~hDA~D C HA I R!~ Duane Alan ~P~ESIDENT John Kepler 12425 Texas Ave. W. Los Angeles, Ca. 90025 VICE PRESIDENT Ron Ramage SECP~ETARY Edith Savage TREASURER Corky Kirk ACTIVITIES Ralph Campbell PUBLICITY Paul Edwards TECHNICAL John Lmrson MENtBERSHIP Tore Johnson 4225 Virginia Vista Long Beach, Ca. 90807
283-7423 820-2097
374-6888 454-4041 447-5109 826-0253 378-4790 821-3591 426-8063
PCA.LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 350 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is also a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine ("Porsche Panorama") and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy:
presidential rhetoric
4451 Pacific Coast Highway #303 Torrance, California 90505 372-1171 (day) 378-4790 (night)
STAFF Arda Jackson Del Jackson Lynda Webber ~:~OLICY Porscherama is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region. Porscherama is owned by the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region (a California Corporation) and is published monthly in accordance with the club by-laws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated materia! must be received by Porscherama no later than the 20th of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appeering in Porscherama are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, its Board of Directors, the Porscherama editor or its staff. All contributions become the property of Porscher~ma unless accompanied by a sel~ addressed stamped envelope. The editorial staff of Porscherama reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication, ADVERTIZlN(~
Full page Half page Quarter page Eighth page
$40/mo $30/mo $20/mo $15/mo
The June 19 edition of the Wall Street Journal carried a story indicating that there is evidence that the proposed catalytic converters emit materials "of known toxicity" that are small enough to enter human lungs. A research team headed by William Balgord, a chemist at New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation0 believes that prolonged contact between the exhaust gasses and the rare metals used in the converters may cause a decomposition of these materials. General Motors and Chrysler doubted the value of the experiment, since the statistics "were obtained without the use of full size cars produced on a Detroit assembly line and equipped with commercially produced converter systems." Based on my experience with cars produced on assembly lines, they sure must have snugged up the tolerances if they expect better results in production cars. In any event, Mr. Balgord plans to test actual road vehicles soon. Hang in there g~ng - maybe there’s hope yet.
The cover this month was photographed b3¯ Ron Rammage and shows your editor tryinc to find the course at the TRW Slalom (Beside him is Carol Scoville, hoping he /
$160/6 $120/6 $ 80/6 $ 60/6
mo mo mo mo
$240/yr $180/yr $120/yr $ 90/yr
Subscription rate for non-members of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, is $4.00 per year.
computers, and is handled by a man who has a feel for the cars and the logistic problems involved. He has tried to maintain as much of an inventory of older parts as possible as long as they are available, and as long as there is any movement in the inventory. He described to us computer systems that are used to help locate difficult parts. We also were given a feel for the difficulties that he faces in trying to pry parts out of Germany, especially in the beginning of a model run or model change.
For the second year W-Pacific invited the PCA presidents (Zone 8) to a Saturday morning meeting at their facilities in Culver City. Meeting with us were: Bill Haworth, Public Relations; Phi! Taylor, Marketing; George Holcomb, Parts; and Wolfgang Bruecher, Service. I took my cassette recorder so I wouldn’t have to take many notes, and ten minutes from the end of the meeting the tape jammed. (First tape jam in two years using the machine!) RATS! %~*?# and other dirty words!
We were told of the assumption of control of the two West Coast facilities by VW of America. Mr. Von Newman was desirous of devoting his time and attention to matters other than business, and VW of America was interested in running the Wes~ Coast operation. So both parties were happy with the move. Sam Tucker will be the top man in the new organization here.
Working from memory (panic!) I’ll attempt to pass onto you the main points covered there. I was surprised to learn that Dr. Porsche’s sons are no longer associated with the factory. The last I had heard, each of them was responsible for a key part of the business but apparently this is not so anymore.
An interesting statistic was furnished by Mr. Taylor relative to the marketing of 911’s. He indicated that 7~ of the 911’s are leased. This accounts for how ordinary people like us can get into such an expensive car with little down payment. He also indicated that he felt that the current production number of 911’s is about right from the standpoint of demand.
