Assessment Report. Positive Weighing Solutions Ltd
Report Author
David Forrester
Visit Start Date
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Assessment Report.
Introduction. This report has been compiled by David Forrester and relates to the assessment activity detailed below:
Visit ref/Type/Date/Duration
Site address
FS 567522
Re-certification Audit (SR Opt 1)
ISO 9001:2008
Positive Weighing Solutions Ltd Unit 8 The Clifton Centre Spring Lane South Malvern Worcester WR14 1BJ United Kingdom
26/09/2013 0.5 day(s) No. Employees: 5
The objective of the assessment was to ascertain the integrity of the organisation's management system over the current assessment cycle to enable re-certification and confirm the forward strategic assessment plan.
Management Summary. Overall Conclusion We are pleased to recommend the continuation of your certification. The objectives of this assessment have been achieved. I would like to thank all the audit participants for their assistance and co-operation which enabled the audit to run smoothly and to schedule Based on the objective evidence detailed within this report, the areas assessed during the course of the visit were found to be effective. There were no outstanding nonconformities to review from previous assessments. No new nonconformities were identified during the assessment. Enhanced detail relating to the overall assessment findings is contained within subsequent sections of the report.
Mandatory Requirements – Re-Certification. Recertification Summary Based on the recertification process, the management system continues to demonstrate the ability to support the achievement of statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements.
Certificate Number
Risk Level
FS 567522
Light engineering and office activities
Complaints Received by BSI There have been no complaints received by BSI during the certification period.
Report Author
David Forrester
Visit Start Date
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Assessment Report. Nil Strategic Review Pack Summary The strategic assessment pack was reviewed prior to the visit and the comments noted in the applicable sections of this report. The assessment plan has been completed to the requirements with all visit being completed on time and to the correct duration. The standard ISO 9001;2008 and a scope of the certification have been covered during the 3 visits of this review. The findings from the BSI visits show the system has been very well maintained over the review period with no non conformance's being identified. The monitoring, review and corrective action processes have been well maintained and the supporting records for each process have been completed effectively e.g. audits, management reviews, complaints, feedback and the monitoring and progress in relation to management system objectives/ KPI's. The policy and the supporting KPI's for the business sales and quality have been set, monitored and reviewed through a monthly data sheet and the quarterly management reviews. The KPI's have been monitored over the past 3 years and include the following; rejects, diary errors, late deliveries, accidents, damage, audits, web site and total sales, complaints and sales values. Progress in relation to management system objectives. The policy and the supporting KPI's for the sales and quality have been set, monitored and reviewed regularly over this review period and the process were seen to be working effectively. The existing KPI's are to remain the focus going forward with amendments as necessary to show continual improvement. Leadership, Commitment and Strategy The Managing Director is committed to delivering a quality service through the management of the quality system and meeting all the stated quality objectives/ KPI's for the business. Being a small business she is involved daily in the hands on service delivery, review of the KPI's and the management of the quality system to meet customer requirements. Effectiveness of the Management System The quality system has remained effective in the delivery of the service to meet the company, customer and regulatory requirements. All the processes have been implemented effectively over the review period e.g. contracting, repairs and service, hire, feedback, complaints, audits and the management reviews etc'. Impartiality Review Impartiality has been maintained, 2 assessor has been used over this review period. The scope of certification is confirmed as correct and the visit plan is to continue at 1 visit per year of 0.5 of a day each (See new plan) Justified Exclusions Justified exclusions have been confirmed for certificate : FS 567522 details: Design
Areas Assessed & Findings. Documentation and Record Control : 4.2.3-4 The quality system documentation has been maintained since the last BSI assessment, there had been some form improvements and a complete re issue of the procedure flows to simplify and improve them, the changes were reviewed and showed the system had been improved in many areas e.g. sales and the stores processes. The organisation structure and the management team had remained stable.
Report Author
David Forrester
Visit Start Date
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Assessment Report. Training records were up to date. The records for the assessment were made available as requested and they were all well documented and held in a tidy manner. Internal Audit and Management Review : 8.2.1-2/5.6/8.5.2-3 The internal audit plan for 2012-14 was available and audit reports had been completed as planned, the reports seen were well documented to show the processes and records reviewed, the non conformances and observations raised had been actioned through the audit reports and validated before closure. The management reviews the 2013 were available, the minutes had been documented to show the agenda items had been covered. The supporting data for the meetings show the KPI's were being monitored. There had been one complaint since the last assessment that had been logged correctly and 2 continuous improvement actions raised for 2013. Service Delivery : 7.5.1-5/8.2.4 The sales and service delivery processes were reviewed and seen to be completed effectively for the sales, repair and picking, checking, despatch and invoicing of the orders. The items in the store area were identified by part numbers and goods in checks completed in most case with the new form Note - equipment serial number TGA00248 had no checklist.
