Also showing original works by Connie Hayes and other leadingMaineartistsincludingEricHopkins.NeilWelliver, WendyTurner.JillHoy,DavidLittle,andTomCurry. Visit
The Old Port at Your Feet.
In one of America's dream towns, now you can own a home that makes dreams come true. Enjoy commanding views of CascoBayandthecoastalislands,withalltheluxuriesandcomfortsyoudeserve.Alltheexceptionalconveniencesof aFourStarhotelareavailableatthetouchofabutton,includingaroundtheclocksecurity,concierge,roomserviceand housekeepingandafitnessclubandspa.Andoutsideyourdoor,thehistoricOldPortisalivewithrestaurants,shopping, galleriesandentertainment.Pleasecallforapersonalpresentationandvirtualtourofthisone-of-a-kindopportunity. Only60residences,from$500Kto$2million.
Seacoast Rejuvenation Center is the first of its kind in New Hampshire. Under the auspices of our Founder and Medical Director, Dr. Kelley Hails, MD, FACEP, we offer today's most advanced aestheticandanti-agingmedical treatments for men and women, aswellascomplementaryhealth programsandspaservices.
From the moment you enter ourbeautifulnewcenter,you'll be welcomed into a warm and caring environment, where we
Minutes from bustling Boothbay Harbor, the Spruce Point Inn Resort & Spa occupies a secluded peninsula on Maine's rocky coast. Boats and windjammers sail cool ocean waters while guests relax by the resort’s saltwater or heated freshwater pools, play croquet and tennis, kayak and bicycle, or enjoy fine cuisine. Choose from a variety of lodging possibilities: the historic waterfront inn, charmingly restored summer cottages, garden view or ocean view guestrooms and suites, and woodland condominiums. Enjoy our full-service boutique spa and Zen garden, complementing a private 57 -acre oceanfront and wooded walking and hiking trail. Experience the surrounding natural beauty as the Inn fulfills its commitment to land conservation and a very unique and personal Maine resort experience.
The Spruce Point Inn Resort & Spa. Classic Maine vacations with the luxuries of a modern boutique resort.
Celebrating-thissummer’s o comprehensivecompletionof theFalmouthShoppingCenter tomakeittheprideofRoute1. Comevisitus!
•ProudlyservingMaine FalmouthShoppingCenter
Now, getting to Nova Scotia is as easy as A, B, Sea.
Just a few hours from Maine on The CAT
Soclose,yetaworldapart FromMaine,there'sawholeworldtodiscover Now,gettingfromMametoNovaScotiaisfasterand more convenient than ever before. Whether you departfromPortlandorBarHarbor,you'llsave hoursofdrivingtimeasTheCAT™whisksyou acrosstheoceanathighwayspeeds,carrying up to 775 passengers. 250 cars and 1A motor homesortourbuses.You'lltravelincomfort,
thehigh-speedcarferryfromferries enjoying food and beverages, the onboard
To subscribe please send your address and a checkforS39(1yr.),S55(2yrs.),orS65(3yrs.)to Portland Magazine 722 Congress Street Portland ME 04102 or subscribe online at
Portland Magazine is published by Sargent Publishing, Inc. All cor¬ respondence should be addressed to 722 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04102. Advertising Office: 722 Congress Street, Portland, ME 04102 (207) 775-4339. Repeat internet rights are understood to be purchased with all stories and artwork. If you have questions regarding advertis¬ ing invoicing and payments, call Alison Hills at (207) 77S-4339. Newsstand Cover Date: Summerguide 2006, published in May 2006, Vol. 21, No. 4, copyright 2006. Portland Magazine is mailed at thirdclass mail rates in Portland, ME 04101 (ISSN: 1073-1857). Opinions expressed in articles are those of authors and do not represent editori¬ al positions of Portland Magazine. Letters to the editor are welcome and will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication and copyright purposes and as subject toPortland Magazine's unrestrict¬ ed right to edit and comment editorially. Responsible only for that por¬ tion of any advertisement which is printed incorrectly. Advertisers are responsible for copyrights of materials they submit. Nothing in this issue may be reprinted in whole or in part without written permission from the publishers. Submissions welcome, but we take no responsibil¬ ity for unsolicited materials.
Portland Magazine is published 10 times annually by Sargent Publishing, Inc, 722 Congress Street, Portland, Maine, 04102, with news¬ stand cover dates of Winterguide, February/March, April, May, Summerguide, July/August, September, October, November, and December.
In their new reportEastern BrookTrout,StatusandThreats, the ’ fishing advocacy and conservation group Trout Unlimited has just ranked Maine the most abundant source of brooktroutontheEastCoast,calling us"thelasttruestronghold"ofthe fish, which is quickly disappearing in other areas, The study took in over 11,000 Ashing holes fed by stream networks in excess of 25 miles. ♦
NovisittoMaineiscompletewithouta stop at Casco Bay Wool Works. Casco Bay Wool Works designs and manufactures 100% Merino Wool and 100% Cashmerefashionsofunparalleledstyle andquality,likeourCascoBayCasualCape, righthereontherockycoastofMaine.
You'llalsofindselectaccessories,Men's styles,andexceptionalblanketsinfine wool, alpaca and luxurious cashmereallatfactorydirectprices!
Bring home a piece of uncommonly crafted wool elegance made exclusively
here on the coast of Maine.
Pieusecomevisitouroutletstoreat 21MainSt.•Freeport (next to (loach and Harry 6; David)
Our advanced technology offers the broadest range of treatment options in the state of Maine. So, if you are nearsighted, farsighted or have an astigmatism you may be a candidateforLASIKLaserVision Correction at Maine Eye Center!
AMainenationalhistoriclandmarksite,formerhomeofGeneralNealDow,fatherof ;prohibition,abolitionist,championofhomeprotectionandwomen’srights. s The first floor is open to the public for tours. I 714 CONGRESS STREET ■ PORTLAND. ME 04102 • (207) 773-7773 | E-mail: • Website:
Everytableat Pier 77andinthemoreintimate Lighthouse function room has a spectacular view of Cape Porpoise Harbor. The more casual Ramp Bar & Grill isjuststepsawayfromtheworkinglobsterpier. Combine this Maine feeling with our chef/owner Peter Morency's creativemenu,andyouhavetheperfectplaceforimpromptudinners withfriendsoryourmostspecialoccasion.
Insulateyourwalletwithenergy savings.Betweenthepanesof glassisaspecialArgongas blendthatmaximizesyourneating andairconditioningdollars35%moreefficientinthewinter, 41% more in the summer.
MaineIslandTreasuresaffordsan opportunitytobringuniquegiftsof theseatoyourhomeorbusiness. Mosaicseashellscreens,wreaths, andoriginaldriftwoodcreations. MasterCard and Visa accepted.
'vealwayssaidIhaveMainein my blood. My paternal great¬ grandfather, William Lionel Williams, was a ship captain who is buried in Cherryfield and is mentioned in the Maine Maritime Museum. My parents metwhileundeigyaduatesatBates. My brother, David, founded Pine TreeLegalAssistanceinPortland,
Camden,Maine,hasbeenvisitedbyaking,aU.S.President,many fabledscreenstarsandsportsheroes,asupermodel,alegendaryTV anchorman, and a world renowned singer-songwriter...
In the Bedroom(2001),starringSissy Spacek,TomWilkinson,andMarisaTomei
1 The Cider House Rules(1999)fromthe JohnIrvingnovel,withMichaelCaine, iCharlizeTheron,TobeyMaguire Dark Harbor(1998)starringAlanRickman OCand Stiggs(1987),aRobertAltmanfilm starringDennisHopper,MartinMull,and 1JaneCurtin
। One Crazy Summer(1986)withJohn । Cusack and Demi Moore Lobsteroids(mid-1980s,neverreleased)is I setinPortlandandfeaturesBebeBuell
Plus three unnamed islands sold individually, two for $35,000 each and one for $59,900 FromAugusta,headeastonRoute105. Sevenmilesfromtherotaryontheleft-hand sideabridgewillriseintoview.Parkatthe publicparkingloton660-acreTogusPond. Boatouttowaidapairofislandsdefacedbyfor salesigns.Fisherman'sIsland,at3.75acres,is tlieoneontheright.Theoneontheleftis4.25 acresandisasyetunnamed.
"Ifyou'reanalbino, youtoooften become prey... In Boston Common or even Deering Oaks inPortlandI'mamazed at the number of aberrantcolor morphsofsquirrels."
CathyGenthnerisaregisteredMaineGuide andoutdoorwriter.Shecanbereachedat For information abouttheMaineStateAquariumvisit For informationaboutMaine'sFishHatcheriesvisit
Tarry-A-WhileResort & Restaurant
onHighlandLake since1897
Described as a “timeless treasure" and a place of “truetranquility"
Twentyfivehillsideacresonscenic HighlandLake,offeringaspectacular waterfrontandviewsofthelakeand mountains.Stayinoneofourfivehouse¬ keepingcottagesorinour1897,B&B MainHouse.Enjoytennis,bikes,and boatsforfree!Apublic18holegolf courseislocatedacrossthestreet.One hour from Portland, the "magic" of Tarry-A-While awaits you. .
Sincethestore's24/7open-doorpolicybeganin1951,it's closed only four times: the day of JFK's funeral in November 1963, the day of Leon Leonwood Bean's funeral in February •1967,andtwoSundaysin1962asaresultoflegislationin Maine-the store was allowed to reopen by a vote in a Freeport BjjFtownmeeting.
"Crosby,Stills,andNashcamethrougha few times. Mostly they bought apparel. SteveWinwoodboughtacollector'sknife. JohnTravoltahelicopteredintotheballfield around the comer to go Christmas shop¬
ping for his family" during the wee small hours,saysnightmanagerJeffLano.
The notorious mingle with the noted. David Penley, 38, laughs, "A college stu¬ dent,alittleheavierset,tookherclothesoff inthebathroomuphere,thenstreakedout thedoor."
Kim Filippone says, "Katharine Hepbum used to come through. Our staff loved helpingher."
