Bruce Pollock fax 818-760-4704, bpollock@pobox.com
PCA-ZONE 8 ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE .................................Bev Griffin-Frohm bevfrohm@aol.com ZONE 8 WEBMASTER ...........................................Tom Brown webmaster@zone8.org CONCOURS CHAIR..................Linda Cobarrubias & Doc Pryor MS993@aol.com, lpryor@aol.com RALLY CHAIR .........................................................Tom Gould tcg3@aol.com TIME TRIAL CHAIR/DE CHAIR.................................Paul Young pdyoung@cox.net AUTOCROSS CHAIR .......................................Michael Dolphin carrera3@msn.com CLUB RACE CORRDINATOR ...........................................Vince Knauf vvvince@aol.com RULES CHAIR........................................................Richard Price rtp356@thecarriagehouse.net TREASURER ..............................................Linda Cobarrubias MS993@aol.com REGION COORDINATOR ....................................Gary Peterson Gary.Peterson@HRH.com CHANGE OF ADDRESS .....................................Notify at once: Joe Shubitowski - joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com AND Ruth Harte / PCA National P.O. Box 30100, Alexandria, VA 22310-8100 SUBSCRIPTIONS PCA members of other regions may become “Dual” members of PCA-LA and receive the Porscherama for 12 months by sending $24.00 to Joe Shubitowski, Membership Chairman, joseph.shubitowski@gmail.com Non-member subscription $36.00/ year. EDITORIAL POLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. (PCA/LA), a California Non Profit Corporation. It is published in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements contained herein are those of the author(s) and do not constitute an opinion of the PCA/LA, its board of directors or staff. All contributions become property of Porscherama. Porscherama reserves the right to edit all contributions. ADVERTISING POLICY Classified Advertising: Porscherama accepts classified ads for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche related items. Ads can run for three consecutive months. No charge to PCA/LA members. Non-member cost is $10.00 per month payable in advance, after which time they must be resubmitted. Porscherama is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained in any ad and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale, nor the accuracy of any claims or representation made by the advertiser. Type or print clearly, include your PCA number and email ad copy to: imset@pacbell.net with “Porsche Classified” in the subject line
2007 Zone 8 Calendar
2007 LA Region Calendar February
February 3-4
F e b r u a r y, 2 0 0 7
Time Trial - SD Reg.
March 3
Concours Judging School
Club Race - Arizona Reg.
Time Trial - San Diego Reg.
Lit. & Toy Show
Porsche Swap Meet
Drivers’ Ed - Las Vegas Reg.
Speed Festival
Concours - Riverside Reg.
3 (Sat.).......................................Nethercutt Collection Sylmar 7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
March 3 (Sat.)................................Concours Judging School Irvine 7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 10 (Sat.) .......................Porsche/VW Literature Show LAX Hilton 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
Speed Festival
Autocross - Riv/GldnEmp/CalInlnd Reg.
Long Beach Grand Prix
Rally - Cal Inland Reg.
1 (Sun.)......................................Zone 8 Speed Festival California Speedway
Autocross - Grand Prix Reg.
Autocross - Santa Barbara Reg.
Concours - San Gabriel Valley Reg.
30 - 1 April (Fri.-Sun.)........Zone 8 Speed Festival California Speedway
4 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 13-15 (Fri. - Sun.) ..............Long Beach Grand Prix Long Beach
Welcome Party - S. Arizona Reg.
22 (Sun.)..............................Old Creek Ranch Winery Fun Run & Picnic - Ojai
Concours - S. Arizona Reg.
28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
Autocross - S. Arizona Reg.
Autocross - OC Reg.
Rally - Santa Barbara Reg.
2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
Autocross - Golden Empire Reg.
26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
Drivers Ed - Las Vegas Reg.
Concours - Grand Prix Reg.
3 (Sun.) .........................................Wooden Boat Show Lake Arrowhead
June 3
Concours - OC Reg.
6 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
Time Trial - San Diego Reg.
23 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
July 1-8
52nd PCA Parade
Cayenne Off Road - San Diego Reg.
Autocross (night) - Riverside Reg.
30-8 July (Sat.)..........................PCA Porsche Parade San Diego
July 1-8 (Sat. - Sun) .........................PCA Porsche Parade San Diego 11 (Wed.).......................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
August 12
Concours - LA Reg.
Autocross - OC Reg.
