Catalog of students work fall 2014

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American University in Cairo

Duration : Sep 07 ,2014-Dec 22,2014 Monday 10:00am-12:45pm Studio P008

Instructor : Rania Fouad


list :

Abd-Elfattah, Mennatallah S.


AbdelGhafour, Roudina A.


AbdelMaksoud, Farida A.


Aziz, Marina W.


Darwish, Salma M.


El-Maghraby, Reem A.


Kotb, Ahd M.


Refaie, Yara H.


Sakr, Monia A.


Shaheen, Rawan M.


Project 1 : -Studying color and chromatic means of modulation. 1-Students create different scales. Gradation of tones in grey using black and white ) and gradation of chromatic greys ( a mix of complementary colors and white ) Assignment : 1

Each student recreate a technical drawing (that shows part of a pistol ) composing its


in paint using

chromatic greys

Following the visual language of technical drawing the painting in this exercise is expected to be flat , non-subjective , unambiguous with clean, precise and neat delineation of colors


a- Marina Adel


b- Salma Darwish


c-Yara Refaie

2- Painting a pixilated image This exercise helps students grasp the role of light in creating an illusion of threedimensionality on the pictorial surface. In addition to being an intensive exercise in color mixing and matching , students start to observe how light affects our perception . Forms on canvas are recreated in terms of color scales and tones that is shifting -horizontally and vertically - in gradation .

Farida AbdelMaksoud

Rawan Shaheen .

Rawan Shaheen

Roudaina Amr . painting a pixelated moment ( based on real Cairotian sunset scene )

Ahd Kotb

Reem El Magraby – pixelated work in transfer print and monotype painting created on paper with processed images of Reem’s own body .

Reem El Maghraby

Project 2 Studying Form In this project students focus on painting life a composition of geometrical shapes paying attention to the tones , the texture and the color. Later when they move to painting still life and painting people this exercise helps them do it with close examination to objectsâ€&#x; planar structure .

Yara Refaie

Reem El Maghraby

Reem El Maghraby

Ahd Kotb

Rodaina Amr .

Ahd Kotb

Farida Abd ElMaksoud

Reem El Maghraby

Reem El Maghraby

Reem El Maghraby

Salma Darwish

Marina Adel

Project 3 Composing a pictorial surface /Visualizing oneâ€&#x;s perception of the world After discussing in class works of various artworks that communicate their creatorâ€&#x;s vision and perception of the world ,students are asked to depict life experiences and record memories . Including views from intimate surroundings, reflecting on one's own environment, circles, activities, and emotional involvement at any given point they choose ..thinking mainly about the way they compose pictorial surface to visually interpret what they want to express

Salma Darwish

100 x 70cm

acrylic and silver leaf on canvas

b-Ahd Kotb

100x 70cm

Acrylic on Canvas

c- Reem Elmagraby

(100x 70 cm

-Acrylic ,transfer print and gold leaf on canvas )

work presented with a statement : Claiming meaning, neglecting quality. Just another lie, trying to convince ourselves that there was a golden moment. But can we even remember why? Remembering will make us realize that itâ€&#x;s just another form of repetition, another moment from our daily routine.

Reem El Maghraby

- working in studio

Marina Wael

(100x 70cm - paper tissue and oil paint on canvas)

project 4 Studying Art history and Technique . In this project students choose a painting that was created any time between Renaissance and Modern Art -They do a research about this painting, gathering information about the artist , iconography /symbolic implication of the items painted (if there is any ) . Main characteristics of the age , the technique used ( related to the era or individually to the artist ) After doing research they start a practical approach to further investigate what they have been researching by creating a reproduction and /or appropriation of the painting ,with oil paint ,egg tempera or both combined . They learn about different techniques ,and terms like : gesso , gilding ,imprimatura , grisaille , verdaccio ,underpainting ,chiaroscuro glazing , and alla prima At the end of project they do presentations through which some periods in art history can be summarized and discussed in relation to their work .