Mr. Bruecher gave us a short presentation on the new fuel injection unit being used on the "T". It is smoother, produces more low end torque and is simpler in operation, maintenance and design. An earlier newsletter featured some information on the unit and I expect more tech information will follow. John Larson is considering a tech meeting on this subject.
I raised a question on behalf of one of the members regarding the difference in price of 914 engine components that are common to 914’s and 411’s. Realizing that (continued on page 5)
Mr. Holcomb let us in on some of the trials and tribulations of trying to supply parts for our beasts - both old and new. It is
11324 Santa Monica Boulevard
Los Angeles, California 90025
Telephone: (213) 473-2941
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Your Board will get it together at the home of the Chairman, Duane Alan, 1049 Bradshaw Ave., Monterey Park. We reiterate - if you are new to the club, have an idea or a gripe, or just want to see what is going on or coming off, simply call and let Duane reserve you a seat. His number is 283-7423. Remember, it’s 8:00 sharp!
Sth JULY DINNER MEETING Thursday/7:30 p.m.
The General Membership Meeting for July will be held at Monty’s Steak House, ii00 Glendon Avenue, Westwood - on the 21st floor, no less! This restaurant comes highly recommended and dinners will be ordered off the usual menu, beginning at $3.95. The evening will feature Porsche Does It, a movie on the 1970 Manufacturer’s Cup, trophy awards for the TRW Slalom, and lot of people interested in talking "Porsche". This is by far the nicest meeting place yet - so you that dig on such things should shake the schekels out of your pockets and see if you can make it. It all begins at 7:30 in the evening. See you there!
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Thursday/8 : 00 p.m.
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As you all know, once a year ~A-LAand POC get together for a challenge cup rally. We’ve been very successful the last two years in winning the cup (POC has never won it). So now we’re going to have another annual challenge cup event - a slalom - and the stage for another test of these two clubs is set. On the one hand, POC is probably still licking their wounds from the rally and thinks that it can turn ~A’s head in this type of event. On the other hand, we have just finished a successful slalom at which everyone had a great time, and think that we have equally talented drivers. This slalom will offer classes for all types of cars - from the daily streetdriven Porsche, through production class cars, to all out racing machines. However, this will be an open exhaust event for all classes. KENDON PORSCHE AUDI is sponsoring the Challenge Cup, which will be awarded classes.°n the basis of total points from all This should be one of the most enjoyable events of this - or any - year. Even if you don’t want to run, come out and watch the action . . . maybe help us with some of the work. There will be a food stand~ and rest rooms, so bring the whole family and spend the day. The place is Irwindale RaceWay (dragstri~ and tech will begin at I0:00 a.m., followed by practice until the timed runs begin at 2:00 p.m. There will be a pre-tech at Kendon Porsche-Audi bn August 1 from 7:00 p.m. to i0:00 p.m. A flyer will be winging its way to you Shortly, but if you’re impatient for more information, call Tore Johnson at 432-3216 (work), 426-8063 (home), or Don Colwell, Jr. at 636-2319 (work), 881-4319 (home).
TRW Slalom PCA-LA’s first competitive speed event of the year proved to be the shot in the arm that the club needed! With over 35 participants an~ gobs of friends, family and general oglers on hand, members took their time sorting out the course and began to go fast only as the "hot shoes" laid down some rubber to show the way. The efforts of Bob VanCleave were effective. Handicaps seemed reasonable and the 5 second penalty for hitting a pylon kept everybody honest. By the end of the day the differences were in the driving - not the cars. John Williamson turned a fantastic time of 41.57 seconds in the beasty 914-6 GT, to cop the fastest time of the day. Speaking of cops, a Manhattan Beach policeman had the best comment of the day. When asked to take his patrol car around, he replied that it had 60,000 miles on it ridiculous! When told that some cars out there had twice that mileage, he just walked away mumbling that the damn black and white ~ould end up sitting on its white. Even cops love Porsches, when they cop to it. Lots of speed, talk, photograft-and trying to find food and a bathroom within a mile of TRW made this a highly successful event. Thanks to John, Ralph, Kurt, Edith and all that helped.
i. 2. 3.