Bourassa,44,acustodian,recalls,"Last year Michael McDonald, the R&B singer, came in with his family. They filled two shoppingcarts."
Filipponepointsoutthat,sinceBeanbe¬ gan staying open 24 hours a day, "we've hardlyclosed-thefirsttimewasthedayJFK
died. We had to get padlocks because we don'thavelocksonthedoors!"
For these keepers of the night, there's more than the long lonely hours and odd sleepingschedules.Missiglikestogooutin his boat after work, when most of us are gettingthekidsreadyforschoolandselect-
theoffice. inganoi
"I have a non-commercial lobster li¬ cense,"hesays."Mywife,Sherry,whoused tobeaflightattendantforTWA,hasacat-sit¬ tingbusiness."
fTheotherYarmouth-theoneinNovaScotia-justgotalotdosertoPortland withthenewscheduleofTheCATferryinfullswing.„ ma »,ann. Houston
Sleek,speedy,andsexy,TheCAT,ahigh¬ speedferrycarryingupto775passen¬ gersand240cars,nowoffersnonstop service from Portland to Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.WetalkedwithCaptainDavidDoucet, 42, about commanding this double-hulled marvel,hisloveofthesea...andkarate.
* How did you become the captain of The CAT? Well,theyneededaguythattheuniformfit.
No, really, my father was an engineer, and he took me to work for three or four days onashipwhenIwasaboutnine.Afterthat, I decided that's the way for me. I always knew what I wanted to do. I was a captain ofashipbymylatetwenties.
You start as a deck hand. You do so many years there, and then you go for your jun-
Well,Miami'saprettybigport;soareHalifax and Port Melbourne. We sail these things iorofficer[qualification].Youneedtoget sometimeonthebridgetogetthatposition. Then, you have to go for your chief mate, andfinally,mastermariner.That'sthecer¬ tificateIholdnow.
Uniqueandcolorfulaccessories,beltsandskirts.Chooseready-madeorvisitone of our stores to designjour own custom bag! Ask about our Girls Night Out!
* Two-Room Suite (Bedroom £ living Room) ’ Managers Cocktail Reception 5:30-7:30pm (drinksareonthehouse)
Shopping duty-free, relaxing withadrinkinthebar,and watching the change from U.S. to Canadian waters through panoramic windows
Americana DiscoverFolkArt11
Americana Workshop istheplacetoindulgein
your passion for antiques and folk art. Our showroom isfilledwithplentyofcustom-madefurniture,fresh antiquefurniturepiecesandallsortsofcountryand antiqueaccessoriesforyourhome,('raftsmanCynthia Hamilton has many cupboards, dressers, cottage pme bureaus,chairsandtrunks.
I isitour “NewFurnitureShowroom” upstairs... featuringindoorandoutdoorlighting,tables, cupboards,chairs,upholsteredfurnitureandmore.
Americana 11 orkshop is hosting the... *s > ?
August 12, 2006 • lOaiu-Gpm featuringthefollowingartisans... DavidC/aggell-Tinsmith Lynda/lenmgan-Sailors I alentine TunJumper■WoodCarvings StencilingRyMichele-hioorCloths (ynlhiaHamilton■l’'urnilureMaker MaryWorley - II eaver Commonhoikbarm-HerbalProdnets Jean Cokpdumn - Limner
TheHopfs■Paintdraining d 1•Scherenschniue lloberlMienTally-1toe-Dried I'/im 'erirrangemenls ReggieDelarni■HastKnollPottery SuzanneDickenson-HookedRugs DennisMatthews■Checkerboards Pa.eeSantonin-PennyRii^s
Nearbysitsa1920sHan¬ dy Chef's Auto Camp Stove,madetofitsnugly ontherunningboardofa ModelTFord.Insidea 1954ColemanCoolerisa squaremetallictinof "cannedice"calledanIceberger.Amidarowofun¬ usualheaterssitsagreen, stool-shapedSeaterHeater. "Justlightthewickandsit onittokeepwarmwhen you'reicefishingorduck hunting,"Portersays.
Amongthevisitorsogling Porter'sexhibitisLionelLib¬ erty,adrywallcontractor fromVienna,Maine.Hesays his family owned a farm wheretheVeteran'sCemetery isnowlocatedinAugusta, and he remembers taking alongaColemancoolerwhen hedidfarmchoreswithhis Dad.Hisfathersoldtheprop¬ ertywhen1-95camethrough it.ButPorter'scollection broughtbackfondmemoriesof hayinginthefieldsandcold drinksinthecooler. Anothervisitorwhostopsto chatisMarshallHubbard,a
Callforanappointmenttotourour stunningshowroomandstartdreaming! Master stone t railers at Morningstar Marble & Granite use Old Work! knowledge and 21st century technology to create countertops, canities, and other custom prod¬ ucts unequaled in their detail, finish and craftsmanship.
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AttheHiltonGardenInn®PortlandAirport,youIIfindjustabouteverythingyouneedforarelaxingstay.Likearestaurant, 24-hour convenience mart, cozy lounge, workout facility, heated indoor pool and whirlpool. Plus, each guestroom features complimentary high-speed Internet access, a microwave, refrigerator and coffeemaker. Conveniently located at Portland International Airport, just three miles from downtown and near the Maine Mall, the state s largest shopping center Everything. Right where you need it*
Forinformationonplanningoutingsorotherspecialeventsat Dunegrass,pleasecontactCelesteRealiat(207)934-4513 200 Wild Dunes Way Old Orchard Beach, ME 04064 (800)521-1029,(207)934-4513
When you return now, where do you stay? WhenIcomeback,Itrytomixworkwith pleasureandparlayitintoavacation.I'm stayingatthePortlandHarborHotelright now,butIalsoloveTheKennebunkport Inn,whichisfabulous.I'vestayedatPeak's Island,too.LastyearIspenttimeinParis andCastine.Ireallytrynotjusttovisit placesthathavehistorical,familialvalueto me,butalsotoexploreMainebecauseI thinkitisvastlyinterestingandtremen¬ douslybeautiful.
When you need something more urban... IloveWalter'sinPortland.Theyhavegreat ravioliandgreatgrilledshrimp,andyou can'tgowrongwiththemussels.And1have friendshere-oneofwhomisdecoupage artistScottPotter,whowasformerlyaballet dancer.WheneverI'mhere,Igettogotohis salonandtrytotalkhimintoadealsoIcan ownmoreofhiswork.AndyouknowI'm goingtovisitEugeniaO'BrienatthePortland SchoolofBallet.She'swhereIstarted.Infact, IstartedtheRowellFosterChildrenPositive
JohnO'Hurleywaspleasedtolearnfromusthat you'reaMainer.Didyouknow he wasfromhere? Ididnotknowthat.Huh.[Laughs]Well. So...Walter'sateight?■
Thesebeautifulwovenblankets soldnationallyinmail-ordercat¬ alogs and department stores throughout the country are now beingofferedtoyouatoutlet prices 50%-70% off retail!
Kczar Lake - acrylic on canvas by artist Varvara Harmon
Jodie Richards had never spun wool whensheboughtherfirstgoat."1wentto ayam-spinningdemonstrationatBlack LocustFarminWashington,Maine,and thought,"ThisissomethingIcoulddo.'
"Wemostlyhavebadgergoats,white andblackwithacashmereundercoat.Our new kids were bom at the beginning of April.We'llsellsomeandkeepsome.This yearI'vealreadysoldthreebabiestoMos¬ quitoIsland,tobeusedforfiber.Girlgoats sellfor$150andboysfor$100."
Anthony's Italian Kitchen, 151 Middle Street,lowerlevel,Portland.Voted"Best inPortland"threeyearsinarow.Pizza, pasta, and sandwiches. All homemade recipesincludinglasagna,chicken parmesan, eggplant parmesan, meatballs, andItaliansausages.Noitemover$10. Beerandwine.FridayandSaturdaynight liveBroadwayreviewincludessix-course dinnerandbottleofwinefor$35/pp. Cateringavailable.*774-8668.
Artemisia Cafe, 61 PleasantStreet, Portland.DineintheheartofPortland'sart communityatArtemisia,namedfor17thcenturypainterArtemisiaGentileschi,first woman member of Florence's Academy of Design.Eclecticinformalfareincludesthe TuscanGrill,adelectableconcoctionof grilled portobello mushroom, house-made pesto,roastedredpeppers,andterrificgoat cheeseongrilledTuscanbread.BrunchSatSun;lunchM-F;dinnerTh-Sat.761-0135
The Audubon RoomattheInnbythe SeaonRoute77inCapeElizabeth. Breathtakingoceanviews&culinary masterpieceswithfreshlocalproduce, nativeseafoodspecialties,&exceptional handmadebreads&desserts.Patiodining &off-premisecateringavailable.Breakfast, lunch&dinnerdaily.767-0888.
Cafe Stroudwaterhas been an award¬ winninglocalfavoriteformanyyears.Chef PaulL'Heureuxfeaturesdeliciouslocal cuisineusinglocalproductsbasedonthe season.Foratrulyuniqueexperience, reservea"Chef'sTable"whereyouandyour guestwillbeseatedrightinthekitchen whiletheChefpreparesyoursix-course meal accompanied by select wines. * 1050 WestbrookStreetintheEmbassySuites, Portland.775-0032.
