Portland Monthly Magazine December 1986

Page 1


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Movers And Shakers: A W oman Of Substance — The Life And Times Of Guy Gannett Publisher Jean Gannett Hawley. By Marcia Feller.


The Waterfront: 40 & 50 Portland Pier Slips By, Magnificently. By Michael Bergstein.


Style: Down(east) And Out Of Beverly Hills — Maine As Home And Second Home To Hollywood And Broadway. By John Bidwell.


Commercial Real Estate: The Seamen’s Club Empire Expands. By Marcia Feller.


On The Town: Performing Arts And Entertainment Listings. By Michael Hughes.




Restaurant Review: Christopher’s Greek Restaurant. By George Benington.


Video Reviews. By Henry Paper.


Through The Looking Glass. A Report On Shoplifting In Portland. By Margarete C. Schnauck.


Motor Vehicle Break-Ins! An Increasing Problem. By Margarete C. Schnauck.


Fiction: The Southern School For Yankee Writers. By Fred Bonnie.



Drawings By Mike Moore Interview:

Jean Gannett Hawley


December, 1986Volume1.1^0*1.<


The Seamen’s Club Empire Expands



December, 1986 Volume 1, No. 8 $1.95

Jf A? .....

Cover Photo copyright 1986 by Cliff and Barbara Kucine, Images. Location: Harbor Fish. Fisherman: D ana Neuts. D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6




P u b lish e r S en io r E d ito r E d ito ria l A ssistan t A d v ertisin g D irecto r A d v ertisin g

A lm ost 100 years ago, Portland w asn’t really m uch different th an it is today: People could get magnificently upset, and the E astern A rgus could write about it, in-between ads for unbelievably effective celery tonics from Kentucky. Yes, som etim es we P ortlanders can polish our m echanism against progress so beautifully that we can see our faces in it! I should know. I’m a P ortlander w ho’s shopped at Z ay re’s for years! N ow adays, though, if a couple of bril­ liant young developers w ere to com e to this city with m agnificent plans for a new Union Station, we w ouldn’t h av e to worry th at som eday it would be torn down by careless future generations. W e ’d do the right thing, by golly. W e’d never let ’em build the eyesore in the first place.

N a n c y D. S a rg e n t C olin S a rg e n t M a rg a re te C . S c h n a u ck B obbi L. G o o d m a n C indy B ax ter T o m L en n o x

A d v ertisin g A ssistan t C ircu latio n C om position

S u s a n E. F o rtu n e J o h n Bidwell L & L K ern T y p e settin g

C o n trib u tin g E d ito rs O n T h e Tow n M o v ers & S h a k e rs R e s ta u ra n t R eview s F lash

M ich ael H u g h e s M a rc ia Feller G eo rg e B en in g to n M arjo rie Mills

C o m m e rc ial & R esi­ dential R ea l E sta te T h e A rts T h e W a te rfro n t Style A t L a rg e T h e a tre

R ich ard B en n ett Ju ris U b a n s M ich ael B ergstein M ad elin e M cT u rc k K endall M erriam Fritzi C o h en

Portland M onthly is published by Portland Monthly, Inc., 154 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101. All cor­ respondence should be addressed to 154 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101. A d vertisin g Office: 154 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101 (207) 775-4339. Subscriptions: In the U.S. and Canada, $18 for 1 year, $30 for 2 years, $36 for 3 years.

he structure is . . . m assive.” “ Im m ense . . . with m am ­ m oth” plates of glass. A n “elaborate building with an imposing ex­ terior,” 3 1 0 feet long, 2 stories high, ris­ ing to a peak of 138 f e e t. . . I blink my eyes. People are furious about the “m am ­ m oth” building being built in the wrong place, with its unfam iliar-to-Portland but nationally trendy N orm an arch itectu re. .. I’m talking about the proposed new Long W harf project, right? G otcha. T h e y ear is 1 8 8 8 , Ju n e 2 5 th to be exact, and P ortlanders are heating up the old m icrofiche in the L ibrary’s P ortland Room in storm y reaction to the m uch ballyhooed arrival of U nion Station, on the corner of C ongress and St. Jo h n Streets. Y es, even the sainted Union Station w as new and controversial once!

All irony aside, the P o rtlan d Room is a fun w ay to put yourself into a 19th cen­ tury swoon. A n energetic staff will help you lose whole afternoons at a tim e while you roam along India Street, past the G rand T runk Railroad, take a trolley to Union Station, and ride a ski train to N orth C onw ay so th at you can hit the slopes before com ing hom e to dinner. H ope to see you there.

D e c e m b e r 1 9 8 6 , V ol. 1, N o . 8 , co p y rig h t 1 9 8 6 by P o rtla n d M o n th ly . A ll rights re serv ed . A p p licatio n to m ail to sec o n d -c la ss ra te s p en d in g a t P o rtlan d , M E 0 4 1 0 1 . (IS S N : 0 8 8 7 -5 3 4 0 ) O pinions expressed in articles a re th o se of au th o rs an d do not rep resen t editorial positions of P o rtla n d M o n th ly . L etters to the e ditor a re w elco m e a n d will b e tre a te d a s u n c o n ­ ditionally a ssig n e d for p ublication a n d copyright p u rp o se s an d as subject to P o rtla n d M o n th ly ’s u n re stric te d right to edit an d c o m m e n t editorially. N o thing in this issue m a y be rep rin ted in w hole o r in p a rt w ithout w ritten perm issio n from the publishers. P o stm a ste r: S e n d a d d re ss c h an g e s to: 1 5 4 M iddle

' r e e t • P o rtla n d '

S treet, P o rtla n d , M ain e 0 4 1 0 1 . R etu rn p o stag e

Everyone says it’s fun to shop at our store because we have a great selection of quality toys at reasonable prices.

m u st a c c o m p a n y all m a n u sc rip ts an d p h o to g ra p h s su b m itte d if th e y a re to be retu rn ed , a n d no re sp o n ­ sibility c an b e a ssu m e d for unsolicited m aterials.



HOURS 9:30-9 Mon-Sat (2 0 7 ) 7 7 2 - 9 6 8 1

12-5 Sunday

O N THE TO W N Deadline for listings is six w eeks in advance of publica­ tion date. Please send m aterials to Michael Hughes, Listings Editor, P ortland M onthly, 154 Middle St., Port­ land, Maine 04101. Please include date, time, place, co n ta ct person, telep h o n e num ber, co st and a descrip­ tion of your event. If you have any questions, p lease call Portland M onthly at 775-4339.

P ia n ists J a m e s W . M cC alla a n d M a tth e w A . Iw anow icz. M cC alla is a visiting assistant professor of M usic at Bow doin, and Iw anow icz is an ‘8 6 alum ni. Co-sponsored by the M useum of A rt. W alk er A rt Building, Bowdoin College cam pus, Brunswick. Sunday, D ecem ber 7, 3 p.m. 72 5 -3 2 5 3 . U SM W in d E n s e m b le a n d U SM C o n c e rt B a n d at C or­ thell Concert H all, G orham cam pus, University of Southern M aine. S unday, D ecem ber 7, 3 p.m . $ 3 / $ l . 7 8 0 -5 2 5 6 . T h e C horal A rt Society, un d er the direction of Robert Russell, perform s H an d el’s M essiah with orchestra and soloists. This season the Choral A rt Society celebrates its fifteenth season. T h e Society is com posed of singers who are am ateur only in the original sense of the word am ateur, ‘from the h eart,’ and the professional caliber of their perfor­ m ances is unm atched in the region. T h e CA S recently received a grant from the N ational Endow m ent for the A rts, one of thirty choruses nationally and one of only two in northern New England to be so honored. Portland City Hall Auditorium. Sunday, D ecem ber 7, 3 p.m. $ 1 4 /$ 1 0 /$ 8 /$ 4 . 7 9 9 -7 9 9 7 . T h e P o rtla n d E x p e rim e n ta l M u sic C o llectiv e, for those of us with a firm grasp of the obvious, is a group of Portlandbased m usicians who, collectively, perform experimental music. T h e ater of F an tasy , 5 0 D anforth S t., Portland. S unday, D ecem ber 7, 7 :3 0 p.m. $4. 7 7 5 -5 9 5 7 . Bowdoin College Chorale, under the direction of conductor G erald F. M cG ee. Bowdoin College C hapel, Bowdoin College cam ­ pus, Brunswick. M onday, D ecem ber 8, 8 p.m. 7 2 5 -3 2 5 3 .

M U S IC D ie W in te r r e is e , an evening of S chubert’s song cycle with University of Southern M aine faculty m em bers Bruce Fithian, tenor, and Ronald Cole, piano. Corthell Concert H all, G orham cam pus, University of Southern M aine. M onday, D ecem ber 1, 8 p.m. $ 3 / $ l . 78 0 -5 2 5 6 . U SM Ja z z E n s e m b le , led by director Bill Street. Corthell C oncert H all, G orham cam pus, U niversity of Southern M aine. T u esday, D ecem ber 2, 8 p.m. Free. 7 8 0 -5 2 5 6 . V io lin ists D an ie l a n d T o d d P h illip s with pianist Charles A bram ovic. T h e fraternal duo returns for an encore to their highly acclaim ed perform ance of last year. Presented by the Portland C ham ber M usic Society. T uesday, D ecem ber 2, 8 p.m. at the E leanor Lukcke A uditorium , W estbrook Col­ lege, 7 1 6 Stevens A venue, Portland. $ 1 0 . 7 9 7 -7 2 6 1 . P ia n is t M ayo T su zu k i, winner of the Portland Sym phony O rch estra/B ookland Piano Competition, debuts with the P o r tla n d S y m p h o n y O rc h e s tra . T h e program includes works by W eber, Y uasa, H aydn and T chaikovsky. P ort­ land City H all A uditorium . T u e sd a y , D ecem ber 2, and W ednesday, Decem ber 3, 7:45 p.m . $7 to $ 1 8 . 77 3 -8 1 9 1 . A n E liz a b e th a n C h ristm a s F e a s t, featuring a m adrigal dinner with wassail bowl, song, music, a boar’s head, lively servers, a jester and the obligatory bloody flaming pudding. W oodfords Congregational Church, 2 0 2 W oodford Street, P ortland. T hursday and Friday, D ecem ber 4 and 5 at 7 p.m. $ 1 9 .5 0 . R eservations required. 78 0 -5 2 5 6 . Bowdoin College O rchestra perform s the works of T ch ai­ kovsky, Rossini and Ives. Pickard T heater, M em orial Hall, Bowdoin College cam pus, Brunswick. T hursday, D ecem ber 4 . 8 p.m . 7 2 5 -3 2 5 3 . V e s p e r S e rv ic e s w ith th e B o w d o in C o lleg e C h a m b e r C h o ir. Conducted by Robert K. G reenlee, assistant profes­ sor of music. Bowdoin College Chapel, Bowdoin College, B runswick. Friday, D ecem ber 5, 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. 7 2 5 -3 2 5 3 . P ia n is t J o s e F eg h ali, a V an Cliburn Gold M edal W inner, performs as part of the Portland Concert A ssociation’s G reat Perform ers series. A native of Brazil, M r. Feghali’s w ork has garnered m uch critical and popular acclaim. P ort­ land City H all A uditorium . Friday, D ecem ber 5, 8 p.m. $ 7 /$ l 1/$ 1 5 /$ 18. 7 7 2 -8 6 3 0 . C h ristm a s C o n c e rt by th e M e d d ie b e m s te rs , Bowdoin’s all m ale answ er to the Four Freshm en. T he M eddiebem sters will be joined by special guest perform ers. Pickard T heater, M em orial Hall, Bowdoin College cam pus, Brunswick. S at­ urday, D ecem ber 6, 8 p.m . 7 2 5-3253.

Q u e e n Id a a n d th e B on T e m p s Z y d e co B an d . T he Z ydeco Q ueen an d her ragin’ C ajuns return to the U niver­ sity of S outhern M aine with swam p music without a filter. Q u een Ida m ay be the first fem ale b andleader in the tradi­ tionally m ale bastion of the Louisiana m usical gum bo known as Zydeco, but her soul, spirit and outrageous stage presence place her in the long dark line of great fem ale blues artists. Zydeco is one of the g reat southern hybrids, a com bination of traditional C ajun music, with its waltzes, two-steps and acoustic instrum entation, and the ‘harder’ urban styles of rock, jazz and electric blues. T h e term ‘zydeco’ evolved from the French “ H arico t,” or snapbean, and is used to denote a snappy dan ce — the equivalent of ‘P arty harty!’ or ‘G et down!’ All that, Toot-T oot, and great to w atch. O K B ayou? C ostum es optional. University of S outhern M aine G ym nasium , Portland cam pus, T uesday, D ecem ber 9 at 8 p.m. $ 6 /$ 5 . 7 8 0 -4 0 9 0 . Bill S tr e e t J a z z Q u a r te t, the third concert of the 1986 Faculty Concert Series. Corthell Concert H all, G orham cam pus, University of Southern M aine. Friday, D ecem ber 12, 8 p.m. $ 3 /$ 5 . 7 8 0 -5 2 5 6 . T h e B o sto n C a m e ra ta present “In Dulci Jublio: Early G erm an C hristm as M usic,’’ a program of motets, Christ­ m as carols and instrum ental fantasies. T h e C am erata are one of the m ost delightful and highly-regarded early music ensem bles in the country. P a rt of the P ortland C oncert A ssociation’s 198 6 -8 7 Special Events series. St. L uke’s C athedral, Portland. S unday, D ecem ber 14, 3 p.m. 7 7 2 -8 6 3 0 .


T h e B o sto n C a m a r a ta tak e “In Dulci Jublio,” to B ath on M onday, D ecem ber 15, 7 :3 0 p.m ., for a perform ance at M orse H igh School. Sponsored by the C enter for the A rts. $ 1 0 /$ 9 . 4 4 2 -8 4 5 5 . D ECEM BER 1 9 8 6



Akari. Celebrating two years in Portland with sincere thanks to all. Now offering Sebastian makeup consultation and application.

P r o g r e s s i v e * 7 0

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7 7 2 / 9 0 6 0

Another outstanding original from Brown Goldsmiths of Freeport.

T h e R e a l T h in g , P o rtla n d S ta g e C o m p a n y . T om Stop­ pard ’s recent Broadw ay hit is a rom antic com edy about adultery and fidelity. T h e second play of PSC ’s season, The Real T hing will be directed by playw right/director Mel M arvin, the co-com poser of Tintypes and T h e Portable Pioneer and P rarie Show, and the director of last season’s PSC production of S am S h ep ard ’s C urse of the Starving Class. Preview perform ances take place on N ovem ber 29 at 8 p.m ., N ovem ber 3 0 at 2 p.m ., and D ecem ber 2 at 7:30 p.m . T h e production runs from D ecem ber 3 to December 21. Perform ances take place T u esd ay , W ednesday and T hursday at 7 :3 0 p.m ., Friday at 8 p.m ., S atu rd ay at 5 p.m . and 9 p.m ., and Sunday at 2 p.m . $ 8 to $ 1 7 . For more inform ation, call the Portland Stag e Com pany box office at 7 7 4 -0 4 6 5 . Isn ’t It R o m a n tic ?, T h e a tr e by th e S ea. Selected as one of T im e m ag azin e’s best plays of 1 9 8 3 , Isn’t It R omantic is ab o u t the post-college friendship of two women. Janie, an overweight Jew ish brunette, is busy dodging the smothering affections an d solicitations of her parents. H arriet, a blonde W A S P H arv ard M B A , is determ ined to follow in her m oth­ er’s business career footsteps. T hrough D ecem ber 7. From D ecem ber 11 to D ecem ber 2 8 , the T h eater presents a holiday double-bill of T h e G ift of th e M ag i and T h e Diary of A d a m a n d E v e. T h e Gift of the M agi, is based on the original story by O . H enry with adaptation, music and lyrics by P eter Ekstrom . T h e D iary of A d am an d Eve is based on the story by M ark T w ain with music and lyrics by Jerry B ock an d Sheldon H arnick. A t the T h e atre by the Sea, Portsm outh, N H . For reservations and information, call (6 0 3 ) 4 3 1 -6 6 6 0 . P in o cc h io , by the Celebration T h eater Ensem ble. Using mime, m asks and the theater of the com m edia dell’ arte, C elebration T h e ater presents the well-loved Italian child­ rens’ classic. Presented by the C enter for the A rts in B ath at their W inter St. C enter on S atu rd ay , D ecem ber 13 at 3 p.m. U nder 18, $2; adults $ 6 . 4 4 2 -8 4 5 5 . H isto ry of th e A m e ric a n F ilm , R u ssell S q u a re P layers. This w acky rom p, written by Christopher D urang, pokes fun a t everything from the crazy com edies of the 1930s to the on- and off-screen battles of Liz and Dick in the 1960s. H istory of the A m erican Film runs from D ecem ber 5 to D ecem ber 13. All perform ances tak e place at Russell Hall on the G orham cam pus of the University of Southern Maine at 8 p.m . with a 2 p.m . S unday m atinee. S eason tickets are $2 0 ; individual tickets are $6. For inform ation and reserva­ tions, call 7 8 0 -5 4 8 3 .


M USEUM SH O W S/TO U R S/ SPECIAL SHOW S Each gleaming 14 kt. gold bangle bracelet is hand-forged to create its special shape. In three, four, five and six-sided, or tilted hexagonal styles. Also in several weights, from S285.



M o n .-S a t., 10-5; T h u rs . u n til 8 :3 0 O n e M e c h a n ic S tre e t, F re e p o rt, M a in e 0 4 0 3 2 (2 0 7 )8 6 5 -4 1 2 6



B o w d o in C o lleg e M u se u m o f A rt, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. A lbrecht D urer’s “Life of the Virgin” is on display through Jan u ary 11; Building a Collection: Recent A cquisitions in P hotography shows from D ecem ber 2 to February 8; Italian R enaissance M aiolica is on view from D ecem ber 19 to February 15. T u esd ay to Friday, 10 to 4; S atu rd ay , 10 to 5; Sunday, 2 to 5; closed M ondays and holidays. For more information, call 7 2 5 -3 2 5 3 . P eary -M acM illan A rctic M u seu m , H ubbard Hall, Bow­ doin College, Brunswick. O sgood Collection of Inuit C arv­ ings, and continuing exhibits from the collections, including artifacts, carvings, costum es and paintings of the two famed arctic explorers. T u esday to Friday, 10 to 4; Saturday, 10 to 5; S unday, 2 to 5; closed M ondays and holidays. For m ore information, call 7 2 5 -8 7 3 1 , x 2 5 3 . H a w th o rn e -L o n g fe llo w L ib ra ry , Bow doin College, Brunswick. Selections from the H aw thorne Collection


LETTERS The Old Port: Little Phoenicia Or Andy Warhol’s 15-Minute Cocktail Party?______

T herefore, not just the art of dowsing, but M r. Dwin G ordon himself is one of the 10 m ost intriguing people in Maine!


