Portland Monthly Magazine June 1986

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Portland Models Group. By Kendall Merriam.


Waterfront: The Crustacean Connection. By John Taylor.


Brainstorming With The Gendrons. By Richard Bennett.


June, 1986 Volum e 1, No. 3

On The Town: Performing Arts And Entertainm ent Listings. By Michael Hughes.


Portlandiana: Life On The Casco Bay Ferries. By D.L. Cooper.


Residential Real Estate: Falm outh’s Two New Golf Courses. By Richard Bennett.


Style: Dream Boats. By Alan Rosenberg.


Restaurant Review: Sapporo. By George Benington.


Book Review: William Carpenter’s Rain. By Mark Melnicove.


The Arts: Maine T heatre’s Summer Season. By Mary Snell.


Movers And Shakers: Adventures In The Hotel Trade. By Marcia Feller.


Revolt Of The Lobster Women. New Fiction By Henry Paper.



On The Cover: “Beach Scene With Um­ brella,” ©1986 by George Hughes. JUNE 1986



ON THE TOWN Deadline for listings is six w eeks in advance of publica­ tion date. Please sen d m aterials to Michael Hughes, Listings Editor, Portland M onthly, 154 Middle St., P ort­ land, Maine 04101. Please include date, time, place, co n ta ct person, telep h o n e num ber, c o st and a descrip­ tion of your event. If you have any questions, please call Portland M onthly a t 775-4339.

______________M U S IC ______________ An A m erican Portrait, an afternoon of American music of th e 30’s an d 40’s with th e Choral Art Society under the direction of guest co n d u cto r Joseph D. Henry. The program includes the songs of Hoagy Car­ michael, Cole Porter, G eorge Gershwin, the com posi­ tions of Randall Thom pson and others. Trinity Episco­ pal Church, Forest Ave. an d Coyle St., Portland. Sunday, June 1, 3 p.m. 799-7997. Rock’s h o t Z.Z. Top com es to th e Civic Center at 8 p.m. on June 3 & 4. Bill M onroe and th e B lu eg ra ss B oys. The original p a te n ted High L onesom e Tenor himself. In recen t years, th e new wave of virtuosic younger bluegrass bands have som ew hat eclipsed this grand old master, but m any of th e b est of th e youngsters did yeom an service in M onroe’s bands. M onroe invented bluegrass, and he still brings to his m usic th e wild spontaneity of a full ‘shine’ m oon in th e K entucky hills. Portsm outh Music Hall, 28 C hestnut St., Portsm outh, N.H. Saturday, June 7, 8 p.m. (603) 431-5903. Bill M orrissey, w ith Corm ac McCarthy. Two of the a re a ’s m ost highly regarded singer-songwriters. Ports­ m outh Music Hall, 28 C hestnut St., P ortsm outh, N.H. Friday, June 13, 8 p.m. (603) 431-5903. Tim Sam ple and D ifferent S h o es. Sample lays his brand of uniquely aboriginal Maine h u m or on w ith a trowel; Different Shoes p resen ts a collection of strong original and traditional music. Sponsored by th e Center for the Arts a t th e C hocolate Church. W inter Street Center, W ashington St., Bath. Saturday, June 21,8 p.m. $8.50/$6.50. 442-8455. An E vening w ith C.R.E.A., b e tte r known as Cuzin’ Richards Entertainm ent Agency. The show features im provisational com edy from Abrams and A nderson, singer-songwriter Dave M allett, and mime T rent Arterberry. P ortsm outh Music Hall, 28 C hestnut St., Ports­ m outh, N.H. Saturday, June 28, 8 p.m. (603) 431-5903. The Katahdin C ham ber E n sem b le, featuring Port­ land Sym phony m em bers Nancy Beacham (violin), Laurie K ennedy (viola), an d Jam es Kennedy (c e llo ) perform ing string d uos and trios spanning four cen tu r­ ies of m usic from Purcell to Bartok. Barn Gallery, Shore Road find B ourne Lane, Ogunquit. Saturday, June 28, 8:30 p.m. $2/m em bers free. 646-5370. S in ger Randy B ean h o sts an evening of American pop u lar song. Bean, M aine’s best-know n big ban d sing­ er, is a walking encyclopedia of th e golden era of Big B ands and is th e h o st of Maine Public Radio’s “One M an’s Music,” which airs Tuesdays at 10 p.m. He will be joined by m usical friends Steve Grover, Joe LaFlamme, Roy Frazee, Tom Bucci and special guest trum peter Dick Creeden. T h eater of Fantasy, 50 Danforth St., Port­ land. Sunday, June 29, 7:30 p.m. $5. 775-5957. The B o w d o in Sum m er M usic Festival p re sen ts its first con cert of th e sum m er a t th e First Parish Church, Thursday, July 3, a t 8 p.m. For m ore information, call 725-8731, x253.

GALLERIES/SHOW S Student Sh ow , University of Southern Maine, Gorham Campus, Center Gallery. Through June 12. Sunday to Thursday, 12 to 8. Free. 780-4076. A bacus H and crafters G allery, 44 Exchange St., Port­ land. Through June 30, jewelry by Sylvia Davatz. Her gold and silver jewelry is inspired by such natural forms as clouds, flowers and sea creatures. Her fabricated pieces include colorful semi-precious stones and fresh water pearls. Monday to Wednesday, 9:30 to 6; Thurs­ day to Saturday, 9:30 to 8; Sunday, 12 to 5. 772-4880. 2


B agaduce M usic L ending Library, Blue Hill, features a collection of 300,000 items, including choral, key­ board, reference, instrumented and vocal music, and an ongoing exhibit of Maine music and music by Maine com posers. Tuesday, W ednesday and Friday, 10 to 3; or by appointm ent. 374-5454. Cafe A lw ays, 47 Middle St., Portland. T uesday to Sun­ day, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. 774-9399. Faculty Show , University of Southern Maine, Portland Campus, S tudent Center. M onday to Thursday, 8 a.m to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Through August. Free. 780-4076. R obert Abbe M useum of Stone Age A ntiquities, Sieur de M onts Spring, Bar Harbor. The exhibits feature Native American prehistoric and ethnographic artifacts, including baskets, quillwork, ornam ents, pottery, and sto n e and bone tools. O pen through mid-October, 10 to 4. 288-3519. M aine P h oto B ien n ial Tour, 1985-86, A juried exhibit of 30 Maine artists, including prizewinners Katie Fagan and William T huss. The to u r will be at the Seashore Trolley M useum through June 27. For m ore informa­ tion, call Fred Perry a t 967-2712. B ow d oin C o lle g e M useum o f Art, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Four Israeli Artists (through June 8); Hunt Slonem: C ucuruchos (through August 17); Yvonne Jacquette: Tokyo (Ju n e 27 to A ugust 24); and Makers ’86 (Ju n e 27 to August 24). Tuesday to Friday, 10 to 4; Saturday 10 to 5; and Sunday 2 to 5. C losed M ondays and holidays. 725-8731, x253. Peary-MacMillan Arctic M useum, H ubbard Hall, Bow­ doin College, Brunswick. Continuing exhibits from the collections, including artifacts, carvings, costum es and paintings of the two fam ed arctic explorers. Tuesday to Friday, 10 to 4; S aturday 10 to 5; and Sunday 2 to 5. Closed M ondays and holidays. 725-8731, x253. H aw thorne-L ongfellow Library, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. Fifty Years: The Class of 1936 (through midJuly); a n d ... From the H aw thorne Collection (through m id-Septem ber). M onday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to midnight; Sunday 10 a.m. to midnight. 725-8731, x253. M aine M aritime M useum , 963 W ashington St., Bath. T he M useum offers the visitor a com prehensive expe­ rience of n ineteenth century seacoast life, a time when half of all m erchant vessels flying the United States flag w ere built in Bath. The M useum ’s collections include ships’ paintings, m odels, navigational instrum ents, fish­ ing gear, antique tools, period furnishings, family por­ traits, foreign trade item s and other memorabilia, and an outstanding collection of over a half million docu­ m ents, account books, ships’ logs, ships’ plans, m aps an d charts. T he M useum ’s A pprenticeshop constructs and resto res w ooden b oats using techniques and tools from th e golden age of shipbuilding. On June 23, the Schooner Maine, the M useum’s 53-foot pinky schooner, leaves on the high tide for New York and the Statue of Liberty Centennial. For m ore information, call 443-6311. M aine State B uild ing and All S o u ls C hapel, Poland Spring, off R oute 26. Built by the state at Chicago’s 1893 Columbian Exposition, the Maine State Building was disassem bled and rebuilt on the grounds of the Poland Spring Resort; the building features photographs and artifacts of the Fair and the Resort. The All Souls Chapel, built of solid granite, has beautifully crafted stained glass windows and a 1926 Skinner pipe organ. June and Septem ber, w eekends only. July to August, M onday and Friday from 9:30 to 3:30; Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30 to noon. $1. For m ore information, call 998-4311. M akers ’86, Maine’s second biennial exhibition of crafts at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Bruns­ wick. The juried exhibition represents selections made from a field of over 130 Maine craftspeople. Of those selected, three will receive cash awards for top honors. A documentary catalogue will depict at least one piece of each accepted craftsperson. Sponsored by the Maine Crafts Association. 348-2535. M useum o f Y arm outh H istory, upstairs in Merrill Memorial Library, Main St., Yarmouth. The museum features collections of objects, photographs and manu-


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F in e A rt • F ra m in g • P o ste rs • P rin ts 33 B ayview S tre e t, C a m d e n , M E 0 4 8 4 3 2 0 7 -2 3 6 -4 5 3 4 75 M a rk e t S tre e t, P o rtla n d , M E 0 4 1 0 1 2 07-7 7 3 -3 0 0 7

scripts relating to th e Y arm outh area. Tuesday and Thursday, 3 to 5, and 6 to 8; o r by appointm ent. 846-6259. Owls Head T ransportation M useum , 2 m iles south of Rockland on R oute 73 a t th e Knox C ounty Airport, Owls Head. The m useum features one of th e co u n try ’s finest collections of antique aircraft, autom obiles and engines, as well as a rare, resto red M aine-built sailing glider, believed to be th e only o n e of its design in the world. Open 7 days a w eek, 10 to 5. 594-4418. Joan W hitney P ayson G allery o f Art, W estbrook College, Stevens Avenue, Portland. T he gallery’s tradi­ tional sum m er show of m asterw orks from th e perm a­ nent collection includes w ork by Chagall, Courbet, Daumier, Degas, Gauguin, G lackens, Hofmann, Homer, Ingres, Marquet, M onet, Nevelson, Picasso, Pendergast, Renoir, Reynolds, Robinson, R ousseau, Sargent, Sisley, Soutine, van Gogh, W histler and Wyeth. Through August 24. T uesday to Friday, 10 to 4; w eekends, 1 to 5. 797-9546. Penobscot N ation M useum , C enter St., Indian Island, Old Town. The P enobscot Tribal M useum displays tra­ ditional and co n tem p o rary n o rth east Indian arts and crafts, including basketry, w ood carvings, sto n e sculp­ ture, and prehistoric sto n e im plem ents. Paintings, arti­ facts and costum es are also on display. M onday through Friday, 12 to 4. M ornings by appointm ent. $l/$.50. 827-6545. Portland M useum o f Art, 7 C ongress Square, Port­ land. Peggy Bacon: Prints and Drawings (th ro u g h June 29); America O bserved: W ood Engravings by Winslow Homer (through A ugust 13); John Hultberg: Selected Paintings, 1953-1984 (through June 8); Winslow Homer: The Charles Shipman Payson Collection (through Sep­ tem ber 7); and Selections from th e Joan W hitney Pay­ son Collection (June 24 to A ugust 31). On the Line: The New Color Photojournalism (Ju n e 20 to September 7) features tw elve internationally recog­ nized photographers w hose work bridges the gap between photography as Fine Art and as photojournal­ ism. Each photographer is rep resen ted by an ‘essay’ of ten photographs. T hese include com pelling, often poignant evocations of A merican urban and rural cul­ ture, such as Michel Folco’s graphic photographs “Houston, Texas, Capital of Crime”; Mary Ellen M ark’s extensive series depicting life in Miami, never before publicly exhibited; selections from Jeff Jaco b sen ’s lyri­ cal series, “American D ream s”; and David B urnett’s look at minor league baseball. M useum adm ission $3/$2/$l. T uesday to Saturday, 10 to 5; T hursday to 9; and Sunday 12 to 5. Free adm ission Thursdays, 5 to 9. 775-6148. Portland Public Library, 5 M onum ent Square, Port­ land. From June 3 through June 28; Paintings an d draw ­ ings by Cynthia Hyde and Jim Kinnealey are on view in the Level One Exhibition Area. M onday, W ednesday and Friday, 9 to 6; Tuesday and T hursday noon to 9; and Saturday 9 to 5. 773-4761, x l 10. Portland S ch ool o f Art, B axter Gallery, 619 Congress St., Portland. D onald Sultan Prints: 1979-1985. Opening reception June 22 a t 6 p.m. T he show ru n s through August 10. M onday through Friday, 10 to 5; Thursday, 10 to 7; and Sunday 1 to 5. Free 761-1771.

at Hobe Sound Galleries North photos by Berenice Abbott, June 11-July 12th SHIRLEY S. CARSWELL

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Sabbathday Lake Shaker M useum , R oute 26, New Gloucester. The m useum features displays of Shaker furniture, tin and w oodenw are, folk an d decorative arts, Early American to o ls an d farm im plem ents, textiles, and an exhibit of historical Shaker photographs entitled In Time & Eternity: M aine Shakers in the Ind u strial Age

(supported by the Maine Humanities Council). M onday to Saturday, 10 to 4:30, through O cto b er 13. Guided tours $3/$1.50. University o f Sou thern M aine Art G allery, G orham campus. Through June 22, a M aine Historical Society Exhibition, including historical artifacts. Gallery hours 12 to 8, Sunday through Thursday. 780-4509. Abacus Gallery, 44 Exchange St., Portland. Fine and decorative crafts and jewelry. M onday to W ednesday, 9:30 to 6; Thursday to Saturday, 9:30 to 8; Sunday 12 to 5. 772-4880.


JUNE 1986



Senior E ditor E ditorial A ssistant Art D irector A dvertising D irector Advertising

Colin Sargent Margarete C. Schnauck Susan Garry, Fit To Print Bobbi L. Goodman Elizabeth Williams-Coates

C ontributing E ditors On The Town Michael Hughes Movers & Shakers Marcia Feller Restaurant Reviews George Benington Flash Madeline McTurck Commercial & Residential Richard Bennett Real Estate The Arts Juris Ubans The Waterfront John Taylor At Large Kendall Merriam

Barridoff G a lleries, 4 City Center, Portland. Selec­ tions by Gallery artists and selected nineteenth and tw entieth century e sta te paintings. M onday to Friday, 10 to 5; Saturday 12 to 4. 772-5011. C o n g ress Square Gallery, 594 Congress St., Portland. “Gallery W omen,” a show of work by w om en repre­ sen ted by the Gallery, including paintings by Sherry Miller and W endy Kindred, pastels by Rebekah Raye, and collages by Erica Bogin. Through the end of June. Monday to Saturday, 10 to 6. 774-3369. Frost G ully Gallery, 25 Forest Ave., Portland. Exhibi­ tions of recent works by artists represented by the Gallery. M onday to Friday, 12 to 6. 773-2555. David H itchcock G allery, 602 Congress St., Portland. C ontem porary Maine artists and works from the Hitch­ cock Collection. M onday through Saturday, 12 to 5; T hursdays till 9. 774-8919. H obe Sound G a lleries North, 1 Milk St., Portland. Through June 7, Hobe presents “The Figure,” a range of w orks in m any m edia with the hum an figure as its central focus. From June 11 through July 12, paintings by R obert Eric Moore, and photographs by Berenice Abbott. Tuesday to Saturday, 10:30 to 5. 773-2755. J o n e s G allery o f G lass and C eram ics, off Route 107, Sebago, Maine. The Gallery w as founded in 1978 to further the study of art in glass and ceram ics, preserve representative pieces, and provide public opportunities to experience the decorative a rts of glass and ceram ics from all ages. With an extensive research library and a collection which presently num bers over 4,000 pieces, it is th e only m useum of its kind in th e country. C urrent exhibits: Glass and Ceramics from the Homes of Standish Residents (through August 17); “But is it Sandwich Glass?” showing known exam ples of Sandwich con­ tra ste d with o ther New England factories and other pieces that are frequently confused with Sandwich (th ro u g h August 16); and “A T hread of Glass” (all seaso n ). M onday to Saturday, 9:30 to 5; S unday 1 to 5. 787-3370. M aine P otters Market, 9 M oulton St., Portland. Stone­ ware, porcelain and earthenw are by 14 Maine craftspersons. M onday through Saturday, 10:30 to 5:30. 774-1633. M aple H ill G allery, 367 Fore St., Portland. Fine con­ tem porary works in ceram ics, glass, wood, jewelry and fiber. M onday to Saturday, 10 to 6; Thursday evenings to 8; and Sunday from 11 to 4. 775-3822. N opo G allery, 60 York St., Portland. T hrough July 5, a show of sculpture by various artists. T hursday through Saturday, 12 to 5. 774-4407. The P ine T ree Sh op and B ayview G allery, 75 Market St., Portland. Through June 28, pastels b y Scott Moore. M onday to Saturday, 9:30 to 5:30. 773-3007.

P ortland Monthly™ is published by Colin and Nancy Sargent, 154 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101. All corresp o n d en ce should b e ad d ressed to 154 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101. A dvertising O ffice: 154 Middle Street, Portland, ME 04101 (207) 775-4339. Su b scrip tio n s: In th e U.S. and Canada, $18 for 1 year, $30 for 2 years, $36 for 3 years. June 1986, Vol. 1, No. 3, copyright 1986 by Portland Monthly. All rights reserved. Application to mail to second-class ra te s pending a t Portland, ME 04101. (ISSN: 0887-5340) Opinions expressed in articles are those of authors and do n o t represent editorial positions of Portland M onthly. L etters to the editor are w elcom e and will b e tre a te d as unconditionally assigned for publication an d copyright p u rp o ses and as subject to P ortland M onthly’s unrestricted right to edit an d com ­ m ent editorially. Nothing in this issue m ay b e reprinted in w hole o r in p art w ithout w ritten perm ission from th e publishers. Postm aster: Send ad d ress changes to: 154 Middle Street, Portland, Maine 04101: Return postage m ust acco m p an y all m anuscripts and photographs subm itted if th ey are to b e returned, and no responsibil­ ity can b e assum ed for unsolicited materials.



P o sters P lu s G alleries, 146 Middle St., Portland. Featuring original prints by Rockwell Kent, M argaret Babbitt, Peyton Higgison, R.C. Gorman, Will Barnet, Nancy Jones, Carol Collette, Harold Altman, Alan Magee, Jim Dine and m any more. M onday to Saturday, 10:30 to 5:30. 772-2693. The S tein G la ss G allery, 20 Milk St., Portland. Through June 23, graal and sandblasted pieces by Lucy Bergamini. M onday to Saturday, 10 to 6; Sunday 10 to 6; and by appointm ent. 772-9072. T im es Ten, 420 Fore St., Portland. Fine functional crafts from ten Maine craftspersons, including clocks by Ron Burke, earthenw are pottery and tiles by Libby Seigars, and handw oven rugs by Sara Hotchkiss. Mon­ day to Saturday, 10 to 6. 761-1553. Tracy J o h n so n Fine J ew elry, 62 M arket St., Portland. Featuring the work of Tracy Johnson, Cindy Edwards and Janice Gryzb. One-of-a-kind, c ustom designs and wedding rings are a specialty. T uesday to Saturday, 12 to 6, o r by appointm ent. 775-2468.

____________ THEATER____________ Portland Players, 420 Cottage Road, South Portland. “The Wiz,” based on The W onderful Wizard o f Oz, by L. Frank Baum. Book by William F. Brown, music and

lyrics by Charlie Smalls. The W icked Witch of the West m eets M adonna in this souped-up staging of the popu­ lar m odern myth. June 1, 6, 7, 8, 13 and 14. Friday and Saturday perform ances a t 8; first and third Sunday per­ form ances at 7; seco n d Sunday m atinee at 2:30 (no evening perform ance). $7. 799-7337. B ates F estival T heater, Schaeffer Theater, Bates Col­ lege, Lewiston. “Still Life,” an adult play by Emily Mann, one of this country’s finest contem porary playwrights. June 5, 8 p.m.; June 6 and 7, 9 p.m.; and June 8, 2 p.m. Reservations and information, 786-6161. Brunsw ick M usic T heater, Pickard Theater, Bowdoin College, Brunswick. The T heater opens its 1986 Sum­ m er Season on June 10 with a th re e w eek run of “A Chorus Line,” currently in its eleventh year on Broad­ way. Highlights of the show include “W hat I Did for Love,” and “O ne” (through June 29). On July 1, the T heater p re sen ts the Rodgers and Hart classic, “On Your T oes,” featuring the well-known jazz ballet “Slaughter on T enth Avenue,” and “T here’s a Small Hotel.” Tuesday to Saturday evenings at 8 p.m.; Wed­ nesday, Friday and Sunday m atinees at 2 p.m. $8 to $15. 725-8769. M aine T heatre, W aynflete School, 360 Spring St., Port­ land. One of Maine’s m ost innovative com panies, Maine T heatre has received critical and popular acclaim for its challenging productions over th e p ast seven years. From June 18 to July 6, Maine T heatre presents David M am et’s Am erican Buffalo, the Obie Award-winning study of the darkly comic relationship am ong three greedy losers. W ednesdays through Sundays at 8 p.m. Ticket range is $5 to $10; for m ore information, call the box office a t 871-7101 from T uesday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., or, on days of perform ances, until curtain time. Variety Night, featuring original th eater with mime, music, storytelling and vaudeville. T heater of Fantasy, 50 Danforth St., Portland. Saturday, June 14, 8 p.m. $5. 775-5957. Robin M ello presents an evening of mime and theater for all ages. Co-sponsored by the Maine State Commis­ sion on the A rts and Humanities, and the C enter for the Arts at the C hocolate Church. The Little Theater, 804 W ashington St., Bath. Saturday, June 14, 7:30 p.m. $5. 442-8455.