Caiola's Restaurant,nestledinto Portland'sWestEndat58PineStreet,is trulyaneighborhoodspot.Featuring Europeancountrycuisinewithaninnovative menu that changes daily. Chef Abby Harmon cooks up dishes such as Calamari
Eve's At The Garden,468ForeSt., Portland,promisesauniqueexperienceand afreshlocalapproachtofood.ChefJeff Landryandhisteamutilizeproductsfrom Maine'scoastalwatersandfarms,suchas jumbodiver-harvestedscallops,Maineraisedorganicpork,linecaughtAtlantic halibut,free-rangechicken,andfreshMaine lobsterpreparedseveraldifferentways. Freevaletparking.Lunch11:30am-2pm, Dinner 5:30 pm-9:30 pm. 523-2040. Flatbread Company,votedPortland's "BestNewRestaurant"isservingaward winningallnaturalflatbreadpizza,baked inawood-firedearthenoven.Relaxand enjoytheshowastheFlatbreadcrew prepares,bakes,andservesyourflatbread fromanopenkitchen,placedinthemiddle ofthediningroom.LocatedintheOldPort overlookingtheCascoBayFerrydock. Open every day at 11:30. 772-8777
Great Lost Bear,540ForestAvenueinthe WoodfordsareaofPortland.Afullbarwith over50draughtbeers,predominantlyfrom local micro-breweries, an enormous menu withsoups,salads,sandwiches,steaks,a largevegetarianselection,thebestnachos &buffalowingsintown.Discoverwhere
thenativesgowhenthey'rerestless!Every day 11:30 am-11:30 pm. 772-0300.
Jameson Tavern,withacasualbar,lounge &diningroom.Thebuildingisthesiteof thesigningoftheconstitutionforthestate of Maine when it broke away from Massa¬ chusetts.Classicpreparationsservedina graceful&elegantsettingmakethisafine retreatfromfrenziedoutletshopping.115 MainSt.,Freeport.*865-4196.
Lotus Chinese and Japanese Restaurant,.251 US Rt. 1 Falmouth, Maine (FalmouthShoppingPlaza).Wefeaturefull¬ servicebarandloungearea,sushibar,Chi¬ nesetraditionalfoodnotavailableoutside ofBoston,friendlyatmosphereand courteousservice.781-3453.
O'Naturalsservesnaturalandorganic flatbreadsandwiches,tossedsalads, Asiannoodles,soups,andkids'meals. Quickservice,butourleathercouches, wirelessinternet,andcomfortableatmos¬ pherewillenticeyoutostay.Flatbread pizzaafter4pmandpestochicken, roastbeef,wildbisonmeatloaf,wild Alaskan salmon, and many vegetarian items,somethingforeveryone.Portland 321-2050 and Falmouth 781-8889.
Oriental Table, 106ExchangeStreetin Portland'sOldPort.VotedPortland'sBest ChineseRestaurant2004,"****"-Portland Press-Herald. The menu sparkles with Szechuan Chicken, Orange Shrimp, Pork withGingerScallions,"lighterside"menu, Crab Rangoon, Scallion Pan Cake, Egg and SpringRolls,andsoups.Dailyluncheon specialsanddinner.Enticingmixtureof addictingspicesandfreshingredientsis enhanced by snazzy take-out containers.
Parker's Restaurant,locatedatAllen's Corner,Portland.Parker'scelebratesits 15thyearasoneofNorthDeering'stop restaurants.Ourfreshseafoodandhand¬ cutsteaksareatraditionhandeddown fromF.ParkerReidy's,ourparentrestaurant. Steak and seafood combinations are among Parker's more popular choices. Soups,salads,andsandwichesarealways available.Ampleparking.Servingfrom 1130amuntil10pm.Reservations welcome. 878-3339.
The Pepperclubisaprize-winning restaurant("BestVegetarian"&"BestValue" inFrommer's Guide to New England) with creativeworldcuisine.Blackboardmenu listsfivevegetarian,threefish,&threemeat entrees,includinganorganicbeefburger. Relaxed,affordablediningontheedgeof theOldPortw/freeparking.Opennightly at5pm.78MiddleStreet.772-0531.
SeaGrass Bistro,30ForestFallsDrive, Yarmouth, an intimate 40-seat dining room withanopenkitchen.ChefStephanie's styleofAmericanBistroCuisine,withAsian, French,andTuscaninfluences,withfresh localingredients.Amongstherregulars,she isknownforherflexibilityofmenu requests. Menu changes frequently. Open Tue-Satfordinner.*846.3885
ThaiTaste,435 Cottage Road, South PortlandJustminutesfromPortlandand theonlyThaifoodonthewaytoPortland Headlight.Withafour-starratinginthe Maine Sunday Telegram andvoted"Best EthnicRestaurant,"ThaiTasteoffersthe finestThaicuisinearoundwithfreshpoultry, seafood,andvegetables.767-3599.
20MilkStreet,inthePortlandRegency Hotel,isproudtobetheonlyrestaurantin steaks. We combine award winning classic AmericanCuisinewithfinewinesand beveragesinawarmandrelaxing atmosphere. Regency Crab Cakes, 24 oz. PorterhouseSteak,RoastRackofLamb, Baked Stuffed Halibut and homemade desserts.Dinnersevennightsaweek,also servingbreakfastandlunch.774-4200. ComplimentaryValetParking.
WebeganwithFoieGrasTorchon($12). Featherlylight,thetorchon'smuskyflavor blended beautifully with a semi-sweet peachchutney,pleasantlysharpfrisee,and superbagedbalsamic.
toes,theessenceofthatverysharpcheese: delightfullytangy.Evenbetter-ifindeedthe divinecanbetrumped-weretheamazing vegetables,avisualdelight.Moreimpor¬ tant,theytastedfreshoutofaneighbor'sgar¬ den.Exquisitegoldenbeets;crisp,tinycarrot halvesstilltoppedwithavibrantbitof green;andsucculentgrilledasparagus worked wondrously with both our main entrees.
My Honey-Hazelnut-Encrusted Lamb ($32)—eighttantalizingribs-wassuperbin itsred-winerosemary'demiglace.Tire accompanyingpotatoandvegetables,the samearray'asmypartner's,wereequally wonderfulwiththelamb.
Abbe Museum, Bar Harbor. Devoted to fur¬ thering the understanding and appreciation of Maine Native American cultures, history, and archaeology through exhibitions, programs, and research. 288-3519 or
Acadia National Park Museum, Bar Harbor. Historical treasures include elegant chandeliers from the old Islesford Hotel that came down in 1914; Revolutionary War-era dueling pistols; ship models; a document signed by King Louis XIII, who took the throne in 1610; and a hoard of 20,000 insects collected by the heir to the Procter and Gamble fortune. The William Otis Sawtelle collection contains items related to New France including 400-year-old nails, and bricks and pottery shards from the attempted settlement of St. Croix Island. 288-3338.
Art Gallery at UNE, Westbrook College Campus, University of New England, 716 Stevens Avenue, Portland. Murad Sayen and Denise Froehlich continue to July 2, Sculpture Garden Invitational June 16-October 3, Jason Berger July 13-September 10, 221-4499 or
Atrium Arts Gallery, University of Southern Maine, Lewiston-Auburn College, Lewiston. "Forest," group show of sculpture, photographs, prints, fiber art, and poetry inspired by the forest, to July 7.
Aucocisco Gallery, 615A Congress Street, Portland. Michael Lewis to July, followed by Susan Shatter, opening on First Friday Art Walk, July 7. Works by Bernard Langlais in August. 775-2222 or
Barn Gallery, Shore Road and Bourne Lane, Ogunquit. Ogunquit Art Association Summer Exhibitions:"BlackisBlack"toJune24;"Regional Artists: An Open Juried Show" June 28 to July 30; Art Auction Preview August 2-4; "Maine Direc¬ tions" August 9-September 4; "Printmaking" September 7-October 1.878-0346.
Bates College Museum of Art, Lewiston. "Cryptozoology: Out of Time Place Scale" continues to October. 786-6158.
Center for Maine Contemporary Art, 162 Russell Avenue, Rockport. "Skowhegan at 60,” "David Driskell: Paintings and Prints 19962006," and "Ron Leax: Recent Drawings and Small Sculptures" to July 23. 236-2875 or
Children's Museum of Maine, 142 Free Street, Portland. Imagination Station; Preschool Play;Sign,Say,andPlayClass;StageStories; Cultural Creations; Cool Science; Big Messy Art: Papermaking; Bake and Take; and Little Kids' Morning Out. 828-1234 or
The Chocolate Church Arts Center, 798 Washington Street, Bath. The Center continues its Sunday Art Salon Lecture Series. 443-8455 or
Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville. The Alex Katz Collection and the John Marin Collection. "The Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture: 60 Years" July 22 to October 29. 872-3228 or
The Clown, 123 Middle Street, Portland. Jeffrey Bye to June 30, Martha Burkert and Kristin Malin July 6-29, Invitational Abstract Show August 3-26. 756-7399 or
Eric Hopkins Gallery, North Haven Island. Web space, online archive, and artist studio. 867-2229 or
Farnsworth Museum of Art, Main Street, Rockland. "Made in America: Approaching Abstraction" to June 11; James Wyeth to June 4; Jamien Morehouse to August 15; N.C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, and James Wyeth to October 15; Charles Hewitt July 2-October 15. 596-6457 or
Fore Street Gallery, 372 Fore Street, Port¬ land. Gallery Group Show with Paul Black, Sylvia Dyer, Carlton Plummer, and others. 874-8084 or
Frost Gully Gallery, 1159 U.S. Route 1, Free¬ port. Twenty Maine artists including Thomas Crotty, Stephen Etnier, Laurence Sisson, Dahlov Ipcar, Janet C. Manyan. 865-4505 or
Galeyrie, 240 U.S. Route 1, Falmouth. Jan Pieter van Voorst van Beest + 20 other artists to June 30. 781 -3555 or
Gleason Fine Art, 31 Townsend Avenue, Boothbay Harbor. Gallery artists Andrea Peters, Helen St. Clair, Genetta McLean, Don Meserve, Kevin Beers, Scott Kelley, Jonathan Hotz, Peter Sculthorpe, Carole Hanson, Fraas/Slade, Cabot Lyford, Carol Jessen, and Tom McCobb, and the debut of Clarence Kerr Chatterton: An Artist's Artist to July 4; Amme-Emmaneuele Marpeau and Kevin Beers open with a reception July 7 continuing to August 1; Sculpture for the Garden July 23-Labor Day; Andrea Peters and Christine Peters Hamilton August 4-September 5; Don Justin Meserve and Sott Kelley Septem¬ ber 7-October 10. 633-6849.
