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Maine Resources
Southern Maine Women's Re - entry Center maine.gov/corrections/facilities/wrc/index.htm Located in Cumberland County, the Southern Maine Re -en try Center is designed to give women the skills and experience they need to successfully live as positive citizens and employees after they transition from state correctional facilities into their home communities. The program uses gender- responsive p rinciples as the foundation of all its programming and operations.
Restorative Justice Project communityalternatives.org/ The Restorative Justice Project provides restorative conferences for adult and juvenile offenders in Knox. Waldo. Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties. The organization partners with the Maine Coastal Regional Reentry Center – a residential facility for men. In addition to community events and mentorship, the organization provides a five - week introductory course on Restorative Justice .
Esther Residence goodshepherdparish.us/esther-residence Esther Residence is for women age 20 or older. Participants must be drug and alcohol free , p articipate in household responsibilities, live with two other re sidents and three staff members, and p articipate in daily reflection sessions that are non denominational. The organization partners with local churches. .
National Resources
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) aclu.org/issues/prisoners- rights Prisoners’ rights to read, write, speak, practice their religion, and communicate with the outside world are often curtailed far beyond what is necessary for institutional security. Not only are these activities central to the ability of prisoners to retain their humanity, but they also contribute to the flow of information between prisons and the outside world and thus provide a vital form of oversight of these closed institutions.
C areerOneStop careeronestop.org/Site/american-job-center.aspx Located across the country, American Job Centers can help you look for work an d offer job search workshops, free computer access, and more.
N ational Alliance on Mental Illness nami.org/ The purpose of NAMI Alabama is to provide support, education, and advocacy for persons with mental illnesses, their families, and others whose lives are affected mental health disorders.
N ational HIRE Network hirenetwork.org The goal of the National H.I.R.E. Network is to increase the number and quality of job opportunities available to people with criminal records by changing public policies, employment practices and public opinion. N ational Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) nrrc.csgjusticecenter.org Funded and administered by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), the National Reentry Resource Center (NRRC) is the nation’s primary source of information and guidance in reentry. U .S. V eterans Administration va.gov/ABOUT_VA/index.asp Most v eterans who are in jail or prison will eventually reenter the community. VA’s HCRV program is designed to promote success and prevent homelessness amon g Veterans returning home after incarceration. C OVID - 19 FAQs for the Public Housing, Housing Choice Voucher (HCV ) (including the Project- based Voucher Program (PBV)) and Native American Programs hud.gov/sites/dfiles/PIH/documents/COVID19_FAQ_PIH_Final.pdf This is a FAQ that lists resou rces for individuals in public housing.