Your Local Independent 11th October 2018

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Live Local, Love Local, Supporting Local

The Hastings and Macleay Valley

Your locally owned community news • Phone: 6583 9088 • Thursday 11 October 2018

Our drought angels THREE chefs from Port Macquarie’s St Columba Anglican School have cooked up a very practical way to help farmers and their families left devastated by drought. Matt Hayden, Adam Sinclair and Steve Clancy organized a food drop directly to farmers in the Tamworth region. The trio gathered together ‘a delivery’ that included 489 bottles of water, 140kg kilos of dog biscuits, 56 toothbrushes and 168 tins of soup – all items donated by people from within, and also outside, the St Columba community. “We put a poster up in the IONA Café at SCAS where we work and on the school Facebook page to tell people about the idea,” said Mr Hayden. “The response from the school community and the wider community has been really positive. “It’s just so dry out there. I didn’t have a truck so I couldn’t take hay. I thought this was the next best thing, taking non-perishables.” The chefs visited 10 properties where they met and chatted with farmers and their families. “Our second stop was a couple’s farm, 890 acres,” explained Mr Hayden. “After driving down 12km of dirt road, in the distance we could see a man standing there with his hands on his hips. After pulling up and saying ‘G’day’, then

St Columba Anglican School chefs, from left, Adam Sinclair, Matt Hayden and Steve Clancy with some of the donations they personally delivered to drought-stricken farming families

explaining what we were doing, he tried to refuse assistance. “With a tear in his eye, he said, ‘I’m sure there are more people in need than what we are.’ At this time I jumped out of the car, unwrapped the tarps and opened the utes up. You could say he

Page 3: Residents smell a rat

was in a little bit of shock. “The farm has been in the family for over 100 years and that this was the worst he had ever seen it. They have two children, a two-year-old and a 10-month-old. Having our young ones with us meant we all had something in common.”

Page 5: Locals with a taste for gold

Students from St Columba Anglican School became so involved with the initiative started by Mr Hayden that a primary school girl even organised to send 80 drawings that she and her friends had done for the farmers. “One of the values we teach our students here at SCAS is ‘good citizenship’,” said Justyn Walker, Community Engagement and Advancement Manager at St Columba Anglican School. “Students learn that means to give everyone a fair go and extend a helping hand if times are tough. You never know, one day it might be you who needs a helping hand.” Mr Hayden urges others to take a trip into these small country towns. “If you are thinking about having a weekend away, think about travelling to a small country town, to witness what the land is really like,” Mr Hayden said. “Buy lunch at a small local cafe or pub. It’s heart-breaking seeing the land so dry.”

Pages 13 - 16: Your best local TV guide

Small Business Month is a dedicated event series that delivers practical business information and support to start or grow your business successfully.

How to find the right staff for my small business? Tuesday 30 October 2018 Kempsey Macleay RSL Club, 5:30pm - 7:30pm, $20

Grant and Tendering Workshop Wednesday 31 October 2018 Slim Dusty Centre, South Kempsey, 5:30pm - 7:30pm, $20


These workshops are part of the Small Business Month initiative, funded by the NSW Government through the Department of Industry and Kempsey Shire Council

Delivering for the Hastings & Camden Haven Recently I announced that a further 14,200 new aged care places were being offered across Australia along with capital grants of up to $500,000,with a special focus on aged care in rural, regional and remote locations. Since I was elected as the Member for Lyne, Federal funding for aged care services in our electorate has increased from around $90-million a year to over $130-million this year.

Dr David GILLESPIE MP He Listens. He Cares. He Delivers.

Authorised by Dr David Gillespie MP, National Party of Australia, Cnr High and Hastings Sts, Wauchope NSW 2446.


Thursday 11 October, 2018

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018


Residents smell a rat Lord Howe rodent plan comes under fire


A NEWLY released Lord Howe Island Board business paper gives support for a controversial rodent eradication program that would see tonnes of rat poison dropped by helicopter across the island next winter. In a concluding paragraph to an 88-page document, the board summarised: “The project is clearly justified on economic and biodiversity grounds, eradication is feasible, and the planning is complete and robust identifying all risks and constraints with actions to reduce and manage these as far as possible”. It was scheduled to bait in two session across five days from early June and again in early July. The debate over the safest way to eradicate the ‘rattus rattus’ and the house mouse, rodents introduced to the island during two events, including a shipwreck in the early 1900s has divided the community. On LHI, rats are implicated in the extinction of five endemic bird species, at least 13 species of endemic invertebrates, and two plant species. Rodents are also a recognised threat to at least 13 other bird species, two reptiles, 51 plant species, 12 vegetation communities, and seven species of threatened invertebrates on LHI. But not all agree that the solution is widespread dispersal of poison from the air, a move that they say, will threaten native wildlife and domestic animals, kill birdlife and contaminate water. A response to the Board report, by the Island Eradication Advisory Group, disputed the assurances that aerial treatment was the best, indeed the only, solution. Following a meeting in August, IEAG summarised that ‘the report did not acknowledge many of the risks we identified in April or failed to recognise the importance of them’. It continued that the report did not ‘give a view of the collective risk of failure facing the project from the multitude of compromises from best practice made to create the social licence to undertake the project. Instead it provided some useful advice about what should be done and assumed the operational planning in place now was adequate to the task’. Resident Peter Curtin, secretary of the Lord Howe Island First People’s Association says most locals are against aerial poisoning. “And we have had secret ballots over a number of years to demonstrate we are against it,” he says. “The island was against dropping poisons from helicopter 40 years ago when National Parks wanted to do it for pigs. Yet MP Lesley Williams gives full support to throwing rat

The spectacular Lord Howe Island. There are vastly differing views on how the island’s rat problem should be handled.

Rats introduced to Lord Howe have been implicated in the extinction of animal and plant species on the island poison everywhere. “And there are even threats of force through control orders to make people comply in allowing access to properties.” Mr Curtin says a better solution would be rodent proof fencing. “Experts told me 20 years ago that Lord Howe was best suited to rodent proof fencing dividing northern and southern parts,” he said. “That would be a more sensible way forward but the government takes an all-or-nothing approach. “The island is divided into permanent residents, and temporary residents here for work. Many work for the board … so those residents

are also in favour. “But landholders who have lived here for generations, are not in favour of poison being spread from helicopters.” Mr Curtin said there had been no explosion in the rodent population. “There is $10 million funding, and people determined to spend it with no analysis as to whether it’s a dumb idea or a good idea. “But public servants with $10 million in their pockets are hard to stop.” Rodney Thompson whose family has been on Lord Howe for some 100 years says the rodent problem was created by an administration who had neglected the rat poisoning program set up years ago, when rats were regularly poison with bait stations. “There are 1000 bait stations but only one cup of poison is used every 10 weeks, so they are not really trying to get rid of rats using a safe method,” says Mr Thompson. “The Norfolk Island government uses bait stations in their parks, up the sides of hills, so the same could be applied here but for some unknown reason, that makes no sense. They want to use a chopper to throw buckets of poison over bird habitats and protected streams and waterways. “The Board has decided to go ahead without doing studies … they have rat eradicators getting up to $200,000 a year now trying to influence people. “When the work is done, these eradicators

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will take their money and leave without caring about what happens next. “None of them live on Lord Howe.” Mr Thompson acknowledged something had to be done. “But the dramatic idea of killing everything and putting at risk our environment, health and safety of people, the agricultural industry, tourism industry and World Heritage listed values just don’t stack up,” he said. “The best outcome would be to use bait stations and control rats and mice systematically. “It’s the safest way. The pesticide they want to spread from helicopters is hard to get rid of once it’s in the soil. Our streams would be poisoned.” Mr Thompson says he smells a rat. “I think there is some skulduggery going on,” he said. “False statements have been made about rat numbers.” If the eradication proceeds, a Control Order establishing control zones or specific control measures can be issued to individuals or groups with particular control measures to be specified (i.e. baiting) for treatment or destruction of rodents. This would place the responsibility of complying with the control order on residents, making them responsible for baiting within their homes. Penalties are available under the act for non-compliance with a control order.

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Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018 WOW! What a nightmare couple of weeks that’s been! Firstly, I must apologise profusely for the 27th September edition being a day late and then through a series of misfortunate events, topped off with a very short deadline, I was not able to deliver a paper for October 4. As frustrating as it was for me (and inconvenient for you), strangely enough, it has turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Let’s just say the whole situation has forced me to have a short mental health break and look at my priorities and get them in order. You know, stop and smell the roses. Just that little bit of time has given me the clarity I needed to move forward and continue to serve the wonderful communities of the Hastings and Macleay Valleys - rather than end up bouncing around a padded cell, complete with straitjacket at the psyche ward. No joke! As you all know, the last couple of years has been particularly tough. I’ve fumbled my way around to find out how to run a weekly newspaper, on a shoestring budget, on my own while I’ve worked through some tough personal issues during my marriage breakdown, all at the same time. It’s been extremely stressful at times, a lot of times. Any of you who have been involved in small business know how tough it is out there. It’s a dog-eat-dog world. And it is amazing how a small issue can quickly escalate into a major bunfight that can cripple any small business. In my case – eventually something had to give. So, first things first! The September 27 edition was a day late because I was late for print and couldn’t get the paper freighted up until the Friday. Holly and I then had to fill in and do the Port CBD and Kempsey runs, as Jarrad has fractured his ankle. If you know of anyone with a car who is available on Thursdays and can deliver to Kempsey for a few weeks – please call me ASAP! Our October 4th edition was a completely different story! You might want to get a cuppa for this one… For the last four years, since taking over YLI, I have probably been in dispute with Telstra over my phone bills for about 50-60% of the time. All of our telecommunication services are bundled, including phone system, internet, mobiles etc., all bundled together

From the Heart... Sandy Mackenzie on a monthly contract, organised through the local Telstra Business Centre (TBC), for what I believed was a set fee? Is that not the whole point of going under a contract – so you know what to expect to be billed for, and can budget for it? For the first 12 months of the contract, our account was in dispute 90% of the time until we started getting charged the amount that was on our paperwork. We managed to get credited for a considerable sum and our phone bills came in regularly at the original monthly amount – until about April this year … just prior to our NBN switchover. We had an initial meeting with our TBC guy to discuss the NBN changeover, what the process was, and he left after telling me I could expect to be saving about $100-150 per month from here on in. Yay! Bonus! OMG! Let the fun begin! Our bills have quite literally, been all over the shop! One was half the normal amount, a couple have been nearly twice the normal amount and overall none of the bills have been making any sense. So back into dispute we go … or so I thought. In the last 6-8 months it feels like I’ve spent more time speaking to people on the Telstra support team than my own customers! It’s just a time-consuming waste of energy and you won’t win! How can you win when you can’t speak to the same person and each one you do speak to in each department has a different story to tell? I’ve been told that there are problems with my account because I’ve been making part payments, I haven’t. I’ve been told that my bill was four months behind. It wasn’t, they hadn’t reconciled two payments their end. I spoke to a lady in collections about 4 weeks ago who said she was putting my account into disputes because she could see clearly that there were discrepancies with my bills and I was not to pay anything until someone from Telstra came back to me about it or I got a new invoice that reflected my normal account. So as far as I was concerned, I had two invoices in dispute for August and September and it was getting sorted.



Thumbs Up

DOWN TO Terry at Battery World for going above and beyond with my recent battery replacement. What I thought would be a simple replacement of the battery in my car key, was not to be that simple, but undeterred, Terry said to pop back when I had more time and he’d fiddle with the connectors and after about 20mins and lot of life learnt knowledge, he was able to get the remote to work on the car. Thanks Terry from one grateful lady. Need a battery? Go and see Terry! Thumbs Up Thumbs Down is your chance to have your say. Malicious or defamatory submissions will not be accepted. All submissions must include a full name, address and daytime phone number. Contributions over the telephone will not be accepted. Contributors will not be identified. Your Local Independent reserves the right to edit submissions. To submit a Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down: email us at or mail us at Your Local Independent PO Box 683, Port Macquarie 2444.

CONGRATULATIONS to Dr McGirr on his election to the State seat of Wagga Wagga. No, I am not affiliated with or have any allegiance to any political party, in fact I’m a ‘swinging voter’ great grandma who, from council through to the commonwealth can’t wait to exercise my democratic right to vote for changes.

Live Local, Love Local, Supporting Local Port Macquarie: 1/32 Jindalee Road, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 Ph: 6583 9088

Postal Address: PO Box 683, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444 Fax: 6583 7253 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK

Thumbs Up TO our surf lifesavers who are back on patrol on our beaches. There are not many organisations who could boast such selfless and vital actions that you perform every weekend.

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Down TO those boat operators who are coming far too close to the whales off our coast. The legal exclusion zones are 300 metres for a whale with calf and 100 metres for a single adult male. We are watching you!

TO Growers Market for offering a discount to those with a Seniors card. It is much appreciated. Just part of your excellent service.

Managing Editor Sandy Mackenzie

YOUR LOCAL Live Local, Love Local, Supporting Local

From the Heart...

THE strongest of congratulations to the St Columba School Chamber Choir on achieving a standard that attracted the invitation to perform at the Carnegie Hall in New York. Congratulations to Mrs Van Gend for her skill and dedication to bring the choir to this high standard.

Thumbs Up

Thumbs Up

tomorrow and it will take another 24-48 hours to be reconnected.” I paid it on the spot. Friday morning – still nothing. I had to go through the whole ordeal again, it was then I was informed by the lovely Jason that “even though I had no Sandy Mackenzie outstanding amount, instead of lifting the block on my phones, all services had been completely disconnected – we can reconnect you now but you will have to pay reconnection fees for every service!” Thank you, Telstra. Please don’t expect me to renew my contract with you. • TBC doesn’t exist as of Friday, September 28, so it is now out of their hands, however, they will help me read my accounts and understand the new charges. Thanks, but no thanks. All in all, it has been a harrowing week and it has cost my business well over $10,000 in lost sales for the week, not including the time and energy wasted. It’s a kick in the guts I can illafford but it is what it is. No matter what, I always like to look for the silver lining in shitty situations. The good to come out of it? • I’ve spoken to a lot of small business people who have been through/know someone who have or are currently dealing with similar situations. I want to hear from you and how you’ve rectified the problem. • I’ve been told there are some great local providers to deal with that are cost effective and can remove the dealing with Telstra scenario, ever again – I want to hear from you. • I’ve had some time to breathe – not much else – but it has given me a few days to think without interruptions. I’ll claim that as a muchneeded mental health break! However, I would have preferred an overseas trip than a five-day break to deal with the beast that is Telstra. • Since being reconnected, the phone has not stopped – so we know for certain you want us to keep going. Thank you – the support and encouragement are much appreciated! • The good old rumour mill is alive and kicking! Lol - Don’t believe everything you hear on it… Once again, I apologise. I thought I had the situation in hand and I didn’t. I dropped the ball for a moment and I’ve more than paid the price.

Thumbs Up

TO our sensational local ambos. You truly are lifesavers and deserve the praise of the whole community.