Vickie Conklin Portland

T o T h e Editor; T h e article “T h e O ld P o rt” by Dennis Gilbert (Septem ber 19 8 6 ) shows why your m agazine is an excellent one. W illiam John Foley Portland

________ EUREKA!_________ T o T h e Editor: I w as recently browsing through your very interesting m agazine and noticed your “People Issue” and thought of the perfect person who 1 would describe as “intriguing.” T his person is Mr. Dwin G ordon, w ho just happens to be my father, but who also happens to be the President of the N ational C hapter of the A m erican Society of Dowsers. T h e society has been in existence for 2 5 years and has becom e m ore popular throughout the world in recent years, with a current m em bership boasting 3 ,5 0 0 . Mr. G ordon has himself been a dow ser for 4 5 years, and is known both locally and nationally for his talent. Mr. G ordon has found potable w ater veins beneath the ground for m any people, told them how deep they will have to dig to find these veins, and has told them how m any gallons per m inute they can anticipate once they find the water. Mr. G ordon has also pioneered diverting bad w ater out of people’s wells and put­ ting m ore w ater into people’s wells. H aving found w ater veins for 2 ,5 0 0 2 ,6 0 0 wells and having done well over 2 ,0 0 0 diversions, it is no w onder that Mr. G ordon h as been interviewed both on local and national television. H e has also dowsed m aps for people throughout the world, including E urope and A u stra­ lia. A s unbelievable as it seem s, he dowses the spot on the m ap they send him where they will be able to find w ater or divert water, and when he sends the m ap back to them , they locate w ater on the exact location he has given them.

Town Landing Market T o th e E ditor I ju st w a n te d to tell y o u h o w m u c h I e n jo y e d D. L. C o o p e r’s a rtic le on T o w n L andin g M ark et. H er ty p e of w ritin g is v e ry h e a rtw a rm in g . T h e a rtic le m a d e m e w a n t to g et in m y ca r a n d sp e n d th e d a y a t th e m a rk e t. P lea se c o n tin u e w ith th is ty p e of jo u rn a lism a n d 1 will c o n tin u e to b u y y o u r fine m a g az in e.

Besides m anufacturing some o f the finest down com forters and pillow s available, we also offer a w ide range o f all-cotton sheets, flannel sheets, natural fibre sleepwear and underwear— even 100% cotton handwoven show er curtains.

Please visit us at:

Kim H o p p e P o rtlan d

106 Main St. in Yarmouth 10:00-5:00 M onday-Saturday O r shop thro u g h our convenient mail order catalogue by calling

Gallery Piece_____


T o T h e Editor: P lease send m e a copy of Portland Monthly with the article entitled (“A re P ortland’s H ottest Y oung A rtists A lso Its B est Investm ents?”) I would like to have it at the gallery.

G ifts F r a g r a n t & F lo ra l F in e T o ile trie s

T h an k you. Elaine W echsler Director Viridian Gallery

From Kathmandu


T o the Editor: M y family has sent m e a couple of issues of Portland Monthly and it’s been interesting to read about new goings-on in Portland. A s a fisheries developm ent volunteer, I thought the July “M ack ­ erel” cover w as particularly appropriate! K eep up the good work. Jeff Morin P eace Corps N epal K athm andu

COVENT GARDEN (formerly Caswell-M assey)

Thirteen Exchange Street Portland, M a in e 04101 (2 0 7 )7 7 5 -3 7 9 0

D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


(through D ecem ber); through S aturday, 8 :3 0 a.m . to mid­ night; S unday, 10 a.m . to midnight. 7 2 5 -8 7 3 1 , x25 3 .

Each function leaves an impression. Ours leaves the only one you can afford: th e rig h t one.

dats.iincj [d>z±tcjn±l dnc. We d e live r q u ality. A u ia /2

J ltc jtjE 8 9 2 - 8 5 7 7

•M A IN E 'S B E S T K E P T S E C R E T '

M a in e M a ritim e M u se u m , 9 6 3 W ashington St., Bath. T h e M useum offers the visitor a com prehensive experience of nineteenth century seaco ast life, a time when half of all m erchant vessels flying the United S tates flag w ere built in B ath. T h e M useum ’s collections include ships’ paintings, m odels, navigational instrum ents, fishing gear, antique tools, period furnishings, family portraits, foreign trade items and other m em orabilia, and an outstanding collection of over a half million docum ents, account books, ships’ logs, ships’ plans, m aps and charts. T h e M useum ’s Apprenticeshop constructs and restores w ooden boats using tech­ niques and tools from the golden age of shipbuilding. For m ore information, call 4 4 3 -6 3 1 1 . J o a n W h itn e y P a y s o n G allery of A rt, W estbrook Col­ lege, Stevens A venue, Portland. T h ro u g h Jan u ary 18, 1 9 87, works from the perm anent collection, featuring works by Chagall, C ourbet, D aum ier, D egas, Gauguin, G lackens, H ofm ann, H om er, Ingres, M arquet, M onet, N evelson, Picasso, P rendergast, Renoir, Reynolds, Robin­ son, R ousseau, S argent, Sisley, Soutine, V an Gogh, W histler and W yeth. T u e sd a y to Friday, 10 to 4; Saturday and S unday, 1 to 5; closed M ondays, holidays and between exhibitions. 7 9 7 -9 5 4 6 . P e n o b s c o t N a tio n M u se u m , C enter S t., Indian Island, O ld Tow n. T h e Penobscot T ribal M useum displays tradi­ tional and contem porary northeast Indian arts and crafts, including basketry, wood carvings, stone sculpture, and prehistoric stone im plem ents. Paintings, artifacts and cos­ tum es are also on display. M onday to Friday, 12 to 4. M ornings by appointm ent. $ 1 /$ 1.50. 8 2 7 -6 5 4 5 .

( l e cJ ^ £ i l l o n ^ s U m i ' a n t 5

' ro m a n tic 19 c e n tu r y hill to p m ansion 1 n a tio n a l r e g i s t e r of h isto ric p la c e s '76 >b u ilt b y fam ed S tan ley (steam car) B ros. ' f ire lig h t d in in g “ 4 s t a r c u is in e ” > e x te n s iv e w in e ce lla r > a n tiq u e d g ra c io u s acco m m o d atio n s > x -c o u n try fro m th e d o o r > a c co m m o d atio n s lim ite d (12 room s) BROCHURE: K I N G F I E L D /S U G A R L O A F 04947 P H O N E 207-265-5421



A n n u a l S tu d e n t H o lid a y A rts an d C ra ft S a le takes place on Friday evening, D ecem ber 5, and all d ay S aturday D ecem ber 6 in B axter A uditorium. Lectures: Jurgen Kalkbrenner, Consul G eneral of New England for the Federal Republic of G erm any, presents a lecture in conjunction with the Y oung G erm an P ainters show. M r K alkbrenner will deal with contem porary political and social situations in G erm any today and their relation to contem porary G erm an art. G erm any today and their relation to contem porary Germ an art; S unday, D ecem ber 7, 3 p.m . Julia Phelps, Lecturer in A rt History, Radcliffe S em inars, H arv ard University, will present a lecture, also in conjunction with the Y oung Ger­ m an P ainters show, discussing the historical development of contem porary G erm an painting, concentrating primarily on the early G erm an expressionists; Sunday, D ecem ber 14, 3 p.m . G allery hours M onday to Friday, 10 to 5; Thursday evenings to 7; and S unday 11 to 4; the P hoto G allery is open during the school’s library hours. 7 6 1 -1 7 7 2 . U n iv ersity of S o u th e rn M a in e A r t G allery , G o rh am ca m p u s. From D ecem ber 1 through D ecem ber 11, the G allery presents a Faculty Exhibition. 12 to 8, Sunday to T hursday. Free. 7 8 0 -4 4 4 0 .

P o rtla n d M u se u m of A rt, 7 C ongress S quare, Portland. T h e M useum begins its Holiday Celebration on Thursday, D ecem ber 4, with the annual Lighting of the C opper B eech T ree. T h e afternoon program , from 3 :3 0 to 5 :3 0 p.m., includes the tree lighting cerem ony, free adm ission to the M useum , music, and fun and refreshments for all. A t 7 p.m ., there will be a concert of festive music in the M use­ um ’s G reat Hall. A fter M atisse, an exhibition of 4 2 paint­ ings investigating the im pact of Henri M atisse on Am erican art, opens at the M useum on Tu esd ay , D ecem ber 10. The travelling exhibition includes works by H an s H offm an, Mil­ ton A very, M ark R othko, Jennifer Bartlett, A lex K atz, and 32 other A m erican artists. M atisse’s bold use of color, experim ent with form, invention of collage and choice of subject m atter created new possibilities for artists of his own and succeeding generations. T h a t his influence continues is seen in the work of m any of the younger artists included in the exhibition. A fter M atisse rem ains on exhibition at the M useum through February 9, 1 9 8 7 . $ 3 / $ 2 / $ l. Tuesday to S aturday, 10 to 5; T h u rsd ay to 9; and S unday 12 to 5. 77 5 -6 1 4 8 . P o r tla n d P u b lic L ib rary , 5 M onum ent Square, Portland. Library hours, M onday, W ednesday and Friday, 9 to 6; T ue sd a y and T h u rsd ay , noon to 9; and S atu rd a y 9 to 5. Closed Sundays. 7 7 3 -4 7 6 1 , x l 10. P o r tla n d S ch o o l o f A rt, B axter G allery, Photo Gallery and B axter A uditorium , 6 1 9 C ongress St., Portland. A g g ressio n , S u b v e rsio n , S ed u ctio n : Y o u n g G erm an P a in te r s shows through Jan u ary 4, 1 9 8 7 , in the Baxter Gallery; P h o to g ra p h ic W o rk s by E lle n J o h n so n shows in the Photo Gallery from D ecem ber 1 to Jan u ary 1; and T h e

DANCE T h e N u tc ra c k e r, by th e P o rtla n d B allet. This production of T h e N utcracker, the first for the Portland Ballet, features principal dancers Alicia DiBiase, Jenifer C avanaugh, Fred­ erick Bernier, Elizabeth D rucker, Evan U nks, Andrew D iG iam battista, K aren M arino, R on Trell and guest artist T o n y M ontanaro in the roll of D rosselm eyer. Perform ances tak e place D ecem ber 5 to 7 at 8 p.m ., and at 2 p.m. on D ecem ber 6. Biddeford City T h eater, 2 0 5 M ain S t., Biddeford. $ 8 /$ 6 . 2 8 2 -0 8 4 9 . In addition to these perform ances, the C om pany has scheduled two pre-perform ance pro­ gram s at 10 a.m . and 6 p.m . on D ecem ber 4. For ticket inform ation on these special perform ances, call M ary Goodwin at 7 7 2 -9 6 7 1 . T h e N u tc ra c k e r, w ith th e R o b in so n B a lle t a n d th e B a n g o r S y m p h o n y O rc h e s tra . T h e M aine C enter for the A rts, University of M aine at O rono. Friday, D ecem ber 12, 8 p.m ., S aturday, D ecem ber 13 at 3 p.m . and 8 p.m ., and S unday, D ecem ber 14 at 3 p.m . 5 8 1 -1 7 5 5 . C la sses a t P o rtla n d D a n c e C e n te r, F all School T erm , 2 5 A Forest A venue, Portland. Classes in a variety of dance forms for all levels of dancers and non-dancers. Classes for children and adults. Call 7 7 3 -2 5 6 2 for a schedule.

FILM C in e m a C ity, W estbrook P laza, W estbrook, 8 5 4 -8 1 1 6 . M a in e M all C in e m a, M aine M all R oad, South Portland, 7 7 4 -1 0 2 2 . T h e M ovies a t E x c h a n g e S tre e t, 10 Exchange St., P ort­ land, 7 7 2 -9 6 0 0 . N ic k e lo d e o n C in e m a, Tem ple and Middle S treets, P o rt­ land, 7 7 2 -9 7 5 1 .

WINTERTIME S k i M a in e A sso ciatio n provides a calendar of events at M aine’s m ountains. U pcom ing events include: United S tates Ski T eam N ational Training G roup, Sunday River, D ecem ber 2-8; Yellow N ose Vole D ay, Sugarloaf, D e­ cem ber 6; Eastern Racing P rogram , Lost Valley, Decem ber 13; W inter Solstice C elebration, S unday River, D ecem ber 2 0 an d 2 1 ; P leasan t M ountain Challenge Cup, D ecem ber



Th e A cu ra In tegra. A m ore hum ane ap p ro ach to p e rfo rm an ce . In th e p u rs u it o f s p irite d p e r­ fo rm a n c e , m a n y drivers h a v e w ith s to o d p h o n e b o o th interiors a n d n e rv e n u m b in g su s p e n ­ sions. This is d e fin ite ly n o t o u r id e a o f fun. Thus, th e A c u ra In te g ra p re ­ sents a m u c h m o re h u m a n e a p p ro a c h , A th re e d o o r sports s e d a n t h a t re c o g n iz e s th e d e ­ sire fo r sp irited p e rfo rm a n c e a n d n e e d fo r c r e a tu r e c o m fo rts . In te g ra 's 16-valve, fu e l in je c ­

te d d u a l o v e rh e a d c a m e n g in e is a d e s c e n d a n t o f H o n d a Form u la 1 r a c i n g t e c h n o l o g y . C o u p le d w ith sp ort su sp e n ­ sion, fo u r w h e e l d is c brakes, p o w e r assist ra c k a n d p in io n ste e rin g a n d re fin e d fro n t w h e e l drive. A lo n g w h e e lb a s e a n d w id e t r a c k m a tc h e s a g ilit y w ith s m o o th , so lid stability. A lo w h o o d lin e a n d e x p a n ­ sive flush m o u n te d glass in­ cre a se visibility, w h ile sleek a e ro ­

d y n a m ic s re d u c e w in d noise. P e rfo rm a n c e h as b e e n w e ll a c c o m m o d a te d in a n e rg o ­ n o m ic a lly p re c is e c o c k p it. A n d has ro o m a n d c o m fo rt fo r five. A n a lo g in s tru m e n ta tio n rea ds a t a g la n c e . C o n tro ls a re p o s itio n e d fo r e a sy re a c h in g . A n d e q u a lly th o u g h tfu l s ta n ­ d a rd fe a tu re s increa se th e p le a ­ sures o f d rivin g .

Test drive this spirited performer at Ed Byrnes Acura, New England's first Acura dealer.

EdByrnesA C U R A 137 Lafayette Rd.,Rt.1 • No. Hampton, N.H. 03862 . (603)964-9787


28; and a variety of New Y ear’s celebrations at Sunday River, P leasant M ountain and Lost Valley. For m ore information, call the individual ski areas, or contact the Ski M aine A ssociation, 21 Elm St., Cam den, Maine, 0 4 843, 2 3 6 -8 6 4 5 .


T h e B e s t o f P o r tla n d . T h e B e s t o f L ife . Richmond Square. Comfort. It’s where you relax. Richmond Square. Close to Downtown Portland. Minutes from m ountain and lake country. Seconds from Casco Bay. Richmond Square. An investment in your future. Equity, tax savings and a high resale value. Richmond Square. A reflection of you. Your home. W hether a one-bedroom home or a three-bedroom townhouse.

Homes from $49,900. Visit our C ondom inium Sales C enter a t D eering P ines, 1375 Forest Avenue, Portland, Maine. Open Mon-Fri 10 to 7; Sat-Sun 10 to 5, or call 797-4027 EXCLUSIVEMARKETINGAGENT: I/ THEJOHNS. KOPKAIII COMRANIES

K e n n e b u n k p o rt C h ristm as P re lu d e , December 5 to D ecem ber 7. T h e w eekend festivities begin at dusk on Friday, D ecem ber 5, with a tree-lighting ceremony in Dock Square, followed by carol-singing and a concert of seasonal music. O n Satu rd ay morning, it’s pancakes, Noel Fairs an d Shopping O pportunities. In the p.m ., look for chowder luncheons, dessert buffets and strolling D ickens carolers. In the evening, sing at the tree-lighting cerem ony with the Brothers of the M onastery. O n Sunday, S an ta arrives by lobsterboat to provide cocoa and Photo Opportunities for the weejuns. C h ristm as a t H e n ry ’s, a public open house celebration at the W adsw orth-Longfellow H ouse at 4 8 5 Congress St. in Portland. T h e event features 19 th century Christmas deco­ rations and toys. D ecem ber 12 to D ecem ber 14, 1 to 4. $ 2 .5 0/children under 12 free. Sponsored by the M aine Historical Society. A lso open to public viewing from D ecem ber to M arch of 198 7 , “G eneration Upon Genera­ tion: T h e A rt of Family H eritage.” T h e exhibit takes place in the M aine Historical Society Library, adjacent to the W adsworth-Longfellow H ouse on C ongress St. Library hours are T uesday, W ednesday and Friday, 9 to 5; Thurs­ day 9 to 7; closed D ecem ber 2 2 to Jan u ary 5. Free. F or m ore information, call 7 7 4 -1 8 2 2 . H o lid ay W o rk s h o p s for C h ild re n a t th e P o rtla n d M u se­ u m o f A r t. In these popular workshops, children learn to m ake cards, w rapping paper, ornam ents and toys. T h e w orkshops are recom m ended for children ages 6 to 13, and enrollment is limited. Pre-registration is required. Music and refreshm ents are included. S aturday, December 6, and Saturday, D ecem ber 13, from 1 0 :3 0 a.m . to noon. $ 5 /$ 6 non-M useum members. 7 7 5 -6 1 4 8 . T h e M ag ic o f C h ristm as, the Portland Symphony Orches­ tra’s traditional holiday offering, takes place Thursday to Sunday in the second and third weeks of December. Richard V anstone conducts the P SO and special guests N adia Pelle, soprano, and Franco Farina, tenor, in a p ro ­ gram of popular music and seasonal carols, including excerpts from both T he N utcracker and The Messiah. O rganists D ouglas R after and Elizabeth Sollenberger open the perform ances on the first and second weekends respec­ tively, and the Boy Singers of M aine under the direction of Edward Cetto will be there along with the M agic of Christ­ m as C horus. T h e evenings end with the traditional singalong. Portland City Hall A uditorium . December 11, 12 and 13 at 7 :4 5 , and D ecem ber 13 and 14 at 2 :3 0 ; D ecem ber 18, 19 and 2 0 at 7 :4 5 , and December 20 and 21 at 2 :3 0 . $ 7 to $ 16. 7 7 3 -8 1 9 1 .


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___________GALLERIES___________ A b a c u s H a n d c ra fte rs G allery , 4 4 Exchange St., Port­ land. M onday to W ed n esd ay , 9 :3 0 to 8; Sunday 12 to 5. 772-4 8 8 0 . B arrid o ff G alleries, 4 City Center, Portland. Selections by Gallery artists and selected nineteenth and twentieth cen­ tury estate paintings. M onday to Friday, 10 to 5; Saturday 12 to 4. 7 7 2 -5 0 1 1 .

