Etched on the Head of a Pin
Vol 53

Etched on the Head of a Pin
Vol 53
The column of your book titles, always introducing your latest one, looms over me like Roman architecture. It is longer than the name of an Italian countess, longer than this poem will probably be. Etched on the head of a pin, my own production would leave room for The Lord’s Prayer and many dancing angels. No matter.
In my revenge daydream I am the one poised on the marble staircase high above the crowded ballroom. A retainer in livery announces me and the Contessa Maria Teresa Isabella Veronica Multalire Eleganza de Bella Ferrari. You are the one below fidgeting in your rented tux with some local Cindy hanging all over you.
Billy Collins2001-2002 US Poet
LaureateThis will be the 53rd consecutive year that we publish our literary magazine, while we didn’t get as many submissions as compared to previous years, we still received some great work. While going through the submissions, we started to see a common theme: love. Many of the poems had to do with love for themselves, others, and the world around us. The photography and art reflected the same thing. Our small, but mighty, staff is so proud and excited to bring you the latest edition of Etched on the Head of a Pin. Once again thank you to everyone who submitted their work. Enjoy.
Abby Hosler Managing EditorThe
by Sean DurbinArt by Brenna snyder
15 16
by Sean Durbin17
by Abby Hosler
by Minaleah KoffronArt: Brenna Snyder The
by Micciah Serne
Photo: Abby Hosler
Heartbreak Hurts by Micciah Serne
Photo: Abby Hosler
Heartbreak Hurts by Micciah Serne
Photo: Abby Hosler
Your Sprout by Alice Kraatz
Photo: Mason Alston
The Lovers by Alyssa Preston
Photo: Ainsley Kesman
The saddest words I ever heard Were said with a cavalier smile, And though I thought I’d braved it all, Those words rang their knell for miles. Through thick and thin our arms were tight ‘Round the other’s gallant breast
Where just like so we’d ride our hope To where the sun sets in the west. Now in that fading, rosy light, I thought we’d found our rest, But the phoenix yearns to start anew Through the flame of the motherly nest. Its blazing beauty fills with awe
Base gazes from afar
Which stoke with harsh naïvity What reaps my heart of tar. Through many nights I now have wept, As in cold and dark I lie. I crave your tongue, however cruel, Though for an empty echo I cry. That tender grey is coming now, Yet my sun will ne’er rise true, For you, my dear, have left me with Those saddest words: I Love You.
Falling deep into the ocean below Hands grasping for something
Anything to grab onto
Breath, gasping for the cold thin air above Faint screaming heard from about the thick waterline
Vision going blurry
Going dark
Cold metal wrapped around my now-soaked, screaming body. What has become of me
World breaking like a tall neverending mirror
Trapped like an hourglass
Shaken and moved
Constant stress of the unknown
Hiding in this hole, this fear of the unknown haunts me
Haunts me like a shadow following you
Following you down alleyways
Down dark streets and never going away
Never stopping
I’m tired of being followed
I’m tired of fearing the unknown
I’m tired of living in the world above Of falling in a world only meant to float
I shall fall into the ocean below
The darkness
The unknown And yet
For just a second
I feel as though I’m floating
For once
Start of Test
Worn like ancient Greece at my age of youth. Powerful Motivated by letter grades and angry red pens. Discouraged
As if smeared ink and percentages will raise drop my morale. Slumber filled deprived midnights to sustain GPA mental-health
Without question, academics enhance drain my livelihood. End of Test
I love you.
