Porscherama 1982 November

Page 1

Vol II No. 10





Board Of Directors PRESIDENT Judd B0ykin ............... days 419-3875 eves 788-4182 VICE PRESIDENT John Fels ................. eves 476-4755 SECRETARY Carmel la Tellez ........... eves 362-3801 TREASURER Brent Morrow .............. days 451-7478 eves 823-1690 ACTIVITIES Sam Wang ............. eves(714) 831-3799 TECH D0ug Anderson ............. days 738-9518 eves 912-2356

Policy PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the ~st of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope,

MEMBERSHI P Bob H0usman ............... eves 990-2869

The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.

EDITORS Connie Fern ............... days 398-2217 Lark Nakazaki ............. eves 398-1963 Ken Bal I ard ............... days 824-5503


PCA ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Mike Springer ............ (714) 847-7598

ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us, care of Ann Wang, 12222 Montana, LA 90049.

Ad Rates PCA-LA At A Glance

ADVERTISING RATES (Effective Feb. ~, ~98~)

PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating [and sometimes frustrating] experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.

Size of Ad



Back Cover (V2) Full Page 1/2 Page ~/3 Page 1/4 Page I/6 Page Business Card

S 100.00 65.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35.00 25.00

S800.00 750.00 400.00 325.00 275.00 250.00 180.00

Subscriptions PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $18 per year, Send requests to 1911 Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA,

PCA HOTLINE 398-22 ~ 7

This month I would like to reply to

an open letter received from Rodney

Last month you may have

thought we were r%mning a

Francis, a Los Angeles Region member, Rodney is taking issue with the regional dues imposed by our region. Please see

puzzle - put Jo!nn Fels’s wonderful, article on The 356 Registry together. It

Rodney’s letter printed in this issue,

was not intentional and we

There are parts of his letter with which

,:John for mixing it up so much,

I am in total agreement; however, I must respond to some of his statements, A newsletter is "an important and vital organ of any organization." We in PCA/

want to publicly apol6g~ze to If you want to read it in order begin on page 13, then 9 and finally 12. Fortunately, John took it in stride and e%~n provialed us with another great art-

LA fee] that ours is far above the

icle this on entitled MEMORIES.

majority of Regional Newsletters both in quality and content and our aim is to provide the L.A. members with the best publication we can. R0dney states

WA/qTED -person or person inter-

that increased circulation provides increased advertising revenue.

He also

feels that Porsche owners have money to part with at the drop of a pin. For

the past seven years, our advertising has remained fairly static. In the last few months, prior to the regional dues, we have lost advertisers, not due to a drop in circulation, but rather the declining economic condition, This same condition has caused the majority of average Porsche owners to tighten their money belts as far as luxury items are concerned. Where better participation and interest are concerned, the newsletter is vital to regional participation. Without the members being informed as to the upcoming events, we would not have participation. The L.A. Region has historically had an active membership of approximately 125 at any given time. This is not to say that only 125 of you are active. This number rotates throughout the membership. We believe that the active members will choose to remain active in L.A. There are quite a few of our members who join PCA just for Panorama. They will continue to receive it. Others join for a variety of reasons, which never seem to be fulfilled. These members usually do not renew after the first year, but are replaced by the new wave.

corot, on z.aQe ]8

ested in assuming responsibility for PORSCHERAMA. The current Editors would be most happy to assist new person or persons to learn the ropes. The October Membership Meeting

at the Austrian Trade Fair was a super social event. Approximately 50 PCAers were treated to a great Austrian Buffet and enjoyed browsing through the wonderful displays. Look forward to seeing you at an event.


ULTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRE, INC. -(213~515 5433 P.O. BOX3339 ~NCALIF. TOLLFREE (800) 262 - 1325




4 PHOTO COVER STORY Dear Porscherama,


Awhile back, you were soliciting


members for cover photos, l’ve noticed recently that you seldom use photos anymore. Anyway, here is one for your file or use. The car is a 1957 Carrera GT speedster. It belongs to my brother, Greg Young of Santa Barbara. During thepast year, Greg has shown "REVS UP" at most of the major contours in California. When this photo was taken, he was entered in the "Sports" class at the Buena Ventura Concours inOjai; CA. Last year (1979) Greg’s entry took first in its class, but this year (1980) the Mercedes "Gull Wing" in front of the Speedster took first, Yesterday, Greg bought a ’56 "Gull Wing"--silver with red leather, The speedster is bright red with black interior. The stinger is a factory unit designed for high performance. When the car was originally imported it was raced by Vasek Polak. The GT series is slightly lighter than the GS due to less trim, nagahide floor covering instead of carpeting, and spyder-type aluminium racing rims. A special trans, oversized brakes and a factory roll bar round out the competition package. Greg’s car was raced until about 1960 when it was moved to a barn near Sacramento with a bent valve. In 1977, Greg bought the Speedster from the owner’s parents for $6,000 as it sat.




~~5"~ J ~!