C a fe A lw ay s, 4 7 M iddle S t., Portland. D ining and viewing hours, T u e sd a y to S unday, 5 p.m . to 10 p.m . Closed M onday. 77 4 -9 3 9 9 . C o n g ress S q u a r e G allery , 5 9 4 Congress St., Portland. A changing exhibit of gallery artists, including Siri Beckm ann, Jill H oy, H ow ard Fussiner, and Phil Barter. M onday to S aturday, 10 to 6. 7 7 4 -3 3 6 9 . F ro st G u lly G allery , 25 Forest A ve., Portland. Exhibitions of recent works by artists represented by the gallery. M on­ day to Friday, 12 to 6. 77 3 -2 5 5 5 . H itc h c o c k A r t D e alers, 6 0 2 Congress St., second floor suite 2 0 4 , Portland. C ontem porary M aine art featuring: W illiam M anning, N ata sh a M yers, Eric H opkins, W endy K indred, Jam es Linehan, M arilyn Blinkhorn, Sherry Miller, A nn G resinger and others. M onday to S aturday, 10 to 6 (until 9 on T hursdays), S unday, 12 to 5. 7 7 4 -8 9 1 9 . H o b e S o u n d G a lle rie s N o rth , 1 Milk St., Portland. T u es­ day to S aturday, 10:30 to 5. 7 7 3 -2 7 5 5 . J o n e s G a lle ry of G lass a n d C era m ics, off R oute 107, S ebago, M aine. T h e G allery w as founded in 1978 to further the study of a rt in glass and ceram ics, preserve representative pieces, and provide public opportunities to experience the decorative arts of glass and ceram ics from all ages. W ith an extensive research library and a collection w hich presently num bers over 4 ,0 0 0 pieces, it is the only m useum of its kind in the country. M onday to Saturday, 9 :3 0 to 5; Sunday 1 to 5. 7 8 7 -3 3 7 0 .


L’A n tib e s, 27 Forest A ve., Portland. W orks by A lex K atz, W illiam T . W iley, P eyton H iggison, P a t Steir, G uy W illiams, G ene D avis, D avid S hapiro, K aiko M oti and m any others. T u e sd a y to S aturday, from 5:3 0 . 7 7 2 -0 4 5 3 . M a in e P o tte rs M a rk e t, 9 M oulton St., Portland. Stone­ w are, porcelain and earthenw are by 14 M aine craftspersons. M onday through Saturday, 10 :3 0 to 5:30. 7 7 4-1633. M a p le H ill G allery , 3 6 7 Fore S t., P ortland, and Perkins Cove, O gunquit. M onday to S aturday, 10 to 9; and S un­ day 11 to 6. 7 7 5 -3 8 2 2 . T h e P in e T r e e S h o p a n d B ay v iew G allery , 75 M arket St., Portland. M onday to Saturday, 9 :3 0 to 5:30. 7 7 3-3007.

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CANDICE THORNTON INTERIORS 2 Milk S treet/P ortland, ME 04101


P o s te rs P lu s G alleries, 146 M iddle St., Portland. F eatur­ ing original works by P eyton Higgison, R.C . G orm an, C aro l Collette, K ozo, H arvey P eterson, Ron Bolt, T hom as M cK night, T om oe Y okoi and m any m ore. M onday to S aturday, 10 :3 0 to 5 :3 0 . 7 7 2 -2 6 9 3 .


M atching the Right Person to the Right Job.

id '-

S e a s o n 's G r e e tin g s T h e S te in G lass G allery , 2 0 Milk S t., Portland. T hrough Ja n u a ry 3 1 , the G allery presents “T h e G lass of M aine,” a collection of contem porary M aine works. M onday to S a t­ urday 1 0 :3 0 to 6; S unday 1 to 4. 77 2 -9 0 7 2 . T im e s T e n , 4 2 0 Fore St., Portland. Fine Functional crafts from ten M aine craftspersons, including clocks by Ron B urke, earthenw are pottery and tiles by Libby Seigars, and handw oven rugs by S ara H otchkiss. M onday to Saturday 10 to 6. 76 1 -1 5 5 3 . T ra c y J o h n so n F in e Je w e lry , 6 2 M arket St., Portland. F eaturing the work of T ra cy Johnson, Cindy Edw ards and Jan ice G ryzb. O ne-of-a-kind and custom design a specialty of the house. T uesday to S atu rd a y 12 to 6, or by appoint­ m ent. 7 7 5 -2 4 6 8 .

BONVEV P E R S O N N E L 465 Congress Street Portland, M aine 04101 207-773-3829

Continued on page 22 D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


he runs a publishing empire that controls 5 new spapers and a radio and T V station in Maine; television stations in Illinois, Iowa, M assachusetts; and radio stations in O klahom a, Iowa, and Florida. 1 4 0 0 people are em ployed, a third of those in broadcasting. T he circulation of the M aine new spapers exceeds 2 7 6 ,0 0 0 in a m arket with only 1 million residents. S he is not just a figurehead; she plays an



active daily role. Y et, quite rem arkably, the C hairm an of the B oard of Guy G an ­ nett Publishing Co. has m aintained a low profile in the state she calls home. H er 6th-floor, chintz-upholstered P o rt­ land office is simple but elegant, a m e a­ sure of the w om an I w as ab o u t to m eet. Je a n is a trim w om an with a d an cer’s posture and an air of total confidence. She is w arm an d open, m ore approachable than I expected.




- <x¥ ^



W e planned to talk over lunch. H ea d ­ ing down E xchange S treet to our destina­ tion, she caught m e by surprise with her first com m ents. “ I loved your story on the Private Secretaries.” She w as referring to a M overs and Shakers Column last spring. “T h a t w as a good story, you should expand it, m aybe do it ag ain .” T h e lady had done her homework; she had read every issue of Portland Monthly

before we m et. A s a writer it w as flatter­ ing, as a w om an, 1 liked her style. She w as born in 1 9 2 4 in A ugusta, but grew up in a C ap e E lizabeth m ansion. H er m other w as 4 0 when her “ change of life” child w as born. A nn M acom ber G an n ett w as a w om an ahead of her time. S he w as P resident of the A u g u sta W o m ­ en’s Suffrage A ssociation at the time the M aine legislature gave w om en the vote. L ater she w as the first w om an from

M aine to sit on the N ational Republican Com mittee. J e a n w as a quiet, shy child; a trait that has rem ained with her m ost of her life. “ 1 alw ays knew 1 would h av e to prove m yself. 1 w as so shy it w as difficult for m e to m ake friends. I used to do crazy things to be noticed. O n e day 1 even w ent to school with green painted fingernails.” It w as difficult to picture this conserva­ tive w om an in early P ortland Punk.

“ I loved m y m other an d adm ired her enorm ously. She w as com m itted and involved. B ut m y disposition w as alw ays m ore like my father. H e w orked h ard and could be tough. B ut he w as also a pixie. H e loved life, loved w om en, loved to dance, yet he w as alw ays dow n-to-earth and shy like m e.” J e a n studied m usic at B radford Junior College in M assach u setts an d played the harp in the Portland Sym phony O rchestra.


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H ow ever, the chem istry between Jean an d her D ad fueled her desire to get involved with the business. T h e introduc­ tion took place in New Y ork. In 1 9 5 3 she took on the role of N ational Advertising for her father’s new spapers. “ It was difficult for me. I had to be aggressive and approach com panies that did national advertising. T h e statistics on the Portland m arket were positive. The analysis book show ed that we were an excellent test m arket for product introduc­ tions. M y job was to convince companies like Lever B rothers th at they should test and advertise here.” T h ere were few role m odels for work­ ing w omen in the 4 0 ’s and 5 0 ’s. Her contem poraries were com fortable in a country club life that often involved some com m unity an d volunteer work. T hat w asn ’t enough for Je an . I w ondered who she talked to when the pressures of family and work took hold. “T here w eren’t any friends who did understand w hat it was like to go to work everyday in a m an ’s world. If I wanted to com plain, which I didn’t, there would have only been two women who would have understood. G reta K err was per­ haps the m ost rem arkable. She had been a reporter for years. G ladys Merrill was our society editor. W e tried to support each other. T h ey were great friends. I don’t w ant to sound negative. I was stimu­ lated by w hat I w as doing, but it was indeed very difficult for women. I re­ m em ber one day, right after I returned to the Portland Press H erald, I overheard a conversation. I w as in my late twenties or early thirties at the time. T h ere was a wall between us, so the two top executives never realized I heard them say, ‘I don’t w ant th at skirt bossing M E around!’ You can quote m e on this one.” 1 9 5 4 w as a tum ultuous year for Jean. T o give her som e additional writing expe­ rience, her father decided to send her on the Editors T our behind the Iron Curtain. She filed regular reports from Europe. “It w as baffling for m e to m eet men with the stature of Tito, the S hah, and the Pope. 1 w as 3 0 y ears old and not particu­ larly confident as a reporter. I rem em ber the m asses of people in Prague. They gathered everyw here and I w as terrified that we would be tram pled. M oscow was filled with peasants. T h ey were warm, alm ost childlike, but they w ere so poor. In contrast, Claire B oothe Luce was our am b assad o r in R om e. I had the chance to sit opposite her and w atched her closely. S he was prettier th an I expected, but con­ ducted the meeting like a schoolm arm , held the center of attention, an d condes­ cendingly called on her experts for details.

O u r hotel in R om e w as filled with film stars: A v a G ardiner, Sonja H enie, L auren Bacall, and H um phrey B ogart.” T h e excitem ent of the tour ended with the tragic news of her father’s death. She rushed hom e to M aine to m ourn. W ithin the m onth she w as elected President of both the publishing and the broadcasting com panies. H er father’s will also gave her the deciding vote on m atters of estate m anagem ent.

don’t w ant it to be eaten up by a large conglom erate or dissected into pieces. A s long as I hav e a breath th at w on’t happen. A fter I’m gone? T h e b ank handles the trust. I don’t know!” U nder her direction the com pany has flourished. G uy G an n ett Publishing is often confused with the larger G annett Co. Inc, in Rochester. “W e are not connected in any w ay. Frank G annett, the founder of our com-



We o ffe r a fabulous c o lle c tio n o f new and o ld pieces at very g o o d prices. C o m e in and see o u r c o lle c tio n o f over 300 q u a lity carpets. Decorators Welcome.

“O f course my brother and sister are stockholders, too. T hey aren ’t directly involved but are equally com m itted to our continued grow th.” Je a n ’s sister, M adeline Corson, lives on Littlejohn Island, in Y arm outh, and her brother John lives in Florida. “M y greatest concern is that one day the business will be sold. O ver the years, there has been pressure to do so. A s long as I live th at will be protected. M y father w orked hard to build this com pany. I

petitor, w as a distant relative. M y father said he w as a cousin when he liked him. Frank ran for President against Alf Landon. H e was defeated in the prim ary of course. T hey are very large, 9 3 papers, radio and television stations. T hey are also in billboards. “T he new spaper business has changed in the last 10 years. T h e City Room dram a has been replaced by hi-tech word processors and com puters. T h e y ’ve lost their glam our. T h e City R oom even has D ECEM BER 1 9 8 6


E ig h t experienced o w n e r/b r o k e rs in a u n iq u e partn ersh ip . Selected by S o th e b y fs In te rn a tio n a l R e a lty as its representa tive in G reater P o rtla n d .

J im T h o r n e , P a t V ilv e n , H . B u d S in g e r, D ia n e S h e v e n e ll, B a rn e y B u r r a ll S e a te d : S u e L a m b , J a n ic e D r in a n , C h r is Ja c k so n

A T r a d i t i o n o f E x c e lle n c e i n R e a l E s ta te B r o k e ra g e f o r M o re T h a n 3 0 Y ears.



O n e U n io n W h a rf, P o rtla n d (2 0 7 ) 7 7 3 -0 2 6 2


Architects Four

3 8 6 Fore Street, Portland, Maine 04101 (2 0 7 ) 774-4441 16


plants now! T h e expense of upgrading is at times overwhelming. Before the transi­ tion is com plete, you’re obsolete again. O u r headquarters have been under reno­ vation for the last few m onths. W e ’re get­ ting a com plete facelift. “W hen I hired Jo h n D iM atteo in 1972, everyone 1 worked with w as in their six­ ties. It w as time for a com plete change. In theory 1 w anted to back aw ay from the day-to-day operations. In practice it was harder than I thought it would be. The realist knew it w as time, the w om an at times felt left out. It w as an adjustm ent that took time. A fter you have run a new spaper it is in your blood. John heads our parent com pany and Robert Gilbert­ son is Executive Vice President of our broadcasting division. Jo h n reports to me and Robert reports to John. T hey have always treated m e professionally and with respect. T h ey both keep m e informed on the m ajor issues. I sit in on editorial m eet­ ings when 1 am available.” T h e question of editorials is interesting. T h e new spapers have a policy that letters to the editor m ust be signed to be printed, while editorials are anonym ous. “Editorials reflect the view of the news­ paper, not the individual writing them. S everal of our editors write our editorials for all three Portland papers. Four of them have columns of their own in addition to their editorial responsibilities: Jim Brunelle, N ancy G rape, D avis Rawson, and D on H ansen. T h e editors m eet and dis­ cuss the issues. O nce a consensus is reached, an editor is assigned the task of writing the editorial. If the individual is personally opposed to the decided posi­ tion, he is excused from the writing assignm ent. In the case of the the Long W h arf project, our position w as not a new one. W e have supported development subject to height restrictions for decades. W e have been clear on that, and most especially on the w aterfront. But most im portantly, our civic processes works. T h a t is the m ost im portant issue. W e take our role seriously. In the new spaper busi­ ness, you are humbled all the tim e.” Je a n stays in touch with all aspects of the business and usually is in contact with the two m en who report to her every day or so. She has selected D iM atteo and G ilbertson because they are professionals and allows them to do their job with little interference. “W h en I feel strongly ab o u t an issue I m ake it know n. Y ears ago there was a discussion about joining the New York T im es Syndicate. I felt it w as unneces­ sary. W e h av e good reporters here, and if we need m ore we should hire them locally. But th at is really one of the few times that

I h av e disagreed with m anagem ent. T hey keep m e inform ed so I that I am able to m ake the necessary decisions.” T h e business has afforded her expe­ riences that few of us have known. S h e’s h ad breakfast with Eisenhower and met E uropean heads of state. Like business m en and w om en in every generation, each success is not without its price.

T h e professional and personal sides of M rs. H aw ley are com plex. She has been m arried three times; Richard A rnzen, R oger E. W illiam s, the father of her three children, and finally to S um ner H aw ley in D ecem ber of 1 9 7 0 . T h e death of her 34year-old son w as devastating. “O f course you never get over som e­ thing like that, but you go on. M y son Chip is an artist. H e shows in H obe Sound and is renovating a hom e in South F ree­ port. T ed lives in Florida and m anages the T a m p a station. H e ’s m arried and has two children.” J e a n m et S um ner at the H yde School through her son. S um ner is also a M aine native and w as one of the founders of the well-known H yde School in B ath. T hey reside in G eorgetow n and Falm outh.

The Guy Gannett companies include: RADIO K M G L-FM K K ZX -A M W X L P-FM W IN Z -A M W 1NZ-FM W R K T -A M W SSP-FM W P L P -A M

O k lah o m a City D avenport, Iowa D avenport, Iowa M iami M iami C o co a B each, Florida C ocoa B each T am pa

d. cole jewelers The Golden Unicorn 10 Exchange St., Portland


TELEVISION W 1CS Springfield, 111. K G A N C ed ar Rapids, Iowa W G G B Springfield, M ass. W G M E Portland, M aine

“In 1954, I was part of a group of newspaper editors invited on a tour of the countries behind the Iron Curtain. In two months we covered 15,000 miles and visited 12 nations in both the free and communists orbits. W e were the first group to view what life was like after Stalin. We met Tito in a simple thatched roof villa on a hill overlooking the Yu­ goslavian capital. The Marshall was exceptionally handsome but smoked incessantly. W e viewed the treasures of Istanbul, met the Shah of Iran, and wit­ nessed a Czech population, beaten down but with a hope of freedom. The Poles were like a thorn in the side of their Soviet masters. As I walked around Moscow, I kept asking myself what w as real and what was fake. We saw pretty much what they wanted us to see, accompanied by guides or bureaucratic trained seals who fed us standard praise for Soviet life.” E xcerpts From “E uropean A dventure” Je a n G annett W illiams (Jea n m arried S um ner H aw ley in 1970) Published by the K ennebec Journal, 1955

MAINE NEW SPAPERS Portland Press Herald Evening Express Maine Sunday Telegram Kennebec Journal Central Maine Morning Sentinel ur final interview and photo ses­ sion w as in their G eorgetow n hom e. R oute 127 is just north of the bridge th at w atches over B ath Iron W orks. H eading south along 127, the drive to their G eorgetow n hom e is the personification of M aine. C ontem porary cottages share the coastline with tradi­ tional M aine farm s. T all trees th at have survived the loggers of the past form a canopy over a road designed for sports car aficionados. T heir house is perched up on the rocks. T h e view is staggering. T h e expected rocky shore fram es an ex panse of b each m ore like C ap e Cod than O ld O rch ard . T all grass grows betw een the beach an d rocks. This brisk fall day the sky is brilliant blue and the w aves are crashing with authority.

CONSISTENCY COUNTS T h e fish is a lw a y s m o is t, th e veal te n d e r; th e w a ite r is alw a y s p le as­ a n tly e ffic ie n t, th e m e n u alw a y s in te re s tin g .




g A KER 'S TABL]j] 434 F o re S t.

P o rtla n d

7 7 5 -0 3 0 3

Continued on page 31 DECEM BER 1 9 8 6


Regency Inns-Cape Cod: H yannis Regency Iyanough Hills, Riverview; Martha's Vineyard: H arbor View Hotel, Kelley H ouse; Massachusetts: Westford Regency, Taunton Regency (opening 1987); Maine: Portland Regency.


1*1*11 i n : W i


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* 33P

• A dult and Junior Ski Instruction Programs 4 pm-7:30 pm

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f '■ I » 8 M


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• Open 14 C ontinuous Hours 8 am-11 pm Weekends and Holidays • Several Ticket Com binations 4 0 & 5 0 P o rtla n d c o n stru c tio n .



hange. Y ou can smell it in the air.

It smells of saw dust and seabrine, diesel fuel and crab salad san d ­ wiches. It’s impossible to stand on the P o rtlan d w aterfront and not be struck by it. Fishing boats com e and go, bearing their succulent cargo as they have for centuries, while cables of cranes lower steel girders into place on post-modernistic office towers mushrooming into the skyline. F ast times in P ortland, M aine. Since the beginning of the city’s late renais­ sance, Portland has acquired a reputation for prosperity and p atina of cultural diver­ sity p erhaps rivalled only by her golden ag e in the m id-19 th century. P ortland has theatre, the arts, a first rate sym phony orchestra, a dash of quiet elegance — and oh! those w ater views!


