Porscherama 1985 October-November

Page 1

MAX DIALDELIVERS! We’re celebrating our 10th year of professional sales and AAA-approved service to discriminating Southern California Porsche owners. See us for all your automotive needs!

MAX I)IAI, 817 N. La Brea, Inglewood, CA 90302 Telephone (213) 678-3061 Hospitals

GENERAL INFORMATION PCA-LA AT A GLANCE PCA-LA is 550 diver~e Porsche owners. We are young and old, novice and expert, slow and fast. PCA-LA is a "region" of Porsche Club of America, the largest single marque non-factory club in the world. On a national level, PCA publishes an excellent monthly magazine, PORSCHE PANORAMA, and generally provides a forum for learning. But the club part is local. And what The Los Angeles Region offers is an opportunity to share the exhilarating (and sometimes frustrating) understanding, maintaining and driving one of the most unique experience of automobiles of all time. Enjoy.




John D. Fels



Vice President

Jon Winthrop








Sandra Linton


Newsletter Editor

Jon Schiewe 213-457-5726 31560vic~oriaP! Rd Malib[,90265


MembershipChairmanTom Marx 818-990-5619 112WglhSt No 200 LosAn~elesg0015



Safety Chairman

Judd Boykin


Technical Chairman

Tom Linton


Activities Chairman

Jeff Bear


Goodie Store

Denise Bear



Be sure to write the hot line number in a convenient

place, lnadditiontomembershipinfo, PresidentJohn

PCA LA HOT LINE 450- 7911 m

has included details on upcoming events and a place to . leaveyour message. This should be a welcome service to members who need last minute information or who need to contact the club officers. We hope you find it helpful.

PORSCHERAMA EDITORIAL POLICY PORSCHERAMA is the official publication of the Porsche Club of America, Los Angeles Region, a California corporation. PORSCHERAMA is published bi-monthly in accordance with the club bylaws and conditions of the charter granted by the Porsche Club of America. Statements appearing in PORSCHERAMA are those of the author and do not constitute an opinion of PCA-LA, its board of Directors, the PORSCHERAMA editorial board, the Publisher, or its staff. All contributions become the property of PORSCHERAMA unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Editorial staff of PORSCHERA MA reserves the right to edit, as necessary, all material submitted for publication. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION PORSCHERA MA is available to non-members of PCA-LA at a rate of $18 per year. Send requests to Publisher Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th St., Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90015 along with your check payable to PCA-LA. MOVING? ARE YOU M OVl NG? Or have you changed your phone number? Be sure to notify us in writing care of Tom Marx, 112 W. 9th St., No. 200, Los Angeles, CA 90015. PLEASE MAIL CHANGE OF ADDRESS--DO NOT CALL. AD RATES (Published Bi-Monthl~ Effective January 1. 1985.) Size



Full Page 3/4 Page 1/2 Page

Vertical Vertical Vertical Horizontal

6" × 6" × 27/~’’ 6" ×

1/3 Page 1/4 Page


27/~’’ × 61/,~’’ 27/R’’ × 4V,"

1/8 Page


Vertical Horizontal

83/,’’ 6’/?" x 83/,’’ 4~/,’’

Per Issue Cost* Annual Cost*

*TERMS OF PAYMENT: Per Issue: Payable in advance of publication. Send check with copy. Annual Cost: One-half payable in advance of publication of first issue. Balance

$145.00 120.00 95.00 95.00



380.00 310.00

non-profit nature of the Porscherama. the

310.00 215.00


575.00 450.00 450.00

65.00 65.00 45.00

6" × 2~/,’’ 2~,~’’ x 2V,-

payable in advance of publication of fourth issue. Agency Commission: Sorry. duetothe

L A. Region cannot recognize ad agency

Make checks payable and send advertising materials to: Marx Advertising, Inc.. 112 West 9th Street, Suite 200 Los Angeles. CA 90015-9990 / (213) 626-3153 PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Cover Date

Mail Date

February-March April-May June-July

February 1 April 1


June 1 August 1

October-November December-January

October 1 D~cember 1

Deadline for Receipt of Materials January 1 March 1 May 1 July 1 September 1 November 1