Greenhut Gallery, 146 Middle Street, Portland. Alec Richardson through July; Charles DuBack July 6-29, with a gallery talk July 22; Maurice Freedman August 3-September 2. 772-2693, or
Institute of Contemporary Art at Maine CollegeofArt, 522 Congress Street, Portland. "From Baja to Bar Harbor: Transnational Contemporary Art" to July 30. 775-3052 or
Jameson Gallery, 305 Commercial Street, Portland. "Good Things in Small Packages" to
June 24; "Our Maine Landscape" June 26-July 29. 772-5522 or
June Fitzpatrick Gallery, 112 High Street and 522 Congress Street, Portland. June: Lois Dodd at High Street, Helen Gamble at Congress Street. July: William Thon at both galleries. 772-1961 or
Leighton Gallery, Parker Point Road, Blue Hill. Ragna Bruno, Julie Freund, Richard Keen, Mon¬ ica Kelly, Lynn Wessel June 25-July 20; Don Hanson, Bill Irvine, Jacque Rochester, Cynthia Stroud, Laura Von Rosk July 23-August 17. 3745001
Lincoln County Historical Association, Federal Street, Wiscasset. Founded in 1954 by local artist Mildred Burrage to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of Lincoln County, including the preservation and restoration of the Pownalborough Courthouse (Route 128 in Dresden, off Route 27) and the Old Jail in Wiscasset. 882-6817 or
Local 188 Gallery and Tapas Bar, 188 State Street, Portland. Kyle Durrie, Pat Corrigan, Jen¬ nifer Gardiner, Garry Bowcott. 761-7909. MacLeod-Woodman Gallery, 35 Western Avenue, Lower Village, Kennebunk. Carol MacLeod, Mary Woodman. 251-1228 or
Maine Historical Society Museum, 489 Congress Street, Portland. A City Awakes: The Arts and Artists of Early 19th Century Portland June 24-December 31. 774-1822 or
Maine Maritime Museum, 243 Washington Street, Bath. "A Shipyard in Maine: Percy & Small and the Great Schooners," "Lobstering & the Maine Coast," "A Maritime History of Maine," "Distant Lands of Palm and Spice: Maine Ships and Mariners in Deepwater Commerce," "Watermen of Merrymeeting Bay." 443-1316 or
Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad & Mu¬ seum, 58 Fore Street, Portland. Featuring the only Maine two-foot gauge parlor car, built in 1901 for the Sandy River and Rangeley Lakes Railroad, and the Pondicherry and Mt. Pleasant, two coaches built for the Bridgton & Saco River Railroad in the early 1880s. 828-0814.
Maine State Museum, 87 State House Sta¬ tion, Augusta. "12,000 Years in Maine," "This Land Called Maine," "Maine Bounty: Woods, Sea, and Granite," "Made in Maine," "Struggle for Identity," "Reflections of Maine." 287-2304 or
The Maine Women Writers Collection, Westbrook College Campus, University of New England, Stevens Avenue, Portland. Fourth in¬ ternational conference on Charlotte Perkins Gilman June 15-18. Collection of literary, cul¬ tural, and social history sources by and about women authors open to the public by appoint-
merit. With more than 4,000 volumes on more than 500 Maine woman writers, the collection includes correspondence, photographs, per¬ sonal papers, manuscripts, typescripts, artifacts, and audiorecordings providing insight into the lives and writing of both well-known and ob¬ scure Maine women authors. 797-7688, ext. 4324.
Matthew Museum of Maine Heritage, Union. Merrill Lewis, resident of the New England Moxie Congress, presents the tale of the Moxie Bottle Stand June 23 at the Union Fairgrounds, off the Common Road.
Museum of African Culture, 122 Spring Street,Portland."SpiritsofIgboTribe"con¬ tinues. Celebrating the lives and beliefs of SubSaharan African people with a collection of African art and artifacts and a celebration of diversity. Drumming and chanting on any First Friday Artwalk from 5 to 8. 871 -7188 or
Ogunquit Museum of American Art, 543 Shore Road, Ogunquit. 139th Annual American Watercolor Society International Juried Exhibit July 1-August 21. The Figure in American Paint¬ ing and Drawing, 1985-2005 August 27October 31. 646-4909 or
Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum, Hubbard Hall, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Collection includes fur clothing, snowshoes, pickaxes, knives, guns, and sledge Robert E. Peary took to the North Pole, and Eskimo pots, lamps, ivory and soapstone carvings, hunting weapons, clothing, and skin kayak from Donald B. Mac¬ Millan's arctic explorations. 725-3062
Penobscot Marine Museum, 5 Church Street, Searsport. Preservation, documentation, and exhibition of the history of Penobscot Bay and the maritime history of Maine. The col¬ lectionincludesfurnishings,artifacts,ship models, paintings, photographs, China Trade art, and small craft, the largest display of works by father and son Thomas and James Buttersworth, and marine paintings by Stubbs, Sal¬ mon, Jacobsen, Cozzens, Waldron, Yorke, and Heard. 548-2529 or
Portland Museum of Art, 7 Congress Square, Portland. "Form and Design in Glass and Ceramics" continues, William B. Post to August 27, Frederic Edwin Church, to September 10, "Paris and the Countryside: Modern Life in Late 19th-Century France" opens June 23. 773-ARTS, (800) 639-4067or
Portland Harbor Museum, Fort Road, SMCC campus, South Portland. Tour of Peaks Island Military Reservation June 29, Bradley Peniston lectureJuly11,tourofFortGorgesJuly16,Josh¬ ua Smith lecture July 19, Rep. Herbert Adams lecture August 17, Boiling W. Smith lecture Sep¬ tember 10, Joel W. Eastman lecture October 8,
7-ATA/ Ages 5-7^7 June
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SPONSORS: Acad BarridoH Galleries,C
ILynch,Nelson&Si IBiddefordSavinp<Xj
Westbrook College Campus, . UniversityofNewEngland 716StevensAvenue,Portland
Jeremy D'Entremont lecture November 12. 7996337 or
Saco Museum, 371 Main Street, Saco. John Brewster, Jr., continues. The museum houses the Scammman Jug, a Westerwald jug bearing a medallion of King William III first owned by Humphrey Scamman (1640-1727) of Saco; the Walcott/Johnson camera, the first daguerreo¬ type portrait camera in the United States, built in 1840; an 850-foot long Panorama of Pil¬ grim's Progress, painted in New York in 1851. 283-3861.
SaltGallery, 110 Exchange Street, Portland. Spring Student Show to July 22. 761 -0660 or
Seashore Trolley Museum, Log Cabin Road, Kennebunkport. Operated by the New England Electric Railway Historical Society since 1939 and home to the National Collection of Historic American Streetcars. 967-2712
Tate House, 1270 Westbrook Street, Portland. This 1755 clapboard house was residence of Captain George Tate, senior mast agent for the BritishRoyalNavy,andfeaturesaclerestoryinthe gambrel roof and 18th-century herb garden overlooking the Stroudwater River. 774-9781.
University of Maine Museum of Art, 40 Harlow Street, Bangor. Permanent collection celebrates Maine art and artists including Bere¬ nice Abbot, Marsden Hartley, Winslow Homer, Carl Sprinchorn, Andrew Wyeth. 561-3350.
Whitney Art Works, 45 York Street. Portland. Stephen Burt, Denise Fasanello, Geoffrey Leven, Jenny Feder to June 10, Scott Davis June 14-July 15. 780-0700.
Wiscasset Bay Gallery, 67 Main Street, Wis¬ casset. "The Return of Primavera: A Celebration of Spring" to July 5. 882-7682.
The Wyeth Center, at the Farnsworth Mu¬ seum, 16 Museum Street, Rockland. N.C Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, James Wyeth through October 15. 596-6457 or
Zero Station, Anderson Street, Portland. "Zero Dortfolio"atwebsiteandinflat-filesatthe gallery. 347-7000
Bates College Dance Festival 2006, Bates College, Lewiston. Tania Isaac Dance Projects July 15, Robert Moses KIN July 21-22, Speakin' Out: Lectures/Demonstration with Bamuthi July 25, Global Exchange Panel July 27, Marc Barnuthi Joseph presenting "Scourge" July 28-29, Musician's Concert August 1, Faculty Gala August 5, Moving in the Moment August 8, Different Voices August 10-11, Festival Finale August 12.