(2 0 7 ) 7 8 4 -1 5 6 1

P ie r, p re se n tly u n d e r











l i p



R ichard G rotton looks out across his blond w ood desk an d through the win­ dows onto C asco B ay, w here an unruly sw arm of seagulls wheels erratically on the brisk offshore breeze. Directly below his office windows on C om m ercial Street, P ortland Pier lances out over the water. For Dick G rotton, the view is a special one. G rotton is president of G eneral P ro p er­ ties, Inc., a sm all an d successful Portland developm ent firm, and his windows look dow n on 4 0 an d 5 0 P ortland Pier, his com pany’s $7 million project under con­ struction on the middle of the pier. H e smiles w hen a visitor com m ents th at the view certainly affords him the opportunity to “ keep an eye on things,” as the condom inium and office structure



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C w iiL D ^ p r 'S





3 77 FORE STR EET PORTLAND, MAINE 207-773-8651

starts to appear, literally, at his feet. G rotton, a B angor native in his early 4 0 's, is friendly and relaxed, and obviously proud of the project, his 5-year-old firm’s m ost am bitious to date. ’’W e ’re really happy to see it com ing up out of the w ater,” G rotton com m ents. “By D ecem ber y ou’ll be able to have a grasp of the color tones of the brick, accent stripping that we have on the build­ ing, the placem ent of w indows.” A gain, the smile. “1 think it m akes the com ing of winter a little bit m ore exciting.” T h e buildings will sit on nearly 100 concrete pilings, each capable of support­ ing 100 tons of load capacity, sunk through the w ater and deep into the m uck, down to the supporting ledge of bedrock. H as concrete replaced old fash­ ioned w ood as the choice for pier pilings? Dick G rotton m ight prefer them m ade from heartw ood, a handsom e and waterimpervious timber available in the tropi­ cal jungles of South A m erica. A h, but the c o s t. . . D esigned by W inton Scott A rchitects of P ortland, M aine, the building when com pleted will be a tasteful and im pres­ sive five-story copper-roofed structure, with lots of glass, decks, balconies, and skylights. T h e seaw ard end of the build­ ing will have 1 3 ,6 0 0 square feet of office sp ace housed in three levels, with set­ backs and railed terraces reminiscent of the afterdecks of steam liners. T o land­ w ard, the larger condom inium portion will have tw enty units, all of which were reserved within one y ear of being offered, according to N orm a B rogan, principle with T heodore N. S contras, Inc., exclu­ sive m arketing agents for the development. T h e reception to the plans w as, to say the least, enthusiastic. ’’W e ’re very thrilled,” Dick G rotton says. “W e receive com pliments on the design all the time. I som etim es think even the investors d on’t know w hat a lux­ urious building they’re buying into. T h a t’s going to be the fun part, when they really get to see w hat they invested in over a y ear ago w hen it w as nothing but a hole in the w ater. I think it will be a lot of fun to see their expressions as they see just w hat a quality project they’re in.” T h e condom inium s w ere originally priced from $ 1 7 0 ,0 0 0 to $ 2 7 0 ,0 0 0 , which is a lot of clam s, but the word here is luxury. B rick-hearthed fireplaces with oak m antles, quarry tile kitchen floors, tile bathroom s, oak stair treads. M any of the units are twin-level, with whirlpool baths and east-w est views. A nd th a t’s the m ain attraction. T hose

............ I


T h e L ib e rty G ro u p ’s C h a n d le r’s W h a r f pro ject (a b o v e ) on n e a rb y C e n tra l W h a r f h a s receiv ed c o n s id e ra b le a tte n tio n w hile 4 0 a n d 5 0 P o r t­ lan d P ie r se e m s to b e a c h a rm e d p ro ject, a lm o st curio u sly e n c o u n te rin g no o b sta cles.

w ater views. Im agine an early evening in m idsum m er, a w arm orange sun wester­ ing behind Portland, the blue-green ex­ panse of C asco B ay punctuated with the scim itar-shaped sails of boats beating in against the turningf shore breeze. Y ou put Coleman Hawkins on the turntable, maybe pour a glass of wine, go out onto the deck and slouch down into a comfy director’s chair to enjoy the salt air and ponder the com ing of night here at the very edge of the co n tin en t. . . T h ere’s a price for this view, of course. P ortland’s rapid developm ent, especially on the w aterfront, has brought with it a varied and com plex legion of issues and disagreem ents, and often the battle lines are well draw n. M em bers of the fishing and tourist industries, developers, environ­ m entalists, preservationists, politicians, and private citizens are all grappling with the problem s and solutions which chal­ lenge the w aterfront. T h e discussions and argum ents are healthy and vital, because one w ay or another, as the century winds down, the Portland w aterfront is going to have to confront the dem ands for its use, and our efforts and sensibilities will deter­ mine to a large extent its fate. A m id environm ental and zoning strin­ gencies, G eneral P roperties rem ains senM A R G A R ETE C. SC H N A U CK




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sitive to the im pact of their endeavors. 4 0 and 5 0 P ortland Pier reflects their atti­ tude, an d the project’s ap p earan ce and ap p ro p riate scale for the w aterfront will be evident as the building is com pleted. D eb A ndrew s, director of G reater P o rt­ land L an dm arks, Inc., agrees. She finds plans for the pier “physically outstand­ ing,” approving of the good use of linear projection from land, minimizing the block­ ing of w ater views. W h ile tw o doo rs o v er the L iberty G ro u p ’s co n d o m in iu m d ev e lo p m e n t, C handler’s W harf, and their proposed, and by som e accounts leviathan, plans to develop the adjacent Long W harf site raises public ire, 4 0 and 5 0 Portland Pier rises quietly, a m ore m odest develop­ m ent, free, apparently, of any serious conflict. “W e don’t w ant to get too big,” Dick G rotton says. H e likes the sm all size of his firm, their com m itm ent to quality and concern for the w aterfront. H e takes issue with som e of the city zoning, state pier laws, an d the perceived lack of berthing sp ace for fishing vessels. H e believes som e careful revam ping of present res­ trictions would open the w aterfront to a w ell-balanced mix of m arine, com m er­ cial, and residential use.


D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


Continued from page 11

A fine selection of diamond rings and Sterling silver.

___________ LECTURES____________ S h o ck o f th e N ew , a lecture, film an d discussion series sponsored by the T hom as M em orial Library and the Cape Elizabeth A rts Commission with the support of the Maine H um anities Council and the N ational Endowment for the H um anities. T h e series “recounts the origins of modern painting, sculpture, and architecture; discusses the careers of the m ajor artists; shows how their work w as shaped by the cataclysm ic events of the new century; m akes plain why m odernism has today very nearly run its course. Figurative Expressionism , for exam ple, w as ruined by the realities of W W II and its death cam ps. M any artists struggled but lost in their attem pts to maintain a mythic-religious im agery. On W ednesday, D ecem ber 10, T o b y Lazarow itz leads a dis­ cussion entitled “T h e View From the E dge” exam ining the reasons why. T hom as M emorial Library, 6 Scott Dyer R oad, C ape Elizabeth. 7 6 7 -5 9 7 3 .

SPECIAL EVENTS N ew Y e a r’s /P o r tla n d , M aine’s largest New Y ear celebra­ tion, turns the city of Portland into an extravagant and artful tableau of the best in the contem porary lively arts. From m im e and th eater to music and dance, from fireworks and food to a midnight p arade, New Y e a r’s/P o rtla n d turns the tow n inside out from 2 p.m . to midnight on D ecem ber 31.




Carter^Bros.Co. 521 C ongress St. P ortland, M E 04101






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Restaurant Listings_______ A lb e r t a ’s. 21 P leasant Street, Portland. All the selections from A lb erta’s ever-changing menu are cooked to order over their mesquite charcoal grill. Steaks, seafood, and butterflied leg of lam b are accom panied by hom em ade soups, breads, and desserts, including “D eath by Choco­ late.” Lunch, dinner, S unday brunch. M ajor credit cards. 7 7 4 -5 4 0 8 . A fg h a n R e s ta u r a n t. 6 2 9 Congress Street, Portland. Deli­ cious and exotic A fghani cuisine in a family setting. A tm os­ p here includes paintings by ow ner with fun perspectives. 7 7 3 -3 4 3 1 . A m ig o ’s. 9 D an a Street, Portland. A wide selection of M exican food in a relaxed setting. Enchiladas, tacos, burritos, everything m ad e from scratch. Brings the M exican experience to the O ld P ort. L unch and dinner T uesdays through Saturdays, closed S unday and M onday. 772-0772. T h e B a k e r’s T a b le . 4 3 4 Fore Street, Portland. Relaxed bistro beneath the Old Port B akehouse offers diverse Euro­ pean cooking, veal, fish, tournedos, hom em ade chowders, soups, stews, including bouillabaisse are available, as well as fresh breads and pastries from upstairs. Local artists exhibit occasionally. M ajor credit cards. 7 7 5 -0 3 0 3 .

M A IN E M A L L - D O W N T O W N L E W IS T O N - B A N G O R M A L L



T h e B lu e M oon. 4 2 5 Fore Street, Portland. Portland’s new jazz club restau ran t features le jazz hot — live — nightly as well as an entertaining dinner m enu. A strong addition to Portland’s nightlife. 8 7 1 -0 6 6 3 .

B o o n e’s. C ustom H o u se W harf, Portland. T hey’ve been serving an extraordinary range of seafood since 1898. Portland m em orabilia and antiques are displayed in the h eavy-beam ed dining room , and there are nightly specials in addition to the extensive m enu. Lunch and dinner daily, all m ajor credit cards. 7 7 4 -5 7 2 5 .

El M irador is one of P o rtlan d ’s new est an d finest restaurant additions. A uthentic M exican recipes are created from the freshest ingredients daily. D ine in the Ixtapa, C hapultapec, or V eracruz Room s. Linger over a m arg arita in our exciting C antina. O utdoo r dining seasonal on our P atio. O pen for lunch and dinner. Call for reservations. 7 8 1 -0 0 5 0 .

B ra m h a ll P u b . 7 6 9 Congress Street, Portland. Soups and sandw iches in a pretty brick-walled setting beneath the R o m a C afe. 7 7 3 -8 3 2 9 .

T h e G alley . 2 1 5 Foreside R oad, Falm outh. L ocated at H andy B o at Y ard, T h e G alley offers a beautiful view of C lapboard and C h eb eag u e Islands plus sleek racing yachts and an im pressive, varied m enu of seafood specialties. C ocktail lounge on upper deck. A m ust for the yachting set. 7 8 1 -4 2 6 2 . T h e G ood E g g C afe . 7 0 5 C ongress Street, Portland. B reakfast is the specialty in this com fortable cafe. H ouse favorites are the h om em ade hash, English muffins, and multi-grain pancakes. T h e egg variations are endless, and there are herbal teas and fresh ground coffees. M onthly exhibits by student artists. W eek d ay s 6 -1 2 , S atu rd ay 7-2, S unday 8-2. 7 7 3 -0 8 0 1 . G o rh a m S ta tio n . 2 9 Elm Street, G orham . A lovely fullservice resta u ra n t in a resto red railroad station. S tea k and seafood, A m erican favorites. 8 3 9 -3 3 5 4 .

C a fe A lw ay s. 4 7 M iddle S treet, P ortland. O ne of P o rt­ land’s new est restaurants. F eatures strong, am bitious m enu and a rom antic atm osphere. 7 7 4 -9 3 9 9 . C afe C o m e rb ro o k . C ornerbrook shopping plaza, opposite the M aine M all, S outh P ortland. T h e th eatre kitchen serves up such specialties as sauteed soft-shell crab, philo pie, seafood and p asta salads. Q uiches and soups are created daily; jazz bands play nightly. B reakfast, lunch, and dinner. S atu rd ay and S unday brunch. 7 7 2 -3 2 2 4 . C a m p H a m m o n d . 74 M ain Street, Y arm outh. L unch and dinner are served in four room s of a beautiful V ictorian home. V eal and lam b are featured on a m enu that changes weekly; steaks and seafood are great, too. M arble fireplaces w arm the room s of this historic building, and conference sp ace is available. Reservations suggested. 84 6 -3 8 9 5 . C a r b u r ’s. 123 M iddle Street, Portland. C arbur’s is fun, from the m enu to the antique advertisem ents, to the “K it­ chen Sink C lub,” a sandw ich accom panied by a p a rad e of the resta u ra n t staff. A lthough the m enu features sand­ wiches, soups an d salads are hom em ade and inventive, too. C arb u r’s h as a new banquet room with a special m enu, and they h ave a prim e rib special T hursday, Friday, and S atu r­ day nights. Lunch and dinner, m ajor credit cards. 7 7 2-7794. C a v a n a g h ’s. 154 M iddle Street, Portland. T h e affordable m enu includes hearty sandw iches and salad bar. H ouse specialties are ribs, chicken fried steak, and lobster specials. T h e re is a full bar featuring C av an ag h ’s W orld Fam ous M arg aritas. B reakfast, lunch, and dinner: 6 a.m . to 1 a.m . 7 7 2 -8 8 8 5 . C h a n n e l C rossing. 2 3 Front Street, S outh Portland. A n elegant resta u ra n t with an elegant view of Portland from its perch on the w ater. Teriaki sirloin is a favorite, as is “Fresh C a tc h ,” the very freshest fish available each day. Lunch and dinner. S unday brunch, m ajor credit cards. 7 9 9 -5 5 5 2 . C h r is to p h e r’s. 6 8 8 Forest A venue, Portland. G reek wines can be h ad with the baked lam b in tom ato sauce and other G reek specialties. Philo pies and stuffed grape leaves lead crisply into the fresh b ak lav a and other desserts. A relaxed, spacious restaurant. L unch an d dinner M onday through F riday, dinner only on S aturday. Closed Sunday. M ajor credit cards. 7 7 2 -6 8 7 7 . C h u rc h ill’s G rille . 1 City Center, Portland. Pretty new restaurant features grill favorites like steak, seafood, even catfish in a beautiful setting on the first floor of P ortland’s new O n e City Center. 77 2 -4 8 8 4 . D eli O n e . 1 0 6 E xchange S treet, P ortland. Spinach and sau sag e pie, p asta , omelets, deli sandw iches are am ong the international attractions in this cozy place. T h e soups and chow ders are intriguing as well. A sunny patio when season perm its. B reakfast, lunch, and dinner. S unday brunch. A rt exhibits by local talent. M C,V . 7 7 2 -7 1 1 5 . D iM illo’s F lo a tin g R e s ta u r a n t. Long W harf, Portland. U nique floating restaurant has steaks, seafood, Italian cui­ sine, ribs, and, always, lobster. Fine wines, nightly ch e fs specials, and entertainm ent. Lunch and dinner daily. Sun­ day brunch. M ajor credit cards. 7 7 2 -2 2 1 6 . D o ck F o re . 3 3 6 Fore Street, Portland. Daily specials in this cozy O ld Port setting include burgers, quiches, soups, chow ders, fresh fish, steam ers, and m ussels. Lunch and dinner. 7 7 2 -8 6 1 9 . E l M ira d o r. 5 0 W h arf Street, Portland. T h e true taste of M exico com^S to the O ld P ort. D irect from New Y ork City,

T h e G r e a t L ost B e a r. 5 4 0 Forest A venue, Portland. T he exotic burgers, th e friendly service, the etched glass, the hilarious m enu m ak e T h e B ear a special spot. T h ere’s also the aw ard-w inning chili, ribs, chicken, an d steak , and of course, the hom em ade Toll H ouse Cookie Pie. For summery days, there is a patio in Bearidise A lley, and for S undays, a cham pagne brunch. L unch and dinner 7 d ay s served right to 11:30. 7 7 2 -0 3 0 0 . G re e n M o u n ta in C o ffe e R o a s te rs. 15 Tem ple Street, P ortland. Exotic coffees an d teas, interesting conversa­ tions, great location n ear O n e City C enter and Nickelodeon m ovie theatres. O p en late in the evenings. 7 7 3 -4 4 7 5 .

More than local color. Right in your own back yard is one of the country's best color labs. Maine's finest photographers come to us for Cibachrome prints from slides; but then again, so do National Geographic staffers and photographers from a dozen states. They say we make the best prints they've ever seen. We can make a fine print for you, too. Come see us or pick up the p h o n e .. .it's a local call.

P o rtla n d p h o to g ra p h ie s 3 hour E6 processing Cibachrome prints from slides Black & white prints/processing Open M-F, 8:30-5:30 Free parking

H a m ilto n ’s In d ia R e s ta u r a n t. 4 3 M iddle Street, Portland. N orthern and C entral Indian cuisine by chef H am ilton A sh. Spicy, inventive, excellent. M C /V IS A /A m . Express. 7 7 3 -4 4 9 8 . H o rs e fe a th e rs . 1 9 3 M iddle Street, Portland. T h e awardw inning m enu offers fresh char-broiled fish, stir-fries, steaks, veal O sc ar, as well as notorious “Horse-fries” and nachos. M any daily specials, served by a cheery, creative staff. Elegant and fun. Entertainm ent nightly. Lunch and dinner, 11 a.m . to 1 1 :4 5 p.m . daily. M ajor credit cards. 7 7 3 -3 5 0 1 .

774-6210 85 York Street, Portland, ME 04101


H u S h a n g II. 11 Brown Street, Portland. A ward-winning Szechuan, S hanghai, M andarin, an d H u n an cuisine. A Portland m ainstay. Lunch and dinner daily. 7 7 4 -0 8 0 0 . H u S h a n g III. 2 9 E x ch an g e S treet, Portland. Shrim p in black bean sauce, cashew chicken are am ong the Sze­ chuan, H u n an , S hanghai, and M an d arin dishes offered. Daily luncheon specials, h om em ade Chinese soups. Two brick-and-glass dining room s. Lunch and dinner. M ajor credit cards. 7 7 3 -0 3 0 0 . J ’s O y s te r B ar. 5 P o rtlan d Pier, P ortland. Delicious w ater­ front spot for seafood lovers. O y sters, steam ed clam s, very fresh seafood. 7 7 2 -4 8 2 8 . J a m e s o n T a v e rn . 115 M ain Street, Freeport. S teaks, veal, seafood, and daily chef’s specials. V eal sauteed with pros­ ciutto, provolone, and m ushroom s is a favorite, served in an historical colonial hom e. Lunch and dinner, S unday brunch. 8 6 5 -4 1 9 6 . J u s tin ’s R e s ta u r a n t. 6 4 5 C ongress S treet, Portland. D electable array of seafood, beef, poultry, and very special­ ized veal entrees. O u r luncheon m enu includes a choice of creative, fresh saiads and a variety of sandw iches. Elegant pastries and desserts are created daily along with our freshly baked breads. B reakfast, lunch, and dinner. Candlelight dining with Roy F razee at the piano. 7 7 3 -5 1 6 6 . L ’A n tib e s . 27 Forest A venue, P ortland. Elegant French cuisine served in the Portland Perform ing A rts Center. P erfect spot before and after Portland S tag e productions and other P ortland Perform ing A rts C enter events. Exten­ sive wine list. 7 7 2 -0 4 5 3 . L a S a lsa . 4 4 4 F ore S treet, P ortland. Spicy, new -age res­ ta u ran t features chile verde enchiladas, Indian blue corn tortillas and tam ales, C olache burritos, distinctive soups, and New M exican and South A m erican fish dishes. New location sports high-design interior, daily specials. Also: lam b dishes and M exican bread pudding. 7 7 5 -5 6 7 4 . L o b s te r S h a c k . 2 4 6 T w o Lights R oad, C ape Elizabeth. Striking ocean view and picnic seafood to m atch. G reat spot to w atch P ortland an d C enterboard Y ach t Club events. 7 9 9 -1 6 7 7 . r ,

Long Sleeved T’s ....................... $15.90 Long Sleeved T u rtle s..................24.95 S w e a ts h irts ................................26.50 ,


Red, White, Navy M, L, XL.