Issue Reports on Activities

Issue Calendars Activities

this Month or Earlier

For This Month

December February April

March May


July September

August October

November January

Musings and ramblings during the summer doldrums.., what a delight and pleasure it was to open my August issue of Panorama and find Bob Rassa’s thoroughly entertaining article about our 25th Anniversary party at Will Rogers. Our thanks to Bob for letting the over 22,000 Porsche Club members know how we do it here in Southern California. THE PARADE... of course you’ll read about it in PANO and elsewhere in this newsletter, but I wanted to add a bit. The Parade had its moments, some good and some not so good. Of course, the Concours always is the hit, and as you know by now, Angelo Pino’s Speedster (he of the San Gabriel Valley Region)


won overall honors. My pick for the best and certainly the most unusual was our own member, Kent Morgan’s 907, one of five in the world. A magical car with a fabulous history and perfectly restored. As Vern Covert observed, it was much better than the original as when the factory had the car, none of the body panels fit! Another magnificent division winner from our Region was Ken Ito’s outstanding ’65 Cabriolet. Kenny, who has won overall in the past really knows how to put a car together. Congratulations, Kenny. Ah, the Thrill of Victory... Jon Winthrop and I entered the Rallye. It was a first time adventure for me, and Jon had not done one in years. We took 44th out of 180 and trophied! (Trophies in this class went 45 deep). The Agony of Defeat ... entered the Speed Event and did 14th out of 20 in class. The course was set up using Riverside’s famed "short-course" in a real unusual fashion. If you were an autocrosser or slalom expert, you did well. If your car was set up for the road course, as mine was, you were a sure loser. One of our favorite members, Connie Fern, did a truly yeoman’s job in acting as chief driving

at PB Tweeks Ltd....your one-stop Porsche resource for: ¯ hard-to-find interior, exterior & hard parts ¯ accessories, apparel & lots of aftermarket goodies ¯ quality Porsche

body, chassis & trim parts. For all Porsche models & years...including 356, 911, 930, 914, 924, 931 & 928’s.

Greg Edenholm Racing 477-4297 477-4298

...Tor serious pleasure drivers. 3301 Hill Street / Signal Hill, CA 90806 (800) 782-9231 (California only) / (213) 494-4777

instructor for this event. I don’t know how she held up as well as she did with the 100+ heat and equally hot tempers she had to deal with. My criticism of the Rallye was, what with all the beautiful country in Southern California, they ran us through some of the ugliest parts of Orange and Riverside Counties. I realize it was the 4th of July weekend, but really? A new addition to the Parade was a literature and swap meet event. A huge success, especially for Bob Raucher who found for his collection the original owner’s manual for a 1939 VW. Lots of wonderful door prizes were handed out at every social event, but the prize was a two week stay in Stuttgart with all the trimmings won by Tore Johnson. I won a poster but Tore wouldn’t trade, For fear of sounding provincial, there is no question in my mind but that our plan, submitted by and Bob Houseman, for the Parade to be Beach with the Queen Mary as HQ would vastly superior to the South Coast Plaza. In

Judd Boykin held in Long have proved Costa Mesa I

felt I could have been Anywhere, USA, not the expectations that one has of Southern California and all its fun and charm.

Porsche in the market place to compete with other activities, not other cars, like sailboats, private airplanes and condo’s in HawaiL He says "1 think we’re doing very well because our customers tend to to be achievers and they are frequently very busy. The commodity they have the least of is time. The thing that usually plays our way is that (these people) suddenly come to the realization that, in the last year they’ve seen the boat once and every time they plan to spend a long weekend in Hawaii, something happens and they can’t go. "It’s a question of what you have time to enjoy and here, the dual personality of the Porsche, both a good wife and an exciting mistress simultaneously, serves both as transportation and a joy in every spare moment." Not bad. The response to our request for a Regional Dues has been very gratifying and willallow ustocontinueour high level of programs and communications with our growing membership (over 550). Several people have come forth as a result of our request for Board nominations, but of course, wewould prefer togiveyou achoice ratherthan a Russian slate. If you want to participate, call our Secretary, Glenda Pizzoferatto, as soon as possible. Elections will be

I recently read in Autoweek an interview with Peter Schutz, Porsche’s Managing Director, wherein he was discussing Porsche’scompetition in the market placethat

held in November.

