MAX DIALDELIVERS. We’re celebrating our 10th year of professional sales and AAA-approved service to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive needs!
817 N. La Brea, Inglewood, CA 90.302 qblephone (213) 678-3061
GENERAL INFORMATIONPCA-LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 550 diverse Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest single marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA, and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what The Los Angeles Region offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique experience of automobiles of all time. Enjoy.
John D. Fels
Vice President
Jon Winthrop
Sandra Linton
Newsletter Editor
Jon Schiewe 31560victoria Pt Rd
Membership Chairman Tom Marx
818-990-5619 112WgthSt No200 LosAngelesg0015
Safety Chairman
Judd Boykin
Technical Chairman
Tom Linton
Activities Chairman
Jeff Bear
Goodie Store
Denise Bear
PCA-LA HOTLINE 450m 79 1 1
Be sure to write the hot line number in a convenient place. In addition to membership info, President John has included details on upcoming events and a place to leaveyour message, thisshould beaweloome serviceto members who need last minute information or who need to contact the club officers. We hope you find it helpful.
PORSCHERAMA EDITORIAL POLICY PORSCHERA MA is the official pu blication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a Californ ia corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in PORSCHERA MA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, the Publisher, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERA MA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Editorial staff of PORSCHERAMA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION PORSCHERAMA is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send req uests to Publisher Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th St., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90015 along with your check payable to PCA-LA. MOVING? ARE YOU MOVING? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us in writing care of Tom Marx, 112W. 9th St., No. 200, Los Angeles, CA 90015. PLEASE ~AIL CHANGE OF ADDRESS--DO NOT CALL. AD RATES (Published Bi-Monthljz Effective January 1~ 1985.) Size
Full Page
Vertical Vertical
6"x 83//’
3/4 Page 1/2 Page
Per Issue Cost* Annual Cost* $145.00 120.00
6" × 6W’
1/3 Page 1/4 Page
Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vertica!
1/8 Page
Horizontal Horizontal
2~/~" × 8~/~’’ 6" x 4’/~"
95.00 95.00 80.00 65.00 65.00
2~/8’’ × 6W’ 2~/~’’× 4W’ 6" x 2W’ 2~/~’’ x 2W’
Make checks payable and send advertising
$700.00 575.00 450.00 450.00 380.00 310.00 310.00 215.00
*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue: Payable in advance of publication. Send check with copy. Annual Cost. One-half payable in advance of publication of first issue. Balance payable in advance of publication of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry, due to the non-profit nature of the Porscherama, the L.A. Region cannot recognize ad agency discounts.
materials to: Marx Advertising, Inc., 112 West 9th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90015-9990 / (213) 626-3153
Mail Date
February 1 April 1
April-May June-July August-September October-November December-January
Deadline for Receipt of Materials
Issue Reports on Activities
Issue Calendars Activities
this Month or Earlier
For This Month
March 1 May 1
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July 1 September 1
October 1
March May July September
December 1
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January 1
November January
fabulous. This is now the second year we have held our Concours at Will Rogers and it has become a near tradition. Plans are already in the works for next year. It was wonderful seeing so many members of the Club at this event. Those who helped put this party HEAD
together deserve our thanks, especially Jack Case whose wonderful "Panels of History" pictorially displayed the 25 years of history of our Club. Jack not only collected this historical material, but made the panels it was displayed on. A great effort, Jack, and we thank you for the memories. To all the others who participated our thanks too, and
certainly our special gratitude to Sara and Jerry Pennington for their always fine work on putting together the Concours. One of the highlights of the day was awarding Vern and Add Covert an Honorary Lifetime Membership in the Club. Vern drove his wonderful 904/6 over from Prescott, Arizona just to be with us that day. Elsewhere in Porscherama you’ll read Vern’s letter of thanks to us, but we thank him again for all his help and guidance over the years. By the time you read this, the "Parade" will be history. For those who did not attend, keep an eye out for Pano’s coverage. For those of us who attended and participated, it was truly an exciting event. If you missed it, try next year when it will be in Maine! If you read your mail, by now you know that we have There is no question that our 25th Anniversary party and Concours held at Will Rogers State Park on June2nd was a great succss. Over 400 people attended, the mood was festive, the day beautiful and the Porsches looked
again instituted a Regional Dues payment of $15. Your Board of Directors has the responsibility of establishing sound fiscal management, and feels that this fee of $15 per member will not only allow us to maintain events and publications at their present levels, but actually increase services the Club can provide. The cost of everything is going up, including membership in the Porsche Club, but where can you get a better bargain for a total of $45.00! While I am discussing the Board, nominations for next year’s Board are just around the corner and if you would like to participate, please let us know. Any member is
¯ Suspension ¯ Chassis ¯ Engine, Transmission
¯ Roll Cages
eligible to put his name in nom nation, and, as a matter-offact, we would appreciate it. This is your opportunity to come forth and help run your Club. Once again, we wish to thank the Sponsors of the P+A, Max Dial P+A,
Anniversary Celebration--Bob Smith
Performance Products and Club Carerra. Without their thoughtfulness, it would not have been the success it was.