The Hastings and Macleay Valley

A fortnight ago I was booked to have a meeting with my guy from TBC. He contacted me and asked if we really needed to have the appointment at which point I said: “The only thing I need to talk to you about is the accounts in dispute. They need to be sorted ASAP, so I don’t end up with no phones and internet.” He was going to follow-up and come back to me, that was on Wednesday, September 26 … Friday, Holly and I delivered the papers in the Port CBD and Kempsey and collapsed in to the long weekend with a hideously short deadline for the 4th October edition. We worked over the weekend to catch up as much as we could to meet our deadline. Tuesday morning – lo and behold we have no phones or internet! Joy to the world! I pulled the pin on the edition – there and then. I knew I was going to have to go into battle with Telstra and there was no way it was going to be fixed in five minutes. I’m glad I made the decision then because it took just short of 5 days to get the reconnection sorted and it would have cost me big time! As if it hadn’t already… From 7am Tuesday until 1pm Friday, I spent over 18 hours on the phone to various Telstra personnel, in various call centres, no doubt in various countries who each told me something different. Wow! I learnt so much! • Even though I have a contract here in my possession, that doesn’t mean I have a fixed monthly rate. • My accounts weren’t in dispute according to 6/10 people I spoke to last week, 4/10 agreed it was. Note to self - make sure you get a receipt number for any dealings in the future. • My charges are probably going up because I make lots of calls to 1300 numbers? Excuse me – the only one I ring is – drum roll TELSTRA!!! • If someone in Telstra land doesn’t like you, they’ll make it hard for you – e.g. I had begrudgingly paid the August bill Tuesday. I spoke to Dave (Telstra) first thing Wednesday and he told me my phones would be up and running within 2-6 hours, all good, sorry for the inconvenience. Dave agreed my account was crazy and put me through to another department to speak to Jonathon to try to sort out my current bill, he turned around and said: “You need to pay the invoice today that is due

Sales Manager Sandy Mackenzie 0457 987 123




Sales Coordinator Holly Morling



Material submitted after deadline will miss publication


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Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018

Locals’ taste for success By BARBARA DYER

AT Hastings Co-op they relish a challenge. That has paid off with Bago Bluff condiments winning four medals on debut at the prestigious Sydney Royal Taste of Excellence Awards, bringing their gold, silver and bronze medal tally over the past three years to 22. The latest victory came less than a month after the jammy brand snagged five medals at the Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards. Not bad for a range which comprises only 10 – soon 11 – products and really only came into being two and a half years ago. Hastings Co-op chief executive officer Allan Gordon is chuffed. He said the Sydney awards were managed by the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW and celebrated quality, innovation and excellence from Australian commercial producers. “This is the first time we’ve entered these highly competitive awards, and our success is testament to the local producers who help make Bago Bluff,” said Mr Gordon. “I’m stoked.” Among the award-winning range judged in a blind tasting last month, the locally made quince paste took silver, with the nuggety golden corn relish, lush tomato relish and mild chilli jam pipping some 1160 entries to the post for bronze. While you have to tip your hat to the chef, Mr Gordon says at the root of Bago Bluff success are local growers and quality produce. “Our customers have really embraced Bago Bluff and we’re constantly getting positive feedback – everyone from IGA supermarket customers to respected Hunter Valley eateries,” he said. It has been a rapid boil for Bago Bluff, with success for the 10-product range crystallising in just a couple of years. The earlier ‘range’ comprised strawberry jam and marmalade. But a conversation about rebranding proved fortuitous and led to the

Hastings Coop CEO Allan Gordon and Bago Bluff Brand Manager Tim Walker with a selection of the award winning products launch of eight new products in November 2015. “We wanted to showcase the best locally grown produce and raw ingredients, something unique to the Mid North Coast that would also help boost employment and the local economy,” said Mr Gordon. “Today 90 percent of our ingredients are locally grown but all are locally processed.” There are the intense flavours of tomatoes from the Bago Plateau; olives from Yarras in the foot hills of the Great Dividing Range,

honey sourced from Walcha and processed by a Kempsey bee keeper. The chilli jam is given an indigenous twist with anise myrtle that has made the savoury sweet jam a top seller, along with the tomato relish. Within the first year of launch Bago Bluff products were winning awards and have continued to do so every year since. Clearly with its debut and success in Sydney last month, the Bago Bluff brand is on the rise.


“Although our chef creates recipes unique to us, we rely on the same producers to ensure consistency of the brand in taste and quality,” said Mr Gordon. “The result is testament to the quality of produce from people who have a passion for what they grow and they give us the best so that we can turn it into a product we are proud of. “Bago Bluff has a good name already and we are seeing more cafes picking us up. “Brand manager Tim Walker has Bago Bluff in Rydges here and in resorts in the Hunter Valley so we are getting recognition outside the district.” But ensuring they stay ahead of the game, Bago Bluff is about to launch mustard pickle to the market. Judges at this year’s Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards gave the country style mustard pickles their seal of approval, awarding it with Bronze. “They will be on the market as soon as the labels are done,” said Mr Gordon. In the future there might also be salad dressing and barbecue or tomato sauces, with those ideas are on the back burner for now. Mr Gordon admits he does have favourites in the range. “One of my favourite recipes is salmon, in a marinade of chilli jam, with crushed macadamia nuts or almonds; bake for 25 minutes and drizzle with Bago Bluff lemon olive oil. Serve with salad,” he says. He doesn’t stray too far away with dessert, either. “I love our caramelised balsamic vinegar on strawberries and ice cream.” And with people on board with the mild chilli jam, Mr Gordon says there might be a hot version down the track. But he promises that they won’t be messing about with their winning recipes, which can also be found in corporate gift hampers. “It’s our dream to bottle everything that is special about our region.”


Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018

Join Save Our Macleay River (SOMR) members for this year’s Paddle on the Macleay - revisiting Yarrahapinni Wetlands on Saturday October 13 and enjoy the tranquility of this hidden gem. (Photo courtesy SOMR member Christa Schwoebel)

Paddle reveals wetlands Outing will uncover history of local wonder

By SUE PATERICK COMMUNITY group Save Our Macleay River is giving paddlers a chance to explore the tranquil Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park on Saturday, October 13, during its annual Paddle on the Macleay. According to member Christa Schwoebel, this paddle will revisit this special 1224-hectare site. “There is only one way to see the positive changes at Yarrahapinni Wetlands and that is to paddle,” she said. “Paddlers can expect to enjoy the newlygrown mangroves and observe how the flow of tidal saltwater has resulted in a healthy fishbreeding habitat and an increase in numerous fish-eating birds.” This year’s paddle launches at the Golden Hole about 10 kilometres south of pretty Stuarts Point on the banks of the Macleay River and floats languidly to the upper tidal reaches of Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park. Paddlers will enter The Broadwater stream

then wind up the narrowing Boringalla Creek, pass the old ‘Scalds’ area and bob up to Whalens Bridge for a spot of lunch. Remember there are no shops and no way of getting food or water to this pleasant spot so paddlers must bring all their own supplies. The paddle returns the same delightful way on a round trip that covers about 5.5 kilometres. Organisers estimate it will take about two hours each way. Paddle on the Macleay - revisiting Yarrahapinni Wetlands promises to be an informative and interesting day. There will be brief talks about the history of Yarrahapinni Wetlands and plans for further wetlands restoration in the Lower Macleay during a one-hour lunch break. Registration starts at 10.30 at the Golden Hole and costs $5 per person. Paddlers will get their oars wet when the paddle commences at 11.30am. Participants need to bring a canoe and remember to bring enough food, water and sunscreen to sustain them throughout the day.

“We hope to see you there for an informative and enjoyable day in this little known area of the Macleay Valley,” said Christa. Situated on the Macleay River’s floodplain, Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park was once freehold farmland. To improve its agricultural productivity the wetlands were subjected to flood mitigation works in the 1970s and this severely limited the interaction between the wetlands and the Macleay River. According to a NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage website, the flood mitigation works resulted in the degradation of a previously diverse wetland ecosystem, the drying out and leaching of acid sulphate soils, and the decline of fish stocks. The NSW Government bought this private farmland in 1994. It was designated as Crown land in early 1996 and became a reserve for environmental protection in September 1996. The Yarrahapinni Wetlands Reserve Trust took over management of the Crown reserve and

commenced restoration of the wetlands. Since the park was gazetted in 2007, originally under the name Yarrahapinni National Park, members of the former Trust have continued to help with ongoing wetlands’ restoration as part of the Yarrahapinni Wetlands Working Group. Yarrahapinni Wetlands National Park also borders the 459-hectare Clybucca Historic Site, which boasts part of one of the largest estuarine Aboriginal midden complexes recorded in temperate Australia. According to the NSW Government’s Office of Environment and Heritage, the site was an important meeting and sharing place for the Gumbaynggir and Dunghutti nations and was a rich source of food. The website said it was still part of a mythological and spiritual landscape that had high cultural significance to the present-day indigenous nations of the Mid North Coast. The Clybucca Historic Site also cradles littoral rainforest, coastal wetlands and estuarine environments, 135 species of plants and provides habitat for a diversity of fauna species.

FROM THE MAYOR A weekly conversation with Mayor Peta Pinson Last week we had the privilege of having renowned demographer Bernard Salt visit Port Macquarie. Over 200 local business people attended an informative presentation, and I had the pleasure of joining a discussion forum at Council where we had the opportunity to ask many questions related directly towards trends across our region, and how they relate to Council. Council was proud to support these valuable discussions with Australia’s foremost social commentator, and a big thanks must also go to the Port Business Chamber for arranging Bernards visit. For those of you who don’t know what a demographer is, it’s about using data from all sorts of different sources to analyse who we are, including the make-up, changes and trends within our society, and what the future might

look like. This information is not only extremely thought provoking, it help businesses like Council make more informed decisions in planning for our future. Bernard spoke of his experiences and analysis of successful towns and cities, and the fact that they are successful because they have had a clear future vision, not just for the short term, but a plan for the next 20 or 50 years. As Council we also need to be thinking about the longerterm future of our community to ensure it remains a great place to live for our children, their children, and generations beyond. The community planning program we’ve just kicked off will be vital in helping us understand what you, and your local community want to see for future generations and how we might work together towards achieving this. There are many things that we all want done now, including maintaining the facilities we already have, and balancing this with providing new services and infrastructure like roads and community facilities. We’re definitely working hard in this area, and this is really important to support the huge growth we are experiencing right across our community. We do however need to look beyond our immediate needs, ensure we are having the bigger conversations, and are making decisions around our future vision and longer term planning. Council cannot do this alone, and we need your support for, and involvement in this important work too. We’ll be working in close partnership with 18 separate communities over the next few years to develop a vision and localised community plans that meet future needs, and I really encourage you to get involved. Until next week ... Peta.

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018


“ Purchase price $32,000. Fixed annual cost $4000. Achieving a pilot’s “

licence and flying your own plane, priceless.

Open day brings you closer to the heavens By BARBARA DYER FEW of us can resist the urge to look up when a plane flies overhead. When it’s a light plane, flying low, we tend to track its path across the sky, wondering where it’s come from, where it’s going to and about those on board the small aircraft. Many of these questions will be answered on Sunday when Hastings District Flying Club holds its open day at Port Macquarie airport. HDFC will open its doors to the public from 9am, with pilots and members on hand to talk about the history of the club which has been operating in Port Macquarie for 60 years, and tell their own stories, sharing their passion for flying. Veronica Lind of the Hastings District Flying Club said about 700 people were expected to

Ivan Daniel takes in his Storm 300. He will be among the pilots with expert knowledge at the Hastings District Flying Club open day this Sunday. visit the club on Sunday between 9am until 4pm when different types of interesting aircraft would be on display at the Port Macquarie Airport tarmac. “We’ll have everything from various light sport aircraft, to sophisticated general aviation aircraft; from helicopters through to modern, light jet aircraft,” Veronica said. “And for those who dream of flying their own plane, there will be trial introductory flights in one of our training aircraft. “Or people can book a helicopter ride and enjoy the thrill of flight in a rotary wing aircraft. “Or they can experience flying in the jet aircraft YAK52 TW.

“Our flying instructors will be available to share what it’s like to become a student pilot and discuss what’s necessary to learn to fly. “People can sign up for lessons on the spot.” Among the pilots, will be Ivan Daniel who organises sessions when pilots fly to a cafe for coffee and cake. Ivan owns an SG Aviation Storm 300 equipped with 100hp Rotax motor with inflight adjustable pitch propeller, bought in South Australia after six months of negotiation. He recalls the day he flew down with a club member to buy the plane, and his return to Port Macquarie via stops in Mildura and Narromine, as being a memory that will last forever.

“Purchase price $32,000. Fixed annual cost $4000. Achieving a pilot’s licence and flying your own plane, priceless,” says Ivan. Also attending will be Clyde Stubbs who owns a Cirrus, priced between $500,000 to $1 million with a plane parachute. “We also have Rod Hall who owns the Yak jet and is involved in formation flying on Saturdays,” says Veronica. “And then there is Phil Lamb who built his own RV9 and calls it Petal.” The open day on Sunday is also for people who want to stay on the ground, with a historical display, and radio-controlled planes and plastic aircraft models on show.

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Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018

Community L nks

with Robbie Lloyd

Sponsored by SkillsLink Training - your community college.

Ready to work EXAM time is approaching, which means we’re heading towards the end-of-school year, when young people start thinking about skilling up for holiday work, or starting their first serious jobs. The college has a number of courses that will help like - bar skills, White Card, First Aid and other pre-employment pathway programs. Whether you’re looking for Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) or Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG), we offer these plus a number of pre-employment programs that can give you the skills to feel comfortable arriving in your first serious job outside school. Eligible students can access concession prices for many of our programs, especially those that support people who need some extra help. For example, our Forklift Licence Preparation course assists students to prepare for the theory test which is part of the licence requirement. So students attend this five-day program, students with good attendance and who complete their work will be sponsored to take their test – this sponsorship covers the cost of the Forklift Licence. Our MakerSpace programs at No. 4 Albert Circuit offers a wide range of first level skills activities, in building and construction, landscaping and horticulture. Having a great time will come a close second to preparing you for work in this great new program where bicycle recycling, which we call “Deadly Treadly’s”, will give you some beginning skills on the tools and prepare you for work, or maybe even a small business repurposing bikes? You can also access hospitality and retail skills, all of which help with early stage careers in growing industries, plus transportable holiday work skills. Whatever your preference, come in and find out more or contact the college 0265837288. You can call in at 77 Hastings River Drive, and also check out our full programs at



CALL 6583 7288 This training is subsidised by the NSW Govt Port Macquarie Community College RTO 90315

$34million for forest projects

SUPPORTING The NSW Forestry Industry: Applications are now open for a share in $34 million to support new innovative forestry projects across NSW. The NSW Liberals and Nationals Government have created the Forest Industries Innovation Fund to improve profitability, open up new local and international markets, and prepare for future opportunities. The Innovation Fund will provide loans of up to $3 million for a range of projects such as timber mill infrastructure upgrades, development of new products, or initiatives that open new markets. This fund will give industry the opportunity to develop new programs focussed on growing and expanding businesses and creating more job opportunities in regional centres. The $2.4 billion NSW forest and timber industry is an economic driver for the regions and I am pleased we are supporting local jobs. Applications are now open and will run for six weeks. The Forest Industries Innovation Fund supports the objectives of the NSW Forestry Industry Roadmap and will be administered by the Rural Assistance Authority. Eligibility guidelines, application form and other information are available on the RAA website Clubgrants Open Again: Community

STATE MATTERS With Leslie Williams State Member for Port Macquarie

organisations looking to build new or upgrade current facilities are encouraged to apply for funding from the NSW Government’s Infrastructure Grants program. Applications could be submitted for sport and recreation, arts and culture, and emergency preparedness. This funding can make a real difference either by providing new or improved sporting or cultural facilities, or by protecting local residents in emergency situations. This year will see the NSW Government complete its commitment to invest $50 million into community infrastructure projects. The funding is provided through the Clubgrants Category 3 program, which receives a contribution from registered clubs’ gaming machine profits to benefit local communities. Visit: infrastructure-grants/infrastructure-grants

THE COWPER REPORT With Luke Hartsuyker

Federal Member for Cowper

THE government’s Local Sporting Champion program provides financial support for young athletes from our area to compete at the highest levels. In 2016 I presented $500 to Jack Page, then 12 and a budding soccer prodigy in Port, to help his family back his rapidly developing talent. He is one of several locals to have been supported. Since then Jack, whose aim is to become a professional footballer, has shown even greater potential. He has been to Abu Dhabi for training. In January he made a NSW Country Squad. In April he went to Japan for the Under 14s International Youth Football Tournament. I understand Jack is now under the watchful eye of a number of Newcastle clubs. This is just the sort of talent Local Sporting Champions seeks to foster, by making things a little easier on the family budget when the competition is a state, national, or international title event. The program provides grants of between $500 and $750. All that you need to know about the application process is available at local_sporting_champions

A fair dinkum living language SHOULD we write programme or program? Should the authority we have to drive a car be a licence or a license? Do we like colour or color? Would we prefer center to centre? And is jewelry better than jewellery? Over the past ten years the vast majority of mail I have received about our use of the language has centred on so-called Americanisms. This can be a very emotional topic, with correspondents bitter about what they have seen as a trend toward an American takeover of our language. In many cases, however, the American spelling that arouses most debate turns out to be a style that the English had used before influences from other countries had taken over. If we want to blame anyone for the way the Americans express themselves, perhaps we should blame, or commend, Noah Webster. Here is a man whose name arouses about as much passion as the trend he started. Depending on whose opinion you want to accept, Noah Webster was a visionary, an American hero or a “boring old snoot”. Noah Webster, who had many jobs including lawyer and journalist, made his early mark on the American language while serving as a schoolteacher. In 1783 he wrote his own textbook, A Grammatican Institute of the English Language.