I thought expressed his philosophy rather well. He explained his competitive outlook by way of a humerous

game against the San Gabriel Valley Region tasted defeat but can be proud of our effort. The difference, it seems to me, is although we looked better, they played better!

anecdote about two friends confronting a bear in the woods. One man says to the other: "Do you think you can outrun the bear?" Lacing up his sneakers, the other replies: "1 don’t have to outrun the bear, I only have to outrun

Those of us who stretched muscles never before heard from in the pursuit of the small baseball in our

Good things coming up in the way of activities... why not come out and play with us. Drive your Porsche safely. ¯ John Fels

you." He goes on to say that he has tried to position


Cat" and DriYer called it "the best performing radial tire money can buy." SIZE



195/50 VR 15


205/50 VR 15

$85.00 $85.00 $85.00 $95.00 $95.00 $95.00 $95.00

225/50 VR 15 225/50 VR 15 205/55 VR 16 225/50 VR 16 P245/50 VR 15 P265/50 VR 15

Also available: Some 13" and 14" sizes. *Special Por~che Club prices ior tiras shaved to racing depth for nonstreet use. We also offer special prices for non-shaved street tires.

BFGoodrich q ..TIRE CENTER SALES & SERVICE 496 Arroyo Parkway ¯ Pasadena, California 91105 (213) 681-1 552 . (818) 796-2651


Softbal! Saturday! August 17th the LA Region and the San Gabriel Region gathered for a challenge softball game in Brentwood.

margin wassubstantial. SanGabrielhadanunfairadvan_ tage, however. They practiced before the game! Next time, we’ll be ready.

A large and vociferous crowd from both regions showed up to cheer on their favorites. San Gabriel got off to an early lead the first few innings, but as the game progressed, LA began to play smoother, but it all came apart in the bottom of the 6th inning when San Gabriel combined a few bloop hits, a few errors and a home run to rack up 10 runs in the inning. We lost track of the score (San Gabriel kept the official scorebook) but the final

The picnic was also great fun. This was a family affair and the club grill was well used for everything from hot dogs to steak. The game was such fun that more games are plarned for next year with other regions participating, perhaps including a tournament. With a little more organization and some practice, LA can be competitive next year.

Sandra Bartley, Tom Marx, Jose Ochoa, Jon Schiewe and Tom Linton discuss pre-game strategy (it didn’t work).

The Big Hitter swings away (Tore Johnson).

"Their" rooting section.

Tom... looks like a strike to me!

The famous LA Region BBQ provided hot coals for dogs, burgers, chicken and steak.

"Our" rooting section.

TO THE EDITOR As the SDPCA slalom co-chairman I would like to

¯ Metal Finishing ¯

invite all LA Region Members to come out to join us for some fun in the sun at our 1985 fall series slalom events. Here’s the schedule. ¯

Da,e DiMaria Brian Winger

Concour~ Prcparalion & A~i~lanc~" (2131 320-3495

¯ I.acqucr Paint Rcfini,hing ¯ Color Mat~’hing ¯ Collision Repairs Wcl,’om,.

(213) 320-3495


YOKOHAMA CHALLENGE CUP 1985 F~]I Slalom Series ¯ s~an Diego Region PCA Oct. 20 San Diego Stadium .................. 8 a.m. Nov. 2, 3 2 days at Holtville .................... 8 a.m. Nov. 24 Open event, San Diego Stadium ...... 8 a.m. Dec. 8 San Diego Stadium .................. 8 a.m. For more info and details, call: Tom or Randy Twelis, (619) 589-1923. Thanks. ¯ Randy Twells, SDPCA Slalom Co-Chairman

If you don’t its like s lling in

We can put your business in the best light. Give us a call.

~--~-_ :


¯ Graphic Design and production Copywdtlng Photography Art


Logo design Typesetting Pdnting Catalogs Brochures


¯ Quality Service & Maintenance at fair rates ¯ Engine-transmission rebuilding ¯ Suspension-Chassis tuning ¯ Time Trial - Race Specialists

~ -~

the footorg





(213) 3 9]-7 2 7 7

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯





LOS ANGELES, CA 90015-9990


30th ANNUAL PC The 30th Porsche Parade was held the first week of J uly at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa¯ The

956-962 race cars and the 944 Turbo competition cars.

Monday was one of the "big" days. The concours was conducted on the lawn in front of the Hotel and it really made a beautiful setting¯ As usual with concours, there were the customary glitches, the most glaring being that

event coincided with an incredible record-breaking heat spell¯ Temperatures during Monday’s concoursand Wednesday’s time trial were in the 105-110° range. Truly HO T! With over 36 L.A. Region members registered as Parade Participants (see list at the end of this article ¯¯ ¯ our apologies if we left someone off) and with the

twice (once Sunday night and once Monday morning), the automatic sprinklers turned on, deluging several competitors’ cars. If they weren’t clean before, they were now! We assume the judges made some adjustments for any water spots caused by this occurrence.

