Porscherama March 1983

Page 1

vol III no. 2 march 1983



Board Of Directors PRESIDENT Judd Boykin


days 419-3875 eves 981-3156

VICE PRESIDENT John Fels ................. eves 476-4755 SECRETARY Peggy Watki ns ............. eves 322-0811 TREASURER Brent Morrow .............. days 451-7478 eves 823-1690 ACTIVITIES Bi 11 Watki ns .............. days 451-4711 eves 322-081:1_ TECH Doug Anderson ............. eves (805) 492-8476 MEMBERSHI P Bob Housman ............... eves 990-2869 EDITORS Connie Fern ............... days 398-2217 Ken Ballard ............... days 824-5503 PCA ZONE 8 REPRESENTATIVE Mike Springer ............. (714) 847-7598

PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America, Dated material must be received by the editorial board no later than the dst of each month to insure publication. Other contributions will be published on a space available basis, Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff, All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accornpanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope, The editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication,

Movin_q ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us care of Bob Housman, P.O. Box 69948, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Ad Rates PCA-LA At A Glance

~ i

PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine PORSCHE PANORAMA and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilirating [and sometimes frustrating] experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy,

ADVERTISING RATES [Effective Size of Ad



Back Cover [i/2] Full Page d/2 Page ’I/3 Page ’1/4 Page t/6 Page Business Card

$100.00 65.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 35,00 25.00

$800.00 750.00 400,00 325.00 275.00 250.00 180.00



Subscriptions ~ ,i

PORSCHERAMA is available to nonmembers of PCA-LA at the rate of $18 per year. Send requests to 19! I Newell Road, Malibu 90265, along with your check, payable to PCA-LA.

Feb, I, ~98~)

’, ~

3 Look out for 1983. PCA will be coming at you from all angles. Check out the Zone 8 event calendar listed in this edition, along with out own regional schedule. For those of you that live and breathe P 0 R S C H E, you won’t have any problem. There will be plenty of things to keep you occupied. If you just want to inhale every now and then, you have a wide variety to pick and choose from. One item not on the schedule is the Zone 8 Slalom Series. Bill Bartee (Orange Coast Region) was appointed to chair this and is in the process of organizing a schedule of at least five events. Low key parking lot type courses will be the rule. Maybe TRW will let us resurrect the Bang Your Box Slalom we used to run there, If you didn’t make it to Apple Valley for the annual Zone 8 Awards Banquet, you missed a great evening. Our guests included the majority of the PCA National Board--Hank Malter, Jim Perrin, and Sandy Misura (she even brought Chick). Larry Brown of VOA was a special guest. Larry brought along a movie of an early Porsche victory at Sebring. All the year-end awards for the Concours, Rally and Time Trial Series were passed out, along with door prizes furnished by Margie Smith-Haas and her T.F.A. Car Company Larry Brown provided each person with a factory poster. L.A. Region nominated it’s stalwart editor, Connie Fern, for Zone 8 Enthusiast of the Year, but, unfortunately, there was some heavy duty competition in Margie Smith-Haas of San Diego and Felix Macaluso of Orange Coast, who wound up as co-winners. Congratulations to both Felix and Margie.

THINK ABOUT THIS Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll xxcxpt for onx of thx kxys. l’vx wishxd many timxs that it workxd pxrfxtly. Trux, thxrx arx forty-two kxys functioning wxll xnough, but just onx kxy not working makxs thx diffxrxncx. Somxtimxs, it sxxms to mx that our organization is somxwhat likx my typxwritxr .... not all thx mxmbxrs arx all working within thx group. You may say, "Wxll, l’m only onx pxrson...it won’t makx much diffxrxncx." But you sxx, thx organization, to rxally function, nxxds thx activx participation of xvxry mxmbxr. Thx nxxt timx you think your xfforts arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr this typxwritxr, and say to yoursxlf, "I am a kxy pxrson, and nxxdxd vxry much." And comx out, and join thx crowd. (Reprinted from Zuffenhause News, February 1983.)

.. ~-~ ..,

o~ ’~ :~


continued n~e 2,?


3906 Grandview Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90066 (213) 398-2217


WATCH iT-- JACK!! (or lack of lubrication

March 25-26-27, 1983

cracks me up) I’m going to share a problem I’ve had with three of my Jacks for my 1969 912. I’m telling you the year because there seems to be several different models used for the later cars. But, if you have a Jack from a late 356 up through early 91], take heed, This model Jack from Bilstein (also used in VW, though it’s a tad shorter) has a roller that may crystalize, shatter and leave you without a method to lift the car (see picture). I believe the problem comes from lack of lubrication for the roller, once it stops its "roll" when under pressure, it acts as a "plain" bearing taking the entire left load of the car on a 1/16" surface. Enough of this and it goes poo-poo-clunk (see picture).

~:~ . . . .

A good fix is to find a VW or twisted Porsche Jack and replace the entire roller holder. These seem to be the same for VW parts too. I picked up some otherwise rusted VW Jacks at the Swap Meet for $5.00 and have replaced the part which works fine. Happy motoring, Jack .....





H,p,11r ,In(l r~au~tl,n,ln~u<~t Por’sche Llut<~rll~>l~He’~

REr’l LINE 5ERVIr’-E, IRIS. ..,.~, ~,,,, .... ~.,I,t ..... ,,,..4.1


unbeatable installed


Clifford your



or other fine car from as low as $750.00 plus tax. 1 year factory parts and labor guarantee. For more info please call:

213 989"0268


Well I hope that the new year is treating everyone well and that you have all managed to keep your Porsches dry. While you have your car all snug and out of the weather, it is a good time to do all of those little touchup and fixup things that you have been waiting for a rainy day to do. This year’s list of activities is quite full and I’m sure that there will be something for everyone to do to enjoy your favorite motoring experience. My three favorites on this year’s schedule are a tour to San Simion and the S.L.O. wine country, Rally to Solvang, and a late summer tour to Lake Tahoe (a repeat of the very pleasant and snowy trip in 1981). February is the month of our first Get Acquainted meeting of the year. I hope that all of you can come or did come, depending on when you read this. We should (or did) have a good time since I have been coerced into providing cherry pie and likewise I have coerced one of

our new members from Germany to bring some slides of German Porsche events. Let’s welcome in the new members this month :

T~o. One:




Sunday i=arch 6


8:00 am (exclusive use track 8 - i0 ~m.) Champa~ne Brunch (~5.00) followin~ at Event i~aster SA~i WANG’s.