OFFICAL RULES 1. All entries must be Porsche related. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Judging will be in four categories: a) Speed Events b) Concours c) Rally/Tours d) People (aka. Porsche Pushers) 8"x10" minimum size All entries must be mounted (to be displayed at the Christmas Party) Photos may be in Black and White or in Color. If a comment will enhance your photo,you may use one. Entries may be delivered to any Porscherama editor (ConnieLarkorKen) at any meeting or mailed to: Porscherama

8. 9.

1911Newell Rd. Malibu, Ca 90265 All entries must be received by November 30, 1982. Good Luck, and enter your "BEST SHOT" today!

Wrentz Port work in Santa Clara took over a year to rebuild the 4-cam Carrera, 4-cylinder. Apparently the roller cams and roller crank were in good shape, so the bill was less than $10K.

I wouldn’t expect you to use all this material, if at all. However, I hope I might create enough interest in the car to use the photo. The car obviously looks gorgeous in color. Being an avid photographer, I have hundreds of slides of "REVS UPs" If you want to discuss it further ’ please contact either myself, Bart Young at (213) 487-2363 or Greg Young (the owner) at (805) 965-0027. (He doesn’t know l’ve sent this photo.)

Clenet Coachworks in Santa Barbara did the body work original. The red ~acquer paint was completed by Classic Design, which is owned by Cle~et’s original body shop foreman. Morey Moto did the interiorwork,

iEditor’s Note): This letter was sent to us in November 1980. Somehow, it got mislaid and only recently came to our attention. We talked with Bart to apologize for not using the photo sooner and learned that this beautiful machine was totalled in August in the Santa Barbara area. The good news is that Greg is busy putting together a ’59 Carrera GT Speedster.


924 Tie Rod - The 924 has spring-loaded tie rod joints. The effect of this is that bumps transmitted from the wheels on uneven roads do not reach the ball joints or steering mechanism, 924 Dash Squeaks - If you have a squeak in the dash of the 924 and you can’t locate it, try lubricating the plastic windshield supports at the bottom of the glass. Thanks to the shop foreman at Max Dial Porsche Audi for this tip. Brake Warning Light - 911/Turbo ’77 If the brake warning light stays on after brake work, disconnect and reconnect the battery to make the light go out and stay out. cont.

on page 16

MEMBERSHIP NONSENSE FOR NOVEMBER Well, this is the first computer-generated article we have written this year, which explains why it is later than usual in getting to the printer. We are attempting to get all the files entered so that keeping them current will be less of a chore. I want to thank those of you who offered to allow your systems to be used as back-up to our system. I hope to not have to need the back-up capabilities, but in the world of mechanical and electronic marvels, one never knows. If there is anyone out there in Membershipland with an IBM PC, give me a call and see if we can swap stories (and who knows what else) about the PC. I hope everyone can make it to our Novembar Get-Acquainted and Orientation meeting. We have a special meeting set up with a special menu, etc ....... Hope to see you there. Let’s welcome our new members:

" ~-----~


~ ~"-9~ ~ ~ ~li~_ Jli.1 D ~i STRIBUTORS. INC. ~~

The qualitV of our workmanship is guaranteed to make you satisfied. We are reliable, professional and happv to please

Martin Carver Michale Elkin Ronald Hall Ernest Horacek Lyman Lockwood Bata Mataja Carlos Navarro Kenneth Patterson Robby Rustin

1977½ Black 924 1983 White 944 1980 Black 911SC Targa 1973 Silver 911T Targa 1968 Black 912 1959 Oxblood 356A 1980 White 911 1974 Yellow 911 1972 Yellow 911T Targa

Bill Senta Wi I l iam Spare Joe Vol pe Laurence Wax

1977 1983 1980 1963

Brown 911S Whi te 944 Ivory 911SC Dark Red 356

ourc.ients. ¯ Collision Repairs and Paint ¯ U :dates--(911 to 911SC or Turbo) ¯ Concours Quality Restoration ¯ Mechanical Service and Rebuilding ¯ Complete Interior Refinishing


¯ Parts and Accessories Sales ¯ Alarm and Stereo Sales/Installation


¯ New & Used Cars Sales and Leasing (213)678-1104

K&E DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 1945 Placentia Ave. Unit "H" Costa Mesa, California 92627 (714) 642-6971