Send check/money order to: N0RTHWIND, INC. 13612 62nd Ave., N.E. Kirkland, WA 98 0 3 4

C o n tin u e d

D EC EM B ER 1 9 8 6


S m ith F a rm . 2 2 6 G ray R oad, W est Falm outh. T he R oast T urkey F east is a special attraction in this post-and-beam family restaurant, as are the desserts: T h e Indian pudding, apple p an dowdy, an d shortcakes are all homemade. T h e staff w ears overalls and sings on the weekends. B reakfast, lunch, and dinner, closed M ondays. M C,V1SA. 7 9 7 -3 0 3 4 .

V a l l e ’s - P o r t l a n d V alle’s fam ous re stau ran t is the b e st place for yo u r m eal w h eth er b reak fast, lunch o r ner. Y o u ’ll find th e fare and th e prices well w orthw hile. T h ick h an d -c u t sirloin steaks, p rim e ribs o f b eef, delicious lobster, an d te n d e r g ian t sh rim p are p a rt o f a su m p ­ tu o u s m en u selectio n th a t includes crisp tossed salads, b a k ed on th e prem ises rolls, pies and pastries. V alle’s has a special m en u for ch ild ren and is o p e n every day including holidays. R eserva­ tions an d A m erican E xpress, M asterC ard and Visa are accep ted . T h e private b a n q u e t ro o m s, com p letely re d e co rated , are ideal settin g s for successful m eetings and m em o rab le functions.

1140 B r i g h t o n A v e n u e ( R o u te 25 a t E x it 8, M a in e T u rn p ik e ) 77 4 -4551

S n o w S q u all. 18 O cean A venue, South Portland. Plants and sunshine, and a view of the w aterfront by day, candle­ light by night. All the seafood, veal, chicken, and beef is prepared from scratch. Lunch, dinner, S unday brunch. M ajor credit cards, reservations accepted. 799-2 2 3 2 . S p o rts m a n ’s G rill. 9 0 5 Congress Street, Portland. Italian and A m erican favorites in four hom ey dining rooms. S paghetti, of course, lasagne, breaded veal cutlets. Daily specials. Lunch and dinner. 7 7 2 -9 3 2 4 . 3 4 E x c h a n g e S tre e t. O ld P o rt Exchange. French Contin­ ental cuisine and fine wines served in two Victorian dining room s. T h e m enu of beef, seafood, chicken, and veal changes often with the exception of the Beef Wellington. Dinner 5 :3 0 -1 0 , reservations suggested. M ajor credit cards. 7 7 5 -1 1 0 0 . M a ria ’s R is to ra n te . 3 3 7 C um berland A venue, Portland. Form al dining, good wines, and line Italian cuisine. O w ner and chef A nthony N apolitano specializes in veal dishes, including veal scallopini m arsala, and there is an em phasis on fresh seafood as well. D inner 5 -1 0 w eekdays, 5-11 w eekends. M C ,V ISA . 7 7 2 -9 2 3 2 . T h e M a d d A p p le C afe . 2 3 Forest A venue, Portland. A n intim ate A m erican bistro located in the Portland P erform ­ ing A rts Center. Offering a changing m enu; specialties include Carolina C hopped Pork B B Q , Shrimp Rem oulade, Tournedos M archand du Vin, and B an an as Foster. Lunch a n d d in n e r . M a j o r c re d it c a r d s . 7 7 4 9 6 9 8 .

L o u n g e o p e n u n til m id n ig h t e v e r y n ig h t

D ining ro o m o p e n 7 a .m . - 10 p .m . (Fri. & Sat. 11 p .m .)

M ich e l’s a t E x it 8 . 2 0 2 L arrab ee R oad, W estbrook. S ea­ food and steaks in a pretty, plant-filled dining room. A m ong the selections are a two-pound prime rib, baked haddock, and Sicilian scallops. T h e portions are large, dinner specials change every two w eeks, lunch specials every day. Lunch and dinner. M ajor credit cards. 8 5 4 -9 4 9 6 .

V alle’s. 1 1 5 0 B righton A venue, Portland. First-rate steaks and seafood at reasonable prices in a family atm osphere. A favorite for m any P ortlanders for decades. Just off Exit 8. 7 7 4 -4 5 5 1 . T h e V in y a rd . I l l Middle Street, Portland. Seafood Diablo an d baked quail are am ong the specialties of this beautiful restau ran t. T h e em phasis is on French and Italian cuisine, with an extensive wine list to match. T h e menu changes bi-monthly. Lunch and dinner weekdays, dinner only S aturdays, closed Sundays. 773 -5 4 2 4 . T h e W e s t S id e. 5 9 Pine Street, Portland. H om em ade delights in a stylish little neighborhood cafe with great breads, pastries, specials, and a seasonal patio. Menu always fresh, original. 7 7 3 -8 2 2 3 .


O ld P o r t T a v e rn . 11 M oulton Street, Portland. Steaks, seafood, salad bar, and live m usic in the h eart of the O ld Port. A ward-winning Bloody M ary ’s. 7 7 4 -0 4 4 4 .


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P a g o d a . 5 Forest A venue, Portland. Chinese food by D anny W ong in a pretty new location. 773 -5 0 7 1 . P o r tla n d W in e a n d C h e e se . 8 Forest A venue, Portland. P ates, im ported cheeses and m eats, sandwiches, soups, and salads to tak e out or enjoy at a window table. O pen 10-3 w eek d ay s, 9 -6 w eek en d s. M ajo r credit card s. 77 2 -4 6 2 7 . R a p h a e l’s. 4 2 M arket Street, Portland. Northern Italian cuisine served in an exquisite atm osphere. Luncheon daily, 11 a.m to 2 p.m . D inner (with valet parking) 5 to 10, Sun. T hursday; 5 to 11, Fri. - Sat. D ownstairs, at Little Willie’s, enjoy an inform al luncheon (daily, 11 a.m . to 4 :3 0 p.m .) featuring a raw bar. R eservations suggested. M ajor credit cards. 773 -4 3 6 3 R ib R oom . Sonesta H otel Portland. 157 H igh Street, P o rt­ land. Elegant dining with impressive full-service menu (pates, m ussels in basil and lem on sauce, steaks, seafood dishes with accents on rare flavorings), and a highly rom an­ tic atm osphere. Also, try T h e G reenhouse and the newly rem odeled T o p of the E ast lounge for cocktails and a stunning city view. R eservations and m ajor credit cards accepted. 7 7 5 -5 4 1 1 . T h e R o m a . 7 6 9 C ongress Street, Portland. Classic Italian cuisine has been served in this Victorian mansion for 61 years. Enjoy seafood linguine or veal parm esan in one of the intim ate dining rooms. Daily specials, and a unique collec­ tion of Portland G lass. Sm oking and non-smoking availa­ ble. Lunch and dinner. 7 7 3 -9 8 7 3 . R u b y ’s C ho ice. 11 Free Street, Portland. T h e W orld’s G reatest H am burgers. 1 1 :3 0 a.m . to 11 p.m. 7 73-9099. S a p p o ro R e s ta u ra n t. 2 4 Free Street, Portland. Portland’s new Jap an ese restaurant excites the taste buds with colorful sushi dishes and other traditional favorites. Beautiful waterw alk into restaurant. 7 7 2 -1 2 3 3 . S easo n s. 3 6 3 M aine M all R oad, South Portland. The S heraton’s pride and joy, S easons features a wide variety of seasonally changing A m erican favorites as well as live entertainm ent and fashion shows. 7 7 5 -0 5 5 5 . S eoul H o u se. Route 77, C ape Elizabeth. A uthentic Korean favorites. Intim ate atm osphere and delicious, unusual food. Lunch and dinner T u esday through Saturday. 799-4031.


Treat Yourself To The Delicious World of

O N G O IN G PROG RAM S L ifelin e, a com prehensive series of adult fitness program s offered by the University of Southern M aine. Encom pass­ ing prevention, intervention an d rehabilitation, the pro­ gram s are designed to prom ote positive lifestyle changes through education and exercise. P rogram s include fitness testing, stress and lifestyle, smoking clinics, aerobic exer­ cise, aerobic dance, bodyshop, yoga, cardiac and pulmo­ nary rehabilitation, senior lifeline and various recreational services. Classes in various program s are offered through­ out the year; inform ation on registration, schedules, times and fees can be obtained by calling the Lifeline Office at 7 8 0 -4 1 7 0 . T h e C u m b e rla n d C o u n ty C h ild A b u se an d N eglect C o u n cil is a non-profit social service with offices in Preble C hapel, 331 C um berland A venue, in Portland. T h e group functions as an ad v o cate for children and as a voice for the com munity. For m ore information, call 774 -0 0 4 6 . T h e R o ta ry H o u se F u n d , a com munity service of the Portland R otary Club, m akes housing available, at no cost, to families who m ust com e to Portland from distant areas for hospital care. H ospitals participating in the program include M aine M edical C enter, M ercy H ospital and the O steopathic Hospital of M aine. For m ore information, write R otary Club of Portland, # 1 7 7 , 142 H igh St., Room 619, P .O . Box 175 5 , Portland, M E 0 4 1 0 4 ; or call 773-7 1 5 7 .


Come celebrate life in the Northern Italian style at Ristorante Regina.



FALLING IN LOVE (1984) Despite the dream casting of Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep, critics averted their faces from this one: apparently its unabashed sentim entality put a furrow in their high brows. Two everyday people (yes, Bob and Meryl are just like you and me) accidentally collide in a departm ent store, then m eet by chance on a com m uter train, and soon find them selves on a one­ way track to romance. Each, of course, is bound for a collision with his or her respective spouse, but the film’s thrust is that true love, even in this jaded age, can still prevail. Streep, while at times a little precious and m annered, is never really objectionable. De Niro is mesmerizingly and absolutely right, and the broadly criticized script is not bad at all but rath er naturalistic. If you’re not turned off by the title, you too just might fall for this one. (Rated PG)

W hether it be a w eeknight event, a weekend, a special occasion or a holiday, R istorante Regina offers the fin est in N orthern Italian cuisine in an in ti­ m ate, rom antic, candlelit setting. For C h ristm as Eve and New Year’s Eve we will offer special m enus perfect for an in ti­ m ate p arty or a family celebration.

THE HUNGER (1984) H ere’s a love story of a different kind that, by further contrast, the critics found too impersonal and high tech. Catherine Deneuve is an ageless w ealthy vam pire w hose successive ’’lovers” all inevitably quickly age and die. Current lover David Bowie’s on the w ay out (the scenes of this boy-man’s rapid aging are fascinating) and Susan Sarrandon, the head of a rejuvenation clinic to which Bowie has sought help, is on the w ay in. How she gets the “hunger” from D eneuve and how she fights it is w hat the story’s about; but the style is all. Directed by Tony Scott, the film is like a slick fashion spread, only w here the blood is real. With a fascinating (albeit som ew hat implicit) plot, this too is a dream of a cast in a film that is like a dream and yet goes straight for the jugular. (Rated R for language and violence) THE THING (1982) DAY OF THE DEAD (1985) Moving on to the unabashedly gory (there’s no stopping us now), here are a couple of very popular films that w ere criticized for gruesom e content as well as a very poor and mindless mimicry of earlier films (not true). In John C arpenter’s “The Thing,” a research team in the Antarctic discovers and then defrosts a hostile alien that soon w reaks havoc by taking on the appearance of those he kills: leaving the dwindling survivors trapped on the ice with a creature they can ’t even identify. State-of-the-art special effects carries forward the Howard Hawk’s ‘50s original without sacrificing the substance of its them e of desperate men caught in a no-exit situation. Among a good cast, Kurt Russell as the team leader lends his rich presence to an ultim ate nightm are faithfully rendered. Similarly, “Day of the D ead,” the final installment of George Romero’s trilogy (“Night of the Living Dead,” "Dawn of the D ead”), is not merely m ore of the same, but rather an extrem ely well-done variation. Here a group of people are trapped and surrounded in an underground bunker and are additionally torn (so to speak) on the issue of w hether to try to dom esticate or destroy the creatures: equally impossible tasks. (R for language and violence) THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE (1981) This was panned because it was felt to violate the beloved original with John Garfield and Barbara Stanwyck, but is in fact one of the few successful rem akes in the history of film. A luckless Depressionera con artist, Frank, drifts into a California roadside cafe and picks up a free meal, as well as Cora, the beautiful but bored wife of the older Greek cafe owner. But sensual Cora has a few tricks up her sleeve, and one of them is to m urder her husband. Presaging some of the steam y cat-and-mouse play of Jack Nicholson’s perform ance a few years later in "Prizzi’s Honor,” and all the despair of Jam es M. Cain’s pulp classic from which it’s derived, this one is vibrant with raw energy and beautifully filmed to boot. Actress Jessica Lange proves she can take on anything, even Jack. And she does. (Rated R for sex and some violence)



The Schooners T h e In n & R e s ta u ra n t o n G ra n n ie H a r d in g ’s W h a rf O c e a n A v e n u e , P.O. B o x 1121, K e n n e b u n k p o r t, M a in e 0 4 0 4 6 (2 0 7 ) 9 6 7 -5 3 3 3


FO R O N LY $15.°° S u g a r l o a f / U S A in v ite s y o u t o d isc o v er th e fu n o f w in te r a n d s ta r t skiing! S o , w e ’re w e ’re o fferin g a very sp ecial package th a t’s to o g o o d t o m iss! F o r ju s t $ 1 5 .0 0 * , y o u get an all d ay . lift tic k e t, m o m - f ing g r o u p les/ so n , an d

p le te e q u ip m e n t re n ta l pack ag e (sk is, b o o ts , p o le s ). O u r p r o ­ fessio n al in s tru c to rs g u a r a n ­ t e e th a t y o u ’ll b e sk iin g in on e day, o r y o u r m oney back! T h e r e ’s n e v e r b e e n a b e t t e r a t im e t o s t a r t skiing. C o m e u p to S ugarl o a f / U S A to d a y ... y o u ’ll b e v ery glad y o u did! *Valid on lower lifts, offered any day except holiday weeks, based o n availability.

F o r b ro c h u re an d m o re in fo rm a tio n send to: S u g a rlo a f/U S A , C arrabassett Valley, M aine 0 4 9 4 7 , 2 0 7 -2 3 7 -2 0 0 0 .


sugarloaf/usa D ECEM BER 1 9 8 6


Movie and theatrical celebri­ ties tend to create a wake of gl itter and pomp as they walk the pavement of any city, town, or state. Eyes look up, heads turn, and a hint of panache lingers in the air. Encounters of the celeb­ rity kind have been known to palpitate hearts, but in Maine reaction is probably better des­ cribed as stoic passion. For the most part, Mainers have always taken subtle pride in Hollywood and Broadway stars who wander the streets and backroads of the state. Of course occasions have arisen when locals have ex­ pressed greater enthusiasm, as when November 30th, 1929 was proclaimed a municipal holiday in Westbrook in honor of Rudy Vallee, and in 1955 when “The Virgin Queen,” starring Bette Davis, premiered in Portland. For the most part, though, fan­ fare has been restricted to action requiring fewer than ten calo­ ries. All of which is fine as far as celebrities are concerned. The creme de la theatre et cinema Americain can come home to a state of peace and quiet and rest assured they will not be treated too differently from any other neighbor in Maine; the leads of casts and the casters of leaders coexist in blissful harmony, neighbors through a shared love of the state and friends through a shared respect of individual­ ity. Besides, as one native com­ mented, “We all gotta button our flies the same.”

Down(East) And Ou Beverly Hills

Maine As Home And Seco To Hollywood And Broads RUDY VALLEE(1 9 0 1 -1 9 8 6 ) Rudy adm itted Island Pond, V erm ont to be his birthplace, but he considered himself a M ainer, having spent the m ajor­ ity of his youth in W estbrook. E ven after he w as draw n aw ay from the pines and ocean to the city lights, w om en, and fam e, he still returned to his ‘hom e’ state to build a luxurious cabin com plex on the shores of K ezar L ake. T here, w aited on by a staff of 10 women, the superstar crooner and guests would “rough it,” cruising up and down the lake on starlit nights, w rapped in blankets, while the records played G lenn Miller’s ‘M oonlight S eren ad e...” M ovies

The Vagabond Lover (1 9 2 9 ) How To Succeed In Business Without Really Trying (1 9 6 2 ) Airplane II



ZERO MOSTEL( 1 9 1 5 -1 9 7 7 ) M ostel, who in his earlier years was m ore a painter th an an actor, first walked the cliffs of M onhegan Island in the 1 9 3 0 s while looking for an inexpensive getaw ay. Soon thereafter, he purchased a sum m er hom e there and, until his death, enjoyed the beauty of the island and respected the “an arch ism ” of the island inhabitants. In a 1 9 7 3 interview, Mostel w as asked how his sum m er neighbors responded to his B roadw ay fame; he responded, “T h ey don’t interfere, but if y o u ’re looking for help, it’s alw ays there when you need it.” B ro a d w a y Fiddler On The Roof M ovies The Enforcer (1 9 5 1 ) The Producers (1 9 6 8 )

Rudy Vallee


Z e ro M o stel

»nd Home ray G E R T R U D E a n d M A X IN E E L L IO T T (d. 1 9 5 0 )(d . 1 9 4 0 ) G ertrude and M axine, w hose original nam es were M ay and Jessie D erm ot, w ere acknow ledged at the turn of the cen­ tury as leading actresses of both the A m erican and English stage. Both w omen gained worldly reputations for their beauty, M axine being described as “V enus D e Milo — W ith A rm s,” and G ertrude as nothing short o/ “ravishingly beautiful.” T h ro u g h their travels, G ertrude m et and m arried the fam ous English S hak esp ear­ ean tragedian Forbes Robertson and m oved to E ngland, but M axine returned to M aine to “grow m iddle-aged g race­ fully.”

JU D S T R U N K (1 9 3 6 -1 9 8 1 ) Ju d ’s introduction to the big tim e w as fairly rapid, after years of sm aller, and not alw ays positive, app earan ces. A s Jud, raised in Farm ington, explained, “T hough the H ollyw ood trip to the m ountains of M aine w as som etim es a screw ed-up ex­ istence, my poem s and songs are a result of it.” H is show circuits included working with the likes of G len C am pbell and A ndy W illiam s, but like other M aine celebrities, he eventually returned hom e. In a tele­ phone conversation from H ollyw ood at the start of his television career he stressed, “ I’m not im pressed with anybody here in the sense that they are im portant because I’ve m et the g reatest — the state of M ainers.” R e c o rd “I’ll G ive Y ou A D aisy A D a y ” — over 1 million sold Continued on page 28


Continued from page 2 7

for a while; she is m ore appreciative and gracious.”