~eservation and Info. contact Sam at 714-831-3799

D NNER MEETING guest speaker: BRUCE KELLER DATE: Thursday, March 17

Martin & Elizabeth Rosen David & Linda Hsieh Allen Chroman, M~D. Saverio P. Bono Dan Olson Benno Lenz Edward Lyons Thomas Paul Thomas Clement Stanley Baumann Steven Firshein Gary R. & Christy Schunk

1983 Brown 944 1983 Black 911 1972 Red 911 Targa 1968 Black 912 1980 Silver 911 1976 Blue 930 1983 Platn. 911 1973 Gold 911T 1964 Black 356C 1976 Gray 911 Targa 1977 Black 930 1978 Red 930

TIME: 7:30 cocktails

8:00 dinner

PLACE: the Old Heidelberg 13726 Oxnard, Van Nuys Take the Ventura Fwy east to Woodman, turn north on Woodman, turn left on Oxnard. For further information please call: John Fels (eves) 213 450-0205



Till next month ........






6 ACTIVITIES Despite a valiant effort by all concerned, we suffered our traditional rainout of the first Time Trial at Riverside. However, the I00 or so entrants thoroughly enjoyed themselves and got lots of track time ...... The February Membership Meeting at the Yacht Club was well attended and, thanks to the resourcefulness of Connie Fern in locating a VCR unit at the last minute, we were able to see two excellent films -- one of the 1982 Monterey Historic Races and another on the building and testing of last year’s LeMans winning 956. MARCH ACTIVITIES: 2 -

PCA/LA Board meeting at John Fel’s place. Your attendance is welcomed. Call John at 476-4755 for directions.

6 -

The first of what we hope will be a series of Malibu Grand Prix events. This one at the Fountain Valley site. A buffet will follow at the home of Sam Wang. A flyer is included with this mailing. Get your entry in EARLY - should be great fun:

12/13 Zone 8 Time Trial at Willow Springs. ----- Come on out and get your feet wet (figuratively speaking, of course-we had enough of that at Riversi.~e). 17 --

PCA/LA Dinner Meeting at the Old Heidelburg Inn in Van Nuys. Bruce Kessler, a well-known Southern California road racer, will be the principal speaker. Further info elsewhere in this issue.

25-27 Long Beach Grand Prix - Don’t miss it. This is one of the happenings of the year~



Ron Hughes, Ora~ge Coast Region member, has volunteered to chair the 1983 Porsche Parade, it was announced at the Zone 8 President’s meeting at Apple Valley, California, January 15. Hughes explained the West Coast had not seen a Parade for several years, and "the talent throughout Zone 8 will create the finest Parade ever." He said executive and committee appointments will be made soon, and that the Parade, should the bid be awarded favorably at the Parade at Lake of the Ozarks this summer, will be sponsored by the entire Zone, not just one region. "There are 2,400 PCA members in this Zone. This is the hub of Porschedom in the U.S. We are planning to use all resources available to us, and hope all regions within Zone 8 will rally to the request for their participation." Hughes announced the formation of a site selection committee at the Apple Valley meeting. Members include: Burt Misevic, Santa Barbara Region; Ron Armour, Orange Coast Region; Judd Boykin, Los Angeles Region; Mike Springer, Orange Coast Region; and Hughes. Sites to be considered include: Long Beach/Los Angeles, Lake Arrowhead, Mammoth Mountain and Santa Barbara.

Hughes asked all PCA members interested in becoming involved in the preparation of a 1985 Parade bid to contact him at: (714) 540-8180 (work) or (714) 559-7238 (home).


by Bob Riverside International Raceway, Tuesday, September 21, 1982--Approximately eighty people were invited out to Riverside to be introduced to Yokohama’s new entries in the high-performance radial tire market, the AX320 for small sedan~ and econo-boxes and the Y352 60-series tire for performance-minded drivers, If you’ve been a Yokohama fan in the past, you’ll love these new tires. If you haven’t tried them, do; you’ll like them. A fleet of Ford Mustang 5-1iters with TRX suspension packages were to be the mules, with a Toyota Celica GT-S, a Mazda RX-7, Datsun 280 ZX turbo and a Porsche 944 to add a little spice to the day. The Mustangs were equipped one-third with the OEM tires and AX320s and Y352s on the others. We were promised a shot at all of them on Riverside’s short course, and a slalom course was set up to highlight the Y352 on a Toyota Celica and an RX-7. It being the case that I’ve strewn two sets of Yokohama GT Specials around Southern California tracks, I was anxious to hear some of their new rubber scream and wail. Things got underway with coffee and num-nums followed by informative talks by Yokohama’s marketing and technical people. Yokohama has over sixty-five years of tire technology behind them, but something less than twenty percent of their effort has been geared towards passenger tires,


(213) 677-8112

~ -~ACTO.YO,STR,BUTORM,c.~,. - ou.~o~ - ~,.~, - ~M~.,T

Their marketing and production goals are to change that distribution, and the new direction is based on a solid research and race-oriented program. In 1980 Yokohama began formula racing with the Adven team using a March 802 and a Toleman TG-280 which was on display at the track, and they have chalked up wins in both F-2 and F-3 races this year. They are deadly serious about pro-rallying as well, having wins in Japan’s Rally Championship Series in four of the last six years as well as the prestigious East African Safari Rally and the Southern Cross Rally in Australia. In 1981 they began participation in the European round of the World Championship Rally and achieved a third place in their second run of the punishing One Thousand Lakes Rally. This year they have signed an agreement with John Baker to run a Mitsubishi two-wheel drive pickup in the 82-83 off-road race season. That’s a significant departure from their industrial and aircraft tire efforts.