______________ FILM______________ Tenth A nnual M aine Students Film Festival public screening a t the Portland M useum of Art on Saturday, June 7, at 1 p.m., followed by an aw ards presentation. Sponsored by the Maine Alliance of Media Arts. Free with M useum admission. 773-1130. C inem a City, W estbrook Plaza, W estbrook. 854-8116. M aine Mali C inem a, Maine Mall Road, South Port­ land. 774-1022. The M ovies at Exchange Street, 10 Exchange St., Portland. 772-9600. N ick elo d eo n C inem a, Tem ple and Middle Streets, Portland. 772-9751.

_____________ D A N C E ____________ B egin the B egu in e, an evening of jazz tap dedicated to th e m em ory of the late Leon Collins, the evening features Pam ela Raff from Boston, a protege of Collins, and the Carroll Street Tappers. T heater of Fantasy, 50 Danforth St., Portland. Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7 at 8 p.m. $5. 775-5957. O xygen D ebt D ancers, under th e direction of dancerchoreographers Steve G oldbas and Cheryl Mitchell. The com pany’s extravagantly athletic style h as drawn critical and popular acclaim in recent years. Theater of Fantasy, 50 Danforth St., Portland. Friday and Saturday, June 27 and 28 a t 8 p.m. $7/$5/$4. 775-5957. D ance and F itn ess C la sse s at the Portland Dance Center, Portland Performing Arts Center, 25A Forest Ave., Portland. All levels of jazz, ballet and modern dance for adults and children. Ballroom/Social dance classes and Athletic dance classes are also offered.

Students may start at anytim e during sessions running through June 27. For a schedule and m ore information, call 773-2562.

mime and clowning. Saturday, June 7, a t The Children’s M useum of Portsm outh, South M eeting House, 280 Marcy St., Portsm outh, New Hampshire. 603-436-3853.

Scottish Country D ancing, with Paul Sarvis, a profes­ sional dancer who has taught m aster classes and work­ shops in Scottish dance throughout th e U.S. and Can­ ada. Every W ednesday evening a t 7:30 at Williston W est Church, 32 Thomas St., Portland. 775-4019.

A T radition R eborn, a designers’ show case spon­ sored by th e W om en’s Com m ittee of the Portland Sym­ phony. Elizabeth Farms, Cape Elizabeth, Maine. June 10 to June 28; open daily 10 to 4; Thursdays 10 to 8; closed Sundays and Mondays. $5. 773-8191.

TRAVEL/TRANSPORTATION Balloon Rides available in th e P ortland area from Balloon Sports (772-4401), Fantasy Ballooning Com­ pany (929-3200 in Hollis), and Hot Fun (761-1735). Longfellow C ruise Line, offers 5 trips daily from Long Wharf on the Portland w aterfront to th e Islands of Casco Bay. The Longfellow follows old steam boat routes and offers passengers a close-up look at Port­ land Head Light, civil w ar forts, island coves with Victo­ rian summer cottages, seals, an d P ortland’s working waterfront. Cruises leave at 10 a.m., 12:05 p.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m., and 7:30 p.m. Reservations recom ­ mended. 774-3578. Bay E xpress W ater Taxi C om pany, offers yearround, twenty-four ho u r service from Portland to the Casco Bay Islands. For $20 to $40, this unique taxi service makes it possible to reach th e Islands o r the mainland quickly and conveniently. The com pany is on call 24 hours a day and is also available for ch arte r on an hourly basis. For m ore information, call Lionel Plante Associates, 766-2508. Scotia Prince, cruises and tours to Y armouth, Nova Scotia and back to Portland on Prince of Fundy Cruises. A wide variety of to u r packages available, from a 23hour ro und trip to several days’ layover in Nova Scotia. For more information, call (M aine only) 1-800-482-0955 or (Portland only) 775-5616.

___________ SERVICES____________ The Cumberland County Child A buse and N eglect Council has been newly organized as a non-profit social service with offices in Preble Chapel, 331 Cum­ berland Ave., Portland. The group functions as an advocate for children and as a voice for a community. For more information, call 774-0076.

___________LITERATURE___________ Poets Allen G insberg and A nne W aldm an reading from their works. First Parish Church, 425 Congress St., Portland. Sponsored by th e Maine W riters and Publish­ ers Alliance. June 1, 7:30 p.m. $5/$4 MWPA m em bers. 775-6260. A Cry From the Earth, stories, poetry and music with Martin Steingesser, Katharine Rhoda and others. T heater of Fantasy, 50 Danforth St., Portland. Sunday, June 1, 2 p.m. $5/$4. 775-5957. The N ation al P o etry F o u n d a tio n ’s S c h o o l o f Poetics, a writers conference p a tte rn e d after th o se at the well-known N aropa Institute in B oulder, Colorado. Daytime general sessions are followed by evening p u b ­ lic readings. Participants include Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Robert Creeley, C.F. Terrell, C onstance H unt­ ing and Burton Hatlen. Sponsored by the National Poe­ try Foundation. University of Maine a t Orono, June 2 through June 7. For further information, call 581-3415.

THINGS TO SEE A N D D O Southworth Planetarium , in th e Science Building at the University of Southern Maine’s Portland cam pus, is open beginning June 1. Public evening show s include Dawn of Astronomy, Tour of th e Solar System, and Birth and Death of Stars. Sunday, W ednesday and Friday at 7:30 p.m. Reservations recom m ended. $2.50/$1.50/USM students free. 780-4249. The Children’s H om em ade Circus. Students from the Children’s M useum’s Clowning and Circus Skills course dem onstrate their skills a t juggling, tumbling,

M edicinal H erb Walk. W orkshop leader Deb Soule will lead th e group on a walk which will focus on identifying an d learning about the medicinal utility of herbs for su ch p urposes as minor cuts, scrapes, bugbites an d m ore serious diseases. Sponsored by the Maine Environm ental Educational Association. The w orkshop will be held a t the Merry Springs Foundation, south of C am den Village, June 14, from 9 to 11 a.m. For m ore information, call 594-4629.

Summertime Blues A w o n d e rfu l w a y to sing y o u r w a y into s u m m e rtim e : In In w ear.

Straw bery B anke in P ortsm outh, NH, is a show case of 37 historic buildlings, beautifully landscaped gardens, exhibits and a m useum . Settled in 1630 and trans­ formed into a m ajor outdoor m useum in 1958, Straw­ bery Banke offers guided tours and special events throughout th e sum m er season, including “New Eng­ land Gardening Day” (garden tours and w orkshops on the m useum grounds from 10 to 4 on June 21) and the 1st New M arket Militia Encam pm ent, on June 28 and 29. Straw bery B anke is open through O ctober. For m ore information, call 603-433-1100. A C hild ren’s F estival, a festival within a festival at the Old Port Festival. A wide array of children’s entertain­ m ent for children of all ages, including an inflatable planetarium , pony rides, w orkshops and much, m uch more. Co-sponsored, with Intown Portland Exchange, by The Children’s M useum of Maine. Tom m y’s Park and Post Office Park in the Old Port Exchange. Saturday, June 21. For m ore information, call 772-6828. Haiku Poetry, at the Children’s R esource Center. Haiku books will be m ade at the R esource Center and children will com e to the m useum to write and read haiku poetry. T he w orkshop will last for approxim ately two hours. Limited to 6 children p e r session; suggested age, 6-8. Session one, 9 to 11; session two, 1-3. Register at the Children’s Resource Center, 741 Stevens Ave., Portland. W ednesday, June 25. $2 in advance. 797-0525. Learn A bout B ogs to T each A bout B ogs, a m orning spent looking carefully a t a local bog with Mary Sewall Hamblin, a te a ch e r of ecology and limnology a t W est­ brook College’s Continuing Education Program. June 28, 10 to noon. For m ore information, call 772-2274. 200th A nniversary C eleb ration o f th e Incorpora­ tio n o f Portland. Festivities include a free band con­ cert a t 4 p.m. on the Band Stand at Fort Allen Park on the Eastern Prom enade, and, from 5 to 8, an open house at four houses: Longfellow House, T ate H ouse, Por­ tland O bservatory, and Victoria Mansion. $7 adm its the visitor to th e four houses; anniversary punch will be served. Sunday, June 29. 883-5382.

OTHER EVENTS O F INTEREST The C on feren ce on W om en and Pow er, a four-day series of keynote presentations and w orkshops designed to ad d ress th e issues of em pow erm ent in the w om en’s movem ent. Speakers include Gloria Anzaldua, editor and writer; Barbara M acDonald, au th o r of L o o k M e in the Eye: O ld Women, Aging and Ageism; Lois Reckitt, Vice President of NOW; Carter Heyward, Professor of Theology a t Episcopal Divinity School and author of O ur Passion fo r Justice; and Valerie Russell, D irector of the B oston City Mission Society. Over fifty w orkshops are scheduled to cover a wide variety of topics, includ­ ing “Ethics and Ambiguity: Choices a Politician M akes” (by Maine Legislator Beverly Bustin), “W omen and M usic” (b y co m poser and musician Kay Gardner), “Sexual A buse and Healing” (b y dan cer Karin Spitfire), and “Low Incom e W omen and Pow er” (b y Judy Guay, President of th e Maine Association of Independent N eighborhoods). University of Southern Maine a t Gor­ ham, June 5 to June 8. For m ore information, call 773-2294.

A v a ila b le o n ly at A m a ry llis o f cou rse. OPEN DAILY 10-6/THURS FRI SAT 10-8 SUN 12-5

A M A R Y L L I S A m a r y l l i s

C l o t h i n g

41 E x c h a n g e S tre e t, P o rtla n d , M a in e 04101

Co .

207 7 7 2 -4 43 9

JUNE 1986


LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHER T he WCSH TV W orld’s Largest G arage Sale. A spec­ tacu lar collection of treasu res and trash, organized by fifty non-profit public service organizations. At Port­ land’s Cumberland County Civic Center, Saturday, June 7, from 9 to 5. $.50. 772-0181. W alk n’ R oll, a 10-kilometer road race on June 14 for runners an d w heelchair athletes. The event is designed to raise civic aw areness and funds for th e Maine Asso­ ciation of Handicapped People. Participants in the race raise funds by gathering sponsors. Walk n’ Roll will boast refreshm ents, d oor prizes and entertainer Steve Bither of the aptly-nam ed Wicked Good Band. The event begins a t noon on Portland’s W estern Prom e­ nade; registration is a t 11:30. For m ore information, call Tom Cane at 774-4360. O ld Port Festival, a gala day-long street celebration in P ortland’s Old Port Exchange. Events include musical perform ances, an antique plane fly-over, stiltwalking, lifesized puppets, an inflatable planetarium , lots of street food vendors, and more. Saturday, June 21. The M aine A udubon S o ciety is located on Gilsland Farm, off Route 1 in Falmouth. Open year-round for self-guided and guided tours, the beautiful saltw ater farm is a sanctuary of 60 acres bordering the Presum psco t River. The Farm is also th e location of the Society’s N ature Store, an Art Gallery, and Solar Build­ ings which display co ntem porary applications of solar and wind technologies. In Scarborough, the Scarbo­ rough M arsh opens for visits in mid-June. The Marsh, on the Pine Point Road, is a 3,000 acre salt m arsh with two rivers, th e D unstan and th e Nonesuch, running through it. The m arsh is rem arkable for its scenery and is also an im portant wildlife habitat. Volunteers are needed for the sum m er a t the Scarborough Marsh. For more information, call 781-2330. M onday M orning Bird Walk, with Ray Riciputi, Asso­ ciate Professor of Biological Sciences at th e University of Southern Maine. Scheduled to m eet and leave from in front of Bailey Hall on th e University’s G orham cam ­ pus on M onday m ornings at 6:30 a.m. Free. 780-4076. Springtim e in th e Park, a series of o u td o o r program s at Wolf Neck W oods State Park in Freeport with natural­ ist Pat Bailey, Sundays a t 2 p.m. Those interested should m eet at the gate; w hen the Park gate is open, m eet at th e end of th e seco n d parking area by the three large interpretive panels. No fee until Memorial Day. For m ore information, call Pat Bailey at 865-4465 or 688-4712. Portland O bservatory, 138 C ongress St., Portland. Built on the crest of P ortland’s Munjoy Hill, this is the last remaining 19th cen tu ry signal tow er on the Atlantic coast. In June, Friday to Sunday, 1 to 5; July and August, W ednesday and Friday to Sunday, 1 to 5 p.m.; Thursday, 6 to 8 p.m. S1/S.50. V ictoria M ansion, o p en for seaso n June 3. Built in the mid 19th century, this sp ectacu lar Italianate Victorian m ansion contains m any of its original fin de siecle appointm ents. Tuesday to Saturday, 10 to 4. 883-5382. Kids W alking T our o f Portland. A self-guided tour for children and adults of over 25 of Portland’s attractions in less th an one mile. Highlights include th e book under Longfellow’s chair in Longfellow Square, th e Portland M useum of Art, and th e sp ectacu lar trom pe l’oeil mural in Tom m y’s Park. For m ore information, write: Old Port Publications, 235 Commercial St., Portland, Maine 04101.

_________ RESTAURANTS_________ A lberta’s. 21 Pleasant Street, Portland. All the selec­ tions from Alberta’s ever-changing menu are cooked to order over their mesquite charcoal grill. Steaks, seafood, and butterflied leg of lamb are accompanied by hom e­ made soups, breads, and desserts, including “Death by Chocolate.” Lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch. Major credit cards. 774-5408. A fghan R estaurant. 629 Congress Street, Portland. Delicious and exotic Afghani cuisine in a family setting. Atmosphere includes paintings by owner with fun per­ spectives. 773-3431. 6


At a recent Ad Club meeting, we were told by a certain group of guest magazine executives that it takes $3.5 million (?) to start a new magazine. Obviously they hadn’t discovered Marden’s. Since the debut of this magazine and our grand opening on 154 Middle Street, we’ve joined the crowds in search of discount chic at the Portland and Lewiston stores, where you can find piles of designer w edding d resses (satin, $25 each) on racks not too far from tins of im ported pretzels and cookies, truckloads of shoe hangers, and, the object of our quest, office furniture! It’s like shopping in Italy, with deals and “slightly water-dam aged” goods flying everywhere. The other day we saw WCSH-TV’s Fred Nutter there. We smiled, agreed

not to recognize each other, and dove into separate piles. When we came up for air, we had four new Hon steel office desks (that retail for $300 to $500) for $145 each, with typewriter returns for $50 each; six new pneum atic adjustable swivel chairs for $40 each; and, our pride and joy, a large Quartet letter board (black with white letters to list our staff), that normally retails for $360, for just $25. Why $25? It was locked, with no keys available. On the way back to Middle Street we stopped for five minutes at Harbor Lock and Key on 694 Forest Avenue and had new keys m ade for $6. Another innovative thing about Mar­ den’s is that they let custom ers borrow the store’s rattlingyellow truck—free— to cart their new purchases home. This issue gives you a large hunk of the real Portland and the people living here, with stories like “Brainstorming With The Gendrons,” “The Crustacean Connection” in our popular Waterfront section, and our lead story on Laura Butterworth’s new Portland Models Group. Come visit us in our office on 154 Middle Street!

Amigo’s. 9 Dana Street, Portland. A wide selection of Mexican food in a relaxed setting. Enchiladas, tacos, burritos, everything m ade from scratch. Brings th e Mex­ ican experience to the Old Port. Lunch and dinner Tuesdays through Saturdays, closed Sunday and Mon­ day. 772-0772.


The Baker’s Table. 434 Fore Street, Portland. Relaxed bistro beneath the Old Port Bakehouse offers diverse European cooking, veal, fish, tournedos, hom em ade chowders, soups, stew s including bouillabaisse are available, as well as fresh breads and pastries from upstairs. Local artists exhibit occasionally. Major credit cards. 775-0303.

M odern Offices in Historic Buildings

Boone’s. Custom H ouse Wharf, Portland. They’ve been serving an extraordinary range of seafood since 1898. Portland memorabilia and antiques are displayed in the heavy-beamed dining room , and th ere are nightly sp e ­ cials in addition to the extensive menu. Lunch and dinner daily, all major credit cards. 774-5725.


24 39 44 49 50 53

Bramhall Pub. 769 Congress Street, Portland. Soups and sandwiches in a pretty brick-walled setting beneath the Roma Cafe. 773-8329. Cafe Always. 47 Middle Street, Portland. O ne of Port­ land’s newest restaurants. Features strong, ambitious menu and a romantic atm osphere. Cafe C ornerbrook. Cornerbrook shopping plaza, opposite the Maine Mall, South Portland. The th eatre kitchen serves up such specialties as sau teed soft-shell crab, philo pie, seafood and p a sta salads. Q uiches and soups are created daily; jazz bands play nightly. Break­ fast, lunch, and dinner, Saturday and Sunday brunch. 772-3224.

Suites ranging from 402 to 3978 square feet, priced at $10.00 to $15.00 per square foot.

For lease information: contact: Dave Robinson

Camp Hamm ond. 74 Main Street, Yarmouth. Lunch and dinner are served in four room s of a beautiful Victorian home. Veal and lamb are featured on a m enu that changes weekly; steaks and seafood are great, too. Marble fireplaces warm the room s of this historic build­ ing, and conference sp ace is available. Reservations suggested. 846-3895. C arb u r’s. 123 Middle Street, Portland. Carbur’s is fun, from the m enu to the antique advertisem ents, to the “Kitchen Sink Club,” a sandw ich accom panied by a parade of the restaurant staff. A lthough the m enu fea­ tures sandwiches, soups and salads are hom em ade and inventive, too. Carbur’s has a new b an q u et room with a special menu, and they have a prime rib special Thurs­ day, Friday, and Saturday nights. Lunch and dinner, major credit cards. 772-7794.

C ity Center 57 Exchange Street Exchange Street 85 Exchange Street Exchange Street 95 Exchange Street Exchange Street 97A Exchange Street M onum ent Square 178 M iddle Street Exchange Street 415 Congress Street Portland Perform ing A rt Center



Channel C rossing. 23 Front Street, South Portland. An elegant restaurant with an elegant view of Portland from its perch on the water. Teriaki sirloin is a favorite, as is “Fresh Catch,” the very freshest fish available each day. Lunch and dinner, Sunday brunch, major credit cards. 799-5552. Christopher’s. 688 Forest Avenue, Portland. Greek wines can be had with the baked lamb in tom ato sauce and other Greek specialties. Philo pies and stuffed grape leaves lead crisply into th e fresh baklava and other desserts. A relaxed, spacious restaurant. Lunch and dinner M onday through Friday, dinner only on Saturday, closed Sunday. Major credit cards. 772-6877. Deli One. 106 Exchange Street, Portland. Spinach and sausage pie, pasta, om elets, deli sandw iches are am ong the international attractions in this cozy place. The soups and chow ders are intriguing as well. A sunny patio when season permits. Breakfast, lunch, an d dinner, Sunday brunch. Art exhibits by local talent. MC, V. 772-7115. DiMillo’s Floating Restaurant. Long Wharf, Portland. Unique floating restaurant has steaks, seafood, Italian cuisine, ribs, and, always, lobster. Fine wines, nightly chef’s specials, and entertainm ent. Lunch and dinner daily, Sunday brunch. Major credit cards. 772-2261. Dock Fore. 336 Fore Street, Portland. Daily specials in this cozy Old Port setting include burgers, quiches, soups, chowders, fresh fish, steam ers, and mussels. Lunch and dinner. 772-8619. The Galley. 215 Foreside Road, Falmouth. Located at Handy Boat Yard, The Galley offers a beautiful view of Clapboard and Chebeague Islands plus sleek racing

• • • • •

C all fo r free co lo r b ro c h u re K it sales available P re-m an u factu red design In stallatio n service available 5 -year w arranty

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JUNE 1986


yachts and an impressive, varied m enu of seafood spe­ cialties. Cocktail lounge on upper deck. A m ust for the yachting set. 781-4262.

LETTERS THE “NEWSMAKERS,” May 1986 Issue To The Editor: My com plim ents to Marcia Feller on her excellent piece on Portland’s news­ casters. It’s nice to see them get the credit they so richly deserve, and I enjoyed chuckling over quotes from friends such as Joe Cupo and Richard Rose. Congratulations to everyone on your staff! Your magazine is superb! Lucie Tardif Portland

LOBBY COPIES To The Editor: I am the receptionist for Drummond & Drummond, and I enjoyed the com ­ plimentary Premiere Issue of P o rtlan d M onthly.

