The Weekly Buzz 10 May 2021
Wellbeing at the heart of PPS
Noticeboard Lunch Menu
Gluten-free options available on each day
Noticeboard Extra Languages: Clubs RUSSIAN
CHINESE Mandarin
12.50—13:40 Room 24
15:45—16:30 Room 36
12.50—13:40 Room G41
12.50—13:40 Room G41
Ms Zalesny
Ms Eren
Ms Elshelmani
Ms Huang
Harrisson BrudenellTurpie Y6
Gabriel Aldis Y8
Arad Mohammadlou Y7
Avi Winch Y7
Mia Lipkin Y6
Sam Osborne Y8
Kadi Bahbahani Y7
Zaid Al-Quraishi Y6
Iasmin Magomedova Y6
Basma Al-Quraishi Y6
Yaqoub Behbehani Y7
Harisson BrudenellTurpie Y6
Humphrey Boland Y6
Zaid Al-Quraishi Y6
Rihya Haidar Y6
Mia Lipkin Y6
Sasha Cerna Y8
Avi Winch Y7
Lloyd Day Y9
Maxim Mydlar Y8
George Smither Y8
Rihya Haidar Y6
Noticeboard Literacy Corner
Literacy across the curriculum
With the exams approaching, please, have a look at the most common command words. Some common errors in tasks are directly linked to misunderstanding of the instructions.
Noticeboard Literacy Corner
Literacy across the curriculum
Literacy is not just about doing well in English (this is obviously really important though!); without good literacy students are unable to do well in Science or Maths, or Media, or ANY subject as you cannot express yourself to the examiner or possibly understand what exams questions are asking you to do. Below are common GCSE command words which appear in all subject areas and are important to know, as well as further information to help you.
Post 16 Noticeboard Focus on Sixth Form
The next virtual open evening at DLD College London is being held on 13 May and will feature a selection of speakers and current students for the Q&A. They are able to offer in-college private tours now so if individual families wish to visit in person, email :
Year 7 making some common compounds using molymods!
Miss Silcocks
News Year 8 Making Red Cabbage Indicator
News Growth Mindset At Portland Place we encourage our students to become independent learners and have an ongoing internal assessment about their performance in lessons. One of the
resources they find useful is the effort meter which helps them see where they are at the moment and how they can move forward in their learning. This growth mindset tool can also be used at home when the stu-
dents complete homework in their own time and reflect on the effort they have put in. Thank you very much for your continued support. Miss Florea
News Young Entrepreneurs This May half term the Year 10s have participated in Young Entrepreneurs, where the task was to create a concept, develop that concept into a business, then make and sell their product. The business, Clothable has originated a fashion forward T-shirt, tie-dye kit, capitalising on the lockdown trend of ‘home activities’ and specifically, arts and crafts. The kit comes with a plain white T-shirt, child friendly tie-dye and easy to follow instructions. Anyone can do it and it is fun for the whole family! The students divided themselves up, each group taking responsibility for a different aspect of the business marketing, finance, production and the sales team. They came up with the concept, developed a business plan, then sourced a range of investors, including parents, teachers and most importantly, themselves, therefore having a vested interest in the success of the company. So far Clothable has raised over £65 for their business. The Year 10s plan is to sell their tie-dye product soon. Visit Portland Place School social media and keep your eyes open for when and how to buy. Our Year 10s are really becoming young entrepreneurs so Alan Sugar and Jeff Bozos better watch their backs!
News Boxing Enrichment Pupils in action at their first boxing session at Rathbone Boxing Club!
Magna Smith-Davey
Lucas Alsop
Art Enrichment Week 2 Biro drawings in the style of Illustrator—Andrea Joseph. Well done to Evie, Susan, Magna Smith-Davey Fritzi and Raphael for creating some lovely work this week in Harford House.
Lucas Alsop
News Art Teddy Desmond (Y11) has been inspired by the artists Charles Sheeler and Etel Adnan. He has here used parts of his own photographs of London to explore their techniques. The image with the bridge and more detail is a development of the other.
News Japanese Club
愛(ai) is love and 日本(nihon)is Japan
News Cross-Stitch Enrichment
News Horse-Riding Enrichment
News Carpentry Enrichment Carpentry class, which is held during Wednesday's Enrichment, gives students real skills so that they can cut and fix skirting boards to walls, architrave around windows and doors and to fix replacement locks, bolts and hinges to doors. Here we see some of our enthusiastic and talented carpenters cutting and fixing
skirting board.