(213) 677-81


Activities for November are numerous-it seems that the Zone has to catch up on some earlier rain dates’, We’ll lead off with PCA/LA’s Board meeting at the home of faithful John Fels. We’ll be setting up the calendar for 1983 and would appreciate any local input you might have. The first Saturday will see PCA/LAers trek to the fabulous Merle Norman collection in Sylmar. We’ve talked about this event for years--now Carmella Tellez is making it happen as a tech session. See elsewhere for full details. That same weekend, the 6th & 7th, will see PCA San Diego Region put on its Zone 8 Time Trial for 1982. l’m sorry that we found out about it so late, but this date is a makeup for an earlier lost date. Holtville has been absent from our Zone 8 series for a couple of years so it’s a very welcome addition. Joe Weber of PCA/SD has set up a lowcost package for registration, hotel and Saturday BBQ. The racetrack itself is still very technical and interesting, so it promises to be a fine weekend. Call Joe Weber at (714) 460-5820 (home) or (714) 239-6041 (work) or me (714) 831-3799 for more

details. Another rain make-up date will follow on the next weekend. This time it will be Santa Barbara Region’s notorious Zone 8 Concours. Held at Manning Park in Montecito, this beautiful and cornpetitive event has been a benchmark of Zone 8 Concours for years (except for the rain, of course[). Plan on a nice picnic and lots of photos or even a quick wash-and-shine entry for your own Porsche.

Thursday, the 18th, will be our last new-member orientation meeting of the year. It should be the same successful format. A few brief descriptions of the various PCA activities, a good deal of social contact (no herpes) and a nice movie film. Lastly, November 20-21 will be that perennial favorite, Willow Springs. This high-desert mecca of speed craziness will be the last chance to nail down Zone 8 Time Trial points. It’ll be sponsored by PCA/0range Coast and POC. Call our President, Judd Boykin or Connie on the PCA hotline (213) 398-2217 for latest info.



ZC)NE B TIME TRIAL SPONSORED BY: The San Diego County Porsche & Audi Dealers Association DATES: November6th&7th Track Opens 7:30 PRE-TECH: October27th 6:00 to 8:30 P.M At Alan Johnson Porsche&Audi


October 28th 6;00 to 8:30 P.M. AtDonSharpPorsche&Audi Mandatory for non-trailered cars within a 50 mile radius ENTRYFEE:

$40.001st Driver $15.00 2nd Driver, driving same car


Travelodge, EICentro 2000 Cottonwood Circle


Ask for P.C.A. Rate FREE

Bar-B-Que 6:30 P.M. Saturday Night at Poolside at the Travelodge Bratwurst & Beer for all participants and workers

Zone 8 time trial rules and classes will apply


Joe Weber (H) 714-460-5820 (W) 714-239-6041 Dick Eimers (H) 714-562-1804 Bruce Swanbom (H) 7!4-483-0222 (W) 714-461-3100

7 AN OPEN LETTER Dear Editor (and Board of Directors): I apologize for putting off writing this letter so long, but feel I must not let this situation pass without comment. I find it very significant that only 150 of a potential 550 PCA/ LA members have seen fit to remit the so-called "regional dues." Doesn’t this indicate something to you about the average members’ feelings? As a former Vice President, Board member and Activities Director of the Hawaii Region of PCA, and Vice President of the Hawaii Council of Sports Car Clubs, it has been my experience and is my strong opinion that a newsletter is an important and vital organ of any organization for several reasons-a few are: I.


Increased circulation provides increased advertising revenue (better known as money--something Porschephiles are accustomed to parting with readily enough). Better Club participation and interest. Even if ~nly a few members attend only an occasional event because of publicity in the

Newsletter, it improves the Club ~n many ways. 3.

Dissemination of information to members regarding businesses and services appropriate to the Porsche owner,

Granted, many of those 400 or so nonrespondents (that’s a lot you guys~) will continue to pay their national dues and PCA/LA will benefit from it"s share of those dues. However, consider the loss of good will, money, and members as many become non-members by attrition, transfer to other regions nearby or simply lose contact and drop out. Then there is the additional consideration of how the total membership fee will influence potential new members, despite the one year of free newsletter (wheel). ALL members are entitled to basic communication and representation (vote). That’s why the tea wound up in Boston Harbor, right? There is a tendency in organizations such as this for a central core to develop--to the exclusion of more casual members. This policy will solidify that trend. These are just the feelings and thoughts of one member--soon apparently to be an "inactive" one. But, I hope they may stimulate some reconsideration of regional policy. I will continue to enjoy my 911S-wilt soon add a 928S and eventually a

356 to our "family." I will continue to read ’PANO’ monthly and patronize its advertisers. As far as local merchants and service shops? My selection will cease to be influenced by Porscherama. But no matter how you slice it, PCA/LA is the one who loses the most.

The contention has been that a regional fee must be imposed to keep the Club in the black, and fees associated with Club events can be thus kept down. Consider, however, that this deprives every member of a basic Club right so that, say, the autocrossers and racers may do so for less--in other words more for less and less for more.

Sincerely, Rodney D. Frances, M.D.




I::ll~r’l I._INI~ ~--,l~l::~.Vff-’E~, INl--.