Not in the way a friend says to another friend when in reality they only tolerate them
A real way
A unexplainable way
I love the way your hair naturally frames your beautiful face
The way you laugh when someone tells a stupid, immature joke
The way your arm fits perfectly in mine when we need to be close
And hold me in your arms when the stress becomes unbearable when you simply need affection I am the last resort
The way you hide who you are because you want people to love the real you
And the way you are kind to everyone you meet
I love you so much that your flaws seem like an illusion
Barely existing
And that part of me knows you dont love me nearly as much I Hate Being a sensitive romantic
Because i know that no matter how much i try to make the peices fit You don’t match me in the way I want you to
You will never love me the same way I love you
It breaks my heart in ways i cant explain
Knowing that someone so amazing can’t see me the way I see them
Salty Tears rolling down my face at the thought
One after another
I see a fairytale ending with you that will never be finished
That will never be completed
A hole incinerates in my heart
I feel as though I will never love someone like this again
So much I break over and over again
More and more
Your so beautiful in way I can’t explain
And my heart breaks more and more everytime I hear your name next to someone else’s
Jealous at the thought of you loving someone else
Because I love you
But you love me in the way that is only tolerateration
Only temporary
But I love you anyways
Focused, determined, A symbol of devotion and love, Such a fragile body of verdigris fluff Hovers about; Your eye Spot it, and Longs for the attention It gives; You have mean’t To hurt it, and it hides; You want to Stop it -- and it continues to fly And get away from you -The memory it leaves Comes like fog, and it Engulfs you.
A barrage of droplets from the sky meet the concrete; a man wearing a bright yellow acid coat dodges the rain as it melts the sidewalks. His face is clean-shaven and his silvery hair is caught by the soft glow of a street lamp–his emerald eyes dart from left to right as he dashes across the road, the sound of distant cars music to his ears. He stops suddenly and stares at the dark gray sky–he sees the blinding light of the New Moon, a beautiful man-made display created to replace the lackluster natural moon of the past. Instead of a useless surface of rock, the New Moon stands as a shining example of industrialization, providing billions with internet and reception all over the planet. The man wonders what the sky looked like when it was marred by the ugly crater-filled orb of the past–how unfortunate people were before the days of the Syndicate when nature was left unregulated by man and areas were left barren of modern technology for no reason at all rather than to preserve their “beauty”--after
It is difficult to imagine a world where every city does not look identical, plastered with billboards, neon signs, and smog-spewing vehicles. He quickly dismisses this thought and continues to speed through the rain.
At last the man arrives home; his mailbox reads “John-18934 & Jane-17546 Smith” in shining gold symbols. His name is one of his greatest prides, for when a citizen reaches the age of 18, they shed their birth name and buy a new name from the Register and an accompanying number. Each number costs the buyer a fortune, the first indicator of a citizen’s prestige to all being how high of a number they are able to purchase if any at all. Those unable to afford a new name are forced to keep their natural name, an embarrassing stamp of their inferiority. John-18934 struggles with the door handle before it finally gives in and he stumbles in; his home is filled with objects of all shapes and sizes, the majority of which he cannot name or even describe. All that matters is that he owns them; John-18934 will boast to his friends of his worldly possessions, and they will marvel at his superiority: the worth of an individual, as everyone knows, is directly related to their material possessions rather than any arbitrary indicator such as “good character” or “actions” as they were in the Old Age. He takes off his acid coat and hangs it to dry by the door and sits down in his most valuable chair; he reaches over to grab his standard Syndicate-provided book: A History of
the World by the illustrious leader of the Syndicate, Thomas M. Peters. He flips to his favorite passage and starts to read:
“Before the days of the Syndicate, humanity lived divided with no voice to guide them; there was no consensus on any issue and productivity had permanently stalled due to an obsession on what was “right” over what was most profitable. A reckoning was needed to save the people from their idle concerns and unite them under the purest Doctrine: materialism. And so, the Syndicate formed, a gathering of major corporations across the world with the sole goal of bringing this concept to fruition; they spread their message on every form of communication possible–and the world united behind these saviors. As the Syndicate declared the world an organized anarchy, they released the principles that guide our society today:
1. Taxes are abolished.
2. The success of the individual is the sole responsibility of the individual.
3. Possessions are the purest indicator of superiority.
4. The Earth’s resources are rightfully that of humanity”
“...and so the Syndicate had created a Utopia, conceived in materialism, and the people cheered for the New Age.”John-18934 sighed as he closed the book; he called out to his wife by her nickname in his natural monotone: “46?” His wife appeared in the doorway; she had long black hair that fell to her shoulders and dancing indigo eyes that sparkled in the lamp light–but her most attractive quality, the reason why he married her, was her wealth. While many others had to settle for a spouse of a lower wealth bracket, John-18934 counted himself lucky to wed a woman of as high a status as he held.