Paul Edwards ........ 47.91 * Glen Buckler ........ 48.66 K. Schweickhard ....... 48.97
CLASS E - 911S, 914-6 i. L. Wright .......... 2. Joe Korpiel ......... 3. Dale Anderson ........ 4. Walt Kaye .......... 5. G. Berzsenyi ........ 6. Tore Johnson ........ 7. J.D. Fels .......... 8. J. Rankin ..........
45.76 * 46.74 * 47.70 47.95 49.89 50.89 51.52 52.84
CLASS F - LADIES i. Mary Morris ......... 51.46 * 2. Ursula Grunfeld ....... 53.84 3. Carola Anderson ....... 55.34 CLASS G - MODIFIED i. John Williamson (914-6 GT) . 2. Ken Rachert (914-6 GT)
41.57 * 66.51
*Trophy winner ~"
CLASS A - 356 i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Mike Friedman ........ Pete Zi~nerman ....... John Larson ......... D. Br~wnlee ......... Cliff Yost ......... Bill Leflang ........ Jack Lerg ..........
i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Don Colwell, Jr ....... Nick Friesen ........ A. Viault .......... D. Whorf .......... A. Reed ........... W. Edwards ......... A. Gray ...........
47.54 * 47.65 * 48.97 49.79 50.63 50.71 52.58
CLASS C - 914-4 i. John Williamson ....... 2. Roger Wagner ........ 3,’ Don Ris ........... 4. N. Sutton ..........
47.51 * 51.73 53.35 53.61
47.82 * 48.84 * 48.86 50.99 52.65 54.31 56.00 DNR
PLAY TENNIS? looking for a partner . . . a ladder?
Valley Tennis
Plaza Club
Courts locate~ a~ [aural Canyon and Victory (behind Sears Store) FOR INFO~4ATION CALL Suzanne Sproul 764-1337
june minutes A happy dinner meeting was held June 13 at Stearn’s Bar-B-Q in Santa ~onica with approximately 60 members present. I say "approximately" because my trusty clipboard with all my notes is at my office (thought I was going to type them on company time!) and it is now the Saturday that the minutes are due for the paper. Such procrastination .... The business and officer reports were quickly disposed of, winners of the Slalom at TRW were announced (again, sorry I don’t have the names, but I told you about my clipboard . . . I do know that the Fraudi Audi Racing Team tooted around quite well), and new members and quests John Caroway, Ellen Peterson, Don Rim0 Dave Kemp, Don Knight and Jo Hinkle were introduced. Roger Wagner brought up the proposed national speed limit and was asked by John to draw up a petition opposing any such law! After we finished our business we settled back in our chairs for a beautiful slide presentation and discussion by Bill Graves, president of the California Soaring Society, and his assistant Sharon on sailplaning . . . beauty, quiet and solitude personified. We were invited as a group to join a "winging" at E1 Mirage anytime and that one could "solo" after just a few hours of instruction. Shall we? Bill pointed out some rather unbelievable records for such planes ~ an altitude record of 46,000 feet, a distance record of 725 miles and a time-in-the-air record of 70 hours. Ye gods .... Eleven members gathered on June 19 on Corky’s lovely patio under swaying branches dotted with Japanese lanterns to sip lemonade and discuss the official status of the Board and club. Don’t you wish you were on the Board . . . we’re taking applications for next year NOW. Don’t trample over one another. Reports and plans were discussed in the typical lively fashion which makes the future look exciting. Watch for flyers and announcements in the paper and, above all, come to the general meetings. Curt Kuebler gave the latest facts and figures fromyour PeA National Up it Fixin Porsche. Get $4.00, or on was $4.50der(gad I miss that clipboard)ready for an autographed copy. Curt also reported that we are losing our storage garage and that we have to find a place to hold all the goodies necessary to put on our
oooo o oo o oooo. o o _ age space or trailer for some pylons? The meeting closed with Corky and Karen Tice serving delicious homemade "Harvey Wallbanger" cake. Now don’t you wish you had guested? ~
Respectfully submitted, Edith Savage Secretary