MEMORIES ...... by



Being in Monterey in August for the Historic Races evoked a lot of memories for me. I grew up in Los Angeles and my love affair with the automobile started in the 40’s. Because of WW II, drivers licenses were issued at age 14 so we got an early start with our cars. Hot-rodding was the thing in the forties; ’32 and ’34 Fords were big with heavy duty V/8’s pulling them along. On the weekends we would go out to the dry lakes of Mojave to watch speed runs which were the beginnings of drag racing. My first car was a ’39 Ford with a chopped Carson top and we used to meet on South Beverly Drive, which is now Beverwyl in Beverlywood, and do pretty much what the folks are going on Mulholland now. I had a few other slick cars after the Ford. When I went into the Service in 1951 with the Air Force in Sacramento (to save the area against the onslaught of the Korean hordes), I met, and fell in love with my first sports car, a 1949 MG-TC. You all know about this car as it brought European sports cars to this country and really was the car that led the way of the European auto invasion. You may remember seeing pictures in "Life" magazine of this funny little car, windshield folded, driving under high bed trucks~

’4uality coffee and beer mu@s and ts_r~kards available with filed-on full color Porsche,~N,~G,and VW crests ar, d personaiiza~ion. Coffee mug

Beer mug




Personalization $.1.50 minimum,30 letter over 5 letters.

additional per

California residents add 6~% sales tax. ~d $2.00 per order for shipping and h~ndling.


RO. Box 359 Saugus, CA 9~350

In Sacramento I met, among many others, two wonderful men, Sam Weiss, later killed at Laguna Seca, and Lee Felton, now a successful Porsche dealer in the Bay Area, They introduced me to the joys of road racing and we went from Reno, Golden Gate Park, Bakersfield, Torrey Pines, Palm Springs, Goleta, and the most impressive of all, Pebble Beach for racing at it’s finest. These were the days of Ken Miles in his own built MG Specials that in class couldn’t be beat and often took care of the Ferrari’s of Hill, MacAfee and MacDougel. Poor Ken bought it at turn nine at Riverside. John Von Neumann was the visionary who brought Porsche into racing on the West Coast with an early coupe that he bought, chopped the top off and created the first speedster. It was a frightening car to drive, but masterfully handled by Von Neumann. His sister, Josie, was a superb Ferrari driver who competed with the best of the men drivers of the time. (cont. on page 12)

I0 sunday











11 20





FCA/L~ 3



Board Meeting - 8=00 pm Info and directions contact John Fels (213) 476-4755 (eves) Get Acquainted/Orientation Meeting 8=00 pm SCC Yacht Club, 13445 Mindanao Way, Marina del Rey. Take Marina Few West to Mindanao Way, turn left, then right at first opportunity after Admiralty. Deadline for entries to PHOTO CO~’~EST.

OTHERS Zone 8 Time Trial San Diego Region at Holtville. ii PRE-TECH for Zone 8 Time Trial (Mov. 20/21) at PORSCHOP, 3906 Grand View Blvd. Mar Vista. 6=30 - 9=30 pm 20-21 Zone 8 Time Trial 0CR Willow Springs




PCA/LA Board Meeting


PCA/LA Christmas Party/Award Brunch Lobster House, Marina del Rey



~ ~,~,,"~

- FKIPAy-7~It~

~,~’~ ~u,~ ~ ,~ ~,~


R~’st(++’~Lt~on %pL’C~a]ist~ Ot [h~C I:uropL’a~

Mcta; Yinishin~ t’oncouls t+rupatation & A~lstancc

Da~e DiMaria Brian Winger +213) 320-3495

(2131 320 3495

l.acqucr l’aint Rclmishing Color Matching CollNion Rc’pahs Welcome


APPLE VALLEY INN A p p l e V a II e y, C a

12 MEMORIES (cont.) In the early fifties, I visited with John Von Neumann in his little oneroom salesroom on Ventura Blvd. where he was trying to sell a funny little car he was importing called a Volkswagen. My how times have changed and you can still see Von Neumann today with his VW’s only now with VOA. For me, the most beautiful and exciting Big, car of the time was the Allard strong, and incredibly powerful using a variety of U.S. BIG V/8’s (Mercury, Cadillac, Chrysler) they were a sight to see coming at you with their canted front wheels. The best of these Allards was owned by Tom Carstens (now a Seattle Porsche dealer) and drive by Earnie MacAfee to enormous success. The car was unbeatable. It was black with red wire sheels, two side mounted. The car sported white walls and a chrome luggage rack over the rear deck. Pebble Beach used to be run on Saturday only, and after winning the main event, the Allard would be prepared and entered the Concours on Sunday where it always won it’s class. At one Pebble Beach race, after winning six straight events, the car lost to Phil Hill driving one of the new 4-1itre Ferraris. After the race, MacAfee took the car out for some testing to find out what was wrong, the car went off course, hit a tree and was totally destroyed. A rather prophetic ending to this marvelous car we all thought at the time.