Parade being conducted in our own backyard, it was like "old friends’ week¯" Many Los Angeles members took home the gold. We plan on printing all trophy winners in

Porsche Cars North America provided a box lunch and Lowenbrau the beer for all participants.

the next issue of Porscherama, once we receive final results from the Parade committee.

Monday evening was the black-tie concours awards

The week began with registration, which included a neat "Goodie Bag" donated by Escort Radar, which was chock full of literature, promotional items and assorted

and welcome-to-the-Parade banquet. It was held in the Noguchi Gardens, a wonderful rock, water and sculpture garden across the street from the Hotel. The evening was a genuine Southern California marvel. Temperatures

knick-knacks¯ Sunday evening featured a Mexican-style buffet dinner around the pool (it was still hot at 9:00 p.m.)

never went below 75°, the meal was excellent and the evening sky magnificent¯ Wish I could say the same for the speech-making and festivities.., they left a lot to be desired and the evening ended at 11:30 p.m .... real late for those concours participants who had been up since

and featured speaker AI Holbert, who talked about the

the crack of dawn. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were all slated for time trials at Riverside International Raceway¯ Over 350 drivers competed during the three days¯ The course began from a dead stop at the traditional re-entry grid¯ Drivers accelerated hard and went thorugh a second gear right-left-right chicane just before turn two and then ran

Tech quiz started at 7:00 am Saturday and was tough.

in front o! the Covert’s beautiful 90416.

Connie Fern did an outstanding job as chief driving instructor !or the speed event. Impound area at Riverside looked like a Beverly Hills Parking Lot.

Concours lun^.~ invaluable,h was serve(~ in 108o heat. The Sha~le


RSCHE PAKADE the traditional esses until turn 6. Turn 6 had some pylons added to keep drivers from connecting with the infamous turn 6 wall (I believe only one driver beat the odds). Turns 7, 7A were traditional, which preceeded the fun. As you came into the dogleg before turn 9, drivers continued straight onto the drag strip road, made a 90° left, a 45° right and entered a 6-pylon slalom leading into turn 9. There were some spectacular spins (me, too) in this area. A spectator grand stand was stationed here and was often full of fans watching their heroes making fools of themselves, Finally, competitors accelerated through turn 9 and exited the course just before the start of the pit wall. It was a real "autocross" course and the results bore that out. Competitors with autocross experience and car setups did real well.., others did not. But it was fun. During the week, various special events were conducted (art show, tennis and golf tournaments, meetings,

films, etc). If you cared to be kept busy for seven days, it was not difficult! The time trial awards banquet was held Thursday night, followed by the Yokohama Tire Rallye Friday. This was a simple, but challenging 4 hour-long Time and Dis-

tancerallye, whichfollowedmostlyuninterestingroadsthrough Orange and Riverside counties. Thank goodness for air conditioning in my 911 . .. it was real hot! Friday evening was an informal BBQ around the pool and Saturday evening featured the final awards banquet, during which trophies were handed out for the tech quiz (held Saturday morning), art show, rallye and assorted other awards. We had a great time meeting some old friends from past Parades and meeting new ones for future Parades. Next year’s Paradewill be held in Portland, Maine. Sounds like a great week’s vacation to me! I hope to see some of you there! ¯ Tom Marx


the UPcoming

Hans & Peter Aichinger Jeff & Denise Bear Timothy Board AI Cardenas Sr. & Jr. John & Virginia Case Tom & Jane Chang Cindy Crystal & Lark Nagasaki Vern & Ada Covert James & Karen Degnan Richard & Merrie Lee Detoy John Fels Jim & Marye Fitzgerald Paul Friedman & Ted Hill Ken & Koko Ito Dusty & JoAnn Janes Keith & Norma Lafond Tom & Sandra Linton Gary Makiyama Cal Marks & Cyndee Freeman Tom Marx & Sandra Bartley Kent Morgan Tracy Nagasaki Wade Nelson William & Joyce Nickel Jerry & Sara Pennington Bob Rassa Bob Raucher Kirk & Joyce Shimazu Sanford Sigoloff Eduardo Venegas Bob Wagner Bob Welch Rosemary Welch Jon Winthrop Harry Wong Hubert Wong


is now being distributed by

MOTORING A~ES$ORIE8 11431 SANTA MONICA BLVD. PCA, W. LA, CA 90025 REDUCED PRICES! (213) 473-2941. V~SA, M/C, A/E. Porsche fiberglass updates, wings, conversions, and kits for 911,912, 914 and 924 models. MITCOM, the designer and manufacturer of the Chalon! Dealer Inquiries Invited


CATALOG $5.00, Refundable.


