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Trips & Tours Discover Central Portugal with our guided tours, private minibus hire and airport transfers. Contact us for a free quote! www.espiritodeliberdade.com Employment Sales Seeking sales professionals who can sell our subscription packages to other Portuguese companies. https://kippertree.com/backend/ static/careers
For Sale—Other
Large selection of spices, spice mixes, dried herbs, and chillies available for immediate dispatch across Portugal. The Chilli Experience: www.thechilliexperience.com Home Sales/Services
Does your property need a floor plan? Digital floor plans produced from your sketch, only €60. kippertree.com/advertise/privateadvertisers
Advertise your Portuguese property for free. Zero cost, zero commission, zero hassle. kippertree.com/advertise/privateadvertisers
Property with a ruin and project approved, for sale, near Tomar, in Central Portugal Ref. 800/22 www.chavetejo.com/properties/ property-with-a-ruin-for-sale-neartomar
An amazing three bedroom property with garage for sale near Ferreira do Zêzere, in Central Portugal Ref. 579/21 www.chavetejo.com/properties/anamazing-three-bedroom-propertywith-garage-for-sale-near-ferreirado-zezere
Property with two houses to renovate, for sale in Martinchel, Central Portugal Ref. 819/21 www.chavetejo.com/properties/ property-with-two-houses-terenovate-for-sale-in-martinchelcentral-portugal Casa Ceres—Bed & Breakfast for sale near Tomar, Central Portugal Ref. 567/21 www.chavetejo.com/properties/ casa-ceres-bed-breakfast-for-salenear-tomar-central-portugal T4 house for sale in Zebras, Fundão, fully equipped and furnished! Zebras is a quiet village located in the foothills of Serra da Gardunha about 30km from Castelo Branco and 25km from Fundão. €60,000. Details: www.facebook.com/ JoaoDIASconsultorIMOBILIARIO/ videos/1502325490123953
Farm/Quinta for sale in Zebras, Fundão, with housing construction possible. Farm is 40,000m2 and has a 120m2 construction, with a >450m stream inside the property. €85,000. Details: www.haus-imobiliaria.com/ pt/imoveis/quinta-castelo-brancofundao-venda_274716
Portuguese Language Services Portuguese Language Lessons— Established 11 years (BF) Online 1:1 / Group Classes, Exam Preparation Courses PortugueseLanguageLessons.net / info@portugueselanguagelessons. net • Emma: (00351) 969 249 273 / (0044) 739 1157 013 Services Available
Sustainable, contemporary garden design throughout Portugal and the UK by graduate with distinction of distinguished Ichbald School of Garden Design. Free quotes and proposals. www.cggd.co.uk christopher@cggd.co.uk All-around construction, roofing, clearing work, plumbing, block work, plastering, rendering, transport of items. Lots of refs, reliable. Castelo Branco area. Alaninleeds@live.com English-speaking funeral director available 24/7. Vast experience with foreign clients. Located in Central Portugal. +351 913287073 (whatsapp available) fernandomendes1987@gmail.com C&J Transportation provides man and van service, door-to-door delivery, Ikea & Leroy Merlin pickup and delivery, household removals. Facebook: www.facebook.com/C-Jtransportation-111847010220686 Email: CandJ24transportation@ yahoo.com Mobile: 963-050-878
Planning to relocate to Portugal? Think no more. Viv Europe will assist with visa process, business, real estate, and more. viveurope.com Membership Groups Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the 9 million Americans living outside the United States—with an active chapter in Portugal. www.democratsabroad.org/ afpop is the largest association for foreign residents in Portugal. Since 1987, it has specialised in providing comprehensive services and support to members. www.afpop.com ExpaCity is your go-to resource of trustworthy, expert-based information to help you achieve your new life in Portugal. www.expacity.com
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