When I came back to Los Angeles, highly decorated from my war efforts, I became great and good friends with the local racing establishment. There was Paul "Pappy" Pedigo, who also had a TC, only his was powered by one of the small Ford V/8’s that were so popular then. He never could really get the car up to it’s potential though. The car was owned by Bill Trousdale who later went on to develop the Trousdale Estates. "Pappy’s" shop was at the corner of Wilshire and Santa Monica Blvd, not a bad location today. (Did you know there was once a board track at that location?). There was another wonderful guy then who was a master upholsterer, Joe Maggio, who now, in his late 70’s, is working for Hill & Vaughn (Phil Hill was fast and articu]ate then as now). Rudi Stoessel also had a shop on Santa Monica B]vd modifying Packards (the Darrin-Packard) and building a funny Fiberglass special, also known as a Darrin, that was distinguished by the doors sliding forward into the front fender wells rather than opening out. Rudi and his son Bill now own Coachcraft in West Hollywood, one of the better known Porsche restoration shops I could go on, but you get the idea. These were merry days, an exciting time when "g~ntleman".~ racing was at it’s zenith. When the Wakers, Garroways, Cunninghams were buying the biggest and the best, and guys like Lovely, Miles, Barlow were building their "specials." Any time you’d like to talk, or maybe look at old 8mm films of Lance Reventlow’s Scarab driven by Chuck Daigh at the "Times Grand Prix," give me a call


3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217


system or





in your Porsche

other fine car from as low as

$750.00 plus tax. 1 year factory parts and labor guarantee. For more

info please call: DAVID


213 989.0268



14 LETTERS Brent Morrow PCA/LA Treasurer

- OCT. 3, le~-

Dear Mr. Morrow: The reason l’m late in paying the regional dues is that I’ve debated whether I should continue with the

L.A. Region. I have been a Board member and a continuous me~er of the L.A. Region fo~ about 1B ~ea~s now, not always active, but this act of charging the regional dues smacks of fiscal irresponsibility for a club of 400-500 members. Can’t this club balance the budget, making it on local events, plus the return from PCA National dues? If the high cost

events such as Riverside or Willow Springs are severely straining the annual budget, the event should be either discontinued or the entry fee increased. Why should the non-racers subsidize $3,000-$4,000 events? We are not the SCCA (or the Bank of Ameri ca ).


You ~o,~


zo~ ~ ~

.~ ,~

T~ A~D










(~ 5E&UT~=U L

~.~ P~m~ ~A~e ~y~ 5o w~ ~mv~ PUT ~T~O~mTU~ AGA~. A~O W~L~ ~OL~ Tins ~Vm~ O~

~OV. ~.

C~EC~_~, ~.~D ’.~’~L D~O~ THeM ~,~ TWO wmm[~. L~T








Ho~. TO ~ YOU ~ ~CV

I find it a bother to now send in two checks at two different times of the year to two clubs (National and L.A. Region). Please ask National to raise their dues then and abolish the local fee. I’ll play it by ear for another year. Enclosed is ,15.00 check for local membership dues. ~ B V Sincerely, Roger A. Wagner


I 4

15 1982 Porsche Targa 911SC. Pacific Blue, 6600 miles, full black leather interior, power windows, brakes, mirrors, air conditioning, Blaupunkt 2001 stereo cassette, five speed, cruise control, Hofco alarm system, full five-year warranty. In mint condition--best offer or take over lease or buy outright. Call Elizabeth Ranson (213) 417-8446 (work) or (213) 822-6258 (home).

Single axle trailer with enclosed tool box. Compact and lightweight. Built specifically for stock body 911/912. $850 or best offer. Call Mark at (702) 734-1711 (days) or (702) 732-0409 (evenings). 1974 911S Cpe., 9114301145. 43,500 miles, silver/black leather recaroso Nu Bilsteins, sunroof, 7"x15" alloys, Nu P-6’s, Carrera st. wheel, Euro headlights, AM/FM cassette. Maintained by Pete Zimmerman at Redline. Call David Barr at (213) 659-2980 (work) or (213) 393-8694 (home).

1969 912 Coupe #129020634. Original white, black interior, 5 speed, 6" factory alloys, bra cover, AMiFM radio/cassette. Second owner, California car. $12,000 or best offer. Call A1 Cardenas at (213) 869-4218, 9040 Suva St., Downey, CA 90240.

1963 Porsche Cabriolet removable hardtop. Complete--good condition~ $700. Harry Robertson--(213)439-1089.

F:iI r" I_IN




A "Po~sche only" Machine Shop for the neighborhood repair facility, the factory authorized Porsche dealer, or the do-it-yourselfer. We offer a complete cylinder head and engine case refurbishment service for aircooled Porsohe engines. Of course, the S)I| will rer~ain our specialty in the area of engine overhaul, but many years of experience make long life cylinder head repairs for the 912 and 356 possible. The same high quality standards maintained by our service facility wi!l be exercised by our machine shop, because, simply put, if the job is worth doing, it’s worth doing well. Easy freewayaooess:

720 Colorado Ave.

SantaMonioa, CA 90401

(213) 4.%0-7414




Porsche 924 Heater - If you have a customer complaining that the heater stays on all the time, you should check the heater valve in the line running to the heater. The only accurate way of determining if the valve is defective is to remove the valve from the line

and blow through one end while holding the valve shut with your finger, All AFC Equippped Vehicles - Poor Gas Mileage/Performance - If you’re faced with the above problems, keep the following information in mind. Loose or broken vacuum lines connected to the intake manifold can reduce manifold


Judd Boykin


Peggy Watkins

Activities Chairman:

Bill Watkins

Membership Chairman:

Bob Housman

The above slate was presented at the October Meeting - there were no additional nominations from the floor, Ballots will be mailed within 15 days of the meeting,

vacuum. The fuel pressure regulator will sense this low vacuum condition and increase fuel pressure causing a rich mixture, poor gas mileage and sluggish performance if not corrected.