SWAP MEET Orange County’s £argest DEC. 7th COUNTY FAIRGR( COSTA MESA

IMl[l~.tl-lt~/$ ,,.o. ~o,,, =~fo ¯.E..Eo., ~.~o. ~, ~=~o

~ 24-Hour Information (714) 495-3672 --10--



$575-$1075 MANIFOLOS: $175/pr. 13 VARIETIES

Members Present: John Fels, ~r~ident Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary Sandra Linton, Treasurer Ion Schiewe, Editor Tom Linton, Tech Tom Marx, Membership

Members Absent: Ion Winthrop Jeff Bear Guests:



John Fels, President, called the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m. at his office in Santa Monica.

......... 9~ (1978-85) io 46 IDA 3C WEBER$: $1030-$1075 ¯ Carburut0rs ¯ Weber Linkage K&N air cleaners ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 46ram mani~01ds with CIS flanges

Tom Linton moved and Ion S.-seconded that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Passed unanimously. Tom Marx presented John Fels with his trophy from the Parade Rallye. ¯

911(1973-77CIS)TO401DA3CWEBERS: $~50-$9es ¯ Carburetors ¯ Weber Linkage ¯ Pressure Unit ¯ 40ram manifolds with CIS flanges

¯ K&N air cleaners

The baseball game is set up for August 17. San Gabriel Region has accepted our challenge. Jose Ochoa wants to get the !ocal cars that were in the Parade Concours together for display at his shop.


September 15, was decided as the date. Jose will do the promotion.

¯ Carburetors

- Weber Linkage

¯ K&N air cleaners ¯ Correct manifolds

¯ ¯

Pressure Unit Iniect0r plugs

911 WITH SOLEXES (1965-66) TO 40 IDA

3c WEBERS: $910

We still need a rallye master for November 9. It was suggested that we have a rallye tour to Santa Barbara with


¯ Carburetors

¯ Weber

¯ K&N air cleaners

¯ Correct manilolds

9~ T (1970-71) WITH ZENITHS TO 40 IDA3CWEBERS: $575

an overnight. Glenda will call Denise to ask her help in finding a place.

¯ Carburetors

¯ Insulators

¯ Jetting Tt~e above kits include correct man~-

Sandra Linton reported a balance of $452.01 in the Treasury. We still owe Porsoherama $4500. Regional dues

folds heat insulators and longer studs, gaskets, fuel line. jetting and venturies

for your application

letter going out on July 19.

PM0 Mecharl,¢al inject,on Kits are streel

legal for 1969.1973 veh=c!es in Cahtorma (Carb ~ 0 No D ~44~ The CIS k,ts are le~al ,n Calif0,n,a 0~/ly for ~a~lng non highway vehicles

We’ll buy T-shirts to sell at events. The Porscherama will be in the mail on July 29. A slate of officers’ was discussed for next year’s

p~o 135-17th STREET

board. It was decided to invite the best prospects to the next board meeting. It will be held at the Hyatt Wilshire on


Ph. (213) 393-5423

August 14, at 7:00 p.m. Sandra L. moved and Tom M. seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. Passed unanimously. ¯ Glenda Pizzoferrato

- BOARD NOMINATIONS The following members have been nominated for election to the Board of Directors for two year terms ~-~ ~.~o.o~.OO ~^ ~or ~/oW,S~gen p&r~= ^~,o Cars and p°rs~"’~ ~,1:~ (~’~I"I~’0111’~I~ ,%OX8"~ ~ ~-,t~t~~’~£~’~’1~~ t,~t1:,OI~’1- ~"~"o~,~’~ ~,~ ~ ~ ~e ~° ’~°~’~e’ o~o ~ w~_~_~,~~

commencing January 1, 1986: --~ --

Vice President ...................... CONNIE FERN Treasurer ............................. OLGA STAIN Tech Chairman .................... KIRK SHIMAZU Bulletin Editor ................... ION A. SCHIEWE The board will entertain additional nominations in writing or in person at the next board meeting, October 16, 1985. Please call PCA Hotline for meeting time and location: 450-7911. Nominations will close at the end of the October 9 meeting. Ballots will accompany the November Pro-Tern and results will be announced at the Christmas Party, December 8, 1985.


C . sslFlED.. ADS

So I have decided to sell my 1976 Porsche 914 2.0. This car was purchased new by me, in Beverly Hills, in 1976. It has always been garaged in West Los Angeles, never driven in snow and seldom in the rain.

