Management Review Meeting Date of Meeting
PWS Offices
Lucy Poole Tony Bennett Peter Poole Rob May Lucja Natkaniec Fabian Makal Robin Burgess
1 - Review of Previous Minutes
Review of Previous Minutes
The previous minutes were reviewed and read out. Not all staff present today were with the company at the last meeting and so it was important for them to have a good understanding of the agenda and why we have the meetings.
Action Required
Due Date
2 - Review of Performance Metrics
Review of Performance Metrics (Products 'v' Service)
Products 'v' service 'v' Contracts was reviewed. The turnover to date is alreday higher than teh annual turnover of last year - so both sides of the invoicing have picked up. Contracts have increased by 12% Service has increased by 17 % New goods has increased by 12%
Action Required
It was decided to change the review agenda structure to focus on all of the sales first, then move onto the quality objectives as contract figures form part of the quality objectives which has been decided against as its confusing.. Action is to change the meeting agenda to reflect this change requirement.
Due Date
3 - Review of Quality Objectives.
Review of Quality Objectives
Customer complaints have increased. It is our belief that the actual complaints have not increased, but the ease of reporting now has made it easier for any staff member to log a complaint for review by management. 1. Customer Complaints
The complaints were listed and discussed and all complaints have been closed out satisfactorily with the exception of Ben Creese which is still ongoing. This is a difficult one as we are rectifying a solution that Dini Argeo have put us in with limited assistance from them and we are relying on them completely for the solution.
Action Required
Dini Argeo need to establish a timeline for their solution and stick to it. To be discussed at the supplier meeting scheduled for Mid September.
Due Date
2. Staff Accidents
None reported
Action Required
No Action Required
Due Date
3. Damage to Customer Property
None Reported
Action Required
No Action Required
Due Date
4. On time Delivery
There have been a number of late deliveries and the vast majority of these are still from Dini Argeo. They seem to have their own agenda when it comes to deliveries.
Action Required
We are now holding much more stock than we used to of the faster moving items in an effort to overcome the delivery issues from Dini. Delivery times to be addressed at the Supplier Management Meeting with Dini on 14th Sept.
Due Date
5. Supplier Quality - Non Conforming Product
There have been 5 submissions in 2017 - all have been regarding Dini products. This is not surprising as they are our largest supplier and the percentage of non conformancies has not changes with our increased turnover with them so it does seem taht there quality is improving. However, they have no way of logging a non conforming product report from us - apart from Warranty and sometimes its not warranty which I find hard to understand if they are ISO9001 ? Do be discussed at the supplier meeting on September 14th.
Action Required
CLOSEOUT - This was discussed and Steve Cox has agreed to raise this at the enxt meeting he has in Italy to see if there is a way forward. In the meantime he has asked that we resend all reports to him so he can address them. This has been done.
Due Date
The Contract Base has increased by 12% year on year which is a good result. 6. Contract Base ÂŁ
We have however now lost our contract sales person - so moving forward a decision must be made as to who does it. It has been decided to split contract base out of the quality objectives and put into a seperate sales category for future MRM's
Action Required
LP is going to continue heading up the contract sales, once the 2015 transition has been completed and her time has been free's up a little. There is a 'Online marketing assistant' job posted currently which we hope to fill to ensure the website can generate some enquiries.
Due Date
7. Warranty Returns
All the warranty returns were reviewed and it was agreed that they have all been dealt with satisfactorily by the relevant supplier. They are mostly Dini, but they are very efficient when it comes to warranty returns and have a very good system of logging and tracking.
Action Required
Discuss with Dini why they send a replacement or a repaired item at the end of the warranty process even if we purchase a new one immediately to complete a customer order -we dont want 2 in stock - it woudl be nice to have the option.
Due Date
8. Quarterly Audit Status
The Quarterly audits are currently being carried out by Gene Willis, but LP feels taht she has lost touch with the audit process as she doesnt get involved and feels the input is not as good as when she did it. There have been no major non conformancies bought to light, but LP is not convinced
Action Required
Review at the end of the year to see if LP has the time to carry out the internal audits herself once again.
Due Date
9.Workshop Errors
There have been 4 workshop errors during 2017 which is an improvement on last year. None for them were catastrophic although one could have been as it was a poorly installed ATEX system at BIP. Another was an former engineer disobeying an instruction which led to a mistake being made which in turn led to a wasted day.