When he was 43, realising that Americans in different parts of the country spoke differently, he started writing the first American dictionary. It was revolutionary in many respects, but particularly because he challenged the English spellings in words such as colour and musick. His book, with 70,000 words, was finished in 1828 when he was 70. But regardless of what people thought of the man, much of what he wrote made sense. He asked why people should write musick when music served the purpose just as well. Why did we have to write “our” on the end of so many words when the meaning was there with simply “or”? What purpose did the extra letters have at the end of the word programme? To many people the word Webster’s became synonymous with dictionary. But the American people rejected many of his early suggestions, including groop for group,


fantom for phantom and wimmen. Misreading Pope’s translation of the Odyssey, Webster came up with the word phantomnation, meaning in his words “an illusion”. Australians worry about words such as cookie. Webster borrowed that from the Dutch. Boss also came from the Dutch. Plaza and tornado came from the Spanish. Many of his expressions were English words given a new American context. Space doesn’t allow a detailed discussion on the rights or wrongs of some spelling variations. As for the word program, this was the original English spelling, along with anagram, diagram and telegram, but the English took a liking to the French programme “about the beginning of the 19th century”. When we talk about change, the early English made many changes to pander to overseas influences, while the Americans would argue they simply tried to go back to basics. Who is right? In a living language such as ours, usage determines that. I did notice an early comment from Noah Webster that eventually the English, the Americans and the Australians would eventually speak widely differing languages that could be easily understood only by the inhabitants of each country. That proved to be a bit of a furphy. Fair dinkum.

‘Your local voice’

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Phone: 6585 2233 The sound of the Hastings FIND US ON FACEBOOK

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018


The Great Barrier Reef is under threat from climate change so to make a difference attend Macleay Living Sustainably’s #StopAdani Street by Street campaign on Friday October 12 at the Heritage Hotel in Gladstone. (Photo left courtesy Cherry Muddle, Photo right courtesy Sydney Smith)

Call for anti-mine campaign By SUE PATERICK IF you feel strongly about protecting the environment for future generations then attend the Macleay Living Sustainably (MLS) launch of the #StopAdani Street by Street campaign on Friday, October 12. This Macleay Valley event will be held at the Heritage Hotel at Gladstone from 6pm to 8pm and MLS will have all the information and support you need to get involved. Key speakers will also provide up-to-date information at both a local and national level. MLS founder and spokesperson, Genevieve Furber, urges everyone to come along and find

out why stopping the Adani coal mine from going ahead is the most important environmental fight of our times. According to Ms Furber, the Adani mine would open up the Galilee Basin for an additional nine other mines. “Our Great Barrier Reef is in grave danger and climate change, driven mainly by mining and burning coal, threatens the reef’s very existence,” she said. “In 2016 and 2017 climate change caused a marine heat wave that killed half the shallow water corals in our Great Barrier Reef. “Burning coal from Adani’s mine would drive dangerous climate change, which scientists believe would warm the ocean even further and

kill most of Australia’s iconic Great Barrier Reef They rejected a land deal with Adani four within decades.” times since 2012 and currently have two court MLS are outraged that Adani has been given a challenges underway to try and stop their land free and unlimited water licence to draw billions from being destroyed. of litres of water from the Great Artesian Basin “If you are feeling frustrated about the to wash the coal, while much of the country is in continued political inaction on reducing severe drought. greenhouse gas emissions then this is your So MLS members couldn’t understand why chance to take real action and be part of the the Australian Government would allow the solution,” said Ms Furber. Adani mine to go ahead when the rest of the “Australia is years behind other developed world was moving away from burning coal and countries and unfortunately for Australians it’s transitioning to clean renewable energy, which not enough to just take action on a personal was now cheaper than coal. level, we all need to stand up and show our The land Adani wants to mine belongs to its politicians they need to start taking serious traditional owners the Wangan and Jagalingou $13,200 per person nations. action on climate change now.”


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Thursday 11 October, 2018

Locals sharing their business ‘how to’ ideas

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

We’ve tried to keep it really grassroots “ and tried to focus on and share ideas from THERE are plenty of local small businesses that are flourishing and new business owners are being encouraged to take note. Kempsey Shire Council will be hosting two workshops to help small businesses as part of Small Business Month from October 1-31. “It’s a great time to start a small business in Kempsey,” said Kristy Forche-Baird, Economic Development and Tourism Officer at Kempsey Shire Council. “We have around 2,000 smallmedium size businesses in the Macleay across a variety of sectors. “We have quite stable and predictable growth and we are seeing a lot of start-up small businesses coming through.” The workshops ‘How to find the right staff for my small business’ and ‘Grant and Tendering Workshop for events’ will take place on October 30 and 31. “Our tourism small businesses are doing really well, particularly our accommodation houses, and our cafes and restaurants,” Kristy explains. “Our South Kempsey Corner Store is doing particularly well. They have beautiful new polished floors, great coffee and they are doing really well. They are an example of one of our really vibrant small businesses. “We know that there’s going to be a lot of growth in the cafes and food service areas, and in health and within agriculture. Under the Macleay Valley Food Bowl we are seeing a range of new producers and we’re also seeing existing producers who are also taking up new product lines and expanding their small business.” The workshops will not only be informative but will provide opportunities for local business owners to network with like-minded people. “There will be lots of speakers from different local organisations talking about topics such as how to find the right staff for your small business,” explains Kristy. “The speakers have a lot of pre-employment strategies. For example, they take in some people who are studying and get them to use some of their placement time in the organisation to develop a pre-employent pool. “Here they get to trial out the staff and the

our own business community

students will get a feel of the organisation and see if it’s somewhere they would like to work. “We also have the Young Employee of the Year from the Seabreeze Beach Hotel who will talk about what he looks for in an organisation and what he values and what’s worked for him at the Seabreeze Beach Hotel.” Kempsey Council has put a big focus on keeping the workshops local. “We’ve tried to keep it really grassroots and tried to focus on and share ideas from our own business community,” Kristy said. “The Grants and Tender Writing Workshop also includes a local business coming along who write grants and funding applications for local businesses. They will discuss what you need to do in writing an application and will even share their own template. “Many more speakers with backgrounds in finance, marketing, funding, event organising and much more will be speaking.” The ‘How to find the right staff for my small business’ workshop will be held at the KempseyMacleay RSL Club on Tuesday October 30 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The cost is $20 per person. RSVP by October 23. The ‘Grant and Tendering Workshop for events’ workshop will take place at the Slim Dusty Centre on Wednesday October 31 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm. The cost is $20 per person. RSVP by 24 October. “It’s definitely a positive time in our local economy,” said Kristy. “A lot of our growth comes from existing small businesses and them growing and being able to employ new staff.” Both workshops will be facilitated by Business expert John Goddard, with the format following presentation sessions and a Q&A panel discussion. To register for any of the events go to and for more information contact Kristy Forche-Baird on 6566 3113 or send an email to: kristy.forche-baird@ These workshops are part of the Small Business Month initiative, funded by the NSW Government through the Department of Industry and Kempsey Shire Council.

Above: Melbourne ABBA tribute band, BABBA, and (below) famed Aussie conductor George Ellis

ABBA plus orchestra! THERE’S only one thing better than an ABBA tribute band – an ABBA tribute band backed by an orchestra. George Ellis, one of Australia’s most admired conductors, composers and orchestrators, is bringing together his Sydney orchestra and Melbourne band BABBA. “We did our first concert in the beginning of last year and we have been wanting to work together again since, but we haven’t been able to find the right opportunity,” said Mr Ellis. “Then the wonderful people from MJR in Port Macquarie called us and wanted to put BABBA and our ochestra together to perform in Port Macquarie.” ABBA fans are in for a real treat as the orchestral backing adds a whole new dimension to the timeless songs. “The BABBA look and sound is just like the real ABBA,” Mr Ellis said. “I’ve provided orchestral colour to these songs and we’ve found it’s a great combination. “The feedback has been amazing. For example, when we performed the show last year in Canberra, it started pouring with rain. So we thought people would go because there was still a long part of the concert to go, but they stayed and danced in the rain.” Mr Ellis will lead the 30-piece symphony orchestra with BABBA as they pay loving tribute to ABBA, re-imagining all the favourites including ‘Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!’, ‘Dancing Queen’, ‘Money Money Money’, ‘S.O.S’, ‘Take a Chance on Me’, ‘Chiquitita’, ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Fernando’, and many more. “Songs like ‘Mamma Mia’, initially were done on a keyboard to sound like an orchestral percussion instrument, but we’ve got the

real live orchestral percussion instruments,” explains Mr Ellis. “Although we perform music by the great composers from the past, we grew up with pop music - I can even remember The Beatles when I was very little. So even though we’ve studied and like to play music from Mozart, we do know popular music. “When I give my orchestra an arrangement from The Beatles or David Bowie or ABBA they find it fun and it’s quite easy for them. They like to have a bit of a dance with it too.” The concert takes place on November 3 at 2pm at Westport Park Port Macquarie. Tickets are $39 and can be found at www.

Advertise your business here for outstanding results! Your Local Independent is locally owned and has the largest footprint in the region…it’s 2nd to none! Contact Sandy on: 0457 987 123 or email: for fresh and clean ideas to spread your $$$$ further. YOUR LOCAL The Hastings and Macleay Valley

Live Local, Love Local, Supporting Local

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018

Concert a career taster LOCAL emerging graphic artists are already working their way into future careers. Charles Sturt University Port Macquarie’s Bachelor of Creative Industries in Graphic Design students recently held a music concert to raise funds for their graduating exhibition in December. “Considering the live music fundraiser clashed with multiple events in Port Macquarie, we still had a really good turn out and we raised over $300 for the graduating exhibition,” said Willhemina Wahlin, CSU lecturer in graphic design. “Everyone had a lot of fun and we are very grateful to Yesterday’s Jam and Wildwood Festival for supporting the event.” Ms Wahlin said the graduating exhibition is an important bridge for students between their university and professional lives. “We had our first graduate exhibition last year and we had well over 100 people show up to the opening night of that, which was fantastic,” Ms Wahlin said. “It’s a good opportunity for the graduating students to meet people from the local industries and we encourage these industries to come along and see what the graduates are doing. “It’s also a good opportunity for the family and friends of the graduates to celebrate the achievements of the students and also it’s quite an important event for the students in a lot of ways as well because they’ve had a lot of community involvement throughout their degree. For example, the students designed the Comboyne Cookbook as part of a council project. “It’s a great time for all the people of the community to see the diversity of work they do - some are illustrators, photographers, videographers etc. What they really learn in their degree is around strategy and design thinking and this will help them in all kinds of work they will do in the design industry.” The funds that were raised at the music event will help students pay for printing and other costs for the opening night of the exhibition. “The Port Macquarie campus has put some

CANBERRA CONNECTIONS With Dr David Gillespie Federal MP for Lyne

Above: CSU graphic design students, from left, Mel Streater, Thomas Brown and Beka Dennis at the fundraiser funding towards the exhibition, but the students are responsible for raising funds themselves, which goes towards catering and printing,” explains Ms Wahlin. “We also have quite a few organisations in the community who provide sponsorships for us such as Officeworks, The Other Chef, Bunnings, Yesterday’s Jam, Wildwood Festival, Xerox, The Boathouse, Wildfire Tattoo and Sucret. “The community is amazing in the way that businesses rally around emerging talent. It’s really inspiring.” CSU student Bek Dennis said the live music event and the graduating exhibition are an important way to connect to the community and the industry. “We’re really looking forward to exhibiting our work because it lets us celebrate what we

have done with people in the industry as well as family and friends,” Ms Dennis said. “Adding these connections will open doors in the future.” Ms Dennis has already started building her branding portfolio by working with clients and creating a magazine aimed at young people to share creativity. The graduating exhibition will take place on Friday December 7 from 6pm at CSU Port Macquarie. Tickets are free but people are encouraged to RSVP to the event brite website by searching ‘Metamorphosis’ at https://www. If there are any local businesses or organisations who are interested in becoming sponsors for the event, email au

SENIOR Australians are a vibrant part of our community. Now the Liberal and National Government is calling on sporting and community organisations to develop sporting programs targeted at the over 65s. The Move It Aus – Better Ageing grants program enables national sporting organisations, along with non-government and local government organisations to apply for grants up to $2 million to deliver programs to Australians over 65. Local organisations in our local area are being encouraged to apply for funding for a national $22.9million program aimed at getting older Aussies active. We know Australia’s population is ageing and we know how important physical activity is to combat chronic disease and keep our seniors happier and healthier. I encourage eligible organisations to build on existing programs or devise new initiatives that will improve the lives of senior Australians in our local area. It’s so important for our older Aussies to be connected socially in our community and this is a great chance to either start some physical activity or continue to Move It. It might be anything from a swimming or aqua program group to organised sporting competition; the key is making sport and activity suitable to those over 65. The Liberal National Government wants older Australians to have the opportunities and sporting programs that young Australians have in abundance. It’s not only about health and fitness, sport creates community and social cohesion that prevents senior people feeling isolated. Studies have shown that older people pursue recreation and sport when they can access a program that suits their physical and mental needs.




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Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018

Enterta nment WEEKLY

GIG GUIDE Thu Oct 11 6pm - Luna Bonita - Original Sound Lounge 6584 6555 6.30pm - Club North Haven - Inner Groove 6559 9150 8pm - The Lounge Room - Fight Ibis - 6584 2120 Fri Oct 12 5pm - Moorebeer Brewing Co. - Max De Groot 0401 921 054 5pm - The Boathouse Bar & Restaurant - Mat Brooker - 6589 5200 6pm - Panthers Port Macquarie @ The Tapp Pete Allan and Raylex - 6580 2300 6.30pm - Club Harrington - The Crew Band -

WHAT’S ON FREE LUNCHTIME RECITALS AT THE GLASSHOUSE CONCENTO will be performing at the Glasshouse on Friday, October 12 from 12.30pm – 1.30pm. PORT MACQUARIE & DISTRICTS FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY INC. NEXT general meeting will be held on Saturday, October 13 from 1.30pm in the MacAdams Music Centre, Gordon Street, Port Macquarie. Contact 0475 132 804. PORT MACQUARIE MID NORTH COAST BRANCH ULYSSES CLUB COFFEE on Saturday, October 13 will be at Oasis by the River, 613 Ocean Drive, North Haven at 9.30am. Sunday, October 14 is the Pink Ribbon Ride, meet at the Donut, Olivers Real Food, Port Macquarie at 9.30am. Mid-week ride on Wednesday, October 17, will be a Northern run, meet at the Donut, BP Servo, Port Macquarie at 9am. Contact Phil on 0488 733 520. HAT HEAD COMMUNITY GROUP WILL hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 17 from 10am. The meeting will be followed by a talk on preparing a plan for the coming bush fire season by the Rural Fire Service. Ph Philomena on 0428 390 660. HASTINGS MACLEAY OSTOMY SUPPORT GROUP WILL hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, October 17 from 10am at Room 4, Port Macquarie Public Health Campus, Morton Street, contact 6583 8912. HASTINGS DISTRICT HIGHLAND PIPE BAND BAND practice Monday nights in Port Macquarie, experienced and looking for a band or keen to learn? Ph 0408 414 510 or 0418 677 474 PORT MACQUARIE DAY VIEW CLUB MEETS every third Monday for lunch at Panthers Port Macquarie from 11am. Interesting speakers and good fellowship. Ph Noeline 0407 851 610. RELAXATION CLASSES WILL be held on Monday evenings from 5.30pm at Governors Retirement Resort. Contact Pam Sainsbury 0414 484 890. FAMILY DRUG SUPPORT IS someone you love abusing drugs or alcohol? Are you feeling helpless and don’t know how to cope? You don’t need to do this alone, Family drug support group meets the first and third Monday of each month at the Port Neighbourhood Centre. Ph Pam 0438 994 269. WAUCHOPE COUNTRY CLUB SOCIAL Monday mixed bowls. Individual names need to be in by 12noon to play at 1pm. Ph 6585 3020 or President Clive 0457 178 960. HEART SUPPORT WALKING GROUP MEETS every Monday at 9am at the torpedo behind Laurieton United Services Club for a walk at your own pace. Contact Reg on 0402 822 026. PORT MACQUARIE BAPTIST CHURCH PLAYGROUP is held on Mondays from 9.30am – 11.30am, all families, with children from babies to school age, are welcome. $4 per family per week, contact Elizabeth on 0400 907 516.

arts, music and more...