CLASSIFIED ADS POLICY PCA/LA REGION MEMBERS: One ad per issue at no charge. Maximum 7 lines. Additional ads, $10 per issue per ad. Photographs: $25.00 per issue. Include check with copy. NON-MEMBER OR COMMERCIAL: $10 per issue perad, Maximum 7 lines. Photograph: $30 per issue. (Includes ad fee.) Include cheek with copy. MAIL CLASSIFIED ADS with check or money order to: Jon Schiewe, 31560 Victoria Pt. Rd., Malibu, CA 90265. FOR SALE 4--6 x 154 American Racing Alloy wheels. Not concours, but in good condition. Besides, the price is right--S150 or best offer. Dale Anderson, (213) 459-1219. FOR SALE 1979-911SC Targa #9119211518. Triple black. 46,500 mi., lowered, big bars, front spoiler, rear spoiler, alarm, polished rim edge, cruise, P7’s, leather, power windows, mirrots, front headlight washers, bra, cover. Will consider 356C-SC Cab as partial trade. $20,500. Darryl Rocke, 23110 Mulholland Drive, Woodland Hills, CA 91364. (818) 716-9640. FOR SALE Porsche 930 Turbo, 3.3 liter. 1982. Low mileage, 28,000 original miles, one owner. Light blue metallic with dark blue leather interior. 300 horsepower (220 KW) European version. Air conditioning, computerized heater, manual transmission, 4-speed. Blaupunkt Stereo radio, AM-FM (cassette digital), fader, 4 speakers. Polished wheels, Power windows, electric side mirrors, power antenna, New Pirelli P-7 tires. Front spoiler model 935. Two front foglights. Headlightwashers, rear windshield wiper. Laininated and tinted windshield. Equipped for phone installation. Fully U.S. legal, guaranteed 5 years or 50,000 miles. Showroom condition--the ultimate in performance. Priced to sell. Contact Francois le Breton, (818) 782-2323.

It has 40,900 actual miles on it and has been owned and driven only by me. The oil has been changed religiously every 1500 miles, the oil filter every 4500 miles. It has had tune-ups on schedule and the valves adjusted every 15,000 miles or less. The car is red with Fleur De Lis striping. Black interior with scotch plaid seat and back upholstery. An AM/FM Blaupunkt radio with a separate tape player. Tires almost new, Metzler Perfect tires in rear and Englebert tires on front. Wheels recently balanced. The spare tire is a neverused Continental. Five chrome wheels. Road lights. The car is exceptiona/and I would like to see someone get it that would appreciate it and take care of it as I have. It has just had a major tune-up, valve adjust and new brake pads all around. Also it has just passed its pollution control test. I would like your club to tell me what a fair price would be for this car, and if any member would be interested in purchasing it. I have receipts from Westwood Porsche to prove all repairs and servicing. If no one in your club is interested could you give me the address of any local Porsche club that deals exclusively in 914’s. If anyone is interested in the car it may be seen at my house. Please, responsible people only, no "tire kickers." Pual E. Mason, 2026 S. Bently Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025, (213) 478-8608. Anyone wanting to see the car will have to show identification. Driver’s license, SS card, etc. FOR RENT MAMMOTH CONDOMINIUM FOR RENT--1 bedroom/1 bathroom townehome at Horizons 4, walking distance to all shops, restaurants and bus to lifts. Completely furnished, full kitchen, spa, sauna, pool, rec room. $80 per night weekends. $70 weekdays, $300 5-day midweek. Less 10% to PCA members. Call Tom Marx days (213) 626-3153, eves (818) 990-5619. WANTED 911 Time trial car. Will pay less than $10,000, depending on car, equipment and extras. Jeff Bear, (213) 858-4989

FOR SALE Porsche Carrera RSR tube chassis, engines, transmissions. All require assembly. Also 28’ enclosed trailer, 1974 Chevy Crew Cab Truck, Complete for $39,500/obo. Tom Marx, (213) 626-3153 (days), (818) 990-5619 (eves.).

FOR SALE IMSA GTU/SCCA GT1 Porsche 911. Finished 5th at Riverside 1985 IMSA Enduro, consistantly finishes top 10 SCCA SP/GT1 classes. Fresh motor. Fully sorted, (8) GOTTI 16" wheels.. Spare 915 gearbox. Spare 935 bodywork. (2) ATL fueling dump cans with spare adapter. Spare 901 racing gearbox with spare gears. Many other misc. spares. Heavy duty trailer. Always professionally maintained. $27,500.00 obo.Jon Winthrop (818) 840-8890 days, (213) 393-9272 eves.