As you can see from the enclosed, we would like to receive 2 complimen­ tary copies of P o rtla n d M o n th ly every month, beginning with the May 1986 issue. Also, I would personally like to subscribe to this magazine. My brother is a native of th e Portland area, now living in Tennessee, and by just glanc­ ing through this Premiere Issue, I can see th at he would be very interested in receiving this magazine. Please forward to me any informa­ tion relative to subscription rates to this fine magazine. Your anticipated cooperation in this m atter is greatly appreciated and once again, congratu­ lations on such a fine publication. Amy Jo Smyth Receptionist Drummond & Drummond Portland

WHIMSY To The Editor: C ongratulations on th e prem iere issue of P o rtlan d M onthly. I am writing to you in regards to Marcia Feller’s article on commercial photographers in the Portland area. I am extremely upset that I was excluded from her selection of my colleagues. I am bewildered that she didn’t even try to get in to uch with me w hen she was doing research for this article. What criteria did she base her selection on? Accounts? Billings? Recommendations from ad agencies in town? Whimsy? I am one of the top commercial pho­ tographers in town. My accounts vary 8


from Union Mutual to Capital Interme­ diary in New York and the W hitehead Institute in Cambridge. I travel all over the country for my business. I have worked for m ost of the ad agencies in town. My billings are equal to or more than som e of the photographers she has chosen to feature. I think I am the only photographer who can get a car into his studio. We live and work in a small town. My clients are asking me why I w asn’t fea­ tured in this article. In a service busi­ ness where image counts you can understand how such an article can be detrimental. Warren Roos Portland

CONGRATULATIONS To The Editor: Congratulations to the staff of the new -born P o rtla n d M o n th ly , which prom ises to becom e a lively and sub­ stantial cultural fixture. I enjoyed the variety of subjects and the individual quality of the pieces. Onward and upward! William David Barry Portland To The Editor: Nice 1st issue—good luck! Tri-State Painting Systems Portland

C ONGRATS (CONTINUED) I hope you have success with P o rt­ la n d M o n th ly ; I know it’s one thing Portland’s identity needs! Melanie S. Phair Music Maxx Manchester, New Hampshire

WATERFRONT COVERAGE To The Editor: Thank you for contacting us con­ cerning a listing for the L on g fe llo w Cruise Line in your new publication. We support your efforts in this publica­ tion and especially appreciate the spe­ cial coverage that you are giving to Portland’s waterfront issues. Capt. Deborah Sprague Ross Vice President Longfellow Cruise Line Portland

The G ood Egg Cafe. 705 C ongress Street, Portland. Breakfast is the specialty in this com fortable cafe. House favorites are the hom em ade hash, English muffins, and multi-grain pancakes. The egg variations are endless, and there are herbal teas and fresh ground coffee. M onthly exhibits by student artists. W eekdays 6-12, Saturday 7-2, Sunday 8-2. 773-0801. G orham Station. 29 Elm Street, Gorham. A lovely full-service restaurant in a restored railroad station. Steak and seafood; American favorites. 839-3354. The Great Lost Bear. 540 Forest Avenue, Portland. The exotic burgers, the friendly service, the etched glass, the hilarious m enu make The Bear a special spot. There’s also award-winning chili, ribs, chicken, and steak, and of course, the hom em ade Toll H ouse Cookie Pie. For sum m er days, there is a patio in Bearidise Alley, and for Sundays, a cham pagne brunch. Lunch and dinner 7 days served right to 11:30. 772-0300. G reen M ountain C offee R oasters. 15 Temple Street, Portland. Exotic coffees and teas, interesting conversa­ tions, great location near One City Center and Nickelo­ deon movie theatres. Open late in the evenings. 773-4475. H am ilton’s India R estaurant. 43 Middle Street, Port­ land. N orthern and Central Indian cuisine by chef Hamil­ ton Ash. MC/VlSA/Am. Express. 773-4498. H o r se fe a th er s. 193 M iddle Street, Portland. The award-winning m enu offers fresh char-broiled fish, stirfries, steaks, veal Oscar, as well as notorious “Horsefries” and nachos. M any daily specials, served by a cheery, creative staff. Elegant and fun. Entertainm ent nightly. Lunch and dinner, 11:00 to 11:45 daily. Major credit cards. 773-3501. HuShang II. 11 Brown Street, Portland. Award-winning Szechuan, Shanghai, Mandarin, and Hunan cuisine. Spicy and inventive. A Portland mainstay. Lunch and dinner daily. 774-0800. Hu Shang III. 29 Exchange Street, Portland. Shrimp in black bean sauce, cashew chicken are am ong the Sze­ chuan, Hunan, Shanghai, and M andarin dishes offered. Daily luncheon specials, hom em ade Chinese soups. Two brick and glass dining room s. Lunch and dinner. Major credit cards. 773-0300. J’s O yster Bar. 5 P ortland Pier, Portland. Delicious w aterfront sp o t for seafood lovers. Oysters, steam ed clam s, very fresh seafood. 772-4828. Jam eso n Tavern. 115 Main Street, Freeport. Steaks, veal, seafood, and daily chef’s specials. Veal sauteed w ith proscuitto, provolone, and m ushroom s is a favorite, served in an historical colonial hom e. Lunch and dinner, Sunday brunch. 865-4196. L’A ntibes. 27 Forest Avenue, Portland. Elegant French cuisine served in the Portland Performing Arts Center. Perfect spot before and after Portland Stage productions and other Arts Center events. Extensive wine list. 772-0453. La Salsa. 444 F ore'Street, Portland. Spicy, new-age restaurant features Chile verde enchiladas, Indian blue c orn tortillas and tam ales, Colache burritos, distinctive soups, and New Mexican and South American fish dishes. New location sp orts high-design interior, daily specials. Also: lamb dishes and Mexican bread pudding. 775-5674. L obster Shack. 246 Two Lights Road, Cape Elizabeth. Striking ocean view and picnic seafood to m atch. Great sp o t to w atch Portland and Centerboard Yacht Club events. 799-1677. Madd A pple Cafe. 23 Forest Avenue, Portland. Unus­ ual, delicious, original cuisine by R ebecca Reilly in the Portland Performing Arts C enter building. Many interna­ tional specials. Lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch. 772-6606. M aria’s R istorante. 337 Cumberland Avenue, Port­ land. Formal dining, good wines, and fine Italian cuisine. O wner and chef, A nthony Napolitano specializes in veal dishes, including veal scallopini m arsala, and there is an em phasis on fresh seafood, as well. Dinner 5-10 week­ days, 5-11 weekends. MC, VISA. 772-9232. M ichel’s at Exit 8. 202 Larrabee Road, W estbrook. Seafood and steaks in a pretty, plant-filled dining room. Among the selections are a tw o-pound prime rib, baked

Views ofNorthern Ireland rarely seen in the media H y s te r , C r a i g a v o n , C o . A r m a g h .

66 Wefound the right loca­ tion to compete with Japan. 99

P o r ta d o w n . Co. A rm a g h .

T H E stakes X were high when

Hyster chose Northern Ireland as the place to pro­ duce fork lift trucks to com­ pete with the Japanese. “We’ve been very success­ ful here” says Bill Brown, Plant Manager, “to compete in our world markets we needed a workforce which was fully flexible, adaptable and able to deliver a high quality product, on time. We found it in Northern Ireland!’ Hyster is just one of the American companies who operate profitably in Northern Ireland. To get more facts call or send your business card to Bill Matthews at the address below.

J Industrial Developm ent Board for Northern Ireland, British Consulate General, Suite 4740 Prudential Tower Prudential Center Boston M A 02199 (617) 437-7160

I D ~

B Northern Ireland

In A sso cia tio n w ith M ain e M a ritim e M useum

haddock, and Sicilian scallops. The portions arearge, dinner specials change every tw o w eeks, lunch spcials every day. Lunch and dinner. Major credit ards. 854-9496. Old Port Tavern. 11 M oulton Street, Portland. Seaks, seafood, salad bar, and live music in the heart of tfe Old Port. Award-winning Bloody Mary’s. 774-0444. Pagoda. 5 Forest Avenue, Portland. Chinese fod by Danny Wong in a pretty new location. 773-5071. Portland W ine and C h eese. 8 Forest AvenuePortland. Pates, im ported cheeses and m eats, sandwiaes, soups, and salads to take out or enjoy a t a window able. Open 10-3 w eekdays, 9-6 weekends. Major credit <ards. 772-4647. Rib R oom . Sonesta Hotel Portland. 157 High Street, Portland. Elegant dining with impressive full-s*rvice m enu (p a te s, m ussels in basil and lemon saice, steaks, seafood dishes with accents on rare flavorngs), and a highly rom antic atm osphere. Also, try The Green­ house and the newly rem odeled Top of the East lounge for cocktails and a stunning city view. Reservatiors and major credit cards accepted. 775-5411.

“Pride o f the Yard” The Wyoming, built 1909, Bath, Maine Limited edition print by Thomas M. Hoyne...S185

The Roma. 769 Congress Street, Portland. Classfc Ital­ ian cuisine has been served in this Victorian mansbn for 61 years. Enjoy seafood linguine or veal parmesan n one of th e intim ate dining room s. Daily specials, and a inique collection of Portland Glass. Smoking and non-stroking available. Lunch and dinner. 773-9873. Ruby’s C hoice. 116 Free Street, Portland. The World’s greatest ham burgers. 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. 773-999.

Nautical Furnishings • Art Antiques • Gifts • Models Books • Scrimshaw • Decoys

195 C o m m ercial Street P o rtla n d ’s W aterfront 7 7 3 -0 5 2 0 P o r t ’n s t a r b o a r d

Sap poro R estaurant. 24 Free Street, Portland Port­ land’s new Japanese restaurant excites the tasfebuds with colorful sushi dishes and o ther traditional favrrites. Beautiful waterw alk into restaurant. 772-1233. S e a s o n s. 363 Maine Mall Road, South Portland The Sheraton’s pride and joy, Seasons features a wide >ariety of seasonally changing American favorites as wellas live entertainm ent and fashion shows. 775-0555. S e o u l H ou se. Route 77, Cape Elizabeth. Autientic K orean favorites. Intimate atm osphere and delcious, unusual food. Lunch and dinner Tuesday throujh Sat­ urday. 799-4031.

A hotel in the grand tradition.

Sm ith Farm. 226 Gray Road, W est Falmouth. TheRoast Turkey Feast is a special attraction in this pojt-andbeam family restaurant, as are the desserts: The ndian pudding, apple pan dowdy, and shortcakes are all hom em ade. The staff w ears overalls and sings on the w eekends. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, closed M on­ days. MC, VISA 797-3034. S n ow Sq uall. 18 O cean Avenue, South Portland. Plants and sunshine, and a view of the waterfront by day, candlelight by night. All the seafood, veal, chicken, and beef is prepared from scratch. Lunch, dinner, Sunday brunch. Major credit cards, reservations accepted. 799-2232. Sp ortsm an’s Grill. 905 Congress Street, Portland. Ital­ ian and A merican favorites in four hom ey dining rooms. Spaghetti, of course, lasagne, breaded veal cutlets. Daily specials. Lunch and dinner. 772-9324.

The Sonesta Hotel Portland. A charm­ museum, only a short walk to the Old ing place to stay that combines the Port and just minutes from the Portland ambience of turn of the century New Jetport. Our Rib Room features England with the comforts and amenities everything from roast prime ribs of beef to fresh Maine seafood delicacies. that today’s traveler expects. A hotel where personal service and attention to And, we have superb meeting and ban­ detail is deeply rooted in tradition. quet rooms, ideally suited for a variety of business and social gatherings. We’re located downtown near the Civic So, this year stay with tradition. Center, next to Portland’s new art For reservations call a travel agent or Sonesta at 800-343-7170.

S Sonesta Hotel Portland 157 High Street, Portland, Maine 04101


Sonesta m eans personal s ervice in B oston (C am bridge), Key B iscayne (M iam i) a nd O rla n do (Florida), N e w O rleans, P ortland (M aine), A m sterda m , B erm uda, E gypt, Israel.


34 E xchange Street. Old Port Exchange. French Con­ tinental cuisine and fine wines served in two Victorian dining rooms. The menu of beef, seafood, chicken, and veal changes often with the exception of the Beef Well­ ington. Dinner5:30-10:00, reservations suggested. Major credit cards. 775-1100. V alle’s . 1150 Brighton Avenue, Portland. First-rate steaks and seafood ,at reasonable prices in a family atmosphere. A favorite for many Portlanders fordecades. Just off Exit 8. 774-4551. The Vinyard. I l l Middle Street, Portland, feafood Diablo and baked quail are among the specialtie: of this beautiful restaurant. The emphasis is on Frerch and Italian cuisine, with an extensive wine list to math. The menu changes bi-monthly. Lunch and dinner weekdays, dinner only Saturdays, closed Sundays. 773-544. The W est S id e. 59 Pine Street, Portland. Honemade delights in a stylish little neighborhood cafe withgreat breads, pastries, specials, and a seasonal patic Menu always fresh, original. 773-8223.

It’s Time For Tradition. In a world of fleeting fashion, styles com e and go. But the classic look endures from year to year. Complete your hom e or office decorating with a handwoven individually selected Oriental rug from Mougalian & Sons. Our knowledge is extensive and we will assist you in selecting the perfect rug to suit your taste and style that is within your price range. If you prefer quality, excellence, good taste and simple elegance—these traditional values have never gone out of style at Mougalian & Sons. Isn’t it time you deserve the finest? Call us.

. -Robert R,.

Mougalian Sons Inc. ORIENTAL RUGS O pen Tues. thru Sat. 10:00 to 5:00 3% miles West of Gorham Village off Route 202

207/929-5522 • Bank financing available



Fresh seafood from the Gulf of Maine to the South Pacific, flown in daily

The RedSnapper Restaurant SEA G R IL L E & O Y S T E R RAR

396 Fore St., Portland, ME

The MacBride Dunham Group Portland, Maine (207) 773-7100

7 7 3 -4 3 6 3

t e

We’re proud to be selling Greater Portland

Maine’s economy is booming, th a t’s for sure. At the MacBride Dunham Group, we want th at growth to be healthy, sustained, and solid for many years to come. After all, we live here, too. We care about w hat’s right for this community, and for the state. T hat’s why it’s such a pleasure doing business in Greater i Portland.

£5 JUNE 1986




From Laura’s Portfolio



lS 1 was riding in my rusty ’79 VW Rabbit through the chilly May afternoon, I said to myself, “My editor must be kidding. I’m the most unfashionable man I know—why should I be doing a story on a modeling agency?” He wanted the poet’s slant on the subject—whatever the hell that is. I mean, I have written poems for beauti­ ful women—at least I think they are. But as far as what they wear, I know nothing about it, aside from what I see while turning from Safire to Baker in the Sun­ day N ew York Times magazine. After wending my way through the small crooked streets of the Old Port I pulled into the Union Street parking garage and found a space, walked out the back entrance and turned right, went to small brick building and tried to open the door; for some reason it was locked, but almost immediately a young giantess let me in. Don’t be a jerk, I thought, she’s real and very attractive, you’ll be lucky if she speaks to you. Then she did, “Hello, Mr. Reporter, I’m Laura Butterworth.” Ah, What a name, 12


'The group of glamour models that I represent usually m ake about $ 40 0 .00 a day for print w ork." — L a u ra B u tte rw orth

M ic h a e l Rafkin is m y to p o n -c a m e ra yo u n g e x e c u tiv e -ty p e ta le n t. He is a professional a c to r and copyw riter, a n d does all the voices th a t you h e a r on the G re a t Lost Bear ads. M ic h a e l sells b e c a u s e he is c le a n c u t a n d d oesn't d is tra c t from a product, He c a n p e rsu a d e just about a n y b o d y to b u y anything w h e n w orking on-camera. W hen I first started w orking w ith M ich ael, we h a d to re a rra n ge his entire look, from c lo th in g to hair c u t, in o rder to re a ch a c e rta in m arket. I d o n 't usually a c t as a manager b u t w h e n I see som e poten­ tia l ta le n t, I usually suggest c h a n g e s th a t will give them a m ore m a rk e ta b le look. In a year, M ich a e l has g o n e from d o in g very little work, to b e in g easily recog­ nized in th e Portland area.


JUNE 1986


with a nam e like that she brings the Russian poet, Zabolotsky, to mind— what a name to roll over the tongue. The room, the reception area for the Photographer Peter Ftcksman, looked grey. The furniture, the walls, the rug, and even the paintings looked grey, but then I’m colorblind so I can’t be sure. But Ms. Butterworth was not grey—she was black and white, red and bru­ nette—the last being a shock of dark brown hair cut short in the fashion of the day. When she spoke, rich, round tones came out of a perfectly toothed mouth set off by equally perfect red lips—ah paradise, enow! When she suggested we might go somewhere else for the interview I thought of the lonely ten spot in my pocket and took the choice of cowards—I knew a woman like this d eserv ed ch am p ag n e—M um m s or Piper Hiedsieck, and I had to pay the parking garage—so I said this will be all right and took out the used steno note­ book and began writing down every­ thing she said. Laura Butterworth is very young; she refused to tell me her age, but she can’t be more than in her mid-twenties. She says her age is a professional secret— perhaps to engender in the clients a confidence that she can produce the right models for any occasion. She was bom and grew up in Asheville, North Carolina, but in spite of that, she has no noticeable southern accent and speaks with a very clear enunciation which she learned at Catawba College, also in North Carolina, where she majored in Philosophy and English. Besides being tall, good-looking, and intelligent, she is also smart. Before she left college, she knew that she wanted to run her own business, though she

A t this tim e , Lucretia C onnolly is m y to p fe m a le m od el b e c a u s e she c a n g o from ru nw ay fashion to portrayin g th e exe cu tiv e w o m a n for Bass a n d Union M utual. She is th e kin d of m o del all a g e n ts w a n t b e ca u se o f her ra n g e of work a n d te m p e ra m e n t.


Commercial Interior Design by Essex House. Is there a better way to announce your success? Call us and we will help you make the statement.

] J O llS C

Commercial & Cross Streets, Portland, Maine 04101 207-773-0762 MC/VISA/AE • HOURS: M-F 9:00-5:00 Sat. 9:00-4:00 M e m b e r , I n t e r i o r D e sig n S o c ie ty * P o r tf o lio A v a ila b le F o r R e v ie w .

Eight experienced owner/brokers in a unique partnership. Selected by Sothebyfs International Realty as its representative in Greater Portland.

J im T h o r n e , P a t V i l v e n , H . B u d S in g e r , D i a n e S h e v e n e ll, B a r n e y B u r r a ll S e a te d : S u e L a m b , J a n ic e D r in a n , C h r is J a c k s o n

A T r a d i t i o n o f E x c e lle n c e i n R e a l E s ta te B r o k e r a g e f o r M o r e T h a n 3 0 Y ears.


O n e U n i o n W h a r f , P o r t la n d ( 2 0 7 ) 7 7 3 -0 2 6 2

JUNE 1986


s I

at handy boat

Downeast Seafood is our specialty • • • • • •


The Galley R estaurant and Scaram ouche Lounge Open 7 Days a Week with a Superb View o f Casco Bay, Falm outh Yachting Fleet & B oat Yard


A L B E R T A ’S 'Platters that Matter.”

Alberta’s Restaurant 21 Pleasant Street Portland, Maine 04101 207-774-5408

The Good Egg Cafe' 705 Congress Street Portland, Maine 04101 207-773-0801

d o c h fire 3 3 6 F o r e S t.. P o r tla n d , M e ., U n d e r th e R e d C a n o p y , in th e O ld P o r t Y o u lik e d u s W e ’re g o o d a t f o o d & d r in k s . W e re th e b e s t o f th e n e ig h b o r h o o d W h a t a n e ig h b o r h o o d ! R e m e m b e r"?



wasn’t exactly sure what it would be, or where. After graduating, she came to Maine in September of 1984. The first week she slept in her automobile; at the end of the week she had signed up four top models and was doing a catalog for Porteous. Her decision to come to Portland was not haphazard. She’d taught wind surf­ ing and sailing in the state several summers while going to college and learned about the enticements of Port­ land and decided it would be a good place for a young businesswoman. She had done some modeling while she was in college, found she liked it, and knew the basics of the trade. Before she came to the Old Port, there was no full-time modeling agency in town; advertising agencies and stores either found their own models or had them come up from Boston. Now, Ms. Butterworth has founded an agency called the “Portland Models Group,” which is the only modeling agency in northern New England. She currently has 120 models on call, about 55 male and female and including an age range from very young children to people in their seventies. In the interview, Ms. Butterworth explained the differences in types of models. The first and most familiar are the glamour models—it is these you see in Vogue and the N ew York Times. This type of model most frequently does “printwork,” that is, any published advertising picture in magazines, flyers, newspapers, or catalogs. These models are usually chosen for their looks and are not expected to do much else. Occasionally one might do a walk-by on a television commercial. The other major classification is the “talent” model. These people, accord­ ing to the PMG director, are models

J e n n ife r is o n e o f m y g la m o u r m odels w h o has just g ive n u p a c a re e r w ith A m e ric a n Airlines flying in te rn a tio n a lly to th e C a rib b e a n , to work here in Portland w ith a Real Estate c o m p a n y , w h ic h gives her a c h a n c e for m ore bookings. Before settling in Portland, bookings h a d to b e m a d e in b e tw e e n flights.