C...71C...TIC...71C ~ (continued from page 2) some engine parts are different, the memher indicated that had priced the part at a VW agency and a Porsche agency and that the price at the latter was considerably higher. Mr. Holcomb told me that those parts common to the VW 411 and the Porsche 914 are no___~t listed in the Porsehe price catalogue. They are only listed in the VW price book, which is furnished to Porsche agencies. However, Porsche dealers, being independent businessmen, can change any price they choose. The main reason for meetings like this is to establish a good rapport between the people who sell ’em and the people who buy ’em. And this meeting served this purposed quite well. John Kepler
Believe it or not, Porsche buffs, the Can Am series has started. It seems that it just ended a couple of months ago. But Charlie Hemp, in last year’s Penske Potsche, won the race. Everyone really had troubles. I guess it sneaked up on them, too. Congratulations, Charlie, and especially, Porsche. Tore Johnson (Very good, Tore - but where was it?! Ed.) !~~~~~ ~" .~i--~~~~~~
AN OPEN LETTER TO THE TECHNICAL CHAIRMAN AND EVENT MASTERS (SPEED) OF PCA-LA In order to more fairly classify cars running in speed events and at the same time keep the number of trophies awarded to a reasonable number, please consider the following rules for classifying Porsches: CLASS A B C D E F G H I
4 Cylinder Showroom Stock Cars 6 Cylinder Showroom Stock Cars 4 Cylinder Production Cars 6 Cylinder Production Cars 4 Cylinder Modified Cars 6 Cylinder Modified Cars 4 Cylinder Race Cars 6 Cylinder Race Cars Ladies (Ratio to fastest man)
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5
NO CLASS ADVANCEMENT WOULD BE NECESSARY iShowroom stock cars must be equivalent to an "as-purchased" condition and must have a stock ignition and advance curve and air cleaner(s) muffler, bumper, etc. intact, in place and in operation. They must have a minimum of 5" ground clearance and a maximum wheel width of 5½" for 4 cylinder cars and 6" for 6 cylinder ~ars with street tires. 2production cars must have full street trim including a muffler (street legal) in operation, but may have a modified ignition and advance curve. They may run any wheel up to 7" in width and may mount racing tires. There must be at least 3" ground clearance. 3Modified cars may run wheels over 7" wide, racing tires, larger than stock venturi’s, any ignition, open exhaust systems, and suspension and body modifications. 4Race cars are those not licensed for street use and designed primarily for competitive speed events. They must only have a Porsche engine, transmission, chassis and body. 5Ladies would run in the s~me categories as the men and places would be based on the ratio of the women’s times to the fastest man’s time in the same class. If there is sufficient interest, the ladies class could be broken down into 4 and 6 cylinder cars. If there is limited interest, the ladies’ class could be combined with the mens’ by giving.them negative time handicap. To further equalize competition and recognize the capabilities and potentials of the various Porsche models, the following handicaps are proposed for the above classes: CATAGORY SLALOM All Mid-Engine Cars 1.0 4 Cylinder Cars 1700-1990cc’s 4 Cylinder Cars 1991cc’s & up 1.0 .5 6 Cylinder Cars 2100-2300cc’s 6 Cylinder Cars 2301-2400cc’s 1.0 6 Cylinder Cars 2401-2600cc’s 1.5 6 Cylinder Cars 2601cc’s & up 2.0 Special Gears* 2.0 Limited Slip Differential* 2.0 Ladies (if in with men) -1.5
TIMETRIAL 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 -3.0
*Not applicable to classes G and H (Race Cars)
xarn pie
A lady in a stock 914-2, running without a ladies class (I) at a time trial~would have: Mid-Engine Car .......... +3.0 2000cc Engine ........... +I.0 Ladies Handicap ......... -3.0 TOTAL HANDICAP +i.0 Seconds to be added to her recorded time!