A noteable feature of the new AX320 is that the Kevlar belts are doubled over at the ends to avoid separation at sustained high speeds--a problem area with belted tires as many of us know. Coupled with other design changes in size gradation and block rigidity, the net effect is a ten percent reduction in rolling resistance and a corresponding increase in gas mileage. What they didn’t tell us is that this tire is also a great performer~ Judging strictly by the seat of my pants I thought this tire was the biggest surprise of the day. I was expecting something considerably less since we knew that the Y352 was to be the Re p~u.a u~.~.~. I’d love to drive that bugger on something other than a Mustang. No offense intended; I’m sure the Zakspeed Mustang would stress the little 320, but you had to scare yourself to get those tires sliding at high-speed in the Mustangs that we drove.



continued p~ie



FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING MINUTES Judd Boykin, President, called the meeting to order at 8:45 p.m. Bill Watkins moved that the minutes of the January 5, 1983 meeting be approved as submitted. Brent Morrow seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Judd Boykin stated that he had received a letter from John Williamson on his attorney’s stationery which stated, in part, that he had made no affirmative steps to remove the PCA telephone and that he will abide by the PCA By-Laws. Judd stated that Mr. Williamson will be officially reinstated and that appropriate letters will be sent to all those notified of his removal from the Club. VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT: John Fels reported that the films shown at the Membership Meeting held on January 20, 1983 had been a great success. The films will be put in the PCA Library. He thanked Connie Fern for her efforts in picking up the film and transferring it to VCR from 16mm. John also reported on the March meeting at the Old Heidelberg Restaurant in Van Nuys, to be held on March 17th. He stated that Connie Fern had contacted Mr. Bruce Kessler to be the speaker, but the subject is unknown at this time. SECRETARY’S REPORT: Peggy Watkins reported that all thank-you letters had been sent to the companies which donated gifts for the Christmas Awards Brunch, and that any company who ~as not an advertiser in the Porscherama, had been sent letters inviting them to become advertisers,

TREASURER’S REPORT: Brent Morrow stated that he had not received the bank statement, but that total deposits for January were $1,599.00 and total disbursements were $937.16. The balance in the account is now approximately $5,188.00. ACTIVITIES REPORT: Judd Boykin requested that Bill Watkins contact Sam Wang regarding the upcoming Malibu Grand Prix in Fountain Valley on March 6th. Information is also needed for the Porscherama. Connie asked that advertising for upcoming events be advertised in the Porscherama two months in advance. The upcoming tour to Mt. Baldy was discussed and David Givens volunteered to chair the event. John Fels stated that his son, Theo, is planning to be married. TECH REPORT: In Doug Anderson’s absence, Connie reported on the upcoming Tech Session, "How To Make Your Own Prize-Winning Photo." She also stated that Ludwig Spichtiner will be conducting a Tech Session and John Fels was asked to call Jose Ochoa for use of his shop. John called and Jose said March 9, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. would be fine. The subject is unknown at this time. MEMBERSHIP REPORT: In Bob Housman’s absence, Judd discussed a card that San Diego Region uses to pass out to prospective PCA members. After discussion, John Fels moved to authorize the printing and distribution of the card with the elimination of the word "Porsche Pusher" from the card. Bill Watkins seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Judd stated that he will take care of the printing of the ca rd~ con~il’~ccl





1.)Tbeyhavepartieipatedi .... Zooe6Driving

Instruction School and one Zone 8 T~me Trial. 2.) They have been "signed off" as qualified to move to the experienced category by a qualified instructor

Listed below are the rule changes for

Pg. 4. Section IV B. 5.

the 1983 Zone 8 Time Trial Series.

Chang ...... d: At th .... pletion of the "Novice Training" each driver’s Log Book will be signed off hy the Chief Driving I ............ he Director. This will identify "Experienced Drivers".


Please check these against your 1982

set or contact Judd Boykin for a new


set or clarification of any rule. We are currently in the process of printing a Zone 8 Competition Rules book which will be mailed to members of the Zone. It will contain the rules for each of the series--Concours, Rally, Slaloms, and Time Trials. The book will cover the years 1983 and 1984.

4. Section VI Car Classification A. gtock








Once again, we have

the edges of the track. There are devices available on the market to enable you to meet this requirement without going to a ful 1 -muffl er system, For more information,



Pg. i.


Change to read .... may be moved upward by ....

Pg. I.


Change to read .... you must part~icipate in 60% of the events.

Pg. i.

#12 Change to read .... nitrogen, alcohol, and!or oxygen bearing ....

Pg. I.

#16 Addition--In case of ties the other timed run wil! determine the winner.

Pg. i.

#17 Addition -Scoring:

Pg. 2. A. I. c.

ist 2rid 3rd 4th

8 6 5 4

for for for for

5th 6th 7th 8th

3 2 2 1

for for for for




Pg. ssoctionvl <~.

Modified ADD: Class N--non-turbocharged 4 cyl. production bodied ..... p to 2.0L that must be street legal by changing tires and exhaust. Cars must conform to Section VII B. 3 and interior upholsEery panels must be in place. Class V--non-turbocharged 6 cyl. production bodied .... that must be street legal by changing tires and exhaust. Cars must conform to Section vii B, 3 and interior upholstery panel .... t be

i~pl ....

Prsm Class X--Delete the wording "production bodied".

pg. 5.

