How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
22 june 2018
11 min
means a lot, especially when it concerns human relationships. The conversation can h brighter and more comprehended when people do it in video chat, not via usual text e many video chat apps available on the market but no all of them can boast about high od connection. So this niche is the one you can occupy and increase your profit.
Contents Reasons to build video c
app development process requires some special particularities you should know about. le!
u need a video chat app is to find out what challenges video chat application can solve and why it is a good r business.
stomer service
How to build a video chat Basic features your app re Tools we need to create a Get your video chat app m
Using video chat app, customers can contact support team if they have any questions regarding the service they use. Any issue can be solved much faster, and customers like when interaction is performed in real-time mode, they can see support manager. Moreover, if customers cannot understand how to do something, they are confused, useful tips from support managers via video chat app will help users delve into all issues. As a result, users are satisfied.
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
ee the right way to build a messenger app. Read How to make a messenger app: evelopment process insights
of sales
When customers use e-commerce websites, many questions may arise when people surf online stores and they cannot decide what product is better and what to choose. Video chat helps sales managers convince users to make the right choice and find a good product they need. A customer can describe his or her requirement, and managers will guide them to select the right stuff. And don't forget about the individual approach, managers see their customer, and they can guess what this or that person wants.
If we speak about online support again in any special online store, then imagine how much money company can lose when they have to explain to customers the way how to solve the problem twice. Using common chat system, customers don't always get necessary information and it can be difficult for them to explain the problem. And video can solve this problem since visual information can be much more clear than long text explanation. In addition, if it concerns business meetings, video chat allows business people to conduct meetings with all employees no matter how far they are. No need to spend additional costs to make people travel from one city or country to another.
In any kind of business, video chat app for Android or iOS can serve as a good platform for fruitful business collaboration and training as well. A more experienced employee can teach newcomers how to deal with that or another issue. During meetings, everybody can share their opinion concerning specific idea, show how they see it, discuss everything and brainstorm if necessary.
See the right way to build a m
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
hat app gives you
chat app can help your future users solve many challenges they face when doing their you should pay more attention to this app idea. Ok, now, how to make a video chat app? ed to the steps it is necessary to undertake when creating a video chat app.
create video chat app w important steps we cannot ignore when we create a video chat app. elopment. First, it is necessary to create server part for the proper functioning of your p. Some apps can use ready-made BaaS solutions, but video chat app requires more nologies and it is better to create its own server from scratch. It is the first step should do, and Cleveroad company can offer you high-skilled backend developers to do
Then, it is necessary to think about good and attractive user interface and user eep in mind that UX should be intuitive in the first turn. Your future users shouldn't spend o understand how they can perform one or another feature. As for UI, it should have gn to make people feel interested towards your web or mobile video chat app. ration. Socket is the technology that makes it possible to create an interactive connection client (app) and server for real-time information exchange like live streaming. So it is a t of video chat application development to arrange good connection. Our developers ocket.io library when creating video chat application. d video chat development. The main step which includes the development process you to determine what platform you plan to create an app for. Let's consider both options:
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
hat app. To create iOS-based video chat app, it is better to use Swift language. It is much n Objective-C so today Swift is more widespread than Objective-C. Our developers use here they can find a P2P solution for streaming like WebRTC.
Find out all the benefits of ch FREE QUOTE development
eo chat app. There is no large difference between the development of Android-based opers will use Java language and Android Studio and SDK toolkit for creating streaming
ols we need to use to create a chat app, you will find this information below.
nd out all the benefits of chatbot development. Read Chatbot fever: how to build a hatbot
ance. The testing process is no less important than the development of a video chat app. eers do their best to perform different types of testing to make sure that there are no any ideo chat app. If something goes wrong - the task of developers is to fix everything as ble.
video chat application
how to build video chat app. Our next stage is to provide you with all required MVP video chat app should include without any doubts.
tures of video chat app help you create a skeleton of your app. If your app will become a shot in the dark (i.e. ed), in future you can update an app and add more interesting features. But main https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/how-to-make-a-video-chat-app-an-ultimate-development-guide
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
he ones your video chat app cannot exist without, and you need to understand how chat orks.
