Porscherama 1984 October-November

Page 1

MAX DIAL DELIVERS! We’re celebrating our lOth year of professional sales and AAA-approved service to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive

817 N. ~a Brca, ~n~lcwood, CA 90302

Telephone (213) 678-3061


OFFICERS President Vice-President Secretary



Tech Membership

PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest one marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA, and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what PCA-LA offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) experience of understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique automobiles of all time. Enjoy.

Goodie Store



Per Issue Cost*

Full Page

7 1/2 x 10 I/4..(Vertical)



1/2 Page

7 1/2 x 5 ..... (Horiz.) 3 5/8 x 10 .... (Vertical)



1/3 Page

7 1/2x3 1/4 . .(Horiz.) 3 5/8 x 6 5/8 ¯ .(Vertical)



1/4 Page

3 5/8 x 5 ..... (Vertical)



1/6 Page

3 5/8 x 3 1/4 . .(Horiz.)



Business Card

35/8x2 .....




(213) 476-4755 (213) 472-3446 (213) 457-5726

Tom Linton

(213) 275-6211

Jeff Bear

(213) 858-4989 (818) 990-9980

Sandra Linton Denise Bear Jon Schiewe

(818) 840-8890 (213) 386-0400


(213) 655-9414


(213) 474-4356

(213) 457-5726

Malibu, CA 90265


POLICY" PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published hi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America.

1, 1984)



(213) 450-2312

31560 Victoria Pt. Rd.

AD RATES (PublishedBi-Month/y. Effective January

Business John D. Fels Jon Winthrop Glenda Pizzoferrato

Annual Cost*

Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCALA, its Board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope.

*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue: Payable in advance of Publication. Send check with

The Editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication.

copy. Annual Cost: One-half payable in advance of publication of first issue. Balance payable in advance of publication of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry, due to the non-profit nature of the PORSCHERAMA, the L.A. Region cannot recognize ad agency

discounts. Make checks payable and send advertising materials to:

MARX ADVERTISING, INC. 112 West 9th Street / Suite 200 Los Angeles, California 90015-9990 (213) 626-3153

Mail Date

Deadline for Receipt of Materials

Issue Reports on Activities This Month or Earlier

Issue Calendars Activities for This Month Mar.


Feb. 1

Jan. 1



Apr. 1

Mar. 1


Jun.-Jul. Aug.-Sept.


Jun. 1 Aug. 1


Oct. 1

Sept. I

July Sept.


Apr. Jun. Aug.


Dec. 1

Nov. 1



Jul. 1

Porscherama is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Editor Jon Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Point Road, Malibu, CA 90265, along with your check payable to PCA-LA.

MOVING? ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us care of Jeff Bear, 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Su ire 520, Beverly Hills, CA 90212. (213) 858-4989 (days).



ABOUT THE COVER Competitors line up for practice at Riverside International Raceway during the Peter Gregg Memorial Challenge Cup, July 21-22. See pages 10-12 for the complete story and results.



you who have not attended a parade, this should be

| 1

Our Riverside Four Club Time Trial was a great success with a total of 117 drivers competing with a little over a third being PCA drivers. We were blessed with excellent weather even for July, good fun, only one seriously damaged car, good track conditions, and an event that stayed right on schedule. That was the good news. The bad news is that we didn’t make as much money as we had hoped due to the increasing expense of running such an event. For your information, it now costs almost $5,500 to rent Riverside for a weekend of racing and staff it with corner workers. Up-Coming events should provide something for everyone so please check the Activities Calendar inside. Although you’ll be getting flyers, of special note is our General Membership meeting on October 25th, scheduled at the California Yacht Club. We’ll be having a speaker from Bell Helmets, a promotional film on the up-coming Parade and a few surprises! Trophies will be distributed for Riverside and Willow Time Trials. Then on December 16th, our annual Christmas Party which promises to be bigger and better than ever including prizes for everyone and great entertainment. We can use your help in soliciting door prizes. If you or someone you know or do business with, would like to contribute to this extravaganza, please let us know.

It might come as a surprise to you, but the Los Angeles Region, an area presumed to have the most Porsches per square foot, stands only tenth on the list of Porsche Club of America regions with a total membership as of June 30, 1984 of 494. The following is a list of the top ten regions by membership count: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10.

Some of you may not know, but the Porsche Factory publishes a beautiful bi-monthly magazine (in English) called Christophorus, the bible for Porsche enthusiasts. If you would like to subscribe, subscriptions may be obtained by writing to:

Potomac ......................... 906 Northern New Jersey ................ 894 Golden Gate ...................... 818 San Diego ........................ 720 Pacific Northwest .................. 688 Rocky Mountain ................... 618 Connecticut Valley ................. 566 Metro New York ................... 541 Northeast ........................ 514 Los Angeles ....................... 494

Dr. Ing.h.c.F. Porsche AG Christophorus Postfach 400640 D-7000 Stuttgart 40 Germany It’s time to think of next year’s Board membership and as there will be openings, this is your chance to come forward and participate.

The annual Porsche Parade, this year in Appleton, Wisconsin, has come and gone. By all reports it was very successful with no unusual problems. There were 585 entrants in all with 25 people showing up from Zone 8. Ron Mistak of Orange Coast Region, in his beautifully prepared 914/6, took Top Time of Day in the speed event held on the Road America course. Vern Covert, of the L.A. Region, as always, did well in all three events (Concours, Speed, Rally) in his fantastic 904. John Clever of the Golden Gate Region won the Rally for a truly remarkable second year in a row. Chuck Stoddard, Past President of PCA took overall honors in the Concours with his 1949 Gmund Coupe. You will of course, be reading all about the Parade in "Panorama" shortly. Mark your 1985 calendars for June 30 through July 6 for the 30th Annual Porsche Parade to be held right here in Southern Callfornia at the South Coast Plaza Hotel. For those of

Enjoy your Porsche safely.

