MRM Minutes Feb 2018

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Management Review Agenda Meeting Date : February 21st 2018 Period reviewing : Q3 & Q4 2017 To comply with ISO9001:2015 clause 9.2.1 Management review inputs





The status of actions from previous management reviews;

The previos MRM minutes were read and there are no actions outstanding or arising from the minutes



changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the quality management system;

The potential increase in the sale of the NEXUS scale may have an impact on resources

Wait and see if there is an impact. If we need to start looking at employing another engineer, we will do so.


information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends in; Customer satisfaction feedback are ery good. Every calibration / service visit has resulted in a submission with the perceived levels of service either very good or good.

Reminders to engineers with every works orders to get a satifaction survey / submission

a) customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties; Customer Satisfaction






No deadline but review at next


Submissions for new goods installations are seldom, so the engineers are being reminded to get feedback for installations as well as calibration / service

b) Process performance and conformity of products and services;

Non conforming products were reviewed and it has been highlighted that there is a quality process lacking from our main suppier – Dini Argeo. All non conformances from Q1 & Q2 2017 have been reviewed but have not been closed down as we have yet toreceive a satisfactory response from Dini as to how it happened in the first place. Whilst not part of the Q’s under review – the National Refrigerants loadcells mounts we logged as a customer complaint but also need logging as non conforming product.

c) The extent to which quality objectives have been met; 1. Customer Complaints

2. Staff Accidents

There was one complaint raised in Q3/4 2017 – Joseph Heler. This was reviewed and it was decided that there had been a communication misunderstanding by the. LP had written an email in response to the complaint and has to date not received a respose. The customer concerned has since spoken with Fabian and has stated that she is happy with the resolution. There were no staff accidents in Q 3 or 4 2017. The staff were all briefed as to how to report an accident and are encouraged to report even the most minor injury be it a

A meeting is to be set up with Steve Cox from Dini Argeo to try and estabish what the quality control process is and how they deal wit customer comlpaints – to date we have received no formal close outs of any issues we have raised, and some of them have been reasonably serious (ATEX related)


Rob to log the national ref loadcell mounts as non conforming product as well as a customer complaint. Refer to the complaint for all the order details.


None – this incident has been closed out and no further action required.






MARCH 31st 18

24th Feb 18

physical injury on a customer site , or our premises, in a vehicle RTA 3. Damage to customer

There was no damage to customer property on Q3 / Q4 2017


4. Late Deliveries

There was one late delivery that we are aware of but this has not been logged. It was the Indendum order for Bostik, this was delivered approximately 2 weeks late and the reason for this was potton delph – the manufacturer, realising part way through the bulid that the filling head was too heavy toretract easily for the operator and as such a modification was required by using gas strutts. Non conforming product has already been discussed and covered off in 3c.

TB to log a late delivery report (back dated) on the PWS quality website.

There was a warranty return back to Scaime for 3 eNods – following the Palletforce installation. Scaime put the products through their testing facility and ascertained that they were not faulty but that we had blown them. We are disputing this, but there is a line between the value of the dispute and the cost of the repair. 2 workshop errors were reviewed and agreed they were isolated incidents. These have been closed out on the Quality website.

Rob to continue to assess theperfomance of the module as the faults are intermittent and not across the board on all the units.


NFA required


8. Preventative Actions

ATEX Systems were reviewed in general – general awareness. It was also ATEX installations that involve dini kit for gland tightness and correct glands have been provided by dini

All systems to be checked when we do a scheduled visit at sites concerned.

9. Corrective Actions

One corrective action was discussed and


5. Non conforming Product

6. Warranty Returns

7. Workshop Errors








ASAP but before the next MRM


JUNE 30TH 18


31st March 18


closed out. This was an engineer making an assumption on a scale capacity and causing us to return to site to re-calibrate 10. monitoring and

measurement results;


External audit results;

External Audit was carried out by BSI in September. This was a sucessful transitionthrough to the latest 9001:2015 standard. We have been re-certified for another 3 years folowing a sucessful audit.

Continuous use of the quality website and participaion by all staff will ensure the data within it is up to date and current / relevant. All staff are actively encouraged to log continuous improvement activites, suggestions and customer satisfaction / complaints themselves and not leave it to management.

a) Internal Audit results

All internal auduts for the previous quarters were reviewed. There was one non confirmance and this was due to ACT not being updated correctly.

Further training has been given and the issue shoud not arrise again.

