MAX DIAL DELIVERS . We’re celebrating our 10th year of professional sales and AAA-approved service to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive needs!
MAX IDIAI 817 N. La Brca, In~.lcwood, CA 90302 q~lephone (213) 678-3061 ~ Xx Hospitals/t
GENERAL INFORMATION’ PCA-LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. V~ are young and old. novice and expert, slow and fast.
OFFICERS President
John D Fels
PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest single marque non-
Vice President
Jon Winthrop
Glenda Pizzoferrato
Sandra Linton
Newsletter Editor
Jon Schiewe 213/457-5726 31560 Vi’ctoria Pt. Rd,. Matibu 90265
factory club in the world. On a national level. PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA. and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what The Los Angeles Region offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) understanding, main-
Membership Chairman Tom Marx
818/990-5619 213/626-3153 112 W/9th St., No. 200. Los Angeles 90015
Safety Chairman
Judd Boykin
taining and driving one of the most unique experience of automobiles of all time.
Technical Chairman
Tom Linton
Activities Chairman
Jeff Bear
Goodie Store
Denise Bear
PCA LA HOT LINE 4 O- 791 1 m
Be sure to write the new hot line number in a convenient placelnaddition.tomembershipinfo. PresidentJohnhas included detail on upcoming events and a place to leave your message
This should be a welcome service to
members who need last minute information or who need to contact the club officers We hope you find it helpful
PORSCHERAMA EDITORIAL POLICY PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America. Los Angeles Region. a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA. its board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, the Publisher. or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit. as necessary, all material submitted for publication. SUI]SCRIPTION INFORMATION Pcrscherama is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Editor Jon Schiewe. 31560 Victoria Point Road, Malibu, CA 90265. along with your check payable to PCA-LA. MOVING? ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us in writing care of Tom Marx, 112 VM 9th St.. No. 200. Los Angeles. CA 90015. PLEASE MAIL CHANGE OF ADDRESS--DO NOT CALL. AD RATES (Published Bi-Monthl~ Effective January 1. 1985.) Size
Full Page 3/4 Page
6" ~ 83/4’’
1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4
Per Issue Cost* Annual Cost*
*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue: Payable in
6’t/’ x 83/4’’ 4W’ x 6V,o"
120.00 95.00 95.00
advance of publication. Send check with copy. Annua/Cost." One-half payable in ad-
Vertical Horizontal Vertical
6" × 27/8’’ 6" × 2~&,,
57500 450.00 450.00
vance of publication of first issue. Balance payable in advance of publication of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry, due to the
2~"x 4’/4"
non-profit nature of the Porscherama, the
Horizontal Horizontal
6" × 2’/,," 2~/~’’ x 2W’
65.00 65.00 45.00
310,00 310.00 21500
1/8 Page
L.A. Region cannot recognize ad agency discounts.
Make checks payable and send advertising materials to: Marx Advertising, Inc., 112 V~,~st 9th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90015-9990 / (213) 626-3153
Issue Calendars Activities
Mail Date
Deadline for Receipt of Materials
Issue Reports on Activities
Cover Date
this Month or Earlier
For This Month
February 1
January 1
March 1 May 1 July 1
February April June
March May July September
April 1 June 1 August 1 October 1
September 1
December 1
November 1
June-July August-September ~ber-January
November January
" r: CE’s Long Ex nge Prog Competition Engineering is w~ll-k~ow~ ~ ~i~ yo~ neighborhood VW and Porsche machine shop. World-wide. That’s our business. And though we sell our popular T-shirts all over the globe, that’s not our business. Yet all of you may be unaware that CE is also a highly-respected builder of 4-cylinder Porsche engines (unless you’re a regular reader of VW& Porsche and some other publications in which we’ve been featured). That, too, is our business. And we’ve recently celebrated our 20th year in this business ! At CI: we keep several 4-cylinder Porsche Long Blocks in stock for immediate delivery. They can be purchased outright or exchange. If you desire, you can purchase your rebuilt engine, pay the core charge, then return your engine core up to 3 months later for refund. (Of course refunds are subject to CE’s inspection and acceptance of your rebuildable core.) If we ship your engine, we require $100 deposit on the special wooden packing crate. And that’s also refundable.