Ahd Kotb reproduction in acrylic and egg tempera on wooden panel , original work by Roy Lichtenstein (20th Century –Modern Art)

Ahd Kotb reproduction in acrylic and egg tempera on wooden panel , original work by Roy Lichtenstein (20th Century –Modern Art)

Salma Darwish appropriation in acrylic and egg tempera on wooden panel Vecelli(16th century –Renaissance)

original work by Tiziano

Marina Wael Acrylic and egg tempera on wooden panel Art -20th century )

original work -Picasso (Modern

Yara Refaie Acrylic and egg tempera and oil glaze on wooden panel Vincent Van Gogh( post impressionism 19th century)

original work by

Mennatallah Ahmed Acrylic and egg tempera and oil glaze on wooden panel- original work by Vermeer (17th century ,Baroque)

Monia Sakr Acrylic and egg tempera and oil glaze Antonello Da Messina (15th century Renaissance )

on wooden panel . Original work by

Reem El Maghraby appropriation in acrylic paint and egg tempera on wooden panel – original work by Botticelli (15th century Renaissance )

Rawan Shaheen - Acrylic paint ,egg tempera and oil glaze on wooden panel – original work by John Singer Sargent ( 19th and beginning of twentieth century in America )

Farida Abdel Maksoud acrylic paint, gold leaf and egg tempera and oil glaze on wooden panel . Original work by Duccio (13th and 14th century –Renaissance )

Project 5 Brief Introduction to painterly monotype



In Final project Students were asked to make a painting-based work around a one theme, (this semester the final project was “allegorical meditation on the theme Anger�) In their work it was possible to stick to traditional 2D format paintings, but also incorporate shaped canvases, painted sculptures, painting installations, and painting performances. They were asked to : A - Make good use of the techniques, materials and means of expression they have been learning throughout the course. B - Be innovative, set free their imagination, but also relate their work to real life experiences. C - Be attentive to the working process, document its steps, write a statement, and make a presentation.

Mennatullah Ahmed

Concentrating on the feeling not the consequences.. Menna was concerned with “the real pain felt within “ Menna pixelated her pictures and painted it divided into 2 halves ,half real and half looked like an x rays or negatives .


Ahd Kotb

Ahd Kotb „s Final project is an appropriation of Magritte‟s la Gacheuse .A painting related to the “Varitas “ (genre of paintings that use morbid symbolic objects such as skulls ,rotten food or faded flowers to give the awareness that life is short and death is inevitable )

Ahd Kotb – Final project

Ahd in Final presentation

Roudaina Amr

Roudaina Amr’s project was a painting performance In the studio –with her knife she was stabbing Colourful ballons formally filled with dull black and blue , In the action the later (black and blue ) gets released , the former (colorful balloons ) diminishes .

Roudaina Amr

Roudaina Amr

Roudaina Amr

Roudaina Amr

Roudaina Amr

Roudaina Amr

Marina Adel

Marina Adel involved action and body gestures in her working process .She created a landscape like abstract paintings rich in texture and heavy colors . She used paper tissue and pages from her diary .. At first we think these objects are just source of beautiful texture and color nuance in this “beautiful� landscape like pictorial surface .However when we can get closer we can actually see a lot of angry words (coming from her diary ) scattered all over the space .

Marina – Detail


Abd El



Farida (detail )

Salma Darwish

Salma was “literally� giving form to a reluctant memory . One that is related to her grandmother . She created a pixilated miniature like painting of her fading memory Sculpture with geometrical facets painted to show her favorite things but also an agonizing recount of one brutal scene that lead to her dramatic death .

Salma Darwish – Final project – Giving form to a reluctant memory - paper folded into sculpture

Salma says “ I wanted to express what was going inside me “then”.. but I left bright spaces to give me hope of relief. I try find answers out of the cave I visualize in pain.