VllA. 1. J. Mechanical tensioners. Externally adjusted cam timing on all 9~4’s. k. Al1 356 & 912 to 1750cc.






Maxi .... ire

widths: thru



and i ....




VIII A. i.

All vehicl .......... i .... hanged and b .... ilable for inspection for thirty (30) mi ..... following th .... pletion of timed results for the respective class.



viii A.

P ........ f

Pg. 9,






A. 20.


..... isual

9th 10th finishers DNF and DNR

Have demonstrated a capability to effectively communicate the skills required to safely drive on a race track to beginning drivers as measured at the annual Zone 8 Driver "Instructor Qualifying School.

i .......

be made

pri ..... he

expiration of the thirty (30) minute inspection period. c .... iti ...... bel .... hould ...... p .... d submarine belts are mandatory on all vehicles for both driver and passenger.

(Addition) All ti ...... t b ....... d by the fender when ....... d f ....... tical drop through th .... terline of the i. All ti ....... h ..... fficient .... d .... bber depth. .... Modifications(Addition) Generally most modifications are allowed although the Competition Direct .... y disall ..... dification f .... fety .... her good reason. You may contact the Competition Director for approval of modificati .... Hpdate/gae,date Modificati ..... Maj ....... bli ...... h .... gi ....

and transmissions, may contact me ........ i ...... Model

for for for for



no control over this, but see it as a sign of the times--civil izati0n approaching

20 15 12 10

1.7 & 1.8


o. Updat .... ly 911 & 912 fenders to 1969 speclficati ....

1983, there wi 11 be a mandatory muffler requirement at all events such as ours held at RIR. The re~u~, rement shoul d be in the range of i00 decibels, as is the

pl ease



B. Production--Delete XP and ZP Classes.

Racev;ay has ¯ mw0se~ two new re~u,~l ati0ns

case at Laguna Seca.


70-71 911E, 7z-73 911T, 74 911, 75-77 911S, 931, ~44 ~ 69-74 911S, 72-73 911E, 74-75 Carrera, 911SC, 928 dg Ai1914-6

P1 ease take noti ce--Ri versi de Int ’ 1.

rental fee, but the cost w0ul d have doubled, hibitive. --Sec0nd;y, effective July I, -

All 356, 912-912E, 914


us All 924

P1 ease save i t and uti I i ze i t.

for 1983. First, RIR will charge all persons 12 years and older an entrance fee of $4.00 per weekend at all PCA events. We are sorry for this additional fee, but it is beyond our control. We attempted to negotiate it into the track


be substituted if the parts are from the rang ..... defined in the chart below.


Carrera Any other

All All


Any 911 model Any 911 model Any 911 model, except SC 911SC

65-71 72-73 74-77 All


912 912E



914-4 914-6

All All


924 924 Turbo(931)

All All


928 & 928S









For changes outside the model range see the Competition Director.



ZONE NEWS While the President’s Meeting was going on, Lynn Wineland, San Gabriel Valley Region and National Newsletter Committee Chairman was conducting a Newsletter Workshop for all of the Zone 8 Newsletter Editors. Lynn, thank you very much for your time and effort. All of us in Zone 8 appreciate it~l Highlights of the President’s Meeting: 1983 Zone 8 Concour Series - Chuck and Stana Cooper went over the rules changes for 1983. The rules will remain basically the same with the exception of the 356 class which was split into two classes; open cars and closed cars. If you do not have a copy of the new rules, please contact Chuck and Stana. 1983 Time Trial Series - Judd Boykin reviewed the rules for 1983. There are many changes for 1983 so you should contact Judd for a copy of the rules if you do not already have them. 5 point competition seat belts will be required in all cars in 1983. 1983 Rallye Series - Tom Gould reviewed the rules for 1983. There are no changes in the rules for 1983 with the exception of an additional class, Class D. Class D is designed for first time entries and will have no year-end awards. Please contact Tom if you do not have a copy of the 1983 rules. 1983 Slalom Series Bill Bartee of the Orange Coast Region was approved by the Presidents to be the chairman of the series for 1983. The following guidelines were approved by the Presidents for the 1983 series:

Zone 8 Time Trial Rules will be used but there will be no seat belt requirement. Bill will work with the event chairmen to keep the events low cost. It will be up to each Region whether or not to have awards at each event. Zone 8 will bill each Region $Io00 per driverfor year-end awards. An entrant will be required to attend 60% of the events to be considered for year-end awards. Bill is working on a calendar for the series, and I will forward it to you as soon as it is available. 1983 Zone 8 Driver Instruction Program Paul Haas gave the Presidents a very comprehensive review of his program for 1983. Copies of the program can be obtained from Paul. 1983 Zone 8 Overall Scoring - Ron Hughes reviewed the Program for 1983. The program is as follows" I.


Persons winning the most points during the 1983 season will win awards as follows: Most Points - Gold Medal 2nd - Silver Medal 3rd - Bronze Points will be earned in Concours, rallye, time trials and slalom as follows: Ist in class - 9 2rid in class - 6 3rd in class - 4 4th in class - 3 5th in class - 2 6th in class - 1 Lower Positions - 1


In cases of ties, they will be broken by comparing points scored in the following classifications, in the following order: concours, rallye, time trial and slalom. conl]inued





LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN 82-2 BUMPER STAN AR YEAR-END STATUS OF AUTOMOTIVE LEG~SLAT|ON As 1982 draws to a close, we thought it appropriate to update you on the status of legislative and regulatory actions that affect Porsche and Porsche Club members, PASSIVE RESTRAINTS (Air Bags) In late Oct. 1981, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) rescinded the regulation that would have required cars to be equipped with Passive Restraints starting with the 1982 model year. Shortly thereafter, one of Nader’s organizations filed suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals, along with the National Insurance Institute, to have the regulation re-instated. This Court did, in fact, rule for the plaintiff and order NHTSA to re-instate the Air Bag regulation. NHTSA filed an appeal, in turn, with the U.S. Supreme Court, which has, in fact, agreed to hear the case. Until the Supreme Court hearing, anticipated in the May-June 1983 time frame, the Air Bag - Passive Restraint regulation remains rescinded, and no new cars will be required to be equipped with any form of passive restraint,