PortlandBallet, at the John Ford Theater,
Artists’ Reception: Saturday, June 3, 5-8
Artists: Peter Asselyn ° Sarah Bartlett
Jen Blackstone ‘ Cheryl Boykin Bryant
Richard Garrigus « George Hughes
Lissa Hunter ’ Anne Lively » Bessie Moulton
Olga Pastuchiv “ Pat Plourde»Verner Reed
Estelle Roberge - Steve Sunenblick
Jan ter Weele°Sharon Townshend
Andrea van Voorst van Beest
Jane Woodworth Rotondi c Ed Zelinsky
Portland High School. "Portland Dances!" August 18-19. Teen and adult drop-in classes all summer with free sessions offered July 1924, summer ballet camp (tuition) July 17-28, USM Musical Theatre Dance Academy for high-school aged students at Russell Hall July 10-15. 722-9671
Saco River Grange Hall, 29 Salmon Falls Road, Bar Mills. The Highland Soles, dance and music rooted in the traditions of Scotland and Cape Breton, June 10. 929-6472
Arundel Barn Playhouse, 53 Old Post Road, Arundel. ILoveaPiano:TheMusicOfIrving Berlin June 13-July 1; ByeByeBirdie July 5-22; 42ndStreet plays July 25-August 12; Moon OverBuffalo August 15-September 2. 9855552 or
Belfast Maskers, Belfast. Thornton Wilder's TheSkinOfOurTeeth June 8-25; Tintypes July 27-August 6; MaskMenagerie August 18-20. 338-9668 or
Camden Opera House, 29 Elm Street, Cam¬ den. You'reAGoodMan,CharlieBrown! June 30-July 9. 236-7963 or
Children's Theatre of Maine, 317 Marginal Way, Portland. Madeline'sRescue July 5-August 5. 828-0617 or
Community Little Theatre of LewistonAuburn, Great Falls School, Auburn. Jerry Herman's Mame August 11 -20. 783-0958 or
Criterion Theatre, 35 Cottage Street, Bar Harbor. All-StarMagicalRevue July4, Cosifan Tutte July 22. 288-3441 or
Deertrees Theatre and Cultural Centre, Harrison. Reny’s,TheMusical June 21-25; Rick Charette July 5, The Maine Hysterical Society July 6, Jackson Gillman July 12, Tim Sample July 13, Bob Marley July 20, Fred Garbo's Inflatable Theatre Company July 28, Jonathan Edwards July 29. Theatre Festival runs August 10-11,1718, 24-26, and August 31 -September 2. 5836747 or
Freeport Community Players, South Freeport. WhoPushedHumptyDumpty? June 30-July9. ManOfLaMancha August 11 -20. 865-2220 or
Gaslight Theater, Hallowell. The June production is Neil Simon's Jake'sWomen; PlayingForTime follows in August. 626-3698 or
Hackmatack Playhouse, Route 9, Berwick. Ida'sHavingaYardSale June 16-17; Joseph andtheAmazingTechnicolorDreamcoat June 22-July 8; Oliver! July 12-29; TheMaine-iac
August 2-12; TheSecretGarden August 16-26; TheOldMaidandtheThief September 1-2. 698-1807 or
Lakewood Theater, Skowhegan. HouseOf theSevenGables June 8-17; A LittleQuickie June 22-July 1; OverMyDeadBody July6-15; MixedNuts July 20-29, CalamityJane August 3-12; Sarah,PlainandTall August 17-26; Stand ByYourMan August 31 -September 9; Monkey Soup September 14-23. 474-7176 or
Lyric Music Theater, 176 Sawyer Street, South Portland. Picnic June 15-24. 799-1421, 799-6509 or
Maine State Music Theatre, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. SouthPacific to June 24, BeautyandtheBeast June 28-July 15, Elton John and Tim Rice's Aida July 19-August 5, The FullMonty August 9-26. 725-8769 or
Ogunquit Playhouse John Lane's Ogunquit Playhouse, Rt. 1, Ogunquit. Beehive June 19July8; Hello,Dollyl starringSallyStruthersJuly 10-22; Cabaret July 24-August 5; Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella August 7-26; Meno¬ pause,TheMusical August 28-September 16. 646-2402 or
Opera House At Boothbay Harbor, Boothbay Harbor. John Eddie July 2. 635-5159 or
Players'Ring, 105 Marcy Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. GhostsofOceanHouse by Michael Kimball, from the 2006 Playwriting Competition, May 19-June 4. (603) 436-8123 or
Portland Opera Repertory Theatre, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. Year Of Mozart with PORTopera's production of DonGiovanni July 27 and 29. 879-7678 or
Portland Players, Cottage Road, South Port¬ land. 2006-7 season opens with LittleShopof Horrors September 8-24. 799-7337 or
Portland Stage Company, 25A Forest Avenue, Portland. 2006-7 season opens with OvertheTavern September 26-October 22. 774-04 65 or
The Public Theatre, Lisbon and Maple Streets, Lewiston. 2006-7 season opens with TheNerd October 22-29. 382-3200 or
Sanford Maine Stage Company, 1HillTop Lane,Springvale. RunForYourWife June 9-24, Cabaret July 28-August 19. 324-969, or
Schoolhouse Arts Center, Route 114, Sebago Lake Village. PeterPan July 2-23. 6423743 or
St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress Street,Portland. AroundTheWorldIn80 Minutes June 22-24. 775-5568 or
Broads)' Summer 2006
Saturday Kid’s Korner Disney’s 101Dalmatians— July 8 Disney’s TheJungleBook— July 29 Snow White— August 5 TheEmperor'sNewClothes— August 26 BoxOffice:207.646.5511•
Stage at Spring Point, Southern Maine Community College campus, South Portland. Open-air production of As YouLikeIt July1229. 828-0128 or
Theater At Monmouth, Route 132, Monmouth. Performances are held in the beautiful Cumston Hall, listed on the National Register of Historic Buildings. The Shakespear¬ ean Theater of Maine presents, in rotating repertory, July 10-August 26, TheTempest,The Fantasticks,Charley'sAunt,Rumpelstiltskin, Othello, and TheLion,TheWitchandthe Wardrobe. 933-2952 or
Bar Harbor Music Festival, Bar Harbor. Events include Opening Night July 2, Tea Concert July 9, "Pops" Concert July 16, Cosifan Tutte July 22, Jazz Night July 23, Acadia National Park Outdoor Concert July 26, Festival Gala July 30. 288-5744 or
Bates College 2004 Lakeside Concert Series, Florence Keigwin Amphitheater, or Olin Concert Hall, Lewiston. Accordion Warrior Gary Sredzienski July 14; Jeff Warner and Bruce MacIntyre July 21; Paul Farrell and the Silver Tones July 28; One World Music Ensemble August 4; Ireland Reclaimed, plus Brendan Taaffe with Matt and Shannon Heaton August 11. Performances are at the Florence Keigwin Amphitheater overlooking Lake Andrews, behind the Olin Arts Center. 786-6400.
Bay Chamber Concerts Summer Music Festival, Rockport Opera House, Rockport, and The Strand Theatre, Rockland. Events include Annie Antonocos June 29, Sol y Canto July 5, Vermeer Quartet July 13, David Leisner July 19, Kirsten Johnson July 20, In Search of Mozart July 25, St. Lawrence String Quartet July 27, Stephen Prutsman August 2, Frederick Jodry August 9, Rian de Waal August 16, James Campbell August 17, Roberto Diza and Philadelphia Orchestra August 24, Turtle Island String Quartet August 30, Gala Benefit with Marvin Hamlisch September 24. 236-2823 or
Bowdoin College International Music Festival, Brunswick. Since 1964, the festival has presented gifted music students and world-class faculty. More than 50 concerts scheduled between June 24 and August 4, including pianist Martin Perry July 19, Mozart weekend July 21-23. 373-1400 or
City of Portland Summer in the Parks Concerts, Portland. Tuesday night concerts at Deering Oaks include Jerks of Grass July 11, Chameleons Jazz Quartet July 18, Audio Logic
July 25, The Guv'nors August 1, ENCORE! August 8, Sean Mencher August 15. 756-8275 or
Colby College, Lorimer Chapel, Waterville. 31 st Anniversary of The Portland String Quartet Workshop July 31-August 12; formal concerts of chamber music August 2 and 9. 872-3386 or
Cumberland County Civic Center, Portland. Nine Inch Nails June 21, Nickelback July 11, James Taylor August 24. 775-3458, 775-3331 or or
Friends of the Kotzschmar Memorial Organ, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. Ray Cornils, Portland Municipal Organist, June 13; Felix Hell June 20; Amy Johansen June 27; Walt Strony July 6; Daneil Zarestsky July 11; Maurice Clerc July 18; Hans Heilscher August 1; Rob Richards Family Film Night August 8; Massimo Nosetti August 15; Michael Kleinschmidt August 22; Thomas Heywood August 29. 4439700 or
L/AArts, "Summer Concert Series: Music in the Parks" Tuesdays at Auburn's Festival Plaza, and Thursdays in Lewiston's Courthouse Plaza. 782-7228, (800) 639-2919
Peaks Island Music Association, Fifth Maine, 45 Seashore Avenue, Peaks Island. Summer Concert Series July 5 and19, August 2 and 16. 766-5763.
Portland Chamber Music Festival, Ludcke Auditorium, University of New England, 716 Stevens Avenue, Portland. August 17-26. (800) 320-0257 or
Portland Conservatory of Music, Portland Museum of Art, Portland. International Piano Festival, June 21-30. Guitar Camp July 10-21. Woodwind Camp July 24-28. Summer Strings August 11, Rock'n'Roll Camp August 14-25. 775-3356 or
PortOpera, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. Now in its 11th season, the company performs Mozart's DonGiovanni July 27 and 29. 8420800 or
Portland String Quartet, Woodfords Con¬ gregational Church, Portland. The PSQ will be performing in The Maine Festival of American Music: Its Roots and Traditions from June 21 to 24 in New Gloucester, 30th anniversary of the Portland String Quartet Workshop at Colby College July 31-August 12. 761-1522 or or
Portland Symphony Orchestra, Merrill Auditorium, Portland. Independence Pops in Old Orchard Beach's Pavilion June 29, in Cape Elizabeth's Fort Williams Park July 1, at Shawnee Peak in Bridgton July 2. 842-0800 or
Saltwater Music Festival, Thomas Point Beach, Brunswick. Second annual Saltwater
Music Festival, an outdoor event with a diverse lineup of roots music performers including Rory Block, Solas, Chris Smither, and Johnny Hiland, at Thomas Point Beach July 31. 873-2663 or
St. Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress Street, Portland. Don Campbell June 17, Dave Rowe June 30, Good Theater's Edges July3-7, Sol y Canto July 8, Divine Magees July 28. 7755568 or
HistoricHouse Museums
Baxter Museum, 67 South Street, Gorham, housed in the 1831 birthplace of James Phin¬ ney Baxter, mayor of Portland, governor of Maine, and philanthropist. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays in July and August (or by appoint¬ ment), the museum displays Baxter family items and memorabilia, articles, paintings, and artifacts relating to Gorham history and the Civil War. 839-5031.
Castle Tucker, Lee Street at High Street, Wiscasset. Built on the top of a hill overlooking the Sheepscot River, Castle Tucker presents a vivid record of Wiscasset history. Judge Silas Lee built his Federal-style mansion in 1807. Captain Richard Tucker, scion of a Wiscasset shipping family, updated the property in 1858, adding the dramatic two-story porch to the front. After Tucker's death, his daughter and her niece preserved the house and contents. It appears now much as it did in the late 19th century. Open through October 15, Wednesday through Sunday. 436-3205.