How about some comment on all of the above! Nick Friesen
July 1 brought sixty optimistic Porsche Pushers to Cutright Porsche-Audi foX’he first Little Mountain Goat Rallye/Picnic. Optimism hath its reward, as everyone climbed above the dismal fog and into the Santa Monica Mountains’ sunny skies. Rallye results showed every car found every check point and five cars were under three minutes total error in two and a half hours of SOP rallye. Visitors David and Nancy Baum led the way with their beautiful 1958 silver Speedster, which appears capable of concours0 slalom or any other challenge encountered. PCA-LA’ers took the rest of the silver with Malcolm and Doralyn Harris’ second and Edith and Ruth Savage’s third. Edith and Ruth posted the best time error of the day, 1.39 minutes total! One sign cost them first place. Our sponsor, Ralph Cutright Porsche-Audi, provided all trophies as well as refreshments at the start. General Manager Max Dial’s enthusiastic support of this year’s event and his offer to sponsor this as an annual event are greatly appreciated. Special thanks to special people, Ralph Campbell and Dale Robards, who are always there to help PCA-LA. Liz and Ralph Dorchester CAR # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 i0 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32 40
DRIVER John Kepler Don Colwell, Sr. Mark Brown Ron Babendurr Craig Adams Don Burkard Ken Grace, Jr. Edith Savage Pete Zimmerman Malcolm Harris David Baum Duane Alan Don Colwell, Jr. Will Edwards Helen Boyd Donald Ris John Williamson Tore Johnson Steve Covington Paul Edwards Bob Gayman Del Jackson Cece Friesen Jose Ochoa Douglas Brownlee John Crnkovich, Jr. H.L. Searcie Mary Felo Dr. Wm. Rosenblum Joella Hinkle
NAVIGATOR Jocelyne Joyce Paula Arlene Lieberman Connie Jo Ken Grace, Sr. Ruth Savage Karen Doralyn Nancy George Gedeon Teri Linda Larson Dale Sue Avery Kathy Schaefer Ellen Peterson Helen Carol Scoville Francine Arda Nick Lark Nakazaki Kathy Thomas David Kampff J. Searcie Ursula Grunfeld Pat Claudia Barnett
1254 1300 1375 1288 1191 1032 1107 239 866 217 159 526 809 485 251 813 787 542 631 456 441 560 759 530 448 252 827 2771 526 i~46
26 28 29 27 24 22 23 3* 21 2* i* i0 18 9 4 19 17 13 15 8 6 14 16 12 7 5 20 30 ii 25
MEN i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I0. ii. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.
Ken Wainwright ......... 140 Bob VanCleave .......... 135 Nick Friesen .......... 130 Don Colwell, Jr .......... 80 Harold Seamans .......... 75° Ralph Dorchester ......... 70 Curt Kuebler ........... 55 Roger Wagner ........... 40 George Gedeon .......... 35 Ken Grace ............ 35 Don Somerville .......... 30 Jack Lerg ............ 30 Paul Beam ............ 30 Ralph Booth ........... 30 Ken Rachert ........... 30 Peter Luelsdorf ..... ~ . . . 25 Del Jackson ........... 25 Dale Boyd ............ 25 John Williamson ......... 25 Alex Gray ............ 25 Don Colwell, Sr .......... 20 Skee Ziesenhenne ......... 20 Ray Kornfeld ........... 20 Don Burkard ........... 20
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. i0. ii. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.
Bea Wainwright ......... 115 Liz Dorchester .......... 80 Carola Anderson ......... 50 Helen Boyd ............ 50 Ruth Savage ........... 40 Ursula Grunfeld ......... 35 Geri Booth ............ 30 Merv Beam ............ 30 Martha Lerg ........... 30 Arda Jackson ........... 25 Pattie VanCleave ......... 25 Teri Colwell ........... 25 Joyce Colwell .......... 20 Charlotte Seamans ........ 20 Lorene Ozvath .......... 15 Betty Arnold ..... ~ ...... I0 Ann Wang ............. i0 Mary Ann Larson ......... i0 Ada Covert ............ i0 Jocelyne Kepler .......... 5 Shirley Kornfeld ......... 5 Jeanne Goodin ........... 5 Adrian Snyder ........... 5
I. 2. 3. 4.
Geri Booth ........... i00 Ursula Grunfeld ......... 90 Carola Anderson ......... 80 Joyce Colwell .......... 60
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. i0. ii. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
John Williamson ......... 200 Bill Leflang .......... 150 Paul Edwards .......... i00 Don Colwell, Jr ......... i00 Ron Ramage ............ 90 Ralph Booth ........... 90 Nick Friesen ........... 90 Roger Wagner ........... 90 Joe Korpiel ........... 90 Dale Anderson .......... 90 Ken Rachert ........... 90 Skee Ziesenhenne . . ~ ....... 80 John Larson ........... 80 Don Ris ............. 80 Ralph Campbell .......... 80 Dave W~orf ............ 70 N. Sutton ............ 70 Walt Kaye ............ 70 Don Colwell, Sr .......... 60 Cliff Yost ............ 60 G. Berzseni ........... 60 Dale Boyd ............ 50 Tore Johnson ........... 50 Duane Allen ........... 50 Willard Edwards ......... 50
. . . and a host of hundreds more! Sorry to those of you we couldn’t fit on the page!