15 (Sun.).........................................Fun Run & Brunch Mandalay Beach Resort - Oxnard
Monterey Historic Races
28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
F e b r u a r y, 2 0 0 7
page 3
LA Liturature & Toy Show For Porsche & Vintage VW
March 10, 2007 7:30am – 2:00pm LAX Hilton
5711 West Century Blvd.
Contact: Wayne Callaway 909-930-1999 M-F, 9-5 pst www.lalitandtoyshow.com So Cal
All Porsche Swap Meet & Car Display
Sunday March 11, 2007 8:00am – 3:00pm
1645 Babcock Ave., Costa Mesa
Jeff Trask NO911NV@aol.com, 949-697-4499 Pete McNulty PMcNulty98@aol.com, 949-400-9319
page 4
F e b r u a r y, 2 0 0 7
Nethercutt (cont.) The Nethercutt is always a popular event and this one was no different. For many of our attendees, this was their first visit to the Nethercutt. I heard many favorable comments in the group during and after the tour, some people called friends on their cell phones right afterwards describing the excitement of what they’d just seen. The photos that you see with this story are just a small sampling of the vast array of beautifully restored and maintained cars on display inside the Nethercutt Collection Museums. The grounds and buildings are as exquisitely prepared as the cars. And the environment where the collections reside is as exciting and enjoyable as the cars themselves. All in all it was another wonderful day in Southern California.
2. 1. A 1934 Packard. A beautiful representation of a bygone era. Makes you want to throw on a scarf, put the top down and go motoring. 2. A view of the Grand Hall, which is a wonder in itself. But it has all these great cars in it too! 3. External routing of exhaust gas was once a very popular and stylish thing to do. Didn’t get the year and make of this car, but it like all the others is magnificent. 4. This is a beautiful example from Renault — the reigning F1 Grand Prix Constructors Champion. 5. The Grand Hall from above. 6. Our group assembled and ready for the run to Sylmar.
All Photos by Bob Gordon
WE DO IT. Full Service, High Quality Printing
(818) 623-3100 g2@g2online.com
Ask for
John Beard
F e b r u a r y, 2 0 0 7
3. 4.
page 5
page 6
NEW MEMBERS February 2007 Harry Adalete Troy M. Diamond
Inglewood Sherman Oaks
Morris W. Spencer
Los Angeles
Willaim W. Stout
Manhattan Beach
James F. Goodhart Palos Verdes Peninsula
J.T. Van Berkem
Tamara Hall
Culver City
Julian N. Wakeley West Byfleet Surrey U.K.
Vahe Kuzoyan
Sun Valley
Robert Watson
Los Angeles
Robert Leveen
Los Angeles
Lawrence E. Wells
Los Angeles
Douglas S. Marimon Rancho Palos Verdes Shannon M. Moore Casey Pendleton
West Hills Los Angeles
Logan Riese
F e b r u a r y, 2 0 0 7
February 2007 5 Years: Glenn Giffin Michael Scott 10 Years: James M. Nichols 15 Years: Steven Fusco Robert Herdman Mark Palme
If you change your email address, log onto pca.org and change it there.
20 Years: Janet M. Doyle Tommy Estridge Roger Lundblad
That will take care of all local and national pca groups that need to know.
30 Years: Stasys Petravicius
Frank Yang
Rancho Palos Verdes
Dyson Racing (cont.) for other teams and to be a part of it is a dream come true. This is my eighth year in a row doing Sebring and it is one of the events I look forward to, this year even more so with the competition from Penske and Acura. I know the Dyson Racing guys will put together a very competitive effort.” ”We welcome Andy to our team. He has tested with us twice including back in November of 2003,” noted Dyson. “We have watched his progress as he has put together an impressive record in sportscars.” Lally is the 2006 Grand-Am Rolex Series GT champion. He won Grand-Am championships in 2004 and 2001 and is the only three-time Rolex champion. When not claiming a championship the last seven years, he was runner-up four times. The team set the fastest time of the test on the last session of the third day. “I really appreciate the job that Porsche has done to develop the RS Spyder,” stated Andy Wallace. “It is a driver‚s car. The dynamics of the car takes precedence over everything so when you drive the car it is under your every command. Normally to me, a car has a front and a back, and you are conscious of what the front is doing and what the back is doing and you try to balance yourself between the two. This car has a middle. It is like the whole car is connected. It is a great feeling for a driver and inspiring for the team to go into the first race of the year with a car like this.” “There is going to be a tremendous fight this year between Porsche, Acura, Intersport, and Mazda,” said Dyson. “You look at the depth of the competition and it will be as solid a prototype field as this series has ever seen. It will be an even, hard-fought battle and that has everyone energized for the year.”
The #16 ALMS LMP-2 Dyson Porsche RS Spyder. Testing at Sebring.
These cars as well as the Penske RS Spyders and the Acura, Intersport and Mazda teams will all be contesting the ALMS LMP-2 Championship at Long Beach April 13-15 in conjunction with the Toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach. There will be tape delayed TV coverage on SPEED April 15 at 8:00pm Pacific time.
The #16 ALMS LMP-2 Dyson Porsche RS Spyder. Testing at Sebring.