6556 1209 6.30pm - Kempsey Heights Bowling Club - Gary King - 6562 6666 7.30pm - Panthers Port Macquarie - Rockabilly Hillbillies - 6580 2300 8pm - Lake Cathie Tavern - Chris Murray - 6584 8811 8pm - The Heritage Hotel of Gladstone - James Bennett - 6567 4444 8pm - Port City Bowling Club - The Barfly’s 6583 1133 8pm - Great Northern Hotel Kempsey - MR. 6562 4323 8pm - The Lounge Room - RnB Fridays - 6584 2120 8.30pm - Finnian’s Irish Tavern - RoXferry - 6583 4646 8.30pm - Panthers Port Macquarie - Never

Ending 80’s - Live like its 1989 Album Tour 6580 2300 Sat Oct 13 2pm - The Hastings Hotel - Original Sound Lounge - 6586 1963 4pm - Panthers Port Macquarie - Nathan Cavaleri - 6580 2300 6pm - Panthers Port Macquarie @ The Tapp Back to Back and Anna & Jed - 6580 2300 7pm - Laurieton Hotel - Jason Ray - 6559 9004 7pm - Settlers Inn Hotel - All Abilities Futsal Fundraiser - 6583 3100 7.30pm - Club North Haven - Soundscape - 6559 9150 7.30pm - Panthers Port Macquarie - Gotcha Covered - 6580 2300 7.30pm - Fernhill Tavern - Mr Stitches - 6581 0377

8pm - Port City Bowling Club - Alter Ego - 6583 1133 9pm - Port Macquarie Hotel - Chill Factor - 6580 7888 Sun Oct 14 12pm - Hibbard Sports Club - ROCKtoberfest Picnic Party - 6584 9276 3pm - The Heritage Hotel of Gladstone - Lauren Edwards - 6567 4444 3pm - Seabreeze Beach Hotel - Hannah Pead 6566 6205 3pm - Tacking Point Tavern - Vera Beach - 6582 3939 Wed Oct 17 6.30pm - Botanic Wine Garden - Original Sound Lounge - 6584 3685

PORT MACQUARIE TABLE TENNIS CLUB PLAYS Monday Morning 9am to 12pm Social Single and Doubles Play at Bourne House, First Floor, 10-12 Short Street, Port Macquarie. Also Tues and Thurs Evenings. Ph Geoff 6583 8784. HASTINGS CHORISTERS MEET every Monday night 6.30-8.30pm during School terms at Mackillop Senior College Hall, Lochinvar Place, (off Ocean Drive,) Port Macquarie. Ph Musical Director Robyn Ryan OAM 0407 007 993. PORT MACQUARIE ALATEEN MONDAYS at 4pm to 5pm at Headspace. Contact Dianne 6584 9227 or Kerry 6584 9694. KEMPSEY CARES GROUP MEET every Tuesday at the Catholic Hall, Kempsey from 9.30am till 12.30pm for morning tea and lunch. Ph Geoff Barrie on 0405 581 092 or Margret Hudson on 6562 6690. PORT MACQUARIE HASTINGS CONCERT BAND COME along to the Mac Adams Music Centre, near the Players Theatre and Port Macquarie Pool, on Tuesday nights from 6.30pm. Phone Ben Simon on 0408 486 859. CREATING IN THE HASTINGS A STAGE for everyone meet every Tuesday from 4.30pm to 6pm at the old Scout Hall, Port Macquarie. Contact 6584 0184. MACLEAY QUILTERS MEET every Tuesday from 9.30am at the Kempsey Showground Tea Room. We invite all ladies of all ages who are interested in embroidery, knitting or crochet to join us. Contact Ruth 6561 7113. COMMUNITY CHOIR KALA Rava meets Tuesday’s 7pm at Conservatorium Mid North Coast, 56 Hollingworth St, Port Macquarie. New members welcome, contact Marie van Gend 0448 115 334. PORT MACQUARIE GROW GROUP WEEKLY meeting at Colonial Rooms, St Thomas Anglican Church 10.30am – 12.30pm Tuesdays, small friendly group formed to learn how to overcome anxiety, depression and improve mental health. Contact 1800 558 268. KEMPSEY DISTRICT SILVER BAND BAND rehearsals Tuesday’s, Basics Band 3.45pm; Intermediate Band 4.45pm and Senior Band 6pm. Contact Leonie 0435 081 849. MEDITATION DE-STRESS and give the mind a rest. Tuesdays 7pm, Girl Guides Hall, Hollingworth Street. Contact Linda on 6581 3356. PORT MACQUARIE BAPTIST CHURCH HOLD a craft group every Wednesday, during term from 12.30 to 2.30pm at Port Macquarie Baptist Church, 18 McIntyre Close. Contact Jane 6585 0710 or Lyndall 0428 565 022. SIM’S CHAIR STRETCH STRENGTH BALANCE GROUP EVERY Wednesday from 9.45am – 11.30am at MacAdams Centre, Port Macquarie, seniors welcome. Contact Flo 0420 296 820. LAKE CATHIE LANDCARE MEETS Wednesday at 9am at the Jonathon Dickson Reserve. Contact Peter 0413 31 9343. CWA PORT MACQUARIE EVENING BRANCH MEETS every third Wednesday of each month

at the Lion’s Den, Hastings River Drive, Port Macquarie from 7.15pm. Contact 6583 1452 FRIENDS OF MRS YORK’S GARDEN INC WORKING bees, with morning tea 8am - 11am Wednesday mornings, Cnr Grant and Stewart St. Port Macquarie. Contact Di 0439 853 835 or just turn up with a hat and gloves. PORT MACQUARIE TOASTMASTERS MEET on the first, third and fifth Wednesday nights of each month from 7pm until 9pm at the Tennison Woods Centre, Port Macquarie. Contact 0424 065 111. PANTHERS BRIDGE CLUB PLAYS every Wednesday at 10 am, upstairs in the Renaissance Room at the Panthers Club, finishing around 2.30pm with a break for lunch. Contact Lorraine 6582 3848 if you need a partner. BROKEN BAGO DAY CLUB MEET each Thursday from 10-2pm at Wauchope RSL for quizzes, games, gentle exercises, entertainment and guest speakers. All welcome, contact 6586 1991. BLOKE NOTES A COMMUNITY choir for men of the Hastings hold rehearsals every Thursday during school terms from 6.30pm at the MacAdams Centre near the Players Theatre and Port Macquarie Pool. Contact PORT SENIORS COMPUTER LESSONS THURSDAYS Desktops, Laptops, Windows tablets. Contact Peggy 6559 7439. HEART SUPPORT WALKING GROUP MEETS every Thursday at 9am at Town Beach near the Surf Lifesaving Tower for a walk at your own pace into town and back. All paved and all level with coffee afterwards. Contact Jim on 0412 544 820. PORT MACQUARIE BADMINTON (SENIORS) MIXED group of over 55s meet Fridays from 9.15am to 11.15am at indoor stadium, Hastings River Drive. Racquets, tea and coffee are provided. Phone Margaret on 6584 3673. KOOKABURRA RSL DAY CLUB WE meet in the Kempsey Macleay RSL Memorial Hall from 9am to 1pm to play cards and bingo every Friday. Cost is $6 for morning tea and lunch, contact 6562 3238. RHYTHM MOVES FOR seniors every Friday from 1.30pm - 2.30pm at MacAdams Centre, Port Macquarie. $5 entry, contact Flo 0420 296 820. WAUCHOPE BONSAI WORKSHOP GROUP WILL meet on the second Saturday of the month from 10am, at the Rotary Hall Oxley Lane Wauchope. Contact Steve 0413 585 116. KEMPSEY FAMILY HISTORY GROUP HOLDS intermediate classes on the second Saturday of each month from 12.30pm – 2pm at Kempsey Railway Station. New members welcome, contact Judy on 6567 4276. PORT MACQUARIE WOMEN’S SHED MEET every Sunday from 10am till 3pm at 4 Albert Circuit, Port Macquarie. Various workshops including woodwork, sewing, crochet, knitting and many more activities for members. All welcome, contact Secretary Jeannie Sainty on 0421 254 756.

RHYTHM REVUE PERFORMING song dance and comedy for the aged and dementia affected has a very positive affect. More voluntary performers welcome 6559 6461. LINE DANCING MACLEAY VALLEY SOUTH West Rocks - beginner classes Mondays 10am at School of Arts Hall. Kempsey - beginner classes Tuesday 5pm, Wednesdays 9.30am at Kempsey Heights Bowling Club. Contact Shirley 0429 368 112. PORT MACQUARIE PANTHERS ROCK ‘N’ ROLL DANCE CLUB EZY STEPS rock and roll dance learners classes held Thursdays weekly for 6.45pm in the Senior Citizens Hall in Munster Street. Rockers mid-week social Rock and Roll dancing is held Monday nights from 6.30pm in the Paws Lounge at Panthers, everyone is welcome. Info 0458 429 944. CAMDEN HAVEN BOCCE CLUB JOIN us for a fun game of Bocce. We play Tuesdays and Fridays from 9am to 11am at the rear of the Laurieton United Services Club. Phone Jack on 6559 8676. AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPS MEETS in Port Macquarie on Wednesdays from 5pm to 6.30pm at The John Warner Centre, 59 Davoren Drive, Lourdes Village. Meeting in Kempsey on Monday from 6pm to 7.30pm in the Demountable classroom behind the Catholic Church, Kemp St. Contact Dianne 6584 9227. PORT MACQUARIE-HASTINGS BRIDGE CLUB PLAY available 6 days per week 1pm-4.30pm (be seated by 12.45pm) with sessions for both Beginners/Intermediates and Advanced players. Air-conditioned Clubhouse with ample parking, free tea and coffee and only $4 per session for members. Contact 6583 3767. TOY LIBRARY VOLUNTEER-run library full of toys for loan from a cost of 50cents to $5. Membership fee applies. Every Saturday 9.30am to 11am. Port Macquarie Neighbourhood Centre (cnr of Muston and Dodds st). Contact Alexa Harvey on 0488 198 004. THE HASTINGS NET IS a women’s group which meets monthly in Port Macquarie for dinner with a guest speaker. Come along and meet new friends. For information email: PORT MACQUARIE SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB ARE you over 50? Join our members in bowls, dancing, darts, cards, table tennis and embroidery. If you have a group doing something else, come and see us, we are a public facility for seniors. Cheap fees and activities, at 74 Munster St, contact 6583 7149. What’s On is for non-commercial, volunteer organisations to include upcoming meetings. Please limit submissions to three lines. Submissions should be sent to newsdesk@ by 10am Monday desired week of publication. Please use the words ‘Whats On’ in the subject line.

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018




6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 Movie: The Patron Saint Of Liars. (PG) (1998) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 8.30 Modern Family. Return. 9.30 Movie: This Means War. (M) (2012) Reese Witherspoon, Chris Pine, Tom Hardy. 11.30 Hooked On The Look. (M) Return. 12.00 Scrubs. (PG) 12.30 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Kevin Can Wait. (PG) 2.00 The Block. (PG) 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 Driving Test. (PG) 8.00 RBT. (PG) 8.30 Paramedics. (PG) 9.30 Chicago Med. (M) 10.30 Embarrassing Bodies. (M) 11.30 Major Crimes. (M) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 TV Shop. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 TV Shop. 4.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 5.00 News. 5.30 Today.

6.00 Headline News. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.30 Ent. Tonight. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 TEN Eyewitness News. 6.00 Pointless. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Bachelorette Australia. 8.40 Gogglebox. 9.40 To Be Advised. 10.40 Blue Bloods. (M) 11.40 WIN News. 12.40 The Project. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. (PG) 2.30 Shopping. 4.30 CBS Morning.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Arabic News F24. 12.30 Turkish News. 1.00 PBS News. 2.00 Living Black. 2.30 Wild Canada. 3.35 Bear Grylls: Britain’s Biggest Adventures. 4.30 1916: The Irish Rebellion. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Chefs’ Line. 6.30 News. 7.30 Tony Robinson’s Hidden Britain By Drone. 8.30 How “Mad” Are You? 9.35 War And Peace. 10.30 Outlander. 11.35 SBS News. 12.05 The Missing. (MA15+) 2.20 Resistance. (M) 4.20 Poh’s Kitchen. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.20 Shaun The Sheep. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Chandon Pictures. (M) 8.30 The Hollowmen. (PG) 8.55 Sammy J. 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 9.30 Black Comedy. (M) 10.00 Back In Very Small Business. (M) 10.30 Workaholics. (M) 10.55 30 Rock. (PG) 11.15 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 11.35 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 12.00 Workaholics. (M) 12.25 Archer. (M) 12.45 30 Rock. (M) 1.05 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 1.30 Extras: Xmas Special. (M) 2.50 News Update. 2.55 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo. 7.30 Larry The Wonder Pup. 8.00 Toybox. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Property Ladder UK Revisited. 1.00 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG) 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. (M) 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. (M) 11.30 Medical Emergency. (PG) 12.00 Escape To The Country. 1.00 Auction Squad. 2.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Big Bang. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 7.30 The Middle. (PG) 8.30 Big Bang. (PG) 9.30 Survivor: David Vs Goliath. (PG) 10.30 Movie: Species II. (MA15+) (1998) 12.30 WWE Raw. (MA15+) 1.30 China, IL. (M) 2.00 Adv Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst Evolution. 4.00 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.50 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.10 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 17. Japanese Grand Prix. Highlights. 9.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.30 Star Trek. (PG) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 8.30 Hawaii Five-0. (M) 10.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 2.00 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 3.00 Cheers. (PG) 4.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 5.00 The Doctors. (PG)

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Rex In Rome. (PG) 1.50 Tattoo Age. (PG) 2.40 It’s Suppertime! (PG) 3.05 Dead Set On Life. (PG) 3.55 VICE News Tonight. 4.25 WorldWatch. 5.25 If You Are The One. (PG) 6.35 Seconds From Disaster. 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Dateline. 8.35 Walt Disney. (PG) 10.40 Natural Wines With Clovis. 12.05 VICE News Tonight. 12.30 The Feed. 1.00 Orphan Black. (M) 1.50 Wild Ride. (MA15+) 2.45 Deutsche Welle English News. 3.00 Thai News. 3.30 Bangla News. 4.00 Punjabi News. 4.30 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 5.35 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. (PG) 6.00 Miraculous Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir. 6.25 What It’s Like. Return. 6.35 The Funny Ones. 6.55 BTN Newsbreak. 7.05 Horrible Histories. (PG) 8.00 The Dengineers. 8.30 Advice To My 12 Year Old Self. 8.35 A Field Guide To Being A 12-Year-Old Girl. 8.55 First Day. (PG) 9.10 Shame. 9.30 Summer’s Day. (PG) 9.50 Rage. (PG) 10.40 Close. 5.00 Molang. 5.05 Japanizi: Going, Going, Gong! 5.25 Total Drama Presents: Ridonculous Race. 5.45 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Fishing Western Australia. 7.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 8.30 American Pickers. (PG) 9.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 10.00 A Football Life. (PG) 11.00 Swamp People. (PG) 12.00 World Of X Games. 2.00 Swamp People. (PG) 3.00 American Pickers. (PG) 4.00 Swamp People. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Deadly Down Under. (M) New. 9.00 Movie: Fat Pizza. (MA15+) (2003) 11.00 Housos. (MA15+) 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. 12.20 Movie: Brighton Rock. (PG) (1948) 2.15 My Favorite Martian. 2.45 Mad About You. (PG) 3.15 Miss Marple. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Life In The Air. 8.40 Movie: Runaway Jury. (PG) (2003) 11.05 The Bletchley Circle. (M) 12.05 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 1.00 Call And Win. (M) 3.00 TV Shop. 4.30 Joyce Meyer. (PG) 5.00 TV Shop.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Dofus. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Transformers: Robots In Disguise. 7.35 Cardfight!! Vanguard G: GIRS Crisis. 8.00 Scope. 8.35 Care Bears And Cousins. 9.00 Littlest Pet Shop. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.30 Becker. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Frasier. (PG) 7.30 Raymond. (PG) 8.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Cooks Vs Cons. 6.30 Mystery Diners. (PG) 7.00 Drive Thru Australia. 7.30 Man Fire Food. 8.00 BBQ Addiction. 8.30 Food Paradise. 9.30 Man Vs Food Nation. 10.30 Bizarre Foods. 11.30 Chopped. (PG) 12.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 1.30 BBQ Addiction. 2.00 Man Fire Food. 2.30 Mystery Diners. (PG) 3.00 Food Lab. 3.30 Drive Thru Australia. 4.00 Barefoot Contessa. (PG) 4.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 5.30 Bizarre Foods. 6.30 BBQ Addiction. 7.00 Man Fire Food. 7.30 Chopped. (PG) 8.30 Man Fire Food. 9.30 Chefs’ Line. 10.00 Bizarre Foods. 11.00 Late Programs.