B ook

Bury Me On The Wind T elevision

Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-ln

T elevisio n

Alice A Place to Call Home, produced by and starring L inda Lavin for E m bassy/C B S, to be aired in J anuary B ro ad w a y

Family Affair The Riot Act


Jud Strunk

A lthough born in H artford, Connecti­ cut 71 years ago, Merrill spent his child­ hood in M aine and eventually m oved to C ape Elizabeth in the 19 5 0 s with his wife, B ette D avis. T h e couple later divorced and B ette m oved aw ay, but G ary stayed. For G ary, living a life of ease in M aine w as the fulfillment of his earliest dream s, and he has often stressed how lucky he considers anyone living in the state. “W e have a little of everything this country has except palm trees ... and who needs palm trees?” M ovies

12 O ’clock High (1 9 4 9 ) with G regory

LINDA LAVIN Now that “A lice” has retired to reruns, South P ortland’s own L inda Lavin is con­ centrating a good portion of her time to help working w om en in low-paying, lowstatus jobs while continuing to pursue her acting and producing goals. H er involve­ m ent with w om en’s working groups, com ­ m ents Linda’s press agent, is an exam ple of how Linda is “not affected like other celebrities. I think it has to do with where she grew up and the fact that she struggled


All About Eve (1 9 5 0 ) with B ette Davis Thieves (1 9 7 6 ) T elev isio n Young Dr. Kildare, as K ildare’s kindly old advisor, Dr. Gillespie.

Gary Merrill

Princess Spotted Elk

PRINCESS SPOTTED ELK Princess Spotted Elk of the Penobscot tribe, better know n as A lice Nelson “to her white friends,” first encountered the limelight after she w as chosen to pose for the statue of victory for the unknown sol­ diers’ m onum ent. Spotted Elk went on to star on the stag e and screen both here in A m erica and abroad, and perform ed her native Penobscot dances the world over. Y et rave reviews, dinners with the V an­ derbilts, and exotic cities could not hold a candle to her “little m other in Old Tow n” and “som e of (that) good old Y ankee sights and food...” M ovies

Silent Enemy (also on Broadw ay — 1929)

“L ’Atlantide” (French)

PHYLLIS THAXTER (MRS. GILBERT LEA) Phyllis’ role as S uperm an’s adopted m other on earth in the m ovie “S uperm an” m arked her first film role since 1964. Before then she worked opposite such leading actors as G ary Cooper and Burt L ancaster, but after that time she returned to M aine and m ade her perm anent home in Falm outh Foreside. “I love M aine. I alw ays have. It’s true, you know, you can go hom e ag ain .” M ovies:

Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo” (1 9 4 5 ) Sea of Grass Jim Thorpe— All American Superman 28


T elevision:

Marcus Welby The Twilight Zone American Playhouse, in which she played R eb ecca N urse, the m ost fam ous victim of the S alem , M a. w itchcraft trials of 1 6 9 2 , in

Three Sovereigns For Sarah.

JOHN FORD (1 8 9 5 -1 9 7 3 ) A fter achieving som e success in early m ovies, Jo h n ’s brother returned to P or­ tland sporting a long fur co a t and behind the wheel of a gleam ing S tutz-B earcat. H e told his family of a p lace called H olly­ w ood and the budding new film industry there. Jo h n w as hooked on w hat he heard m oved west, becam e one of H ollyw ood’s alltim e g reatest directors, and rarely looked back. A lthough Jo h n left the state, the state never left the m an, for he often com m ented that he m aintained a “com ­ plete sym pathy with (M aine) people.”

Great Value

T h e W ad sw o rth is in -to w n living at its b e s t — a g re a t value, in th e h e a rt o f P ortland. T h is h a n d so m e tu rn -o f-th e -c e n tu ry b u ild in g , n a m e d for th e p o e t Longfellow, h a s b e e n re d e sig n e d to o ffer a c o n te m p o ra ry living e n v iro n m e n t ste p s from M o n u m e n t S q u are a n d O ld Port. S tudios, o n e-, tw o- a n d th re e -b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n ts from $395, in clu d in g all u tilities. Im m e d ia te occu p an cy . P arking is available. F or in fo rm a tio nn, 1 i p lease call L iberty M an a g e­ m e n t G ro u p , 772-8896. T h e W adsw orth. It’s a classic.

IS A lw ays A C lassie

M ovies:

The Iron Horse (1929) The Lost Patrol (1 9 3 4 ) The Informer (1 9 3 5 ), A cadem y A w ard Grapes of Wrath (1 9 4 0 ), A cad em y A w ard

The Wadsworth

How Green Was My Valley (1 9 4 1 ), A cad em y A w ard Fort Apache (1 9 4 8 ) Mister Roberts (1 9 5 5 )

iP i O BLUEBIRD CAIB €€>» Prompt, C ourteous Service in the Portland Area fo r over 50 Years.


7 7 3 -1 7 1 1 John Ford *




Continued on page 36 D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6



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Samuel Robert— 40-60% off w om en’s fashions— ultrasuede, suede & fine fabrics. Joan & David shoes at outlet prices. 865-3424

Stoney Point— Classic selection o f handcrafted w aterfowl decoys. Also gifts and novelties with duck motif.

North County Leather Company S to r e Crafted with pride in New England. Now available at direct prices. 865-3650

Anne Klein Outlet— The best in designer sportswear at outlet prices. 865-9555 Visa, Mastercard accepted.


Freeport Jewelry E x c h a n g e Fine jew elry at some of the lowest prices in New England. 865-9411

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i 4




New Man— Exquisite casual French sportswear. For men and women, including Yves Saint Laurent 50-70% off. 865-3066


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Fifth Ave. comes to Freeport. Atupto70%off. Bow Street, Freeport, Maine.




Inside, the house is elegant but m ore m odest th an expected. T ypical Jean! It is filled with family m em entos. Sum ner has a perch of his own. A sm all room in the converted attic is as m uch a nest as a m an can own. Furnished simply with a desk an d chair, he can find a m om ent of soli­ tu d e looking out along their piece of the sea. “ In the m id -1 9 7 0 s, the N avy con­ ducted their Snow ey B each N aval m a ­ neuvers here. T hey began a t dawn. T here w ere destroyers, aircraft carriers, landing craft, helicopters, hundreds of men, and testing equipm ent. It w ent on all m orning. T h ey landed on our beach while we served brunch. T h ey were testing arctic equip­ m ent. W e invited a num ber of our friends over for a 6 a.m . brunch. It w as p erhaps our m ost dram atic p arty .” W e finished our photo session around 1 p.m ., after four hours of shooting. Je a n an d S um ner w ere patient and alm ost enthusiastic as we m ade sham bles of their quiet S atu rd ay m orning. A s we packed up, it w as obvious th at they didn’t w ant us to leave. T hey led the w ay into the dining room . T h e antique table w as set with a feast. S um ner’s fam ous chow der, J e a n ’s dill salad (w ithout onions, she noted, rem em bering my preference from our previous lunch), a decadent K ahlua choc­ olate m ousse, and coffee served in Lim oges tea cups. • • • Som e assignm ent? Y ou bet. Som e lady! D ECEM BER 1 9 8 6




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U 3



The Sea, hen an eccentric entrepre­ neur purchases a Portland L an d m ark with a colorful p ast and then adds $1 million of his own m oney to the venture, the results can be rath er astounding. Intrigued? Y ou might w ant to m eet Jo e Soley. T h e S eam en ’s Club R estaurant is not just an investm ent for Joe, it’s a passion. T h a t kind of passion is reflected in every­ thing he does — for Joe, it’s alw ays “all or nothing.” H e has restored the original S eam en ’s and her sister building next door to their original splendor inside and out. Cutting brick arches through the walls of the second floor, the restaurant will ultimately sp an four buildings, all the w ay to E xchange Street. Businesses look­ ing for a unique setting for a m eeting or conference will be able to use the library and conference center. “ I have been in real estate all of my life. 1 w orked m y w ay through Jo h n s H opkins by running Caterpillars and concrete equip­ ment, and I used the opportunity to learn the construction business. By the end of the 1 9 7 0 s, we had built over 1 ,0 0 0 apartm ents and retail structures in Balti­ m ore, with a working crew of nearly 3 0 0 .” T h e driving energy of a m an who devel­ oped over $ 1 5 0 million of Baltim ore real estate in the 1 9 6 0 s and 1 9 7 0 s cam ou­ flages the m ore com plex characteristics of a m an who raised four sons alone. His wife died when the boys were only 3, 5, 7, and 9. Looking for a change, he hopped on his T rium ph 6 5 0 an d checked out M aine. It w as not long before he and the boys m oved into an old log cabin in N orthport. T h e cabin w as rustic but served as home. E ventually, they p urchasd an 1 8 9 9 Shingle-Style house situated on 1 ,000 feet of shorefront in Cam den. T h e grounds w ere designed by the landscape architect O lm stead, reknow ned for his design of New Y ork City’s Central Park. “ I h av e alw ays been interested in his­ toric preservation, and C am den has such a w ealth of classic properties. W e reno­ vated an d restored over a dozen. T here w as no question th at 1 w anted to continue to develop properties; it w as simply a matter of finding the right ones. Returning to school, Joe graduated from the M IT School O f A rchitecture in 1982. “It w as an exciting time. M y sons Richard an d T im were also at M IT. W hen I com pleted the program , I was asked to te ach .”





nen’s Club impire xpands

“A nd T he Seam en’s Club is just the beginning! In addition to the twin buildings on Fore, he has recently purchased 7 Exchange Street, next to the corner of Fore and Exchange. Tw o years ago he paid $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 for 3 7 3 Fore, the sister of the original Seam en’s Club. Last year he paid $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 for the Seam en’s building, a price that included the business. 3 7 7 Fore Street is co-owned by Eric Cianchette and D an Lilley. H e is leasing the second floor from them at present. Charles Fitzgerald, owner of the Bowl and Board chain, had owned the corner of Fore and Exchange but sold it to Portland attorney D an Lilley. Jo e plans to lease the second floor. A n upscale pizza parlor is planned for the first floor. T he corner will be renam ed 1 Exchange Place. “Real Estate has been crazy. T he other day som eone called me from K ennebunkport and offered me $2 million for the Seam en’s Club. It is not for sale. 1 bought 7 Exchange a few months ago for a half million. I plan to live in the Penthouse. T he building is fully occu­ pied and there is no plan to m ake any changes other than restoring the exterior.”

N 3SN 3.

A Kennebunkport resident recently offered Joe Soley $2 million for his newly restored Seamen’s Club. He turned him down.

DEC EM B ER 1 9 8 6



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I t C. 5 C H IN A U C K .

The Seamen’s Club is expanding to include all the buildings on Fore to Exchange Street (moving left)

T o d ay , he rem ains involved and com ­ m itted to the M IT program . H e ’s on the teaching staff, and built the new C enter for R eal E state D evelopm ent. A n d T he S eam en ’s Club is just the beginning! In addition to the twin buildings on Fore, he has recently purchased 7 E xchange Street, next to the corner of Fore and E xchange. T w o years ago he paid $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 for 3 7 3 Fore, the sister of the original S eam en’s Club. L ast y ea r he paid $ 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 for the S eam en ’s building, a price that included the business. 3 7 7 F ore S treet is co-owned by Eric C ianchette and D an Lilley. H e is leasing the second floor from them at present. C harles Fitzgerald, ow ner of the Bowl and B oard chain, had ow ned the corner of Fore and E xchange but sold it to P o rtlan d attorney D an Lilley. J o e plans to lease the second floor. A n upscale pizza parlor is planned for the first floor. T h e corner will be renam ed 1 E xchange Place. “R eal E state has been crazy. T h e other day som eone called m e from K enne­ bunkport and offered m e $ 2 million for the S eam en ’s Club. It is not for sale. I bought 7 E x change a few m onths ago for a half million. I plan to live in the P ent­ house. T h e building is fully occupied and there is no plan to m ake any changes other th an restoring the exterior.”

363 Fore St. • Portland, ME • 207-773-0518 W hen in K ennebunkport, visit our Dock Square location.

Specialists in casual, natural fiber clothing for ladies and men.

DON’T LEAVE THE HEART OUT OF YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST We are the Santa Headquarters for Intown Portland

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with Sant; Santa Photo with available

ONE C ITY # CENTER The Heart of Portland

Continued on page 38 D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


Continued from page 29


he next time you rent out Jaws, Jaws II, or Godfather II as a rainy

day video, you will be taking in Fritzi C ohen — or Ja n e C ourtney if you go by her stage nam e. Fritzi m ay origi­ nally be from Brooklyn, New Y ork, but she has happily adopted M aine as her hom e. H er family has alw ays been here since she m arried R obert C ohen, a native of Portland, at the age of 19. “M y family has alw ays been top prior­ ity ... Besides, New Y ork City has changed since 1 was a kid.” T h e above pictures (Jaws as M rs. T aft, m otel owner; Jaws II as a selectw om an) are just three of the m ovies in which Fritzi h as a p p e a re d ; o th ers include Hanky

Panky, The Carey Treatment, Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon, and Starting Over, and television productions of Route 66, Banacek, Sprague, and The Gathering, Part II. She has also starred in num erous sum ­ m er and winter stock theater productions

and is probably best known, locally, as a theatre critic for W C SH -T V (1 9 6 2 -1 9 8 2 ). H er jobs as actress, reporter, and critic h av e kept her in contact over the years with a variety of B roadw ay and Holly­ wood notables associated with M aine. Bette D avis w as her first interview as a television theater critic. “ I was scared to d eath .” S he later interviewed Skye A ubrey, S kye’s m other Phyllis T h ax ter, and John Ford, am ong others. “Skye w as as nice as can be, pretty and a real delight. During m y interview with Skye, her m other was there, but Phyllis stay ed in the b ack ­ ground, saying she had had her m om ent and now it w as Skye’s turn. A s for Phyllis, I think her play, “T h e Gin G am e ,” seen here at the O gunquit P layhouse, w as her best acting, terrific!” A nd Jo h n Ford? “John F ord had com e to visit Portland w hen 1 g av e him a call at his hotel. H e said he w as preparing to fly aw ay so 1

should try to get an interview with him at the airport. 1 grabbed a cam eram an, but w hen we got there Ford w as in a state of confusion; he couldn’t find his ticket, wallet, or m oney anywhere. So we talked while the cam era w as recording him pok­ ing around his suitcase. Eventually he called New Y ork and m an ag ed to find som eone who could vouch for him. H e later got a letter from the hotel — they’d found his wallet, money, and ticket in his bed. H e w as a sweet, sweet m an .” Fritzi becam e good friends with Jan e M o rg an after M o rg an ’s brother, Bob

Fritzi with Roy Scheider and author Peter Benchley (right) during the filming of Jaws I. Currier, asked Fritzi to be in “A nniver­ sary W a ltz ” at the K ennebunkport P lay­ house, which he owned. T h e Playhouse, one of m an y in the state, operated for ab o u t 3 0 years until it burned, but during the tim e it w as in operation, “all the stars in the world appeared there.” Indeed, M aine sum m er theaters were, and still are to a lesser extent, a major attractio n for B roadw ay and Hollywood. “M aine h ad a lot of wonderful summer theaters. T h e O gunquit P layhouse still features stars an d is one of the m ost beau­ tiful an d prom inent in the country. L ake­ wood T h ea ter and others w ere also ‘star attracting’ theaters. A play would come up with a star in the lead role and local professional acto rs were used in support­ ing roles. T h a t’s how I got involved.” 36


BETTE DAVIS Bette first cam e to M aine over 35 years ago w hen she m oved to C ap e Eli­ zabeth with her husband G ary Merrill. She becam e “ absolutely m a d ” about the coast and later described C ape Elizabeth as “p a ra ­ dise” and M aine, itself, as the place she loved m ost. People often think of M aine as quaint and uncultured, but not Bette: She found the a re a to be “one of the m ost sophisticated places in the co u n try ...” For those wishing to discuss the sophistication of M aine, perhaps you can reach B ette on Cliff Island. T h e island is the present loca­ tion for her next film, “T h e W hales Of A u g u st,” which also stars Lillian Gish and V incent Price.

N ot only the theaters, but the beauty of the area, feels Fritzi, often persuaded actors and actresses to return m ore than once. “It is not valid to say they com e up to escape; instead they com e because of the com bination of the people and places. T h e actors can be them selves and respect the independence of the M aine people. It’s not that actors mind being approached; in fact they get upset if people don’t alw ays recognize them , but the reason they com e to M aine, and the reason I stay in M aine, is for all it is.”

M ovies Baby Jane

All About Eve Dark Victory Dangerous (1 9 3 5 A cadem y A w ard) Jezebel (1 9 3 8 A cadem y A w ard)

Editor’s Note: We are delighted to announce that Fritzi Cohen has been named Contributing Editor for Theatre in these pages. Starting with our J anuary issue, she’ll be reviewing and pre­ viewing major theatre events across the state. All correspondence regarding her reviews should be addressed to Fritzi Cohen, Theatre Editor, Portland Monthly, 154 Middle Street, Portland 04101.

Continued on page 40

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D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


Continued from page 35

Why our skiing guests come back again and again. □ W e h av e th e a tm o s p h e re an d s e r v ic e o f a c la s s ic N e w E ngland re s o rt with fire­ p laces aglow a n d out stan d in g cuisine.

30 kilom eters of gro o m ed trails, right o u t th e b ack door, EPSIA in s tru c tio n , re n ta ls a n d guided m oonlight to u rs.

□ W e ek en d 3-day/2night p ack ag es which include lodging, break­ fast a n d din n er daily, cro ss-co u n try skiing a n d u se of all th e Inn’s facilities startin g a t $114 ppdo.

□ W e’re only ten m in­ utes away from ' dow nhill skiing at S u n d ay River Ski R e­ so rt a n d Mt. A bram . □ O u r cro ss-co u n try ski to u rin g c e n te r offers

cB e t ? i e y n n , C o u ijtry C lu b T he B ethel Inn & C o u n try Club, a 4-season reso rt, 70 miles from Portland and 170 miles from B oston in M aine’s W hite M ountains. F or reservations call (207) 824-2175 in Bethel, Maine. In Maine: 1-800-367-8884

In the past he has built and operated a carpet retail chain and a string of tire and tune-up centers, so few things are ever ruled out. D oes that m ean h e’s a p art time res­ taurateur? “1 love this place. I’m here day and n ig h t— hell, I sleep upstairs! I ate here for years before I bought it. T h e staff works hard. D uring the renovation, the 12 weeks we shut down, they kept their jobs but the jobs were different. T hey w ere p art of the construction crew, and they did everything: carpentry, painting, ripping up. Now they b ak e 4 0 -5 0 loaves of bread, over 6 0 0 rolls, and a dozen 20-pound turkeys a day. T hey are serv­ ing 3 ,0 0 0 m eals a week. No one really knows w hat the potential is. T ony DiMillo is doing over 6 million dollars a year; he com es in here all the time. W e re sm aller, but 3 years down the road, who knows? P ortland needs a com fortable place for people to m eet each other. T h a t’s the niche I want. A friendly establishm ent with hearty fare at reasonable prices.” His tornado pace keeps staff and con­ sultants on their toes. H e changes gears constantly. T h a t rollercoaster is never m ore obvious than when he segues from business repartee to talk about family. H e w ears his heart on his sleeve when he talks about his kids. Richard is finishing his doctorate in com puter science at M IT, D avid is an attorney in W ashington, Ja ck is an instructor at O utw ard Bound, and Tim works part-tim e with his D ad and has a num ber of his own business interests.