K urt Nelson c a m e here from N ew York C ity w ith e x p e rie n c e as a m odel, ch o re o g ra p h e r, d a n c e r, a n d designer. He has his o w n c o m p a n y , K adashe O riginals, a n d he's m a d e outfits for Patti LaBelle a n d Susan A nton. C urrently living in Portland, Kurt is e s p e c ia lly strong in ru n w a y situations.

Portland Models Group was hired to coordinate and book a tw o part spring fashion show for the Maine M all. We used 24 models in all and represented 25 stores.

JUNE 1986


who can act, react, be funny or sad as the occasion demands. They usually do m ost of the television advertisements you see. In such advertisements more dem and is made for “character” charac­ ters—people who look like fishermen or bakers or waitresses. The models are usually stereotypes whom the average w atcher can identify in thirty to sixty seconds. Most of the “talent” is in New York or other big cities where there is a large supply of theatre actors and actresses

"/ usually select chil­ dren by their look, age, and tem pera­ ment. No m atter how cute a kid is, w e aren't even interested unless he can take direction and has the patience to sit still."

This is D eb o ra h L a p o in te in a n a tm o s p h e ric shot th a t w e used in a re c e n t O ld M a in e Trotters shoe c a ta lo g .



who can “act and react.” Maine does not have a large num ber of full-time theatre professionals, so Butterworth is always on the lookout for good talent— especially men, who, she says, are much harder to find in this state. She points to Tim Sample as an example of one of her talents who can do both a Maine voice and a straight voice. She says there are opportunities for men who can dem onstrate some character and would like to be paid for it.

As for pay, printwork for glamour models pays $300 a day, but the models frequently work only a half a day. TV and industrial films pays for talent from $200 to $500 per day—children make $150 to $200 for a day’s work. One of the m ost common styles of modeling is the runway show. This is what many think of models doing all the time, especially the highly paid haut couture exotically beautiful women in New York and Paris. Laura arranged and choreographed a show for 25 stores in


N ic o s is o n ly o n e o f th e m a n y kids th a t I represent. He is o u ts ta n d in g b e c a u s e he has a look th a t c a n m a k e a n a d . Nicos re ce n tly d id a n a tio n a l a d c a m ­

p a ig n for Lauri, Inc. toys, w h ic h a p p e a re d in issues o f Parents m a g a zin e . N icos also o n e o f th e m a n y c h a ra c te rs th a t I represent. JUNE 1986


a cto r, c o m e d ia n a n d a n o ff th e w a ll o n -c a m e ra ta le n t. She works in th e c h a ra c te r ra n g e a n d shows th a t no o n e is to o y o u n g or to o o ld to b e in th e business. Betty plays th e p a rt o f a w o m a n on a n exercise b ike ta lk in g 20


on th e te le p h o n e in th e Peoples H e ritage Bank spot w h ic h w as d o n e b y The N ew E ngland G roup. I b o o k e d eleven p e o p le for th a t spot. Betty c a n p la y stra ig h t roles as w ell as c h a ra c te r roles.

In this shot, Lucretia is show ing spring fashions for Jordan Marsh in th e M a in e Mall spring fashion show. I feel th a t Lucretia is o n e of th e m ost e le g a n t m odels I have for ru n w a y work,

Not everyone wants us to keep roasting fresh turkeys every day.

The Seamen’s Club the Maine Mall. For a show such as this a model is only paid about $40 but most of them enjoy doing such a public appearance. The organizer of that show, Butter­ worth pointed out that it is probably not possible to make a living from just modeling in Maine at the present time. She said that som e of her models work twice a week, but m ost have other jobs and do the modeling for the fun of it and as a sideline. She went on to say that when they do work they make good money for Maine. There are a number of “parts” mod­ els as well; some work only as hand, leg, or foot models while others do voice work on radio and still others do voice­ overs for more photogenic actors on television. One of the m ost in dem and is model­ ing using children. She supplies them for many ads—and she is always look­ ing for funny-looking kids. She has the parents send in pictures first, and if she likes their looks she will call the child­ ren in for an interview. She emphasizes the kids m ust have a good tem pera­ ment, be able to take directions, and have the endurance to do a whole day of shooting. She said that m uch of it depends on the mother. Stage mothers who are difficult need not apply. But­ terworth said if she can’t work with the mother, she won’t work with the child. Despite the irregularity of the work, Butterworth sees or hears from about

N ew ly re n o v a te d , o p e n d a ily for lu n c h , d in n e r u n til c lo s in g a n d still r o a s tin g fre sh tu rk ey s every day. 375 F o re St., P o rtla n d , ME 772-7311

4 7 MIDDLE STREET PORTLAND, ME 2 0 7 /7 7 4 -9 3 9 9



“ When the w orld w earies and ceases to satisfy, there is always the garden.” W a lt W h itm a n

Plan a visit to this delightful indoor garden at 5 Milk Street in Portland, Maine (207)774-3125. Sundials, fountains, urns, furniture and other fascinating botanical accessories.

t h e

CONSERVATORY F ive M ilk Street • Portland, M aine 04101 • (207)774-3125

JUNE 1986


eight new would-be models a day—she only chooses one in 100. But she is always looking for new talent—espe­ cially voices, as the appealing male voice is very difficult to find. She says this is very important because some advertisers want talent from Maine. In a recent piece she did for Seagrams, the advertisers required genuine Maine models. The ad will be appearing this fall in Sports Illustra ted . She again emphasized that good talent needs an acting background, and though most come to her, she does spot talent on the street or in social situations. After working in her office in Ficksm an’s building, she frequently spends the evenings calling her working mod­ els and arranging work dates for them. She frequently has to work weekends as well, arranging shootings and other labor connected with her Portland Models Group. She has also donated time and mod­ els for the advertisements for the AntiNuclear Waste Dumping Committee and will do others when she thinks the movement is correct. She lives in the Old Port and does most of her business there and loves it because there is such a range of people there. Much of her D e b o ra h is th e h e ig h t th a t I w o u ld like all o f m y m odels to be. A t six feet, she is o n e o f m y besf h a n d m odels a n d is also e xc e lle n t a t p rin t a n d runw a y work. She m ost re ce n tly d id p rin t w ork for Sawyer Sheepskin Co. show­ in g coats. D ebo ra h is in hig h school a t K e n nebunk High.

R a n d y Tuttle m odels c lo th in g for Jord a n Marsh fo r th e M a in e M all spring fashion show. 22


"/ booked four models for the Seagram's ad and had three models on call. We were w aiting to see w h a t would happen w ith the weather, so the models were instructed to call me a t 3:30 AM on 3 mornings to see if w e would shoot that day. It rained all week and so they never did get the M aine coastline in the ad. They did get a two day shoot in Rangeley w ith four of my models— showing the fall colors. The ad w ill appear in the fall of '8 6 ." Quite a bit of work (National) is done here because of the models, excellent photog­ raphers, graphic artists and ad people w e have here. The M aine coastline and light­ houses are also quite a d ra w ."

fo r th e P ortland C h a m b e r M usic Society. G e o rg e works in Portland a n d Boston as a rep for Serif&Sans Inc.


G e o rg e C hingris is a g o o d e x a m p le o f th e c h a ra c te r acto rs th a t I represent. He has d o n e th e A m a to 's ad s on television a n d th e poster

JUNE 1986


Kris is a m o d e l th a t has really g ive n a spark to th e runw ay w ork th a t Portland M odels G ro u p has d o n e for Jo rd a n Marsh a n d th e



M a in e Mall. She is in high school a t th e Portland High School a n d is th e d a u g h te r o f Jan Fox.

CHRISTA’S CHALLENGE Christa McAuliffe: teacher, astro­ naut, American hero. Something wonderful glowed deep within her. She was a dreamer whose passion was to reach for the stars. Her imagination knew no boundaries. Today, our future dreams can be found in America’s classrooms. It was in the classroom th at Christa taught and where she hoped her achievements would one day inspire her students to return — as teach­ ers. That is why the American Federa­ tion of Teachers has established a special fund entitled “Christa’s Challenge.” This education and scholarship fund will help encourage more of our nation’s brightest students to dedi­ cate their lives to the challenge Christa loved most — teaching. All contributions to this fund will go directly for scholarships and grants. Help keep C hrista’s dream alive. Send your tax-deductible contribu­ tion to: CHRISTA’S CHALLENGE BO X 1930 WASHINGTON, DC 20013

K im is a n ail o u t g la m o u r m o d e l th a t do e s q u ite a b it o f work fo r G io rg io p e rfu m e a t Filene's. She is also o n e o f m y best le g m odels.

In this p h o to g ra p h , Laura B utterworth is w o rkin g closely w ith c o m m e n ta to r D e b o ra h Hall.

new talent is moving here from Boston and New York, because they want what Maine has to offer. She thinks the thea­ tre, symphony, and the art museum help her work by providing incentives for people to work in and around Portland. But Laura Butterworth wants to meet

a few good men, Maine men, if they are talented, respectable, intelligent, and responsible. If you fit this bill, you might be paid to appear on camera, in print, or on the airwaves. Then, you, too, will be one of the Portland Models Group.


A public service o f th is publication and th e A m erican Federation o f Teachers

JUNE 1986



I n the summer, everyday is like the Fourth of July at Custom House Wharf. Every child on the dock seem s to be waiting for a parade, every adult looks relaxed, every dog is alert. Even the four boats under the Casco Bay Lines banner look freshly painted, 80-ton anim ated steeds waiting to ferry the friendly hordes of sum m er guests to any of the five green islands they serve. On board, young teenage girls with new preppie hair­ cuts and small spotted dogs share scarce bench space with their grandparents, color TVs, forsythia bushes, boxes of groceries and cases of beer. The upper deck is packed, the lower deck windows full of heads and arms, the breeze I off the Bay lively and welcome. Summer, full swing.




Riding the boat daily, one begins to identify fellow islanders from a distance by apparel alone, revising memorized linkages after Christmas when mittens, hats, and boots m ysteriously change color, size, and style among the wearers. Winter, 5:30 p.m. commuting boat. Four hardy souls brave the elem ents of the bare upper deck. Downstairs, the interior of the boat resem bles a pilgrim ship hold, dark, noisy, crowded. There are six glass-encased light bulbs suspended from the ceiling amidst hundreds of orange life jackets, and below this spare illumination are the most privileged seats. Readers abound on the boats. Needle­ point and knitting run a close second. In the 20-minute ride between Portland and Peaks Island it is possible to skim through one morning newspaper, finish nearly one chapter of a good book, cross-stitch a few rows, or knit a few inches. One can only imagine w hat prow ess is exhibited on a winter-long daily com m ute from Cliff Island, 1!4 hours away from Portland and the m ost outlying stop on the ferry route. Taking a seat am ong the elbows and knees of one’s fellow passengers, one is struck by the num ber and degree of dirtiness of th e canvas L.L. Bean bags lining the floor along benches and walls, and by the amazing assortm ent of ugly and cum bersom e footwear, another necessity of island life am ong those who, earless, trudge with the fervor of a postal carrier from hom e to boat, from boat to office or school and back again in all weather. Riding the boat daily, one begins to identify fellow islanders from a distance by apparel alone, revising memorized linkages after Christmas when mittens, hats, and boots m ysteriously change color, size, and style among the wearers. Any new person is duly noted and covertly observed for a num ber of days until acquaintances, friends, and relationships are assessed and discussed. Gossip, in fact, fuels the islanders as diesel fuels the boats. W inter is a time of leisure, a time to figuratively put up one’s feet on the stove, to rock in one’s rocker, and to smoke a pipe over the events of the sum m er, the conse­ quences of the autum n, the deep peace of the winter. The privacy th at com es with the change of sum m er visitors for winter intimacy is two-faced, in that while providing a sense of “us” am ong the islanders that sum m er residents will rarely experience, the microscopic views of one’s neigh­ bors are jettisoned about the boats like so many splitting atoms, with the result a backlog of island lore destined to remain a part of history. Point out any long-time resident to another and one can obtain a m ostly factual accounting of everything about th at person, from occupation and love

life to favorite bar and nam e of dog. The new com er to the boating scene would doubtless be daunted by the intensity of such an examination, were he aware of it. Luckily, by the time a new com er feels familiar with the boating process, curiosity about him has subsided to the ongoing level it will maintain all the rest of his island days. One can spot a new passenger from the rest more easily in the winter, for in the sum m er there are far too m any tem porary riders to raise com m ent from the crowdjaded islanders, jostled and hot. Woe to the post-season new com er who, in the first place, m ust inquire at the ticket window as to the fare, ask bystanders which boat is his, and w ho then hands his ticket over to the deckhand at the gate. Behind him in line, islanders, tickets firmly held, extend the protruding stubs to be torn as they slide past. On board, things will go sm oothly for a new com er who does not actually read the life preserver instructions m ounted on the wall, sit in the forward part of the cabin (unless in an attem pt to smoke an illicit cigarette), or, on one boat, climb up the rear staircase in a futile attem pt to reach the upper deck, this particular stairway concluding at a firmly shut trap door. Arriving at an island a newcom er will be unaware th at if the tide has changed he will be getting off the boat at a different spot than that which he boarded, and he may be left alone on one deck watching his fellow passengers file off the other.


he captains and deckhands at Casco Bay Lines have stories of people who have fallen asleep and missed their stop, finding them selves down the Bay or back in Portland. This is particularly inconvenient if it happens on the Last Boat. The Last Boat is legend am ong islanders. It is an occasion for am usem ent and derision to be a resident of the islands and miss the Last Boat, unless intentionally. Doing so leaves one to either pay $20 to $30 for the w ater taxi, call a friend in town, or, as som e Peaks Islanders have done, crawl into the cold belly of the quietly docked ferry for a night’s berth. Boat folklore is ram pant on the islands and hasn ’t changed m uch with the telling. More than a year apart the sam e story is overheard in a bar, that one time som ebody died and was sent back to town on the boat. The capper is th at the deckhand collected a ticket for the corpse and a freight charge for the coffin. Another much-talked-about incident recalls the time the car ferry, carrying tons of coal to fuel island stoves, overbalanced and, listing in the w aters of Casco Bay, waited for Coast Guard rescue. Older residents reminisce fondly about the good old days, before CONTINUED ON PAGE 54

There are fo u r vending machines, and in one o f them is the best deal in town, a cup o f delicious h o t chocolate fo r o n ly a quarter. JUNE 1986



THE CRUSTACEAN CONNECTION obsters!” chortled the Cap­ tain as m ess call sounded. “ L “Steamers!” sighed the First Officer, in rapturous anticipation. After a voyage from the Persian Gulf that had lasted thirty-one days, no one aboard the Elektra was going to shoot the breeze with the self-invited press if the subject had to be oil. Their minds were fixed on higher things, and with only thirty-six hours in which to savor the crustaceous delights of Portland,

they had a lot of chowing down to get through. Let lobsterm en and clamdiggers take thought for the future. Until the day arrives when we can make do without oil, they had better hold a portion of their harvest in reserve to keep the tankers coming. In betw een shore dinners, Captain Dimitrios Ziakas and his all-Greek crew of thirty found time while berthed at



2 8 ‘ * n W T L A N D MONTHLY

-s '

Spring Point to lay 700,000 barrels of Iranian crude on terminal # 2 of the Portland Pipe Line Corporation. This cargo, w orth on delivery about $7 mil­ lion, was to be pum ped from the PPLC tank farms in South Portland 237 miles northwest to Montreal at a cost of about 83<t a barrel. These transship­ m ents have warmed, propelled, and lubricated the Quebecois since 1941 w hen the pipeline was built as part of the local war effort.


Like m uch of the port, terminal # 2 and the ghostly industrial park next door have seen busier days. Ten years ago tankers had to wait in line for their turn at the pier to discharge cargo two by two; nowadays they arrive infre­ quently one by one, each a solitary rem inder of the past. Where four taxi com panies once waited at the gate for crewm en going ashore, now there are none. Acres of machine shops stand empty. Knocking on doors prom pts no

reply, for even though th e condo com eth, construction has only just begun. Building 203 bears a sign that reads “Heavy Fabrication,” which in contem porary Portland has less to do with the venerable metalworking trades than with developers and their profes­ sions of concern for the com m on weal. For the time being PPLC soldiers on as before, but with operations sharply curtailed. The scenario might have prospects in Hollywood: fading beauty of an oil terminal about to be upstaged by leggy chorus line of condos and boutiques as developm ent bum ps and grinds into South Portland. If this is what awaits us, can it be reconciled with the notion of a “working w ater­ front” which som e say, rightly or wrongly, is indispensable to the re­ gional economy? Will contiques put the spring back in Spring Point? In a deliberate and confident tone of voice Wallace R. McGrew, president of PPLC, declares that “we have been here for forty-five years and we expect to stay.” One has to hope. PPLC is the biggest taxpayer in South Portland and with sixty-four men and women on the payroll it counts as a substantial em ­ ployer. The tankers they unload spend money while in port, and not just on shellfish either. The ship’s agents down on the w aterfront—George MacLeod of Moran Shipping Agencies and Wil­ liam Leavitt of Chase, Leavitt whose task it is to manage all transactions of a ship in port—estim ate that a vessel the size of the Elektra pays out as much as $50,000 for repairs, supplies, entertain­ ment, and services of every descrip­ tion as well as for pilots and tugs. Though th e multiplier effect of these outlays cannot be m easured with any precision, the agents assert that it is considerable, an invisible stimulus too m any take for granted. Possibly so, but neither is the oil business what it used to be. For his part Captain Ziakas appears unconcerned. In three short years he will retire at the age of fifty and will then be co ntent to let the Mayamar 30


fleet of tw enty-four tankers, h ead ­ quartered in The Piraeus, get along without his help. Even after m ore than tw enty years in the m erchant marine he has no sea stories to tell. “This life,” he insists, “is just routine.” No doubt it soon becom es so for those who take it up, yet to the lubberly eye a ship as big as the Elektra is scarcely an everyday spectacle. Though far from qualifying as a supertanker, m ost of which are laid up these days, she nevertheless manages to impress. Built fourteen years ago in Japan, she m easures nearly the length of three football fields, 886 feet overall. The spare five-bladed propeller stored on deck is m ore than twelve feet in diameter and weighs twenty-three tons. The spare anchor next to it weighs thirteen tons. Driven by engines rated at 24,000 horsepower, this ship can deliver a cargo of 116,298 deadweight tons and when fully laden draws 53.2 feet. Since no vessel of so deep a draft can enter Portland harbor—45 feet is the maximum the channel can accom ­ m odate—the Elektra sailed from the Siri Island oil port in Iran filled to only 81 percent of capacity. If the oil busi­ ness is ailing, it is still well enough to make short payloads profitable. After the Elektra sailed in ballast for Nigeria, terminal #2 stood idle for more than two weeks. At length the Great M arine of Panamanian registry arrived from Curacao with 295,000 barrels of crude in the keeping of a ravenous allKorean crew. W hatever effect these recurrent intermissions might have on the future of PPLC and their new neighbors on Spring Point, for tankerm en they are a blessing. Each pause in the proceedings leaves the lobsters time to grow. ■_________________________________ John Taylor lives on the Eastern Prome­ nade. His publication credits include The S1I "!

Village Voice, The N ation, The A m erican Scholar, and Colum bia Journalism Review.

JUNE 1986


The first private golf course in 65 years is now accepting applications for membership.

The Falm outh C ountry C lub presents the superlative new golf course that this area has been waiting for. A m asterpiece o f challenging play and visual beauty, the Falm outh C ountry C lub’s course design features 18 cham pionship-caliber holes and an extensive practice area. The traditional, elegant clubhouse will offer a com m anding view o f the 18th hole, while a swimming pool and tennis courts com plem ent this outstanding facility. Strategically situated on 420 prim e acres in both Falm outh and C um berland, the course is designed by the award-winning architectural team o f Geoffrey C ornish and Brian Silva. As G reater Portland’s first true golf course com m unity it will also feature a quality residential developm ent, with single family hom es gracing the course’s bent-grass fairways, greens and tees. Please call or write for m ore inform ation regarding any aspect o f the Falm outh C ountry Club. Since we already have prelim inary approval o f our site plan, and because m em bership will be limited, we suggest that you contact us at your earliest convenience.