F e b r u a r y, 2 0 0 7
Classifieds Ads can run for three consecutive months, after which they must be resubmitted. If your ad is included here with three dots following it, you must resubmit. Sumbit by email to imset@pacbell.net and include
page 7
your current membership number and contact information. Porsche Cars 1958 Speedster Project for sale. No rust, complete. Located in Nebraska. Call Marjory Fish at 308-254-4966 • 944 Race Car Engine has titanium rods, fresh engine (5 to 6 hrs. on rebuild), two type mufflers, headers, MSD, baffled oil pan, oil cooler in front, accusump, & larger 951 radiator, cold air box. Power train, limited slip diff., trans. (88 944S), Suspension
Spitfire Grill 3300 Airport Ave. Santa Monica
front and rear arms are steel, adjustable sway bar by Kraus, adjustable camber plates (additions l inch. adjustment) also Kraus, Break bias adjuster, Koni adjustable shocks (one inch more adjustment), Eibach springs, permanent strut brace, Toyo (7) &
Interstate 10 to Bundy Drive. South to Airport Ave. Right to 3300 (on the left).
wheels (8). General, new battery, plastic 22gal. gas tank, full cage with NASA door bars (both sides), cool suit switch, drivers seat Sparco & passenger Recaro, gauges Autometer, kill switch, all elect. works, video mount. $18,000, photos available
9:00 am
Gary –650-968-8708 •
February 24, 2007
May 26, 2007
912 Engine 1968, complete, untouched, 300 miles. Stored out of car since 1968. Bob
March 24, 2007
June 23, 2007
310-838-1400, obmerb@aol.com ••
April 28, 2007
Porsche Miscellaneous
July 28, 2007
Auto Bays For Rent Double doors, in-ground lift, 1600 sq.ft. 2 units available for car storage, race prep, etc. Klaus 818-881-1222 •• Windshield Used factory winfshield for ‘95-’98 993. Good condition, boxed. $300. 993 blk gauge face plates. $100. Sony auto power amplifier. $40. John 310-626-0003
Don’t Miss A Thing. Update Email Addresses At:
p c a . o r g
jcflmg@ca.rr.com •• 924/44 Parts for Sale 924 Turbo wheels (manufactured only 1 year) very rare
David E. Altemus
Complete set 6 X 15 in good used condition $600; Fuch wheels (2) 7X15 and (2) 8X15 $900 for set, all straight; Dunlap Tires (4) 205/255 ZR16 – Sport Maxx, New $250 for set; 944 Turbo Rear Spoiler (86 thru. 89) – Used good condition $400; 944 Bumper
Shocks – Used in good condition. $20.00 each. 933 Steering Wheel with Airbag. Used
Industrial and Commercial Real Estate
- 4-spoke w/ Blue leather very good condition $200; 924 Turbo transmission – Used
Since 1946
works $300; 911 Heat Exchanger (84 to 89) good shape, no rust, $150; 944 – Turbo
E-mail: AltemusCompany@aol.com 1537 Pontius Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90025
engine 1987, runs good, complete clutch & bell housing, motor mounts, cross bar, clutch (new),exhaust manifold, updated manifolds, updated fuel line., $2,800, Pictures
(310) 478-7727(ext. 133) • Fax: (310) 479-5181
available for most items Gary 650-968-8708 •
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PORSCHERAMA Porsche Club of America
Los Angeles Region
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Return Service Requested Time Sensitive Material
2007 — FEBRUARY - MARCH Dates are subject to change.
February 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
March 3 (Sat.)................................Concours Judging School Irvine 7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify 10 (Sat.) .......................Porsche/VW Literature Show LAX Hilton 24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club 30 - 1 April (Fri.-Sun.)........Zone 8 Speed Festival California Speedway
1 (Sun.)......................................Zone 8 Speed Festival California Speedway
1-8 (Sat. - Sun) .........................PCA Porsche Parade San Diego
4 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
11 (Wed.).......................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
13-15 (Fri. - Sun.) ..............Long Beach Grand Prix Long Beach
15 (Sun.).........................................Fun Run & Brunch Mandalay Beach Resort - Oxnard
3 (Sat.).......................................Nethercutt Collection Sylmar
22 (Sun.)..............................Old Creek Ranch Winery Fun Run & Picnic - Ojai
28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
28 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
2007 Events Dates are subject to change.
24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
March 3 (Sat.)................................Concours Judging School Irvine
May 2 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
10 (Sat.) .......................Porsche/VW Literature Show LAX Hilton
6 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
24 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
23 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
30 - 1 April (Fri.-Sun.)........Zone 8 Speed Festival California Speedway
30-8 July (Sat.)..........................PCA Porsche Parade San Diego
D a t e s
Dick Shipman
June 3 (Sun.) .........................................Wooden Boat Show Lake Arrowhead
A l l
26 (Sat.) ..................................................Breakfast Club
7 (Wed.).........................................LAR Board Meeting call 310-478-7727 to verify
Event Contacts Bob Gordon
A r e
S u b j e c t
Roger Ignon rignon@edgesystem.net
If you change your email address, log onto pca.org and change it there. That will take care of all local and national pca groups that need to know. T o
C h a n g e