FOR SALE Members: I am 64 years old, getting somewhat long in the





WANTED 2.7 Engine Complete; 914-6 Oil Cooler, Oil Tank, and Heat Exchangers. (916) 635-8159. FOR SALE 914 Engine 2.4, 4CYL., 104MM Bore x 74MM Stroke, Large Valves, Cam, Light Flywheel, Shuffle Pins, Line Bored, 2500 Miles. Bolt into car and ready to run. (916) 635-8159.

~213~4~o-4olo SANTA MON~CA c~ ~o~o5




,o0 8/23. J~ff ~nd Tom M. will do ~n m~ti¢l~ on the p~de.



The challenge softball game with San Gabriel Region is all set. It will start ar 12:30 p.m. Tom L. will pick up the BBQ grill and Jeff will get 20 Ibs. of charcoal.

Jon Winthrop, Vice President

We need info from Jose Ochoa regarding the Car Display on 9/15.

Glenda Pizzoferrato, Secretary Tom Marx, Membership

Rallye on 11/9. Jon S. will put together the rallye and Denise will do the arrangements for the hotel and dinner

Tom Linton, Tech

in Santra Barbara.

Jon Schiewe, Editor Jeff Bear, Activities

good suggestions and will help Jeff in setting it up. We

Members Absent:

John Fels, President Sandra Linton, Treasurer

should place ads in the trade magazines. We need a larger parking lot than last time. Tom M will check with Vasek


Denise Bear, Goodie Store Dusty Janes Olga Stain

Polak. Also, it should be held on a Sunday. Tom M. will respond to letter from Dennis Aase to the Bulletin Editor

Members Present:

Swap Meet on 11/23. John Larson offered a lot of

regarding swap meets. The Christmas Party is set for 12/8. We have a room

John Larson Joyce Shimazu

with a view. Promo should be in the November Porscherama.

Kirk Shimazu Dena Brown

There has been a lot of interest shown in a trip to

The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. at the Hyatt Wilshire by Jon Schiewe, Editor, at the request of John

Reno to visit Porsche Car North America. Tom M. will talk to San Gabriel Region about a trip to Reno in April 1986.

Fels, President. John was ill and unable to attend.

There was a discussion with the guests regarding the offices for next year and the duties involved. The nominating committee presented Connie Fern for Vice President

Tom M. moved and Jeff seconded that the minutes be accepted as submitted. Passed unanimously, The Financial Report was given by Tom L. As of 8/9/85, the regional dues collected was $2505.00 from 167 members, with a balance in the treasury of $2866.01. We owe $2000.00 approx, for the Porscherama for April thru

andKirkShimazuforTechChairman. The nomination for Treasurer is still open. Tom M. moved and Jeff seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:45 p.m. Passed unanimously.

JulY/. Another $330 in dues was received, but not pro-

¯ Glenda Pizzoferrato


n EXPERIENCE COUNTS when buying or leasing a Porsche or Audi. Our experts can tailor a program designed to fit you in the car of your choice at a competitive price. EXPERIENCE COUNTS when maintaining your Porsche or Audi. Our comprehensive service department features the latest factory diagnostic equipment and tools.., run by experts to satisfy our demanding customers. EXPERIENCE this excellence from one of Southern California’s premier dealerships... Janaco Porsche+Audi. 10850 Firestone BIvd


Norwalk, CA 90650


(213) 868-3233, 581-6291, (714) 636-6775



//4 I,,~"--"

T’~’~_.~"z"al//l~J~ a,-

3550 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 830 Los Angeles, CA 90010 (213) 385-9021

General practice with emphasis on civil trial, personal injury, domestic relations and negotiations.

SOS (Save Our Support!) Each month, nearly one-half of the space in this newsletter is made up of display advertising. Without this


advertising, our bulletin would disappear or simply become a Xerox sheet without photos, tech articles, opinions, etc. It would become merely a calendar. Your board has

WO u ld n’t yo u l i ke to h ave a PORSCHE mechanic

decided that our primary obligations are planning and communication and that in a club as large, diverse and spread out as the LA Region, that the Porscherama must

you can recommend to

be more than a calendar. We are constantly striving to improve its relevance to you. We need to maintain our

your friends?