It is possible to add two ways of user registration. A registration from scratch that requires e-mail, name, surname and other contact details. Or it can be a social sign-in - quick registration using such social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. Each user can choose a preferable way to register. To perform easy chatting, everybody should have their own user profile where all information about them will be stored. Users can upload and change avatars, manage their profile when necessary.
add friends
These features allow users to find people they need, send them an invitation to join the chat or simply add them to contact list. It is very convenient when you can see that your chat companion is away, or on a mobile phone, or non-available at the moment. Users want to see the status of other users to understand whether they are available to chat or not. Take into account when you want to create a video chat app.
in chat app
nd delivery status
If video connection is not good, text chat should always be available to exchange messages when necessary. Although not all large and famous messengers have this
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
feature, we recommend you to add it since users want to see how their message is delivered and seen.
Viber app as an example
This feature will help users choose their country quickly the app will read GPS data automatically and it will detect users' location. Also, they can show other users what country or city you are now. Geolocation integration is important for many apps, follow the link to read more about it.Â
oice calls
Well, video chat cannot exist without video calls. But voice calls should also be available to replace phone calls for people who want to contact somebody abroad. Ordinary phone calls can be very expensive if you call somebody who is in a foreign country right now.
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
calls in video chat app
When chatting, users may need to create a large private chat for a specific group of people, where they can discuss their personal issues.
Hurry up to learn how much it your app
h a few persons simultaneously
This is the type of encryption where devices of recipient and sender are a final transfer point. The message is encrypted on the device of the sender and decrypted only on the device of the recipient. Nobody can read this
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
message when it is being sent. So add this feature to ensure that all conversations will be confidential
tion with cloud
It is necessary for storing user files like pictures, docs, videos and other information that people usually exchange in the chat.
If the user deleted an app accidentally or it was a forced step, they shouldn't lose their data in chat like correspondence and sent-received files. So automatic backup ensures that everything will be kept safe and sound.
Users will receive notifications about new messages or new changes in chat.
urry up to learn how much it costs to create your app. Read How much does it cost to ake an app?
e, the list of MVP features is not so short. Also, if your budget is rather large, you can o additional features like self-destructing messages (this feature can be activated d integration with other media resources.
we use for video chat app building we use to provide users with video communication is WebRTC. This abbreviation means e Communication. It is an open source technology that makes it possible to arrange realcation using simple APIs. s an opportunity to perform audio/video communication and data transfer without the se additional plugins. Ful WebRTC package can boast about such features like peering, eo/audio codecs for communication arrangement between two or more users in online
PI interfaces in WebRTC: m. A client can get access to chat from webcam or microphone; nnection. Audio or video data transfer can be activated with encryption support and trol; annel. Provides with a P2P communication network for data generalization. loud PaaS platform which is a wrapper library that you can find in WebRTC tool. It is an brary that makes it possible to create cross-platform video chats on WebRTC API basis.
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
e can use Wowza. It is a quite popular powerful media server that is aimed at audio/video s a reliable and high-tech service.
build your video chat app
st of tools to create video chat app. Everything will depend on your specific requirement, elp you choose the best tool especially for you. However, this item can help have a vision ate a chat app.
bout a profit? you want to pursue when you order the app development is to gain a profit. And what is o earn on video chat app? Let's consider main monetization ways. One of the most widespread ways to get money on the app. Integrated advertising in your chat app will give an opportunity to provide people with a free app that doesn't require any additional costs.
Video calls and text chats should be available for free otherwise people won't see any interest in using your app. But voice calls can be available on a paid basis only.
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Users often send different stickers and GIFs to each other, and some branded premium stickers can become available only if they pay. But it will allow them to make their content really awesome.
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ow what ways of monetization are applicable in your case, you should watch our video
How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
n. How to monetize your app? Vol. 1
t video chat app development requires from you. Also, we would like to advise you not to he target audience. What do you plan to build mobile chat app for? Because video chat or for serious business people will differ from each other by its structure and design.
et acquainted with possible ways to monetize your app. Read How to monetize your pp
any help? Contact us right now! Our developers will be able to implement all technical nd to make a reality. Subscribe to our blog as well - a button is on the right side!
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How To Make A Video Chat App: An Ultimate Development Guide
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