THANKS FOR HELPING ME. Y o u r g ift to th e U n ite d W ay w ill help us c o n tin u e to m ake M a in e a b e tte r place fo r everyone. T o th e th o u s a n d s o f yo u th a t gave o f y o u r tim e and m o n e y -th a n k y o u fo r h e lp in g ME The Man Who Would Be King: Joe Soley.

U nibed W ^y Serving Cumberland County T h a n k s to yo u it w o rk s fo r all o f us.



“I w ant to do it all over again. I’m ab o u t to becom e a grandfather for the first time. I would also like to start all over again — I m ean m ak e a brand new fam ­ ily. I’m not kidding. I’m going to do that!” H e ’s traded his m otorcycle for a red ’67 Stingray. So w hat’s next? A m an like Jo e is h ard to figure. H e currently has plans underw ay to build a hotel complex in H arv ard S q u are. W h a t restaurant will be inside? P o rtlan d ’s own S eam en ’s Club.


THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS: A Peek a t Shoplifting In Portlan< During The Holiday Season. By Margarete C. Schnauck

It w as a day like any other except that today w e w ere having a big sale. T h e place w as crawling with dam es. I didn’t need a m agnifying glass to see th a t it w as the perfect scene for a crim e, when in w alks a d ream . I w atched her w alk across the room looking like a picture of Miss W onderly. S h e m oved like a cat and within m inutes she had worked the place over. S he w as slick b ut I w as slicker and before she knew it she w as confessing in m y office.


npage 46


O ver the last y ear the loss of m erchan­ dise to store ow ners as a result of shoplift­ ing in P o rtland has quadrupled. Betw een Ja n u ary 1 and O ctober 8, 1986, 3 2 5 shoplifting reports w ere filed. Fifty per­ cent of the item s stolen w ere beer or wine, 1 7 .5 % food, 1 1 .4 % cigarettes, 5 .8 % clothes, and 1 5 .2 % m iscellaneous (per­ fume, cards, knives, tapes, hairspray, toys, batteries, and a lizard). (Lizard theft, a H am m ettish crim e which has baffled am ateu r sleuths and gum shoes throughout the area, is currently generat­ ing a lot of trade on P ortland’s black m arket.) “A m ajority of incidents thus far entail theft of foodstuffs. It’s prim arily indigent street people stealing food who get caught,” says M ajor Steven Roberts of the P ort­ land Police D epartm ent. N ext are “cos­ metics and m agazines, m agazines being pornographic, and beer, kids who are under age snatching it and running,” he explains. Shoplifters, according to statistics of recorded incidents betw een Ja n u a ry 1 an d O ctober 8, 1 9 8 6 , are primarily m ales. In this period 107 m ales were arrested versus 4 0 fem ales. T h e highest

D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


Continued from page 37

“M y father is a lawyer and my m other is a m em ber of the Legislature. T h ere is a lot of d ram a an d acting in both. So I’d say it’s in the genes.” For those wishing to find out a little m ore about Ju d d ’s genes, he has been known to frequent 3 Dollar D ew ey’s while in town.

DUSTIN and WILLIAM FARNUM (1 8 7 0 -1 9 2 9 ) (1 8 7 6 -1 9 5 3 ) W h a t the Elliot sisters did for the late 18 th C entury stage, the F arnum B rothers did for early 19th century silent m ovies. T heir cinem atic prowess and bravado m ade sure “ushers were plentifully sup­ plied with smelling salts for fainting ladies.” D ustin and W illiam m aintained a simple philosophy tow ards w omen through their three m arriages each: ’’T re a t 'em rough, but do it gently.” Their fam e, coupled with their legendary offscreen altruism, resulted in their hom etow n of B ucksport acting som ew hat un-Y ankeelike — they

M ovies

The Breakfast Club Fandango St. Elmo’s Fire Blue City T elev isio n


William Farnum celebrated w henever D ustin and W illiam returned to vacation. M ovies

Ben Hur (1 9 0 0 ) W illiam starred in the lead The Littlest Rebel (1 9 1 1 ) joint effort The Squaw Man (Dustin played Jim C arson)

JUDD NELSON T o som e he is a heartthrob, to others he is a quick and phenom enal success, but to P ortlanders he is a “ Kid who grew up here and hit it.” “Stifling” is the word Ju d d uses to describe the Hollywood scene, and so he returns to his p aren ts’ hom e here in M aine, his “favorite place on the planet,” w henever possible.

Dustin and William Farnum “ D

i d n ’t

S a y



JAMES FLAVIN (1906-1976) Portland born native. M ovies

I t


nee the news had reached Fales G rocery it w as only a m atter of hours before the entire coastal tow n of Cushing w as abuzz. Christopher R eeve and T om Selleck had both pur­ chased second hom es in the com munity. All sum m er the stories circulated, but as floats and boats were pulled ashore for w inter the stories ap p eared to be little m ore than rum ors. A lthough respected for their indepen­ dence, it appears M ainers still fall prey to such hum an sin as h earsay . L et’s face it, as far as C ushing is considered, having the likes of T om and C hristopher would be two m ore ‘lobsta’s in the pot’ for a town which already boasts the residence of A ndrew W yeth. So how did the rum ors start? A pparently, a C ushinger was renting his hom e to a “T o m ” and his neighbor


Judd Nels,

a s n ’t ”

asked, for som e reason, if it w as T o m Selleck. “D idn’t say it w asn’t,” w as the reply. W hether a similar situation occurred with a “C hristopher” is not known, and the closest M r. Reeve is know n to have com e to Cushing is w hen he apprenticed a t the B oothbay P layhouse, which no longer exists, som e years ago. A lthough Christopher and T om are not buying second hom es in Cushing, per­ haps they should. A fter all, Cushingers are accustom ed to living with celebrities, an d they do respect privacy. If a tourist were to stop in Fales and inquire as to the w hereabouts of T o m or Christopher, he would receive the sam e reply tourists in search of the W yeths receive. A finger would w ave in a general direction of trees, ocean, fields, shrubs, rocks, an d back roads and Mr. Fale would drawl, “H e lives over they’a h .”

Baby Take a Bow with Shirley Tem ple King Kong The Grapes of Wrath Front Page

RICHARD A. DYSART Raised in A ugusta. N ew Y o rk stag e

Arsenic and Old Lace M ovies

The Hindenburg T elev isio n

Cannon Maude McCoy

SKYE AUBREY R aised in Cum berland Foreside and the d au ghter of actress Phyllis T haxter and the granddaughter of actress Phyllis Schuyler. M ovie

The Carey Treatment


T elev isio n

P resent hom e in O xford Hills an d mim e school in South Paris

Marcus Welby Movie Of The Week

M ovies

Clan of the Cave Bear with D aryl H an n ah

DAVID HIMMELSTEIN A form er reporter for the Portland Press Herald, D avid w ent on to write the screenplay for the m ovie Power, based on


the book by Betsy H ayes, and starring Richard Gere.

M ovies


N orthhaven Island sum m er hom e

When Ladies Meet 1933 Yellow Jack (1 9 3 8 ) Haunted Honeymoon (1 9 4 0 ) Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1 9 4 1 )

M oved to P eaks Island three years ago. B ro a d w a y

four month clown show M ovie “T h e Jew el of the N ile”, co-starring M ichael D ouglas, K athleen T urner and D anny Divito.

DON BILLET Claim s Portland as his hom e M ovies Hustle with Burt Reynolds

Prince of the City Ordinary People Serpico

STEPHEN KING N ative with present hom e in B angor. N eed we say more?

ANDREA MARTIN P ortland born native. M ovies

Club Paradise with Robin W illiams and

Present hom e in Freeport. M ovies

Foxfire Sudden Impact Airplane II Blue Thunder T elevision:

MASH Soap Dallas

We cut through the magic and give you real solutions. Computer consulting tailored to your individual needs.

P eter O ’Toole T elevision

Second City Television (SCTV), improv-

David Hanaburgh

isational production based in T oronto Kate and Allie, A n d rea recently com ­ pleted three episodes which are to be aired on CBS D ecem ber 1 and 8

Computer Consulting And Troubleshooting 6 5 7 -3 8 0 1

HARRY PETER McNABB P ortland born native. A uthor an d screen­ writer who won an A cadem y A w ard for his work on the m ovie A Place in the Sun, based on the book which he originally penned.



Southw est H arbour born native. M ovies

Justice Ends With A Gun with Fred

Family Dentistry

M acM urray

The Story on Page One with R ita H ayw orth T elev isio n

Wagon Train Thriller

Carroll M. Ross, D.D.S. Nancy D. Sargent, D.D.S.

ED BEGLEY(1 9 0 1 -1 9 7 0 ) Sum m ered in Ogunquit.

JEFF DONNELL Portland born native

M ovies

Deep Waters Sweet Bird of Youth (1 9 6 2 ), A cadem y

M ovies

A w ard for best supporting actor

Sweet Smell of Success My Man Godfrey Tw o Gidget films

The Great Gatsby The Unsinkable Molly Brown

T elev isio n

T elevision Dr. Kildare

Weekdays, Wednesday Evenings, and Saturdays

781-4216 F a lm o u th S h o p p in g C e n te r F a lm o u th , M aine 04105

The George Gobel Show, as G eorge’s wife, Alice DECEM BER 1986


BY MARGARETE C. SCHNAUCK hen U .S. attorney R ichard C ohen’s silver 1 9 8 4 V olks­ w agen J e tta w as broken into during broad daylight recently — in the middle of the O ld P ort District — and his ra d a r detector w as taken, that erubescent bit of indescretion underscored an alarm ­ ing surge in P ortlan d ’s brashest new crime: parked auto break-ins. In recent m onths, the hardest-hit areas have been the dow ntow n Congress St. blocks (in­ cluding intown parking g arages and p ark ­ ing lots for intown businesses), the E x­ change S treet / O ld P ort quarter, and the Exit 8 sector, including hotel and shop­ ping center parking lots. “ D rug m oney, th a t’s why som e of them do it; others just do it for the excitem ent,” says D etective Jo seph Conicelli, P ortland Police D epartm ent, of the m otor vehicle robbers. T hefts from m otor vehicles have be­


com e an increasingly serious problem of late: From Ja n u ary 1 through the end of last sum m er, a cool million (actually $ 1 ,0 3 8 ,1 3 4 — th a t’s a lot of sunglasses and lifesavers!) worth of items were taken from m otor vehicles in the Portland area. T his figure does not include the d am age done w hen a thief b reaks into a car, or the am ount of police time involved. Says Conicelli: “ It’s m ore serious than people realize. Literally dozens of cases com e in each week. Even cruisers get broken into. In one instance an officer w as on call, left the ca r door unlocked, and returned to find his clipboard missing. Nightsticks, hats, and jackets have been stolen as well.” T h e item s m ost often tak en are rad ar detectors, radios, speakers, tools, tapes, purses, cam eras, tapedecks, and hub­ caps. T h e num ber of incidents have increased dram atically since Ja n u ary ,

1 9 8 6 , w hen there were 171 thefts re ­ ported. In February there were 2 1 3 , M arch 2 2 8 , April 2 6 7 , M ay 3 5 3 , Ju n e 3 5 4 , July 2 9 9 , A ugust 2 5 4 , S eptem ber 2 2 8 and in O ctober, through O ctober 14, 125. (All statistics provided by the crim e analysis division of the P P D .) O f the 2 ,4 9 2 incidents which have occurred from Ja n u ary 1 through O ctober 14, 3 4 scene-of-the-crim e arrests and 11 w ar­ ran t arrests have been m ade. M any of these arrests involve repeat offenders who have already been nabbed num erous times by neighboring com m unities. T he reason th at the num ber of incidents is so m uch higher than the num ber of arrests m ade, explains Det. Conicelli, is th at “It’s such a quick crim e, done in about 10 seconds. A lot of them are carrying around m etal punches, and they punch out your vent window.” So w hat can we do to protect our autos


It’s Happening All Over Portland. Is Your Car Next? 42


H w /m




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from being violated? Install alarm sys­ tems! Loud, clanging bells, supersonic scream s, sirens, guard dogs, and machine guns. T h e type of security system s used by University libraries. T h a t’ll keep the perps on their toes, w on’t it? “A larm sys­ tem s really don’t work. For some of them to work, the door has to be open. So if you sm ash a window open, the alarm m ay not w ork.” Det. Conicelli further explains that “A lot of people leave ra d a r detectors out on the dash. Som e hide them under the seat, but they leave the Velcro strip on the dash. Som e take the strip off but neglect to put their cigarette lighter back in. If these guys see the lighters, it’s a hint. Som e people leave the cord hanging, another giveaway. O ther people, espe­ cially around Christm astim e, leave pack­ ages in the car, visible to anyone passing by.”

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ski & sp«rts shops

N o rth C onw ay, N.H. • M ain S treet • 356-9411 Keene, N.H. • C o lo n y M ill M arketplace • 352-5266 S ou th P o rtla n d , ME • 265 W estern Ave. • 761-1961 44


Conicelli urges parkers to put valuables in their trunks. “T h ere w as an incident on Pine Street where about $ 6 ,0 0 0 in jewelry was stolen. Som ebody left a jewelry box in the back seat of their car overnight and somebody broke in and stole it. I worked as a patrolm an for eight years and I used to love w atching those guys and shaking them down. I didn’t mind the paperwork if it led to something, but when it doesn’t it just takes aw ay from time that we can be out on the street. T h ese people can be caught. I w ant to appeal to the public to report anything they see going on. If they happen to see anything, please give us a call and w e’ll keep it confidential, says Conicelli. So w hat happens to your Blau Punkt after it’s stolen from your Bimmer? “They are selling it (stolen items) to friends or on the streets. T h ese people are mostly teen­ agers. S om e are older people, but for the m ost part, they’re kids. W e haven’t estab­ lished that there is a big fence operation. Item s th at have been stolen do get recov­ ered. If we recover som ething we can run a serial num ber through our com puter and get the ow ner’s nam e from that.



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W J j



CHRISTOPHER’S T h e m ain course fails into two categ o ­ ries: “G reek Specialties” and “E ntrees.” T h e m ain difference, on paper at least, is th at the form er ap p ear to be classically G reek, and the latter classically som e­ thing else with G reek nam es. T o o , the latter tended to be larger portions, served with “po tato or rice” with som e new twists, m ost notable spanikorizo, a spin­ ach / rice pilaf. Several of the “G reek Specialties” are larger portions of the appetizers. T h e L am b Kokinisto is a very tender bak ed lam b in a tom ato sau ce — very tender and very good. T h e G yro (yeero) P latter is a classic: spiced beef (probably sliced from one of those vertical beef m achines you see in G reek an d M iddle E astern delis) with pita bread, garnishes, an d tzazki sauce. V ery tender, spicy, and fine. C hristopher’s also serves Souvlaki (the G reek version of Shish-K ebab). O f the desserts, the only fam iliar one is B ak lav a (other than C rem e C aram el). H a d you the appetite for dessert you cer­ tainly would h av e tried the Galactoboureko, if only for the nam e. It sounds sim ­ ilar to B aklava, but with a custard filling and no nuts. P erhaps C hristopher’s should offer a dessert sam pler as well. It’s inexpensive, it’s different (until y o u ’ve eaten there half-a-dozen times), it’s closer th an G reece (or 9 th A venue), it’s w orth a trip to the “m ysterious W oodfords a re a .”

hristopher’s is one of the least expensive places in town to find an im aginative m eal. P o rtlan d ’s G reek restaurant offers a dozen appetizers, m any of which sound familiar: Kalimari, Dolmathes, Spanakopita, Tiropita, Gyro, and the like. “C hristopher’s C hoice” is a sam pling of five different appetizers. T his portion is so large you can practically m ake a m eal out of it. T h e m enu describes the first sam ple, Moussaka, as having a crem e becham el. T his is served over a casserole of spicy beef an d eggplant. D olm athes is grape leaves stuffed with rice and beef and served with a sauce variation of the house egg-lem on soup ( Avgolemono ). This is a refreshing change from the oil-drenched, canned, stuffed grape leaves which com e from your superm arket. S panakopita. Y ou w anted S panakopita at Christopher’s to be som ething spectacular, but w hat m ore can one do to spinach and feta layered in phyllo? H ow ever, the only bet­ ter you can find is at the Poseidon G reek bakery on 9 th A ven u e in New York. W hich is also w here you can find the finest dish of T iropita (another sam ple from “C hristopher’s C hoice”): sam e con­ cept as S p an ak o p ita but a bit sw eeter, w ithout spinach, and with eggs added to the feta. T h e final sam ple, Loukaniko, is a G reek sa u sag e flavored with orange an d quite good. T h o se appetizers out of the w ay, you still have half-a-dozen left to try on another visit.


A p p e tiz e rs — $ 1 .7 5 -$ 2 .9 5 , E n tr e e s — $ 5 .9 5 -$ 1 0 .9 5 . © 1 9 8 6 by G eorge Benington

m ^ *

D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


Continued from page 39

concentration of w om en who shoplift are betw een the ag es of 10 and 18, for m ales 2 6 and older. W ithin this d a ta base, the stores hit m ost frequently were 7-11 (W ash. A ve., C ongress St., Forest A ve., Brighton A ve. com bined), 86; T h e Big A pple (A llen A ve. and C ongress St. com bined), 2 3 ; S uper S hop ‘n S ave, 17; and Cum berland Farm s, 12. Food and convenience stores are not the only victims. Retail stores also suffer significant losses. John Pow ers, corpo­ rate security director of Jo rd an M arsh, states th a t he cannot give out specific statistics in term s of dollars lost to shoplift­ ing but explains that security is a frustrat­ ing job because “No m atter w hat you do, som eone is trying to defeat yo u .” Every store, w hether convenience or retail, has a security system and a deterrent philo­ sophy tailored to the needs of th at estab ­ lishment. Som e stores use monitors, plainclothed security, two-way mirrors, security pages, geom etric displays, or plastic tags which, if not rem oved from a clothing item, will activate an alarm . “A t Jo rd an M arsh we practice limited values expo­ sure rules — anything over $ 3 5 .0 0 m ust be in a security fixture or under glass. All 14-k arat gold m ust be secured at all times. W e do m ost of our work with the people on the floor and closed-circuit tv’s; we let th at be know n to deter shoplifting, we also have a lot of m eetings with sales people, they ack n o w led g e custo m ers com ing in and w atch them. M ost of these people that we deal with are not profes­ sional shoplifters, how ever,” he admits. “O n occasion we do lose things of greater value — we lost a V CR off the floor once. “Thefts occur when opportunity creates desire. M erchants try to create that. T hey (shoplifters) have the desire, and when you create opportunities, th a t’s when

thefts occur, ” says C harles L arou, corpo­ rate director of loss prevention for Porteous. Retailers, he explains, “experience three types of loss: internal (em ployee theft); external (shoplifters); and error. A nother type of loss, for example, involves invoice error or d am age. U p to 7 5 % can be internal, though 1 wouldn’t disagree with a 1 /3 , 1 /3 , 1 /3 breakdow n.” Larou implies that there is a general feeling in the court system that shoplifting is not a big crime, with people thinking, “W ell, they can absorb their losses.” S treet people com prise a large percen­ tage of thefts from food stores, but as the w eather gets colder, items like gloves, hats, and shoes start disappearing from retail stores. T h ere are certain things these people need and they sim ply ca n ’t afford them . “P ortland is unique because we h av e a lot of street people. O n ce we w ere having a cosm etics sale, an d when a certain dollar am ount w as purchased by an individual custom er she would be aw arded a free electric razo r set. In cam e a bag lady. She w alked over to the display and asked to look at the electric razor, turned it on, shaved under her arm s, and put it back. T h a t is an exam ple of a loss that is not a result of shoplifting but is just as bad because the razor had to be thrown aw ay .” L arou expounds on shoplifting prevention. “T h e m ore times you can raise the tension level of the shoplifter, the higher the deterrent factor. For exam ple,






the tension level is raised w henever a sales person speaks to them or when security is paged. W oolw orth’s pages security every 2 0 m inutes as a deterrent. P orteous has hired store detectives (Sam S pades of retail) for every store; we are also looking at new system s to improve our security.” A re they going as far as installing 2-way mirrors?