John Fels, President

RED LINE rup,dr and

mamtt.n,m{:t, ~t


I~IE[=) LINE ~-’----,EI~lVlI-’E, INr-. T20C{~l~’radt~’~’vunue .~,~,~t,~ x.!oni~a.C,di~{,mi~



If you don’t advertise,

selling in the dark.



Zone8 Slalom--Orange Coast Region Cypress College, Lincoln & Valley View in Cypress, CA. Rag istrat ion 7:00 a.m., first car at 8:00 a.m., practice ’til noon, close at 4:30 p.m. $10 per driver, stock seat belts & helmets, Ioaners available. For more information, call Bi II Bartee, business (213)404-1720, home (714)894-8434.


Zone8 Concours Riverside


Board Meeting


PCA-LA Membership Meeting--California Yacht Club, Marina Del Rey

Nobody knows

you’re there. We can put your


business in the best lir~ht. Give us a call.

(We cou,d not arrange the Harbor cruise.)


Zone 8 Rally-Orange Coast Region


Zone 8 Time Trial--Willow Springs Golden Empire Region




¯ Graphic Design and production ¯ Copywriting ¯ Photography ’ ¯ Art




Briggs Cunningham Tour/Rally


Zone 8 Concours/Slalom-Phoenix, ArizonaRegion

= ¯ ¯ ¯ =

Logo design Typesetting Printing

Catalogs Brochures

December 1-2

Zone 8 Time TriaI-Laguna Seca


PCA-LA Christmas PartyLobster House, Marina del Bey





9001 5-9990

,~arts ~or Vo\~swage~

~ Concours Preparation& Assistance 1213)320-3495


l.acqucr Paint Refinishing Color Matching

Collision Rcpairh Welcome





pare for a timely newsletter. Tom Marx gave a financial report regarding the newsletter. Jon Winthrop moved, Sandra Linton seconded, that the club deposit $500 per month into the Porscherama account. Passed unanimously. The Pro Tem will be mailed tomorrow. Tech: Tom Linton reported that the Beverly Hills Detail session was very informative, but there was


poor attendance.a buying used 911.He is trying to set up a session on


Treasurer’s Report: Sandra Linton reported a balance of $1626.73. There will be treasury summary sheets available at the next board meeting.



Membership: Jeff Bear reported that there are new members. In the next newsletter, new members for the past six months will be announced. Members Present:

Vice President: Jon Winthrop reported that the boat he wanted for the harbor cruise is not available on September 22nd. Denise Bear and Jon are going to try to find another boat. Jon will Chair with John Fels, Denise Bear and Sandra Linton Co-Chairing for the Christmas Party.

John Fels, President Jon Winthrop, V.P. Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary Sandra Linton, Treasurer Tom Linton, Tech Jeff Bear, Membership Jon Schiewe, Editor

Members Absent:



Denise Bear, Goodie Tom Marx Cynthia Winthrop

Old Business: John Fels reported that in order for the Editor to have the right to vote at Board Meetings, the By-Laws have to be changed. The secretary will report at the next meeting what is required to change the ByLaws. Also the voting procedure would have to be changed. The president would not vote except in tie votes.

John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 7:18 p.m. at La Barbara’s Restaurant.

There was a discussion of the Riverside Four Club Event. We need a Rallye Master for the LA Region rallye.

Jeff Bear moved and Tom Linton seconded to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Passed unanimously,

Jeff Bear moved, Jon Winthrop seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. The motion carried unanimously.

Editor’s Report: There was a discussion of the newsletter. Articles went to Tom Marx on July 2rid to pre-

-Glenda Pizzoferrato

Craftsmanlike Repairs Complete service for your Audi at a fair price. 12969 Washington Blvd. (Cor. Alia & Washington ) Marina del Rey ¯ (213) 306-8544 Behind Marina Suzuki Motorcycle


PCA roundell. Figuring they might know who to contact, I gave chase...


Let me for the moment describe my situation, for those who do not know. Here I was in the Land of Porsches, with my 77 Targa in Syracuse, and me driv-

tl~ the EDITOR

ing a fecal Dodge Colt with a bare bones econobox package consisting of about 125-98 SR slush belteds, with a typical Jap FWD driveline, lugging an air conditioner and ME (no comments about an anchor, now). Let me tell you, the next car I need, I’ll look real close at the Colt Turbo. Despite her trying to lose me after she’d watched me follow her for four rights in a row, the lady in the 944 just couldn’t claim to have the PORSCHE skills. After six rights, I was still right with her as she turned the only left, into her driveway. The reception said more about Southern California than anything else I could imagine, and it was only as I saw her rolling up the windows and locking the doors, while leaning on the horn for her husband to come out

Reprinted with permission from the Red Line Report the bul/etin of the Central New York Region, Bill Drapkin, Editor. Those of you who were at Dusty’s barbeque will no doubt remember Joe. His photo was with the article about the barbecue. Apparently, Joe enjoyed the party as much as we enjoyed his company. I can’t say that I exactly agree with his assessment of our home/and, but he was only here a short time so he can be forgiven. Having never seen upstate New York, I just might take him up on his invitation.