News Tag Rugby Enrichment A few wet enrichment lessons has not damped the enthusiasm of the students who are taking part in the Tag Rugby Enrichment. With fourteen students signed up for the activity it hasn’t been the best start, weather wise but the skills have lightened up the Wednesday afternoon with both Yr 6 and 7 students mingling and interacting with their Yr9 counter-
parts. The main aim of the activity is to help teach the basics and then develop the students’ knowledge and skills within the sport, which they can take on into future years, both within and outside of school. With the older students working hard on learning the younger student’s names, it
was fantastic to see by the end of the 1st session everyone laughing and joking with each other. This continued within the 2nd session and has been developed throughout the session and even with a little bit of rain coming near the end each and every student, had a smile on their face, a new set of skills in their back pocket and most importantly a new mate who they can play tag rugby with.
Sports report After School Clubs—This Term As well as fencing club, which continues to run on Wednesday afternoons. We also have football club happening from 4-5pm on Wednesdays on the hybrid pitch as Regents Park. We would not normally do football club at this time of year, but given the disruption to the season this year we decided to make the most of the park keeping their football facilities open. All ages and abilities are welcome. Cricket club is being organised on Tuesdays from 4-5pm at Lord’s indoor cricket academy. We hire two nets, as well as one of the academy coaches. This is a hard ball net session and a great opportunity for pupils to work on their batting and bowling skills. As always, all ages and abilities are welcome to join.
Susan Li
Sports report Athletics This term our students will be taking part in athletics during some of their PE lessons. Lessons will be happening at the Linford Christie stadium and the local Regents Park track. We try to record results for all our pupils in as many disciplines as we can. Each year some of our pupils manage to break a school record or two and it will be very interesting to see if any will fall this summer. Here are the schools’ all-time athletics records for Year 7 pupils. The red highlighted record was broken in 2019 – the last time our pupils had the opportunity to take part in track and field. The oldest record belongs to George Smith from 2002 in the 400m. He set the time of 63.1 sec in coming second, very narrowly, in the ISA national championships in Birmingham. Portland Place has had a few winners in this championship, most recently Alex MacDonald who won the prestigious 100m sprint in 2018. Arguably our most successful athlete was Onur Aksinoglu who won not only the ISA national title, but also ESSA English Schools’ title in the discus in 2013.
All-time Year 7 Athletics Records
Diary Enrichment Activity
Academic Mentoring
4th & 2nd Floor GPS
Mr Kubric
GPS Hall
Mr Rider
Mr Ruddy/ Mr Snowden
Miss Birtles
R34, R35, R36,PP Hall
Cross Stitch
Miss Boyce/Miss Florea/ Miss Nicholas Ms Robinson
Drawing & Painting
Miss Dever
GPS Hall
Mr Rider
Horse Riding
Miss Linton
Touch Rugby
Mr Steward
Wizard of Oz
Drama Studio
Young Enterprise
Miss Boyle/Miss Judd/Mr Chivers Canteen & 3rd Floor Miss Thorne/Mr Soper/Mr GPS Hill
Diary CLUBS Monday 12:50-13:40
Table Tennis, PPS Hall
Art Club for Y10 girls, Miss Dever, HH10
Tuesday 12:50-13:40
Weight Training, PPS boys changing rooms
Arabic Club, Ms Elshelmani, G41
PPS Choir, Mr S Hill & Miss Boyle, GPS Hall
Cricket Club, Lords indoor cricket academy
Japanese Club, Ms Eren, R36
Wednesday 12:50-13:40
Fitness Club, Dance Studio
12:50 –13:40
Russian Club, Ms Zalesny, R24
Music Theory Club, Ms Bottrill, R42
Maths Help & Puzzles, Mr D Hill, G41
Y11 Physics Revision, H1
Spring Term 2021
KS3 Maths Support, Mr D Hill & Mr Ruddy, R24
Term starts
Monday 4 January
Football Club, Regents Park Hybrid Pitch
Half term
Mon 15 Feb – Fri 19 Feb
Fencing Club, Mr Jenda, GPS Hall
End of term
Thursday 1 April
Summer Term 2021
Dance Club, Dance Studio
Term starts
Thursday 22 April
Chinese Mandarin, Ms Huang, G41
Bank Holiday
Mon 3 May (school closed)
Y11 Chemistry Revision, H1
Half term
Mon 31 May – Fri 4 June
Chamber Choir, Miss Boyle, Room 1
End of term
Friday 9 July
Autumn Term 2021
GCSE Art Club, Miss Dever, HH10
Table Tennis, PPS Hall
Y11 Biology Revision, H1
Term starts
Monday 6 September
Half term
Mon 18 Oct – Fri 29 Oct Friday 17 December
Thank you for reading