FALM OUTH C O U NTR Y CLUB G reat golf in the Scottish tradition, for m em bers only. Location: W inn Road, Falm outh Business Address: P.O. Box 3572 Portland, ME 04104 Phone: (207) 878-2864



eep in th e forests of Falmouth, tw o d ev elo p m ent com panies are working diligently to create two similar yet distinctive additions to the landscape of Greater Portland. Using th e altern ativ e of clustering available to the potential developer in many tow ns of th e region, Dictar Asso­ ciates of Falmouth and The Wood­ lands C orporation of P ortland are working to develop integrated residen­ tial and recreational properties in two separate projects. Clustering gives the developer greater flexibility in using space by allowing lots som ew hat sm aller than regular zoning calls for, with com pensating open space set aside elsew here in the project. The Falmouth Country Club, occupy­ ing 425 acres of land off Winn Road in Falmouth and Cumberland, is weigh­ ing heavily on the creative minds of Dictar Associates. Conceived 20 months ago by golf pro Dick Harris of Auburn, the project involves the building of an 18-hole ch am p io n sh ip golf co u rse designed by C ornish an d Silva of Amherst, M assachusetts, and the con­

struction of 120 single-family residen­ tial units over the next five years. The golf course will define the open space com pensating for the sm aller house lots. “What w e’re offering is a very tradi­ tional country club,” says Tim Hassett, m anager of the Dictar project. “We’ve put a strong em phasis on golf.” Al­ though golf will be the nam e of the game at the Falmouth Country Club, additional recreational facilities include an o utdoor swimming pool and tennis courts and the traditional am enities of a clubhouse. Although essentially a three-season facility, m em bers and guests will also be able to enjoy ice skating, cross-country skiing, and sled­ ding during the winter months. H assett explains that the project is structured so th at the club is a non­ profit corporation. In this way the m em bers them selves will decide about their future, including any additional recreational facilities and amenities which might be constructed. Other­ wise, says Hassett, “we would be ask­ ing the m em bership to take on addi­ tional debt,” in the form of increased initiation and m em bership fees. As it stands, there are three categories of m em bership currently in the offering: social founder, golf founder, and cor­ porate member. Initiation fees are $4,000, $8,500, and $10,000, and yearly m em bership dues are $600, $1,200, and $1,200, respectively. M embers in all three categories m ay use the golf course, but “social founder” mem bers are restricted to off-peak hours. The house lots within the Falmouth Country Club will range in size from about three-quarters of an acre to three acres, and in price from approx­ imately $55,000 to $100,000. Ninety lots will be in Falmouth, and the rem ainder in Cumberland. According to m aterials on file with the Town of Falmouth,


seven or eight different types of hom es are available for construction. How­ ever, substantial design flexibility will be allowed. The developer is withhold­ ing the right of design approval. The Woodlands, occupying 340 acres off the Woods Road in Falmouth, will be a four-season, family-oriented lux­ ury club that is being developed by three Falm outh residents, Dr. Robert DeRice, Marshall Soldati, and Jam es Vamvakias. Also over 20 m onths in the planning process, the 18-hole Wood­ lands course is being designed by nationally acclaimed golf course archi­ tects George and Jim Fazio of Ft. Pierce, Florida. According to project m anager Craig Jones, The Woodlands will feature the largest clubhouse of its kind in Maine, totalling over 40,000 square feet. The Club features formal and informal dining rooms, a com pre­ hensive fitness center, spa, sauna, squash and handball courts, and large, luxurious locker room s com plete with food service and bar. The recreational facilities also include year-round swim­ ming, year-round tennis, and jogging and cross-country ski trails. The ac­ companying clustered residential de­ velopm ent will include about 113 single-family units. Jones says th at m ost of th e energy put into the project up to this point has been in the creation of a nationalcaliber club, the center-piece of which is a world-class golf course. A lengthy, nationwide search led to the choice of the Fazios as course designers. To th e ir c re d it are su c h w ell-know n courses as Butler National, Jupiter Hills, Edgewood Lake Tahoe, and three of the four PGA National Courses. Jones says, “the Fazios work on only a limited num ber of courses and are very excited about The W oodlands project. They were given com plete artistic freedom.”

“Construction will be state-of-theart—“no corners cut,” explains Jones. “With the entire project, a significant com m itm ent has been m ade to quality of life, a casual elegance,” he says. W hen com plete, The W oodlands Club staff is expected to num ber about 90, including a professional club m an­ ager, hired nationally. Jones expects the average age of The W oodlands’ m em bers to be about 40, while Tim H assett of Dictar says of the Falmouth Country Club, “Some people have al­ ready tagged our club as the over-40

The W oodlands Club, a n e w ye a r-ro u n d g o lf and a th le tic clu b p la n n e d in Falm outh.




club.” According to Jones, The Wood­ lands has had a highly successful membership campaign with “over 300 hard com m itm ents for m em bership.” The Club has established a Board of Founders, including Stephen Anderson, AG. Edwards & Sons; Richard Bourret, G.H. Bass and Company; Ival Cianchette, Cianbro Corporation; George Denny, Cole-Haan Footwear; Dr. Donald Leeber, Nephrology Associates; Michael Liberty, Liberty Group; Robert C.S. Monks, Dirigo Management; and John Walker, Rich Aluminum Company.

The W oodlands Club will have a total of 600 m em bers, 400 full golf and 200 non-golf, in a variety of categories. The full m em bership requires an initia­ tion fee of $7,500, and the yearly dues are $2,400, $2,400, and $1,200, respec­ tively, for full-golf, corporate, and non­ golf m em bers. Jones says th at the early com m itm ents for membership confirm the extensive market studies undertaken by the developers, which showed that there was enough interest in Greater Portland to support the type of year-round club they planned. About 70 percent of the house lots at The W oodlands have course front­ age along the fairways. Unlike the Fal­ m outh County Club, The W oodlands is n o t presenting a selection of p re­ designed homes, rather, each owner will have the freedom to custom-design a hom e subject to certain protective covenants and restrictions. According to Jones, “the lots will be pricey.” In the race to completion, Dictar A ssociates has had a head start in the approvals process, but George Thebarge, administrative assistant of the Town of Falmouth, says that the ap­ proach of the two developers is very

different. Dictar had many m ore steps to go through with approvals needed from two municipalities. According to The W oodlands Craig Jones, “We started our planning and land acquisi­ tion about the sam e time as the other club but waited until our engineering and design phases were substantially com plete before beginning the approv­ als process.” The plans for the Falmouth Country Club are, as of this writing, before the D epartm ent of Environmental Protec­ tion, but as yet, no hearings have been set and they still await final subdivision approval from the Town of Falmouth. H assett hopes to begin construction this sum m er and expects th e club­ house, tennis courts, and swimming pool to be com plete by sum m er of 1987, with part of the golf course usa­ ble by Septem ber of that year. The W oodlands Club is currently before the Town of Falmouth and m ust also go before the state D.E.P. Jones expects construction to begin late winter of this year or early spring of 1987 with a full opening of all facili­ ties in the spring of 1988.

BLUEBIRD CAB CO* Prompt, C ourteous Service in the Portland Area for over 50 Years.










JUNE 1986



sive brokerage agent for Stroudwater Estates Executive Park, located on o uter Congress Street, has brokered the sale of several m ore lots in the park. Robert Elder has purchased ap­ proxim ately 2.5 acres and plans to construct a 22,400-square-foot ware­ house/office building on the site. The building is being constructed by Fed­ eral Express. Regional Waste Systems has purchased three lots, totaling about 11 acres, and will construct a $30 to $40 million w aste m anagem ent system on the lot. C & A Properties has pur­ chased 1.75 acres for the construction of a 10,000-square-foot office building that will jointly house the offices of Executone Corporation and Excess In­ surance Company. Other tenants in the park include Honeywell, Liberty Mutual, Sears Credit and Wang. ALLIED PROPERTIES HAS ESTAB-

lished itself as full-service residential real estate broker, as well as a com ­ mercial leasing and management agent. Robert Staab is the m anager of the new division, making Allied Properties one of th e first fully integrated real estate companies. W ITH LOW INTEREST RATES AND

an active market, Casco Bay Title Company has found itself growing to the point w here the firm is just staying even with its business. Company pres­ ident Judy Fletcher said that in the last year the firm has virtually doubled the activity at their Canal Plaza offices. ROBERT C.S. MONKS, PRESIDENT

of the Richmond Development Corpo­ ration, has recently begun a ninem onth honeym oon, which will take him and his bride from Portland to the Caribbean to th e South Pacific and Sin­ gapore to Nepal and to Italy. IBIS COR PO R ATIO N , OW NED BY

R obert Taylor and Dana Goodwin, should have received by press time final approval from the D epartm ent of Environmental Protection for their pro­ posed 52 single-family unit develop­ ment called Stonegate in Cape Elizabeth. IBIS IS ALSO OFFERING 16 IIV I-

acre hom esites in West Bath on a secluded and elevated neck of land called Harbor Ridge. The lots, selling for about $75,000 to $100,000 each, are 36


SHORT TAKES prepared with wells and septic tanks and feature extraordinary w ater views (the highest lot is 150 feet above sea level) .and deep water harboring. THE



Group, Inc., of Portland is currently involved in a major residential devel­ opm ent on 35 acres of land in Con­ cord, New Hampshire. The Cranmore Ridge project consists of 200 units, including 120 apartm ents, 60 townhouse condominiums, and 20 single­ family homes. S O U T H B O R O , “ M A IN E ’S F IR ST

major industrial park,” has recently received approval from the Depart­ m ent of Environm ental Protection. Now, M acBride-Dunham ’s proposal goes back to the cities of Scarborough and South Portland for final approval. Designs are alm ost com plete on the 16,500-square-foot specification office building to be located there. D EM O LITIO N A ND EXCAVATION

work have started, and official ground­ breaking was May 8 for One Portland Square. Northland Investm ent Corpo­ ration, known formerly as ATBRO, the developer of the six-acre site at the intersection of Spring and Union Streets, has announced that Peoples Heritage Bank and Verrill & Dana law firm have com m itted to 65 percent of the space in the building. One Portland Square, a 185,000-square-foot, 10-story structure, is the first phase of a large mixed-use project, which may in future phases include office, retail, hotel, restaurant, residential, health club, landscaped outdoor public space, and parking uses. With Northland Corporation in the $20 million first phase of Portland Square are J.B. Brown & Sons of Port­ land and Atlantic Shopping Centers Ltd. of Halifax, Nova Scotia. M E N A R IO /R U S S /O ’SULLIVAN RE-

cently announced the opening of a branch office in Biddeford. The firm is the first Portland-based commercial real estate com pany to open a branch office, which is located on the second floor of the historic Old Journal Build­ ing at 11 Adams Street in the heart of


th e central b u sin ess district. In a released statem ent the com pany said, “The firm’s decision to establish an office in Biddeford reflects its com ­ mitment to the Biddeford-Saco area and its objective to be fully responsive to the firm’s York County clientele.” M E N A R IO /R U S S /O ’SULLIVAN IS

also currently the exclusive leasing agent for several properties including 15,000 square feet of office space at Two M onument Square in downtown Portland, 14,000 square feet of retail/office space under construction on the corner of Western Avenue and West­ brook Street in South Portland, and the 20,000-square-foot Southport Office Center on Main Street in South Port­ land. The firm is also marketing a ma­ rina in Brunswick, Maine. MORSE, PAYSON & NOYES IS CUR-

rently involved in the Andrews Square condominium project at 72 Pine Street in Portland. The 21,000-square-foot, three-story building was built in 1910 and has served on and off since then as a parking facility. Now, Andrews Square houses 16 units, 14 residential and 2 com m ercial office. With renovation com plete, the units are currently on the market; several, including the com ­ mercial spaces, are under contract. The residential units range from 900 to 1100 square feet and offer garage park­ ing and elevator service. MACBRIDE-DUNHAM IS COMPLET-

ing renovations on the Larrabee Com­ plex, a 100,000-square-foot industrial center located on the corner of Larra­ bee Road and Terminal Way in West­ brook. The project is already over 50 percent leased, and tenants include Pella Windows and Doors, Inc., Sher­ win-Williams, Northeast Tire, Subur­ ban Agway, and Traine Co. (a heating and air-conditioning system specialist).


RADIO INSULTING OUR INTELLIGENCE? inally there's a radio station fo r people like you and your friends. 98.9 WCLZ. We'll never try to buy your loyalty w ith contests, gimmicks and hype. Musically we're not too hard, not too w im py and not too bubblegum. We w o n 't repeat the same songs over and over. W hat w e w ill d o is play the w idest variety o f q u a lity musicnew and old-that you've ever heard. O ur announcers w ill talk to you in a real, adult, intelligent style. The WCLZ inform a­ tion center w ill be standing by 24 hours a d a y to bring you the most credible news, sports, w eather and traffic updates o f any music station. Check us out right now and you 'll hear a unique blend o f music by Crosby, Stills & Nash, James Taylor, The Beatles and Steely Dan as examples plus new music you w o n 't hear anyw here else on the dial. You can give us your feedback by w ritin g us a t WCLZ, P.O. Box 7130, Portland, M aine 04112 or calling 775-6446. F



It is with dream boats as it is with fish stories: W hat most excites the im agination is “ the one th a t g o t away." Her nam e is Empress Subaru, and as fine a place as the coast of Maine is this summer, it is understandable how one with such a royal pedigree m ight be lured to the rom antic waters of the North African Nile. That is where, they say, she cruises today. But the Empress was here, unforgettably, sev­ eral seasons past, putting up in Portland harbor and a t w ide berths both south and beyond. Even w ithout her presence, however, the coast grows glamorous these days of early summer with her smaller, yet still unspeakably sinful sisters in opulence. We are speak­ ing here a b o u t motor yachts, floating hotels, or 'Hot­ els," palaces of Neptune. For those of you whose im aginations can tol­ erate such fantasies of decadence, as say, keeping the only key to the Taj Mahal, we introduce you to some showplaces you m ay have seen and may see again casting anchor off our shores. For others of you, whose reach to richness remains in the realm of reality, we take you aboard boats that, in their own way, are sumptuous and elegant, but whose owners m ay be your neighbors. 38


Left: Empress Subaru.

^lOT&fanefewrite at Hand™BoatV°n 6




rom his vantage at the marine store he owns at DiMillo’s Marina in Portland, Bill Scherr has seen them all. After three years, he is not easily im p ressed by m otor yach ts (particularly since he prefers sailed creatures to “stinkpots”), but there are som e . . . The Em press Subaru, by the way, is to Scherr “not that impressive,” re­ sembling m ore “a battleship than a luxury yacht.” Still, at 155 feet—longer than the Coast Guard’s new cutter— few are bigger. And no other boat in these w aters com es com plete with its own helico p ter and (w o u ld n ’t you guess since she’s owned by the corpo­ ration) two Subarus on deck, just in case you would ever want to get off. No, Scherr would rather recall boats like the War Eagle, a 70-footer whose sister ship is featured in a full-page ad in the glam orous and glossy The Yacht magazine, which itself costs $5 a crack at the sto re’s counter. It’s worth noting here that a novice nosing around these boats m ay be disappointed. They are, in no way, fast, even with twin 1,300-



horse pow er engines, getting up to speeds no higher than 20 or 25 mph. The War Eagle does its best to com ­ pensate. For thrills, she carries on deck a souped-up inflatable rubber raft. Crank that up and you can be skim­ ming the waves at 50 mph. W hat’s it like when you go inside? Scherr is asked. “You take your shoes off,” he re­ plies. The main salon features a 16foot-per-side tufted, rolled, and pleated wrap-around leather couch. A glass coffee table top covers a circulating lobster well “with live lobsters—and I’m serious,” says Scherr. She easily sleeps six in the three stateroom s, each with individual air conditioner control, full stereo, and 27-inch Sony Trinitron television sets. The m aster stateroom , with a king-size bed and m irrored headboard, of course, has a com plete vanity, bidet, and built-in tub-shower-Jacuzzi. What else?



She is owned by an indi­ vidual, one human being. And what does he do for a living? “He clips cou­ pons, ”says Scherr, who, even if he knew, wouldn’t tell. “She has a galley which puts my kitchen at hom e to sh am e,” says Scherr, who, at home, doesn’t have a walk-in freezer. That, of course, is not all. The owner m ay never see it—she carries a full-crew including an engi­ neer—but m ost impressive is the walkin engine room “with quadrophonic sound. So when you’re down there checking the oil, you can give a listen to Charley Pride.” The War Eagle, you may be im­ pressed to learn, is not owned by a m ulti-national co rp o ratio n . She is JUNE 1986


owned by an individual, one human being. And what does he do for a liv­ ing? “He clips coupons,” says Scherr, who, even if he knew, wouldn’t tell. Many of his custom ers attem pt to remain anonymous. “T h ey ’re using their b o a ts as a

Unlike the coupon col­ lectors, kings, and just damnedly wealthy types, m ost of these people work for a living. m eans of escape. When they get on board, they don’t want to be bothered. A lot of big boats don’t (even) have telephones. The doctors, of course, have got to have it.” Some, he says, may be uncom fortable having their wealth bruited about. They do not want to be conspicuous. And these yachts are nothing if not symbols of conspicuous consumption. The “nicest power boat th at’s been in here,” Scherr attests, is the 82-foot Spellbound. Her age, by the way, is not relevant, any m ore than the age of a

well-groomed Rolls Royce, but he has seen her in Portland for at least three consecutive summers. “The varnish work (on the teak) looks like one of those bottom less clear w ater springs,” says Scherr, and contrasts neatly with the spanking white hull, which contrasts not at all with the spanking deck whites worn by the crew of seven. They include a cap­ tain—“som ebody who could afford that w ouldn’t want to be stuck driving it”—an engineer, “a couple of deck apes” and a few stewards. And this owner, what does he do? “He cruises a lot.” And he keeps up his tan. There are others th at im press for other reasons, like the 100-foot Bolero, owned by “one of the oil companies from Oklahoma.” Aboard the Salt Spray.

“ I’m im p re sse d by m echanical things, not by the glitz,” says Scherr, who talks about the B o le ro ’s on board fuel filtering system. “When we deliv­ ered about 6,000 or 7,000 gallons of fuel, before the fuel hit their engines, it was refiltered seven times and tested in the laboratory aboard the vessel.” The captains of these multi-million dollar yachts (if you have to figure out the price to the penny, you can’t afford one) says Scherr, will, by the way, occasionally let the owners do the driving. The owners of the more petite luxury yachts would have it no other way. Unlike the coupon collectors, kings, and just damnedly wealthy types, most of these people work for a living. And when weekends and holidays come, they believe they have earned their sta­ tion behind the glistening stainless hightech consoles at the bridge and below. They delight in consulting their charts, radar screens, sophisticated naviga­ tional aids or merely dabbling in dead reckoning. They don’t find the occa­ sional cruises to Camden, Martha’s Vineyard, and the Cape too shabby, either. There m aybe no Jacuzzis aboard, but you don’t hear many complaints. r. Owen Pickus knows such joy on the spanking new $200,000, 42-foot Carver that he and co­ captain Dr. Jam es M ahogany have dubbed the Salt Spray. The teak par­ quet floors in the heads and in the gal-


As in all these boats,

above the quilted bed is an escape hatch. Which begs the question: “Who would ever want to escape?” ley, the hand-polished stainless steel sinks from Italy, the hand-carved ma­ hogany steering wheel, plush mirrored stateroom s, the salon with its mauve motif, the fore deck for sunning . . . Champagne corks pop well over the port side on the recent shakedown cruise out of Spring Point Marina in South Portland. Family and friends cheer. Goldie, the Pickus’s golden re­ triever, scampers aft. Says the 37-year-old Pickus, “It’s all the comforts of home and the excite40


ment of the sea. There’s a sense of something exotic and foreign even trav­ eling the Maine Coast. No m atter where you are on a yacht there’s a mystique of faraway places. “There’s a feeling of pride when after 10 hours you bring her into Nantucket and pull into the marina and all the other boaters watch your yacht coming in and you w onder how you’re going to do it without taking out the dock.” Any pangs of guilt for all this gran­ deur? Pickus shakes his head. “I just wish everybody could have the op­ portunity.” {£

he sits pretty good,” says Paul ^ ^ T a r b o x of his half-million dollar second hom e that is merely dis­ guised as a boat. On the 50-foot Tarby Two, docked in a slip at DiMillo’s Ma­ rina, the tendency is to call the head a bathroom, the galley a kitchen, and the salon a living room. The m aster state­ room, with its elevated king-size bed, the trimline phone by the headboard, the full vanity, and walk-in cedar closet, is large enough to lose a pair of bed­ room slippers, if not your first mate. As in all these boats, above the quilted bed is an escape hatch. Which begs the question: “Who would ever want to escape?” There is a second stateroom for guests, of course, with its own bath, and Tarbox’s favorite room: a small warm den with built-in desk. On a shelf is a coffee table book of Impressionism. Occasionally, Tarbox, owner of Port­ land’s Eastern Electric Co., does some work right there. Throughout the boat are the kind of knick-knacks you find in a home. There are small wood carvings, paintings are everywhere, and furniture and carpeting that suggest not the sea. “It’s for my wife and I, we just cruise in it,” says Tarbox, who often shares the space with his 11 grandchildren. “They love it. They run from one end to the other. They have a good time.” As surely do the adults. In the salon that Tarbox and his wife call the “Flor­ ida Room,” the full-size cozy couch can be bathed in music from the stereo and tape deck built into the lower command station and lit from track lighting above. And if they find them selves caught in a thick web of fog for days, little is lost. The state-of-the-art color radar will lead them out. And the wet bar, which includes, of course, a 13-inch Sony, will see them through. Two other larger Sonys are properly positioned as well. There is little need, in fact, to ever set

foot on land. Yes, there’s even a goodsized Frigidaire washer and dryer. “I’d say,” says Tarbox, “that it’s as nice as what we have at home.” Dreamboats com e in as many varie­ ties as dreams themselves. Dana Bowker, who at 74 has cruised for nearly 60 years, is satisfied, thank-you, in a boat that will not likely be featured on the cover of The Yacht magazine. In 1972, the Invincible IV was built in Palm Beach, Florida. Of mahogany. All mahog­ any. Walnut-stained mahogany inside, and cleanly whitewashed mahogany outside. No Fiberglas. Which means she is substantial, at 30 tons, about 10 tons more than her glass cousins. If she looks lived in, it is because she has been lived in, season in and season out. Bowker, who owns the C.M. Bowker Insurance Co., cruises south by winter, throughout New England by summer. He doesn’t have to rush. He is content. What the 50-foot Invincible /Clacks in new-fangled bangles and bows and in speed—Bowker is no rush—she makes up for in class. thers won’t settle for less than the combination of class and speed. If you don’t blink, you may also see out there sprinting from wave top to wave top slender boats called Cigarettes, whose mission is to provide the owner with the ultimate thrill: speed. Upwards of 60 mph. Sleek and sassy, with price tags in the hun­ dreds of thousands of dollars, and with lines you would expect from such colt­ ish racers, they are few along the coast. And though they don’t stay long in any one spot—that is their nature—there is one that may be easy to spot because of its attendant flotilla of Secret Service. This 28-foot Cigarette is docked in Kennebunkport. It belongs to George Bush, the Vice President of the United States. They are considered “performance boats,” says an owner of one. “There is a sense of control over a great deal of power and speed, especially in water we have here, in the chop or swells. The boat will leave the water to skip from tops of waves to tops of waves.” This captain concedes that owning such a boat is “totally without necessity or jus­ tification.” But who cares? Indeed, Casco Bay and the whole of the Maine Coast glitters in the gold dust wake of these magnificent machines. Look out (and up) at them from the docks or from your Sunfish or Boston Whaler. And dream. And dream.



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JUNE 1986





▼ ▼ hen Sapporo opened a year ago with a sushi bar, Portland moved one step closer to her big sisters to the south, in culinary diversity at least. And while we have nothing to com pare it to, if you like Japanese food, you can be thankful it’s here. I m ust confess to knowing nothing of the history of sushi. One would assume th at as long as people have lived by the sea (Japan seem s a logical place to start), and since before having fire, people m ust have eaten raw fish. Now, along with futons and Honda Accords, sushi has becom e the toast of yuppie towns and cities everywhere. Until the sushi craze, Japanese food in this country was synonymous with restaurants like Benni Hanna of Tokyo, which was really quite American-like food deployed on a dangerously hot plate forming the middle of your table, with everything prepared by oriental men brandishing huge knives, handled adeptly—more like dinner theatre than Japanese dining. Now, it’s really a mistake to assume that raw fish (using “uncooked” to de­ scribe sushi is like calling used cars “preowned”) is going to taste somehow more distasteful than cooked. In fact, to my mind, sushi tastes fresher and more like each respective kind of fish in its purest state than their fricassied cous­ ins. And why not? The best way to cook scallops is to barely cook them at all. While there is some danger in eating fish raw—parasites, spoilage, and the like if not cared for properly—1 am happy to say I have never experienced it in many times belly up to the sushi bar. It is also a mistake to refer to all raw fish as “sushi.” Sushi is properly fish surrounded by rice, all wrapped in paper-thin Nori (seaweed). Sashimi is a presentation of the sam e types of fish, generally, without the floss. My expe­ rience in this county is that presentation is the nam e of the game. There is



nothing quite like the appearance at your table of an elegantly dressed plate of different colored and textured sea­ foods. One of the real joys of sushi and sashimi is the wasabe (Japanese horse­ radish). No other food makes quite as direct an assault on the olfactory sys­ tem and brain by way of the palate. Some people may not like this. It is rather disorienting. And it should in no way be used to disguise the taste of the fish. It is merely a counterpoint. The fish to try if you have never had fish raw is tuna. You’ll never eat a tunafish sand­ wich again. Raw tuna is so much more refined and delicate. Salmon is also a treat.


am told that when Sapporo first opened they virtually required one to sit at the sushi bar in order to par­ take. Such was not the case the time we went. We were seated in a row of booths that had the layout and atmosphere of a Jewish cafeteria. On the upside of this is that the plastic oriental displays one finds in most restaurants of this sort were not overpowering. The downside is that, along with Vivaldi’s Four Sea­ sons on the PA, you don’t really feel you are in a Japanese restaurant (except for the somewhat lame attempt at a Japa­ nese garden in the foyer). Two of the appetizers that night were free (for a reason I don’t recall). We had quite an assortment: Yakitori, which was your basic Shish-Kabob—chicken, beef, vegetable; Shumai, deep-fried shrimp which was extremely tender; and Tsukemono, which is an assort­ ment of Japanese pickles whose pre­ vious incarnations I can only guess at— perhaps rhubarb, cucumber, and some­ thing that tasted not unlike pickled fencepost. There is also a sashimi ap­ petizer of tuna, salmon, and whitefish. We tried a sushi and a sashimi entree (strange word for a Japanese main course, but it’s on the menu). Nigiri (sushi) was a selection of fresh shrimp, octopii, tuna, whitefish (I think had­ dock), salmon, and an omelette-like concoction—all beautifully presented fresh and fine, compromised only by a plastic palm frond used as decoration (some organic thing could have been used to better effect). Sashimi and Tempura Bento was a combination of selected sashimi items and tempura served with a very American style salad, all served in a lacquered, open box. Other seafood entrees included three variations of sushi and two of sashimi.

For the uninitiated, or simply disin­ terested, there is always Tempura— lightly rice-batter-dipped and deep-fried vegetables and shrimp. Sapporo does a fine job with the latter and with aspara­ gus. For the steak and potato man (or woman), there is Negi-Maki—broiled, marinated beef with scallions in an uninspiring teriyaki type sauce. Too, there are various deep-fried cuts of pork, chicken, and the standard Beef Teriyaki.

By the time dessert was offered (I am starting to sound like a restaurant critic) we were all quite satiated and were not able to sample what did not seem a very imaginative selection of ice cream, man­ darin oranges, or seasonal fruits. Japa­ nese beer is available and, of course, Saki. Entrees range from $6.50 to $11.95. In all, a very satisfying outing. Copyright 1986 by George Benington


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JUNE 1986



To understand the child, one looks to the parents. So, to get a sense of what the Maine Theatre, Portland’s “o ther” professional theater is all about, we arranged a meeting with its founders and co-producing directors, Dale Daigle and Richard Willing. Bordering on being a stand-up come­ dy team, Willing and Daigle are as dif­ ferent but as suited to one another as Abbott was to Costello; as a plastic flamingo is to a trailer. Daigle is quiet, serious, the scholar. He’s the one who directs the Shake­ speare plays, who offers the facts and figures, the straight talk. Willing is the rogue, the sly-grin humorist, the one who pulls out funny photographs from his briefcase during the interview, who has as much fun talking about theater as doing it. Together they imbue Maine Theatre with a daring and intelligent spirit and a sense of straightforwardness and honesty that comes across in their work and their community relations. Willing and Daigle, both 33, met while both were at the University of Maine at Orono. (Daigle holds an M.A. in theater; Willing a B.A. in theater.) In 1979 they founded Maine Theatre in Bangor and later moved operations to Portland in 1982. Here they have staged summer productions in various intown locations including the Sonesta Hotel and St. Dominic’s Parish House. This summer they will return for the second year to the Waynflete School Auditorium, 360 Spring St., to present a season of three shows. They say their mission has always been the same. “Our priority,” says Daigle, “is to choose quality scripts; things that other companies might not do, like last year’s ‘Sexual Perversity in Chicago’, or this year’s ‘Merchant of Venice’ with only six actors.” “And our production values,” inserts Willing, “the way we present a script, is different. We don’t deal with elaborate,

MAINE THEATRE’S SUMMER SEASON slick production values... We do try to find the well-written play. Something that is thought-provoking, that does what it’s supposed to do in its genre, that goes somewhere.” In six years the group has presented eight Maine premieres, three of which were New England premieres. A quick glance at a list of their past produc­ tions bears witness to what they say: “Spoon River Anthology,” “The Gin Game,” “Waiting for Godot,” “Sexual Perversity in Chicago,” “A Coupla White Chicks . . .” “True West,” “The Tempest.” Another priority, they say, is to use Maine artists in their productions. “It’s important,” says Daigle flatly. The company is comprised of a core of six actors. This year they include David LaGraffe, Tina Young, Michael Gepner, William Duffy, Cass Bartlett and Christine Marshall. Willing will also perform in a few shows. Maine Theatre’s season will open June 18 with David Mamet’s intriguing play, “American Buffalo.” (All shows will run for three weeks, Wednesday through Sunday. Curtain is at 8 p.m.) Wiling will direct. “He’s (Mamet) like a musician,” Wil­ ling says of the playwright. “His lan­ guage has a definite music, a rhythm to it. The streets of Chicago—that’s what he hears. And although the language itself might not be beautiful, when you hear the scripts spoken, you’re mes­ merized.” The play revolves around three men in a junk shop in Chicago who conspire to rob a man of his coin collection because he came to the shop and pur­



chased a buffalo head nickel for a lot of money. “Mamet is one of two or three Amer­ ican playwrights in the last 25 years,” interjects Daigle, “that have tested the limits of theater. He stands out.” The second show, directed by Dai­ gle, is “A Day in the Death of Joe Egg,” by Peter Nichols and it opens July 16. It is the story of an English couple who have a totally non-functional child (since birth) and how they deal with it—mostly with humor. “That doesn’t sound very funny,” Willing warns Daigle, shooting him a poker-faced glance. Daigle assures that the play is very funny and is at the same time revealing in a situation that is generally off-limits to humor. The theater’s season will end with a six-member-cast version of Shake­ speare’s “Merchant of Venice,” directed by Daigle who insists very little will be cut from the script nor any from the 21 different roles. Although one might think the Bard a bit ambitious for a small troupe, Maine Theatre has re­ ceived strong praise for its previous (and similarly bare bones cast) pro­ duction of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” in 1984, including a national review in The Shakespeare Quarterly. The future of the theater holds a promising possibility. Negotiations are underway with Westbrook College for the theater to become a resident com­ pany at the institution, using the new performing arts center there. During the academic year they would pro­ duce plays and work with some stu­ dents as well as their own company. Summers they would continue to offer the kind of shows they are doing now, maybe in a longer season. Whatever happens, Maine Theatre is likely to be around for awhile. “We both really want to live in Maine and make a living doing theater,” says Willing. “This (Portland) is the best place to do that.”



WILLIAM CARPENTER NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY PRESS, 19 8 5, $6.95 BILL CARPENTER’S EYES BULGE OUT as if they were electrically wired to the dream contents of planet earth refugees shot way out into space who, years after the fact, remember how strange and wonderful life was on earth, how even the most insignificant event, in retrospect was VERY, VERY BIZARRE. It’s as if his eyes would refuse to work unless they were connected to a mind that allowed them the freedom to feast surrealistically on what they saw. And so, we have a poet who does not stop with the fact that a rose is a rose is a rose; in his poems, seals and whales speak of their past lives as humans, dead husbands parade out of

the men’s room at a restaurant and sit down to eat with their unastonished widows, and “a woman beats on a man’s head with a typewriter until he becomes a dachshund.” WHAT DOES ALL THIS MEAN? Taken out of the context of the poems, this sort of imagery might not sound very convincing. But as you read these poems, they grab hold of you, like a virus, and you find yourself shouting at the end of them, YES! YES! YES! or else laughing hysterically or feel­ ing remorse at the predicament of being human and trying to do some­ thing necessary like LOVE ANOTHER PERSON. His latest book, RAIN, begins with the poet reminiscing about making love at night on his back porch with an unnam ed lover. But this mood of euphoria is quickly replaced by the macabre when the next morning the poet goes down to the road to get the mail and discovers the body of a dead porcupine, killed by an oncoming ve­ hicle during the night, apparently at the exact instant of orgasm, “at the exact/moment we cried out, so that no one heard/whatever sound a porcu­ pine would make . ..” BUT IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO LEAVE THE PORCUPINE ALONE, it must not only become a protago­ nist in the poem, the poet must also take one of its blood-filled quills and return home and write in this blood to a long lost friend that yes the poet is still alive, living in “wild” (how ironic) country. The remaining nine poems of the first section go on about love, MOSTLY LOVE LOST: In “The Ice House,” this inability to make love last is symbolized by the man in the poem who loses his icefishing shack because he doesn’t get it in before the spring thaw. In typical Carpenter fashion, the unconscious steps into the so-called real world, creating the aforementioned bizarre and surreal-type happenings. There is the woman who turns into a crow and flies over the fisherman as he watches his fish house sink, and as it sinks, the poet tells us of what’s inside the shack, such as the “calendar of twelve girls in their bathing suits/one girl for each month, who are even now being/swal-


lowed by deep pickerel, by huge rain­ bow trout.” In a couple of other poems, THE POET’S MARRIAGE HAS GONE SOUR, but he still can’t shake the feeling of wanting his wife back and out of this need (or is it habit?) he finds himself on top of Katahdin; he finds he wants to tell her how the world makes sense from up high, he wants to show her alpine flowers, he wants to bring her back something and imagines bringing her a shovel from the camper’s store. He would “show up/in the middle of the night, holding the shovel as a sign of peace, and say this is a shovel,/this is from Thoreau, so she would have to take it,/she’d have to let him in and give him coffee while/he told his story. She’d have to believe him, since/you have to believe what’s there. It’s all there is.” BUT STILL, THE MARRIAGES FALL APART, and so do the people; they begin to lose their sense of individual worth. In the last poem of this section, “New York City,” the poet looks up at the Brooklyn Bridge (Hart Crane’s bridge) and sees a man and a woman about to jump, but the poet shouts up to them, “BE RATIONAL,” and miraculously, the words work, and this releases the poet from his obsession with linking with the other (the lost wife, the lost lover) and for a moment, at least, he remembers Greek sailors “dancing with each other on the deck/because they insist on danc­ ing even without women,/and I dance along this sidewalk for the same reason.” The abandonment that comes with this dancing carries over into the second section of the book, where we have poems like the absolutely sub­ lime, “His Holiness,” where the poet wakes up one morning to find that he is the Pope, a neat twist on Kafka’s Gre­ gor Samsa (who woke up one morning and found himself to be a bedbug). “For years,” he muses, “I’ve been a regular American,/not even Catholic, not even related to any/Catholics, and now I am infallible.” But also human, all-so-human—the poet as pope does not visit the poor and make proclama­ tions from balconies, this pope changes into street clothes and decides to visit his lover in Bangor. As he drives along in his “miraculous blue Toyota,” no one CONTINUED ON PAGE 57 JUNE 1986



He asked m e if I were Italian. I told him yes, Italian American. His next question was, can you cook?








A m I n y one living or working in New York City remembers what he or she was doing on November 9, 1965, the night the lights went out. This reporter had just finished a college merchandising assignment at Macy’s, and was heading down 7th Avenue to our dormitory on 27th Street. Bill Ricco, the general manager responsible for the revitalization of the Sonesta Hotel here in Portland, was in New York City that night too. As vice president of employee relations for the Plaza Hotel, he was adept at handling emergencies for his international cli­ entele. Downtown, in a dormitory built to house 300 students, we welcomed 1,200 stranded guests, serving up Royal Instant Pudding mixed with lukewarm tap water accompanied by junk food favorites gathered from care packages from home. Uptown, Bill’s experience was some­ what different. Most guests made their way safely to the Palm Court, Lobby, and Oak Bar. Confused crowds from the high rent district poured into the lobby off the streets to find out what was going on. (Those readers not familiar with New York City should note that the Plaza Hotel shares the neighborhood with Bergdorf Goodman, Tiffany’s, FAO Schwartz, and Bonwit Teller.) The diligently trained hotel staff was ready. Hundreds of candles lit a path and transformed the dark­ ened 60’s night into a magical castle. Cold hors d’oeuvres, deli sandwiches, and champagne assauged hunger and calmed nerves, turning a trauma into a celebration that lasted into the wee hours of the morning. Such is the life of a hotelier. s 1approached the front desk to announce my arrival for my interview with Bill, Kenny Rog­ ers’ “Roadies,” clad in washed denim jeans and embroidered satin jackets, were checking into the Sonesta. A few minutes later, seated in the newly ren­ ovated Top Of The East restaurant, Bill reflected upon what has transpired since the Sonesta organization took over the management of the Eastland Hotel. “In 1983 the Sonesta Corporation was actively seeking management con­ tracts. Paul Sonnabend called me at my office; I was general manager at the Hartford Sonesta at the time. He had some very interesting data on a hotel in Portland, Maine that was built in



1927. Soon after, we met with the owners of the hotel and realized that we shared the same vision. We all wanted to restore the Eastland to its original splendor, making it the finest hotel in Portland, and perhaps in Maine . . . one with first-class standards and the highest level of personal service. It should be elegant but not awesome. A hotel that responds to the differing needs of both the business community and our out-of-town guests.” Bill Ricco was born and raised in Brooklyn, attended Pratt Institute, and studied engineering. Like many young men of his time, his plans were changed by the Korean War. He trained in the infantry and artillery until the day an Army mess sergeant approached him. “He asked me if I were Italian. I told him yes, Italian American. His next question was, can you cook? His as­ sumption was that all Italians cook. I couldn’t, but he took me anyway. Soon I was at field school learning to mix mashed potatoes with a baseball bat. Within two years I was a master ser­ geant, responsible for feeding 700 people and running the NCO and offi­ cers’ clubs. When I got out of the ser­ vice I went into the hotel business. I’ve been here ever since. I started at the Plaza and stayed there until 1974, when I became the general manager at the Hartford Sonesta.” Three Sonnabend brothers own a network of 12 hotels in the United States, Amsterdam, Israel, Egypt, and Bermuda. They sold the New York Plaza in 1975. “The Sonnabends are terrific to work for. They sincerely care about the people who work for them, promoting from within the organization and sub­ sidizing training, development, and out­ side education. I’ve been with them for 30 years.” Bill has been married to Grace for 27 years. They have three children: Vicky, who will be married in June; William, who attends law school in Boston; and their youngest, Susan, a communica­ tion major at the University of Hart­ ford. The Riccos have a condominium here but still maintain their home in Connecticut for the children. “We’re happy in Portland. It’s a beautiful place to live. The children come up on weekends when possible. The highlight, however, is the team we have been able to put together in the hotel. We have between 125 and 160 employees, depending upon the sea­

son. They are the soul of the hotel, the spirit. Our customers are constantly writing to us about our people, the kind of service, the special attention to detail. We get a number of celebrities who perform at the Civic Center and art centers. They spend so much of their life on the road. We try to give them a sense of home and protect their privacy, adding security when necessary. Many of our guests travel with children so we provide them with babysitting if requested.” He’s personally involved in the Up­ town Revitalization Committee, Intown Portland Exchange, and the Conven­ tion and Visitors Bureau. His staff gets involved with a number of others. “Our uptown association is actively working to improve this part of Port­ land. Look at the Museum, the Per­ forming Arts Center, and the other renovations. We work closely with the

So m any people in Port­ land have cherished memories about that room —where they sat at the prom, h ow they danced at their wedding... 1

City. You always hear that it’s a part­ nership, but it’s true. To be successful in Portland you have to be involved; it’s an obligation, and it’s expected.” Christina White, Director of the Intown Portland Exchange, uses the ser­ vices of the Sonesta frequently. “The Sonesta plays a role in many of our programs. Last Christmas, we launched our holiday festivities in the ballroom. There were 750 people, in­ cluding a lot of kids, drinking hot chocolate and singing carols. The PSO played on the balcony. During the height of the busiest season, we totally disrupted the place and Bill’s staff could not have been more gracious. They have come through for me more than once. Last year during school vacation week, we planned a special event for children at the Public Library. We were commemorating the Grimm Brothers’ 200th birthday, and PRVTC volunteered to make a Grimm’s Fairy Tale cake large enough to feed 200 children. The instructor broke his leg, but the students agreed to meet the JUNE 1986


obligation if they could make it a week in advance. I needed a place to store this massive cake for a full week. I called the Sonesta, and they let me use their freezer. Can you imagine how much room it took up? The day of the party, we picked up the cake and drove it down to the library. The children were delighted. I’m telling you if a staff is a measure of its management, Bill Ricco must be tops.” “The Sonesta has been a part of Port­ land for so long everyone has a story to tell,” Bill continues. “We have begun plans to renovate the Eastland Ball­ room. It was a conscious decision to keep the name for the ballroom be­ cause of the history. So many people in Portland have cherished memories about that room—where they sat at the prom, how they danced at their wedding—where they celebrated their

he Sheraton’s Don DuPauI has been with the Dunfey chain for 13 years. His first position was in the sales department of the Philadelphia affiliate. Dunfeys owns 5 Sheraton franchises, as well as 35 additional hotels under Dunfey or other names. After Philadelphia, he moved on to Boston, Hyannis, Tarrytown, and then to California. He took over the South Portland Sheraton in May of 1982. It was a frenetic time. They were in the midst of expanding the hotel and build­ ing the second tower. “The Dunfey organization had pro­ fessionals handling the construction project. My job was to keep the hotel operating efficiently with as little incon­ venience to our guests as possible. One day Governor Brennan was speak­ ing to a group at poolside. As he began his presentation, the pile driver started

grandparents’anniversary. We’re proud of that history, as we get ready for this final refurbishing, we keep those mem­ ories in our mind.” What have been some of the high­ lights of life in the hotel business? “There have been many. It certainly was exciting to be the host at the Hart­ ford Sonesta for the Sammy Davis G reater H artford Open. M eeting Sammy, Bob Hope, Bill Cosby, and others in the entourage was stimulat­ ing. We also had the opportunity to host banquets for the Patriots and other sports figures like Gordie Howe and Muhammed Ali. The Sonnabends were part of the founding organization for the Patriots. The main joy for me, though, is the business. I love it and can’t imagine doing anything else. If you don’t genuinely enjoy providing service to customers who pay you for it... you don’t belong in this business.”