and Mechanical Service
Drive your Porsche Safely. --John D. Fels, President
¯ Guaranteed Quality Work ¯ Guaranteed Delivery On-Time
Call(213) 398-9955 today...
1o ~ P~---
get started on your winner! I I I [ ] ~ ~ I I I I I ~ I I ! I . I . I I ~ I
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,~’~ ~o.o~OO p~s ~o~ ~°~s~
I and porsche I I I I I~ ] I I ~0~--~"’~~"~ f ~~0~ ~ ~ ~R~
anniversary issue of Porscherama out before June 2. John will work on getting sponsors. The Concours costs $600 last year and only took in approximately $300. Jack Case, original signer of Los Angeles Region
MINuT~S~:~ April 10, 1985
Charter and the fi rst President, will do a display of historical memorabilia from the region. Porscherama articles are due April 17th. Jack, Tom L. and Jeff will do articles. MEMBERSHIP: Tom M reported that we have 18 new members out of 49 inquiries for applications. All member-
ship applications need to go through Tom M.
Members Present: John Fe~s, President Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary
TIME TRIAL--RIVERSIDE: The results go out Monday. We made money on the event and on the sale of T-shirts. We need to get the trophies. We will spend $15 for
Sandra Linton, Treasurer Jon Schiewe, Editor Tom Marx, Membership
1st place and $10 for the other places.
Tom Linton, Tech
RALLYE: We spent $152.58 for trophies for the rallye last
Jeff Bear, Activities
year and the rallye to the BBQ this year.
Members Absent:
Jon Winthrop, Vice President
Sara Penningtron Jerry Pennington Dusty Janes
time trial. It was decided that we should put information about PCA/LA in the Porsche dealership showrooms. We can
Jack Case Ginny Case
get a bulletinboard display from National to be used for
We’ll send thank you letters to the sponsors of the
the information. TREASURER: Sandra reported a balance of $1252.84 as
Paul Friedman, MD John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at
of March 31, 1985.