All CE exchange engines are built to new standard specifications ! If you desire your own engine rebuilt or a modified or special engine, please allow 2-4 weeks for processing. Every CE exchange rebuilt engine includes the following NEW parts: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
¯ All Valves and Springs German Crankshaft German Rods (912 type) ¯ All Valve Guides ¯ All Gaskets & Seals German 105 Camshaft German Mahle Pistons & Cylinders ¯ All Bearings Iskenderian Tappets ¯ All Pushrod Tubes
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
F&S Clutch Disc F&S Pressure Plate OEM Oil Pressure Pistons OEM Oil Sump Screen CE Super Gland Nut, Washer
... and these parts rebuilt to exacting specifications by CE: ¯ Crankcase (CE Line Bore if necessary) ¯ Flywheel (Reconditioned) eOil Pump Drive Gears (Drive Tab Welded and Reshaped) ¯ Cylinder Heads (Completely Rebuilt by CE) ¯ Rocker Arms (Reground by CE) Plus: ¯ ALL ENGINES ARE DYNAMICALLY BALANCED !
These Long Block Assemblies are kept in stock at CE for immediate shipment: ¯ 912
$ 2000 700
exchange core charge
Ray Litz"
¯ 356 SC
ENGINEER~NGe 356 Super Closed Monday~
700 core charge 1800 500
exchange core charge
¯ Call or Write for CE’s latest Price Book and your free copy of CE News 2095 N. Lake Avenue / Altadena, California 91001 Telephone 213 / 794-8402 or 213 / 681-5991
and filed against the owner of the offending vehicle. Are you adding up the time? A week before my case was to come up for trail I got a call from the insurance company
from another adjuster who said he really didn’t understand these things but he had a cousin, in Massachusetts who worked for a Porsche dealer and if I would write him--the adjuster--enclosing the estimates I received, he would call his cousin and find out if I had a case. Oh well. what’s a little more time. So, I wrote the adjuster, pointing out that mine was one of only 1,735 USA models of a production run of 3,351 914-6’s manufactured by Porsche (figures obtained from the Karl Ludvigsen’s book "Porsche -- Excellence Was Expected"). that the cars’ present value was at least double what I originally paid for it in 1970 (I am the the original owner), and enclosed some information that I had obtained from Dustin Janes as to how the use of Bondo devaluates our cars. and that I would accept nothing less than a new fender. If he had any questions, he could ask them in court. A day later he called me again and asked how to make out the check for $1300 which was acceptable to me. The moral of all this, I suppose, is that we have to be
Something happened to methat got me thinking and !
prepared to spend time in order to protect ourselves and
want to share my thoughts with you. V~as Porschedrivers have a mixed bag of blessings. We love our cars for the
be a little more understanding when our insurance rates go up. rm sure that each one of us has a story about their experience with an insurance company, some maybe not with the result of this one. but we have to fight to save ourselves from the ravages of those Honda drivers who
variety of things they do for us, but we are targets from outside sources difficult to control. We are all too familiar withtheautothief, theidiotwholikesto"key"our beauties, the mechanic who is out to lunch when we need him the
work for insurance companies. There is much information
most, and probably the most difficult of all culprits to deal with, the insurance companies,
available to us to back up our claims. Many of us belong to the "356 Registry". the "914-6 Club" and other sources
What happened to me is typical of what we have to go through when faced with a claim against an insured per-
who constantly give us detailed information, besides our own fine "Panorama"~ as to what is collectable and how to properly maintain what we have Use this information and stand up for your Porsche!
son. My Porsche was struck in the right front fender while parked in a parking lot Fortunately, the owner of the offending vehicle sought me ouL apologized and we
Drive your Porsche safely.
