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Community Values Agreement

We believe that God has uniquely gifted each individual and calls them into loving faithfulness and service to Christ, inand through the local church. PORTICO's Community Values and Standards Agreement (CVA) seeks to establish the values and practices that our volunteers willingly commit themselves to, as together we seek to glorify God in all our endeavors.

We believethatthevery nature ofourTriuneGod,who eternally exists asone Godandyet three persons, represents forustheperfectmodelofcommunity as expressedinlove, equality, respect,anddifferentiation.ThisCVAsetsforththeprinciplesbywhichPORTICO seeks to intentionally implementthis model ofcommunity in our service to Christ.


Therefore, we agreeto unitetogetherbysupportingthe followingvalues andpractices:

• To serve with PORTICO's volunteers and employees in a mannerwhich is consistent with the principles of Scripture and which brings glory to God. To accept the Bible as the final authority in all matters offaith and conduct. ToacknowledgeJesus Christasoursolesourceofpersonalsalvation andtobe actively growing in a vibrant, personal, intimate faith in Him. To support PORTICO's statement offaith and practice. To fulfill PORTICO's mission, vision, values and strategies. To intentionally steward ourresources oftime, gifts andfinances. To honor each other's unique personality, character and calling. To pursue collaboration, creativity, cooperation and constructive evaluation. To develop open, truthful communication and conflict resolution. To extend to others proper respect, honour and loyalty. To serve joyfully and welcome ongoing accountability. To consistently demonstrate Christian character by conducting ourselves as exemplary, law-abiding citizens of our society. To respect our intrinsic, God-given worth by refraining from the non-medical use of mood altering substances or engaging in practices that demoralize, devalue or diminish our lives. To respect and uphold the scriptural teaching that expressions of sexual intimacy and sexual relationship is reserved solely for the covenant of marriage shared between a man and a woman and to refrain from any expressions and activities, which deviate from the bible's teachings.

We believethat itisthe intention ofevery volunteer to upholdthese values and practices to the bestoftheirability. Accordingly we recognizethatthere maybeoccasions when a violation orbreach ofthis CVA mayoccur andappropriate disciplinary actionwill be necessaryforthepurposeofcorrectionandrestoration.Inthesesituations, PORTICOwill initiatea restoration process withthe intentto identify and address thearea(s) ofconcern andtorestoreaharmoniousministryrelationship.WhereaseriousviolationofPORTICO's CVAoccurs oradiscipline process remains unresolved,thesecouldresultinsuspension of ministry participation ortermination ofthe volunteer position.

WearecommittedtoensuringthatyourserviceasavolunteeratPORTICOistreatedwiththe utmostrespectandappreciation. Wewantyourministry service to bea rewardingandlifechangingexperience. Wewelcomeyouwith openarms andinviteyoutojoin the hundreds of other volunteers at PORTICO that have committed themselves to helping people find their way back to God.

PORTICO Community Church

By signing this agreement, Irecognize the importance of my role as a volunteer in ministry, and I willingly agree to abide by PORTICO's Community Values Agreement.




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