Starting in 1974, all cars sold in the u.s. were required to have bumpers capable of withstanding a 5.0 mph impact, front and rear, with no visible damage (cosmetic or otherwise). This was one of the regulations that went beyond "safety." Reagan’s new NHTSA Administrator, Raymond Peck, changed that regulation early this year to a 2.5 mph impact front and rear (1.5 mph corner impact), and eliminated the "no cosmetic damage" part of the regulation, starting with the 1983 model year. The revised regulation makes more sense, allows for smaller bumper structures that can be blended more aesthetically into the car body design, and still provide adequate protection. However, never content to allow relief for consumers, both Nader’s Center for Auto Safety and State Farm Insurance Co. filed suit in the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. to reverse the NHTSA action. The Court ordered NHTSA to reconsider its regulation change. Last week, Raymond Peck, NHTSA Administrator, denied the petitions, and in effect, kept the revised rule that only required 2.5 mph impact absorption front and rear,. We applaud NHTSA for this action. In the event any additional suits or petitions are filed, we will keep you post ed continue~
















2 6







MARCH - L.A. 2



Board Meeting - 8:00 p.m. Info and directions contact John Fels - 476-4755 (evenings) Pre-Tech for Willow Springs Time Trial - 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Porschop, 3906 Grandview. Directions: San Diego Fwy to Venice, west on Venice to Grandview, south on Grandview. L.A.-Malibu Grand Prix Series #I 8:00 a.m. Directions: 405 & Warner, Fountain Valley. Champagne Brunch follows.


Tech 7:30 826B Tech


Zone 8 Time Trial Willow Springs


PCA/LA Dinner Meeting - Old Heidelberg Restaurant, 13726 Oxnard, Van Nuys. Directions: Ventura Fwy east to Woodman, north on Woodman, left on Oxnard.

Session: Basic Maintenance. p.m. - Ochoa & Mann, Pico Blvd.. Santa Monica. Advisor: Ludwig Spichtinger

MARCH - Other 25/27

Long Beach Grand Prix



6 9 I0 21

PCA/LA Zone 8 Zone 8 PCA/LA

Board Meeting Rally - Los Angeles Concours - Orange Coast Membership Meeting @


SCC Yacht Club Zone 8 Time Trial - Las Vegas

5 6/9 15/16

PCA/LA Board Meeting Las Vegas Grand Prix Zone 8 Concour - Phoenix, Arizona Region


PCA/LA Dinner Meeting (location to be determined) Zone 8 Rally - Orange Coast Zone 8 Time Trial

22 29/30

MAY 4 7/8 14/15

PCA/LA Board Meeting Zone 8 Concour - Southern Arizona Zone 8 Time Trial - Golden Empire

Willow Springs NOVEMBER


Shafter Airport PCA/LA Annual Parking Lot BBQ

2 5

PCA/LA Board Meeting President’s Meeting

SCC Yacht Club PCA/LA Mt. Baldy Tour



Zone 8 Concour Golden Empire Region PCA/LA Get Acquainted Meeting SCC Yacht Club


PCA/LA Tour of San Sylmar Tower of Beauty 30 Deadline for PCA/LA PHOTO CONTEST DECEMBER


PCA/LA Board Meeting Zone 8 Concours - L.A. Zone 8 Time Trial - Orange Coast Region/POC @ Willow Springs PCA Get Acquainted Meeting


SCC Yacht Club Zone 8 Rally - Santa Barbara

7 11

I 5 11/12


PCA/LA Board Meeting PCA/LA Christmas Party & Annual Awards Presentation

JULY 2/4 6 9/10 16 21

L.A. Tour to San Simeon PCA/LA Board Meeting Zone 8 - 4 Club Time Trial @ Riverside Int’l. Raceway Zone 8 Rally - San Diego L.A. Harbor Cruise

JANUARY 1984 14 Zone 8 Awards Banquet @ Apple Valley

AUGUST 31/7 14 20/21 26/28

Porsche Parade Osage Beach, Missouri Zone 8 Concour - Santa Barbara Zone 8 Time Trial Riverside Int’l. Raceway Monterey Historic Races & Concour

SEPTEMBER 2/4 7 11 15 24

PCA/LA Tour to Lake Tahoe PCA/LA Board Meeting~~ Zone 8 Concour- San Diego ~~~~~S PCA/LA Membership Meeting SCC Yacht Club Crane School Concour Santa Barbara








Non-members(all) ......................... 0.00 Family Member/Affiliate ..................... 7.00



~ ~J


MANIFOLDS: $155/pr.




At The Las Vegas SPEEDROME /~/ /~/


91 SC(3.0)TO~6 A3CWE RS: $880-$935. Package: Webers, 46mm

~ ~/



;:~i: i

manifolds with CIS shape flanges, Caller rotaw pump, K & N air cleaners, Weber linkage, Venturies, Jeffing,


Insulators, Gaskets.



911 (1973-1977 CIS) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $850-$875. Package:

~’e~. ~o ~~ ~o ~ :~o ~ o~ ~e . ce~~.~co~o~ ~6~6~






i~n~ ~’~

c~, o~


(~~ ~/

tot "’n~ "~ "Orink ~s ~ "~l~h~ °~n ~tu~o~C~rs~ ~, ~ 22°rh o~ ~ ~~


=~ ’~to 1~

/~l ~ J~l

.... "r~o~’~ o~.


flanges, Ca~er rotary pump, K & N air cleane~, Weber linkage, Venturies, Jetting, Insulator, Gaskets. 911 MECHANICAL INJECTION TO


IDA 3C WEBERS: ($790) - $885. Package: Webers, Correct manifolds, Injector plugs, Cader rotaw pump, (K & N air cleaners), Weber linkage, Ventudes, Jeffing, Insulatom, Gaskets.