exchanged information. Understand, that in this case there was no question of liability. The woman who hit me said to call her husband, the Century City attorney, and he would take care of things. I called him and he was all full of
--John D Fels. President
remorse (he being a BMW driver and having experienced such happenings) and said because of his record with his
insurance company just get two estimates and he would take care of things, Being the good person I am, I asked him to suggest one repair shop and I would pick one and then we could settle this matter as true gentlemen. After I
spent the time and effort to obtain the two estimates, one for $1300 and one for $1500 (the $1500 one being the one he suggested) he said that was too high and he knew of a place that would be cheaper and allowed as how he would meet me there at 7:30am. 7:30 is not my favorite time of the day, but after I reminded myself that I was truly a good person and wanted to do my best to help out this mugger. I met him only to get a quote for repair of $1200, which he said he couldn’t handle, so he said to call his insurance company: which ~ did and made an appointment to see their "drive through claims adjuster." More time. After spending at least an hollr with the insurance adjuster and his computer, they said they would put my little car back together for $650. (Remember the other
i5 now being distributed bY
’~ nm~.~m_~m "~’~"~-’~ ~j
quotes?) I looked over their estimate and quickly deter
mined that the difference was, where the others quoted a new fender, the insurance company was going to work their magic with body filler, known in the trade as"Bondo", When I pointed this out to the adjuster, he said that "their
11431 £ANTA MONICA BLVD. POA, W, LA, OA 80025
only obligation was to retore the car to acceptable standards." I asked, wisely, who is the judge of acceptable
REDUCED PRICES! (213)473-Z941. v~sA, M/C, A/E. Porsche fiberglass update~, wings, conversions, and kits for
standards? He replied "Well, I guess you’ll just have to sue
911,912, 914 and 924 mode ~, MITCOM the designer and ’ manutacturer of the Chalon! o~r In~]ulries Invit,~ t’ CATALOG ~iS.O0, Refundable.
US to find out," More time, Now I decided to no longer be the good person, but the 9cod citizen and went te my Iooal Small Claima Oourt
was formed to evaluate alternatives as to format and finances, They are to meet and have a plan by the next Board Meeting. Activities for the year were discussed next. Tech Sessions were also discussed. Following is the proposed calendar year 1985: March 9 10:00 am Tech 12:00,w.. Meet
Connie about the Swap Meet. Time Trial, Riverside Dusty’s BBQ at Jon and Glenda’s in
March 23-24 April 20
Tech Session at the Raceshop on Auto Suspension followed by a Swap Meet. We will sell hot dogs. soft drinks and potato chips. Jeff will call
1:00 pm-7:00 pm
Matibu. Chairpeople-- JonWinthrop and Dusty Janes. Jon will call Dusty re: April 20.
November 14, 1984
May 11
Session on
for a
Concours. Jon S. will call Max Dial for permission to use his facility. Tom L. will call Chuck Cooper to ask if he will lead the session. June 2 Members Present:
Concours at Will Rogers State Park
John Fels, President Jon Winthrop. VP Glenda Pizzoferrato. Secy
and LA Region’s 25th Anniversary Party. Sara and Jerry Pennington will chair the concours and Connie Fern will chair the 25th Anniversary Party.
Sandra Linton. Treasurer Tom Marx, Membership
We will sell food and drinks at the Concours and Party. Connie should
Tom Linton. Tech
be invited to the next E~oard Meeting.
Jeff Bear. Activities
June 30-July 6
Jon Schiewe. Editor None Members Absent: Denise Bear. Goodie Store Guests: John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 11:15
am at his home A delicious lunch was served
December 8
30th Porsche Parade, Costa Mesa Challenge Softball Game vs POC. Jeff will call POC Rallye, LA Region. Paul Friedman will
November 9
chair. Christmas Party at the Lobster House. Denise and Sandra will chair.
Jeff Bear moved and Jon Winthrop seconded that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Passed unanimously. Sandra
Board Meetings will be held every month on the 2nd Wed., at Casa Escobar in Santa Monica at 7:00 pm The next meeting is February 13th. Glenda moved and Tom M. sec-
reported a balance of
$1000.00. We owe Porscherama $100. There was a discussion of the budget for the coming year. There was a discussion on ways to cut down on costs
ended to adjourn the meeting at 2:10 pro. Passed unanimously.
and to sell ads for the newsletter. A newsletter committee, consisting of Jon Schiewe, Tom Marx and Jon Winthrop,
--Glenda Pizzoferrato
Practice limited to Personal Injury Law 3550 Wil~hire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Lo~ Angeles, Californi~ gO010 Phone (213} 66B-9414
No fee for initial consultation.