Thursday, OcTOber 11

6.00 News. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Grand Designs NZ. 11.00 Gardening Aust. 11.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. (PG) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Boyer Lecture: Professor John Rasko. 1.30 The King Sun: John Olsen. 2.00 Man Up. (M) 3.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 3.45 The Cook And The Chef. 4.15 Pointless. 5.10 Drum. 6.00 Grand Designs NZ. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Grand Designs Aust. 8.50 To Be Advised. 9.20 Wentworth. (MA15+) Return. 10.10 ABC Late News. 10.35 The Business. 10.55 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 Mornings With Joe O’Brien. 12.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 6.10 Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 ABC National News. 8.00 ABC Evening News. 9.00 Matter Of Fact. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News Tonight. 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Zombie House Flipping. 1.00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt. 2.00 Restored. 3.00 The Block: Fans V Faves. (PG) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 5.00 Good Bones. (PG) 6.00 House Hunters Int. 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Botched By Nature. (M) 8.30 Body Bizarre. (M) 9.30 Bizarre E.R. (M) 10.30 Late Programs. PMI

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Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018

7 DAY TV GUIDE 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 Movie: Can’t Be Heaven. (PG) (2000) 2.00 The Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Seven News: Princess Eugenie Wedding. 7.30 The Royal Wedding Of Princess Eugenie. 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.45 Hooked On The Look. (M) 12.30 Shopping.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Movie: Playing For Keeps. (PG) (2012) 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 8.35 Movie: The Lucky One. (M) (2012) 10.40 To Be Advised. 12.50 Extra. 1.30 TV Shop. 4.00 Global Shop. 4.30 Filthy Rich. (M) Final. 5.30 ACA.

6.00 Headline News. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 The Living Room. (PG) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 GCBC. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Pointless. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 The Living Room. 8.30 The Graham Norton Show. 9.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 10.30 To Be Advised. 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 The Project. 2.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 The Point. 3.00 WorldWatch. 3.30 Nordlandsbanen Train Journey. 4.30 1916: The Irish Rebellion. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Chefs’ Line. Final. 6.30 News. 7.35 Extreme Railway Journeys. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Intolerable Cruelty. (2003) 10.25 SBS News. 10.55 Movie: Manhood. (MA15+) (2007) 12.25 Ouro: Amazon Gold. (MA15+) 4.30 Poh’s Kitchen. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 9.25 Blackadder The Third. (PG) 9.55 I’m Alan Partridge. (M) 10.25 Workaholics. (M) 10.50 30 Rock. (M) 11.10 Episodes. (M) 11.40 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.00 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 12.25 Workaholics. (M) 12.50 30 Rock. (PG) 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Toybox. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 1.00 Better Homes. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Border Security: Int. (PG) 7.00 Better Homes. 8.30 Selling Houses Aust. 10.30 The House That 100K Built. 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Big Bang. (PG) 1.00 The Middle. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 5.30 Movie: Finding Neverland. (PG) (2004) 7.30 Movie: Charlie And The Chocolate Factory. (PG) (2005) 9.45 Movie: Something Borrowed. (M) (2011) 12.00 WWE Smackdown. (MA15+) 1.00 Total Divas. (M) 2.00 Adv Time. (PG) 2.30 Rick And Morty. (MA15+) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Motorcycle Racing. MotoGP. Race 15. Thailand Grand Prix. Replay. 9.30 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.30 Star Trek. (PG) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 ST: Next Gen. (PG) 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 11.30 NCIS: LA. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 2.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 4.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

6.00 WorldWatch. 3.15 Dateline. 3.45 VICE News Tonight. 4.15 WorldWatch. 5.15 If You Are The One. (PG) 6.30 Seconds From Disaster. 7.30 Speed With Guy Martin. 8.35 Adam Looking For Eve. 9.30 Harlots. Return. 11.30 Hollywood Love Story. (M) New. 12.00 Hollywood Love Story. (MA15+) 12.25 VICE News Tonight. 12.50 The Trixie & Katya Show. (MA15+) 1.15 Orphan Black. (MA15+) 2.05 Wild Ride. (M) 2.35 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Dragons: Race To The Edge. (PG) 6.25 Operation Ouch! 6.50 Deadly Pole To Pole. 7.20 BTN Newsbreak. 7.30 Thunderbirds Are Go. (PG) 7.50 Odd Squad. 8.05 The Adventures Of Puss In Boots. (PG) 8.25 Good Game Spawn Point. 8.50 Voltron: Legendary Defender. (PG) 9.15 Sailor Moon Crystal. (PG) 9.40 Sword Art Online. (PG) 10.00 K-On! 10.25 Close. 5.00 Molang. 5.05 Japanizi: Going, Going, Gong! 5.25 Children’s Programs.

6.00 World Of X Games. 6.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 6.30 Movie: The Next Karate Kid. (PG) (1994) Hilary Swank, Pat Morita, Michael Ironside. 8.45 Movie: Gladiator. (M) (2000) Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen. 11.55 Family Guy. (M) 1.00 Motor Racing. Outlaw Nitro Funny Cars. Replay. 2.00 Motor Racing. Outlaw Nitro Funny Cars. Replay. 3.00 To Be Advised.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. 12.10 Movie: The Magic Box. (G) (1951) 2.25 My Favorite Martian. 2.55 Mad About You. (PG) 3.25 Expedition Unknown. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 RBT. (PG) 8.30 Movie: In The Line Of Fire. (M) (1993) 11.10 House. (M) 12.10 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Rules Of Engagement. (PG) 3.30 Becker. (PG) 4.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Street Smart. (PG) 8.00 Raymond. (PG) 8.30 Movie: 10 Things I Hate About You. (PG) (1999) 10.30 Sex And The City. (MA15+) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 1.30 BBQ Addiction. 2.00 Man Fire Food. 2.30 Mystery Diners. (PG) 3.00 Food Lab. 3.30 Drive Thru Australia. (PG) 4.00 Barefoot Contessa. 4.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 5.30 Bizarre Foods. 6.30 BBQ Addiction. 7.00 Man Fire Food. 7.30 Giada On The Beach. New. 8.30 Ottolenghi’s Mediterranean Island Feast. 9.30 Chefs’ Line. 10.00 Bizarre Foods. 10.30 Late Programs.

Friday, OctOber 12

6.00 Morning Programs. 11.00 Gardening Aust. 11.30 Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 One Plus One. 1.30 Robert McFarlane: The Still Point. 2.00 Newton’s Law. (M) 2.55 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 3.45 Teenage Boss. Final. 4.15 Pointless. 5.10 Drum. 6.00 Grand Designs NZ. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Gardening Aust. 8.30 Father Brown. (M) 9.15 Line Of Duty. (M) 10.20 ABC Late News. 10.45 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 Mornings With Joe O’Brien. 12.00 ABC News. 3.00 ABC News Afternoons. 6.10 Drum. 7.00 ABC National News. 8.00 ABC Evening News. 9.00 Planet America. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News Tonight. 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 House Hunters Reno. 1.00 Hotel Impossible. (PG) 2.00 Beach Hunters. 3.00 The Block: Fans V Faves. (PG) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 5.00 Texas Flip And Move. 6.00 House Hunters Int. 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Maine Cabin Masters. (PG) Final. 8.30 Barnwood Builders. 10.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Home Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. Caulfield Guineas Day. The Everest. 5.00 Seven News At 5. 5.30 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Movie: Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets. (PG) (2002) 10.20 Movie: Lethal Weapon 4. (MA15+) (1998) 1.00 Shopping.

6.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Destination Happiness. 12.30 Anna Gare’s Cab Fare. New. 1.00 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 2.00 The Block. (PG) 4.00 Garden Gurus. 4.30 Getaway. (PG) 5.00 NBN News. 5.30 Rugby League. Trans-Tasman Test. New Zealand v Australia. 8.15 Movie: Back To The Future Part III. (PG) (1990) 10.35 Movie: The Expendables 3. (M) (2014) 1.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 The Living Room. 1.00 The 48 Hour Destination. 1.30 The Renovation King. 2.00 Healthy Homes Aust. 2.30 Travels With The Bondi Vet. (PG) 3.00 Pooches At Play. 3.30 Everyday Gourmet. 4.00 What’s Up Down Under. 4.30 Fishing Aust. 5.00 News. 6.00 Luxury Escapes. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.00 Game Of Games. (PG) 8.30 Ambulance. (M) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Small Business Secrets. 2.30 Australia’s Shark Menace. (PG) 3.00 Basketball. WNBL. Round 1. Perth Lynx v Adelaide Lightning. 5.00 Gymnastics. FIG Artistic World Challenge Cup Series. Round 6. 5.30 Eating History: Italy. (PG) 6.30 News. 7.35 Cruising With Jane McDonald. 8.30 The Wine Show. New. 9.30 Hidden Restaurants With Michel Roux Jnr. 10.30 Movie: Pan’s Labyrinth. (MA15+) (2006) 12.40 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 8.30 Mock The Week. 9.00 Live At The Apollo. (M) 9.45 Chris Ramsey’s Stand Up Central. (MA15+) 10.10 Comedy Next Gen. (MA15+) 11.10 Comedy Up Late. (M) 11.40 Live From The BBC. (M) 12.40 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (M) 1.20 Never Mind The Buzzcocks. (M) 1.50 Live At The Apollo. (M) 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.30 Selling Houses Aust. 1.30 Sydney Weekender. 2.00 The Great Australian Doorstep. (PG) 2.30 To Be Advised. 3.00 Qld Weekender. 3.30 The Great Day Out. 4.00 Creek To Coast. 4.30 SA Weekender. 5.00 Horse Racing. Caulfield Guineas Day. The Everest. 6.00 The Zoo. 6.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 7.30 Mighty Cruise Ships. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 1.30 Surfing. World League. Corona Open J-Bay. H’lights. 2.30 Basketball. NBL. Round 1. Sydney Kings v Adelaide 36ers. 5.00 Movie: Sgt Bilko. (G) (1996) 7.00 Movie: Grown Ups. (PG) (2010) 9.00 Movie: The Other Guys. (M) (2010) 11.10 Kevin Can Wait. (PG) 12.00 Adult Swim. (MA15+) 12.30 Squidbillies. (MA15+) 12.45 Moral Orel. (MA15+) 1.00 Total Divas. (M) 2.00 Step Dave. (M) 3.00 Thunderbirds. 4.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Cheers. (PG) 9.00 Australian Survivor. (PG) 11.30 Fishing Edge. 12.00 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 1.00 Motor Racing. Dunlop Super2 Series. Round 6. Highlights. 2.00 Motor Racing. Porsche Carrera Cup Championship. Round 7. Highlights. 3.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 4.00 Reel Action. 4.30 Operation Repo. (PG) 5.00 The Life Of Mammals. 6.00 Scorpion. (PG) 8.00 Hawaii Five-O. (M) 9.00 Bergerac. (M) 10.10 Allo! Allo! (PG) 11.10 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Insight. 1.00 Front Up. 1.30 The Business Of Life. (PG) 2.25 VICE Does America. (PG) 3.15 States Of Undress. (PG) 4.05 Cyberwar. (PG) 4.35 WorldWatch. 5.35 MythBusters. (PG) 7.30 If You Are The One. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Sunshine. (M) (2007) 10.30 Movie: Runaway. (M) (1984) 12.25 The Movie Show. 1.30 Vs Arashi. (M) 2.30 France 24 News In English From Paris. 3.00 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Dragons: Race To The Edge. (PG) 6.25 Operation Ouch! 6.50 Deadly Pole To Pole. 7.20 The Zoo. 7.35 Thunderbirds Are Go. 7.55 Odd Squad. 8.10 The Adventures Of Puss In Boots. (PG) 8.30 All Hail King Julien. 8.55 Fangbone! (PG) 9.05 Numb Chucks. 9.20 The Wild Adventures Of Blinky Bill. 9.30 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness. 9.55 My Year 12 Life. (PG) 10.20 Shaun The Sheep. 10.30 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Going Bush. 12.30 Timbersports. Australian C’ship. Stop 2. Replay. 1.00 Blokesworld. (PG) 1.30 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 2.00 Motor Racing. Sunraysia Safari Rally. 3.00 Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. (PG) 3.30 Big Australia. (PG) 4.30 Swamp People. (PG) 5.30 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 6.00 Outback Truckers. (PG) 7.00 Movie: Armageddon. (PG) (1998) 10.00 Movie: Zero Dark Thirty. (M) (2012) 1.30 Late Programs.

6.00 TV Shop. 10.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 11.00 Movie: The Queen Of Spades. (PG) (1949) 1.00 Movie: Muscle Beach Party. (G) (1964) 3.00 Rugby League. Women’s Trans-Tasman Test. New Zealand v Australia. 5.00 Customs. (PG) 5.30 Movie: Untamed Frontier. (PG) (1952) 7.00 Movie: Escape From Alcatraz. (PG) (1979) 9.25 Movie: The Quick And The Dead. (MA15+) (1995) 11.35 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 12.35 Late Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Blazing Team. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.00 Treasure Island. 7.30 Lexi And Lottie: Trusty Twin Detectives. 8.00 Kuu-Kuu Harajuku. 8.30 Totally Wild. 9.05 The Loop. (PG) 11.35 Charmed. (PG) 1.30 To Be Advised. 4.30 Street Smart. (PG) 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 9.30 Gogglebox. 10.30 Movie: Big Momma’s House 2. (M) (2006) 12.30 The Loop. (PG) 3.00 Shopping. 4.00 Charmed. (PG)

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Bizarre Foods. 11.30 Chopped. 12.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 1.30 BBQ Addiction. 2.00 Man Fire Food. 2.30 Giada On The Beach. 3.00 Mystery Diners. (PG) 4.00 Star Plates. New. 5.30 Mystery Diners. (PG) 6.00 Crazy Cookie Builds. 6.30 Kids BBQ Championship. 7.30 Ridiculous Cakes. 8.30 Food Paradise. 9.30 Follow Donal To Europe. 10.30 Jerusalem On A Plate. 11.35 Late Programs.

Saturday, OctOber 13

6.00 Rage. (PG) 11.05 Grand Designs Aust. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Father Brown. (M) 1.15 Tim Winton’s The Turning. (M) 1.35 Our Zoo. (PG) Final. 2.30 The AI Race. 3.30 Outback ER. (PG) 4.00 Landline. 4.30 Tony Robinson’s Time Walks. 5.00 Antiques Roadshow. 6.00 Compass. (PG) 6.30 Back Roads. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 Miniseries: Exile. (M) 8.30 Miniseries: Apple Tree Yard. (M) 9.25 Rake. (M) Final. 10.25 Thirteen. (M) 11.25 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 News. 12.30 Landline. 1.00 News. 1.15 Planet America. 2.00 News. 2.30 Close Of Business. 3.00 News. 3.30 The Breakfast Couch. 4.00 News. 4.30 The Drum Weekly. 5.00 News. 5.30 One Plus One. 6.00 News. 6.30 The Mix. 7.00 News. 7.30 Aust Story. 8.10 Four Corners. 9.00 Late News.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Barnwood Builders. 2.00 Hidden Potential. 3.00 Lakefront Bargain Hunt. 4.00 Worst To First. 5.00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt. 6.00 Beach Hunters. 7.00 Home Town. 8.00 House Hunters. 9.00 House Hunters Int. 10.00 House Hunters Reno. 11.00 Late Programs. PMI

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018


7 DAY TV GUIDE 6.00 Shopping. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 Morning Show. (PG) 12.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 1.00 The World’s Oddest Animal Couples. (PG) 2.00 Jump Off. 3.00 Movie: Viva Las Vegas. (G) (1964) 5.00 News At 5. 5.30 Sydney Weekender. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 All Together Now – The 100. (PG) 8.15 Sunday Night. 9.15 Anita Cobby: You Thought You Knew It All. (M) 10.50 Crime Investigation Australia. (MA15+) 12.30 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Morning Programs. 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Sports Sunday. (PG) 11.00 Surf Ranch Open Preview Show. 12.00 Ultimate Airport Dubai. (PG) 1.00 Patriot Games. (PG) 2.00 Netball. Constellation Cup. Game 3. New Zealand v Australia. 4.00 Delish Destinations. (PG) 4.30 Helloworld. 5.00 News. 5.30 Customs. (PG) 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 The Block. (PG) 8.30 60 Minutes. 9.30 Armed And Deadly. (M) 10.30 See No Evil. (M) 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.00 Foodie Adventures With Ash Pollard. (PG) 9.30 St10. (PG) 12.00 Luxury Escapes. (PG) 12.30 Food Fight Club. 1.30 Game Of Games. (PG) 3.00 Australia By Design: Landscapes. 3.30 The 48 Hour Destination. 4.00 RPM. 5.00 News. 6.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 6.30 The Sunday Project. 7.30 Game Of Games. (PG) 9.00 NCIS. (M) 10.00 Sherlock Holmes: Elementary. (M) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 7.00 Small Business Secrets. 7.30 WorldWatch. 1.00 Motorcycle Racing. Australian Superbike C’ship. Round 7. 3.30 Cycling. Cape To Cape MTB. H’lights. 4.30 Voxwomen. 5.00 Small Business Secrets. 5.30 True Evil: The Making Of A Nazi. 6.30 News. 7.30 Italy’s Invisible Cities. (PG) 8.40 Expedition Volcano. 10.40 Blackout In Puerto Rico. 11.40 Go Back To Where You Came From Live. 12.45 Midnight Sun. (MA15+)