T hose signs alw ays deterred me. 1 imagine a voyeuristic, buxom woman with an excessive am ount of facial hair, who sits som ew here beyond the looking glass, snacking on cheese doodles. Do those signs m ean that som eone is really w atching m e while I try on swimsuits gri­ m acing? “U nder no conditions are we allowed to view into a fitting room whether with a cam era or other m eans,” blurts Powers. H ow ever, monitors in dressing rooms are legal, and som e stores use them, according to M ajor Roberts.

Altered s ta te

S pruce up y o u r w in te r

M ajor S teven Roberts

T his w inter Sunday R iver Ski R esort becom es the largest ski resort in M aine o r N ew H am pshire with the opening o f its fourth m ountain area, Spruce Peak. Serviced by a new high capacity triple chairlift, Spruce P eak o ffers advanced skiing with som e o f the re so rt’s m ost challenging terrain. T his season ski Spruce Peak and w hile y o u ’re there try L ocke M oun­ tain, B arker M ountain and N orth Peak too. F o r a com plim entary 20 page Sunday R iver V acation B rochure w rite Sunday R iver Ski R esort, P.O . Box 4 50, B ethel, M aine 04217. F or toll free reservations in New E ngland, N .Y . o r N .J. call 1-800-367-3314 all oth er areas call 207-824-2187. P lease send m y S unday R iver 20-Page C o lo r B rochure!

“ In the past I’ve heard they have used them . I’m not aw are of anyone around h ere,” says Pow ers. I w as not perm itted to speak to security at the mall store (they do h av e plain clothed security) because, “there w ere too m any problem s in the past so it’s spoiled it for everyone.”

S un d ay R iv er Ski R esort P .O . B ox 4 5 0 . D ep t. S P 4 B eth el, M ain e 042 1 7

N am e


A ddress C i t y ____ S tate ___

-Z ip

A liveried driver in a dream limousine. Whatever your gala affair (large or small) we cater to your class.


T h e baseline show n in this chart repre­ sents the norm al em otional level of a func­ tioning hum an. Everything above the baseline represents various levels of ten­ sion; everything below the baseline is considered elation. W hen a shoplifter enters the store and is tem pted, the ten­ sion level rises from the baseline (point “A ” on the tension chart). A s the decision to steal is m ade and the m erchandise is targeted, the shoplifter looks about to ascertain if anyone is looking. T ension rises ag ain (“B ”) as the m erchandise is tak en and concealed (“C ”). It should be noted, th at the act of concealm ent is not yet a firm com m itm ent to steal. T h e final com m itm ent or the “point of no return” occurs at the cash register or when the person actually leaves the store (“D ”), and is followed by a feeling of intense elation. Betw een the act of concealm ent (“C “) and the final exit of the store (“D ”), there occurs a time fram e in which tension vacillates from mild concern to hypersen­ sitivity in a series of peaks and valleys. In this phase, which is called the “A ltered S tate” , the subject no longer thinks like a norm al shopper. It is a unique time of decision-m aking in which the shoplifter is keenly alert and observant, w atching for anything that might threaten the success of the theft. — The PETER BERLIN Report

D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


ver since Ernest H em ingw ay and F. Scott Fitzgerald decided that you could view A m erica m ore clearly from Paris than you could from K ansas City, w riters have left hom e so they could write about home. H aving grown up in M aine, I w as convinced that I had been born into one of the dullest places on earth, and that if 1 w anted to be a real writer, I needed to get aw ay so that 1 could write about som eplace im portant, like A lgeria, or Peru, or G uam ; just about anyw here but M aine. W alking along the w harves in P ortland and seeing the flags of the for­ eign ships docked there only m ade m atters worse. Seeing the W hite M ountains from near our hom e in Bridgton m ade me think of how wonderful the Rockies or the H im alayas m ust be. A nd swimming in our beautiful lakes m ade m e long for Key W est.


Like any serious reader of fiction, 1 was a fan of W illiam Faulkner, Erskine C ald­ well, E udora W elty, Flannery O ’Connor, R obert P enn W arren , and that whole dazzling stable of writers who had ca p ­ tured the im aginations of readers all over the world. I w anted to live in the South just to see w hat it w as about the place that had spaw ned so m any great writers. W a s it the place, 1 w ondered, those steam y sum ­ m ers with the fog hanging limply in the sprawling branches of the live oak trees while the cloying scent of the gardenias drove people to acts of irreparable p as­ sion? O r w as it som ething about the way people ate; som ething in those collards and pork brains and frogs’ legs th a t m ade S outherners just seem m ore interesting than other people? W h a te v er it w as, I h ad to see it for myself. 1 w as convinced that to be an A m erican writer in the 2 0 th century and m ove South was like being Beethoven and moving to Vienna. 1 w asn’t particularly interested in the “New S outh;” the new high-rise office towers, spraw ling shopping malls, and lush fern bars. I w as here for T obacco Road. 1 had accum ulated an enorm ous catalogue of expectations. 1 w anted to see auto transm issions hanging from tree limbs like giant ham s, the w ay W illiam Price Fox had described them. 1 w anted to see peacocks strutting in farm yards, the w ay Flannery O ’C onnor had shown them . A nd 1 w anted to hear those echos of an inglorious and guilt-ridden past, the w ay T h o m a s W olfe had known them. 48


The Southern School


For Yankee Writers

T h e new swimming pools in the back­ y ard s of prosperous young dentists were all well and good, but they were not my idea of literature. M y arrival in the South w as even m ore m om entous than I’d hoped for. A s I settled into m y m otel room , less th an five minutes after arriving in A labam a, the television provided m e with all the m ate­ rial I needed for a novel. I ca n ’t rem em ber w hat show w as playing, but a news m es­ sage kept com ing across the bottom of the screen. “Sheriff Red W alker of Shelby County has arrested and jailed seven people today, including his opponent in T u esd a y ’s runoff election, plus the pro­ b ate judge and two reporters from the B irm ingham N ew s.” E xactly w hat I w as looking for, I thought. I’ll entitle it The Runoff. T hree days later, the Sheriff won his runoff by a tw o-to-one m argin. T h e people he’d jailed were sprung within a few hours, but the voters of Shelby C ounty didn’t like report­ ers from a big city new spaper poking around in the local political laundry. T h a t angered them . T h e people voted for the Sheriff, w hether he w as corrupt or not. T h e whole episode m ade m e think a little bit of New E ngland, although I couldn’t im agine the sam e events and people unfolding in quite the sam e w ay in C on­ necticut.

M y next intim ate encounter with the m akings of literature w as at the super­ m arket. Ju st inside the door, 1 stopped at the produce counter and looked at the eggplants. I didn’t notice a heavy black lady who w as also looking at the egg­ plants. I picked up two and w as about to put them in my shopping cart when she cam e up to m e and shook her head. “No, no, S u g ar,” she said. “T h em ’s too big. Git you som e sm all ones, like these he-ah.” A s she picked out som e better egg­ plants for m e, she recounted how her granny used to grow eggplants, and that led to how her auntie used to cook them , and that led to how her two brothers used to pick rotten ones out of the garden and throw them a t the girls in the neighbor­ hood. T h e produce m anager, a stout middle-aged white m an whose face seemed frozen in a m elancholy smile, heard her talking and cam e over to join the conver­ sation. H e had his own eggplant stories, w hich led very naturally to stories of his gallbladder operation and his military service in P an am a.

A few days or m onths later, 1 w atched a wizened little old black m an across the street from that sam e store inspect a couch that had been left on the sidewalk for the city trash collectors. T h e couch w as not in had shape. T h e old m an crossed the street to the store and asked to borrow a grocery cart. T h e m an ag er’s eyes followed the old m an ’s arm as he pointed tow ard the couch. 1 couldn’t hear the conversation, but I knew everything that w as said. I saw the m an ag er nod. T h e old m an cam e out with a cart, crossed the street, loaded the couch onto the grocery cart, and wheeled it aw ay. T hese were m ere scratches on the sur­ face of that inexhaustible Southern ch ar­ acter who m akes of the hum an creatu re a studio for the writer’s scrutiny. W hy has the South produced m ore great writers this century th an any other region of A m erica? B ecau se the South tolerates, fosters, and ultim ately cultivates eccen­ tricity, while other parts of the country are alarm ed by it. T his is not to say that New E nglanders a re n ’t g reat subjects of fiction, too. It’s just th a t you m ay h av e to m ove 1 ,5 0 0 miles aw ay to ap preciate that. Som etim es w hen I sit at m y typew riter in A la b a m a in July with the sw eat m elting off my neck and chest, I can m ak e myself shiver writ­ ing ab o u t the w ay the snow slid off the steep roof of the w oodshed that connected our house with our barn. T h e snow would collect in an eight-foot pile so soft th at m y brothers and I could slide from the ridge­ pole off the edge of the roof and into the snow without hurting ourselves. D uring the twelve y ears th a t I’ve been in the South, I’ve h ad opportunities to travel all over, from W ashington, D .C . to S an A ntonio. I’ve eaten barbequed goat by a pond in Gainesville, Florida and throw n the bones to the alligators. I’ve snorkeled in Key W est, climbed m oun­

tains in N orth C arolina, w atched football gam es in A lab am a, beauty p ag ean ts in Mississippi, blues singers in M em phis, M ardi G ras in New O rleans, and a m ajor hurricane pum m el the A lab a m a coast. A long the w ay I m et m any people who would h av e stood tall in any w riter’s fic­ tion. I m et cow boys, In d ian s, sn a k e handlers, and real estate tycoons, racecar drivers, inventors, m usicians, and faith healers. W h a t stand out m ost for m e are the am azing contrasts that you see every­ w here in the S outh. In S p artan b u rg , my photographer travelling com panion and I w ere greeted a t eight in the m orning at the hom e of a landscape architect who served us bloody m arys in silver goblets before we went out to shoot the gardens of som e of his w ealthier clients. In H untsville, 1 m et three generations of an enorm ous family in which everyone 17 years of age or older w as a licensed flier. T heir g ran d ­ father had been a contem porary of the W right brothers. In M eridian, Mississippi I m et a retired lady who had created an enorm ous garden on a single acre of land by fashioning a path that wound through the pine trees and large azalea bushes without ever intersecting itself. A fter she had shown m e the m ain path, she led m e to a single short spur th at quickly curved out of sight an d ended at a chain link fence that sep arated her property from her neigh­ bor’s. She turned to m e and said quietly, “A nd this is w here I com e to cry when my heart is broken.” • • • All the time I w as travelling in the South, 1 w as writing about New England; usually about som e crusty old geezer who w as doing battle with his in-laws over who owned a particular defunct car that w as parked in a y ard in M aine, or the rivalry between Irish and French C an ad ian kids on the high school cross-country team . I w as alw ays thankful that I w as a New

Continued on page 52

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D ECEM BER 1 9 8 6


Have you noticed the fanciful painted murals around 100 Middle Street Plaza construc­ tion site? Prize-winning artists CL) Ronald Slater and CR) Mark

Celebrating the opening for the magnificent new Inn By The Sea in Cape Elizabeth are L) Winthrop Winch of J.E. Goo Id and Co. C) Developer of the project Pritham Singh and R) Roderic Small of Merrill Transport.

Ewert received prize money and a bonus from L) Michael Liberty and R) David Cope, who sponsored the contest.

It seemed like everyone had a great time at the Portland/Shinaga wa Dinner held at Raphael’s on Middle Street. L) Mr. Masakichi Takamoto, chairman of the Shinagawa Borough Assembly, was in good company with LC) Councilman Danny Lee RC) Mayor Ron Dorler and R) Richard McGoldrick of Commercial Properties, Inc., a member of the City Trade Commission. Mr. T. Moriya receives a welcome gift from Muriel Hamilton, who stayed in the home of the Moriya’s on a recent trip to Shinagawa.

L) Gary Merrill LC) John Cole RC) Cate Sprague and R) Merle Nelson talked a little politics during the celebration.

Full of giggles and good cheer were L) Dave Hingston, architect LC) Manny Morgan, board member, Portland Dance Center, RC) Maggie Fehr, photog­ rapher and R) Edgar Allen Beem, Maine Times writer.

L) Robert Palmer and C) Holly Sargent share their cheer with Mr. Shimada. Both grew up in the Portland area. Holly played in the jun­ ior symphony and is now the Director of Development for the Houston Symphony.

A Black Tie benefactor party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Glickman in honor of the Portland Symphony Orchestra Inaugural Concert with its new music director and conductor, Toshiyuki Shimada. Having a great time are L) Ward Grafiam of Unionmutual, and new­ comers to Portland from Toledo, Ohio C) Catherine and R) Brodie James.

Congratulations to John Bove, whose Portland Lager won fifth place in the Great American Beer Festival, held in Denver, Colorado on October 3 & 4.

Happiness was the theme of the evening and friends L) Dr. Don Avrut, CEO of Warring­ ton Inns of Houston LC) Simone Kendrick, assistant manager for the Houston Sym-

phony, C) Kim Block, of Channel 13, who taped the concert. RC) Mr. Shimada and R) Ken Mishimura, a long-time friend of the conductor, all helped to convey the message.

TEEING UP FOR the Unionmutual Seniors Golf Classic '86 are L) Robert Owen from Milwaukee, LC) Senior Pro Billy Casper and R) Robert Spencer from Hartford. C) Host George Katz and RC) Master of Ceremonies (ex-hurler for the Baltimore Orioles and man of Jockey Ad fame) Jim Palmer set a fun mood.

D ECEM B ER 1 9 8 6


Continued from page 49


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Here are examples and explanations of why your tires may be showing abnormal or uneven wear.

When a tire is underinflated, ru N D E R i n f l a t i o n * most of the tire contact is on the outer treads, causing the edges to wear faster than the middle.

Overinflation, when most tire o v e r in f la t io n * contact is on the middle treads, causing the center to wear faster than the edges.

One sided wear, when either the O N E -S ID E W EAR V

o u ( e r Qr j n n e r

shoulder of the tire wears faster than the rest. This is commonly caused by improper wheel alignment camber, often aggravated by underinflation.

Cupping, when wheels are out of c u p p in g V balance or the shock absorbers and ball joints are worn, causing dips or cups to appear in the tread. Protect your tire investment— maintain your tires.

From the tire experts at: Feathering, when the tread ribs FE A T H E R IN G a ctually scrape down the road— common when the tire needs toe-in or toe-out alignment.

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England writer and not a S outhern writer sentenced to quak e inadequately in the footsteps of a Faulkner or a C arson M cCullers. I couldn’t think of a single Southern thing that h adn’t already been written ab o u t by E udora W elty or W alter Percy. W riting is a respected profession in the South. Southerners seem m ore willing th an other people to give a writer the benefit of the doubt; th at here in front of them m ay be another T ru m an C apote or K atherine A nn Porter. A nd th at m ay be one m ore w ay in which the South is a m ore fertile ground for literature, although we could get into the cart-and-horse debate there. W hether my neighbors respected me m ore or less for being a writer, several of my neighbors did have great stories. O ne neighbor was an inventor. H e had invented se v e ra l h u g e in d u stria l d ev ices with strange applications that I couldn’t im a­ gine. T h e Big B ro th e r P arallel Pipe B ender, for instance. B ut you can never tell an eccentric person that you think he’s really great because he’s totally nuts. W ithout exception, eccentrics think they’re norm al. New E nglanders are perfect ex­ am ples. T h e collective eccentricity of an av erag e small town in M aine would regis­ ter high on any well-tuned W H A C K O M E T E R , and yet you would mortally offend the av erag e eccentric by suggest­ ing th at she or he w ere anything but nor­ mal. I’ve heard the sam e problem exists in Iow a and A rizona. So why would a New England writer m ove South to seek the essence of the N orth? I’m not sure it would work that w ay for everyone. Som e people might look a t the daffodils blooming in February and say, “W h o needs New H am pshire?” People who are sick of not seeing their neighbors between the first frost and E aster S unday might learn to love the South very quickly. Frankly, I’ll never get used to cooking out in Jan u ary , or looking at the palm trees along the Gulf Coast, or year-round golf and gardening. I like to think that if I w ere rich and could live anyw here I chose, I’d spend half my time in New E ngland and the other half in the South. W hich half where? I’d spend winters in New England and sum m ers in the South. T h a t w ay I’d get the extrem es of both climates. I think th a t’s w hat writers need. O therw ise, like everyone else, they might be too easily lulled into believing that things are basi­ cally the sam e everywhere. W hich couldn’t possibly be true.

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W h e n R ic h a rd G e n d ro n sells co m m ercial p ro p e rty , h e b rin g s m o re to th e tab le th a n y o u r listin g sh e e t. H e b rin g s e x p e rie n c e a n d id e a s th a t can h e lp a b u y e r see new , p ro fitab le p o ssib ilitie s for a p ro p e rty . A n d th a t can tra n s la te in to a faster, m o re p ro fitab le sale for y o u . R ic h a rd b e g a n h is re a l e s ta te c a re e r in re s id e n tia l d e v e lo p m e n t, a n ex cellen t tra in in g g ro u n d w h e re h e le a rn e d h is w ay a ro u n d b lu e p rin ts , c o n s tru c tio n a n d re a l e s ta te m a rk e tin g . Today, h e p u ts th a t k n o w le d g e to w o rk b y sh o w in g h o w h is listin g s - office b u ild in g s , a p a r tm e n t b u ild in g s a n d re ta il sp a c e - c a n p ro d u c e m o re in c o m e for b u y e rs a n d h ig h e r sellin g p ric e s fo r h is clients. R ic h a rd G e n d ro n . O n e m o re re a s o n w h y th e G e n d ro n s sell m o re c o m m ercial real e s ta te th a n a n y o th e r P o rtla n d b ro k er. P u t th e ir e x p e rie n c e a n d c re a tiv ity to w o rk sellin g y o u r co m m ercial p ro p e rty . C all 775-1811, a n d d isco v er th e d iffe re n c e th a t d e a lin g w ith # 1 c a n m ak e.


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