If you don’t
advertise, N’s like
the selling dark. in
Nobody knows
you’re the. CLASSIFIED ADS POLICY PCA/LA REGION MEMBERS: One ad per issue at no
We can put your
charge, maximum 7 line Additional ads, $10 per issue per ad Photographs: $2500 per issue Include check with
business in the
best light.
NON-MEMBER OR COMMERCIAL: $10 per issue per ad, maximum 7 lino£ Photograph: $30 per issue. (Includes ad
Give us a call,
fee ) Include check with copy. MAIL CLASSIFIED ADS with check or money order to: Jon Schiewe. 31560 Victori~ Pt Rd.. Malibu, CA 90265
¯ Graphic Design and production . Copy~dtlng ¯ Photography ¯ Art
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Logo design Typesetting Printing Catalogs Brochures
FOR RENT MAMMOTH CONDOMINIUM FOR RENT-- 1 bedroom!1 bathroom townehome at Horizons 4. walking distance to all shops, restaurants and bus to lifts. Completely furnished, full kitchen, spa. sauna, pool, rec room. $85 per night weekends. $75 weekdays. $320 for five days midweek Less 10% to PCA members Call Tom Marx days
(213) 626-3153. eves (818) 990-5619.
FOR SALE CENTERLINE WHEELS -- (5) Five 7" × 15" 5-bolt wheels. Offset will fit 9!4-6, 911’s, 912’s or 924/944 with 5-bolt pattern. $200 for the set. Mounted with well-worn Goodyear racing slicks. Call Tom Marx. days (213) 626-3153. eves (818) 990-5619. FOR SALE ’77-911 S. TAR GA. Alarm. clean. 099WJd pp (213)394-3005.
1973 2.0 liter 914 engine replacement case GA (new engine just rebuilt), dual 401 DF V~ber carbs with 911 style linkage, European Mahle pistons, 050 Bosch distributer,
Russel lines and fittings, HD oil pump, stainless steel heat e~changers including all sheet metal, custom exhaust,
~15~.~01{’g ~
13V~ lb. flywheel Dynoed 110 hp.many extras, buyer pays shipping. $2.000. Roger Sheridan. 8780 Shoreham Drive, #411. West Hollywood. CA 90069. (213) 659-7087.
o~,~_~ ~o~r~ ~;~ w,~-~-~’~
FOR SALE !975 914/1.8 #4752902892 rebuilt engine, new clutch, new silver paint, AM/FMcass, EPI speakers, fu!l sheepskin seat covers, car cover, runs tight. $5,200 O.B.O. Dennis Mogerman, 1320 Lucille Ave., Venice, CA 90291 1213) 397-8863.
911Timetrialcar. Will pay less than $10.000, depending on car, equipment and extras. Jeff Bear. (213) 858-4989
(213) 450-7911 NEW NUMBER;
Classifieds Continued onPage 13
A real fun Saturday was enjoyed by all when the Region had its Spring Swap Meet at Porschop on Saturday, March 9. Over 14 seller spaces were occupied and almost 200 people visited PorschopRaceshop during the afternoon. Jim Langenback of Raceshop gave a brief seminar on chassis set-up and how to improve your Porsche’s handling characteristics for time trialing and slaloms.
Some unique items were offered for sale, including 928 replica phones, a 914 bare-bones chassis and various assorted parts, high performance parts and doo-dads. Since many sellers and buyers alike left with happy looks on their faces, we judged the day a success. Honorable mention also goes to chefs Tom and Sandra Linton and John Fels for the excellent barbecued hot dogs and fixings. The refreshments
March 9, 1985
Thank you’s are in order for Jim Larsen for his werebucks,sold and the Region actually made a few help in publicizing the event and Connie and Bob Fern of Porschop for donating their shop and their time. Judged an unqualified success, another swap meet and BBQ will be scheduled for sometime this fall. Start getting ready soon!
FIX MY CAR? NOT AT THAT PRICE ESTIMATE: My water pump is leaking and Iwant it fixed My car is a 928 I call three or four places and get estimates of $500 to $800 Being that Christmas is recently past and one kid is now back in college, I’m a little short of cash, I opt for the
three or four places and chose a place that says the water pump should cost about $500 I 90 to pick up the car and the bill is $600 and I’m plenty mad. They have fixed another water leak. replaced the cam drive belt because they said it was worn and flushed the cooling system
$500 estimate. The car is done just one day late and the price was $497.50. and I motor off happy as a lark
because they said it showed signs of corrosion.