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. (PG) 8.00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. (PG) 8.40 Danny Bhoy: Live At The Sydney Opera House. (M) 9.50 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled. (M) 10.40 Would I Lie To You? (PG) 11.10 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 11.40 The Catherine Tate Show. (M) 12.10 Blackadder The Third. (PG) 12.40 I’m Alan Partridge. (M) 1.10 Chandon Pictures. (M) 1.40 Troy. (M) 2.25 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Harry’s Practice. 10.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 11.00 NBC Today. 12.00 Malaysia Kitchen. 12.30 Sean’s Kitchen. (PG) 1.00 The Outdoor Room. 1.30 Escape To The Country. 4.30 Intolerant Cooks. (PG) 5.00 Mighty Cruise Ships. 6.00 Mighty Ships. 7.00 Border Security: Int. (PG) 8.00 Border Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Border Security. (PG) 10.00 Border Security: Int. (PG) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 2.30 Basketball. NBL. Round 1. Melbourne United v New Zealand Breakers. 5.00 American Ninja Warrior. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 8.30 Movie: xXx. (M) (2002) 11.00 Big Bang. (PG) 12.00 Adult Swim. (MA15+) 12.30 Squidbillies. (MA15+) 12.45 Moral Orel. (MA15+) 1.00 Balls Of Steel. (MA15+) 3.00 Thunderbirds. 4.00 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG) 4.30 Beyblade Burst. 5.10 Yo-Kai. (PG) 5.30 Yu-Gi-Oh! (PG)

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Escape Fishing. 11.00 Fishing Edge. 11.30 Reel Action. 12.00 Air Racing. Red Bull Series. Round 7. Highlights. 12.30 The Doctors. (PG) 1.30 Motor Racing. SuperUtes Series. Bathurst 1000. Highlights. 2.30 Monster Jam. 3.30 Healthy Homes. 4.00 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 4.30 Pooches At Play. 5.00 What’s Up Down Under. 5.30 I Fish. 6.00 Scorpion. (PG) 7.00 The Life Of Mammals. 9.00 Movie: Tombstone. (M) (1993) 11.40 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 PopAsia TV. (PG) 1.00 Front Up. 1.30 Vs Arashi. 2.25 VICE World Of Sports. (PG) 2.50 Balls Deep. (PG) 3.40 The Mindy Project. (PG) 4.30 MythBusters. (PG) 6.30 Muslims Like Us Australia. 7.30 The Gadget Show. 8.30 Movie: Jennifer’s Body. (2009) 10.30 Movie: We Are The Night. (MA15+) (2010) 12.20 Movie: Adventureland. (M) (2009) 2.15 Wild Ride. (MA15+) 2.45 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 6.25 Operation Ouch! 6.50 Deadly Pole To Pole. 7.20 The Zoo. 7.35 Thunderbirds Are Go. (PG) 7.55 Odd Squad. 8.10 The Adventures Of Puss In Boots. (PG) 8.30 All Hail King Julien. 8.55 Fangbone! 9.05 Numb Chucks. 9.20 The Wild Adventures Of Blinky Bill. 9.30 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness. 9.55 My Year 12 Life. (PG) 10.20 Shaun The Sheep. 10.30 Rage. (PG) 2.30 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Swamp People. (PG) 11.30 Water Sports. Sailor Jerry Surftag Australian Championships. 12.00 The Fishing Show. (PG) 1.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 2.00 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 2.30 Beverly Hills Pawn. (PG) 4.00 Fish Of The Day. (PG) 4.50 Swamp People. (PG) 5.50 World’s Craziest Fools. (PG) 6.50 Movie: Hot Shots! (PG) (1991) 8.30 Movie: Die Hard. (M) (1988) 11.25 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 The Incredible Journey Presents. (PG) 9.00 TV Shop. 10.10 Movie: Bonnie Prince Charlie. (G) (1948) 12.35 Anna Gare’s Cab Fare. 1.05 Destination Happiness. (PG) 1.35 Garden Gurus. 2.05 Getaway. (PG) 2.35 Movie: Pillow Talk. (G) (1959) 4.45 Movie: Midnight Lace. (PG) (1960) 7.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG) 9.00 Major Crimes. (M) 10.00 Law & Order: S.V.U. (M) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Toasted TV. 6.05 Blazing Team. 6.30 Mia And Me. 7.05 Kuu Kuu Harajuku. 7.35 Invizimals. 8.05 Sanjay And Craig. 9.00 TMNT. 10.00 Scope. 10.30 The Bureau Of Magical Things. 11.00 Brady Bunch. 12.00 Pointless. (PG) 2.30 Frasier. (PG) 3.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Raymond. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Raymond. (PG) 8.30 Stage Mums. (PG) New. 8.40 Movie: Morning Glory. (M) (2010) 10.50 Raymond. (PG) 12.20 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Jerusalem On A Plate. 9.35 Crazy Cookie Builds. 10.00 Star Plates. 11.30 Ridiculous Cakes. 12.30 Food Paradise. 1.30 Follow Donal To Europe. 2.30 Crazy Cookie Builds. 3.00 Mystery Diners. (PG) 4.00 Star Plates. 6.00 Cookin’ With Salt-N-Pepa. New. 6.30 Kids BBQ Championship. 7.30 Must Try Asia. 8.30 Rick Stein’s India. 9.35 Battle Of The Vines. (PG) 10.35 Food Paradise. 11.30 Late Programs.

Sunday, OctOber 14

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Aust. 2.30 Building Australia. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 4.00 The Mix. 4.30 Everyone’s A Critic. (PG) 4.55 Ask The Doctor. (PG) 5.25 Hard Quiz. (PG) 6.00 World’s Busiest Cities. (PG) 7.00 ABC News Sunday. 7.40 Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road Adventure. 8.30 Pine Gap. (M) New. 10.20 Vera. (M) 11.50 Line Of Duty. (M) 12.50 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 News. 12.30 Close Of Business. 1.00 News. 1.30 The Mix. 2.00 News. 2.30 Aust Story. 3.00 News. 3.30 Landline. 4.00 News. 4.30 One Plus One. 5.00 News. 5.30 Foreign Corre. 6.00 News. 6.15 Planet America. 7.00 News. 8.00 Insiders. 9.00 National Wrap. 9.45 News. 10.00 Late News.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 House Hunters. 12.30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt: Renovation. 1.30 Selling LA. (PG) 2.30 Maine Cabin Masters. (PG) 3.30 Home Town. 4.30 House Hunters Int. 5.30 Flipping Out. (PG) 6.30 Texas Flip And Move. 7.30 Fixer Upper. (PG) 9.30 Hidden Potential. 10.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 Movie: Happy Face Killer. (M) (2014) 2.00 Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Emergency Call. (PG) 8.00 Border Security: Australia’s Front Line. (PG) 8.30 Wanted. (M) Return. 10.30 Chicago Fire. (M) 11.30 Car Wars. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 The Block. (PG) 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Serial Killer With Piers Morgan. (M) 9.40 Madness In The Fast Lane. (MA15+) 10.50 Better Late Than Never. (PG) 11.50 Two And A Half Men. (M) 12.40 Cold Case. (M) 1.30 TV Shop. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Headline News. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.30 Ent. Tonight. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Foodie Adventures With Ash Pollard. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Pointless. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Blind Date. (PG) New. 8.30 Have You Been Paying Attention? (M) 9.30 The Graham Norton Show. (M) 10.30 Sports Tonight. 11.00 The Project. 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 2.10 Paris. (M) 2.55 Off The Record. 3.25 André Rieu: Live In Maastricht. 4.25 Queen Victoria’s Children. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Taste Of Shanghai. 6.30 News. 7.35 Britain’s Most Historic Towns. 8.30 The Diet Testers. (PG) 9.30 24 Hours In Emergency. (M) 10.25 SBS News. 10.55 The World Game. 11.25 The Day. (M) 1.15 Valkyrien. (M) 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 NHK World English News. 5.30 Deutsche Welle.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.30 Whovians. (PG) 8.00 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (M) 8.45 Josh. (PG) 9.10 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 9.35 Alan Davies: As Yet Untitled. (M) 10.20 Shock Horror Aunty. (MA15+) 10.55 Workaholics. (M) 11.15 30 Rock. (PG) 11.40 Episodes. (MA15+) 12.05 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 12.30 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 12.55 Workaholics. (M) 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Toybox. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 10.30 NBC Press. 11.30 Intolerant Cooks. (PG) 12.00 The Great Outdoors. 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. (PG) 8.30 Foyle’s War. (M) 10.30 The Last Detective. (M) 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Top Gear. (PG) 12.30 Big Bang. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 9.00 Movie: The Nice Guys. (MA15+) (2016) 11.30 Big Bang. (PG) 12.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG) 1.30 China, IL. (MA15+) 2.00 Adv Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst. 4.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 Whacked Out Sports. (PG) 8.15 RPM. 9.15 Sports Tonight. 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.30 The Doctors. (PG) 12.30 NCIS. (M) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 ST: Next Gen. 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 8.30 NCIS. (M) 11.30 CSI: Miami. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 3.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 4.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 5.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 12.00 Rex In Rome. (PG) 1.55 Cyberwar. (PG) 2.30 Motherboard. (PG) 3.00 PopAsia TV. (PG) 4.00 Vs Arashi. 5.00 If You Are The One. 6.15 Vice News This Week. New. 6.40 Seconds From Disaster. 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Travel Man. 8.35 South Park. 9.05 The Orville. (M) 9.55 How “Mad” Are You? 11.00 Undressed Italy. (PG) 12.40 Spotless. (MA15+) 1.40 Orphan Black. (M) 2.30 CGTN English News. 3.00 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.25 A Stargazer’s Guide To The Cosmos. 11.30 Children’s Programs. 3.45 Making Child Prodigies. 3.55 Children’s Programs. 6.50 Deadly Pole To Pole. 7.20 Children’s Programs. 8.25 All Hail King Julien. 8.50 Fangbone! 9.00 Numb Chucks. (PG) 9.15 The Wild Adventures Of Blinky Bill. 9.25 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness. 9.50 Children’s Programs. 10.25 Rage. (PG) 11.25 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 NFL. NFL; Week 6; Cincinnati Bengals v Pittsburgh Steelers; Continued. 7.30 NFL. NFL. Week 6. Dallas Cowboys v Jacksonville Jaguars. 10.30 World Of X Games. 11.00 Morning Programs. 3.00 Swamp People. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 American Restoration. (M) 8.30 Movie: Soldier. (M) (1998) 10.30 Movie: Max Payne. (MA15+) (2008) 12.30 Late Programs.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. 12.00 Movie: The Servant. (M) (1963) 2.25 My Favorite Martian. 2.55 Mad About You. (PG) 3.25 Expedition Unknown. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (M) 8.40 New Tricks. (PG) 9.50 Born To Kill? Class Of Evil. (M) 10.50 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Raymond. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Posh Frock Shop. New. 7.30 100% Hotter. (PG) Return. 8.30 The Flash. (M) 10.30 Buffy The Vampire Slayer. (M) 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Kids BBQ Championship. 9.00 Must Try Asia. 10.00 Rick Stein’s India. 11.05 Star Plates. 1.00 Cookin’ With Salt-NPepa. 1.30 Battle Of The Vines. (PG) 3.05 Food Lab. 3.30 Drive Thru Australia. 4.00 Barefoot Contessa. 4.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 5.30 Bizarre Foods. 6.30 BBQ Addiction. 7.00 Man Fire Food. 7.30 The Grill Dads. 8.30 Man Fire Food. 9.30 Man V Food. 10.00 Unwrapped 2.0. 10.30 Bizarre Foods. 11.25 Late Programs.

MOnday, OctOber 15

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Landline. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 3.45 Silvia’s Italian Table. (PG) 4.15 Pointless. 5.10 Drum. 6.00 Doctor Who. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Aust Story. 8.30 Four Corners. 9.15 Media Watch. (PG) 9.35 Q&A. 10.40 ABC Late News. 11.10 The Business. 11.25 Golf. PGA Tour. CIMB Classic. Highlights. 12.20 Parliament. 1.20 Rage. (MA15+) 4.45 New Inventors. 5.15 Pointless.

6.00 News. 9.00 Mornings With Joe O’Brien. 12.00 ABC News. 2.00 Parliament. 3.15 ABC News Afternoons. 6.10 Drum. 7.00 ABC National News. 8.00 ABC Evening News. 9.00 ABC News Monday. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News Tonight. 12.00 Late Programs.

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6.00 Morning Programs. 12.30 Postcards. (PG) 1.00 Flipping Out. (PG) 2.00 Hotel Impossible. (PG) 3.00 The Block: Fans V Faves. (PG) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 5.00 Fixer Upper. (PG) 6.00 House Hunters Int. 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Botched. (M) 8.30 Extreme Cheapskates. (M) 10.30 Late Programs. PMI

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Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018

7 DAY TV GUIDE 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 Movie: Killer Coach. (M) (2016) 2.00 Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Take Me Out. (M) 8.45 The Good Doctor. (M) 9.45 The Resident. (M) 10.45 Chicago Fire. (M) 11.45 Life Sentence. (M) Final. 1.00 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Kevin Can Wait. (PG) 2.00 The Block. (PG) 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Big Bang. (PG) Return. 9.40 Kath & Kim. (PG) 10.50 Mom. (M) 11.45 The Closer. (M) 12.35 Surf Ranch Open Preview Show. 1.35 Extra. 2.00 TV Shop. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Headline News. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PG) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Foodie Adventures With Ash Pollard. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Pointless. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Ambulance Australia. New. 8.30 FBI. (M) New. 9.30 NCIS: LA. (M) 10.30 To Be Advised. 11.30 WIN News. 12.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 2.10 Paris. (M) 2.55 Recipe For Life. 3.25 Who Do You Think You Are? (PG) 4.25 Queen Victoria’s Children. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s Taste Of Shanghai. 6.30 News. 7.35 Michael Portillo’s Abandoned Britain. (PG) 8.30 Insight. 9.30 Dateline. 10.00 Simon Reeve In Russia. 11.00 SBS News. 11.30 Cardinal. (MA15+) Return. 1.10 Movie: Gloria. (MA15+) (2013) 3.10 The Fall. (M) 4.20 Poh’s Kitchen. 5.00 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Mock The Week. (M) 8.30 The IT Crowd. (M) 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 9.25 Back Seat Drivers Shorts. (PG) 9.30 Superwog. 10.00 The Inbetweeners. (M) 10.25 Workaholics. (M) 10.50 30 Rock. (PG) 11.10 Episodes. (M) 11.45 Parks And Recreation. (M) 12.05 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 12.30 Workaholics. (M) 12.50 30 Rock. (PG) 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.00 Toybox. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Mr Selfridge. (PG) 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Mrs Brown’s Boys. (M) 8.30 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries. (PG) 10.30 Air Crash Investigation. (PG) 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Big Bang. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 8.30 Movie: Waterworld. (M) (1995) 11.10 Big Bang. (PG) 12.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG) 1.30 China, IL. (MA15+) 2.00 Adv Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Beyblade Burst. 4.00 We Bare Bears. (PG) 4.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 MacGyver. (PG) 9.00 Star Trek: Voyager. 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.30 NCIS. (M) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 ST: Next Gen. 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 8.30 CSI: Miami. (M) 10.30 CSI: NY. (MA15+) 11.30 48 Hours. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 2.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 3.00 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 4.00 WorldWatch. 6.10 VICE News Tonight. 6.40 Seconds From Disaster. 7.35 The Feed. 8.05 Adam Ruins Everything. (PG) 8.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 9.35 The Problem With Apu. 10.35 Sex In The World’s Cities. (MA15+) 11.35 World Of VICE. 12.00 Drunk History. (M) 1.00 VICE News Tonight. 1.25 The Feed. 1.55 Orphan Black. (MA15+) 2.45 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 3.45 Making Child Prodigies. 3.55 Children’s Programs. 6.25 Doctor Who. (PG) 7.15 Children’s Programs. 7.45 Thunderbirds Are Go. 8.05 Odd Squad. 8.20 The Adventures Of Puss In Boots. (PG) 8.40 All Hail King Julien. (PG) 9.05 Fangbone! 9.15 The Wild Adventures Of Blinky Bill. 9.30 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness. 9.50 Children’s Programs. 10.45 Rage. (PG) 11.45 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 7.30 Hook, Line And Sinker. (PG) 9.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 10.00 America’s Game: The Super Bowl Champions. 11.00 Swamp People. (PG) 1.00 Ice Road Truckers. (PG) 3.00 American Pickers. (PG) 4.00 Swamp People. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.30 Outback Opal Hunters. (M) 9.30 Mine Kings. (PG) 10.30 Yukon Gold. (M) 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Danoz. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. 12.10 Movie: They Who Dare. (G) (1954) 2.25 My Favorite Martian. 2.55 Mad About You. (PG) 3.25 Expedition Unknown. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 New Tricks. (M) 8.40 Midsomer Murders. (M) 10.40 Major Crimes. (M) 11.40 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Raymond. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Posh Frock Shop. 7.30 100% Hotter. (PG) 8.30 Charmed. New. 9.30 Supernatural. Return. 10.30 Charmed. (PG) 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.30 Man V Food. 11.00 Chopped. 12.00 Barefoot Contessa. 12.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 1.30 Bizarre Foods. 2.30 Unwrapped 2.0. 3.00 Food Lab. 3.30 Drive Thru Australia. 4.00 Barefoot Contessa. 4.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 5.30 Bizarre Foods. 6.30 BBQ Addiction. 7.00 Man Fire Food. 7.30 The Naked Chef. (PG) 8.30 Born To Cook: Jack Stein Down Under. 9.35 Man V Food. 10.00 Unwrapped 2.0. 10.30 Bizarre Foods. 11.25 Late Programs.