I1~1 ~ F~ S ~ H ~.~l i~I Personalized Pars he Service 4477 Sepulveda Boulevard Culver City, California 90230
porscheneering consultants for: custom engine rebuilding
precision transmission setup
fabrication of special tooling imported metric fasteners special engine- transmission
by appointment:
instollatlons quality metric tools
398 Ve r n Curt
217 C ave rt Kuebler
ET CETERA FRAUDIE AUDI RACING TEAM Hi, all you PCA’ers. You know, during my long old life, some pretty far-out things have happened to me. Like the time I was kidnapped by a band of gypsies and held fer ransom. Or the time I was pushed off Mt. Baldy and landed in a bag of Kitty Litter. Or maybe even the time that I bought a pumpkin farm and they cancelled Halloween. But June 3, 1973 was the best day of all. After many, many long hours of testing and development, the official Fraudie Audi Racing Team made their debut at the PCA-LA slalom. Not only were they super to look at (especially Tore’s legs), but they were equally fast. The number one F.A.R.T.’er of the day was Don Colwell, Jr. in his 912 taking a first in his class! Pete Zimmerman in his cherry speedster took a second place, Carola Anderson in her 911T Targa took a third place, and Tore (Legs) Johnson took a sixth, beating two 914-6’s and a dead moose! Anyway, all in all, that is success in the making.
functional accessories instrument repair
mechanical detailing precision machine work
OUt POC. the
’S will get you
August 5th! I only have time to answer a couple of letters this month, so here goes. Dear Fraudie, Do you think we have a chance to beat PCA in the slalom? POC Dear POC, You couldn’t fight your way out of a baggy with a sword, let alone a slalom! Dear Fraudie, Please tell me where Gandolf was last month?!! I really missed his column in the paper. Longingly Dear Longingly, Gandolf and I were both soused in my secret cave, hiding from our Board! Fraudie
Porscherama is not responsible for any misrepresentation of items in this "for sale" column.
Specia]izingin close-tolerance ma~hiningfor air-cooled engines, PORSCHE&HI-
PERFORMANCE VW’s-- Our bag! i Send for FREE i Catalog covering se~icingtips, and prices ¥ou canlivewith,
MASTER CHARGE/BANK AMERICARD ACCEPTED. 209SN. LakeAve. Altadena, Ca. 91001 [213)~94-8402
{213]681-S991 RAY
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1952 Porsche Cabriolet 1500 Normal. For sale or auction! This is the 7th oldest known cabriolet left in existence (Chassis # 10207)It is rust free and features a tWO piece windshield. If no offer of $i,000 is received by July 15 at noon, the car and all the parts I’ve collected for early Porsches will be sold as a lot to the highest bidder. All pre-bids should be in a sealed envelope accompanied by a $20 deposit which will be returned on the date of the auction. For detailed info, contact John Cesareo, 16221 Hawaii Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92649. Phone: 1 (714) 846-3016. 1966 912 Coupe. White with red interior, 5 speed, bosch headlights, tuned exhaust with stinger, bra and cocoa mats. Car is lowered and has 20,000 miles on 1750cc engine. $2,850. Contact Don Colwell, Jr. at 881-4319 (evenings and weekends). (This car, running the Fraudi Audi Racing Team banner, won first in its class at the recent TRW Slalom - Ed. )
for sale This column is available free to PCA-LA members who want to sell, trade or purchase Porsche cars, parts or related equipment. Porscherama will also print listings of non-PCA members on a space available basis if accompanied by a check in the amount of $3.00 payable to Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region.the following:Alllistings must conform to i. Items must be personal property and not connected with any business enterprise. (Display advertizing at nominal rates are available for businesses); 2. Descriptions must be complete and include appropriate serial numbers; 3. Each listing must be limited to fifty words, plus name, address, zip code and telephone number. All listings are subject to editing and condensing; and 4. All listings must be received by or before the 20th of each month for inclusion in the next month’s issue.
