Management Review Agenda V3 To comply with ISO9001:2015 clause 9.2.1 Management review inputs
Topic 1.
The status of actions from previous management reviews;
changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the quality management system;
information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends in;
Items not completed: Quotewerks SQL Database still not
Tony to upgrade
Written process for trade approval need to be pulished
Lucy to publish
Due to staff changes we need to change the org chart
a) customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties; Customer Satisfaction
Need to enforce to complete and Fabian looking at smiley face Job Sheet
b) Process performance and conformity of products and services;
Dini Argeo still not suppling with UK plug
To discuss with Dini Argeo 12/10
Cognex suppling cameras with failing thread on M12 connector
We suspect they are getting damaged at palletforce. To progress with full shroud and quote Palletforce
c) The extent to which quality objectives have been met; 1. Customer Complaints
No Complaint received
2. Staff Accidents
No incidents
3. Damage to customer
4. Late Deliveries
National Refridgeration
5. Non conforming Product
Dini Argeo Cognex
6. Warranty Returns
All area completed although warranty return to modified to incorporate serial numbers
7. Workshop Errors
No incidents
8. Preventative Actions
DFWLIP to be siliconed for FLT applications
To be logged
Lucy to change the Jotform with comma separated S/N field
Lucy to modify works order
ATEX Glands reference 41 has been reviewed and issues have not re-occured 9. Corrective Actions
Action items still not closed our 3590 Main Board Replacement
Lucy to close out
ATEX documents against ACT! Records
Fabian to review
New goods shipped details attached to act is still not completed as it should, thrown up by an internal audit
Lucy and Tony to enter data due to staff changes for mean time
10. monitoring and
measurement results;
External audit results;
b. Internal Audit results c.
Internal Audit Asessment
The performance of external providers;
No Issues Q4 Audit are due and review of Q3 Audits Carry out Internal Audit Asessment Management Commitent audits to be carried out by Fabian Scaime have improved significantly No major issues with Turier’s due to on site checks Cognex are currently on the ball service and warranty. Dan still not coming back Dini Argeo still causing issues with over promising and UK power plugs The adequacy of resources;
a) Facilities - Office
b) IT / Software
New Fridge
Server Upgrade Quotewerks SQL server Dynamics/ETC Staff Hub Trial
c) Workshop
Fabian to look into tudiorials
d) Vehicles
Sell Robins Van
We buy any car
Vehicles moved back to RSM
e) Kitchen & WC Facility
Fridge Shower needs fixing
Sales Figures – a) New Goods
Q1 & Q2 were slow, Q3 and Q4 to be better due to order from
b) Contract
Contracts sales are forecast to be up due to Lucy’s efforts
c) Service / Repair
Is up due to activity in the office
the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities (see 6.1.);
The effectiveness can not be measured at this time as the actions have not been required. Action to address the issue of cash flow and accessive operating cost have been
addresses but too early to access the effectiveness Two Sisters c)
opportunities for improvement.
Dynamics/Staffhub needs research Taking on a apprentice
Digital leads from TP are not fit for purpose Christmas party
50 plates to be ordered. Potting compound