The Porter School EcoBuilding brochure

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Tel Aviv University

The Porter School of Environmental Studies

The EcoBuilding

Solutions through action

Assaf Inbar, 34 Master’s student of environmental studies: plant and soil sciences Research: The use of synthetic polymers for preventing soil erosion, especially after forest fires. Career goal: Forest management

The Porter School of Environmental Studies Academic excellence serving society

One of only a few schools in the world to unite researchers from a diverse range of fields under one "green" umbrella, the Porter School offers a flexibility that brings about exciting opportunities for researchers and students to work across diverse environmental fields.

If you want to save the environment you have to roll up your sleeves and do something.”

The school emphasizes academic excellence and practical applications. Applied research, community projects, and cooperation with government, business, industry and nongovernmental organizations translate into an immediate contribution to environmental issues, both nationally and regionally.

Porter School of Environmental Studies

The Porter School of Environmental Studies is the first and only graduate school in Israel dedicated to the research, teaching and sharing of environmental knowledge. The school is one of the leading units of Tel Aviv University – the country’s largest and most comprehensive institution of higher education.


Building for the Future A Home for the Porter School The EcoBuilding will reflect the very nature of the school itself – dynamic and constantly evolving.

The Porter School of Environmental Studies is undertaking its most ambitious project yet – the construction of a dedicated building.

Porter School of Environmental Studies

The EcoBuilding will significantly raise the bar for green building standards in Israel and will provide a dedicated space for experiments and demonstration of environmental technologies. It will consolidate lectures, research, conferences, exhibitions and the school's administration all under one roof.


| External view of building

Saving Resources Green Architecture

Latest technologies and design: The EcoBuilding has been designed to maximize the efficient use of energy, water and materials.

Photovoltaic power and solar collectors Water recycling Natural ventilation Bioclimatic design Use of recycled and environmentallyfriendly construction materials

Advancing green construction in Israel to international standards: Designed to deliver Israel's first LEED Platinum Certified building, the highest accreditation of the US Green Building Council.

Porter School of Environmental Studies

More than just a building:


A platform for environmental research and teaching. "Green roof" climate research and monitoring. Public displays on water and energy consumption.

Main entrance of the building

Daniel Ben-Yehuda, 28 Master’s student of environmental studies: water and environmental policy Internship: Friends of the Earth Middle East, helping to manage water consumption between Israel and its neighbors

With heavily subscribed master's and doctoral programs, the Porter School offers its students unusual freedom in tailoring their curricula to meet their research needs, enabling them to cross the boundaries of classic academic disciplines. At the same time, through its internship program, students get valuable hands-on experience in organizations that promote public health, sustainable development, biodiversity and environmental justice.

The school's new International MA Program in Environmental Studies, taught in English, will enable students from around the world to gain an advanced degree from a uniquely Israeli and Middle Eastern perspective. The school also runs the Porter Fellows Program which attracts young and accomplished post-doctoral researchers to carry out research and teach at TAU, bringing advanced and innovative environmental thinking to the university.

Teaching and Practice “

My internship got me sharply focused on both my research topic and my future career.�

Porter School of Environmental Studies

Hand in Hand


Solving Environmental Problems through Science Applied Research The EcoBuilding will create dedicated, multidisciplinary space for the latest environmental research projects.

Research supported by the Porter School is already making its mark in fields as diverse as solar energy collectors, artificial reefs, river rehabilitation and atmospheric monitoring. The school's research will be bolstered by a planned 1,000 square meter laboratory wing in the EcoBuilding. In addition, the building's unusual facade, named the EcoWall, will feature 16 EcoPods – individual research areas where faculty and students can conduct and showcase their research. At the center of this facade will be the Capsule Meeting Room, a visually-striking structure suspended over the building's atrium.

International Beacon Leading scientific and environmental institutions around the world turn to the Porter School as a partner for joint research projects.

Porter School of Environmental Studies

The school is working with the Italian government on a multi-million euro program to develop common approaches to problems such as air pollution and the ecological effects of climate change. Regionally, the school is collaborating with Palestinian and Jordanian scientists to formulate renewable energy and environmental conservation plans for the Middle East.


Capsule Meeting Room and EcoPods

Spreading the Environmental Word Public Outreach

Exhibition and conference areas in the EcoBuilding will create a vibrant hub of environmental activity.

The Porter School has long placed an emphasis on working with environmental NGOs, government and business to disseminate environmental knowledge and contribute to public and professional debate.

