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Lutherans and Catholics have been in official dialogue since the mid-1960s. The bilateral dialogues and resulting reports have guided the ecclesial journey from conflict to communion, most notably the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification. Dialogue matters and the resulting consensus continually strengthens the ongoing quest to be one in Christ. The Joint Commemoration of the Reformation in the Lund Cathedral (2016), presided over by Pope Francis and the leaders of The Lutheran World Federation, witnesses to the fruits of these dialogues. The most recent Lutheran – Roman Catholic Commission on Unity completed its work in 2019 with the Report Baptism and Growth in Communion. This Report includes important pneumatological impulses for ongoing theological and ecclesiological discussion. It makes a significant step in proposing a differentiating consensus on baptism. The Report was studied and received by the Council of The Lutheran World Federation in June 2019. The Report was studied and critically evaluated by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, with the assistance of experts. In the process, the Catholic side has expressed serious concerns that focus, above all, on various ecclesiological presuppositions and consequences as well as ambiguities and misunderstandings in the chosen terminology. The Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and The Lutheran World Federation have sought solutions. The two co-chairs of the Commission have also been involved in this process of clarification. Unfortunately, these efforts have not led to a satisfactory outcome. Therefore, the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity can only consider the report as an openended study document not yet ready for reception. Due to the lack of approval, the Report should only be made available to the public together with this preamble. After a thorough assessment of the current situation, and the issues requiring further clarification, The Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity are willing to continue the ecumenical dialogue, especially in view of the 500th anniversary of the Diet of Augsburg and the Augsburg Confession in the year 2030. Geneva and Rome, June 2021 Rev. Dr Martin Junge Kurt Cardinal Koch General Secretary President The Lutheran World Federation Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity