SWCC Fitlife

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The Best of Series vol.4


Check out this issue from 2008!

“As Time Goes By� by Linda Hastings

A Tasty Fish Dish!

This recipe is sure to keep variety, satiety, and waistline shrinkage in your post holiday nutrition program!

Lifestyle & Mood

Are you doing all you can to make every day a good day?

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January 2013


www. PortlandParks.org

As Time Goes By

Lifestyle and Mood

By Linda Hastings

Make Every Day a Good Day It’s no secret that time accelerates as you age. The years whip through your fingers, the seasons fly, and entire months blur to nothingness in a heart beat. I am looking at my face in the mirror these days and wondering what happened to all that time. When I think back to individual events, I can reconcile the quantity of my personal time that has passed. I can pinpoint markers that prove to my little brain that an actual number of years have indeed slipped by. But taken as a whole, the giant, colorful canvass of my life seems unnervingly present. It doesn’t seem like “it was just yesterday,” it seems like it still is. I can’t exactly say that I feel the same as I did when I was a kid, or when I was 17 or 28 or even 38, because the lessons I learned at those ages are with me, and have shaped me into someone that is different for learning those lessons. But I can say, unequivocally, that my spirit has not changed. The essential intrinsic being that I am, my soul, is the same as the little girl that thought the rhinestone pendant on my mothers Christmas dress was a real star. I have always found a sense of magic and wonder in the common objects around me. I name things. Not just my car (her name is Ruby, but everyone names there car right?), I name almost everything (my toothbrush is Rooty,) I sing. I sing little songs so often at home, half the time I don’t even know I’m doing it. It was due to the prevalence of my spontaneous warbles, that I knew I had made the absolute right choice of a husband early on in our marriage. I was happily singing one of my little songs to myself, I came to the end of the verse, and before I sang it again I said (out loud to no one in particular) “hey, you all know the words, all together now!” As I started up again, I heard my hubby’s voice augment mine from another room, he did know all the words. I dance. No music needed. If I am hiking and find a special tree or a beautiful waterfall, I dance the feeling it gives me. If it is misting with a mysterious fog, or there is a snow storm, a perfect summer twilight, the new smell of spring, sunrise, sunset, the Milky Way, I find myself compelled to dance to it.


Commissioner Nick Fish • Director Mike Abbaté

I still like stuffed animals. I have a collection in my bedroom that takes up way too much space. It scares me a little that I can’t seem to get myself to wear “grown women’s” clothes. I hate the “misses” section and find the tops, bottoms and dresses there completely pedantic and boring. Consequently, I’m sure it’s highly amusing for some, to see a woman of my age, dressing like a punk. In the past I have always been able to humor myself. I have always figured that some day I would just sort of voodoo into a normal adult. But that hasn’t happened for me. The days, weeks, and years have streamed by without molding me like that. I am not a stationary object in the stream of time, to be molded into similar patterns by the steady forces around me. I am rather, floating with the current picking up bits from this shore and that, rolling with the flow. And the flow is picking up. In fact, it’s a regular torrent now, and I can feel the force of time inexorably pushing me forward with the momentum of a roller coaster. Why am I ruminating about the passing of the days? It’s almost my birthday, and It’s a doosy. The painting of my life is more than half finished now, this month I turn 50. So next time you see me, wish me well, and tell me I don’t look anywhere near the half century mark.

All of us would like to know why it is that some days we simply feel great, and others not so great. Is it hormones? Blood sugar? Good clean living? No one can say precisely where good moods come from. Certainly lifestyle is only one small part but it’s a part you have some control over. A healthful lifestyle increases your stress resistance so the bad days are not quite so bad, and opens the door wide so if the good days are knocking, they can walk right in. Most of us try to exercise regularly and watch what we eat not only to prevent future illness, but to look and feel good today. That immediate payoff feels great and helps reinforce a healthful lifestyle. Are you doing all you can to make every day a good day?

Exercise regularly. Nothing can turn your mood around more effectively than exercise. Physical activity appears to alter the brain’s biochemistry. It makes you feel better and helps combat anxiety and depression. A good workout gets rid of excess tension and leaves you feeling happier and more relaxed. Physical activity provides a diversion from what’s bothering you. It helps you sleep better and look better, both of which put you in a better mood. Many scientific studies have shown that regular exercise improves people’s ability to tolerate stress and weather the winds of change without succumbing to stress-related illness. What’s regular? Almost daily, as long as you are not experiencing signs of over-training. Alternate your activities, a practice known as cross-training, to get the stress-reduction workout you need, without the musculoskeletal stress you don’t. Select activities you find rewarding.

Get rest and relaxation. You need rest and relaxation to stay healthy and feel good each day. A good night’s sleep almost every night is a must, as are activities that allow you to relax and have fun.

Fitlife • January 2013



Flash Forward to 2013...

Mash-Up Mania

www. PortlandParks.org

Linda’s Kitchen

Global Grooves

Perfect Parmesan Fish Fillets Tired of the same predictable aerobics class? Mash Up Mania is a mesh of cardio, resistance, core, balance, and much more. Each class will be a different focus with a little bit of everything to enhance and improve your fitness level! This class has no set routine and will take you by surprise every time!

Join Gail for Mash-Up Mania, Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from 6:00-7:00 am!

Have fun and get a great workout dancing around the globe! West meets East! Grooves include, but not limited to: North Indian Bhangra, West African, Middle and Far Eastern, Tribal and Egyptian Cabaret Belly Dance, moving meditations, Native American, Flamenco and Salsa, fused with Western dance forms such as Jazz and Ballet. Global Grooves is for any size or age! We do a lot of isolation exercises with focus on strength and grace.

Join Ahndine, Tuesday & Thursday, from 7:45-8:45 pm for Global Grooves!

With 33 grams of protein, and a mere 200kcals per serving, this tasty fish dish is sure to keep variety, satiety, and waistline shrinkage in your post holiday nutrition program!

INGREDIENTS: • 8 thin sole or orange roughy filets • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour • Butter flavor cooking spray • 2 green onions thinly sliced • 1/2 tsp salt

Fit a Workout in Mid-Day!

• 1/2 tsp freshly ground pepper • Garlic powder to taste (I use lots)

By Timi Gustafson R.D. http://timigustafson.com

• 1 cup dry white wine

Lack of time is the number one reason why Americans say they don’t exercise enough. Long commutes, stressful jobs, household chores and family commitments make it almost impossible to squeeze in even a minimal amount of daily physical activity. No matter how you feel the need for it, there never seem to be enough hours in the day to take care of your physical fitness.

• 3 Tbs fresh lemon juice

Early risers may find it easier to exercise at home or go to a gym before their day starts. But even serious fitness enthusiasts are not always inclined to get their heart rate up just after coming out of a slumber. Waiting until evening can be tricky, too. After a long day, most people are too exhausted or still too busy for a swift walk on the treadmill or a round of lifting weights... The benefits of a mid-day workout are multiple. Exercising at noon (or thereabouts) increases your metabolism for the rest of your workday instead of just the evening hours. It also invigorates you, getting you more easily through the usual afternoon slump. You are also less likely to skip your session due to tiredness or the need to tend to more urgent matters before you go home. 4 3

Commissioner Nick Fish • Director Zari Santner Commissioner Nick Fish • Director Mike Abbaté


• 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated

PREPARATION: 1. Heat oven to 375 degrees. 2. Coat fish fillets with flour and set aside. 100% pure heart pumping, muscle cutting, fat blasting kettlebell work. Come see why a Kettlebell workout is becoming one of the most popular ways to get fit.

Join Gail for Heavy Metal, Monday & Wednesday from 12:05-1:00 pm!

3. Spray ovenproof skillet generously with butter spray and heat over medium heat until butter spray melts. 4. Cook onions until crisp-tender. 5. Add fish and cook uncovered 4 minutes, turn and cook another 4 minutes. 6. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. 7. Pour wine and lemon juice into skillet, sprinkle with cheese and bake uncovered 15 minutes.

Also offered Tuesday & Thursday from 5:306:30 pm with Holly

Fitlife • October, 2009 4 5 Fitlife • January 2013

Weekly Fitness Schedule Southwest Community Center







6:00am 7:00am

Mash-Up Mania Gail

(In Gym)

Circuit City Bob--in gym 6:15-7:10

7:10am 8:10am

20-20-20 Laurie

Pilates Method Level 2 Maya

20-20-20 Ally

Pilates Method Level 2 Maya

20-20-20 Ally

Circuit City Bob 7:15-8:10

other programs in gym

Circuit City Bob 7:15-8:10

other programs in gym

Circuit City Bob 7:15-8:10

Dance, Dance Dance!

Happy Camp! Tamara

Dance, Dance Dance!

Happy Camp! Tamara

Dance, Dance Dance!


8:20 - 9:40


8:20 - 9:40


Boot Camp Express

Yoga Jim G.

Boot Camp Express

Yoga Anna

Boot Camp Victoria






Beach Body

The Time of Your Life (Boomer Fitness)

Beach Body

The Time of Your Life (Boomer Fitness)





Heavy Metal


Heavy Metal


Burn ‘n’ Firm






Pilates Method

Tai Chi for Health (Beginning)

Pilates Method

Tai Chi for Health (Advanced)

Pilates Method







Silver Streaks


Silver Streaks





Gentle Tai Chi for better balance

Zumba Gold

Yoga For Kids

Kimo 3:10-4:10

Pre Ballet & First Steps in Group Ex Studio

3:10 - 3:50

7:10am 8:10am (In Gym)

8:20am 9:25am 9:35am 10:35am

11:00am 11:55am

12:05pm 1:00pm 1:05pm 2:00pm 2:05pm 3:05pm 3:10pm 3:55pm

Qigong John 3:10-4:10

4:00pm 4:20pm 4:25pm 5:25pm 5:30PM 6:30PM

Power Yoga Rae


Mash-Up Mania Gail Circuit City Bob--in gym 6:15-7:10

Ab Fab Holly

Power Yoga Rae

Rachel P. Ab Fab Holly

Low Impact


Low Impact






Cardio Kickboxing

Heavy Metal

Cardio Kickboxing

Heavy Metal






Mash-Up Mania Gail Circuit City Bob--in gym 6:15-7:10

Power Yoga Juliet 7:15-8:15

Zumba Kimo 8:30 - 9:30 Cardio Camp Michael Air-Ropics Laurie

See Youth Programming in Guide. For Details Call 503-823-2850

Body Blitz Paula 9:10-10:00 Dance, Dance, Dance! Paula 10:15-11:15 Boot Camp Express Jason 11:30-12:30 Zumba Sarah 12:45-1:45 Bodies Behind Bars Holly 2:00-2:55 Prenatal Yoga Kate 3:00 - 4:00 Gentle Yoga Kate 4:00-5:00

Teen Yoga Ahndine

6:35PM 7:35PM

Triple Threat


Triple Threat




Jim H.


Jim H.


7:45PM 8:45PM


Global Grooves


Global Grooves

Hip Hop






Blue = Mind/Body, Yellow = Beginning, Yellow/Green = Intermediate, Green = Intermediate, Green/Red = Intermediate/Advanced, Red = Advanced

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