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Giving Day 2021

Giving Day 2021



Wanting to learn more about the student perspective, we sat down with Truman Curtis, a Fifth-Form boarding student in St. Leonard’s House who originally hails from Norwalk, Connecticut, to find out how he landed at Portsmouth Abbey and what the experience has been like thus far.

“I first heard about the Abbey through a friend who goes to the same church as me back home, and after letting people know it was a top option of mine for high school, I slowly started meeting others who were alumni and had so many good things to say about their time here. I even learned that one of my closest friend’s father (Class of ’85) also attended and was a prefect in my current dorm. My first real introduction to the Abbey was my Closer Look accepted-student shadow day. Sitting down for lunch with the current older students who were so funny and welcoming made me realize how enjoyable my time here was going to be. I also remember sitting in on some classes, including Ms. Benestad’s Latin class, which I thought were so lively and interesting. Prior to this, I had never seen such a community in which the students interacted with the teachers with such respect and friendliness at the same time. I felt like everyone knew each other really well –students and teachers alike.

I have to admit, because of my passion for saltwater fishing, being able to live on the water was a huge draw for me. I even remember asking my tour guide the first time I stepped on campus if we could possibly walk down to Narragansett Bay. Besides the beautiful campus, hearing about our respected English and Humanities programs was also something that interested me so much. Those classes I heard about before ever coming here, such as Humanities and American Literature, remain my favorites to this day. I would like to personally thank Mr. St. Thomas, Mr. McQuillan, Mr. Caplin and Ms. Smith for introducing me to these great books that are taught here. Also, I really liked our fitness center and brand-new science building, especially after being told there was a new marine biology class!”

When asked what has been the most rewarding part of being a member of the Abbey community, Truman shared that it is definitely how much he has learned, especially in the classes that he struggled with before he came to the Abbey. “Being able to come separately to a conference period with a teacher or working with someone in my dorm, like a friend or prefect, really helps me succeed,” he explained.

“There are many things I found surprising about living at a boarding school. The most surprising thing is probably learning about all of my friends’ backgrounds, especially international students, because we all come from such different places. I can gladly say I am close friends with people from China, Guatemala, Chile, Canada, France, South Korea, and more.”

When discussing some of the many opportunities the Abbey offers to its students, Truman remarked on those of which he has taken full advantage. “I am currently the vice president of my Fifth-Form class, and this year I started the Abbey’s first Wildlife and Ecology Club where we identify and learn about all sorts of flora and fauna. Some people may not realize it, but the Abbey has quite a bit of wildlife around if you look hard enough, from the belted kingfisher who lives down at the bay to the deer and turkeys we walk by on our way to class most days. We also live in a part of Rhode Island that is impacted by the endangered striped bass migration that takes place in the spring and fall every year. I am also a member of both the Mind and Market Investing Club and the Yoga Club.”

Portsmouth Abbey is known for its academic rigor. When pressed to choose his favorite subject, Truman found it hard to pick. Ultimately, he decided on English.

“This year I am taking American Literature with Ms. Smith as my instructor, and one of my favorite things we have been doing is breaking down some of the dialogue in Hamlet and focusing on Shakespeare’s wordplay. Ms. Smith also has been spending a lot of time centered on our writing and making us better writers. Some of the other books we are reading this year include Moby Dick and The Great Gatsby. My Humanities class last year was also the most memorable, even though it was a lot of reading and very challenging at times. The questions that the books brought up made for some very interesting discussions with my teachers and friends, which changed my perspective on life.”

Truman was unaware of how many independent programs he could pursue until after he became a student here. One such opportunity is applying for a grant through the Science department for independent study. Truman expects to submit his application to the program later this year. “In the spring, I plan to apply to and write about my future striped bass conservation program, Youth for Stripes, for submission to the Haney fellowship program in hopes that they pick me as one of their supported projects. I would like to spread awareness for a growing issue on our New England coast, which is the depletion of the striped bass fishery. I plan to use the funds to create a platform that spreads a goal for the catch and release of striped bass so we can do something to stop this depletion of what was once such a strong and world-class fishery. Lastly, I would love to do one of the School’s trips to Rome, Lourdes or Costa Rica. I have older friends who went, and it sounds really fun to be able to travel and learn with school friends and faculty while representing the Abbey.”