Probably the highlight of the business for m e so far was planning the opening of the new wing. The staff had butterflies for three months getting ready.




pounding. I was at a meeting in Man­ chester. The staff talked to the con­ struction crew, but they were up against deadlines and didn’t want to stop their work. The staff got a hold of me in New Hampshire, I spoke to the foreman, and the Governor was finally heard. You have to hand it to the builders, though. They brought the building in on time and on budget.” Don lives in Scarborough with his

wife, Pat, and their three children. “This business can be a time bandit, and my family pays a big price. We’ve moved a lot and left friends behind along the way. To be truthful, I couldn’t do it without the support I get from Pat. She carries the full load at home. This is a 24-hour-a-day business, and when I’m needed in the hotel, that’s where I have to be. “Probably the highlight of the busi­ ness for me so far was planning the opening of the new wing. The staff had butterflies for three months getting ready. Then, on November 10,1983, we stood in the parking lot with 1,000 dis­ tinguished guests and watched the windows light up, floor by floor, from the ground up. When the seventh floor was lit, the fireworks went off. It’s hard to explain my emotions. I was ex­ tremely proud; we all were.” The hotel business is a service busi­ ness selling rooms and meals and where mistakes are unforgivable. To compete in the market effectively you have to be willing to go the extra mile for your clientele. “I remember when 1 was the man­ ager on duty at our Westchester, New York branch. It was one of those ghastly stormy nights. The nearest hotel was 10 or 15 minutes away, down a winding country road. We were run-

ning a large conference, and through a series of coincidences and errors, to be honest, we were overbooked by 20 rooms. Even our nearest competitors were oversold, and we were clearly courting disaster. That’s when I remem­ bered meeting a gentleman who oper­ ated a small conference center for General Electric several miles away. I called out of desperation. It was too good to be true. The weather condi­ tions had been so severe that their meetings were cancelled at the last

minute, and they agreed to take our extra guests. It was a relief. The truth is I was lucky.”

HEAD FOR THE SHED for fine clothing and sporting goods.

n June 12, the Atlantic House, t h e r a m b lin g V ic to r ia n hotel, listed in the National Reg­ ister of Historic Places, will open for its 137th consecutive season. The bad news is it will probably be the last year. The Knight family operated the gra­ cious inn for over 50 years, but, after ■________________________________________________ O

We get to celebrate the special times with our guests as well. Barbara is already worried whether we will have enough cribs for all the infants. the tragic death of their son, sold the Atlantic House to Dino and Barbara Giamatti in 1971. “It’s still remarkable to me that we ever found the hotel in the first place,” Dino explains. “I had worked on Mar­ tha’s Vinyard for six years at the Har­ bor View Inn. 1 met Barbara when she came there to work one sumer. JoEllen Knight was a student of my father’s at

I It iij

Mt. Holyoke and often spoke of her family’s inn. My father mentioned it to me, so Barbara and I decided to drive up to check it out. Mrs. Knight had actually called the wreckers the pre­ vious day. Had we driven up 24 hours later, it might have been too late. We worked out the deal, and a few months later, we were in business.” The clientele of the Atlantic House is legendary. In 1850, the first English/ Canadian families started spending the summer months in this 18-acre Scar­

• • • •

Bike & Tennis Specialists Sailb oa rd Sales & Service Q uality foo tw ea r b y Reebok, Nike & Tretorn O ff season ski prices

the Cfhed snow b\\<£ tennis

Foreside Mall, Rt. 1 Falmouth, Maine 781-5117

The Tontine Mall Brunswick. Maine 725-8930

borough seaside resort. Their descen­ dants have continued coming genera­ tion after generation. “Our guests are like old friends. We look forward to seeing them each year. We’ve watched their children grow up, marry, and have their own children. It is a unique guest list. They come back for the same two or four weeks every summer, stay in the same room, sit at the same table in the dining room, and, if you ask our life guard, they stretch out on the same strip on sand by the shore. Like any relationship, overtime, you develop a closeness. Sadly, each winter we lose a few of our loyal senior family members. That’s unique to an establishment like ours. We know them well and really feel the loss. We get to celebrate the special times with our guests as well. Barbara is already wor­ ried whether we will have enough cribs for all the infants.” The Giamattis live in private quar­ ters on the grounds, overlooking the Atlantic. Their children, Tosca, 9, and Bartlett, 5, have grown up at the resort. “We’ll never forget the summer Tosca was born. The guests were as thrilled as we were. They all arrived with pres­ ents for her. It got to the point that I

‘Sports Outlet’ Main Street Freeport 865-4188

was carrying home two or three more presents every night.” Several years ago Dino and Debbie Hammond of the Portland Symphony O rchestra conceptualized the first “Symphony By the Sea.” Russ Bur­ leigh, general manager of the PSO, says the Symphony is extremely grate­ ful to the Atlantic House. “When Debbie and Dino first came up with the idea, Dino said he had dreamed of having the Symphony play on the lawn for years. Neither of them had any idea how productive this dream would be. The concerts have generated between $20,000 and $25,000 for the last three years in a row. Dino is a vice president of our board of trus­ tees. He has been a major asset to this community.” Very little has changed about the four-story wooden structure with its mansard roof and screened verandas. They still operate on the Modified American plan, serving hearty New England favorites in the dining room. “With 160 houseguests, 60 staff members, elaborate septic systems, and sporadic power outages, you just never know what is going to happen CONTINUED ON PAGE 52 JUNE 1986




t is 8 a.m. in the Old Port, and I am sitting in the tastefully decorated reception room on the second floor of 4 Moulton Street. The office gives the impression that it is perpetually busy. No one is bleary-eyed or arriving late. At 8:06 1 chug-a-lug the remaining gulps of coffee as a smiling, wellgroomed man approaches, extending his hand. “John Gendron,” he says, and after I introduce myself he leads me upstairs to the conference room at the end of hall. The semi-circular window offers a portrait of the city’s cherished



waterfront, bustling in the morning sunshine. As his brothers Roger and Richard and sister Louise arrive one by one (Charlie and Helen are vacationing), John Gendron introduces each and then explains the nature of the meet­ ing which I have come to attend. The family Gendron convenes each Mon­

day, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 a.m. to talk business, exchange facts and figures, encourage creativity, and thereby keep their family enterprise on the frontiers of commercial brokerage. The Gendron real estate business was initiated in December, 1975, by Richard and John, who had been with Mark Stimson for several years. Within

the first six months brother Roger joined, followed by Charlie, now 27 years old, in the early 1980s. John is obviously proud of Charlie’s creative contributions. “When he walked in the door,” John recalls, “he really helped us with the computers. Now we have 30 software packages, some we have created ourselves . . . In March of this year, just one month, Charlie sold $10 million worth of property.” The sisters Gendron have all entered the business within the past year— Louise in mid-May of 1985, Helen dur­ ing the following summer, and Rachel in early 1986. John expresses admira­ tion for Louise’s accomplishments, too. In her first seven months in the busi■ ________________________________________________

“In March of this year, just one month, Charlie sold $10 million worth of property. ” ness from May to December of 1985, Louise sold p ro p erty w orth $3.5 million. At 8:15 a.m. John reviews some sta­ tistics. The family involvement has evidently grown with the burgeoning business. In 1985 Gendron Commer­ cial Brokers listed property in excess of $96 million and put $75 million under contract. For the last four years, the Gendrons have doubled their volume in dollar terms each and every year, so that they currently have more pending deals than in all of 1985. Busi­ ness in the first quarter of 1986 is up 427 percent over the same period in 1985. At 8:18 John asks whether anyone has any listings which he or she would like to present. Roger stands to make a presentation, complete with a colorcoded map and informational packets for distribution, on the Jordan Meats Processing Plant on India Street. Helped by the visual aids, his remarks are pro­ fessionally organized and considered. The thought occurs to me that these ambitious young people have given, in their behavior, no discernible indica­ tion that they are brothers and sisters: There is no manifestation of the family connection, no light-hearted remem­ brances about childhood, no chit­ chatting about mom and dad, no sib­

A M a s t e r p i e c e in M a i n e

“Dusky Petrel" by ].]. A udubon fro m the Inn By The Sea Collection

L o c a te d o n b e a u tifu l C re sc e n t B each, th e In n By T h e Sea is a c e le b ra tio n o f th e eleg an ce a n d sty le o f a b y g o n e era. T h e I n n ’s sp a c io u s su ites a n d c o tta g e s offe r lu x u ry n o t available o n th e M aine C oast u n til n o w . . . all are e x q u isite ly fu rn is h e d w ith o n e o r tw o b e d ro o m s , living ro o m , b a lc o n y o r p o r c h o v e rlo o k in g th e bay, a n d fully sto c k e d k itc h e n a n d bar. O th e r featu re s in c lu d e th e m a rb le e n tr y w ay an d lobby, e x te n siv e o rig in a l

J .J. A u d u b o n a rt c o lle c tio n , b e lv e ­ d e re lib ra ry to w e r o v e rlo o k in g th e A tlantic, 2 4 -h o u r c o n c ie rg e , a n d p riv a te g u e st-o n ly d in in g ro o m . O u ts id e y o u w ill fin d fo rm al flo w er g a r­ d e n s , o rig in a l sc u lp tu re a n d fo u n tain s, E nglish g az e b o , tea g a rd e n , c r o q u e t c o u r t, h e a te d p o o l a n d jacuzzi, ro llin g law n s, te n n is, a n d m u c h m o re . T h e In n By th e Sea is q u ite sim ply, th e best. O p e n in g ju ly , 1986. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n call (2 0 7 )7 9 9 -3 1 3 4 .

Inn By T he Sea ■Cape Elizabeth, Maine 04107

ling contentiousness. Perhaps it is simply the pacific nature of the meet­ ing which I happen to attend, but I get the feeling that even in the most weighty and angry discussions the Gendrons refrain from invoking their personal relationships for the sake of professionalism. Later John assures me that there is “no question that we get into some very, very interesting deb ates... Every individual is extremely aggressive, and it’s fun—it’s a challenge. There are no disadvantages, just advantages [to having the business a family concern ],” John contends. “Our philosophy’s the same; we were brought up the same; basically, we have the same principles. It’s win, win all the way.” There are no interesting debates today, however. Roger completes his presentation responding to several in­ cidental questions about financing and the state’s moratorium pending on industrial revenue bonds. He wants to get his colleagues thinking about the $5 million property. John explains later that the reason for the Gendrons’ suc­ cess is their ability to conjure up innovative uses for property. “We don’t sell property; we sell concepts,” he says. “My brother Richard says it best:

I work harder for the seller by making the property work harder for the buyer.” At 8:25 Louise stands to offer a brief presentation on one of her listings, a six-unit apartment building on St. Law­ rence Street. There is nothing particu­ larly remarkable about the $200,000 property, but the information packet provides a clue to the Gendrons’ suc­ cess. Attached are she pages of finan­ cial analysis on computer printout based on the projected income and expenses of the property. Their handy software packages allow the brokers to easily provide the information that will sell the property as an investment. At 8:33 the meeting ends. As I walk on the sun-warmed cobblestones of Moulton Street and witness the diverse activity taking place around me, I realize the importance of what the Gendrons have just shown me. The occupation of creating imaginative uses for old buildings, which has given the Gen­ drons their success, is the cornerstone of the reconstruction of the Old Port and of the renaissance of Portland. In this way, the prosperity of the family Gendron is the posterity of the city of Portland. JUNE 1986


What's been added to this picture? Convenience.

Family Dentistry Carroll M. Ross, D.D.S. Nancy D. Sargent, D.D.S.

Weekdays, Wednesday Evenings, and Saturdays

781 -4 21 6 F alm o uth S h o p p in g C e n te r F alm o u th , M ain e 04105

T h e M a in e S t a t e L iq u o r S t o r e s o f f e r e x t r a s h o p p in g c o n v e n ie n c e . When the terms are “cash on the barrel-head”, especially at this time of year, it sometimes means foregoing a purchase you would like to make. That’s why the Maine State Liquor Stores now accept The American Express Card®: to lend you the extra convenience, when you need it most.

The American Express ' Card is now welcome.

Remember: When you drink, don’t drive.


next. That is the drama of this busi­ ness; we move from crisis to crisis. That is also one of the reasons we had to come to terms with the reality of operating a massive seasonal hotel. We extended the original 10 weeks when we built the new Pavillion con­ ference center. Our business commu­ nity has been very supportive. It unfor­ tunately becomes a bottom line issue. To update the hotel with private bath­ rooms, sprinkler systems, and other services would be extremely expen­ sive. Ram Management has an option 52


on it. We’ve had many offers over the years. At least with Ram we know that any utilization will be of the highest quality. They don’t overbuild or abuse real estate. That notwithstanding, it’s very difficult for us to give it up. This place is in our blood.” The impact of tourism on the state of Maine is dramatic. There seems to be a consistent expectation that there will be an increased number of visitors this summer. If the men I’ve spoken to are a measure of the innkeepers oper­ ating in our state, our guests are in good hands.




Stt 3P IL £ a



b y D a v id M a m e t J u n e 1 8 -Ju ly 6

A DAY IN THE DEATH OF JOE EGG b y P e te r N ic h o ls Ju ly 1 6 -A u g u st 3

THE M ERCH ANT OF VENICE b y W illia m S h a k e s p e a r e A u g u s t 13-31 a t W a y n f le te S c h o o l o n P o rtla n d 's s c e n ic W e s t E n d

S u b scrip tio n s



M A IN E T H E A T R E h a s g re a t a d v e rtis in g o p p o r tu n ite s a n d e m p lo y e e d is c o u n t ti c k e t s .




M _.

the 1980s are often moving so fast that there is little time to reflect upon role models who have helped to guide us down our chosen path. On a clear spring evening while many friends were racing to the post office to beat the April 15th deadline for the IRS, four women born around the turn of the century shared their experiences with an inspired audience at the Women’s Center at Westbrook College. These Maine Women of Achievement were Edna Dickey, Grace Dickstein, Emily Muir, and S en . M argaret C h ase Smith.

EDNA DICKEY (Educator, Historian, and Deacon)

“ Curiosity, challenge, commitment, and change have been the cornerstone o l m y career. None o f us are carbon copies; we are each individuals who have the o p po rtu n ity to co n tro l the course o f o u r lives. Learning to live with the changing times has been criti­ cal to men and women func­ tioning in the business w o rld o f the last 30 years. Failure to change makes survival difficult. Retirement is perhaps the greatest challenge o f all. ”

GRACE DICKSTEIN (Director of Professional Services for the Community Counseling Center for 25 years until her retirement in 1984)

“Personal and economic need are the p rim a ry com po­ nents fo r change. I d o n ’t give advice. I t ’s a no-win situation. You m ust respond to y o u r own needs. M y generation lived with g u ilt i f we decided to tread outside o f o u r traditional roles. Then, once I decided to use m y MSW and go back to work, m y daughter staggered me with her observation. She said, “’K now Mom, y o u ’r e bet-






te r since yo u went to work. You d o n ’t ju s t slob around the house anymore. ’ Her language was that o f an 8-year-old, but he r message was profound. I realized then that u n til I had fu lfille d m y own needs I could n o t give the q u ality attention that I wanted to give to m y own children. That doesn’t mean that making the decision fo r a traditional life is n o t also a w orth y choice. It is. It wasn’t enough fo r me. B ut that was m y choice. We each m ust choose o u r own course after careful introspection. The fin­ est com plim ent I ever had was when m y daughter to ld me that I had been her ro le model. ”

EMILY MUIR (Artist, Architect, Writer)

“I ’m n o t sure w hy I am here. I ’ve never thought o f m yself as a woman o f achieve­ ment. I ’ve ju s t done m y work. I never studied architecture, but I knew I co u ld bu ild a better house. When I was a child, we rented a sum m er place in a beautiful spot. The house was so ugly. Four rooms. When they decided to p u t in a tub, it w o u ld n ’t fit, so they cut a hole in the wall, m y bedroom wall. The tub stuck halfw ay through. That’s when I started making m odel houses, d o ll houses. No one took me seriously. I b u ilt m y first house on speculation on Deer Isle. Summer people bought it, and then I b u ilt another one. That’s h o w it happened. “M y IRS man doesn’t understand. When no one

wants me to b u ild a house, I go to m y studio and paint. I f m y paintings aren’t selling, 1 work in clay o r go sit at m y w ord processor and w rite a book. “So m uch energy goes in to creating. That energy is transform ed in to m oney when the w ork sells and remains in that form un til yo u invest it in to som ething else. I guess that I d o n ’t want that energy to turn in to bombs dropped on San Salvador o r to train people in Nicaragua h o w to k ill each other. ”

MARGARET CHASE SMITH (U.S. Senator, Educator)

“I have never fe lt lim ited o r discrim inated against because I was a woman. I was n o t a woman senator, I was a senator. I rem em ber sometime after I had taken m y position against Mr. McCarthy, I was having dinner with Mr. Chur­ chill. He said to me ‘M rs. Smith . . . you have the m ost im por­ tant governm ent on earth. It is y o u r responsibility to keep it strong. Strong economically. Strong m ilitarily. ’ “I was the eldest o f six children. I never had the o p po rtu n ity to attend college; I ju s t went righ t to work. It is im portant to learn everything yo u can. I ’ve tried. I t ’s a great jo y n o w that I can give some o f it back at o u r Conference Cen­ te r in o u r lib ra ry in Skowhegan. We provide learning opportuni­ ties fo r yo ung entrepreneurs and demonstrate the value o f o u r free enterprise system. You should a ll come up and visit us sometime. ” T he M overs and Shakers in Maine never cease to surprise us w ith the ir creativity, com m itm e nt, and th e ir a b ility to make things happen. U n til next m onth. M arcia Feller. _ JUNE 1986



radar was installed on the boats, when foggy days would mean surprises looming out of the mist, strange bumps and grinds on the hull. The crew itself is regularly a topic of conversation, more so among newer arrivals to the islands. One captain in particular has established a fine-tuned reputation for punctuality, telling a boat load of passengers on a morning commuting run to get watches, because he planned to leave latecomers on the dock; telling people who run for the boat to “run next time,” with never a smile. He is a fine captain, been working at Casco Bay Lines for nine years. He is 22 years old. The islanders grow to know the crew, many of its members grow up on the ferries as well as the islands, accumulate boat hours as deckhands, join the union, take exams in seamanship and radar navigation, become cap­ tains. Only a few will attend a marine academy, the major­ ity seemingly content. They are a young, good looking, carelessly intelligent group with poker faces, various per­ sonalities, sharp wits. Nicknames abound, from Buffalo Bill to Adam-12 to Captain Dear and Worm and Juice, the meaning of such christenings unrevealed to the public or simply lost to time. Each staff member of CBL receives a red jacket with the company name on the back, but it is interesting to note that not too many captains wear it. One theory to account for this is that by the time one becomes a captain there have been ample opportunities to lose the jacket, either on an off-duty bash or to one of the notorious Wheelhouse Women. To qualify as a Wheelhouse Woman one has to be a frequent invitee of the captain of the boat or, less frequently, an amour of a deckhand. Eventually, as is the case with untold number of class rings and pins over the years, the jacket bulkily adorns the shoulders of the girl, not the boy, and its loss is seemingly one of the rites of captainhood.