There have been continued ‘issies’ with internal process software supplier SAGE, and also ACT. There have been continued problems with the sage link droppingand Lucja not being able to log onto SAGE, which they refuse to address as they beieve its our problem, not theirs. We have finally convinced them it is their issue but its still happening and its not being addressed by them.

A log to be kept online (jotform) for every event that occurs so we have some ‘evidence’ to put in front of them when an incident occurs whereby we can log what the problem is, how long we are affected for and how long it has taken us to resolve the issue over the phone. This will consist of a drop down nox of suppliers of internal process software to it can be used for logging all calls of a similar nature. It will give us traceability.

Office chairs were ordered –Fabian didn’t like them

Fabian been advised to visit staples and find a suitable chair within budget.


The performance of external providers;




Further ACT audits required. Act audit has been put into the audit plan already as this is such a major part of the business process, it is critical that it is accurate. LP to create form – all users to log events.

The adequacy of resources; a) Facilities - Office



3rd March 18

b) IT / Software

SQL Version of quotewerks requires installation. This will be timeconsuming for TB and disruptive to the business as QW is ikely to be down for approx 2 days.

TB to manage/ oversee the install and timings. Individual operators could potentially install their local updates.


c) Workshop

A new engraving machine has been purchased. This is ONLY to be used for the purpose of engraving plastic legends for panels. NONE of the attachments are to be used for any other purpose and nothing is to be removed from site

Rob May has volunteered to be responsible for looking after the engraver and ensure it is kept in good condition and only used for its intended purpose.


d) Vehicles

No major issues.

Fabian to get everything booked in and ensure all required work is completed by deadline

Adam needs a new battery


End june


28 Feb 18

Max needs a servie and to have his brakes checked out. e) Kitchen & WC Facilitiy

Dishwasher and Qooker tap requried.

Contact Orilo and get them to quote for a finished job.


31st March

Sales Figures – a) New Goods

b) Contract

c) Service / Repair

Sage Profit and Loss report anaylised. Whilst 2017 was our best trading year to date in terms of both turnover nad profit, the new reprt from SAGE which higlights the breakdown of incoming and outgoing invoices (Monthly P & L) has highligted that some transactions have been misallocated the incorrect nominal code and

1. Lucja Natkaniec has been booked onto a book-keeping course ot ensure she is given further training in understanding basic book keeping. 2. LP to audit the nominal code list and ammend as necessary to ensure it is inclusive of all applicable codes for our business. Create as required. 3. An audit of all transactions to be completed by the end of February that have been posted since 1st Jan 2018 to

1. LN to chase to ensure booking is complete

28TH Feb

2. LP 28th Feb

3. LN Friday 9th March

therefore the figures are not in their correct categories.

ensure they have been posted to the correct nomincal codes.

Now we know what what to do to address this, there is a plan in place to move forwar and get this correct for the next year. b)

the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities (see 6.1.);


opportunities for improvement.



It has been decided that the weekly meetings are not being stuck to and as a result jobs are being neglected.


Data Protection was raised as a potential concern with the recent legislation changes.


Quality of installations. There are concerns regarding the aesthetic quality of installations being checked on completion. It has been concluded that this will be resolved with the regular meetings on Monday mornings highlighting the individual job requirements and the expectations of the clients and PWS

The weekly meeting will now be attended by LP, TB, RM, FM & LN uness the individual participant is either on holiday or off sick. Jobs should be planned around this meeting as it is too important to not have.



1. No action at this time, although it may be prudent to state on all quotes and contracts that their data will be held for an indefinite period unless they stated otherwise. Either that or we change our terms and conditions accordingly. Currently however, it was concluded that our liability was so small it was not worth actioning at this time. To be reviewed at the next MRM


Review at next MRM



2. Weekly meetings have been implemented and this will assess whether is resolves the issue.

Management. 3.


Trade approval. It was discused that due to the office based intensity of the trade approval process, that Fabian Makal would be best placed to carry out the preliminary paperwork to facilitate the physical approval. TB has discussed with Dini and they are in agreement as long as Fabian ha sbeen given sufficient training in order to pass the exam , which is in italy.

It has been requested that expected lead times be put onto works orders to assist in plannig.


Training to be arranged with IAN Turner for a one day welmec training course later in the year. FM to assist TB in all preliminary paperwork to get used to the process and gain an understanding regarding compataility of modules etc..


END 2018



Fabian wil have been with us for 2 yers in October, Dini have a 2 year minimum experience for approvals, so we anticiapate an Italy trip in November / December. Fabian Makal to be issued a copy of EN45501 to read and study.

Again – it was agreed that the weekly meetings will assist in all aspects of planning.


24TH APRIL 2018

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