C"St0I A]I[0 AiF 0"di[i0"i
happening elsewhere
Your editor has created a limited amount of hysteria (that is, a small group of very hysterical Porsche people), which should be laid to rest. Stapled with the flyer for the TRW Slalom was a letter from our president, John Kepler, to those members who had not renewed their membership for 1973. Because of the cost of a separate mailing and the problem of identifying the 150 members(out of a total 400) who had not renewed, I mailed this letter to everyone - reqardless of whether they had renewed their dues or not. Well, I’ve reaped the results of this short cut for a month and a half. You can stop writing! If you’ve received this issue of Porscherama, you are a member in good standing in PCA-LA. If you’re not a member in good standing, you’re not reading this and evidently didn’t read John’s letter either. I Repent. Amen.
July 21-22
ROWDY RIVERSIDE, POC --sponsored high speed time trials and a gymkhana at Riverside Raceway. New drivers must attend a competition driver’s lecture ~t the Saddleback Inn in Norwalk on Tues., July 17 at 7:30 PM, a pretech session at Allred Porsche-Audi in Glendale on Tues., July i0 at 7 PM, and a course walk-a-round on July 21 at 7 AM at the Raceway. For further information regarding fees and schedule, call Lauretta White (794-7438) or Tom Marx (784-5479). PCA San Diego Region Grossmont Concours and Gymkhana-Autocross. For information call Dieter Vongehr (714-466-3989) or Ralph Hurty (714-7287661).
August 4-5
I’ve been fairly pleased with the results of FIX IT OUT in the June Porscherama, but will wait for another month to compile and mail the results. Remember, if you don’t contribute, you won’t get a copy of the results. So, don’t procrastinate. I can still include your opinions~
W E STWO O Sales
Servic e
call joe deSantis~
PORSCHE - AUOI 10959 Santa Monica Boulevard, Westwood, California 90025
Phone: 478÷~.095
les nouveaux i.
Norbert Branders 10480 National Blvd. #227 Los Angeles, California 90034
Norbert, an engineer, owns a 1970 911T, and he is interested in tech, social and racing.
Norbert Gurell 3 Golden Spar Place Rolling Hills Estates, California
Norbert owns a 1965 356 SC, and his interests are tech, racing and social. He is also an engineer.
Donald Ris 351 Orizaba Avenue Long Beach, California 90814
Don is a machinist and owns a 1973 914 1.7. He is interested in social, tech and driving school.
Wendell Schooling. 2629 Clarendon Avenue Huntington Park, California 90255
Wendell drives a 1971 911E Targa, and he is an attorney. His interests are tech, driving school and rallyes.
James Weiss 21032 Kingscrest Saugus, California 91350
Jim is interested in tech, social and railyes. He is an engineer, and he drives a 1968 911.
Lee Wendelbo 6329 Vista del Mar Playa del Rey, California 90291
Lee, an airline pilot, has interest in rallyes, social and concours.
membership Here it is, the n~st exciting part of the paper, membership. What can I say that I haven’t already said? Do you want to listen to me bitch about the Parade? Do you want me to tell you to be better Porsche Pushers? How about general meetings?
Well, I am not going to speak about any of that. I would rather "get it all together" for the Challenge Cup Slalom with POC. I’d really like to see PCA beat them at their own game. Let’s all do it! Tore Johnson P.S. Isn’t anyone going to cancel, so I can go to the Parade?
s’pe i Dtha to ON IlSCHE .AUDI for sponsoring the pca -poc challenge cup slalom at irwindale raceway
~ PORSCHE OWNERS!~, A new one-stop Parts and Accessories Store .... devoted exclusively to the Porsche Owner. Open weekdays: 9:00-6:00
Saturday: 9:00-4:00
PERF~G~’/~,~ANL~’E 10946 Santa Monica Boulevard West Los Angeles, Calif.
Phone: 477-0507
AUGUST 19-24
All parade entrants or others wishing to tour (driving rapidly) to Monterey on August 18, contact Ralph Campbell,
Activities Chairman679-4511, ex.4006 (days), 826-0253 (eves.) Let’s make it an interesting drive up the coast.
PAl 0 R~’DONDO BEACH ¯ CA 90277
NO. 76