Eight days later the cam drive belt breaks. Knowing that it had to be removed to do the water pump. I take it
The extra $100 puts me in a bind. I’m.never going back there again!
back to the shop and ask, "Why didn’t you replace the belt when you had it off’?" Answer is simple. "The job had to be
Which 928 owner was right and which was wrong? Which repair shop was right and which was wrong?
done within the $500 estimate and the belt cost over $5O so it wasn’t changed "
Maybe there isn’t a right or wrong but merely a lack of
Frankly, I would rather have spent the extra money and had it all fixed at once. I’m never going back there again!
proper communication before and after the job. Think about it.
Editor’s Note, The Porscherama would like to hear the opinions of our readers on these situations.
My water pump is leaking and I want it fixed. I call
Specializing in Porsche Restoration
121 a) 7o,5-241o (805) 245-3182
Upholstery ¯ Glass ¯ Chrome ¯ Rubber
A 10 YEAR DREAM COMES TRUE -- In Time For Our Concours Tech Session
Why an Audi on the cover of the Porsherama, you asl<? First, I think you’ll agree it’s a rather special Audi Secondly. Audi is part of the Porsche family. Thirdly. it’s owned and displayed by Max Dial Porsche+Audi. a fre-
Max fell in love with the car 10 years ago when he spied the model in a reproduction of an advertisement
quent patron of the LA region. Finally. it wi!l be displayed for your pleasure at the upcoming tech session May 1 lth,
meadow setting with a happy couple on a picnic The picture hung in Max’s office while he sought an actual car
The Audi is a 1937 "Front" 225 Cabriolet Alpensieger (Alpine Rally Winner). The car is one of only 150 two
According to Max, theonly other collector car hecovets is
pre-war Audis in existence in this country
from the 1930’s
The ad displayed the car in an idyllic
a 1964 Porsche 904 racer. The car was meticulously hand restored from the frame up in Germany over a two year period before being offered for sale last year. When Max heardaboutthecar he
window cabriolets of this model built between 1935 and 1937. An expensive luxury car in its day. the coachwork of this model was crafted by Glaser of Dresden. It features front wheel drive, a four speed transmission and four wheel independent suspension The engine is a 6 cylinder, in-line OHM 2257CCM 50 HP at 3,300 RPM. Top speed is 105 KPH. The car is owned by Max Deyerl. owner of Max
promptlyboughtitandhaditcarefullyshippedinthehold of a commercial 747 to California. Max confesses he has driven the car a few times but with great trepidation. Having had the pleasure of a close up exam (from the back
Dial P+A. and is on display in his showroom at 817 North
seat) ! can attest that this is a magnificent vehicle.
La Brea in Inglewood It is believed to be one of the only 2
SEE IT UP CLOSE A T MAY 11 TECH SESSION May 1 lth (note it on your calendar) PCA/LA will hold a tech session at 11:00 am at Max Dial Porsche+Audi. The principle purpose will be a school in Concours preparation. You will note it is scheduled in a timely manner for the
car for show. There are lots of tricks to this art and even if you do not plan to compete, you can learn a great deal about keeping your car in the condition it deserves. Of course, you will also have the opportunity to inspect and admirethis uniqueand beautiful concours condition Audi,
June 2nd LA Zone 8 concours and the Porsche Parade a month later. You can learn the finer points of detailing your
which alone would make the tech session worthwhile. --Jon Schiewe
EVENTS -- A CHEERFUL YEARFULL Atari Pole Position ~re on tap as well a~ Du~ty~ in~ompar-
TI1i£ b~ing th~ first Por~eher~m~ published after the initial org;lni~tion rno~ting of the go~rd of Diree~or~, I ~m ~uro everyone will be interested in a brief summary of the event~ scheduled ~o that c~lendar~ can be marked and d~to~ re erred well in ~dv~neo.