7:45 p.m. at his office. Sandra Moved and Jeff seconded that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Passed unanimously, BBQ & RALLYE: There was a discussion on how many
TECH: Tom L. suggested a tech session by the LAPD on
people to expect. It was decided to plan on 75 people, Dusty will pick up the BBQ grill at the Porschop. He’ll need help with serving and cleanup. Tom L. will get the
meeting at 9:35 p.m. passed unanimously. --Glenda Pizzoferrato
auto theft. He will look into it for the Fall. Tom M. moved and Jon S. seconded to adjourn the
beverages. Porscherama looks great.., words from the President. 25th ANNIVERSARY PARTY & CONCOURS; The Polo Field is not available at Will Rogers State Park, so we’ll use the lower field. Hoses and water are available to wet the dusty road. The time is changed to one hour later. There will be display cars including a 917-30. We need to
contact Lowenbrau. We can have alcohol but we need a permit from the State. Wine and beer permit for one time is $30. We’ll have only wine and beer. Connie Fern is in charge of entertainment. John is looking for a good caterer. He also ca~led Porsche Car of North America to ask them to donate T-shirts. We need other sponsors for the Party. The park costs $250 plus the food, beverages,
is now being distributed by
AnLIth_ ing ¯ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial - Race Specialists
the f ctor
(213) 391-7277
REDUCED PRICESt (213) 473-2941,
VISA, M/C, A/E. Porsche fiberglass updates, wings, conversions, and kits for
911,912, 914 and 924 models. MITCOM, the designer and
manufacturer of the Chalon! Dealer Inquiries Invited
13332 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. / LOS ANGELES. CALIFORNIA 90066 (In Marina de/Rev, 2 Blocks east of L into/n, adiacent to Burger King)
CATALOG $5.00, Refundable.
We are buying $1000.00 worth of T-shirts. 4. We will have trophies for the Concours and Dash Plaques.
5. There will be a historic display by Jack Case. He’ll have
6. The invitations will be mailed first class to 450 members.
a $200 budget. Finances: The position of our region as to finances was discussed. It was agreed to continue the $15 annual
MaY 8, 1985
regional dues instituted previously which were not collected last year. The Treasurer, Sandra Linton, reported a balance of $1635.15. Jeff will write POC regarding an unpaid dash plaque Members Present: John Fels~ President Jon Winthrop, Vice President
bill. Sandra moved and Tom L. seconded to adjourn the meeting at 10:20 p.m. Passed unanimously.
Sandra Linton, Treasurer Tom Marx, Membership
Information for minutes provided by Jon Schiewe. Glenda Pizzoferrato
Tom Linton, Tech Jeff Bear, Activities Jon Schiewe, Editor Members Absent:
Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary JOSE OCHOA
John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. at his office in Santa Monica.
Tom Marx moved and Jeff seconded that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Passed unanimously. 25th Anniversary Party 1. Food wil! be provided by caterers like sidewalk stands. They will sell the food such as baked potatoes, hot dogs,
popcorn and ice cream. (213} 450-4010
2. We will sell the beverages--soda, beer and wine.
EXPERIENCE COUNTS when buying or leasing a Porsche or Audi. Our experts can tailor a program designed to tit you in the car of your choice at a competitive price. EXPERIENCE COUNTS when maintaining your Porsche or Audi, Our comprehensive service department features the latest factory diagnostic equipment and tools,,, run by experts to satisfy our demanding customers. EXPERIENCE this excellence from one of Southern California’s premier dealerships... Janaco Porsche+Audi. 10850 Firestone Blvd
Norwalk, CA 90650
(213) 868-3233, 581-6291, (714) 636-6775
ary membership in our Region, a very large decorated chocolate cookie and other gifts to make their trip home more pleasant. "’Red," for those who don’t know, is their dog who goes with them everywhere. This June. Vern enteredandparticipatedinparade.)
OUR TRIP HOME after the 25th Anniversary Concours was uneventful except for a broken fan belt west of
L-m~~~. "~ ~l~ taro
his 20th consecutive Porche
Riverside. This delayed us until the engine cooled enough to put on the spare one. Oh, for asbestos hands,
~Dl=roR ~
With this delay, about an hour, we decided to stay in Indio, get dinner and get an early start with breakfast in Blythe. The weather smiled on us as usual and we were in the high country of Arizona before it got hot. Ada and I cannot remember when we have enjoyed a "quick" weekend as much as that one. We do sincerely want to thank you and all involved in the planning and organization.
.FROM THETRICENTRIC THANKS FOR THE MEMO from your office dated 5-24-85
Seeing so many old (senior members) was particularly rewarding and worth every minute of the trip. But the
regarding my PCA membership, You are doing terrific work with Porscherama, and the new format is very nice. The 25th Anniversary issue was particiuarly well done, and I always enjoy reading
highlight, ofcourse, wastheHonoraryLifeMembershipin the Los Angeles Region, PCA What a surprise, it makes us both feel very humble and honored.