Dear Porsche Pushers-

with the shotgun, that I remembered that this joint spawned the SLA, the Hillside Strangler, and Charlie Manson. So I started yelling, from across the road as I got out with my Porsche shirt on, "I’m not a rapist, I just want to know if you can tell me if there are any PCA events while I’m in town" and proceeded to tell my tale of woe. We all had a good laugh and, yes, there was a barbeque at a Malibu Ridge home overlooking the ocean on Saturday to which I was immediately invited. After all you’ve read above, you can see that I was primed for a lousy time of blow-dried hair and gold chains. Nothing could have been further from the truth, as I was made to feel as though I had been a member for years, and I had what was absolutely the brightest spot in two weeks which contained some very high and brutally tough times. My thanks to all the PCA’ers there, and especially the Schiewe family for their gracious hospitality. I hope someday to repay the thought. -Joe Holzer

Let me tell you a little travel story, about a fantasyland called California. For those not familiar with the place, all kinds of pre-conceived notions come to mind; bronze skinned, bikini clad, free-love advocates; automobiles to boggle the mind; movie stars and fast living; and friendly people looking for a good time. Take it from me, only a very little of that is true. The reality is that there is a place waiting for the bubble to burst, While the beaches are certainly filled with bronzed beauties, and their boardwalk areas have scantily clad people always passing by, the Sony Walkman has insured that none will be disturbed by another human being. Everyone seems to be moving, but no one seems to go anywhere. They just keep biking, running, skating surfing and generally existing despite no visible means of support, in the most expensive area of the country outside Hawaii. To live there you must live as though you had money, because that is the only thing which impresses ANYONE there, whether you do or not.

PCA-LA Region

On the other hand, if I COULD afford to live there, I would surely want to live on the Malibu Canyon Ridge, overlooking both canyon and ocean. You have never seen nature in such majesty. Suddenly even a Porsche becomes insignificant. And maybe that’s the whole idea, anyway. With more Porsches in two blocks than you’ll find here in two months, they lose much of their lustre. Certainly, all those people can’t claim to be sufficiently skilled to be Porsche drivers! I had a chance to test that theorem. Since I expected to be there for two weekends, and since my job entailed the prospect of disciplinary action with any of the visited plant personnel thereby making it awkward to socialize with any, I decided to seek out some who might have at least some commonality with me: The PCA. However, as I later discovered, the phone listings I had were far from current, and no success was had making contct through dealers either. So it looked like I was going to miss any events, until I was passed by a 944 with a


Nobody’s Perfect T-Shirts with Le Mans results $8 EACH, or TWO FOR $15. Still not dated as Porsche swept again in ’84 M - L - XL available only. Send check made out to PCA-LA Region Mail to" Jeff Bear 9460 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 520 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 add $1 per T-Shirt to cover postage and handling




at PB Tweaks Ll’d .... your one-stop Porsche resource for: hard-to-find interior, exte-

body,~chassis & trim parts.

rior & hard parts ¯ accessories, apparel & lots of attermarket goodies ¯ qualityI Porsche

For all Porsche models & years ... including 356, 911, 930, 914, 924,, 931 & 928’s.


LETTERS the EDITOR P/ease note: This letter is published without the endorsement of the Editor or Board of Directors who do not take a position in PeA elections. Neither should this disclaimer be taken as a negative comment. We are simply neutral.

pb tU3~k~ Itd

... for serious pleasure drivers, 3301 Hill Street / Signal Hill. CA £0806 (800) 782-£231 (California only) / (213) 4£4-4777

August 16, 1984 To all PCA Region Newsletter Editors: Please help me communicate my sincere thanks to the 600+ members of PCA for signing the petition to have my name placed on the national ballot for the office of treasurer for the 1985-86 term.


Want to drive a P .... he911

As of this writing, the petitions are on their way to PCA National. We don’t yet know if my name will be on the ballot. The exact date that is used to determine the number of members and the number of verified petition signators are unknown today. This is an appropriate time to express my basic views (platform, if you will) to the voting membership. First and foremost, I think the functioning and decision making of the club should be more open and able to receive member input. That can be accomplished by publishing, well in"advance, the agenda for council and board meetings so the zone raps/presidents can vote on issues based on the members’ views.


car in SCCA or time trials? Rental programs are available, tailored to meet your needs. Included may be car rer~tal, personnel, tracks de mechanic, towing and driver instruction. PORSCHOP features:

ies for street or track

Secondly, I think there should be a dollar limit on any single club purchase or expenditure without membership approval. The treasurer’s office should have the responsibility of monitoring this and of informing the members of the pros and cons of large expenses, such as the purchase of a computer before it is brought to a vote of the board.

¯ Total P .... he maint ....... Partsand ........ ¯ RaceStar safety equipment ¯ Porsche race car preparation


Connieand Bob Fern / LOS ANGELES, CAg0066 /

Third, I feel we should endeavor to get more involvemerit of the membership and get away from from our current "appointment" system of officers. For example, I would strongly suggest that zone representa-

(213) 398-2217


911 WEBER CONVERSIONS $525 $975 MANIFOLDS: $160/pr.

tives be elected from their zone, vice appointed by the president. If you agree with what . have 1o say, then you can so vote whether or not the name CARL YOUNG is on the ballot. If my name is not there, please WRITE IT IN ...the vote counts the same.



It basically boils down to maintaining the status quo of the past ten years by voting against me or not voting at all. Or, opting for some changes by voting for me even if it takes a write-in. Thank you. Carl E, Young Las Vegas Region


911 so (3.0) to 46 IDA 3C WEBERS:

After the surprising volume of requests which followed the March 1984 article in PANORAMA, the Valuation Committee mail returned to its more usual level this quarter. We provided valuations in response to 31 requests since last report, and letters of explanation to a surprisingly large number who had seen but not really read the PANORAMA article.