9~ W~TH SOLEX~S (19~5-6~) TO ~1


~,~/ ~

Cad E. Young days 702-87~7982 evenings 7~-871-~29


~ND CH~K ~D R~IS~A~ TO: Ellen Hair 21~ Moh~ ~t LosV~as, ~ 89102




~ ~ ~nt/~ an ins~t~ __ Lo~ ~ fl~ rials R~t~fl~ c~k e~ In ~e a~nt ~ Total o~nt e~

~ ~ke c~k ~ble to Las V~os R~i~/~.

A~itl~l a~t e~lo~ f~


40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $800. Package: Webers, Correct manifolds, K & N air cleaners, Weber linkage, Insulators, Gaskets. 911 (197~71) WITH ZENITH CARBS TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS just requires the WEBERS at $505.

2~ Dr~


~ms To~

. "

l~l /~l~l ~’~

CQrNo. " ’ nights at ~

WE SHIP UPS COD (cashier’s ch~k). "Not legal for sale or use in California on any pollution controlled motor vehicle." PORSCHE MAILORDER 135-17th STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 Ph. (213) 393-5423



To be eligible, participants must compete in each classification at least once, must be an official entrant in that classification, and must complete the event. Scores are cumulative, i.e., all earned points will be scored.

If you were not at the Banquet you probably will not understand how we had so much fun with a singing telegram but we did~ Ron Hughes allowed all of us to help him celebrate his (O) bithday. Thanks Ron, we had fun’oT


Participants need not use the same automobile in each classification.

The Crisis Directory for the Zone 8 Area is completed thanks to Liz Stanton of the Las Vegas Region. The directories are for sale for $1.00 each and should make a good addition to your region goody store. Please contact Carolyn Stonskas to order your copies of this directory.

West Coast Weekender - The Grand Prix Region is interested in putting on a West Coast Weekender sometime in 1983, probably late in the year. If you have any interest in a Weekender (they used to be great l), please contact Ron Ramage, 9867 Balboa Way, Cypress, CA 90630 - (714) 821-1352.

I would like to thank all of you for making my job so easy during this past year. Georgia and I are looking forward to seeing you all at the events this year

Highlights of the Awards Banquet: Larry Brown of VOA was our ver.y special guest and he showed us a great movie on an early Porsche victory at Sebring.

Again, thanks for your help.

For the first time at a Zone 8 Awards Banquet, we had door prizes. For this we can thank Margie Smith-Haas and her T.F.A. Car Company. Thanks Margie~’.1 1982 Zone 8 Enthusiasts of the Year:


FELIX MACALUSO, Orange Coast Region MARGIE SMITH-HAAS, San Diego Region Congratulations to Margie and Felix the both deserve the awards for their very high level of enthusiasm and activities for PCA Zone 8 in 1982.

IllfBlll llS ily L Sfl l:llll


Quality Service& Mai ......... t fair rates ¯ Engine t ..... issi .... building ¯ Suspension Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial Race Specialists

the faotorg

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(213) 705-2410 (805) 245-3182

Upholstery ¯ Glass ¯ Chrome ¯ Rubber



I/nMarmade!Pe~2BIockseastof’ rico Marc Rothman

Toni Marx


Division of International Racing Serv ces, Inc.


LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN 83-1 DOMESTIC CONTENT BILL In the closing days of the 1982 Congress, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5133, which would set a minimum "domestic" content for all cars sold in the U.S. Fortunately, an amendment was also passed along with the bill that prevented any provision of the bill from superseding any treaty, convention or agreement on trade to which the U.S. is a party. This amendment appears to nullify the "domestic content" provisions of the bill, since these provisions were considered in violation of the General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade. However, such has not yet been put to the legal test. This Bill, if it were to become law, could be potentially hazardous to Porsche, as these automobiles have essentially zero domestic content. Fortunately, however, Porsche is part of Volkswagen in the United States and all Federal Regulations are applied to Volkswagen of America, of which the Porsche-Audi division is a part. For example, the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards are applied to the entire VWoA "fleet," which includes Volkswagens, Porsches, and Audis. Likewise, "domestic content" would be calculated based upon the entire VWoA "fleet," which includes all VW’s built in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania, as well as all German-manufactured vehicles. Therefore, the "domestic content" bill would probably not cause immediate harm to Porsche. However, such restriction is harmful, and the Federal Government might seek to choose a different method of imposing "domestic content" to limit the numbers of foreign cars sold in the U.S. Therefore, it is in the best interests of the Porsche Club of America membership to voice opposition to this bill..

The U.S. Senate is probably going to begin deliberation on its version of "domestic content" early in January, which is S-2300. We urge PCA members to write your Congressmen voicing opposition to this bill. SPECIFIC ACTION WRITE your Senator immediately. Indicare that you are opposed to S-2300, the Domestic Content Bill, on the grounds that it restricts free trade and is in violation of U.S. Commitments under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

The Address for your Senator is as follows: The Honorable (John Doe) United States Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator (Doe): Handwritten letters are great, short letters are equally great. But please write your Senator immediately and voice your opposition to this Bill " Newsletter Editors are requested to publish this information so that all members of your Region will have the opportunity to act. Thank you for your cooperation. Issued by,


~ ~

Robert C. Rassa Legislative Liaison Chairman

Board continued EDITOR’S REPORT: Judd asked for all articles to be turned into Connie and stated how important it is for Board Members to have their articles ready the night of the Board meeting. Connie stated that the paste-up will be done on February lOth or 11th.