The "giant chocolate chip cookie" arrived safe with
I’ve been publishing The Tricentricforfouryearsfor the Los Angeles Section, Mercedes-Benz Club of America, Inc., and have now placed you on our "comp list" so you’ll be receiving an issue each month, as has been Jon Schiewe for about a year. Our current June 1985 issue is
only a few broken bits and teeny bites missing. Thenwhen we got to it, after a couple of photographs, in double time. Ada had iton her lap just about all the way and with "Red"
enclosed for you.
battling her for space, that was quite an accomplishment. We hope to see everyone at the 30th Parade... Drive Fast & Safe.
Again, thanks for your memo, and hope to meet you soon.
Veto & Ada
Best regards. Jim R. Benfer, Jr., President/CEO, Marina Pacifica Advertising
THA NKS THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your letter of June 6th and for the membership application. As you requested, enclosed is my application and a check in the amount of THIRTY DOLLARS ($30.00) for membership in the Porsche Club of America. As a matter of interest, currently we have five (5) Porsches in the family.:
at PB Tweeks Ltd....your one-stop Porsche resource for: ¯ hard-to-find interior, exterior & hard parts ¯ accessories, apparel & lots of aftermarket goodies ¯ quality Porsche
1959 Porsche 356A Convertible D 1978 1984 1985 1985
Porsche Porsche Porsche Porsche
911SC Targa (driven by Ted) 911 Carrera Targa (driven by Jeff) 911 Carrera Targa (driven by me) 928S Coupe.
body, chassis & trim parts. For all Porsche models & years...including 356, 911, 930, 914, 924, 931 & 928’s.
Ted and I recently attended the Porsche Concours at Will Rogers Park and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the cars and meeting some nice people. We look forward to becoming members and to participating in some of the upcoming events. Leonard J. Kapner
OLD FRIENDS (Editor’s Note: The fo//owing /otter was received from Vern and Ada Covert, long time members and friends of PCA/LA who now live in Precott, Arizona. Vern is a past president of PCA/LA, was Chairman of the lOth Porsche Parade, former owner of Porschop, now owned by Bob and Connie Fern, and has had his incredible 904/6 featured in every enthusiast magazine including a full two-
~,~, .~.~. ...for serious pleasure drivers.
page spread in Automobile Quarterly. At our 25th Anniversary and Concours, Vern and Ada, who drove over
3301 Hill Street / Signal Hill, CA 90806 (800) 782-9231 (California only) / (213) 494-4777
especially to be with us, were presented a life-time honor--7--
pC the
One of the most successful events in the history of PCA/LA was appropriately our 25th Anniversary Celebration and Concours at Will Rogers State Park, June 2nd. Something in excess of 400 members, guests, entrants, and other spectators attended. Considering the close proximity of the Parade both in time and distance, a surprisingly large number of cars were entered in the Con-
Dash plaques were presented to allattendees, andspeclalplaques to entrants, courtesy of sponsor Bob Smith Porsche.
h Porsche
~rs park.
peruse ent of
uted in many ways to PCA/LA as past president, chairman of the 10th Porsche Parade, as ambassador at large from
-ident john pr_e~ell as a gie a~
the Region and other services too numerous. Also present was new transferee member Bob Rassa, who is a contributing editor to Porsche Panorama. Bill Barnhard of the Riverside Region (formerly of LA) pitched
cours. The gorgeous weather, allegedly ordered by vice president Jon Winthrop, and the beautiful setting of the Will Rogers Park provided perfect conditions. From the polo field to the north, to the ocean view to the south, the
in and helped at the beverage concession. Many were fascinated by the history billboards prepared by founder and first club president Jack Case and his wife Mary.
environment elevated the mood to an idyllic level.