¯ Carburetors ¯ K&N air cleaners

¯ 46mm manifolds with CIS flanges

911(1973-7701S)TO401DA3CWEBERS: $e70-$898 ¯ Carburetors

¯ Weber Linkage

¯ K&N air cleaners

° Pressure Unit

¯ 40ram manifolds with CIS 911

¯ Carburetors ¯ K&N air cleaners



---14,244 2,341 5,116 5,198 5.385 8.387 10.483 13.696


° Weber Linkage ¯ Correct manifolds

¯ Carburetors

° Insulators

¯ Jetting

The above kits include correct manifolds, heat insulators and longer studs, gaskets, fuel line, jettn~g and venturies for your application. PM0 Mechanical iniecti0n Kits are street legal for 1969-1973 vehicles in California (Carb E.0. No. D144). The CIS kits are legal in California only for racing, non-highway vehicles.

PMO 135-17th STREET




6,192 4,780 4,096 3,715 4,067 5,183 6.359

2,754 2,140 2,036 1,487 1.626 1.584 13

Ph. (213) 393-5423





16.713 21.096

5,510 4,885

11.203 16,211

1973 23,878



1972 1971 1970

20.717 16.266 12,826

5,243 5,549 4,617

15,474 10,717 8,209





1975 1974

Injector plugs

911 T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40 IDA3CWEBERS:S525

The following chart was reprinted from Christophorus, April "84.

23,190 14,377 11,330 10.587 14,080 17,250 20.068

¯ Pressure Unit



1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977

¯ Weber Linkage

¯ K&N air cleaners

911 WITH SOLEXES (1965-66) TO 40 IDA

-Phil Reese


¯ Carburetors

. Correct manifolds ¯

PCA Valuation Committee




IDA 3C WEBERS: $800-$895

The Valuation function is operating quite smoothly, with contributors sending the newspapers regularly, and the number of Porsches advertised (through 1976 models) remaining roughly constant. It is interesting to note that the increase in value of older Porsche automobiles has apparently ended, at least for a while, with most models now at price levels just slightly below those of about two years ago. But, then, what else can you buy besides real estate that keeps its dollar value over time?


¯ Weber Linkage ¯ Pressure Unit


Quality Service & Maint ....... t fair rates

¯ Suspension-Ohassistuning

° Engine-t ..... issi .... building

¯ Zime TriaI -- Race Specialists



(213) 39]-7277 24-HOUR PHONE 13332 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Marina del Rev, 2 Blocks east of Lincoln, adjacent to Burger King)


Riverside International Raceway, July 21 & 22, 1984


Above: Kieth Kelly, Las Vegas," John Fels, LA President; Barry Fisher, Las Vegas in line for a practice heat. Below: Tom Linton’s Turbo and Carl Young Custom rest between practice heats.

San Diego’s Osterberg 914-6 followed by LA’s Sandra Bartley line up with other Porsches for a practice heat.

PCAJLA Region Zone 8 Time Trial Results Class



Car No.



1st Run

2nd Run



T1 T2 T3 4 5 6 7


T1 ...... Greg Smith ............ 3 ...... O.C ..... 1965-356 ..... 144.14 .... 144.54 .... 20 ....... 72 2 ...... Harry Watanabe ........ 71 ...... O.C ..... 1965-912 ..... 144.76 .... 146.81 .... 15 ....... 51 3 ...... Scott Wat ana be ......... 171 ...... O.C ..... 1965-912 ..... 147.57 .... 146.35 .... 12 ....... 28


T1 ...... Rosemary Welch ........ 111 ...... L.A ..... 1974-914 ..... 153.20 .... 153.29 .... 20 ....... 72 2 ...... Keith Kelly ........... 777 ...... L.V ..... 1978-924 ..... 158.22 .... 158.45 .... 15 ....... 50 T1 ...... Mary Hayes ........... 137 ...... GGR .... 1973-914 ..... 159.03 .... 160.68 .... 20 ....... 40 T1 ...... John Leinen ........... 718 ...... L.A ..... 1968-911 ..... 162.40 .... 161.59 .... 20 ....... 20


...... Bill Bartee ............ 13 ...... O.C ..... 1970-914 ..... 152.49 .150.91 .... 20 ...... Carol Muir ............ 186 ...... S.D ..... 1967-912 ..... 155.74 .157.01 .... 15 ...... Dean Muir ............ 86 ...... S.D ..... 1967-912 ..... 156.89 .158.55 .... 12 ...... Robert Welch .......... 126 ...... L.A ..... 1972-914 ..... 157.81 .158.10 .... 10 ...... Jos. Stonskas .......... 113 ...... L.V ..... 1962-356 ..... 167.82 .169.01 .... 8 ...... Dan Teske ............ 105 ...... S.B ..... 1971-914 ..... 181.11 .183.91 .... 6 ...... Darnel Walton ......... 701 ...... O.C ..... 1972-9_14 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1

Point Total to Date ....... 70 ....... 30 ....... 33 ....... 10 ....... 28 ....... 30 ....... 1


Disq ..... Lee Miller ............ 651 ...... Ariz ..... 1965-911 T1 ...... Bill Clay ............. 8 ...... O.C ..... 1966-911 T2 ...... Joe Weber ............ 67 ...... S.D ..... 1967-911 Disq ..... David Cushing .......... 65 ...... Ariz ..... 1965-911 3 ...... John Straub ........... 757 ...... S.D ..... 1965-911


T1 T2 3 4


T1 ...... Susan Schnoerr ......... 269 ...... O.C ..... 1983-944 ..... 172.78 .... 171.46 .... 20 ....... 40


T1 ...... Peter Stacy ............. 99 ..... S.D ..... 1970-914/6 . . .137.92 . . . :137.87 .... 20 ....... 80 2 ...... Steve Frohling .......... 75 ..... L.A ..... 1970-914 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1 ....... 1

..... 138.58 .... 136.25 .... 0 ..... 136.78 .... 137.44 .... 15 ..... 138.05 .... 137.68 .... 12 ..... 142.44 .... 140.54 .... 0 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1

...... Mark Schnoerr ......... 266 ...... O.C ..... 1983-944 ..... 140.95 ...... Jess Osterberg ......... 8861 ...... S. D ..... 1970-914/6 . . . 147.09 ...... John Fels ............ 1177 ...... L.A ..... 1970-914/6 . . .147.38 ...... Darlene Osterberg ....... 886 ...... S.D ..... 1970-914/6 . . . 149.55

.... 141.46 .... !45.26 .... 146.81 .... 148.92

.... 20 .... 15 .... 12 .... 10

....... 1 ....... 55 ....... 55 ....... 0 ....... 1 ....... 75 ....... 35 ....... 12 ....... 22

.EM OI IAI., FOUI CI.,UB EVEN " by Tom Linton

The Annual Peter Gregg Memorial 4-Club Event for 1984 was a big success. As usual, I showed up Saturday morning a little on the late side, so it was a mad rush to get the car ready. Luckily, my run group was the third to go out, so I had a little extra time to prepare. After finding my garage (which was a real coup to get) I started unloading our support vehicle, otherwise known as the station wagon. I was parked next to Carl Young and the Porschaus entry, who had the largest pit crew I had ever seen. Boy, was I envious of all those helpers. By the time the drivers’ meeting was called, I had two tires on with a long way to go. The drivers’ meeting started on time and went accordingly. Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day, even though it was quite warm. My new trick set-up of removing

Membership Chairman JeffBearand Tech Chairman Tom Lintonlet Tom’s engine cool off.

continued on page 12




Car No.



2nd Run


Point Total to Date


T1 T2 T3 4 5 6 7


T1 ...... Kathleen Schump ....... 134 ...... S.B ..... 911 ..... 146.30 .... 144.38 .... 20 ....... 40 2 ...... Sandra Bartley ......... 131 ...... L.A ..... 1978-911 ..... 153.63 .... 154.48 .... 15 ....... 15


T1 ...... Jim Navas ............ 6 ...... L.A ..... 1972-911 ..... 126,91 .... 127.20 2 ...... MikeSporrong ......... 43 ...... Riv ..... 1967-911 ..... 136,90 .... 137.17 3 ...... Lane Sporrong ......... 143 ...... Riv ..... 1967-911 ..... 140.20 .... 138.68


T1 ...... Jeff Bear ............. 700 ...... L.A ..... 1983-911 ..... 165.81 .... 164.39




...... Robert Heintz .......... 91 ...... S.B ..... 1977-911 ...... Jim Navas ............ 6 ...... L.A ..... 1972-911 ...... Wolfgang Kuehn ........ 719 ...... S.D ..... 1976-911 ...... Rick Jackson .......... 16 ...... L.A ..... 1971-911 ...... Richard Schump ........ 34 ...... S.B ..... 911 ...... Paul Friedman ......... 750 ...... L.A ..... 1979-911 ...... Constantine Aronis ...... 55 ...... L.A ..... 1969-911

1st Run

..... 134.26 . .134.79 .... 20 ..... 160.57 . .135.18 .... 15 ..... 137.71 . .138.30 .... 12 ..... 139.45. .143.05 .... 10 ..... 143.14 . .142.72 .... 8 ..... 161.14. .158.18 .... 6 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1

....... 60 ....... 50 ....... 12 ....... 10 ....... 35 ....... 6 ....... 1

. . .20 . . , ~ . . .60 . . .15 ....... 15 . . .12 ....... 12

, . ,20 ....... 20 T1 ...... Jim Corbeil ........... 11 ...... S.D ..... 1973-911 ..... 137.08 .... 137.28 .... 20 ....... 20 1 ...... Paul Hass ............. 36 ...... S.D ..... 1981-924 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1 ....... 1 1 ...... Gene Temkin .......... 759 ...... L.A ..... 1971-914 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1 T1 ...... Hank Johnson .......... 20 ...... Ariz ..... 1974-914 ..... 141.88 .... 140.57 .... 20 2 ...... Jerry Havel ............ 188 ...... S.D ..... 1972-914 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1 3 ...... Pat Fitzgibbon ......... 100 ...... GGR .... 1972-914 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1

....... 1

T1 ...... Thomas Calvert ......... 117 ...... O.C ..... 1978-924 ..... 139.77 .... 138.79 .... 20 2 ...... Barry Fisher ........... 7 ...... L.V ..... 1974-914 ..... 155.25 .... 154.16 .... 15 3 ...... John Pereszlenyi ........ 75! ...... L.V ..... 1974-914 ..... 174.15 .... DNR ..... 12 T1 ...... Jennifer Strickler ........ 709 ...... O.C ..... 1971-914 ..... 165.62 .... 167.14 .... 20

....... 80 ....... 37 ....... 12

....... 20 ....... 41 ....... 17

....... 20

continued on page 12



Greg Smith (Orange CoastJ and Joseph Stonshas near the end of continued from page 11

a practice lap.

the right front headlight for better cooling actually worked. The engine managed to run under 250°, which

On Sunday morning, I woke up to a beautifully overcast day. It looked like we might have a little relief from the heat. A few sprinkles on the track did not stop anyone from going all out in preparation for

was a welcome sight. The cooling did not help my fuel injection problems, which is another, story,

timed runs. Timing went smoothly except for a few delays. There was only one timing accident in which

The practice sessions went smoothly. There were no delays caused by oil spills, accidents or breakdowns.

a white 911 Targa forgot the number one rule of driving: keep the shiny side up. Oh well, turn 2 has been a real tough one for me also!