“Yes, 34?” she replied, gently shifting her weight from foot to foot; 34 thought she seemed different today, like she was withholding something from him.
“I wanted to see if you heard the news today; the leading members of the syndicate have increased their wealth two-fold this year,” 34 recounted with a touch of enthusiasm in his voice.
His wife’s expression remained blank to his surprise, and he motioned for her to sit down next to him. “Is something wrong?” he asked. 46 hesitated for a moment, as if she was afraid of what she was about to say, before reluctantly starting to speak.
“ I saw a homeless child. She hid from me as all the inferiors are supposed to, but, for some reason, I stopped,” 34 showed no indication of being fazed in the slightest and simply leaned back in his chair as his wife continued. “She looked so helpless, so pitiful. I laughed at first, knowing that her failures were her own fault and that she got what she deserved for her laziness. But then, something came over me, a sensation I have never felt before. I started to...” she paused for a second as if regretting what she was about to say next. “I started to sympathize with the girl. And then I did something that I am ashamed of. 34, I gave her money.”
34 just stared back at her, saying absolutely nothing. His wife was an anti-materialist, the sworn enemy of every supporter of the New Age; she had blatantly defied one of the principles he lived his life by everyday. She was the one person he thought he could trust, who would never betray him; and now, like so many before her, she had chosen the wrong path. He clasped her pale hand and a single tear ran down his cheek, falling to the floor.
“You know what I have to do,” was all he said. His wife only nodded and buried her face in her hands. 34 slowly stood up and walked over to the phone, gently pressing the numbers 2-9-9 for the first time in his life–he then said one word into the receiver: “Compromised”. He heard a click and hung up the phone–he counted to ten as he waited before he heard a vigorous knock on the door. 34 walked to the door and opened it–in front of him stood six men dressed in black armor with the yellow letters SES printed on their breastplates: Syndication Enforcement Support. He nodded to them and they entered his house, handcuffing his wife and leading her out the door. She did not shed a tear as she was escorted outside, and did not even flinch as the rain burned her skin. One officer lingered for a second.
“You’ll be notified when her re-education is complete,” was all he stated; he then turned around and left 34 standing alone. 34 remained still for a minute before returning to his chair. He gazed out his window as the soft patter of the rain gently lulled him to sleep.
l Etched on the Head of a Pin
They aren’t different
I know that now
But part of me hoped they were Hoped they were different from everyone else The black sheep in a crowd of white The yellow apple in a orchard full of red
The beauty surrounded by the ugly
But they were beautiful
So beautiful they clouded my brain
My thoughts
Made me believe in the unbelievable That I could be loved
Loved in that kind of way of course
Loved in a way seen in fairytale stories
Unaware that in reality
I was being loved by the villain
the entire time I was like glass
Completely see though
I told all my secrets
Showed all my weaknesses
And now I’m on the floor defenseless I am like a weakened soldier without a weapon Alone
Etched on the Head of a Pin
even when in a crowd
Why couldn’t you have been different I thought I finally did it
I thought that maybe you were a black sleep surrounded by white But yet you were like every other sheep
Every other apple
And now I feel more alone then before
I knew I’m my heart you weren’t different
But sometimes
The beautiful sheep are just too amazing to ignore The apple looks too amazing not to bite
The poison hurts
But at least we tried Right?