The concours was staged by Sara and Jerry Pennington, who did a great job of organizing this competiton once again. The Anniversary program was chaired by
A truly festive atmosphere prevailed as we strolled the park grounds examining the magnificent machines, eating baked potatoes, hot dogs, popcorn or chili and
Connie Fern, whoalsodidagreatjob. Thanks should also go to President John Fels for many contributions, Jeff &
enjoying the beverages (which had to be replenished several times). The program was informal, announcing
Denise Bear for the T-shirt concession and especially to our sponsors, Bob Smith Porsche, Max Dial Porsche+
concourswinnersandawardingalifetimemembershipto Vern Covert, who with his wife, Ada, drove his famous,
Audi, Performance Products and Club Carerra, whose financial support made the whole event possible.
immaculate 906 from Arizona to attend. Vern has contrib--9--
Concours Tech at
Saturday, May 1 lth, PCA/LA held the year’s second tech session at Max Dial P+A in I nglewood. A large turnout came to learn the finer points of Porsche care. The sessionwas conducted by Chuck Cooper, who instructed
sion was held on the patio in front of Max’s new chalet where he handles European deliveries. Following the session, Max gratuitously provided catered deti sandwiches and German beer, both in substantial quantity. Much
in Concours preparation as well as giving substantial help to those of us who just want to take proper care of our
thanks go to Chuck for a really great presentation, to Tom Linton for the organization, and to Max Dial for his
Porsches. We learned many do’s and don’ts regarding
products as well as methods. This highly informative ses-
TIPs’ ’ the Economics of Restoration (Reprinted from Performance Car Market, June 1985)
How much should you spend on an older automobile? We always respond to this question with one of our
parts availability and cost, new or used. It may also be desirable to buy a less restorable additional unit for hard-
own: What is the purpose of your restoration? Is it strictly for pleasure regardless of cost? For enjoyment at a reasonable price? For economic gain?
to-get parts. Ask the repair facility to prioritize the repairs in the order that they should be undertaken. At this point, we recommend that you acquire basic technical literature on the model that interests you. Armed
Of course, if you’re indifferent to cost, there are no limits to what you should spend. Otherwise, cost is a
with more information, you can better appreciate what
factor. Let’s assume that you are contemplating the purchase of a restorable car (or you’ve already acquried one) because you want to drive it occasionally just for fun and
needs to be done and how much it will cost. You will also have some basis for deciding which tasks can be deferred and which tasks you might undertake yourself, given your
you want to be able to sell it eventually without taking a
interest, time, schedule, and skill level.
beating. That is, you’re not planning to re-sell the car immediately for profit. But you don’t want to spend too much.
What if the estimate of restoration costs significantly exceeds the fully restored retail value? This is not an uncommon occurence. Causes are low collector interest in the model, an ample supply of the model in good
We recommend the following framework for making restoration decisions. It has both theoretical and practical
condition, low original sticker price, and a lack of replace-
ment parts, among others.
If the motive of the restorer is at least partially eco-
There are two ways out of this dilemma. First, you could try to convince the seller to reduce the purchase
nomic (either short or long term), the upper limit of his spending on a restoration is the difference between the purchase price and the retail value of the car if it were in
price of the automobile. Perhaps only a negligible price is justified. Second, you could undertake only those expendituresthat will putthecarin acceptable condition sothat
fully restored or pristine condition. A corollary proposition specifiesthat the correct purchase price of a restora_ ble car is the residual remaining after economically justi-
it can be driven with confidence but will not win awards. Bear in mind that many repair facilities will reduce the
fled restoration expenditures are deducted from fully
labor charge if you are flexible enough to have the car
restored retail value. Non-economic motives such as pride of ownership and personal or social esteem could be used to justify higher restoration expenditures or a
repaired during slow periods, such as the winter months. And, of course, the more repairs you can do yourself, the better.
higher purchase price.