Engine - General - Don’t rev any engine at high RPM when it is cold. Premature cam and cam follower wear will result. Antifreeze Coolant - The summer season is upon us again. It is again time to check the percentage of antifreeze in the cooling system. Antifreeze provides three major functions: I. 2.


Anticorrosive properties Prevents freeze-up of evaporator coils if the evaporator is in close proximity to the heater coil. Antiboil properties.

The correct mixture of antifreeze is 50% water to 50% antifreeze.

INTERIORS BY L STROm Specializing in Porsche Restoration



(2!3) 705-2410 (805) 245-3182

¯ Glass ¯ Chrome ° Rubber








pb tweaks







Jc~e Boucher Glenn Ol~ver (BEST OVERALL)



LEG 1/6


PCA-SB 9]&

.28 .50

.28 .0]

.04 .04

.03 .01

.04 .0]


PCA OCR 70-911E

.01 2.25 .02 .0]

.08 .57

.05 .02

.02 .0]



Beverly Frohm Tom Gould NAVIGATION CLA8S I. Cece Friesen Nick Friesen SOP CLASS i. Holly Payne Bob Jones



Mark Bcott John Flotho


Phil Reese Linda Dorand Felix Macaluso dean Macaluso

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I0. 11.

(7) (16~ (II)

Sandy Kunza~ ")(9) bou ~ike ~- ~! Burr Misevic (6) Merge Misevic Annette Evans (12) Stove Lockwood John Dusckett (24) Linda Dusckett Ron Ramage {23) Olenda Trechter Tore Johnson (17] Craig McCarthy Dave Givens (3) Core Lee Ellison


Micky Bubier



Keith Raymer Connie Raymer Eric Levison Shirley Levison



2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

LEG 4/9

LEG 5/]0


.51 3.78 2,33 .55



.38 .0& .12 3,27

.21 .84


.04 .10

.67 .15


.]5 .08 1.88 .65 .83 .70 4.15 .27 1.20 .03 3.12 .70 .66 3.98 .88 I.i0 .53 .22 2.10 .32 .62 &.22 5.00 .70 .65 5.00 1.62 5.00 .51 4.47 .71 1.82 .16 5.00 5.00 2.82 .06 ].47 5.00 5.00 .03 1.17 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.57 1.58 6.00 6.00

.30 .95 .12 .16 .62 .10 .46 .26

.19 2,80 .4] .08 1.18 2.21

PCA-OCR .03 1,75 76 911S-T .56 2.47 PCA 8B .60 3.09 64 356C ].02 ,26 PCA~OCR ,II 1.33 64 3568C 1.08 2.30 PCA OCR .28 .52 911S-T 2.33 .45 PCA-SB .06 1.58 911T 5.00 2.47 PCA-OCR .03 2.47 9241" .27 5.00 PCA-GPX .82 .78 .42 1.55 PCA-GPX .49 1.78 70-914/6 ].83 .25 PCA LA 1.72 2.62 71-9118 .33 3.50 PCA-LA 2.06 2.31 911 2.52 4.65 PCA-RIV 2.29 2.68 78-924 5.00 .5& PCA-LA 2.53 1.90 81-9!]SC 5.00 4.55 PCA hA ].35 3.47 77 924 6.00 B.00

ONE MEA~ [LASS (]r~-Coun[ies and Z LTD) CLUB/CAR/ LEG CAR # CLASS 1/6 ]-

LEG 3/8




1 2 3 4



C-3 ~





LEG 2/7

1.29 .93

.54 .62 .17 .19 .11 .52 2.55 1.20 5.00 .42 2.78 2.65 5.00 .10 5.00 5.00 1.4] 6.00

LEG 2/7

LEG 3/8

LEG 4/9

Battle Adsett (]) TCSCC .15 2.25 3ohn Scars PSUEDO-P(E) .03 .4] Ch~*ck Burton (]3} TCSCC .32 5.00 Pat Kelly WABBIT(E) .00~ .02 Norm Flowers (8) TUSCC .57 .66 Connie Flowers S-TIGER(SOP) .37 .34 (BEST SOP) Bill Dale (2) TCSCC .73 3.05 Mary Houghton MUSTANG(SOP) .61 1.01 Dana Christensen(14) TCSCC .91 1.95 Donna HcDermott PINTO(SOP) .43 2.00 Michell Clisby (15) Z--LTD ~.59 4.54 Kim Harding 325-PID(SOP)5.00 .45