The EcoBuilding’s facilities will help the school reinforce its public outreach activities and maximize its vision of advancing the environmental field throughout Israel.

Porter School of Environmental Studies

In addition to a full schedule of conferences, featuring international guest speakers and covering topics as wide-ranging as environmental compliance, urban sustainability and environmental peace parks, the school

also partners with other organizations to run professional meetings and courses in environmental management and green architecture.



Keeping Open-Minded Multidisciplinary Approach No field of study is considered off limits by the Porter School, which fosters original, cross-disciplinary research between researchers from the nine TAU faculties. The range of subjects covered by the school, from plant science to policy, and from economics to nanotechnology, allows for unusual and exciting collaborations that yield new and surprising findings, as well as entirely new, hybrid fields. Some of the multidisciplinary units founded by the Porter School:

Akirov Institute for Business and the Environment:

Porter School of Environmental Studies

Unique in Israel, the institute brings together management, economics and law scholars to raise awareness among business professionals of the impact of industry on the environment.



Environmental Justice Clinic: Established jointly with the Buchmann Faculty of Law, this is the most comprehensive environmental clinical program in Israel. It provides students with hands-on experience in real-life environmental cases and developing legislation.

Environmental Policy Clinic: Run jointly with the TAU Public Policy Department, the clinic works with local authorities, government ministries, NGOs and industrial facilities to develop practical policy recommendations.

Environmental Simulation Laboratory: The lab brings together geographers with mathematicians to develop advanced simulation technologies and planning tools for environmentallyfriendly urban development.

My research combines environmental science, communications and management to see how we can change people's attitudes toward public transportation and reduce pollution.�

Alison McLernon, 35 Master’s student of environmental studies: communications and management; originally from Ireland.

Expanding on Strengths The TAU Ecology Campus Connecting the EcoBuilding with these facilities will be a Science Promenade that will enhance access by foot, bicycle and rail, and provide visitors with a broad, outdoor learning experience.

Porter School of Environmental Studies

The EcoBuilding will be located at the heart of TAU’s “ecology campus” – a cluster of facilities dedicated to research and education in biodiversity, conservation and agriculture. This unique concentration of environmental units features botanic gardens, a research zoo, a genetic crops bank, and a soon-to-be-built facility that will house the Steinhardt National Collections of Natural History. Over 10,000 children, youth, teachers and members of the public visit the 16-acre ecology campus each year.


EcoWall at night

Taking Action Join Us

Tel Aviv University seeks partners, supporters and friends for its Porter School of Environmental Studies. The following donor opportunities are available:

Porter School of Environmental Studies



• Atrium: Soaring, glassed-in lobby and exhibition space. • Auditorium: Multi-purpose 180-seat hall for lectures, conferences and public events. • Capsule Meeting Room: Unique, executive-style room for seminars and workshops. • EcoWall: Iconic, beautiful and functional façade for showcasing research activity. • EcoPods: Specially-designed experimental research units. • Organic Café: Indoor and outdoor dining area for students, professors and visitors. • Entrance Plaza: Attractive landscaped terrace paved with recycled materials. • Classrooms: State-of-the-art teaching facilities in a range of sizes. • Graduate Student Room: Dedicated study space with 8 workstations. • Green Roof: Living laboratory for environmental research and 50-person reception area. • Ecological Garden: Shaded biological pools and indigenous vegetation. • Science Promenade: Educational and scenic pedestrian walkway. • Laboratories: Advanced facilities for water, energy and climate research.

Initiatives • Graduate Fellowship Fund: Vital financial support for master’s and doctoral students. • Student Internship Program: Field experience for students while supporting Israel’s environmental NGOs. • Overseas Visiting Scholars Program: Framework for exposing students to international experts in emerging fields. • Center for Energy: Research in renewable energy technologies and promotion of sustainable energy policy and security. • Center for Climate Change: Climate science, social and policy research on the regional level. • Center for Environmental Policy: Transfer of environmental knowledge to decision and policy makers. • Center for Health and Environment: Research, teaching and public awareness of disease prevention strategies. • Center for Urban Sustainability: Promotion of sustainable policy and practice at the urban level.

Architectural team Axelrod-Grobman Architects, Geotectura Studio, NCArchitects Contact us Porter School of Environmental Studies Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv 69978 Tel: +972-3-640-5720 Fax: +972-3-640-5723 Website:

Strategic Communications Department, Development and Public Affairs Division Tel Aviv University Text: Ruti Ziv, Rava Eleasari Design: Platforma Creative Branding Photography: Yoram Reshef 2010

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