able s~eak and f;xlns. A tech session on preparing your car8 for a conoour~ will be held on May 11. Little known secret8 of ~ar preparalion will be revealed by one of the great master~ of oon
By tl~@ timo thi@ Por@cherama 9oes ~o press, we will have already had the Los Angeles Region sponsored event ~t Riverside International R~coway. While as of the date of thi¢ writing the event h~¢ not occurred, my anticipation is
¢our~ just in time ~or you to get to work on your car for the annual Lo~ Angeles Region Contours on June 2 at Will Rogers State Park. Last year, we found the location to present the perfect surrounding8 and th~ oonoour~ was one of the most ~ucoe~ful in reoent memory.
high a~ the more interesting, albeit slower, short course will be run, I know that I cannot wait to get on the track
This year, however, Los Angeles Region’s 25th anniversary party will be held in conjunction with the Concours, so expanded festivities are already being planned.
once again after the winter hiatus. The current time trial ~chedulo i~ a~ follows: April 20-21 at Las Vegas
including food and beverage service. Even greater participation than last year is expected because this will be the last chance to present cars for judging prior to the Parade
May 25-26 at San Diego Stadium August 10-11 at Willow Springs September 21-22 at Riverside
on June 30 through July 6.
November 3 at Holtville
Last year, Los Angeles Region renewed its involvement in rallying by combining a tech session at Briggs Cunningham Museum, The positive response caused an expanded commitment to rallye this year, which will be
As always, there will be ampleopportunitytorunyour car and for students and new drivers to receive instruction. So those of you who have not yet attended a time trial, an opportunity is presented at these events to drive your car in the manner for which it was intended and without having to look over your shoulder for a red light Controlled
unveiled at the Los Angeles Region sponsored event on November 9. The annual Christmas party will be held on December 8 at the Lobster House. Last year’s party was a sell out.
wheel-to-wheel driving is done during practice, but the timed portion of the events are solely against the clock
probabiyduetothequalityandquantityofthefoodaswell as the poorly kept secret that door prizes were embarrassingly numerous due to the kindness of those involved in the Porsche community. This is iust a capsule of events that are confirmed as
These events provide the safest opportunity to drive your car at speed and require relatively minimal alterations to your car. A Snell ’80 helmet, five point racing belts on both sides and 10BC fire extinguisher are all that is required to start time trailing.
"go" Others are currently in the planning state and notices will go out well in advance. This year looks more exciting than ever. l look forward to seeing all of you soon.
Dusty’s annual barbecue will be held on April 20 at Jon and Glenda’s place in Malibu Beach volleyball and
--Jeff Bear
EXPERIENCE COUNTS when buying or leasing a Pors~he or Audi. Our experts can tailor a program designed to fit you in the car of your choice at a competitive price. EXPERIENCE COUNTS when maintaining your Por~he or Audi. Our comprehensive service department features the latest factory diagnostic equipment and tools.., run by experts to satisfy our demanding customers. EXPERIENCE this excellence from one of Southern California’s premier dealerships... Janaco Porsche+Audi. 10850 Firestone Bird
Norwalk, CA 90650
(213) 868-3233, 581-6291, (714~ 636-6775
TWEEK YOUR PORSCHE. ~! PB fWeeks L~d...,your one-stop Porsche resource foP. ¯ hard-to-find interior, exterior & hard pads ¯ accessories, apparel & lots of aftermarkel goodies ¯ qualih/l Porsche
body,,chassls & trim parts. For all Porsche models & years ... including 356, 911, 930, 9’14, 924,, 931 & 928’s.
In January. Porscherama received an anonymous letter which was highly critical of Tom Marx’ article last fall about the Willow Springs time trial. I am advised that the letter contains some errors and seems to mis-interpret Tom’s article. We would have published it had the writer signed his name. However, the board felt it unfair to publish the letter with no signature. There are suspicions that it may have been written by someone with a personal grudge against Tom. We will generally publish letters and withhold the writers name if requested, but we will not publish, for legal and ethical reasons, letters which are unsigned. --Jon Schiewe. Editor
tweeks Itd
serious pleasure drivers.