Tuesday, OcTOber 16

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Four Corners. 1.45 Media Watch. (PG) 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 3.45 Making Child Prodigies. (PG) 4.15 Pointless. 5.10 Drum. 6.00 Grand Designs NZ. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Ask The Doctor. (PG) 8.30 Fighting Spirit: The Wheeling Diggers’ Invictus Games Dream. (M) 9.30 Rise Of The Animals. 10.30 ABC Late News. 11.00 The Business. 11.15 Q&A. 12.20 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 Mornings With Joe O’Brien. 12.00 ABC News. 2.00 Parliament. 3.15 ABC News Afternoons. 6.10 Drum. 7.00 ABC National News. 8.00 ABC Evening News. 9.00 Matter Of Fact. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News Tonight. 12.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 Hidden Potential. 1.00 House Hunters. 2.00 Selling New York. (PG) 3.00 The Block: Fans V Faves. (PG) 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. (PG) 5.00 Fixer Upper. (PG) 6.00 House Hunters Int. 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Worst To First. 8.30 Good Bones. (PG) 9.30 Vintage Rehab. 10.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 News. 12.00 Movie: House Of Darkness. (M) (2016) 2.00 Daily Edition. 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 News. 5.00 The Chase Aust. 6.00 PRIME7 News. 6.30 PRIME7 News @ 6:30. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 Highway Patrol. (PG) 8.00 Beach Cops. (PG) 8.30 9-1-1. (M) 10.30 Criminal Minds. (M) 11.30 Deception. (M) 12.30 Shopping. 5.30 Sunrise.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 1.00 Extra. 1.30 Kevin Can Wait. (PG) 2.00 The Block. (PG) 3.00 News. 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Hot Seat. 6.00 NBN News. 7.00 ACA. 7.30 The Block. (PG) 8.40 Manifest. (M) 9.40 World’s Wildest Flights. (PG) 10.40 Lethal Weapon. (M) 11.40 Rizzoli & Isles. (M) 12.30 Westside. (MA15+) 1.30 Extra. 2.00 TV Shop. 2.30 Global Shop. 3.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Headline News. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (M) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Neighbours. (PG) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG) 3.30 Foodie Adventures With Ash Pollard. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet. 4.30 Bold. (PG) 5.00 News. 6.00 Pointless. (PG) 6.30 The Project. 7.30 Bachelorette Aust. (PG) 8.30 Playing For Keeps. (M) 9.30 Madam Secretary. (M) Return. 10.30 Hawaii Five-O. (M) 11.30 WIN News. 12.30 Late Programs.

6.00 WorldWatch. 2.10 Paris. (M) 3.00 Dateline. 3.30 Insight. 4.25 Queen Victoria’s Children. (PG) 5.30 Letters And Numbers. 6.00 Rick Stein’s German Bite. 6.30 News. 7.30 Railway Journeys UK. 8.05 Food Safari Water. (PG) 8.35 Albert: The Power Behind Victoria. 10.25 Bosch. (M) 11.25 SBS News. 11.50 Movie: Scarred Hearts. (MA15+) (2016) 2.25 Crimes Of Passion. (M) 4.00 Poh’s Kitchen. 5.00 CGTN English News. 5.15 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Absolutely Fabulous. (PG) 8.30 The Catherine Tate Show. (M) 9.00 Schitt’s Creek. (PG) 9.25 The Moaning Of Life. (M) 10.10 Workaholics. (MA15+) 10.30 30 Rock. (PG) 10.55 Episodes. (MA15+) 11.25 Parks And Recreation. (PG) 11.45 Schitt’s Creek. (M) 12.10 Workaholics. (M) 12.35 30 Rock. (PG) 12.55 Episodes. (M) 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 6.30 Harry’s Practice. 7.00 ZooMoo. 7.30 Larry The Wonder Pup. 8.00 Toybox. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 12.00 Lovejoy. (PG) 2.00 Million Dollar Minute. 3.00 Harry’s Practice. 3.30 Auction Squad. 4.30 Animal Rescue. 5.00 Medical Emergency. (PG) 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 To Be Advised. 8.30 Judge John Deed. (M) 10.30 Cities Of The Underworld. (PG) 11.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.00 Friends. (PG) 12.00 Big Bang. (M) 12.30 Storage Hunters UK. (PG) 1.00 Airplane Repo. (PG) 2.00 Dance Moms. (PG) 3.00 Children’s Programs. 6.00 Friends. (PG) 7.00 Big Bang. (PG) 9.00 Movie: Underworld: Blood Wars. (MA15+) (2016) 11.00 Big Bang. (PG) 12.00 2 Broke Girls. (M) 12.30 Friends. (PG) 1.30 China, IL. (MA15+) 2.00 Adv Time. (PG) 2.30 Regular Show. (PG) 3.00 Turning Mecard. (PG) 3.30 Late Programs.

6.00 Shopping. 8.00 MacGyver. (PG) 9.00 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 10.00 Cheers. (PG) 11.00 Hogan’s Heroes. 11.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 12.30 NCIS. (M) 1.30 WIN News. 2.30 MacGyver. (PG) 3.30 Diagnosis Murder. (PG) 4.30 ST: Next Gen. 5.30 Star Trek: Voyager. (PG) 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PG) 7.30 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 8.30 NCIS: LA. (M) 11.30 CSI: NY. (MA15+) 12.30 Shopping. 2.00 ST: Next Gen. 3.00 Walker, Texas Ranger. (M) 4.00 Nash Bridges. (M) 5.00 The Doctors. (M)

6.00 WorldWatch. 3.10 Life After Food. (PG) 3.35 Daria. 4.00 WorldWatch. 5.00 If You Are The One. (PG) 6.10 VICE News Tonight. 6.35 Seconds From Disaster. 7.30 The Feed. 8.05 Hunt For The Trump Tapes. 8.30 Movie: The Girl With All The Gifts. (2016) 10.35 Movie: [REC] 4: Apocalypse. (MA15+) (2014) 12.25 VICE News Tonight. 12.50 The Feed. 1.20 Orphan Black. (MA15+) 2.10 Wild Ride. (MA15+) 2.40 WorldWatch.

6.00 Children’s Programs. 11.10 100 Years Of Anzac: The Spirit Lives 2014-2018. 11.15 Children’s Programs. 3.45 Making Child Prodigies. 3.55 Children’s Programs. 6.50 Deadly Pole To Pole. 7.20 Children’s Programs. 8.25 All Hail King Julien. (PG) 8.50 Fangbone! 9.00 Numb Chucks. 9.15 The Wild Adventures Of Blinky Bill. 9.25 Kung Fu Panda: Legends Of Awesomeness. 9.50 Children’s Programs. 10.20 Rage. (PG) 11.20 Close. 5.00 Children’s Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 8.30 Ice Road Truckers. (PG) 9.30 Sound FX: Best Of. 10.00 A Football Life. (PG) 11.00 Swamp People. (PG) 1.00 Ice Road Truckers. (M) 3.00 American Pickers. (PG) 4.00 Motor Racing. World Rally Championship. Highlights. 5.00 Swamp People. (PG) 6.00 American Pickers. (PG) 7.00 Pawn Stars. (PG) 7.30 The Simpsons. (PG) 9.30 Family Guy. (M) 10.00 American Dad! (M) 10.30 Family Guy. (M) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. (PG) 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Ellen DeGeneres. (PG) 11.30 As Time Goes By. 12.10 Movie: Hobson’s Choice. (PG) (1954) 2.25 My Favorite Martian. 2.55 Mad About You. (PG) 3.25 Expedition Unknown. (PG) 4.25 Heartbeat. (PG) 5.30 Four In A Bed. (PG) 6.00 Vet On The Hill. (PG) 7.00 As Time Goes By. 7.30 Poirot. (PG) 8.40 Agatha Christie’s Marple. (PG) 10.40 Cold Case. (M) 11.40 Law & Order. (M) 12.35 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 9.30 Crocamole. 10.00 Raymond. (PG) 11.00 Frasier. (PG) 12.00 WIN News. 1.00 Days Of Our Lives. (PG) 2.00 The Young And The Restless. (PG) 2.50 Alive And Cooking. 3.00 Becker. (PG) 3.30 King Of Queens. (PG) 4.30 Raymond. (PG) 5.30 Frasier. (PG) 6.30 Neighbours. (PG) 7.00 Posh Frock Shop. (PG) 7.30 100% Hotter. (PG) 8.30 Movie: I Am Number Four. (M) (2011) 10.30 Fail Army. (M) 11.00 Late Programs.

6.00 Morning Programs. 10.35 Man V Food. 11.00 Chopped. 12.00 Barefoot Contessa. 12.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 1.30 Bizarre Foods. 2.30 Unwrapped 2.0. 3.00 Food Lab. 3.30 Drive Thru Australia. 4.00 Barefoot Contessa. 4.30 Cooks Vs Cons. 5.30 Bizarre Foods. 6.30 BBQ Addiction. 7.00 Man Fire Food. 7.30 Food Paradise. (PG) 8.30 Man Vs Food Nation. 9.30 Man V Food. 10.00 Unwrapped 2.0. 10.30 Bizarre Foods. 11.25 Late Programs.

Wednesday, OcTOber 17

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 Aust Story. 2.00 Parliament. 3.00 Murder, She Wrote. (PG) 3.45 The Cook And The Chef. 4.15 Pointless. 5.10 Drum. 6.00 Grand Designs NZ. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG) 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M) 9.00 Back In Very Small Business. (M) 9.30 Black Comedy. (M) 10.00 Superwog. 10.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. Return. 11.10 Late Programs.

6.00 News. 9.00 Mornings With Joe O’Brien. 12.00 ABC News. 12.30 Press Club. 1.30 ABC News. 2.00 Parliament. 3.15 ABC News Afternoons. 6.10 Drum. 7.00 ABC National News. 8.00 ABC Evening News. 9.00 Matter Of Fact. 9.45 The Business. 10.00 The World. 11.00 ABC News Tonight. 12.00 Late Programs.

Spring has SPRUNG... Get your pool ready!

6.00 Morning Programs. 12.30 Helloworld. 1.00 Good Bones. 2.00 Vintage Rehab. 3.00 The Block: Fans V Faves. 4.00 Come Dine With Me UK. 5.00 Maine Cabin Masters. 6.00 House Hunters Int. 7.00 House Hunters. 7.30 Zombie House Flipping. (PG) 8.30 Beach Hunters. 9.30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt. 10.30 Late Programs. PMI

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Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay


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Charity golf PORT Macquarie Women’s Golf Club will host one of the region’s biggest charity golf days in a bid to help local women diagnosed with breast cancer. The club’s annual Pink Day moved its focus to local breast cancer patients for the first time last year, and the response was an outstanding success with $2000 presented to the Mid North Coast Cancer Institute’s Breast Care Service. This year, the October 31 event has a local sponsor – KFC (Port Macquarie and Port Macquarie Service Centre.) Franchise owner Fran Scutts, who is also a women’s golf club member, said she was delighted to be able to support the Pink Day. “It was an easy decision to be involved,” Ms Scutts said. “Last year’s Pink Day meant quite a lot to many of the women who supported the event. You never know when something like breast cancer will strike. “My family has been a part of the Port Macquarie community for 27 years, so it’s a pleasure to be able to contribute to this important event.” Women’s Golf Club President Wendy Gordon said the decision to keep the donation local resonated with members who were thrilled to be able to offer much-needed help to a local cancer service focused on the care and recovery of local breast cancer patients. She said: “We go all out to support this cause as each of us has either lost a friend or relative to this disease or, on a brighter side, we are supporting someone who is recovering.”


Thursday 11 October, 2018

YOU CAN PHONE, TEXT, FAX OR EMAIL YOUR AD TO: Phone: 6583 9088 Text: 0456 454 749 Fax: 6583 7253 Email:

Reunion traces to First Fleet Relatives assemble from across the nation

A FAMILY reunion in Port Macquarie that has connections to the First Fleet, has attracted relatives from across Australia. The Frederick Meredith Descendants Group will be celebrating the life and times of Charlotte Meredith Stewart Farrell on October 13-14. “We have people coming from Queensland, New South Wales, and all over Australia for this celebration,” said Isabel Browne, Secretary of the Frederick Meredith Descendants Group. “Most of these people are distant relatives of Charlotte and want to find out more about their family history.” The Frederick Meredith Descendants Group is a group of interested family members who meet on a regular basis and every few years they hold a reunion to celebrate the life of Frederick and his family members. Isabel said: “Some of our members are finding out that some of their longest friends are actually related to them through talking about this event. So it’s going to be a good night for exchanging information and documents.” Frederick Meredith arrived on the First Fleet in 1788 and was listed as steward to the captain of the ‘Scarborough’. He returned to Australia in 1792 as one of the first free settlers. Frederick fathered nine children - seven girls and two boys. Three girls died in infancy. The eldest child to survive, Charlotte, was born in 1794 and died in Port Macquarie in 1851. Charlotte survived two husbands - William Stewart (died 1821) and Charles Farrell (died 1842). “Charlotte and Charles came to Port Macquarie in 1830, and they weren’t far behind John Oxley,” Isabel said. “They were among the earliest of the free settlers here. So it ties in nicely with all the Oxley events going on at the moment, especially since some of the family went up to Rollands Plains and had

property up there, almost following the track Oxley had set himself.” Charlotte lived with William Stewart from age 16 and cared for his two sons and then had three of her own – Jane Rebecca in 1814, Robert in 1816, and John in 1818. William Stewart was a master mariner, sealer, whaler, and owner and master of the ‘Fly’, but was reported lost at Twofold Bay in 1821. Charlotte went on to marry Charles Farrell in 1825. Charles was one of the first free settlers to move to Port Macquarie in the early 1830s, where he married Charlotte and they had five children - James Lawrence, Mary Elizabeth, Charlotte Rosina, Charles Frederick and William Thomas. Charles Farrell opened a ‘house of entertainment’ in Port Macquarie, which became the Settlers Arms Hotel, now the Settlers Inn Hotel. He also received a land grant of 100 acres near Limeburners Creek

in 1837. Charles and Charlotte lived on their property near Limeburners Creek for the remainder of their lives. Charles Farrell died in October l842 and Charlotte remained in Port Macquarie after his death where she died on March 3, 1851. “Charlotte was known for her resourceful nature and courage as she supported her husbands through their business ventures and illness,” said Isabel. “She raised eight children of her own and three step-children and moved to Port Macquarie at a time it was deemed a ‘miserable settlement’. Through hard work and little of life’s necessities, she survived it all.” Family names connected with Charlotte’s descendants include Warlters, Blair, Gustafson, Furnifull, Lackey, Smith, McInherney and Farrell. One of the features of Saturday’s (October 13) gathering will be a report on the historical connections established by the Frederick Meredith Descendants Group’s DNA testing results. The Frederick Meredith Descendants 2018 Gathering is on October 13 and 14 at the Westport Bowling Club, Buller Street, Port Macquarie. The theme for the reunion is ‘Who we are and how we got here’ and includes guest speaker Ken Meredith. To register or for more information contact Marilyn Ayres at or Isabel Browne at or Can’t wait? Visit the historic cemetery in Port Macquarie where a memorial service in 1999 was dedicated to Charlotte’s life and her achievements. A plaque was placed at the entrance to the cemetery by the Frederick Meredith Descendants Group to remember this significant early settler.