Even though turn 8 was crumbling at the apex, everyone managed to navigate through without much of a problem. The main thing I had to remember during my practice sessions was to keep an eye out for the

All in all the weekend went well. There were a few protests brought on by unsportsmanlike conduct and a few participants who chose to ignore the noise level

infamous 935 of Jim Torres. He seemed to come out of nowhere, filling up my mirrors, especially between turns 8 and 9.

restrictions at Riverside. Everyone had a great time and I would like to thank all the people who helped make this event a great one!

The beer tasted better than ever at the closing of Saturday’s activities. Everyone packed up and headed back to the hotel for an evening of whatever.

PCA/LA Region Zone 8 Time Trial Results NAME

Car No.

-Tom Linton

Point Total to Date




T1 T2 3 4


T1 ...... Sandy Kunza-Bike ....... 21 ...... O.C ..... 1970-914/6 . . .139.26 .


T1 T2 3 4 5


T1 ...... Connie Fern ........... 10 ...... L.A ..... 1972-911 ..... 126.29 .... 126.30 .... 20 ....... 48 2 ...... Judd Boykin ........... 00 ...... L.A ..... 1972-911 ..... 128.39 .... 126.81 .... 15 ....... 51



1st Run

2nd Run


...... Geary Smith ........... 9 ...... L.A ..... 1971-914/6 . . .128.56"....127.76" .... 20 ...... Tom Linton ........... 75 ...... L.A ..... 1974-911 ..... 131.43 . .130.01 . .15 ...... Larry Amberg .......... 128 ...... L.A ..... 1983-928S .... 133.33 . .133.82 . .12 ...... Lon Bike ............. 211 ...... O.C..... 1970-914/6 . . .156.11 . .152.12 . .10 .140.20 .

....... 40 ....... 20 ....... 52 ....... 10

.20 ....... 40

...... Bob Muzzy ............ 999 ...... S.D ..... 1970-914/6 . . .122.36 . .122.73 . .20 ...... Tom Marx ............ 101 ...... L.A ..... 1972-911 ..... 123.57 . .126.15 . .15 ...... Jeanne Kuchenmeister .... 22 ...... S.D ..... 1972-914 ..... 140.63 .... DNR ..... 12 ...... Jon Winthrop ......... 1177 ...... L.A ..... 1970-914/6 . . .147.33 .... 147.24 .... 10 ...... Jeff Dangel ............ 23 ...... S.D ..... 1970-914 ..... DNR ..... DNR ..... 1

....... 20 ....... 35 ....... 59 ....... 26 ....... 1

ZT FTD1 ...... Carl Young ............ 33...... L.V ..... 1971-914/6 . . .117.17 FTD .121.17 .... 20 ....... 55 2 ...... Gil Rios .............. 02 ...... O.C ..... 1967-906 ..... 128.69 .... 128.93 .... 15 ....... 35 EX

Jim Torres ............ 33 .............

935 ..... 110.64 .... 109.81 ............... VARA -- COBRA -- PANTERA Lance N ist ........................... Pantera-TBO .... 129.71 .... 129.38 G.R. Williams ......................... Cosworth-Vega .153.78 .... 154.40 Ron Rickard .......................... Lotus Seven... 166.80 .... 165.86 Scott Call ............................ Z-28 ........ DNR Tony Cottrell ......................... Z-28 ........ DNR Henry Manney ........................ Alfa-GTA ..... DNR Bruce Mallery ......................... Pantera ...... DN R

NOTES-T = Trophy

FTD = Fastest Time of Day (Average Speed 107.5+ mph!)

*Penalized 5 seconds due to protest (included in time)

-- 12--

Disq. = Disqualified due to protest


NEWS NOTES PROPOSED CHANGE IN THE BYLAWS At the direction of the Board of Directors of PCA/LA please be advised that along with the ballot for club officers, members will also receive a ballot on the following change to the club bylaws: (Otd language in brackots;

is now being distributed by

new language underlined.)

Article VI, Section 2A The Board of Directors shall consist of eight (8) [seven (7)] elected Regular Members in good standing and shall include the last Past President of the club, who continues as a Reqular Member, shall be invited and encouraqed to continue in an advisory capacity_ to the Board until succeeded by the next Past President. The Past President shall not, however, be a Votinq Member of the Board of Directors. [and those non-voting directors as provided in Article VII, Section 8.] Article VI, Section 3: Positions The voting Directors’ positions shall be President, who shall vote only in case of ties, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Technical, Activities, and Bulletin Editor.

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Article Vl, Section 4B

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.the Vice President, Treasurer, Bulletin Editor, and Technical Director shall run for election in oddnumbered years .... Article VII, Section 8A and B shall be deleted and a new Article VII, Section 8 shall be substituted as follows: Section 8: Porscherama Editor A. Shall cause to be published at least every second month, the club bulletin as approved by the Board of D i recto rs.



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B. The name of this bulletin, which shall be the official publication of PCA-LA, shall be "Porscherama." C. In any month when the "Porscherama" is not published, the editor shall cause to be published a newsletter-calendar, to be called "Porscherama pro tern." D. These publications shall be distributed in a timely manner to each member and to such others as approved by the Board of Directors.