Dead River Area Historical Society, 172 Main Street, Stratton, contains memorabilia from native families, displays of old carpentry and logging tools, china, glass, a complete schoolroom, a memorial room to the lost towns of Dead River and Flagstaff. Open through Labor Day. 246-2271
Francis W. Peabody Research Library, 165 State Street, Portland, was started by Land¬ marks Advisory Service, a volunteer group that offers technical advice on historic buildings. It houses an extensive collection of preservation books, periodicals, and files. Open MondayFriday except holidays. 774-5561.
Hamilton House, 40 Vaughan's Lane, South Berwick, built in 1785 and restored by Mrs. Emily Tyson and her stepdaughter, Elise, in 1898. Influenced by the writings of their neigh¬ bor and friend, Sarah Orne Jewett, they dec¬ orated with a mixture of antiques, painted murals, and country furnishings. The grounds include a garden overlooking the Salmon Falls River. 384-2454
Joshua L. Chamberlain Museum, 226 Maine Street, in the Civil War hero's partially restored 1820s home, expanded vertically in
Don't miss... Our new exhibit, We Are Maine Learn about the connections that Maine families have to places around the world; share your own family story, and experience games and traditions from around the globe! Dailyeventscalendar availableonline.
1871. Five rooms contain exhibits on Chamber¬ lain'scareerasacollegeprofessor,asoldier,a four-term Maine governor, and president of Bowdoin College. Open Tuesday-Friday through September. 729-6606.
Marrett House, Route 25, Standish, is a late Georgian house (1789) that reflects the archi¬ tecture, furnishings, and family heirlooms over the 150 years it remained in the Marrett family. The grounds include an extensive herb and perennial garden. Marrett Apple Fest is a celebration of autumn and the Marrett family's historical connection to apples and orchards. Cider pressing demonstrations, apple bobbing, hay bale maze, pumpkin decorating, with free tours of the house included. House tours Saturday-Sunday through October 15. 642-3032.
Neal Dow Memorial, 714 Congress Street, Portland, was the lifelong home of General Neal Dow, two-time mayor of Portland and an active Prohibitionist, abolitionist, and advocate of prison reform and women's rights. Built in 1829, the late Federal-style mansion features furnishings of varied periods original to the house, paintings, ornamental ironwork, and memorabilia of Dow's military and political careers. Now administered by the Maine Wom¬ en's Christian Temperance Union, the house is open Monday-Friday year-round for guided tours with no admission charge. 773-7773. Nickels-Sortwell House, Main Street and Federal Street, Route 1, Wiscasset. Federal-style mansion built in 1807 by ship owner and trader William Nickels features Colonial Revival fur¬ nishings and a three-story elliptical stairway topped with a skylight. Tours Wednesday-Sun¬ day. 882-6218.
Peary's Eagle Island, Casco Bay, Harpsweli, is the site of the summer home and library of Admiral Robert E. Peary, first man to reach the North Pole. Island trails, beachcombing, and seal-watching. Bring your own boat, or call Eagle Island Tours in Portland (774-6498) or Atlantic Seal Cruises in South Freeport (8656112). June 15 through Labor Day. 846-1254.
Pejepscot Museum, 158 Park Row, Bruns¬ wick, local history drawn from a collection of about 50,000 artifacts and over 20,000 local photographs. Tuesday-Saturday. 729-6606.
Sarah Orne Jewett House, 5 Portland Street, South Berwick. Maine writer Jewett spent most of her life in this stately Georgian residence owned by her family since 1819, furnished with 18th-century antiques and modern furniture influenced by the Arts and Crafts movement. The view from her desk provided material for her books. Tours Wednesday-Sunday through October 15. 436-3205 or 384-2454.
Skolfield-Whittier House, 161 Park Row, Brunswick, is a 17-room time capsule with Victorian furnishings, decorations, and fixtures, as well as numerous items from sea captain
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Alfred Skolfield's voyages to Europe and Asia and from the years he spent in England. Open Tuesday-Friday through September. 729-6606.
Tate House, 1270 Westbrook Street, Portland. This 1755 clapboard house was the residence of Captain George Tate, senior mast agent for the British Royal Navy, with an unusual clere¬ story in the gambrel roof and 18th-century herb garden overlooking the Stroudwater River. 774-9781.
Victoria Mansion (Morse-Libby House), 109 Danforth Street, Portland. Historic house and collection of the High Victorian period, built in 1858-1860 for New Orleans hotelier Ruggles Morse. The interiors, coordinated by New York designer Gustave Herter, include original furni¬ ture,stainedglass,gaslightingfixtures,porce¬ lain, and textiles. Tours Tuesday-Sunday, and group tours by reservation. 772-4841.
Wadsworth-Longfellow House, 487 Con¬ gress Street, Portland, childhood home of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with original fittingsandfurnishingsthatillustratefamilylife from the days of the American Revolution to the Victorian era. Admission includes guided tour of the house, orientation film on Long¬ fellow's career, and entrance to the Maine History Gallery next door. Open daily for guided tours through October 31. 879-042727.
Allspeed Bicycle and Ski, Portland.
Back Bay Bicycle, Portland.
Cape Able Bike Shop, Kennebunkport.
Equest, Spring Creek Farm, Lyman. Friday Kids Camp July and August; 8th Annual Cowboy Ball August 19 with county barbeque, dancing to the Sean Mencher Combo, silent auction;
5 on
Equest Student Horse Show September 16. 985-0374 or
Friends of Casco Bay, 2 Fort Road, South Portland. Field trips, workshops, meeting, auction. 799-8574 or
Georgetown Celebration of the Arts, Seguinland Road, Georgetown. July 23 at the Mooring Bed and Breakfast. 371-2152 or
Maine Audubon, 20 Gisland Farm Road, Falmouth. Naturalizing by Kayak in Penobscot Bay June 24, Birds of Stratton Island June 27, Sunset Puffin Cruise from New Harbor July 6, Birding Downeast Maine from Bangor July 710, Whales and Seabirds of the Gulf of Maine from Bar Harbor July 15. 781 -2330 or
Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad & Museum, 58 Fore Street, Portland. Train rides along Casco Bay, tours of historic museum with 2-foot cars, cabooses, and artifacts. Trains on the hour 11 -4. Museum opens at 10 am. 8280814 or
Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance, 318 Glickman Family Library, University of Southern Maine, 314 Forest Ave, Portland.
"Writers Read" is scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month at the Portland location. MWPA offers workshops in fiction, poetry,creativenonfiction,children'sliterature, and publishing. 386-1400 or
Osher Map and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, 314 Forest Avenue, Portland. Original maps, atlases, geographies, and globes from 1475 to the present. 20,000 maps, as separate sheets or bound in 1,500 rare books and atlases. 780-4850 or
Portland Pottery and Metalsmithing Studio, 118 Washington Avenue, Portland. Pottery, jewelry-making, sculpture and other classes and workshops, summer sidewalk show and sale, annual sale of innovative and creative pottery and jewelry work at Maine Audubon in Falmouth in October. 772-4334
PortlandTrails, One India Street, Portland. Board meeting July 19,10K Trail to Ale run/walk on the Eastern Prom Trail and Back Cove September 17. 775-2411
University of Southern Maine South¬ worth Planetarium, 96 Falmouth Street,
Portland. Fires in the Sky, Journey Into the Living Cell, Mars Quest, Moon Witch, Our Place in Space, Seeing the Invisible Universe, Zubenel Genubi's Magical Sky, and other shows. 7804749 or
Western Maine Gem, Mineral, and Jewelry Festival, Crescent Park School, Bethel. Museum-quality displays, specimens, guided field trips, and mineral swap. Sponsored by Oxford County Mineral & Gem Association July 8-9. 743-8729 or -CompiledbyDianeHudson
Spectacular WATERFRONT Estate property near Blue Hill village with a Ct STOM DESIGNED 1.200+ sq. foot LOG home per¬ fectly situated on 1~ Acres of fields overlook¬ ing 2.600 feet of .SHOREFRONT on the picturesque SALE POND. This home has an OPEN floor plan with cathedral ceilings. I It’GE STONE fireplace. Gourmet kitchen, three bedroom suites all with baths, decks and designed with attention to the finest details and quality. Property contains a private POIN T of land with a seasonal CO'ITAGE perched on the water's edge. A unique offering for family gatherings and entertaining complete with a float¬ ing DOCK to launch your kayak or small boat $2,300,000
Sited majestically on 1+ acre bluff alxne l -2+ feet of rocky coast deep water frontage on Frenchman Bay is this immaculate custom contemporary home on three levels. Tile X wood floors (some teak), superb redwood trim throughout, wood stores. 2 bedrooms, 2 12 baths (one with redw<x>d shower). European fixtures, lots of glass for passive solar healing X private apartment on ocean level. Charming separate building w ith electric, phone X wood stor e for a great workshop studio. Two car garage. Beautiful mature landscaping. VIEWS'! West facing between Ironbound Island X Jordan Island straight across the famous sailing waters of Frenchman Bay to Bar Itarlxir X the Mountains of Acadia in the distance!. Fantastic Sunsets! A very special property only minutes from Acadia National Park's Schoodic Point, the coastal village of Winter Harbor, the yacht club X golf course. $~25.()0()
Long Island - Oceanfront
Approximately 3-5-1 acres of pristine island forest w ith large spruce X- pine mixed with w hite birch X oak trees. 300 feet ol rugged bold deep-water shore¬ front on majestic Blue Hill Bay. Small cliffs X rocky ledges at the water's edge provide excellent mooring opportunities and an ideal location for a private dock. The majority (95%+) of Long Island is under the stewardship of Acadia National Park, making this property a rare and desirable find. $325,000
Year-round Colonial Home
Classic Colonial, circa 1839 with intown location within easy walking distance to center of charming seacoast village w ith many fine shops, restaurants, award-winning library. hospital X town park at Harbor's edge. Meticulously restored, 15 rooms, i baths, several fireplaces, many original details still in place. Several rooms have skylights. Large 1.25 acre lot with plenty of room for gardens, pets. etc. Seasonal views of Blue Hill Mountain. Perfect opportunity for a large family or residence business or rental income (good record). Superb location and quality property. $699,000
Arrowhead Lodge on sparkling Long Lake offers year-round lakeside living in Naples, Maine, and is within 50 minutes of coastal Portland and within 45 minutes of Sunday River ski area and North Conway, NH. This gracious home has been restored carefully and lovingly to maintain its original warmth and casual elegance. Within the past few years, utilities have been completely renovated, and the heating and air conditioning have been designed specifically to meet the needs of main¬ taining comfortable lakeside living.
