1 minute read
Choosing the site to be a place A void defined in partnership with nature

1 “A place is not a fact, but the result of condensing. In countries where man has been present for generations, all territorial accidents are significant. To understand them is to give one self the chance of a more intelligent intervention.”
Corboz, André. Le territoire comme palimpseste et autres essais. Les éditions de l’imprimeur, Besançon, 2001.
2 “To represent the territory is to seize it. The representation is not a decal, but always a construction. One elaborates a map to firstly know and secondly act. The map shares with the territory the fact of being a process, a product, a project: being simultaneously form and sense”
Corboz, André. Le territoire comme palimpseste et autres essais. Les éditions de l’imprimeur, Besançon, 2001.
3 “Months ago, in the heights of Machu Pichu, I thought about Portugal. It was the beauty and the strength of the landscape chosen to be place and the necessity of reason’s imposition for that Humanity doesn’t lose itself, defend itself and continues to deepen Mankind’s project.”
Alves Costa, Alexandre. Portugal, cidade e arquitectura. 2003.
4 Siza, Álvaro. Brasil, 1995. in 01 textos. Civilização Editora, Porto, 2009. p.51.