2 minute read

Try on the artist’s life in the former studio of Charles Woodbury, the American Impressionist whose plein-air painting classes sparked the Ogunquit Art Colony. Ogunquit is stunning in the fall, and his studio overlooks picturesque Perkins Cove, where the master held sway 1898–1940. Among his lessons: “Don’t paint oating rocks!” Suggest instead the power and mass that lie below the surface. Not a bad place to practice “ e Art of Seeing” for $2,350-$3,900 per week, plus cleaning fee and 9 percent Maine lodging tax. “A lot of amateur artists love to bring their easels and paint,” says Debbie Marathon of
Ogunquit Rental Properties.
—Lily Randall Identify with flying objects and join Maine Ultimate’s Frisbee league. Games are held at Wainwright Sports Complex in South Portland, but “we have post-games on Thursday nights from places like Arcadia to The Portland Club,” says Lily Randall. “Opposing teams are supposed to have Spin Doctor s the same number of men and women players, but my team isn’t a fan of being that gender binary, so we call men-matching players ‘Millers’ after the beer and womenmatching players ‘White Claws.’”
Ghost Rider
We’ve written about vagabond birds, but look what’s landed on Maryland’s Eastern Shore to decorate American Legion Post 93 in Pocomoke! When the Cold War was in the deep freeze, this Lockheed T-33A Shooting Star ew above us in Maine while assigned to the U.S. Air Force’s short-lived (1957–1966) Bangor Air Defense Sector in Topsham.
Malawi Mail

Five thousand miles in, this groundbreaking gift from Sanguo Ventures Limited [co-owned by Mainer Colin S. Sargent] to the Don Bosco Catholic Parish in Lilongwe (see “From Malawi with Love,” Feb./March 2022) has “really cut my travel times and helped me reach out to a greater number of community members,” says Gervais Kajadu, 47, pictured, a graduate of the local teacher’s college serving as a catechist [an adjunct member of the ministry] to 12 outposts in a 30-square-mile area. “We’ve only had one service call, to patch a punctured tire tube,” says mechanic and electric-motorcycle builder Elida Mwanza, 25. “That bike just goes and goes,” saving the Parish 540,000MK ($720USD) over 6 months—all without an oil change. —Evan Liu
Made in France, Based on Maine
Lady Liberty, this one’s for you. Freshwater Stone of Orland is supplying 1,000 pieces of individually distressed granite to restore the inner parapet wall of Fort Wood, the Statue of Liberty’s star-shaped base. e 250,000 pounds of stone are traveling from Maine to Liberty Island via seven atbed trailers, several cranes, and a barge. So much for New Hampshire being the Granite State. —So e Brown