The instances in which the fully restored value of an
Finding the fully restored retail value of an older automobile may require diligent investigation. Begin with ,,
sources such as OId Cars Price Guide and Cars of Particu_ lar Interest, both quarterlies. If the model that interests you is not covered in these general sources, consult the ads in enthusiast magazines and newsletters. Discreet
automobile significantly exceeds restoration costs and purchase price are limited in number, especially if the labor involved in restoration is computed at full retail hourly rate. Because of their scarcity, many pre-World War II grand touring cars havethischaracteristic. Another
done and an estimate of the costs. You should expect to
caseinvolvesalimitedproductionmodelthatdoesn’tvary much mechanically and stylistically from a related model of much larger production. Examples are the MercedesBenz 300SL Gullwing and the Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Spyder original. In general, the economic gain from restorations has diminished in recent years as a result of an increased
pay for this work at the going hourly rate for repairs. The itemization and estimate should address the question of
dissemination of information about older car values.
conversations with owners and enthusiasts at concours and other competitive meets may be helpful, The critical task of the restoration decision process is a detailed inspection and itemization of the work to be
interest in fine automobiles as investments and a wider
Announcing the New LA Region Logo First introduced during the June 2nd 25th anniversary celebration and concours at Will Rogers State Park, the Region’s new logo has now been imprinted on T-shirts and Polo shirts, available through the Goodie Store. Call Denise Bear (818) 990-9980 to place your order now. The logo was created for the region by designer Warrent Sattunyou. We thank Warrent for the new identity for PCA-LA!
If you don’t adve~ise, it’s like selling in the dark. Nol~ty knows you’re there.
Wouldn’t you like to have a PORSCHE mechanic you can recommend to your friends?
~:~ ~ ~
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We can put your business in the best light. Give us a call.
~ -~ ~ -
(213) 473-4529 2018 W ESTG AT E, W EST LOS A N G E LES
¯ Graphic Design and production Copywriting Photography Art
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Logo design Typesetting Printing Catalogs Brochures
911 WEBER CONVERSIONS $575-$1075
MANIFOLDS: $175/pr. 13 VARIETIES CLASSIFIED ADS POLICY PCA/LA REGION MEMBERS: One ad per issue at no charge. Maximum 7 lines. Additional ads, $!0 per issue per ad Photographs: $25.00 per issue. Include check with copy. NON-MEMBER OR COMMERCIAL: $10 per issue per ad. Maximum 7 lines. Photograph: $30 per issue. (Includes ad fee.) Include check with copy. MAIL CLASSIFIED ADS with check or money order to: 911 (1978-85) tO 46 IDA 3C WEBERS:
Jon Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd., Malibu, CA 90265. PORSCHE GARAGE SALE GOODIES Front fiberglass valance with oil cooler enclosure ’74-’84 911, $50.00 (NEW); Rubber lip for IROC tail, $50.00
$1030-$1075 ¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 46mm manifolds with CIS flanges
91! (1973-77CIS)TO401DA3CWEBERS: $gso-s98s ¯ Carburetors
¯ Weber Linkage
(NEW); Cable snow chains for 225-60 tires, $20.00 (NEW); Late style GTU tail with rubber lip (complete unit),
- K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯40mmmanifoldswi!hCiSftanges
$200.00; Tom Marx, (818) 990-5619 eves, (213) 626-3153, days.