Assessment Participants. On behalf of the organisation:
Mrs Lucy Prosser
Managing Director
The assessment was conducted on behalf of BSI by:
David Forrester
Team Leader
Continuing Assessment. The programme of continuing assessment is detailed below.
Site Address
Certificate Reference/Visit Cycle
Positive Weighing Solutions Ltd Unit 8 The Clifton Centre Spring Lane South Malvern
FS 567522
Report Author
David Forrester
Visit Start Date
Visit interval:
12 months
Visit duration:
0.5 Days
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Assessment Report. Worcester WR14 1BJ United Kingdom
Next re-certification:
Re-certification by Strategic Review will be conducted on completion of the cycle, or sooner as required. The review will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of your Management System.
Certification Assessment Plan. POSITI-0047396596-000|FS 567522 Visit1
QMS and support activities - Manual and record control, audits, reviews & KPI's
Complaints, feedback and continual improvement
Contract review - sales/ web site
stores, assembly, picking and despatch checks
Repair, service, hire and calibration
Suppliers and Purchasing
Calibration internal
Business area/Location
Date (mm/yy): Duration (days):
Top management strategic review
Next Visit Plan. Visit objectives: The assessment is to conduct a surveillance assessment and look for positive evidence to ensure the elements of the scope of certification and the requirements of the management standard are effectively addressed by the organisation's management system and that the system is demonstrating the ability to support the achievement of statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements and the organisations specified objectives, as applicable with regard to the scope of the management standard, and to confirm the on-going achievement and applicability of the forward strategic plan. The scope of the assessment is the documented management system with relation to the requirements of ISO 9001;2008 and the defined assessment plan provided in terms of locations and areas of the system and organisation to be assessed.
Report Author
David Forrester
Visit Start Date
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Assessment Report. Date
Assessor 1
QMS and support activities - Manual and record control, audits, reviews & KPI's
Assessor 1
Complaints, feedback and continual improvement
Assessor 1
Contract review - sales/ web site
Assessor 1
stores, assembly, picking and despatch checks
Assessor 1
Repair, service, hire and calibration
Assessor 1
Suppliers and Purchasing
Assessor 1
Calibration internal
Assessor 1
Assessor 1
Report Preparation
Assessor 1
Closing Meeting
Please note that BSI reserves the right to apply a charge equivalent to the full daily rate for cancellation of the visit by the organisation within 30 days of an agreed visit date. It is a condition of Registration that a deputy management representative be nominated. It is expected that the deputy would stand in should the management representative find themselves unavailable to attend an agreed visit within 30 days of its conduct.
Notes. The assessment was based on sampling and therefore nonconformities may exist which have not been identified. If you wish to distribute copies of this report external to your organisation, then all pages must be included. BSI, its staff and agents shall keep confidential all information relating to your organisation and shall not disclose any such information to any third party, except that in the public domain or required by law or relevant accreditation bodies. BSI staff, agents and accreditation bodies have signed individual confidentiality undertakings and will only receive confidential information on a 'need to know' basis. 'Just for Customers' is the website that we are pleased to offer our clients following successful registration, designed to support you in maximising the benefits of your BSI registration - please go to to register. When registering for the first time you will need your client reference number and your certificate number (47396596/FS 567522). The Carbon Dioxide emissions due to the planning, delivery and administration of this assessment will be fully off-set through the BSI CarbonNeutralŽ project. For more information on CarbonNeutralŽ please visit This report and related documents is prepared for and only for BSI’s client and for no other purpose. As such, BSI does not accept or assume any responsibility (legal or otherwise) or accept any liability for or in connection with any other purpose for which the Report may be used, or to any other person to whom the Report is shown or in to whose hands it may come, and no other persons shall be entitled to rely on the Report. Should you wish to speak with BSI in relation to your registration, please contact our Customer Engagement and Planning:
Report Author
David Forrester
Visit Start Date
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Assessment Report.
Customer Services BSI Kitemark Court, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill Milton Keynes MK5 8PP Tel: +44 (0)845 080 9000 Fax +44 (0)1908 228123 Email:
Report Author
David Forrester
Visit Start Date
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