2 minute read

Letter from the Executive Director

You have been walking through this world as someone who was formerly incarcerated , possibly Black or Brown , possibly female, possibly LGBTQ, possibly all of the above, possibly none of the above. Let’s be real, on some days, findin g joy is its own form of resistance.

However, with the recent murders of African Americans at the hands of police , and the subsequent demonstration s, you might be asking…”What now?” If you want to do more to make your voice heard, there are a few things that you can do. On one end of the spectrum, you have voting, so we have a quick guide on voting rights, written by our newest writer, Natalie Rodriguez - Steen . Welcome Natalie!


If checking some boxes on a ballot doesn’t n ecessarily feel like enough, or, if the state you reside in won ’ t allow you to vote, we have suggestions on other ways that you can get involved. You can march, sign petitions, volunteer, and have tough conversations (don ’ t underestimate the power of an honest conversation) . On the other end of the spectrum, you can start your own nonprofit. We have an article on that. This issue is about steps you can take to do more, if you so decide. We hope you enjoy this issue. Sincerely, Porche Proffit

Masthead and Contributors

Editor- in - Chief, Porche Proffit

Editor, Ericka Foster


Contributing Editor, Lakia Goodman

Writer, Maggie Allen

Writer, Natalie Rodriguez -Steen

Nutrition and dietician Isabella Dos Santos

Art Director, Willow Wood

Positive Transitioning Inc. is a non –profit organization that provides information and resources for individuals reentering the community after incarceration.

In addition to this magazine, Positive Transitioning Inc. offers a 24- hour Resource/Listening Li ne that services all 50 states. The Resource/Listening line is staffed by life coaches, and provides individuals with the immediate support and resources they may be needed during reentry.

Positive Transitioning Inc. also provides individuals life coaches that will assist them in every step of the reentry process: housing, education, employment, vocational training, obtaining government benefits, veteran assistance, medical management, sponsorship, financial stability, family reintegration, and legal assisting.

Currently Positive Transitioning Inc. is entirely web –based as we are hoping that this makes it easily accessible for anyone to access from anywhere.

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