~DA 3(:: WEBERS: $885-$985 ¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Dnkage
¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Correct manifolds
WANTED 911 Time tria! car. Will pay less than $10,000, depending on car, equipment and extras. Jeff Bear. (213) 858-4989. FOR SALE IMSA GTU/SCCA GT1 Porsche 911. Finished 5th at RivL erside 1985 IMSA Enduro, consistantly finishes top 10 SCCA SP/GT! classes. Fresh "0" time motor with many RSR parts including crank, rods, bearings, etc. Fully sorted/bumpsteered, (8) GOTTI 16" wheels some with fresh rubber. Spare 915 gearbox. Spare 935 bodywork including 2 front noses and rear wing (’77 style). (2) ATL fueling dump cans with spare adapter. Spare 901 racing gearbox with spare gears including 904 mainshaft. Many other misc. spares. Heavy duty trailer. Always professionally maintained. $27,500.00 obo (818) 840-8890 days,
¯ Pressure Unit ¯ Injector plugs
911 WITH SOLEXES (1965-66) TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $910
¯ Carburetors
¯ Weber Dnkage
¯ X&Nair cleaners
¯ Correct manif01ds
911 T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40 IDA 3C WEBERS: $575 ¯ Carburetors ¯ Insulators ¯ Jetting
The above kits include correct manifo~Os heat insulators and longer studs gaskets, fuel line. ietting and ventur~es for your application PM0 Mechamcal m~ech0n Kds are slree~ leqai 10~
~969.~9;3 ve,,~ ,o c,,,~or0,~ ~Ca~b E 0 ~o D 144) The CtS kits a~e legal m Caldorma 0nly to(
Ph. (213) 393-5423
(213) 393-9272 eves. FOR SALE PARTING OUT. (2) 356 pre "A" model 1953. Plus (!) 1963 "C" model, body & mechanical parts. Everything must go
reasonable. (818)794-7348. FOR SALE 1974 911S Carerra engine. 39,000 mi. $3,500 or best offer.
ATTOR N EY AT LAW 3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 830 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 385-9021
Call Tom (213) 489-1660 days, (213) 474-4356 eves. FOR SALE 1970 911S Targa silver/black. Rebuilt engine (Porschop). New paint (Coachcraft). $12,000 obo. or sell 230SL. (213) 462-5556
General practice with emphasis on civil trial, personal
injury, domestic relations and negotiations.
1953Porsche coupe--black lacquer finish, grey cord interior with black trim. Authentic in every detail except for 356C engine. This is a very elegant and rare early car. Not many pre "A" cars around as nice as this. Near 30K invested. Sell for $18,500 obo. Michael Rizzuto. PCA #85065158. 13446 Beach Ave., Marina del Hey, CA 90292 --13m
ing to the board, which really tries to put on events that you will enjoy. The Spring time trial at Riverside was wel! attended and things really started to roll at Dusty’s barbecue in Malibu last April. The tech session at Max Dia! had a greatat turnout (more than twice the tu rnout of last year’s session n on detailing)and the Concours-Anniversary Party had an, TAILLIGHT~~
enormous attendance, much in excess of 400. We attribute this to a n u m ber of factors. One has to be the improved economy. Another has to be that we are putting on the right kind of events to appeal to our members. Another is likely the regular and timely communications provided by Porscherama and the Pro-Tem. Also a factor is the new hotline which is getting heavy use. Regardless of the reason, we are enthusiatic about the increased participation, and expect it to continue at the picnic-softball game August 17th (details in prior ProTem, calendar on back page and the Hotline). This promises to be a great family event. This brings us to the issue of continuing with these fine events. If you are finding PCA/LA filling some of your recreational needs or even if you want to see changes or improvements, we need you to take a more active role in club administration. Four board members will complete their two-year terms this year and others who took over mid-term also will complete their second years. While board membership is fun and not as much work as you might think, you cannot expect the same people to serve forever. Up for election this year are Vice-president,
The first 6 months of 1985 has seen a resurgence of interest and participation in PCA/LA. This is very reward-