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Article Xl, Official Publication shall be deleted. -13-

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24 HOURS OF LE MANS by Jeff Bear

It was 3:00 p.m., June 16, 1984, with the airtemperature in the high 80s. Fifty-three cars were ready to start the third race of the World Endurance Championship. Missing were the works Rothmans-Porsches, withdrawn in protest against fuel regulation changes made by F ISA. In the absence of the factory representatives stood sixteen privateer Porsches, including such pre-race favorites as two 956’s fielded by New Man and Skoal Bandits, and the Canon and the Kremer teams, Crowd sentiment was with two Jaguar factory XJR5’s which, although slower than the other Group C cars, had a great fuel consumption advantage allowing them to stay on the track 10 to 15 minutes longer before making a pit stop.

occupied by the New Man Porsches with pre-race favorite Stephen Johanson sitting comfortably in his Number 8 car. Fifth on the grid was the Number 14 Canon Porsche, and in sixth position the Number 35 Skoal Bandit Porsche. After the traditional running start, the leaders included a surprise showing by the 2.6 liter turbocharged Peugot driven by Roger Dorchy, who had also clocked the fastest time down the 3½ mile Mulsanne Straight at 231 miles per hour. Possibly pushing too hard for such a long race, the Peugeot crashed early on.

Also figuring in pre-race investments were three works Lancia-Martinis and two Aston-Martin Nimrods.

Five and one-half hours into the race, the LanciaMartini was in first place, one lap ahead of the Skoal Bandit Porsche. The other works Lancia was third, followed in order by the Kremer and Swap Shop Porsches. In sixth and seventh were the two Jaguars. Group C-2 was led by the B.F. Goodrich Lola-Mazda on streetradials.

The starting front line was 100% Lancia-Martini, with Bob Wollek having won the pole with a 3:17.11, 155 mile-per-hour qualifying lap, and the second Lancia clocking in only 3 seconds slower. The second row was

The otherwise beautiful Le Mans dusk was marred when John Sheldon’s Aston-Martin went out of control at the fastest part of the Mulsanne Straight, cannoning into a barrier and catching fire. The second Aston-14-

Martin driven by Draie Olson was also involved. Sadly, one marshal was killed, and another gravely injured. Sheldon suffered third degree burns and Olson was badly shaken. Much to the dismay of the drivers the race was not stopped, but continued for 1:02 under the pace car. At midnight, 41 of 53 cars were still in the race. The Lancias were in first and second only 3 to 5 seconds apart. The Swap Shop and Skoal Bandit Porsches were in third and fourth positions respectively, followed by the Jaguars in fifth and seventh, and the Alan Jones driven Porsche in sixth, Lancia maintained the first two spots halfway through the race, but were now one lap apart. On the same lap as the second place car was the Skoal Bandit, followed by the Number 7 New Man Porsche which had moved up very quickly from the 31st position it had occupied at the end of the first hour. The Swap Shop Porsche was in fifth, and a Jaguar in sixth place, At 6:30 a.m. the Lancia was still in first, but now closely followed by the Skoal Bandit Porsche less than one lap behind. The New Man and Swap Shop Porsches -15-

were in third and fourth, followed by the Number 44 Jag. The B.F. Goodrich Lola-Mazda continued to lead Class C-2 as it would to and including the finish. At 7:30 a.m. the Lancia was sidelined with a stripped fifth gear leaving the New Man Porsche in first. The Number 44 Jag was in the pits having lost third gear, with the other Jaguar hopeful already out as the result of a crash. At the twenty-hour mark Porsche privateers occupied the first four positions. The Lancia was in fifth, and the Jaguar in sixth, but both retired shortly thereafter with gear problems. The finish at 3:00 p.m. the following day found the Number 7 Ludwig/Pescarolo driven New Man Porsche the winner, two laps ahead of the second place Swap Shop Porsche. The Skoal Bandit Porsche took third. Fourth through seventh, and ninth places were also taken by Porsche 956’s with a Lancia LC2 taking eighth, and the B.F. Goodrich Lola-Mazda 616 taking tenth place on street radials. All in all Le Mans was once again a Porsche event, especially when the absence of the factory prepared cars is considered.

the membership role sans computer is next to impossible; PCA National still can’t get around to sending us membership applications, although we’ve managed to acquire a limited number by alternative means; and I have a long list of new members not welcomed to PCALA to whom I must apologize. Absent a computer, there’s no way I can personally bid farewell to members who have moved or greet members who have transferred to Los Angeles Region. I hope that my firm will soon be computerized and these problems will be re so I ved.


All excuses aside, members:

NEW POSTER Photographer David Lawrence donated several of his beautiful posters at the PCA-LA Christmas party last year. Liscensed and authorized by Porsche AG Germany and Volkswagen of North America, the poster measures 17" by 36" and has the Porsche copyright in the lower right corner. The poster retails for $25 and is available from the publisher. Contact David Lawrence Editions, 22541A Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 38, Malibu, CA 90265; phone (818) 343-2293.