3301 Hil, Street / Signa, Hi,l, CA 90806 (800) 782-923’I (California only) / (213) 494-4777
ADS Contir~ued from Page7 FOR SALE Porsche 1968 912 Targa, beautiful new paint in original color, all new rubber seals and trim, new top, rebuilt engine with approximately 30,000 miles, new seats, brakes, tires, battery, etc., all records including window sticker, owner’s
JON A. SCHIEWE Attorney at Law
manual. Sacrifice at $8,500. (818) 980-3478 FOR SALE 1973 2.0 liter 914 engine replacement case GA (new engine just reubuilt), dual 401DF Weber carbs with 911
3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1500
los Angeles, California 90010 Telephone (213) 385-9021
style linkage, European Mahle pistons, 050 Bosch distributer, Russel lines and fittings, HD oil pump, stainless steel heat exchangers including all sheet metal, custom exhaust. 13’/,, lb. flywheel Dynoed 110 hp. many extras, buyer pays shipping, $1,500. Roger Sheridan, 8780 Shoreham Drive, #411, West Hollywood, CA 90069. (213) 659-7087. FOR SALE 1970 Porsche 914/6. #9140456432. A clean, original exampie of a very special Porsche. 120,000 miles with an engine rebuild at 111,000. The six comes with full instrumentation, chain spoiler. Momo wheel, and front sway bar. Silver laquer paint is so-so. Otherwise very original, right down to the chrome steel wheels. $9000/offer.I (619) 326-3218 evenings: (619) 326-2167 days. Jon Hill, Las Vegas Region PCA.
FOR SALE 1974 Porsche RSR Original factory constructed race car. Not an IROC car. Car is equipped with all original brakes
¯ Sespen$ion-Cha$~is tuning
Time Trial
- Rac~
and suspension. Original roll cage has been modified for safety and handling. Interior is original. Original black alloy 917 wheels. Inetersting racing history. Available as a roller or can be made race ready. Specification sheet on
requeCt. This car is very nice and priced reasonably, Joe Cogbill. PC. Box 7466, Macon, GA 31209. (912) 742-1067. 743-7112.
391-7277 :Z4-HOUg PRONr:
~/~ M..... de ~.~ ~ ~/~..~., o/~ .~o~ ~o ..... ~u~. " ’
911 WEBER CONVERSIONS $575-$1075 MANIFOLDS: $175/pr.
911 (1978-85) to 46 IDA 3C WEBERS: $1030"$1075
¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaner~ ¯ Pressur0 Unit ¯ 46ram manifolds with CIS flanges sll (1973-77ClS)TO401DA3CWEBERS:
Glenda and I recently had the supreme misfortune of having our 84 Carerra stolen Taken January 22. from the lot in Marina del Rey where Glenda is currently on contract, we have no hope of recovery
: Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 40ram manif01ds with CIS flanges 911 MECHANICAL INJECTION TO 40 IDA 3C WEBER$: $e85-$985 ¯ Carburetors * Weber Linkage o K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ C0rrectmanif01ds ¯ Inject0rplugs
Naturally, there is the feeling of violation that accompanies being a crime victim, sort of a combination of frustration and anger. For the curious, we didn’t have an alarm system (a mistake we’ll not make in the future),
911 WITH SOLEXES (1965-66) TO 40 IDA
Since then, our Porsche Protem is a rented Dodge Aries --
3C WEBERS: $910 ¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Correct manifolds
a rather weak substitute. The insurance settlement should be soon (by the end of Feb.) and we’ll be Porsche owners
911 T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $575
But one aspect of the situation still has me very upset That is the extremely cavalier attitude of the LA Police
¯ Carburetors ¯ Insulators ¯ Jetting The above kits include correct rnanifolds, heat insulators and longer studs. gaskets, fuel line, jetting and venturies for your application.