Salma (detail )

Salma (detail )

Salma Darwish – Final project – Giving Form To A Reluctant Memory - paper folded into sculpture

Rawan Shaheen

Rawan‟s project was inspired by film “ 12 Angry Men “ (Sidney Lumet) and the work of one Street artist called WK Interact ( .She created one painting of an angry man .Along the painting process she takes photographs for each step . She presents the final work as well as the photographs as her final project

Rawan Shaheen ..

Yara Refaie

Because The Sky Is Already Theirs And All Our Dreams Project based on a monologue in the film Turin Horse by Director Bella Tar

ERNHARD: Because everything‟s in ruins. Everything‟s been degraded, but I could say that they‟ve ruined and degraded everything. Because this is not some kind of cataclysm, coming about with so-called innocent human aid. On the contrary, it‟s about man‟s own judgment, his own judgment over his own self, which of course God has a hand in, or dare I say takes part in. And whatever he takes part in is the most ghastly creation that you can imagine. Because, you see, the world has been debased. So it doesn‟t matter what I say, because everything has been debased that they‟ve acquired. and since they‟ve acquired everything in a sneaky, underhand fight, they‟ve debased everything. Because whatever they touch-and they touch everything-they‟ve debased. This is the way it was until the final victory. Until the triumphant end. Acquire, debase, debase, acquire. Or I can put it differently if you like. To touch, debase and thereby acquire, or touch, acquire and thereby debase. It‟s been going on like this for centuries, on, on and on. This and only this, sometimes on the sly, sometimes rudely, sometimes gently, sometimes brutally, but it has been going on and on. Yet only in one way, like a rat attack from ambush. Because for this perfect victory, it was also essential that the other side, everything that‟s excellent, great in some way and noble, should not engage in any kind of fight. There shouldn‟t be any kind of struggle, just the sudden disappearance of one side, meaning the disappearance of the excellent, the great, the noble. So that by now these winning winners who attack from ambush rule earth, and there isn‟t a single tiny nook where one can hide something from them, because everything they can lay their hands on is theirs. Even things we think they can‟t reach – but they do reach – are also theirs. Because the sky is already theirs and all our dreams. Theirs is the moment, nature, infinite silence. Even immortality is theirs, you understand? Everything, everything is lost forever! And those many noble, great and excellent just stood there, if I can put it that way. They stopped at this point, and had to understand, and had to accept, that there is neither god nor gods. And the excellent, the great and the noble had to understand and accept this right from the beginning. But of course, they were quite incapable of understanding it. They believed it and accepted it but they didn‟t understand it. They just stood there, bewildered, but not resigned, until something – that spark from the brain – finally enlightened them. And all at once they realized, that there is neither god nor gods. All at once they saw that there is neither good nor bad. Then they saw and understood that if this was so, then they themselves do not exist either! You see, I reckon this may have been the moment when we can say that they were extinguished, they burnt out. Extinguished and burnt out like the fire left to smolder in the meadow. One was a constant loser, the other was the constant winner. Defeat, victory, defeat, victory, and one day – here in the neighborhood – I had to realize, and I did realize, that I was mistaken, I was truly mistaken when I thought that there has never been and could never be any kind of change here on earth. Because, believe me, I know now that this change has indeed taken place.

Yara Refaie

Yare Refaie

Yara Refaie

Reem ElMagraby

Paintings of ice cream wrapped and tightened with strings .. melting –like in no sound –into pieces of shattered glass . In that way Reem El Magraby visualized anger .

Reem El Magraby

Reem El Maghraby

Reem El Maghraby

Reem El Maghraby

Reem El Maghraby

Monia Sakr

Monia’s allegorical meditation on the theme anger involved her own coulrophobia Her deep rooted fear ..and anger of clowns


"You can’t really see their face. You don’t really know what that all means behind the mask.”

Monia Sakr

Monia Sakr



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