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Study Boundary

Signalised Intersection Intersection of Donald St & Stockton St - options include: - Installation of traffic lights - Extended shared zone - Relocation of one or both crossings and construction of kerb extensions

Cycling, as a recreational activity and an alternative transit mode, is a low-cost, sustainable and healthy way to travel

In order to facilitate a cycle friendly environment, it is important to improve the cycle network with safer and better connected paths, which are designed to minimise conflicts with pedestrians and vehicles.

Concept Only: Final design subject to technical design considerations, detailed investigation of services and relevant approvals CYCLE ROUTE AND FACILITY

Extent of Existing Shared Path to be retained and upgraded

Removal of conflict between pedestrians and cyclists at steep section in Apex Park - ‘wiggle pathway’

Proposed Shared Path, specially designed for family cycling, widened footpath on one side of the road allowing for pedestrians and two-way cycling

Proposed Shared Zone, specially designed for Magnus Street Village Boulevard and Stockton Street, flush level treatment, cyclists give way to pedestrians

Proposed On-Road Separated Cycleway, mostly as an extension of the existing separated cycleway, mainly caters for daily commuter

Proposed On-Road Cycleway, generally throughout all Town Centre streets

Proposed Cyclist Facilities, including bicycle storage/ racks generally located near public transport or shop fronts as part of the street furniture, and shower rooms/ lockers can be co-located with foreshore amenities and Visitor Centre, which is to be refurbished.

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