.67 .03 .08 .0]

.2] .03 .04 .31 [00 .05 .00 .03 .16 1.56 .12 .68

Duane Harding David Harding


.62 .81


C-4 C-5





1 2

9.31 11.19 12.76

3 13.00 4 5 6

15.39 ]5.61 19.70 21.73

S 2

1 2 3 4

26.32 26.81 &3,98


LEG 5/10 4.13 5.51 5.89

2.80 .71 2.15 .79 3.47 1.36


.38 .77 5.00 .59 4.97 .17

~ 7


~ I0 i]



I enjoyed putting on this rallye...I even liked the rallye.

Not too

MODEL & YEAR ’6] 356 ’54-356 ’63-356 ’64 356 ’62-356 ’63-356 ’57-Spdr. ’58 Spdr. ’74-Carrera ’69-912 ’79-9]ISC


- .... 314.8 - -321.6

SERIES POINTS 318.6 314.2 614.7 299.3 304.4 289.) 285.a 262.2 314.8 648.4 644.1

’79 930 ’75-Carrera ’81-9]]SC

387.4 ..... -

307.~ 306.0 269.6

’78 924 ’66-906 ’75-RSR

324.4 307.8 -

1,281.2 307.8 631.

John Cesareo Cecil &Mary O’Brien Klay &Jane Klabunde Felix Mace)use Kirk Brennan Jim Hanley Michael Grady Patricia Rases Nell Hauet Tom &Tressa COX Lawrence Peth Patsy Conklin Bill Strickler Jim &Pam Babbit Kirk Shimazu Peter Cowper Ron Ramage Dee Rosado










’65-356 ’89-356 ’55 356 ’62 356 ’56-Spdr. 64-356 55-356 64 356 61-356 60-356 74-911 73 911 73-911 74 911 74-Carrera 67-912

232.0 223.0 ]89.2 17].0 -.... .... --240.0 231.5 226.0 ]64.0 -----

921.9 892.0 189.2 171.0 444.4 229.2 227.5 186.3 180.5 180.4 708.15 705.7 460.2 164.0 228.0 201.0


318.6 314.2 308.6 299.3 .....

1 2 3



l hope you had fun with the day. The beginning of the rallye was to graze the rallye (i.e., know what a checkpoint is and control cards). A break for co{fee drinkers and a drive for drivers (i.e.~ not a drive for navigators[] New control cards~ a nice break~ a~some scenery. The best Swimming Suit Patrol in Malibu going[ Pinish with a maze~ a trap, ~ surprise checkpoint, and relief that the rallye is over 15 instructions early! A no host party in the park~ sinc~ the rallyemaster was still working a checkpoint, and lots of fun for all.

PCA REGION Bill Devin SDR A. Richard Miller SDR Larry Mitchiner OCR Dave Louzek SDR Tom &Chris Murphy SAR Sam Dunn A.R. Steve Sailors .... Mark Torel A.R. Ron &DeeDee Hughes OCR Roger &Robin Wing LAR Dave &Anne Walker SDR Craig &Kathy Schroers SDR Bob Turner OCR Keith Raymer OCR No Entrants Mike & Georgia Springer OCR C.Terrance Nick]e SDR Ron & Susan Armour OCR

Sandy Kunza OCR ’78 930 222.0 69!.7 Don &Ellie Allen OCR ’75 911 221.0 905.8 David Hops SDR ’77-911 200.5 200.5 Was Niday OCR ’76 911 .... 467.35 Don &Kathy Nielsen SGVR ’79-911 ..... 237.2 Lee Philipson --’75 Carrera -- 223.9 Dee Rosado SAR ’77 91] -- 223.8 Mark Verbofsky OCR ’77 911 .... 216.6 Randall Kuuth SAR ’82-911 .... 212.2 S-4 1 Sandy Kunza OCR ’70 914 209.5 654.2 2 Randy McGlin SDR ’72-914 150.5 150.5 Bob &Arni Dunn OCR ’74-914 222.3 Wayne Zingsheim SAR ’70-914 155.0 S-5 1 Ernie Paschoal SDR ’77-924 245.0 721.7 Michael Carroll OCR ’81-928 223.0 S-6 1 Raymond Cooper SDR ’65-356 235.5 913.3 ’Fred Moor __ SAR ’53-356 .... 159 : ...... ...........................................................