I slowly watched you unlove ne
Like an unstoppable hourglass
No way to stop it
No way to change your mind
I knew I had to enjoy it while I could
Before the apple goes bad
Before the poison kicks in
And you leave like everyone else
But while you left like everyone else
You hurt more then the others
Because I had hope
Because things felt different
They finally felt right
Felt normal
Felt like that fairytale
But every fairytale comes to an end
We barely talk now
And I sit and wait
Wait for the day you go bad
The day the apple goes rotten
And you remember I’m not worth your time
And you leave
Just like the rest
Alone without a sheep
Without an apple
Without a fairytale ending
Killed like a soldier
Without a sword
It hurts knowing you’ll never love me in the way I love you knowing that I am no longer the person you smile when you see The person you wrap your arms around in embrace and love the person you feel safe around when you need a breath of fresh air
But you’re still mine
And that’s what hurts the most
Part of me is still waiting
Still praying that you’ll come back
That things will be the same again
But the more and more I wait
The more and more I feel you pull away
Pull away like a paper flying in the cold, thick wind
I feel alone
Alone in a hole just big enough I can’t reach the top to pull myself out of I feel trapped
Trapped in an endless cycle of losing the ones I love most
Every person seems to love leaves and I go through the endless cycle of my heart slowly breaking more and more
And you were the last straw
You were the pull
And now my heart can no longer handle the pain that consists of this
Of trusting you
Trusting anyone
I never saw your flaws
The insensitivity
The misunderstanding
The anger
I only saw a person I adored
Adored like a sculpture
And in awe by tourists
Unaware that one move
One phrase
And that beautiful sculpture I so very much adored was crushed into pieces and I was brokenhearted
I was lost
Something clicked
And my brain turned off
And now I’m trying to function knowing you no longer love me the same
Time slowed down and thoughts turned dark
Crying every night and just wanted to love you again
Crying because I wanted to feel something again, feel that kind of love again
I loved all your imperfections
All your pain
And in return
You took away mine unintentionally
I knew you were struggling
But I was never aware that with that struggle
You would take me down with you
Take me down in ways I never expected I wish I could go back
I wish I could change what I did
As I said, just want to help you
Wanting to save you
But now I’ve ruined it all I did this to myself
I deserve this heartbreak
But that doesn’t change that my love for you grows like a long, deep river An ocean, always flowing and always growing I love you
And you’ll never know
And now I must move on without you
I never thought it was possible for you
You of all people break my heart like this
But part of my heart believes that maybe we can still fix this Fix this hellhole of a situation
You’ll come back and everything will be ok
Holding onto the dream that one day you’ll be a part of me again and the dreams, the overthinking and the pain will all be worth it
But I know in my heart that it will never happen that’s why this heartbreak hurts so much
Because I know you never will love me the same again But I don’t want to face it
And now I have to.
My skin is like petals; It’s delicate and light, soft and pretty. But it rips rough like metal. And when it opens, I dig inside to find somewhere I can hide, dizzy; To look at the burgundy layers that make it so resilient and smooth. But when it rips, it bleeds and it bleeds -And it won’t go back together after the glue, so I cry and try to soothe. What was once so strong, now, has wants and needs. The petals wilt and dries to a leaf. And eventually the entire flower dies; it cries and is covered in vine. What was once so beautiful has lost its motif, And lost its shine, in this garden of mine.
My garden is like a sanctuary. It’s built on blood and bones, beetles and bugs. I worked hard to keep it growing, until came January. A new seed sprouted, and when it spoke it promised me of beauty and slugs. And I couldn’t resist the thorns it had, jealous, it made me miss A part of me I had ripped apart.
But when the sun came out and the seed began to grow, I dismissed the feeling of roots in my lungs, and the leaves wrapped around my heart. I had to kill you, quickly, to stop your disease before it was too late; But it already was. You grew too pretty with your deceiving. Now my garden, my home, is rotting; the lovely flowers were unable to escape. It’s a good thing that I’m forgiving.
We accept submissions from October 1 to February 1 through our online contest submission system, and we welcome all different types of art and writing, including but not limited to: Poems and lyrics (40 lines or less)
Plays (one scene)
Digital art and illustration
Photographed traditional works (e.g. jewelry, canvas, etc.)
Authors may submit up to 5 entries
cation. Submission does not guarantee publication: all entries will be considered anonymously via panel discussion, and anyone is welcome to join the literary magazine staff. Authors will be notified as to the outcome of