Three working fireplaces in the living room, dining room and master suite offer warmth with quiet intimacy. The kitchen's and butler's pantries have been restored magnificently to provide the finest cooking area as well as a charming, cozy gathering spot for family and friends. Both the fullsized attic and basement add plentiful storage areas to the home's 13 rooms and offer play space for children who may wish to ride tricycles on a rainy day.
In rain or shine, the delightful porch offers a welcome respite and gathering spot for family entertainment. Delightful gardens, cascading waterfalls and timeless stonewalls have been lovingly maintained, and the gardens carefully irrigated with a state of the art water system. A floating dock-mooring system accommodates a boat for three seasons and offers yet another delightful spot for friends to congregate. A 1.3-acre grass circle beckons for croquet!
With a 9-acre family wood lot adjacent to the grass circle, firewood is easily accessible. Perhaps this is the place for your tennis court, tree house or country bam!
This truly unique ocean front cottage was the inspira¬ tion for the movie The Whales of August, features include 1.43 acre parcel with breathtaking views of Casco Bay, ox er 400 ft of ocean frontage and private oceanside lix ing. Virtual tour at
Pownal, Maine $679,000
This impeccable 4 bedroom farmhouse style home was constructed in 2001 by renowned builder Garv Lapointe. Set on 44+ acres to take full advantage of the sun and picturesque landscape, this stunning home offers manv features, including a gourmet kitchen with Hickory cabinets, interior Oak woodwork and doors, sun room, 3-car garage, underground utilities and energy eficiencv. Add a bam and vou have a remarkable horse property, or simple enjov the priva¬ cy, space and wildlife. This over 4000 square foot home can also accommodate independent in-law living arrangement. Virtual tour at
Please feel free to call me about these or any of my listings. bi addition if you are buying or selling a home I would be happy to discuss my sendees and answer any real estate questions you may have. I also have many useful tools on my tvebsite, including a free property search feature.
This 4 bedroom home is an artful blend of traditional and contemporary' design and detailing, situated on high ground overlooking a pond, meadow and woods and just 25 minutes from Portland. This newlv constructed home is ox er 3000 Square feet and has 2.5 baths and a first floor master bedroom with large master bath. Sunny southern exposure with 1300 sq. ft. terrace bordered by stonewall and landscaped beds. Interior features a 16' x 40' Great Room combin¬ ingstateoftheartkitchenwith14'ceilingandbuiltin granite dining area, as well as the family room with 9' ceilings. A walk-out basement is partially finishedhas endless possibilities. Quiet, peaceful, country liv¬ ing. Virtual tour at
Bay View Two-Bedroom Home Builtin1920,sunnyroomsand location,two-baygarage,almosttwoacreswithlargemeadow, maturehardwood.AquietnorthIslesborogem.$230,000
Chebeague Island-The Essence of Maine CoastalLiving-Rarefind,2.7acredeepwaterlot withmooringarea,rollingmeadowwithpanoramic, breathtakingviewsofCascoBayfromHarpswellto HopeIsland350+/-'feetofspectacularocean frontagewithsandybeach.Enjoysunriseandsun¬ sethues.Surroundyourselfwiththecoastof Maine. $695,000 Anne Bosworth 321-5266
Yarmouth - Spectacular views of Casco Bay and theislandsbeyond.Stairstoasandybeachand momentstototalrelaxation.Thisistheperfect spottobuildthewaterfronthomeofyourdreams. TwolotsavailableOfferedat$895,000and $795,000.00
Penobscot Bay. Spacious four bedroom residence builtin2001includesagourmetkitchen,master bedroom suite, sunroom overlooking the pond, a screened porch and hardwood floors There
apartment on the 2nd level and a 2-stall
overthebaytotheCamdenHills.Closeto(hevillageandharborAperfectyearroundresi¬ dence or seasonal retreat $1,675,000
Douglas W. Endicott Agency
21 Main Street • Castine, Maine 04421 207-326-8741 ■
Embden Pond - Also on the shore of Embden Pond we have a 1Bitwithvenlargeloft.200ftof frontage on 1+- acre. Grand view from home and large deck. Dock svstem. new appliances. 5339,900
Formoreinfoaboutstagingyourhometosell.sisitusonlineat: www. my
Directions From Auburn: TraveloutWashingtonAvenuetowardsAuburnturnpikeentrance.TakearightontoEastHardscrabbleRoad. ColonialRidgeislocatedontheleftsideofthestreetatthetopofthehill.
_lyss then 1/2 mile from the Maine Turnpike Exit 75, Auburn
DAMARISCOTIA - What a spot! 'teararound1bedroomwaterfront home.Sweepingviews,well&•sep¬ tic.fullfoundation,HWBBheat, massivelivingroomw/atriumsto deck,pinefloors,fullbath,fantastic location.SetinsideDikePemacpiid Campground.S299,500
Helping Buyers and Sellers throughout Midcoast Maine!
Theseexclusiveski-in/ski-out homes above the SuperQuad* at Sugarloafputthebestskiingin NewEnglandatyourfrontdoor. Don'tmissthischancetobeinthe skihomeyou'vealwaysdreamedof intimeforplentyofgreatskiing.
A3-storyluxurycondominiumjust250ft.fromthewater'sedge. Upperandlowerdecks.Approximately3,000sq.ft.+/-, 4bedrooms,3baths,master-bedroomsuite.Comemake v final plans. Starting price $549,000 Y 310-FtDock/PierforOwnersandGuests.Mooringspermitted.•J S.
Anoutstanding4-bedroomyear-roundluxuryoceanfront home just 75' from the ocean’s edge. $749,000. ; An oceanview, 2,200 sq. ft +/- living space, ,4-bedroomyear-roundhome,$285,500. .'SS
Convenient In-City Location - A few blocks ; from a large regional hospital and city park. Short f walking distance to markets, shops, restaurants, ’5 and downtown waterfront. Minutes to golf course < and tennis courts. Guest moorings available. Visit * usbyboatorbycaroffRoute1.
Our relocation/referral affiliation is Leading Real Estate Companies of the World. Formerly known as Relo, it is the largest network of independent real estate firms with 650 members representing 4,700 offices in the U.S. and in 24 countries worldwide.
The flagship luxury program of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World is Luxury Portfolio Fine Property Collection. The organization includes properties listed at $750,000 and above. Town & Shore Associates is proud to be an affiliate and to display our luxury properties at
Seated Left to Right:
Dianne Maskewitz, Tish Whipple, Chris Jackson
Bob Knecht, Cindy Landrigan, Sandy Johnson, Gail Landry, Rowan Morse, Susan Lamb, Mark Fortier, Edie Boothby, Steve Parkhurst, Deborah Kroot
It becomes obvious from the moment you drive onto this beau¬ tiful property. Location and quality define this spectacular cus¬ tom-built multi-level log home with its soaring ceilings, stone fireplaces, radiant heat, professional kitchen, exercise complex, hot tub, three-car heated garage, and so much more. This is the home for the discerning buyer looking for a four-season lodge in the mountains of Maine just minutes from the Sunday River Ski Resort & Golf Club, national forests, and a myriad of other areaamenitiesandactivities.Callfordetails.
Serving the Harpswell Rea! Estate Market for Over 26 Years With Over 125 Years of Combined Sales Experience
GREATISLAND- This Waterfront 3BR log home has had many improvements, including a gas Jotul fireplace, hardwood floors, newly shingled roof, plus more. Features include an attached 2car garage, water view deck & 230, of private water frontage w/ ramp & float. Enjoy this quiet, pri¬ vate setting with superb views of the ocean and numerous islands. $695,000
BAILEYISLAND- Waterview Cape featur¬ ing 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, brick fireplace, sunroom w/vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors and a full basement. Enjoy Easterly waterviews from the deck and 1st & 2nd floors. Close to all island amenities including boat launches and beaches. Spectacular Sunrises! All of this located on .9 acres in a very quiet neighborhood. 5495,000
ORR’SISLAND- This Classic ShingleStyle Cottage is located in a very pri¬ vate location and offers you sweeping views of Lowell's Cove and out to open ocean. Features include Stone fire¬ place, water view deck, crashing surf, year-round conversion potential. This property is a desired rental. 5795,000
HARPSWELL NECK - Ash Point * Classic 1863 vintage New England style water¬ front home located in a village setting. Enjoy water views into Ash Cove from every room. Features include 4 bed¬ rooms, 2 baths, attached 2-car garage, full basement, water view deck, 126, of private water frontage with a pebble beach. S519,000
BAILEYISLAND- Classic Island Cape situated on 1/2 +/- acre with open ocean frontage on eastern Casco Bay and west¬ erly water views into Mackerel Cove. Features include 3 bed¬ rooms, attached garage, oil heat, and full basement. All this in a village setting within walking distance to beaches, boat launch, general store and post office. Spectacular Sunrises and sunsets! 5590,000
Peter P. Thornton Mulkerin Associates Real Estate (20~) "9J-019S www.pelcrthornton.coin E-mail: pthornti/
tures. Extensive improvements, new kitchen w/granite. high ceilings, wood floors,trompe1'oeilpaintings,fireplace, master w/bath and an upper level cupola offering city views! $549,000
Mountains beyond. Ilie private 19±-acre setting has over 6(X) ft. of water frontage w/a substantial dock w/ fxxitlift, mature forest, exquisite gaalens and grass lawns. 'Ilie 6-bcdnx>m.6-bath residence with '.(XX>± sq.ft.oflivingspaceisjx-rfcctlorentertainingorinti¬ mate family gatherings. Ijocated within -i() minutes of
Harpstrell, Maine
Ideally located in the Cisco Bay region, this shinglestylecottageoffersviewsofpassingboatsand(.listant islands. 'Ibc 1.75± acres of land Ills 3(X>±ft.ofwater frontage and a deepwater pier to access the bay's boating and fishing activities. Completed in 2(X)5.the 3-bcdnx)m resilience features an o|X*n x>r plan.cov¬ ered jxirchcs and a stone terrace. 'Ilie amenities of
Inland's International Jetport I’ortland are 45 minutes away. $2,800,000
John Saint-Amour 207-874-6160
John Saint-Amour 207-8"4-6160
Cape Elizabeth, Maine
This John Calvin Stevens-designed Maine cot¬ tage offers 35O± feet of bold ocean frontage with breathtaking panoramic views at the entrance of Portland Harbor, features include a spacious living room with fireplace, dining room, five bedrooms, detached two-car garage, deeded access to nearby sand beach, and a pro-
teeled mooring.