We asked Truman if he fully knew what to expect of his time here at the Abbey before he came, based on how it was described to him. He told us his description of his experience would be so much richer than what was shared with him. “It is hard to describe to potential students what it is like to come here. Trying to explain a dorm snowball fight, the teachers, the hilarious dining hall conversations or the friends you make aren’t really things I can put into words easily. All I can say is that in my last two years here I have changed in ways that I would have never imagined, made the best of friends and discovered passions I don’t believe I would have discovered anywhere else. The teachers and students here help each other succeed, and the opportunities that are offered push people to be their best selves. I believe this School creates leaders and people who care about one another because of how we treat one another as a community. I think people who are considering coming here should know that the Abbey is not only academically and athletically top-tier, but what this School has as a community is pretty incomparable.”


The Raven Society recognizes special annual support from our young alumni. Membership is accorded to those college-aged classes who contribute $25 or more and those in classes up to the 10th Reunion who contribute $100 or more.

Anonymous (5) Mr. William C. Behnke, Jr.’15 u Ms. Eloise R. Abbate ’20 Mr. David J. Appleton ’20 Ms. Elise M. Banderob ’19 Ms. Hannah E. Banderob ’17 Mr. Zachary Bartley ’20 Ms. Grace T. Benzal ’17 u Ms. Cecilia G. Bohan ’20 Ms. Ashley C. Breyer ’20 ENS. Jon R. Campau ’16 u Mr. Anthony J. Christian, Jr.’16 u Mr. Luca A. Christian’15 u Ms. Simona M. Christian’20 Mr. Robert C. Cloughen ’15 Ms. Juistine L. DelMastro ’19 Ms. Meagan N. Dennis ’20 Ms. Tessa N. Dennis ’20 Mr. Haoxuan Ding ’18 Ms. Anastasia C. Dwyer ’17 Mr. Peter V. Dwyer’20 Mr. Theodore J. Falvey’20 Ms. Grace E. Fink ’17 u Mr. Christopher P. Franco’19 Mr. Mauricio Garcia Gojon’20 Mr. Jayson R. Gibb’19 Ms. Abigail R. Gibbons’19 Mr. Gavin M. Gibbons ’20 Ms. Grace T. Gibbons’17 u Ms. Virginia A. Hagerty ’19 Ms. Caroline F. Hall ’13 Mr. Soren S. Jarabelo ’19 Ms. Mary C. Kennedy ’15 u Mr. Sean M. Knowlan ’13 u Mr. Nathaniel X. Landers ’20 Mr. Sae Yong Lee ’12 Mr. Shaokai Lin ’16 Ms. Eve N. Loftus ’19 Ms. Teresa M. Lonergan ’11 u 1stLt Frank J. Loughran Jr., USMC ’15 u Mr. Andrew G. Lowis ’13 Mr. Tongjia Mou ’14 Mr. Henry J. Mullen ’11 Mr. Edward G. O’Connor ’17 u Mr. Luke J. O’Reilly ’20 Mr. William A. Parsons ’12 Mr. Scott M. Powell ’17 u Mr. William E. Shaw-MacGillivray ’13 Mr. Alexander J. Sienkiewicz ’18 Ms. Sara Stratoberdha ’11 uu Mr. Robert H. Sucsy ’13 Ms. Felicity C. Taylor ’18 Mr. John Joseph Twomey ’19 Mr. Nicholas D. Velcea ’17 Ms. Alice C. Vergara ’17 u Ms. Zhiyun Wang ’18 Ms. Helen E. Wittenborn ’17 Mr. John P. Young ’12 u Mr. William M. Young ’11 u Mr. and Mrs. James F. W. Buckley ’73 P’07 ’08 ’12 u Mr. James L. Buckley II ’08 Mr. Peter P. Buckley ’72 Dr. Piotr Bulanowski and Dr. Malgorzata Bulanowski P’18 u Ms. Kyla E. Burgess John ’99 Mr. Brian F. Burke ’71

Mr. Daniel R. Burke ’99 u The Honorable James M. Burke ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Burke ’92 uuuu Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Burke ’86 uuuuuu Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Burke P’99 u Mr. William F. Burns III ’82 u Mr. Andrew Busch ’21

Mr. Michael F. Butler

Dr. Stephen R. Butler and Dr. Debra A. Curtis P’16 ’16 Mrs. Justine A. Button ’99