aiting for a 9:30 Saturday morning boat, alone in the Custom House Wharf waiting room, there is time to allow the eye to wander over the three tan benches lining the walls, to scan the two-toned walls for any new flyers. Getting up, one can traverse the old wooden floor in six quick steps in one direction, eight in the other. The sun coming through the tall streaky window and door panes makes dust motes visible, the room thoughtful and cozy. There are four vending machines, and in one of them is the best deal in town, a cup of delicious hot chocolate for only a quarter. There’s the juice machine, the pop machine and, ironically, the cigarette machine sharing slots with candy bars and potato chips. In winter there is a line for the hot chocolate, cups exuding steam like tails on kites as cold islanders queue for the boat, dropping Bean bags, digging with a free hand for tickets. In the summer, nobody waits in here, the machines abandoned. Today, in the waiting room, there are no people at all, not even cold ones, not even the occasional street person seeking a half hour’s respite from the elements, a bottle of Scope in a paper bag, if it is Sunday. In the corner by the women’s room are two big steel drums, containing who knows what, though there are labels to say, if one were only interested. On the walls are two amateurish paintings, one of Spring Point Light, a homeward-bound landmark on the starboard side; and a scene depicting the early days on Peaks, the Gem Theatre, long since burned down. One only knows it is a faithful representation from having viewed



many times the collection of old postcards many islandes keep. Over one bench is the Christian Science Sentinel ba, usually empty of the publication. One wall is a vast bulletn board, filled with notices of dance classes, church service, cars and boats for sale, houses sought for rent. Most of tie phone numbers are five digits; all you need to dial from oie island to another. Any other exchange denotes outsides, albeit those with the discerning taste to post a notice at CBL. On the way from the waiting room to the boats oie passes John, the bald ticket man. He sits patiently behiid his black-grilled window, strips of brightly colored ticktts sticking out like so many tongues from the wall behind lis head. A request for a commuter book to Peaks produce: a purple strip and a machine gun sleight of hand as the meal stamp smacks expiration dates inside, outside and or a white sheet which the buyer signs and returns. With a brat loading outside and a line for tickets, a request by sone first-time rider for information and prices produces sileit exasperation from islanders, their feet moving from sideto side, their checks already made out, their cash ready, 'he stamping of the expiration date is a time-honored formally, and although nobody can remember the last time in expired ticket was even noticed, the time it takes to stam> a book of tickets is part of the game, part of the calculatiorof time to spare. Most people have their own ways of using time ;ft before a boat. Rarely is it spent in the waiting room, unlss during the last 15 minutes or so. The nearby waterfrnt bars are populated with islanders, particularly the Iry Dock, which boasts a back deck view of the wharf anl a proximity within earshot of the warning whistle. It is inded possible, while enjoying a last minute beer on this deck to hear the whistle, shoulder through the bar, race down he stairs through Boone’s parking lot and down the boomng hollow wharf, to arrive out of breath at the ramp. Other than whiling away time at a bar, there are surprisingly few options. For instance, there is no fast food within walkng distance, not many small stores in which to browse. Mculton and Exchange Streets lurk across Commercial Stree as if across the Berlin Wall. Crossing Commercial Street air­ ing rush hour is a feat requiring practice and savvy; thire are no lights or signs, no street markings. It is a vast, wde street, unattended by police, lined with parked cars, "he flow is fast, uneven, and sometimes, five cars abreist. Time-hardened boat riders wade across undaunted, jarticularly with a boat to catch. One morning a boatloai of people traipsing across the street, oblivious to traffic, vere reminded by a long and loud horn blast that the offencursed railroad tracks on Commercial Street are not ompletely unused. So well attuned to the sound of a b at horn, the similarly sounding train is the only moving obect on Commercial Street to halt an islander in his tracks


iving on an island, in time one grows to identify tiies of day with the sounds of the boat coming and gcng. Brief though the whistle is, on the island side ofthe Bay, it is enough to be heard and noted miles away. Visiors are often amazed to hear their island hosts pronouncdhe exact time, sans watch, as visiting ears are not waiting for the sound of the horn and therefore miss it. On a clear (ay, standing outside, the sound of the long blast from the Custom House Wharf is easily audible. “5:30,” one thinls to oneself, putting the trash outside a quarter of a mile avay

J -^ O

k d th u y y

The rule is, if you can carry it, it’s not freight Another rule: If your puppy fits in your Bean bag, it doesn’t need a dog ticket

from the water, two miles away from Portland. The long blast serves as a reminder that in 20 minutes kids will be home from school, dinner will be ready, the store will be crowded, the telephone may ring. Twenty minutes, in fact, in which to enjoy last favored moments of quiet. Or, in which to run around in feverish preparation to catch the boat for the trip back to Portland. Spring, 8:15 a.m. commuting boat. Standing on Peaks Island with 70 other people, waiting for passengers to get off the just-arrived boat, each person spotlit momentarily as he appears at the ramp, much as a presidential candi­ date at the door of an airplane. The captain steps down from the wheelhouse and walks aft. Everyone’s attention leaves the celebrities on the boat for the spectacle of seeing freight, UPS boxes, and U.S. mail bags being tossed blithely from the upper deck to a waiting deckhand on the dock. High in the air, turning, descending, landing with a hard box sound that at Christmas-time has bystanders wincing, being tossed again to a second deckhand at the rear of the Bread Truck. It is amazing that nothing ever seems to get broken. Alan, the operator of this manyfaceted vehicle, is far too busy selling tickets and morning newspapers to the steadily growing mob on the dock to notice what is being loaded in his big white truck. Later, when the boat has gone, he will sort through everything and begin deliveries on the island. There are times when he actually does deliver bread to the store. The freight is just about off the boat when it is time to load passengers. Patiently one files on, slowing for an elderly person being assisted by a crew member, for a bulky shopping cart, for a baby carriage, for someone carrying skis. The rule is, if you can carry it, it’s not freight. Another rule: If your puppy fits in your Bean bag, it doesn’t need a dog ticket. Christmas trees are free. Unfortunately, there is no way out of purchasing a ticket for one’s bicycle. There is quite a steady flow of bike traffic down the Bay in the summer, that being a well-favored form of island transport. Morning freight is ordinary, but afternoon freight, on a less crowded boat, is positively fascinating. Nothing, it seems, is too unusual or too mundane to ride down the Bay. King sized mattress and box springs, blushingly labeled with newlyweds’ names, lumber, groceries, couches, suitcases, everything marked with last name and island. Indeed, it boggles the mind to realize that every brick, every flower bulb, every car and item of clothing on these islands must at one time have been transported on one of these boats. The easiest way to bring over large amounts of goods is by car ferry. This boat, aptly named the Rebel, has a personality all its own, generally far less casual, more interesting. There are more rules and more embarrassing moments. The Rebel holds nine cars, but rarely does a load consist of just cars. The garbage truck goes over to Portland from Peaks once a week at a one-way cost of well over $100. There are trucks and vans, there are lumber and coal work trucks. Depending on how many cars are loaded, a varying amount of passengers can ride, the maximum number being 72. There is nothing so frustrating to an islander than to watch the captain, metal counter clicking in his hand, walk down the line and stop the flow at some point ahead. In the summer this happens frequently. During peak times such as the Fourth of July and Labor Day, cars are lined up a day ahead, the people on JUNE 1986


foot crowd up to the ramp the minute the ninth car has been crammed on board. Driving onto the ferry, for a novice, is not without its peril. The deckhands point, wave, whistle, and gesticulate one in seemingly contradictory directions. Certain that one’s car will bottom out on the ramp, stall, hit the car in front, scrape the car next door, back into the side of the boat, somehow it is over with. The people pile on, climbing through the tightly packed cars to lean on the low sides of the ferry, to admire the rush of water so near at hand. Up a steep and precariously angled set of open stairs is a small concession to comfort, that being a place to sit, and the wheelhouse. One gets the idea that the Rebel, more so than the other boats, is a true working ferry. Last summer the Rebel was chartered on two occasions for the well-intentioned purpose of bringing over wedding guests. Both times the majority of the guests, bewildered in their best attire, arrived early and boarded regu 1ar passenger boats and a regu 1ar car ferry run, leaving the so-called wedding launches empty of guests. One could just imagine the bride, frantic with last minute details but secure in the belief that her guests couldn’t be arriving yet, hearing rumors of immaculate strangers wandering into the bar, also the site of the reception, three hours early. An islander, bumped along with 50 others from a car ferry last summer due to such an influx of wedding guests, found herself stranded along with one couple who looked especially perturbed at their misfortune. The three decided to call the water taxi and recruited another bumped pas­ senger to share the ride and the cost. The couple, attired in jeans and t-shirts, had a suitcase and an impressive-looking book with them. They turned out to be the Justice of the Peace and his wife.


Indeed, it boggles the mind to realize that every brick, every flower bulb, every car and item of clothing on these islands must at one time have been transported on one of these boats. 56


ummer brings more than wedding guests to Casco Bay Lines. It brings twice as many scheduled boats, special cruises to Bailey Island, charters from company par­ ties, and Booze Cruises featuring a bar and d.j. High schools regularly load entire senior proms on the boats for all-night cruises, an attempt, one surmises, to cut down on drinking and driving. Summer also brings The Spiel, a time of intense discomfort or pleasure, depending on the captain, who must daily deliver tidbits of information to holiday lobsterbake groups. The Spiel ranges from non-stop information, jokes and stories, enjoyable even to a tourist-hardened native on the same boat, to the extreme minimum. One Spiel, memorable for its brevity, featured three comments by the captain. After a long summer, seemingly filled with hot out-ofstate bodies, noise, delay, and fatigue, it is a relief to cross the landmark of Labor Day into the sanity of Autumn. It is the best of both worlds, to have good weather, good boat schedules, and only one’s fellow islanders to share them with. Some of the vitality is lacking but not missed in gearing up for winter. When all the leaves have left the trees, when it is twilight and the stars are out, one pauses on a silent island shore and sees the lights of distant Portland reflecting on slick black water, sees the dull black humps of neighboring islands. A familiar, muted roar is heard, and turning, one sees the ferry, peacefully heading for home, splitting the blackness with its lights. One watches it go, fondly, and continues home, smiling and content.



LONGFELLOW CRUISE LINES Riding the Longfellow Cruise Line around Casco Bay is a lot of fun. The seals, seagulls, and scenery are fun. The islands are beautiful. But some-

Is Rodney steamed? You bet. “It’s like gutting out a bunch of Air Force B52’s and competing with Delta for the runs to Florida and back, he says. ”

times it seems more like riding a soapbox than a cruise line when Captain Rodney Ross spices up his loudspeaker-enhanced tourist spiel with remarks like: “Now over on the port side is the $7.5 million Maine State Pier that the City o f Portland is building for the Casco Bay Transit District so that they m ay more ably compete with private enterprise. . . ” Is Rodney steamed? You bet. “The Casco Bay Transit District, which runs the Casco Bay ferries, is a tax-exempt, federal and state subsidized, bond-issuing, quasi­ municipal organization with sinking funds that has been given a monop­ oly on the transportation of mail, a monopoly on the transportation of freight, a monopoly on the trans­ portation of island commuters, and a monopoly on the transportation of tourists to and from the islands,” he says. “If a private excursion boat cap­ tain lets passengers off on one of these islands, he runs the risk of going to jail—under state law—for 11 months.” In other words, the only local destination the Longfellow or any other locally owned private excur­ sion boat can have is its own pier. Particularly galling to Ross is the fact that he and many of his pas­ sengers, all of whom pay taxes, are not allowed to tie up to public island piers and disembark, for how­

ever short a time, because of the existing legislation protecting the CBTD’s exclusive right to land at the islands, which was enacted in 1980. This monopoly situation “is like gutting out a bunch of Air Force B-52’s and competing with Delta for the runs to Florida and back,” says Capt. Ross, who loses revenues “in the hundreds of thousands” of dol­ lars each year because he can’t take paying passengers to local island destinations. Capt. Ross feels he has “grounds for action against the City of Port­ land, the Consumer Affairs Division of the Attorney General’s office, the State of Maine, the Maine Public Utilities Commission, the Transit District, and the Urban Mass Trans­ portation Administration,” and he plans, this summer, to 1) attack Transit District bonds he feels are inconsistent with federal policy; 2) possibly offer free rides to the is­ landers; and 3) work to change the legislation with the help of a disin­ terested pro-bono attorney. “I would even be willing to go to jail to test this law,” says Capt. Ross. For 11 months? “Yes, I’d be out in the spring, with relatively low expenses,” says the native Mainer. “I have some friends who’ve urged me in the past to let them off at night on the islands, but I haven’t done it yet,” Ross says from his office on Long Wharf.


notices it is the Pope except for (and here is where the bizarre unfolds again) “the hoofed animals, who kneel down in their fields” (as if in prayer) as the Toyota makes its way past them. And as the poet unclothes himself in the presence of his lover, what is the les­ son he has learned about himself? It is his “IRRATIONAL BELIEF IN LOVE,” the flip side of the same poet who told the suicidal lovers not to jump, to “Be rational.” The book goes on; Edward Hopper fans will be delighted with the six poems in the third section entitled, “A Portrait of Edward Hopper.” There are many other wonderful poem s—an homage to Ansel Adams, a haunting poem about the military in Maine, a subtle but heart-felt cry against eco­ logical doom entitled, “Tuna.” Carpen­ ter is, no doubt, ONE OF THE BEST POETS WRITING IN MAINE TODAY. His sense of humor, his excellent narrative instincts, and his compulsion to get at the bottom of things make him an important voice not only in Maine, but nationally and internation­ ally, as well. His quest is that of an individual artist and observer moving through a world where community values have been lost and trampled out of existence, where love is like sand running through the fingers. Car­ penter takes refuge in letting the un­ conscious speak its mind, in allowing it to become visible in this world as a way of guiding him to the next. It is a path fraught with danger and illusion, but also a certain amount of heroism, as in the poem “Open Heart,” where the poet offers to take the place of his brother on the operating table at the hospital, so that his brother can escape. But this is also A NIHILISTIC OR SELF-DESTRUCTIVE FORM OF HEROISM, (how far can the brother get? Will the poet survive if they operate on his heart by mistake?). This nihilism may however have its saving grace, as in the book’s last poem, where the poet burns his house and everything in it, so as to be the one “who has been finally freed from his/possessions, who has no clothes, no library, who has/gone back to the beginning, when we lived in nature:/no refuge from the elements, no fixed address.” JUNE 1986



Revolt Of The Lobster Women BY HENRY ALAN PAPER


lobsters as big as human bodies. Dumb and slow-moving, they were difficult to lift but became relaxed once you got them in the foaming water. Grabbing them about the redarmored midriff, we would put them into the primitive wooden vats and push them in toward the middle or hold 1,1 them under if they drifted out toward the edge. Then we lifted the two women: the first of the day’s hybrids. We put them into the boiling tank. Just as stuperous, but with something of a more defined instinct, they refused to settle but (as was often the case) stood and slowly waded back toward the edge. One, slowly and futilely waving her arm as though it were a claw, actually managed to climb out. We had to lift her and put her back in again and poke her toward the middle. By that time all the hybrids were giving us trouble. That was how it generally went with the hybrids. They had somewhat less than a lobster’s fortitude, but something more than a lobster’s response, and it was often more than my parents and the other families could do to keep them in line. I, myself, as usual, watched with discomfort. As with the other young ones, it was my job to watch and learn and to keep an eye out for strays. But in my own still untutored nature, said to be precocious and possibly over-sensitive, I assumed that anything that had the willfulness to climb out of the tub should not have been put in in the first place. Meanwhile one of them had made it to the street. My great-aunt had to catch up with it and lead it slowly back to the cauldron—where the other lobster-women were now wading toward the rim. It was funny in all this how neither the armored lobsters nor the human lobsters armored with something of a more tenacious will ever made a sound. Back they would go. Out, stolidly, they would come. This was where—for me—it began to get terrifying.

As another lobster-woman was being led back to the tub, I noticed that this time she had a baby in her arms. “Stop her!” I shouted before I could think, as they began to lift her into the foaming vat. My Uncle (who, too, had some sensitivity, though, it was generally agreed, at the expense of a too-modest intelligence) took the baby—an act unresisted by its mother—and, in the frenzy, unthinkingly placed it down against the front of the tub. Propelled by the insufferable boiling repetition of events, I went swiftly over and picked up the baby. It was heavier than 1anticipated. It had black, raggedy hair, a soft chubbiness, and a pinched look on its face that seemed something of a lobster’s fatalism. I decided to bring it around toward the front of the house. By that time my mother had joined me, and I could already hear a commotion behind me. One of my cousins was leading another lobster-woman, who had gotten ahead of us, back to the tank. When he saw what was ahead, he turned and joined us. We made our way without looking back. “That’s the trouble with these creatures,” my mother said. “You let them run loose in the world, and pretty soon they’re all over you. Even when you get them into the boiling pot, they’re hard to manage.” I saw my baby brother standing by at the bottom of the stairs. “We’re going in,” my mother said. He looked questioningly at me but didn’t resist as I began to push him with my knee up the stairs. “Wait. Wait,” we heard. I turned to see two lobsterwomen suddenly come into view at the bottom of the stairs. “Please,” said one, “may we use your phone?” I never realized they could speak. My mother, also on the stairs, turned to me. “See? See what 1 mean? Now they want to use the phone. Next they’ll be wanting to use the facilities.” We went swiftly up the rest of the stairs, entered the house, and locked the door. Other members of the house­ hold had meanwhile gotten in through the back.


ll night long we played piano and cooked lobster and talked a little bit too loudly. There was a constant attentive crowd around the t.v. No one dared step outside. It was beginning to be on the news. There was talk on the talk shows and then, finally, updates every half-hour. —The revolt of the lobster-women! Through the curtains we could see nothing in the blackness outside.


ut in the morning we parted the curtains—and in the streets were lobster-women—hundreds of them, eerily immobile, like statues. A closer look revealed, to our great surprise, that one of the hands of each had turned into a lobster claw—bright, shining red and armored.

They stood, slowly waving their claws, waiting for us to come out.


ays passed. Mutual consolation flared into conten­ tion. Food began to deteriorate. Failings were brought out, old grudges brought up. Arguments of a desper­ ate ideological nature broke out. At night bad dreams robbed us of our rest. Our very daydreams took on a serrated edge. The only thoughts our parents had was to hold out for as long as possible. Indeed, there was the desperate hope that if only the roof solarium and the window beams held out, we could hold out forever. Heated discussions broke out regarding the advisability of light­ ning forays to the local supermarket. The frightening ideo­ logical arguments resumed. Finally someone’s soft, tremu­ lously, reassuring voice could be heard: “We can do it. If it takes years, we can hold out. We can do it.” “We have no choice,” my mother’s imperious voice confirmed. “So long as we all accept our responsibilities.” She turned, and, along with the others, looked significantly at us. A taut and redundant discussion of the specific allocation of responsibilities ensued. I couldn’t take the physical confinement, the confinement of words, any longer. I slipped out and entered the infants’ room. The darkness was blanketing, comforting. The quiet—however temporary—was a relief. I moved further into the room. All the babies were asleep. Then, suddenly, I remembered. There in one of the cribs was the hybrid-child I had carried in a number of days ago. Apparently, in the unknow­ ing scurry of things, it had been accepted as a neighbor’s child. I looked down at it, sleeping so stilly, so non­ committally. I looked at its pinched face, so at peace. Then I heard, faintly, the adults arguing from another part of the house. Suddenly, I had a feeling I had never had before. My heart was beating fast. My attention went to its hand lying atop the blanket. Immediately I saw it as no doubt it would one day be: a bright red and shining serrated claw. I broke away and went to the door. I stood listening. “We have one thing going for us,” I heard my cousin saying—convincingly, to judge by the silence in the room. “These lobster-women are slow. They have no mobility. We could always keep one step ahead of them.” There was a murmur of assent, then someone else spoke. “—insulate ourselves in one of the large downtown condominiums. We would never be caught.” It was then, at that moment, that I knew I would never say anything about the lobster-baby . . . My heart still beating, I went out and closed the door behind me—taking care not to wake the children. Soon—1knew—they would all awaken.

JUNE 1986


THE IM P O R T A N C E OF B E IN G EARNEST. L in d a Lee a n d S ta n le y B e n n e tt II enjoy a re ce p tio n in

THE C HO CO LATIER IS HERE A t the o p e n in g ce re m o ­ nies fo r Fore Street's new John H a n n o n , the O rig i­ n a l C h o co la tie r a re K e ith C a n n in g (le ft), G e n a

W E ARE PLEASED To a nn ou nce th a t a 1986 g ra n t from the N a tio n a l E n d o w m e n t fo r the Arts a n d H um anities has just b e e n a w a rd e d to loca l p u b lis h e r G e o rg e B e n in g to n to p rin t Blush, C o lin S a rg e n t's second b o o k o f p o e try . Published b y Benington's C oyote Love Press, Blush w ill a p p e a r in la te 1986 or e a rly 1987 a n d is fu n d e d e n tire ly b y the g ra n t. C o ve r a rt w ill b e by C a m ille C ole .



h o n o r o f O a khu rst D airy's latest p ro m o tio n a l c a m p a ig n .

C a n n in g , (center), a n d H o lly S te e le (rig h t). In the a c co m p a n y in g p h o to , Keith C a n n in g pours c h a m p a g n e fo r Unum's L in d a T im m .

THE M A IN E OPERA Assocation's A p r il In Paris Ball was a smash hit, a tte n d e d b y J e n n ife r L a n g (le ft), M rs. J a m e s B. R u s s e ll (center), a n d M rs. T h o m a s J. B re sn a h a n n (rig h t). In the a c c o m p a n y in g p h o to , K a th e r in e P a re lla (le ft) a n d J o h n P a re lla (cen­ ter) b e a m w ith M a in e O p e ra Association's own F ritz i C o h e n . IN THE N O -P O G a lle ry o p e n in g , No-Po p a rtn e r J e ff F la n a g a n talks to p h o to g ra p h e r J a y York a n d C o lle e n W rit. Also a tte n d in g w ere J o h n E id e a n d Rose M a ra s c o o f the P o rtla n d School o f A rt.

THE PO RTLAN D SC H O O L OF AR T'S A n n u a l auction was a tte n d e d by a fine cro w d , in c lu d in g b id d e rs

A l G lic k m a n o f G re a t D ia m o n d Island (le ft) a n d M r. a n d M rs. H a ro ld P achios.

o f evolving its ow n traditions. Golf at the club, a yisit w ith old friends, as much tim e as possible at the beach. You dress the part. Seersucker, Poplin or Madras. For work or play. SUM M ER HAS A WAY

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