.20 1.02 .40 4.25 .]7 ].39 1.80 .9~ .48 2.32 5.00 .16

~-LTD 1.10 4.59 280 ZX (8OP)1.33 4.55


1 2 3 4

Kathy East John Straub Richard Clement Jerry Dollar Rick Valentine Jim Roberts Keith Nelson Joi Evans Bill Myrick Scott Grago Dave Belanich


’83-9"44 ’62-356 ’74-91i ’82-928 ’71-914-6 ’65-356 ’74-914 ’76-91ZE ’70-911 ’69 912 ’7]-91]

128.2 127.2 127.0 ]24.6 121.0 ]16.8 ]16.6 ]15.7 i]3.4 112.5 ]09.0

OVERALL Concour Division Mike & Georgia Springer - 1978 Street Division ....... Ernie Paschoal - 1977 .

924 924

Thanks to Mike and Georgia for handlin~ bonus points and comDutin~ results for us while we were in Monterey. The next zone 8 Concour will b~ in Santa Barbara On September 26. We hope to see you all there ....... Ch

Special thanks go out to my Tech Advisor and Checkpoint Captain~ David Leonard. Many tbanks go to all checkpoint crews: Sue Leonard, Will and Judy Hoag, Doug Farrell, and Nancy Bocovich.


na Cooper 766 7125

to Tri-Counties Sports Car Club and Z LTD for their suppor~ in this event.











you next




4215 Lincoln Blvd


Marina del Rey






Out of our 500+ members 375 have opted for the additional dues so far. The 150 figure Rodney cites was an early return. To date, only 175 have not answered our request. We originally estimated that possibly 30% of the membership would not assume the additional dues. This figure was based on the experience of other regions

Finally, yes Rodney, all members are entitled to a vote. When we issued ballots for this idea, we received a tremendous response. Nine of our members voted. The majority were positive. The remainder of PCA/LA chose to remain silent or they felt we had their best interest at heart.

instituting the same policy.

Rodney, we certainly hope you will remain active in PCA/LA. With the qualifications you list, you would be an excellent candidate for our Board of Directors. Possibly you could make a difference. Nominations are open "

Inflation has hit all areas--even nonprofit organizations such as ours. We are currently charging $45.00 per year, after the first year ($30.00). The Porsche Owners Club charges $40.00. We feel that in addition to offering Panorama, our organization is well worth the extra $5.00 for the variety of events we schedule. This is not meant as a put-down of P.O.C. They are very good at what they do, we are just more diversified. POC receives the full $40.00. PCA/LA gets $24.00 from each member ($9.00 from National dues and $15.00 from Regional). Where does the remainder of our income come from? Certainly part is from newsletter advertising. Contrary to Rodney’s thoughts, we are not paying for the autocrossers and racers to enjoy their events. This year the entry fees for time trials was increased. This was due to rising costs at the race tracks. The profits from these events is funneled back to the Club treasury to support the newsletter and other nonprofitable events. The concours and rally events do not make money for the Club--they barely break even. For years now, the time trials have been helping to support us. With rising costs, this cannot continue.

~’~.. ~l~m____ ~1~1#@#~#~1~##~@#~


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Dear Porsche Owner: We are introducing ~!1 ~-~[~,~,, a new dimension in Auto Repair.

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SERVICE SPECIAL 912 -- 914 - $104.95 824 --- $174.95 911 -- $295.00 930 --- $395.00 °

ENGINE -- tune up: new plugs (platinum extra); valve adjustment; oil change; cornpression test; replace filters (air, oil); calibrate fuel system (performance/economy). CHASSIS -- flush transmission; lubricate C/V joints; inspect brake system (top up fluid); adjust clutch; inspect tires and set pressures; check and top up all fluids (batlery, washers, etc.); check front end alignment; lubricate all hinges and latches; graphite all !ocks and switches; complete safety inspection. ELECTIIICAL -- check operation (horn, all lights, wipers, signals, washers, etc.): AVR test (checks condition of charging and starting systems and battery).

¯ BRAKES all Porsches, 911, 912, 356, 914, 930, 924, 928. $99.00 including new brake shoes and/or pads



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Chances are, because we’re right here in Southern California’s San Gabriel Valley, you tend to think of us as a "little neighborhood shop" specializing in machine work and special parts for Porschesand VW’s. Well, that’s right - we give that sort of "hometown" service you like to get as "one of the gang." But CE’sfast and friend ly way of doing business sort of spread out from here to other folks who also enjoyed the way they were treated as one of our local gang. Maybe we should be open about this - our "local gang" hails from Honolulu, Houston, Muncie, PomRay Litz" pano Beach, Prescott, Richmond, Seattle, St. Paul even Toronto, i[~I~If’~’|’~|ON Frankfurt, Melbourne, Oslo and South Aft ca (to name a few . But, ||Nf~R|N(~ honestly, we’ll treat you just as well even if your hometown is down


in L.A., or maybe even PaSadena ! Write or ask for your Free Copy of THE CE NEWS 2095N. Lake Avenue/Altadena California 91001

/ 213/794-8402, 681-5991

BULK RATE MAIL u.s. Postage

Porsche Club Of America


Los Angeles Region Inc. 1911 Newel/Road

Permit No. 55 Mal ibu, Cal ifornia

Malibu, Calif. 90265


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