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Portlandiana Prince Albert In A Can. By Don MacWilliams.

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",.:."'., .. -.. When The P'~inceOf Wales"

. '. .4'"

Visited Portland In 1860'


~ "'HEN England's 4 19-year-old Prince of Wales" Alber't Edward,heirro the throne of England, visited Port:.. land in 1860, he came ~Rleave, for His Highness was scheduled to board HMS Monarch just a few hours after his arrival by train from Boston.

Beginning in Newfoundland, the Prince had travelled halfway across

Canada and had entered the United Embarkation of the Prince of Wales in Portland, MaitJit on October 20, 1860. Dt:awnBy c. Parsons, States in Detroit .. Frorri,Jhere, he visited all the majorcides on his . h· h I"A . ...... DurIng IS trip ... 'J'sterica.·. mer,can matrons purway to Portland. At each stop, a chased bottles of his bath water. gala ball was giy~in his honpr . .. .,.' and the more faslliooable of that. ,·········•.•.•·•·•...·.E'scorted by th~ Mayor, Albert EJ'iglish feeling ~~~t~~~eed wi~h a city's young ladi~rWerecrosen q>Ed~arfl was driven over the West- h()!'~eleavinggf§¥i~atlle thrOWIng hisda~<;it)8..PartD.~!'~....••:q¥Ei,l!"~~~~< ~f9~f()~~p~~~and dovvD...B~l!- C?~Si~;~~HSX~);.•.•..••••.•...., "..

tles of ,hisba~~.~a~ef~1i1d~Jd~gtl~ ....•....... here, as reported, a th!'qvv;(\ ~~.~!'H.~,j.j,t~.~~. nf~~ 'over his di~Ga!'~.~~,~!nnerin~PlOni""'n'n./.t1cli1) ..: .:.~et~!~le~skno~ked off ,.....~~t!arcJJ~s';gii;.jj.ear~·l~ler, Portland ladies.:w~!'edenied]:nos~ ..!•••: •••••~.~~!t!lt.!(~oFhaI!! ..~g,rner 10re~~;liecarne'iEd~.. ..... .' ing:of privilege; becal?S~...pf the Ptince~s.;"f.":';·:';'i:i9dj~ate~V:.howey~~,.t,h.at.an' i~fui-E'~g)aria,~~ale~~ i...,.. otl~nd aRd·short stay..\ vw •• :~ia:;'~~:aH~Iqs,hman 0~~~{9ng antl~ ~ ,:,titp.Iar~head:Qf the&~~~~ishEtppire.

Continued from page 35 Verona, and a world premiere by John Strasberg - a member of haye returned to work with Ms. musical version of Jane Eyre. the well-known Strasberg family Crandall for many seasons. The The Camden Shakespeare C'om- - long associated with teaching season this summer includes Sugar pany, established in 1978, is, I and performing. The company is Babies, L'il Abner, 42nd St., 'The believe, Maine's only outdoor committed to hiring Belfast resiMystery of Edwin Drood, and Bit- theater. The troupe performs Sha- dents to work within the season. ter Sweet. kespeare in its traditional form. Their concept is that "the arts can

The Hacmatack Playhouse, in But there is nothing traditional be a viable alternative for operation since 1973, is perhaps about performing out of doors. employment in an economically summer theater in its original This is not for the timid. I imagine troubled part of the state." definition. Located in a Berwick these performers develop skills no And don't forget the Ogunquit barn constructed in 1716, the space acting class could prepare them Playhouse. For show dates and has been renovated into a theater, for: how to perform around down- phone numbers, consult this issue but "the cow's names are still on pours or to avoid the proverbial of Portland Monthly for this the walls." This is an everybody- swallowing of bugs during lengthy summer's theater listings. does-everything setting, from box monologues. If, after reviewing all this, you office to performing. This season One of the most interesting are retreating to your secure desk includes Kiss Me Kate, The For- "new kids on the block" is the Mir- back at the office - it's OK. eigner, Little Shop of Horrors, Ten ror Repertory Theatre performing Remember, there are still 35,000 Little Indians, and The King & 1. at the Hayford Opera House this of us available to fill these posi-

On the other extreme - in terms season in Belfast. The Mirror Rep- tions. And although summer of performance space - is the ertory Theatre is a New York- theater is traditionally the training Theater at Monmouth. The theatre based company founded by the late ground for actors who go on to is housed in a Victorian Opera Geraldine Page, among others. more lucrative endeavors, there are House complete with muraled ceil- Their plans are to use the Maine also seasoned professionals who ings. Performing in repertory this locale as a center for teaching and return to this "escape from New season, the company will produce experimenting with new pieces York and Los Angeles Taking Steps (a British comedy), that can be brought back to New environment." Richard the II, Two Gentlemen 0f York. The school will be directed •

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