Department towards the crime. Glenda was given the feeling by one of the officers when she called that it was simply a nuisance to them. They took the report over the
pM0 Mechanical injection Kits are street legal for 1969-1973 vehicles in California (Carb E0 No D~441 The ClS kits are legal in California only for racing, non-highway vehicles
phone and didn’t come to the scene to conduct any investigation. I know car theft is an all too common occurrance in LA. but perhaps part of the reason is that there appears tO be no official attempt to stem the tide If thieves know
PMO 135-17th STREET SANTA MONICA, CA 90402 Ph. (213) 393-5423
they can prey on us with virtual impugnity they become very bold It seems our police are more concerned with the publicity rich problems of Hollywood prostitution. (Granted -- a worthwhile goal -- but priority?) Keeping in mind that this was a near $40.000 car, the attitude of the police is f
personally disgusting to me. I intend to write some letters,
but it would be more effective if others would also write, ! suggest letters to the police,the mayor and the media: not }u st about one theft, but about the plague of theft s that infects our community. I would appreciate your comments and suggestions. Remember. your beloved Porsche could be the thieves’ next target --Jon Schiewe. Editor ~(~~ PORSCHE SPECIALIST
¯ ML’Ial l’inlq~mp
Da~e Di~laria Brian ~’inger
(213} 450-4010 ¯
CA eo4o5
L’olh.ion R~’pa~r- %’~’l~’,mw
West Coast Largest
~ Antique Auto ir Corvette
"Over 7’/~ Miles of Ports"
~ Porsche ~ Street Rod ~ Antique Motorcycle
Will Be ~rhere
Sunday. April Swap Spa~ S16.00 (20’ x 20’)
* 1970 ~nd Newer Vehicles Preferred
General Admission S3.50, Kids Free.
Parking for Show or ~le S15.~.
Hours: 5 A.M. to 3 P.M. ~ Rain or Shine
Excepf Corvettes, Porsches & Street Rods.
information (714) 836-7892 (714) 547-5257 w Corvettes, Porsches, Street Rods, For the Heohh & ~fety of others plea~ leave Antique Autos & Antique Motor(ydes your dogs at home. Pre~erre~ Parking for Show or Sale Future M~fs: June 2, July 14, ~ptember 8, November 3.
No bottles or (~ns are aJlowed on the Los AngeJes ~ounty Fo;rgrounds.
PCA -- ZONE 8 GENERAL CALENDAR For details call the PCA/LA HOTLINE at 450-7911 APRIL 13, 14 -- Zone 8-Las Vegas Time Trial APRIL 20 -- Dusty’s Barbecue and Fun Rally Dusty’s usual superb rendering and a fun observation rally (no checkpoints)
MAY 11 -- Concours tech session. SPP ~rt,~l~ ,n tl~is ~ssuP MAY 18 -- Rally--Santa Barbara Region MAY 25 -- Time Trial--San Diego
MAY 4 -- Concours--Southern Arizona Region, Tuscon
COMPETITION CALENDAR- 1985 TiME TRIAL SERIES: April 13-14 ..... Las Vegas Region at Las Vegas, Nevada
RALLY SERIES: (Continued)
May 25-26 .... San Diego Region at San Diego Stadium
October 5... Orange Coast Region, Orange County. CA November 2 ..... Los Angeles Region, Los Angeles, CA
July 8-9 ....... San Diego Region at Riverside Raceway
August 10-11 ............ POC & Orange Coast Region
June 8 ............... Las Vegas Region, Las Vegas, NV
at Riverside
September 7 .................. Orange Coast Region.
September 21-22 ......... (POC) Riverside Raceway &
Orange County, CA
Golden Empire
October 27 .............. Arizona Region, Phoenix. AZ
November 2-3 ................ Holtville (tentative date) OTHER IMPORTANT DATES: CONCOUR SERIES:
June 30-July 6 ................ 30 PORSCHE PARADE,
May 4 .......... Southern Arizona Region. Tucson. AZ
June 2 .......... Los Angeles Region, Los Angeles. CA
August 23-24-25 ... Monterey Historical Auto Races and
August 4 ............ San Diego Region, San Diego. CA
Pebble Beach Concour, Monterey, CA
September 29 ................. Santa Barbara Region,
September 28 ................ Santa Barbara Concour
Santa Barbara. CA
(Crane School), Santa Barbara, CA
October 26 .............. Arizona Region, Phoenix. AZ
January 10-11, 1986 ...... Zone 8 Presidents’ Meeting & Zone 8 Awards Banquet, Apple Valley, CA
RALLY SERIES: May 18 ...... Santa Barbara Region, Santa Barbara, CA August 3 ............ San Diego Region, San Diego, CA
Porsche Club Of America Los Angeles Region Inc, 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd. Malibu, California 90265
~s~ ~s ~l~.
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