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Byrne P’18 Mrs. Deborah A. Byron P’04 Mr. Joseph E. Calderone III ’88 Mr. Jeffrey F. Calnan ’76 u ENS Jon R. Campau ’16 u Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Campau P’16 u Mrs. Kathleen E. Campbell GP’23 Mr. Brendan K. Canning ’85 uu Mrs. Catherine L. Caplin ’10 and Mr. Daniel R. Caplin ’10 uu Mr. and Mrs. Michael Capone P’24 Mr. Robert L. Capone, Jr. ’91 P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Caron P’10 uuu Mr. Gregory L. Carroll ’88 Lieutenant Colonel Jo R. Carroll, USAF (Ret.) ’57 uu Mr. Gordon M. Carrolton III ’91 uuu Mr. C. Carroll Carter, Jr. ’77 u Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery H. Carter Mr. Samuel Casey Carter ’84 u Mr. Warwick M. Carter, Jr. ’82 Mr. Ethan R. Case ’99 uuu Mr. Stephen P. Ceglarski ’69 Mr. and Mrs.g Stephen R. Cerutti P’24 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cevetello P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Chaplin P’06 Ms. Jamie L. Chapman ’12 uu

Mr. William W. Chase ’65 u Mr. Allen H. Chatterton III ’78 uuuuuu Ms. Zhilin Chen ’21 Mr. Clarence Chenoweth and Ms. Rhonda Mitchell uuu Mr. Anthony J. Christian, Jr. ’16 u Mr. Luca A. Christian ’15 u Ms. Simona M. Christian ’20 Mr. Brian W. Clark P’24 Ms. Kristine L. Clark P’24 Mr. James W. Clarkin P’10 u Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clarkson Ms. Emily Clay Dr. J. Stephen Clifford Mr. Robert C. Cloughen’15 Mr. Andrew Cody Mr. Shayne W. Coleman’10 u Mr. Brendan J. Collins Mr. Sean T. Collins u Ms. Jennifer Collesano P’22 ’24 Mr. Peter B. Colton ’70 uuuuuu Cushing O. Condon, Esq.’73 uuuuuu Dr. Robert G. Congdon ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Connaughton P’24 Ms. Deborah S. Connell P’04 uu Ms. Whitney T. Connell ’04 uuu Mr. Justin P. Connolly u Mr. O’Bannon M. Cook ’73 uu Mr. Matthew A. Corser ’04 uu Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Cotta ’83 P’12’15 uuu Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Coughlin P’24 Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Coughlin, Jr. P’82 ’89 Mr. Paul J. Coughlin III ’82 Mr. Joseph E. Couto ’99 uuu Christopher J. Coxon, Esq. ’85 u Mr. Henry J. Coz ’73 Mr. Steven J. Crabtree ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Crawford P’03 u Mr. Michael K. Crawford ’64 u Mr. Michael Crespi ’64 Dr. Jere L. Crook III Mr. Jerome J. Crowley ’57 uuuuuu Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Crowley ’82 P’20 uuuuuu Mr. Roman Benito L. Cu Unjieng ’88 Mr. and Mrs. John B. Cummings, Jr. ’63 P’83 ’84 GP’99 uuuuu Ms. Paige E. Cunningham Ms. Crystal A. Curry ’96 Mr. Robert E. Curry ’63 Mr. Christopher Daley ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. D’Amario ’77 P’10 uuuuuu Mr. Andrew B. Damasio ’21

Mr. Hildeberto Damasio P’21 Mr. Thomas C. Danaher ’70

Mr. Ethan P. DaPonte ’10 uu Mr. and Mrs. Ryan A. DaPonte ’07 uu Mr. Gregory J. Darling ’66 uuuuuu Mr. Michael G. Dasovich ’74

Dr. Anne Davidge Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Day P’94 u Ms. Marina de Gramont Mr. Danny De Oleo Peguero, Jr. ’20 Mr. Peter R. Dean ’60

Mr. Jaymes M. Dec ’96 Mr. Michael D. Deely ’83 u Mr. Ronald W. Del Sesto, Jr. ’86 uuuuu Mr. and Mrs. Christopher DelMastro, Sr. P’19 u Ms. Juistine L. DelMastro ’19 Ms. Catherine Demaree

Dr. and Mrs. Paul DeMieri P’12 ’16 ’17 uu Ms. Meagan N. Dennis ’20 Ms. Tessa N. Dennis ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DeSantis P’24 Mr. and Mrs. Roy DeSousa P’23 Eleanor R. Deutermann ’16 u Mr. Stephen DeVecchi ’97 uuuuu Mr. Martin L. N. Devegvar ’73 uuuuu Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Dias P’22

Mr. Peyton Y. Dias ’22 Mr. Joseph DiBiase LT J. Quentin Dickmann III ’10 Mr. Gregg K. Dietrich ’74 Mr. Mark K. Dietrich ’76 and Ms. Lisa Dickieson uuuuu Mrs. Susanne K. Dietrich P’74 uuuuu Mr. Haoxuan Ding ’18

Students playing cornhole and hanging out on the new RavensQuad, the quad between St. Martin’s and St. Brigid’s Houses.

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