current advertising base and to broaden it with new advertisers. I have become aware of a major stumbling block to this, however. Some of our advertisers have expressed doubts as to whether their ads have resulted in business for them. I know that many of our readers rely on our ads


to satisfy their Porsche needs and wants. We are constantly getting new members from first time Porsche



owners and transfers to LA Region. These people are looking for service facilities, dealerships, accessories and services not necessarily related to their Porsches. Besides word of mouth (which may have started with prior ads) our advertising is very likely a major source of new business for our advertisers. However, there is no way to measure this for the business unless the customer mentions the ad when he visits the advertiser. This is very likely a rare practice. It’s not natural to mention someone’s ad to them. Please do this. Please thank our advertisers. The next time you have your Porsche serviced by one of our advertisers, tell them you appreciate their support of the Porscherama. Tell them you saw their ad even if you are an old customer. It wouldn’t hurt to pick up the phone to

(213) 473-4529

call and thank them. Unless our advertisers get some feedback, we may lose their support. I have heard words


of praise among members for virtuatly every advertiser we have, but I’m not the one who needs to hear it. ¯ Jon Schiewe, Editor





CE’s Long Block Exchange

Competition Engineering is well-known for being your neighborhood VW and Porsche machine shop. World-wide. That’s our business. And though we sell our popular T-shirts all over the globe, that’snot our business. Yet all of you may be unaware that CE is also a highly-respected builder of 4-cylinder Porsche engines (unless you’re a regular reader of VW& Porsche and some other publications in which we’ve been featured). That, too, is our business. And we’ve recently celebrated our 20~h ~.ear in this business ! At CE we keep several 4-cylinder Porsche Long Blocks in stock for immediate delivery. They can be purchased outright or exchange. If you desire, you can purchase your rebuilt engine, pay the core charge, then return your engine core up to 3months later for refund. (Of course refunds are subject to CE’s inspection and acceptance of your rebuildable core.) If we ship your engine, we require $100 deposit on the special wooden packing crate. And that’s also refundable. All CE exchange engines are built to new standard specifications ! If you desire your own engine rebuilt or a modified or special engine, please allow 2-4 weeks for processing. Every CE exchange rebuilt engine includes the following NEW parts: ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

German Crankshaft ¯ All Valves and Springs German Rods (912 type) ¯ All Valve Guides German 105 Camshaft ¯ All Gaskets & Seals German Mahle Pistons & Cylinders ¯ All Bearings Iskenderian Tappets ¯ All Pushrod Tubes

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯

F&S Clutch Disc F&S Pressure Plate OEM Oil Pressure Pistons OEM Oil Sump Screen CE Super Gland Nut, Washer

¯ . . and these parts rebuilt to exacting specifications by CE: ¯ Crankcase (CE Line Bore if necessary) ¯ Flywheel (Reconditioned) ¯ Oil Pump Drive Gears (Drive Tab Welded and Reshaped) ¯ Cylinder Heads (Completely Rebuilt byCE) ¯ Rocker Arms (Reground byCE) Plus: ¯ ALL ENGINES ARE DYNAMICALLY BALANCED !

These Long Block Assemblies are kept in stock at CE for immediate shipment: ¯ 912 Ray Litz"

$ 2000 700

exchange core charge

2000 700

exchange core charge

1800 500

exchange core charge



¯ Call or Write for CE’s latest Price Book and your free copy of CE News 2095 N. Lake Avenue / Altadena, California 91001 Telephone 213 / 794-8402 or 213 / 681-5991

LOS ANGELES REGION CALENDAR For details call the PCA/LA HOTLINE at 450-7911 October 9 ........ Board Meeting (open to members) November 3 ..... Tech session with Parade Concours winners at Ochoa Independent. November 9

........... Zone 8 Rallye and Weekender

November 24 December 8


Swap Meet and BBQ--Porschop (Please note new date)

................... Holiday Cheer Party Location to be announced

ZONE 8 CALENDAR -- 1985 October 20 .............. Slalom at San Diego Stadium October 26 .............. Concours at Arizona Region,

November 9 ............. Rally at Los Angeles Region, Los Angeles, CA

Phoenix, AZ

November 17 ...... Concours at Golden Empire Region

October 27 ................. Slalom at Arizona Region,

Bakersfield, CA

Phoenix, AZ

November 24 ............ Slalom at San Diego Stadium

November 2-3 .................. Time Trial at Holtville (San Diego)

December 8 ............. Slalom at San Diego Stadium January 10-11, 1986 ...... Zone 8 Presidents’ Meeting & Zone 8 Awards Banquet, Apple Valley. CA


Porsche Club Of America

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