ON Sunday, the Port Macquarie Sailing Club held their second race of the handicap start series on a lovely sunny day with a lightish, but mainly constant easterly in the last of the run out tide then the start of the run-in tide. The laptop for the digital start numbers had been sent in for a few slight program upgrades, so the old lights and number boards were found and pressed back into service for the start. The slight breeze made it hard for the scratch boats to catch up to the slower boats who started earlier in the handicap start, and nowhere was this more evident than in the

catamaran division where Dave Winter on Spica finished 9 minutes before Rob Barwick on Drift who was then only 9 seconds in front of the fast finishing Tony Kuhn on Stella. In the monohull division, Martina Holt in Spellbound sailed well to take the win ahead of Stuart Symons and Steve Couch in Red Star, Jane Cooper in Pineapple who was only 14 seconds in front of Paul Robertson and Warren Sykes in Flembouyant, and then the quickly learning Caitlyn Hicks in her first full race in Nesryn.

Rob Barwick on Drift was 2nd in the catamaran division

Charles Farrell - Charlotte’s second husband

Slow start to racing for Port Sailing Club




/ 2018


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Thursday 11 October, 2018

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43/45 Hastings St, Wauchope

Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

GOLF ROUND UP Brought to you by Port Macquarie Golf Club

Port Macquarie Men

THURSDAY golf at Port Macquarie was a single stableford event in conjunction. Winner in A grade was Brian Davison with 40 points on a c/b from runner-up Steve Cox. Third was Jonathan Hingston with 39 points on a c/b from fourth placed Brad Paterson. Winner in B grade was Barry Tink with a terrific round for 44 points. Runner-up was David with a magic 43 points. Third was John Gentle with 41 points and fourth was Andrew Davis with 40 points on a c/b from Jeff Davis. Winner in C grade was Steve Powell with 41 points on a c/b from runner-up Russell Gorrie. Third was Rick Kennington with 40 points and fourth was Colin Quinn with 38 points on a c/b from Alf Wallis, Peter Irons and Wies Novak. Mark Doherty had an eagle two on the par four tenth hole. The ball competition went down to 34 points on a c/b. NTPs went to Terry Moore, John Brokenshire, Bruce Johnson and Stefan Walker. Saturday golf at Port Macquarie was a single stroke. Winner in A Grade was Jonathan Hingston with 72 nett. Runner-up was Ross Radford with 73 nett on a c/b from third placed Bradley Field. Winner in B grade Blair Mac Lachlan with a terrific round for 64 nett. Runner-up was Barry Tink with 69 nett and third was Paul Dixon with 71 nett on a c/b from Peter Adams. Winner of the scratch score was Adam Van Zeeland with a five over par round of 76. Graeme Sim had a hole in one on the fifth hole. The ball competition went down to 76 nett on a c/b. NTPs went to Graeme Sim, Stuart Rayner, Paul Dixon and Nick Ambrose.

Port Macquarie Ladies

ON a beautiful day for golf 72 ladies participated on Wednesday October 3 in a 2BBB and Single Stableford round. The 2BBB was hotly contested with good scores. The results for 2BBB were: Shelley Laing and Jan Gearing 45 beat Gaylene Pattinson and Diane Andrews 43 on a c/b. In the Single stableford A Grade: Lyn Somers with 38 on a c/b and B Grade: Lyn Sentence a whopping 40 points. Balls went to 42 on a c/b. NTPs on the fifth were Lyn Sentance and Diane Andrews, on the 16th Tracy Crowe and Vicki Hughes. On the 13th all in second shot was Geraldine Lavender.

Frederickton Ladies

THE Fredo ladies played a stroke and putt the 5th captains round on Tuesday 2nd October. There was 1 grade only. The winner Hazel Gill 101 gross 67 nett; Runner-up Noel Perdrisat 106 gross 69 net. Putting went to Hazel Gill. Ball winners: Liz Rogers and Gay Witchard. Next week we play 18 hole event and on Fridays we play a 9 hole competition starting time 8.30am. New players most welcome to come and have a game.

Wauchope Men’s Veterans

PERFECT weather conditions were the order of the day when 129 players from Wauchope Men’s Veteran Golf Club together with representatives from Kew Veteran’s Golf Club competed in the 1st round of the Wal Snedden Shield 2018. This annual event is always a great day out for everyone and the competition between players is always in the spirit of friendship. Overall scores were Kew 654 pts and Wauchope 802 pts. In the single Stableford game the winners were as follows: Division 1 went to Paul Martin (Kew) with 43 pts followed up by Garry Slattery (Wau) with 43 pts on a c/b. In third place was Warren Dyer (Kew) with 41 pts. Division 2 was won by Ross Bird (Wau) with 41 pts and runner up was Phil Tapping (Wau) with 40 pts. In third place was Neil Jeffcott

Port GOLF Macquarie MEMBERSHIP Golf Club

Thursday 11 October, 2018

(Wau) with 38 pts. Division 3 Went to Jon Barnaby with 44 pts also the best score of the day. Runner-up was Barry Sligar with 42 pts and in third place was Bob Morgan with 41 pts. Nearest the pin on the 4th hole was won by David Robinson 0.83m in Div 1, Neil Jeffcott took out div 2 with 4.08m and Jon Barnaby won div 3 with 1.08m. At the 18th hole Div 1 went to Wayne Moir (Kew) 2.52m, Div 2 went to Steen Hoffman (Kew) with 3.5m and Div 3 was won by Mal Potter (Wau) with 2.25m. At the 7th hole NTP across the field was won by Garry Slattery with 3.26m In the ball comp balls went down to 37 on a c/b in Div 1, down to 35 on a c/b in div2 and down to 36 on a c/b in div 3. Overall this gave 37 players a bonus ball each. Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you to the members from Kew travelling down to participate.

Wauchope Men

THIS week’s Wednesday afternoon club select triples attracted a good turnout of 30 players. Once again the skips had a blind draw to select their leads and 2nds.The winners on the day with +13 were Earl Deb, Rocky Laurie and Tony Kundicevic, while the runners-up were Don Murdoch, Keith Clayworth and Peachy Hurrell with +12. Friday’s nominated pairs once again saw 10 teams take to the greens. The winners with +20 were Peter McLeod and Adolf Giacovani, while the runners up a little way back on +5 were Len Noel and Rex Shrubb. The games were close except for the winners with margins of 5, 4, 3 and 1. We had a couple of juniors playing, Josh Carney and Eli Smith, who had a win against older and more experienced opponents. Well done boys - keep rolling. On Saturday arvo we had the final 3 games in the quarter-finals of the Mixed Pairs Championship. Ken Ansley and Ann Steel prevailed over Paul Harrison and Heather Bartlett 21-19, Steve Latham and Doris McKinnon defeated Adolf Giacovani and Judy Coombes 21-12, winning the last 6 ends, while Ted Scott and Annette Jones overcame Andy Beazley and Margaret Wallis 25-21. Sunday’s Ferals gala also had a good turnout of 26 entrants taking to the greens. The lucky winners of the day were Des Kranz and Ted Scott with the runners up being Tiger Kelly, Adam Hackney and Shane ‘VB’ Manning. Once again thanks to the ladies for preparing a scrumptious bbq lunch with all the trimmings. Over the weekend our own Peter Marsden entered the NSW Zone 14 Rookies tournament held at Kempsey Bowling Club. There were 14 sections of 3 players and Peter managed to get to the quarter finals were his good run came to an unfortunate end going down 14-17. This week we have the usual Friday afternoon’s nominated pairs at 1pm, single entries will also be accepted and Wednesday afternoon single entry club select triples also at 1pm. Visitors are always most welcome and encouraged to register for both of these events. Also on Saturday afternoon 27 October we hope to hold a back to the 80s men’s pairs gala of 2 games of 15 ends with old bowls clobber to be worn and players to use the old style wide drawing bowls.

Lake Cathie Men

MONDAY’S BBQ Mixed Triples Social Bowls winners were Peter Slattery, Ken Taylor and Ivan Bozanic. The lucky losers were Keith Clarke, Esther and Bill Bailey. Thursday Winners were Warren Taylor, Graham Holloway and Hilton Hadfield. The runners-up being Dean Gemmell and Glenn Ferris. The lucky losers were Charlie Duthie and John Manning. Saturday Winners were Glenn Ferris and

Graham Fairburn. The runners -up were Rob Edwards and Vic Hayhurst. The Mixed Fours Final between Geoff Worley, Pam Begley, Denis Begley & Anne Wilson against Bob Fischer, Judi Blackler, Di Fischer & Gary Blackler will be played on Sunday 14th October 2018 at 9am.

Lake Cathie Women

THE results for the Major and Minor Championship played on the 2nd October 2018 were: V Wilson and A Innes defeated W Byers and M Avery; R Downes and P Begley defeated J Blackler and P Kelly; A Pritchard and P Saddler defeated S Malzard and D Lynch; M Dewson and G Potts defeated J Grimshaw and P Banks. Social Bowls for 2nd October 2018 saw the lucky rink winners of R Downes and P Begley and the runners-up were H Millard, B Roberson and J Quillian.

Port Panthers Men

TUESDAY 2/10/18 - Winners were Rob Penrose & John Reilly; runners-up Bruce Fairhall & Dave Hickling, with the lucky losers Dave Hyslop & Geoff Provert. Thursday 4/10/18 - winners were Bruce Fairhall, Paul Sloan & Ted Rutkowski; the runners-up Richard McCrohon, Jeff Hayes & Mal McCall. The consolation prize to visitors, P. White, I. Kelly & T. Barry. The next super Sunday is on 21st October. Early start, mufti & single entry is ok. Important: The Novocastrians up 27th Oct. We need bowlers to match them so get your entry in and the inter club day is the 28th.

Port Macquarie City Men

CORPORATE jack attack new season runs Oct 26 to Nov 23. Entry $75 per team will be donated to the Hastings cancer trust in association with Octobra. The 2018 men’s major/minor pairs quarter finals were washed out on Saturday and will be rescheduled. Congrats to Cody Griffin – Jai Whelan – Greg Keft who have won through to the national BPL (bowls premier league) titles at Pine Rivers in November. Pennants 2019: Nomination forms are at the bowls counter. Please complete this to assist the selectors. Noms are open for 2018 mixed pairs. Entries close 15 October. 2018 Club Challenge - expressions of interest, sheet is on the board. Melbourne Cup, Tuesday 6th November Mixed triples 10 am to 12.30. Social Bowls: Wednesday: Winners ($20) Eddy Dasczyk - Gary Russell. Runners-Up ($10) Chris Thornton - Tony Mallia. Lucky Losers ($10) B. Phillips - A. Baker - D. Terley. Thursday: Winners ($20) Chris Thornton - Gary Russell. Runners-up ($10) John Sharp -Peter Harper. Lucky Losers ($10) Ken Tonkin - Ian Lennox. Friday: Winners ($20) Henry Gontar-Chappo. Runners-up ($10) Peter Gilligan - Col Halls. Lucky losers ($10) M. New - J.Cain. Sunday afternoon mixed triples: Lucky envelopes to – E. Eames, Nev Schwartz, T. Scholz, G. Dower, B. Hodgson and B. Barrett.

Port Panthers women

WEDNESDAY 3/10/18 - Winners were Jenny Crisp, Roma Earl, Estelle Long with the consolation prize to Lorna Thompson, Cath Hicks & Sue Moy. There were no competition games. But Wednesday the 17th is pink panther day, all proceeds to Port Oncology Unit. Saturday 6/10/18 - between showers, the pairs mixed bowls comp started. Winners were Marion Hume & John O’Neill who defeated Sue Moy & Jim Scott, Sharon & John Wright over Estelle Long & Bruce Fairhall, Kay Smith & Ken Errington over Patsi Ward & Peter Wright & Ellen Evans & Paul Sloan over Dorothy Twible & Ted Rutkowski.

Kempsey Macleay RSL

WOMEN: Thursday Mixed Social: Winners - Col Moss, Narelle Harvey; Runners-up - Di Maher, Marg Pritchard, Val Squires.

Ocean Drive, Port Macquarie


Women’s Triples Championship: Margaret McLaren, Judy Cochrane, Val Squires 29 def Wendy Cooper, Pearl Stone, Marie Batterson 9. Men: Wednesday Mixed Social: Winners Pearl Stone, Larry Bottles, Rob Cook; Runnersup - Di Maher, Errol Knight, Rocky Stone. On Friday 5th October, 38 bowlers from Old Bar Beach Travelling Bowlers visited Kempsey. A great day was enjoyed by all. On Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th The Zone 14 Rookie Singles were conducted at Kempsey Heights and Kempsey Macleay RSL, with the finals held at Kempsey Macleay RSL on the Sunday. The quarter finals saw: Brendon Maher from Westport 17 def Rohan Booth from Sawtell 13; Danny Curran from Nambucca 17 def Steve Booth from Port City 16; Ben Atterton South West Rocks 17 def Peter Marsden Wauchope 14; Mark New Port City 17 def Brian Pearce Lake Cathie 10. Semi-finals saw Danny Curran 17 def Brendon Maher 14 and Ben Atterton 17 def Mark New 10. Unfortunately in the final Danny couldn’t reproduce his earlier great form, with Ben turning in a masterful display to win comfortably 17 /6. Ben Atterton will now compete in the State Finals on the 10th & 11th November at Raymond Terrace Bowling Club.

Wauchope Women

THURSDAY 4th October the Wauchope Women’s Bowling Club hosted their Gala Day with 14 teams of fours consisting of bowlers from all clubs in the Hastings Haven district. The lucky winners on the day by a fan of the cards were Louise Mathews (Lake Cathie), Ann Hughes(Westport), Estelle Long( Port Panthers), Ann Steel(Wauchope). The consolation prizes were picked up by Bette Whiting (Westport), Janet Monkley (Wauchope), Anne Constantine(Lake Cathie) and Val Hartas(Kew). Hastings Haven District Women’s Bowls Association, President, Patricia O’Brien awarded the prize to the lucky lead Dot Galbraith, 2nd Brigid Loane, 3rd Glenda Elford and skip Sue Petterson all from Wauchope. Saturday 6th October was the 2nd round of the Consistency Singles and the results were Glenda Elford 154 def. Pat Coombes 146, Brigid Loane 152 def. Sue Petterson 138, Kaye Mackenzie 150 def. Gai Bannerman 129, Marie Winter 150 def. Rosie Ansley 130. The lucky winners on the day with the social players by a fan of the cards were Brigid Loane and marker Doris McKinnon.

Westport Men

RESULTS for Tuesday 2/10/2018: Winners were B. Johnson, T. Fulford and A. Edwards. Runnersup were G. Woodland and A. Woodhouse. Results for Wednesday 3/10/2018: Winners were N. Cobcroft and T. Morrison. Runners-up were G. Smith and E. Oliver. Consolation R. Parry and I. White. 100 W. Malcolm, J. Jukes and J. Turnbull. Results for Friday 5/10/2018: Winners were M.Maher, R. Parry and B. Roach. Runnersup were D. Mackaway, G. Purnell and P. Jones. Consolation F. Duggan G. Smith and A. Woodhouse. 100 Club 1st T. Morrison, 2nd M Maher, 3rd G. Hayes.

Westport Women

TUESDAY 2/10/2018 - Mixed Bowls winners were S. Jackson, G. Kars, B. Farrell and K. McMurtrie. Second round winners were N. Hooper, W. Elliott and K. Rivett. Thursday 4/10/2018 - winners were on rink 2 M. Glover, C. Chandler and D. Parry. Runners-up on rink 3 T. Emery C. Griffiths and B. Oliver. Second round winners were V. Caroll, E. Hankin and J. Fleming.

Port City Women

WE had a great turnout of 20 championship and 24 Social players and many thanks go to the 10 markers and the umpire for helping out. Congratulations to the winners. Consistency Singles winners: R Evans, K McFarlane, K Hardy, W Kennedy, E Russell, J Brady, G Wiget, J Opitz, M Doyle, J Ebbeck.


6582 0409


Your Local Independent - The Hastings and The Macleay

Thursday 11 October, 2018



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