Treasurer, Tech Chairman and Bulletin Editor. I will be glad to continue as Bulletin Editor for another term if elected but I could use some help if there is interest. I can’t speak for each of the others but we need volunteers. We also need people to serve on planning committees which is a good way to be exposed to club administration. Whatever you are willing to contribute in the way of time ~ill be greatly appreciated not only by the board but by the membership. In order to continue with our current high quality level of activities, we need you. Don’t assume the other guy will do it as we just might run out of "other guys." Besides the monthly board meetings, which are dinner meetings, only a little time is required. Come and join us in our efforts to make PCA/LA the most fun way to spend your time. Jon A. Schiewe
477-4297 477-4298
’: CE’s Long Block
Exchange Competition Engineering is well-known for being your neighborhood VW and Porsche machine shop. World-wide. That’s our business. And though we sell our popular T-shirts all over the globe, that’snot our business. Yet all of you may be unaware that CE is also a highly-respected builder of 4-cylinder Porsche engines (unless you’re a regular reader of VW& Pots he and some other publications in which we’ve been featured). That, too, is our business. And we’ve recently celebrated our 20th year in this business t At CE we keep several 4-cylinder Porsche Long Blocks in stock for immediate delivery. can be purchased outright or exchange. If you desire, you can purchase your rebuilt engine, pay the core charge, then return your engine core up to 3months later for refund. (Of course refunds are subject to CE’s inspection and acceptance of your rebuildable core.) If we ship your engine, we require $100 deposit on the special wooden packing crate. And that’s also refundable. All CE exchange engines are built to new standard specifications ! If you desire your own engine rebuilt or a modified or special engine, please allow 2-4 weeks for processing. Every CE exchange rebuilt engine includes the following NEW parts: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
German Crankshaft ¯ All Valves and Springs German Rods (912 type) ¯ All Valve Guides German 105 Camshaft ¯ All Gaskets & Seals German Mahle Pistons & Cylinders ¯ All Bearings Iskenderian Tappets ¯ All Pushrod Tubes
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
F&S Clutch Disc F&S Pressure Plate OEM Oil Pressure Pistons OEM Oil Sump Screen CE Super Gland Nut, Washer
¯.. and these parts rebuilt to exacting specifications by CE: ¯ Crankcase (CE Line Bore if necessary) ¯ Flywheel (Reconditioned) ¯ Oil Pump Drive Gears (Drive Tab Welded and Reshaped) ¯ Cylinder Heads (Completely Rebuilt by CE) ¯ Rocker Arms (Reground by CE) Plus: ¯ ALL ENGINES ARE DYNAMICALLY BALANCED !
These Long Block Assemblies are kept in stock at CE for immediate shipment: ¯ 912
$ 2000
Ray Litz"
exchange core charge
2000 700
exchange core charge
1800 500
exchange core charge
¯ Call or Write for CE’s latest Price Book and your free copy of CE News 2095 N. Lake Avenue / Altadena, California 91001 Telephone 213 / 794-8402 or 213 / 681-5991
LOS ANGELES REGION CALENDAR For details call the PCA/LA HOTLINE at 450-7911. August 17
Softball Challenge Cup vs.San Gabriel Valley Region
November 16 ......... Swap Meet and BBQ--Porschop December 8 ..................... Holiday Cheer Party Location to be announced
LATE ADDITION September 15 ........ Concours tech session and show at Ochoa Independent Porsche Watch your mail or call the PCA-LA HOTLINE for details on this event.
ZONE 8 CALENDAR -- 1985 August 3 ..... Rally at San Diego Region, San Diego, CA August 4 .............. Concours at San Diego Region,
November 2-3 ..... Time Trial at Holtville (tentative date) November 9 .............. Rally at Los Angeles Region, Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA August 10-1 1 .......
Time Trial at Orange Coast Region
November 17 ......
& POC at Willow Springs
Concours at Golden Empire Region Bakersfield, CA
September 7 .......... Slalom at Orange Coast Region. Orange County, CA
September 21-22 .................... POC Time Trial at Riverside Raceway & Golden Empire
August 23-24-25 ... Monterey Historical Auto Races and Pebble Beach Concour, Monterey, CA
September 29 ...... Concours at Santa Barbara Region Santa Barbara, CA
September 28 ................ Santa Barbara Concour (Crane School), Santa Barbara, CA
Rally at Orange Coast Region, Orange County, CA
January 10-11,1986 ...... Zone 8 Presidents’ Meeting & Zone 8 Awards Banquet, Apple Valley, CA
October 26... Concours at Arizona Region, Phoenix, AZ
*Non-Points Event.
October 5 ..............
October 27 ...... Slalom at Arizona Region, Phoenix, AZ
Porsche Club Of America
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