ZONE 8 BUSINESS: Judd reported on the printing of the Competition Rules booklet and said that, hopefully, the booklet will be paid for by advertisers. It is each Region’s responsibility to get one full page of advertisers. Brent Morrow moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 p.m. Bill Watkins seconded and the motion carried unanimously.

OLD BUSINESS: Judd reviewed the President’s meeting at Apple Valley and the upcoming meetings. He stated that he had received from the San Diego Region an "Operating Guidelines and Position Responsibility" for their region. It was suggested that each PCA/LA Board member have a copy. Judd stated that he had talked to Riverside Int’l. Raceway about the possibility of including the $4.00 charge per person for entry to the Raceway into our rental fee. He was told that in order to do that, the price of the rental of the track would be doubled. The $4.00 charge per person will be for the weekend--not daily. He also reported that the muffler requirement will be mandatory at the July event. NEW BUSINESS:

Respectfully submitted,

18 YOKOHAMA continued

the open road.

if there’s one

turn in that road, you’ve lost them. All things said and done, The 352 was everything I expected although it seemed a tad more quiet than I remembered my GT Specials to It was responsive stuck extremely be. well, was predictable and easy to control once you got it loose. Their objective was the oft-talked high performance capability with ride comfort and tread life. There is a nylon cord cover over the steel belt edges and a Yokohama-developed system of fillers and bead stiffeners designed to transmit forces instantly, and a special compound and A-block tread design, all of which combines to make an impressive tire. The one drawback I noted is really more of an aesthetic problem--the tire seems to chunk badly. However, I suspect that as with the old GT Special, it won’t have much affect on either handling or tread life. Given the intensity with which Yokohama wants to penetrate the radial tire market, I think you’ 11 find these new

be pleased if you happen to pick one of these tires for your next purchase. They’re available in a range of popular sizes, and scheduled for release next month is a 215/60VR15 followed by some 50-series sizes, all 352s. (Reprinted with permission from the November/December 1982 P.O.C. Newsletter)

pb tweeks is: ¯

A resource for many hard-to-find interior, exterior


A complete selection of


A l-stop shop for all parts for 356-911-930-914-

and hard parts for all Porsche models and years.

tires competitively priced,

perhaps even a bit lower than ,their competition. And depending on what type of tire you’re on now, they may even make a difference in your lap

ti mes.

accessories, apparel


after-marketgoodies. 924-931-928.

¯ ¯

Try as I might, I never could get Am to let me drive his 352-shod 944. Nor did I drive the 280 ZX turbo but l’ve driven them before and knew what to expect. The Datsun was retired early with a fried turbo, I was disappointed in the RX-7 but then I don’t think torque is its long suit and a slalom course with virtually no run in or out probably handicapped it considerably. The Toyota was about what I expected, but I never did figure out why bells kept going off, And the Mustang? The CHP may beef them up considerably and they may be right when they say that they can catch you on

I think you’ll

A manufacturer of quality replica Porsche body, chassis and trim parts (we sell factory items also). Foremost, we promise you Fair Prices and

Friendly Service!

4001E. Anaheim

/ LongBeach, CA90804 / (213) 438-9767


1972 Porsche 911T 2.4 Silver-with Black interior. 1978, 79, 80, and 81P.O.C. class G Time Trial championship car. 1978 P.O.C. class G/S slalom championship car. 1980 Porsche Parade, 2nd place concours winner in competition class, Leading in 1982 Time Trial Champsionship (P.O.C.) Equipped with: 7" Lillyguard wheels with race tires; front "S" spoiler; racing tail; long wheel studes and steel lug nuts; wheel spacers; aircraft brake lines; tefflon bushings throughout; 23mm torsion bars front; 27mm torsion bars rear; 21mm adjustable sway bar front, H & H; 19mm adjustable sway bar rear, sway-a-way; shock tower stiffening bar; large gas tank, 23 gallon; gas tank skid pan; recaro seats; seat, shoulder and crotch belts; roll bar; racemark steering wheel; Bursch racing extractor; AM/FM stereo cassette with recorder; air conditioning, compressor removed, but goes with car; new clutch (6/82); and new transmission seals (6/82). Extra parts: Stock 6" alloy wheels with tires; stock front spoiler with driving lights; stock rear deck lid; stock wheel studs and lug nuts; stock front torsion bars; stock rear torsion bar; stock front sway bar; stock rear sway bar; stock gas tank; stock seats; stock steering wheel; stock muffler; and modified stock muffler. This car can be driven on the street by putting on the street tires and muffler. Excellent street, Time Trial or Slalom car. Time Trial competition number, 4G. CAR, EXTRA PARTS, AND SINGLE-AXLE CAR TRAILER -- $13,000. Call Bob Gager at (213) 956-4920 days or (213) 244-2795 (eveni ngs ).

1976 Porsche 911S Targa - Indian Red, Black trim, 26,000 miles - magnificent condition. SC rear sheet - Metal, 7" polished alloys, latest model whaletail, engine modified to operate at 180OF, chassis lowered, tires --185/15 front, 215/15 rear - air conditioned, foglights, 4 speaker AM/FM cassette stereo (Blaupunkt), H-4 headlamps. Extras - Recaro Seat(2), bra, original headlights and rims all records. Call (213) 839-3453 Man, Tue, Fri from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. and (213) 454-2047 evenings.

Now Located in Gardena!

Specializing in Metal Finishing

Ferraris, Porsches & All Fine European Cars

"1980 Porsche Parade Manha~an Award Winner"

Your carissecuredina8,000sq, fl. workshop.

16530 South Figueroa St. Gardena, California 90248 (213) 532-7101

21 Dear Porsche Owner: We are introducing ~]~,~:1~,, a new dimension in Auto Repair.

¯ COMPUTERIZED REPAIR ORDERS AND DIAGNOSIS easy-to-read invoices and the latest in technologically superior maintenance and repair.