Action Required
Rob May is keeping on top of the engineers ensuring their time is well spent and checking all work before it goes out of the door as well as the usual works order sign off by the engineer. Since Rob started - the workshop is running a lot smoother and less mistakes are being made. No action required
No Action Required
Due Date
10. Continuous Improvement Activities (Preventative, Improvement and Corrective Actions)
There have been 16 corrective actions and 2 preventative actions logged since teh last meeting (some not this year) We read out all the occurences and reviewed them all for any similarities and it was agreed that they were all independant and there was no pattern to any of them. The ones that can be closed have been closed, and some remain open for further review and will be closed at the next MRM.
Action Required
Review all open items at next MRM.
Due Date
4. Review of Customer Feedback - Comments
Customer feedback has changed. No one was completing our online survey taht Fabian was sending out, so we reverted to manual tick boxes. The engineers take a form to site and get the customer to fill it out when they have completed their work. The three forms have been merged into one, although this is only recently and to date, only service / calibration has been surveyed but the results to date are excellent with a return rate of nearly 100%
Action Required
Give the engineers a merged form to complete on site so they can use the form for service/ calibration / repair and installation visits.
Due Date
5. Review of Overheads Comments
The overheads were reviewed and this has highlighed an error on sage. The nominal codes have not being input correctly and as a result the overhead report has not printed correctly - this has been addressed and the accountants are coming in to rectify it and give some more training toLucja.
Action Required
Monthly checks on all incoming invoices to ensure they are being allocated ot the correct nominal code.
Due Date
6. Review of Facilities - Offices Comments
The noise travelling in the office is still an issue. We need to get the false ceiling installed and a private meeting room built. Kitchen area is good - new worktop and chairs have gone down well.
Action Required
LP to investigate whether we can spread the cost of this with one of the suppliers quoting for the work. replicate the worktop in the meeting room to generate more seating space.
Due Date
7. Review of Facilities - Workshop - Comments
The facilities in the workshop are fine although if we were to getthe palletforce order, we may need additional desk space to assemble cabinets - this should be discussed at the time. Rob May requested some tools for the engineers - it has been agreed that if a tool is valued at less than ÂŁ20 then he is authorised to go and purchase one for each engineer anything over that requires authorisation from the Directors (one of)
Action Required
None - contrantly reviewed with Rob May.
Due Date
8. Review of Faclities - VANS Comments
Robins Van still needs the turbo changing, but it is not affecting his small amount of travel as we are bringing him in house more due to his nearing retirement (his request) All other vans are fine and there is no requirement to increase the fleet at present.
Action Required
Get quote for Robins van.
Due Date
9. Review of Facilities - IT / Software - Comments
All IT and Software is running as it should although this is constantly reviewed by TB adn LP in terms of performance and requirement.
Action Required
No action required but constantly reviewing requirements and will address as necessary.
Due Date
10. Training Requirements Comments
Rob May has requested further Dini Training for all the engineers. This is being booked with Drew and Steve Cox. Rob May has also implemented a training schedule and is putting all the engineers through a training matrix and this is working very well ensuring we can review all engineers performance against each other.
Action Required
None - Rob May is managing the training aspects of the business very well and he is constantly reviewing any training requirements.
No Action Required
Due Date
11. Review of UKAS 17025 Comments
UKAS has now been removed from the agenda since our resignation from the accreditation. This was discussed and explained to everyone as to why we are dropping it - its quite simply that we do not see it as value for money and so many companies are selling it so cheaply but not doing it correctly it makes a mockery of the system.
Action Required
No Action Required
Due Date
12. Potential changes that could affect the Management System Comments
During this meeting, an order from Palletforce has been received. This has a significant impact on the business in terms of internal resources and also financially. There has not been time to review the actual requirements as yet but over the coming weeks this will be assessed and acted on accordingly. The role of Internet Marketing Assistant should be filled ASAP - this will require a change to the QMS - company structure. No immediate specific action required but review changes as they arise.
Action Required
The palletforce order has been on the horizon for a while, so we know we can do the work - we just need to work out how and over what time frame.
Due Date
08-24-2017 Office Carpet - it getting very tired.
13. Any other Business. Comments
It has been decided that annual MRM's are not suficient and that it would be preferred if we went back to quarterly - a lot of the items on the previous minutes agenda are so old they are almost not worth reviewing - it needs to be more relevant. We will therefore plan the next MRM for the first month of the new year to review Q4 2017. LP to review office carpet costs this with suppliers when they come in.
Actions Required Diarise next MRM for January 2018. Actionee
Due Date
Time of Meeting Close
4:30 PM