NEW MEMBERS by Jeff Bear Although I am writing this in August, this is my first Membership Report in Porscherama. In preparing the report, I, of course, went back to some old issues to see what useful items I could plagiarize now that sufficient time has passed for everybody to forget wha{ was said before. I came upon Bob Houseman’s article in the November/ December, 1983 issue and found that nothing had changed in the past year: the job of keeping up with

(213)678-1 104

let me officially greet our new

O. Chris Ohre, III Lyle Dawn Carl J. Melville Coralee Ann EIlison Michael P. Haley Michael L. Rosen Richard Sigler George R. Jett Jr. Dennis Mogermann Chad A. Fester James S. Kridel Dan Casey Fred Gindy Arne D. Norbom Richard Donner Larry Barber Robert A. LeWinter Nelson Enns Frederick C. Piazza Kenneth Leib David W. Dilbeck Charles M. Sarture Brian Sato HarryWong Raymond Limansky, M.D. Jim R. Benfer, Jr. Stun Weiss H. Carl Maiershofer Scott Milton Jeffrey Koren William N. Cohen Peter W. Burger John Marcus

Joe Sanchez Michael E. Deitch Victor E. Jo Chiong Jon Mitsucci Wayne L. Sloan David Sokolowske Richard W. Moon George Eglajs Marc J. Jacoby Laurence Chaplin Wendy Tolle Kent Douglas Craig A. Thomas Gary K. Hom Nancy Bowman David A. Hooker Jeffrey Kropf Carole L. Jones Mario Tortes Vernon F. Horn Robert Bowen Robert Welch Sherwood Lee DeanWeissman David Legge Del Bowman Kevin J. Roberts Dennis C. Eshelman Jeffrey Robin Roger W. Vaughn Robert GL King Bob Butler Jeff Archibald

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FOR SALE 2-914 Black Recaro deep bucket seats with corduroy Inserts. Only used 2 months. Excellent condition. $395.00 (714) 594-7650.


(4) 225 x 50 VR15 Comp T/A radials mounted on 7" front & 8" rear BBS road wheels with gold centers. This setup is perfect for both 944’s and 911SC’s. Will sell only as a complete set$1100.00. Call Pete, (213) 450-7414 or (818) 991-3909.


FOR SALE Good home wanted for retiring Concours car! 1977 911S. Silver, all leather interior (black), power mirrors, power antenna, Blaupunkt CR 1000 AM, FM, Tape radio (stereo), Bilsteins, sun roof, power windows, lowered, headers (thermal reactors

~ FOR SALE 1969 912 Coupe #129020634. Ivory White/BIk int. 5 speed orig. 5Y2 chrome whls. new tires, new konis, 15K mi 1750 cc rebuild by Porshop. 2rid owner, Calif. car, $8500 or B/O. AI Cardenas, 9040 Suva St., Downey, CA 90240. (213) 869-4218.

and air pump come in separate box, in like new condition), black "chrome" trim, turbo steering wheel, fog lights, tape storage console, forged alloys with CN 36’s, engine compartment light, etc. This car is 100% straight and has a Parade Concours history:

FOR SALE 1969 912/5 hard window Targa #12901156. New Polo Red lacquer, New Rubber, New front windshield 12K mi. rebld by Porshop, 90 K mi. on chassis early 7" alloys, H-l, euro lens/

Portland 1980, 1st in Class and Division. Reno 1982, 5th in class. Ozarks 1983, 1st in class. Total mileage 23,000 (2500 since Ozarks, including 2000 mile return trip.) Of course, all ¯ records/receipts are available.

instrumentation concours cond, 2rid owner, Calif. car; $15 K or B/O. AI Cardenas, 9040 Suva St., Downey, CA 90240.

This is probably the best example available of the last model

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year for the 911S. Asking $23,500. Dave or Dona UIIman.


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colors and pageantry. Then there was the enthusiasm. Everyone, especially Americans because of their prominence, cheering their country’s athletes on and waving their flags. But there was a major difference from other sporting events I had attended before. This was not like a UCLA-USC football game. The cheering was all "for" not "against." Even if the U.S. was not competing, the crowds were almost as loud as when they were. The stragglers in the races were cheered almost as loudly as the victors. I’ll never forget the very small goalee from Algeria in team handball. His team was hopelessly dominated by a very good Romanian team whose front line rained shot after shot on the Algerian goal. He continued, despite the unbalanced score, to make diving, leaping blocks to the roars of the crowd who revelled in his "Olympian efforts."


I realized that the cheers were for the effort and spirit, not just for the victory. An exceptional effort was lauded regardless of the nationality. The cheers were for the effort. Now that life has returned to normal here in LA, it seems that some of the spirit remains. How much and for how long it remains will be seen later, but it should make us in PCA think a bit.

Everything in August tool<a back seat to the Olympics. I don’t know how many of you attended any of the events, but I’m sure most of you saw some of the TV coverage. Watching TV, I’m sure, conveyed some of the spirit of the games, but you really had to be there, Having attended about 10 events, I really got caught up in the spirit,

At Riverside, several controversies arose concerning rules violations and fairness. Is it really so important always to come in first? Isn’t it enough to be out there on the track, doing the best you and your car can do within the rules. Doesn’t it feel wonderful to push yourself and your car to your limits. Isn’t that the goal rather than winning at all costs. There were few PCA/LA members competing at Riverside (I guess we don’t support time trials either) and none were directly involved in the controversies as far as I know, but it seems timely in the afterglow of the Olympics to remember that the really important thing, the only important thing is the effort.

The first reaction was to the festivity. The bright

-Jon Schiewe, Editor







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24 ~






3-Briggs Cunningham

8 concourS~

3.4-zone . ~ ~ izona Region phoemx, ~r 25-pcA-LA Membership Meeting~ california yacht club, Marina de/ReY /a/om~Orange coast Region 7-Zone 8 S~o//ege cypresS" CA CYPress



Ra//y~orange coast Region 20-zone ~ ~;me Tria/~Wi//ow springs ne o -, 27 _ ~lden Emptre Region

14~zone 8 concours~Rivers 17 _Board Meeting

Porsche Club Of America Los Angeles Region Inc. 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd. Malibu, California 90265




John M. Clyman 5912 Mossbank Drive Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA

0666 90274

BULK RATE MAIL U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 24348 Los Angeles, CA


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