Falmouth Foreside, Maine THE WELLEN HOUSE in a private seaside neighborhcxxl with
12()± led of ocean frontage and just steps to the I’ortland Yacht Club. 'Hie property is surrounded with mature trees, lush gardens and sweeping views of the yacht basin and islands of Casco Bav Includes three bedrooms. two and one-half baths, sunroom, three-bay garage, and a summerhouse at
Private 10±-acrc estate with panoramic views of Sebago Lake and the White Mountains. Spectacular S^O-foot sand beach with a 60-foot stone pier and boathouse. Property features a shingled residence of 6.T00± square feet, six bedrooms, and five and one-half baths, three-bed¬ room guest cottage, extensive gardens, and wonme walls $3,200,000 John Saint-Amour 207-874-6160
Naples, Maine
Incited the waters edge. S I.65O.OOO riding arena and stables.
William IL Davisson 207-228-0r0
This year-round log home on 6± acres offers 35O± ft. of lake frontage, dock, and beach. 'Ilie proper¬ ty is surrounded by i()± acres of protected land with easterly views. Offers four bedrooms, living room, and exposed hand scribed logs. The eques¬ trian compound includes a garage with office/studio, guest cottage, and heated barn with indoor
William Davisson 207-228-0170 Karen N. Reiche 207-874-6152 of late 19th ccnturv America. $1,480,000
iarmouth. Mame GUNN COVE
d on l.7± acres with 25()± feet of ocean frontage including a dock, mooring, and beach. Expansive easterly views from most rooms within the 5,000±-square-fooi resi¬ dence with formal living room, tavern, master suite with private deck, and two additional bedrooms. Also features a three-car garage and a new post and beam barn $2,950,000
Karen N. Reiche 207-874-6152
Portland. Maine
Located in Portland s historic W estern Promenade neighborhood. The 1893 Colonial Revival facade, Romanesque portico entry and the commanding corner position create a visual architectural pres¬ ence. Architecturally intact, eclectic and inviting, this exceptional property references the elegance
Vaughan W. Pratt2O‘"-8‘,-i-6156
William Davisson 207-228 01 r0
Falmouth Foreside, Maine FORESIDE ESTATE
Magnificent 3-2±-acrc estate with 36O± ft. of ocean frontage on Casco Bay. Includes main residence, office eomplex/boat storage, guest house with two guest suites, and guest cottage at waters edge. Residence features six bedrooms,gourmet kitchen, master suite w/ his and her baths, and indoor pool. Other highlights include deepwater dock, tennis
courts.and fresh water ponds. $5,900,000 Karen .V. Reiche 207-87 i-6152
ForfreeinformationorSI2NDHPlanB<x>kwriteorcall: New Dimension Homes, Inc. 244HinckleyRoad•Clinton,Maine04927' Tel(207)426-7450•Fax207-426-8837 Mon-Fri8-4«Sat10-4»SunbyAppt»Closedholidayweekends LocatedinClintonMaine,Exit138off1-95!
Kimball Court is changing the landscape of downtown Portland. This former retail space is being completely transformed to meet the 21st century. When finished, Kimball Court will boast 23 loft¬ style condominiums. This property remindsusallthatPortandreally is a port. There is water, water everywhere around this historic city center. The upper lofts here atKimballCourtwillfacePortland HarbortotheeastandtheBackBay tothewest.
KimballCourtisabsolutelyinthe center of town. Monument Square with its open-air Farmers Market and the indoor Portland Public Market are both just steps away from your door here. Maine native Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's home,MaineHistoricalSocietyand thePublicLibraryareacrossthe street.TheMaineCollegeofArtand Portland's famous Art Museum are justdownthestreet.TheOldPort sectionoftownisacoupleblocks away,too.So,everywhereyouturn itiseasytoenjoyallthatPortland hastooffer.
KimballCourtamenitiesinclude: hardwood floors, high ceilings, wideopenspaces,floor-to-ceiling windows, skylights, a central courtyard,airconditioning,elevator access, storage and, of course, convenient,nearbyparking.
Prices range from $199,000 to $683,000
To see the full set of artist’s renderingsoftheprojectandviews of the neighborhood, see the Web
Newcastle Square Really Associates z\ Tradition of Excellence. A Reputation for Results
Lowell-PrivatelakesidelivingononeofMaines clearestspringfedlakes.Cozy&charming3BR, 2BA home with cathedral ceilings, tile & hdwd floors,jacuzzibathw/masterbedroom,field¬ stonefireplace,screenedinporchlakesidew/ 257' water frontage $399,027 MLS#754228 Call Deb or email ST. CROIX CAMPS
Unitsrangeinsizefrom1,300sq.ft,to 3,100 sq.ft, and feature sleek contem¬ poraryinteriors,vaultedceilings, and an abundance of natural light, urban and water views as well as on-site parking, elevator and air conditioning.
Anne Weigel
GM121 SEBASTICOOKLAKE: lakeside living just a few miles from town! Contemporary year-round lakefront home on 9 acres with 300' of frontage on SebasticoOk lake. Privacy without isolation, and on easy commute to Bangor. $465,000. (all George Macleod at 1-207-944-8771.
JTI36 “BOLDCOAST" This new offering has 12.6 acres and 1,150' of spectacular share frontage with dramatic crashing surf. A 3 bedroom, 2 both log lodge with a deck that offers views forever) $1,200,000. Contact James Trimble at 207-947-1507.
JT140 CASTINEWATERFRONTMANSION: This 1890 s "summer cot¬ tage" sits directly on Costine Harbor, with sweeping views of Camden Hills & Islesboro. With IS bdrms, 14 baths, guest cottage and 190* dock. Commercial possibilities. $4,450,000. James Trimble at 207-947-1507.
GM134 BEAUTIFULLYRESTOREDANTIQUECAPE: 2 hrs from Boston between coastal Portland & White Mtns. Tastefully updated by award¬ winning designer. Sunroom, gourmet kit, 2 trout ponds, miles of riding trails on 115 wooded acres. $1,495,000. George Macleod 207-944-8771.
JT132 HORSESHOELAKE: This 500 acre lakefront parcel features a beautiful forested peninsula offering 180-degree lake and mountain views with eastern exposure. Only four cottages occupy this secluded lake. 1.5 hrs from Bangor. $695,000. Call James Trimble at 207-947-1507
SCI 24 BLACKCATPOINT: Magnificent 19 acre peninsula in the heart of northern Maine. With over 3300 feet of lake frontage, in largely a con¬ servation area, perfect estate or lodging parcel. Deed restricted sur¬ roundings, road in place. $600,000. Scott D. Christopher 207-947-7841.
JT137 THELODGEATMOOSEHEADLAKE: Bated Four Diamond by AAA. This 1917 lodge, found in mint condition with excellent books, offers spectacular 50 mile views and sunsets. A money maker with room for expansion. $2,395,000. James Trimble at 207-947-1507.
GM135 HISTORIC1804FEDERAL: Quaint limerick village accessible to both Portland and North Conway. 10 fireplaces, attached born, private parking lot. Perfect B&B'or professional offices. $499,000. George Mocleod 207-944-8771.
JLIOO STOCKTONSPRINGSOCEANFRONT: This 10 room home fea¬ tures 5 bedrooms and 2.5 baths with hard wood floors throughout. Enjoy sweeping ocean views, small pebble & sand beach and access to your own mooring. $789,000. Joshua Ledwith ot 207-230-1003.
■DMI4IJONESPORTOCEAN&LAKEFRONT: Beautiful old world charm S' formhouse with many renovations and updates. 5/6 bedrooms, 2 baths, | slate hearth fireplace, workshop/garage, over 600 ft. sand beach. I $875,000. Contact Dan Martinson ot 207-598-7799.
PVT 10 CAMDENAREAWATERFRONTFARM: 13+ acre family com¬ pound that sits on Lermond Pond with 200 feet of frontage. The 3-4 bed¬ room main house was built in 2000 and offers guest quarters for family and friends. $720,000. Call Peter van der
Kieft at 207-230-1003.
Rick Moody is the author of Garden State,TheIce Storm,TheRingof BrightestAngels AroundHeaven, PurpleAmerica, Demonology,The BlackVeil, and The Diviners. He was born in New York City in 1961. Following his studies at Brown University and the MFA program at Columbia University, Moody worked at Simon & Schuster and Farrar, Straus & Giroux. His short fiction has appeared in TheNewYorker,Esquire, ParisReview,TheAtlantic,TheVillage Voice,GrandStreet,Details,TheNew YorkTimes, and Harper's.He has won the Pushcart Press Editors' Book Award, the Addison Metcalf Award, the PEN/Martha Albrand Award for the Art of the Memoir, an Aga Khan Prize, and a Guggenheim fellowship. He lives in New York.
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