12 YEARS EXPERIENCE- FACTORY TRAINED MECHANICS 18-MONTH OR 18,000-MILE CONDITIONAL WARRANTY ON ENGINES longer than a new car warranty. ¯ ONE-YEAR OR 12,000-MILE WARRANTY ON REPAIR to show you we have confidence in our workmanship ¯ ALL NEW GERMAN PARTS no inferior, cheaper aftermarket parts.

¯ ALL CARS HAND WASHED the finishing touch! your car will be clean and shining when you pick it up.


SERVICE SPECIAL 912 -- 914 - $104.95

924 -- $174,95

911 -- $295,00

930 -- $395,00

ENfilNE -- tune up’. new plugs (platinum extra); valve adjustment; oil change; compression test; replace filters (air, oil); calibrate fuel system (performance/economy). ClL~$$1S -- flush transmission; lubricate C/V joints; inspect brake system (top up fluid); adjust clutch; inspect tires and set pressures; check and top up all fluids (bakery, washers, etc.); check front end alignment; lubricate all hinges and latches; graphite all !ocks and switches; complete safety inspection. ELE~TBI(]AL -- check operation (horn, all lights, wipers, sJgnals~ w~shers, etc.): ~,VR test (checks condition of charging and starting systems and battery).

¯ BRAKES all Porsches, 911, 912, 356, 914, 930, 924, 928.

$99.00 including new brake shoes and/or pads



22 PRES NOTES continued

82-2 continued

On the lighter side of the evening, Ron Hughes (Zone 8 Director of Co:mpetition) unwillingly celebrated his 40th birthday. You should have seen Ron’s face when "Elvira" walked up to him and started singing. After all the harassment Ron took, he still agreed to fill the spot of Chairman for a Zone 8 bid for the 1985 Porsche Parade. See Ron’s letter further on in the Newsletter. This time we will be victorious,



Rainy D ay Riverside You know, all this time I thought it was Ken Becker. Little Kenny Becker, the jinx of the time trials. I used to think of Joe Whatshisname, (from the comics with the cloud hanging over his head) every time somebody mentioned Ken Becker. Did you know that whenever Becker was master for a rained? ¯


Now I

an event-

trial last year

don’t mean




spat--they poured. People used to say "Aw hell, Beckers in charge--don’t go, it’ll just rain". Well that was last year. We started this season and Becker wasn’t the eventmaster. Great-a dry weekend. Timed runs even. Boy, was I wrong. Not only wasn’t Becker an eventmaster but his REAL car wasn’t even ready. So what happened? It RAINED,

thats what.

ter with Becker

Who was

the eventmas-

last year anyway? Why

is that cloud hanging over MY head?

President Reagan campaigned that he would eliminate the 55 mph speed limit. But Aunt Zelda and Uncle Harley believe that 55 saves lives, and (believe it or not) this is the majority opinion, and most Congressmen will not support a bill to eliminate the 55 limit. However, over half of the states in the U.S. have introduced or passed a bill which would eliminate that state’s 55 mph limit in the event the Federal Government eliminate the requirement. Remember, the Federal Government did not legislate that there would be a national 55 limit. They said, in effect, that any State that did not have a 55 mph limit would receive NO Federal Highway money (and the Feds provide between 80 and 90% of all highway construction funds). So it is the indi-

vidual stat~s that have 55 limits, and as we said, over half of them have changed their law to date (mostly in the

West and Mid-west). new issues come to light, we will inform you of them, and if appropriate, request that the membership be informed immediately in your Region such that an impending regulation might be stopped


by a public outcry. We have had such success in the past. As a minimum, we ask that information in these Bulletins be presented or discussed briefly at your

Region meetings, in order to keep your membership informed. One such issue at hand is the "Domestic Content" Bill, which will set a minimum content of U.S. materials for all cars sold in the U.S. (including imports).

buttercups. Rain has been added to my

This is another clever way to limit or burden importers of foreign cars. We

list of all

will issue a separate Bulletin on this.

I didn’t even step on Mother Nature’s time


letter words,

But don’t fear. It can’t happen twice in a row can Springs


Come out

on March 12th and

to Willow 13th.

never snows in Lancaster either,



We will cheerfully answer any questions that a Region may have on Legislative

issues, Issued by,

Robert C. Rassa Legislative Liaison Chairma~

MAY 21 & 22 ~ ~ K ~ N Event Master: Dave Givens 892-4847

more info next month

"%~Ox~ ~S~

Major credit cards accepted.


Air Group Racing (213) 823-0226


Chances are, because we’re right here in Southern California’s San Gabriel Valley, Vou tend to think of us as a "little neighborhood shop" specializing in machine work and special parts for Porschesand VW’s. Well, that’s right -we give that sort of "hometown" service you like to get as "one of the gang." But CE’s fast and friend I~ way of doing business sort of spread out from here to other fo~ks who a~so enjoyed the way they were treated as one of our bcal g~ng. Maybe we should be open about this our "local gang" hails from Honolulu, Houston, Muncie, Pom_ . . ~ ~8~ LltZ ~no Beach, Prescott, Richmond, Seattle, St. P~u~ even Toronto, ~~~ Frankfurt Melbourne Oslo and South ~frica (to namea few). But,

~~ ~

~~~honestl~,we’ll treat ~ou just uswdl even if you~ h~metown isdown in L.A., or maybe even Pasadena ]


Writeorask foryour Free Copy of T~E CE ~EWS / ~ ~ 2095N. Lake Avenue/Altadena, California 91001 / 213/794-8402, 681-5991


Porsche CJub Of America


Los Angeles Region Inc.


1911 Newel/Road Malibu, Calif. 90265



PAID Permit No. 55 ibu, Cal iforni

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