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Assessment Report Positive Weighing Solutions Ltd Assessment dates Assessment location

Report author Assessment standards

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25/09/2017 to 25/09/2017 Worcester (000) Ken Stafford

ISO 9001:2008

Table of contents

Assessment Report.

Executive summary ......................................................................................................................................................3 Assessment participants .............................................................................................................................................. 6

Status of actions from the previous assessment .........................................................................................................6 Assessment findings ..................................................................................................................................................... 7 Our next steps ............................................................................................................................................................21

Your next steps...........................................................................................................................................................22

Appendix: Your certification structure & on-going assessment programme ............................................................23

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Executive summary

Assessment Report.

In order to support the strategic direction and to give assurances to its customer base, the organisation maintains a management system to meet the requirements of ISO 9001 International Standard. The strategic vision was seen to be embedded in the organisation and provides confidence in the intended outcomes of the organisations management system.

The management system has demonstrated that it is largely supporting its strategic direction and delivery of the intended results. This was evidenced in the areas sampled and the organisations ability to provide quality assured products that meets its customer requirements.

There are however further possible opportunities to improve results and reduce risk, relating to achieving the intended results. Therefore, opportunities for improvement and/or non-conformances have been raised.

Based on the objective evidence provided throughout the assessment process, the current progress made against the revised standard is: 89%. The methodology and processes outlined by the organization during this assessment demonstrated its compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Therefore recommendation is made for certification to ISO 9001:2015, pending submission and approval of a corrective action plan to the BSI.

Assessment objective, scope and criteria The objective of the assessment was to conduct a surveillance assessment and look for positive evidence to verify that elements of the scope of certification and the requirements of the management standard are effectively addressed by the organization's management system; that the system is demonstrating the ability to support the achievement of statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements and the organization's specified objectives as applicable with regard to the scope of the management standard; to confirm the ongoing achievement and applicability of the forward strategic plan and where applicable to identify potential areas for improvement of the management system. The scope of the assessment is the documented management system with relation to the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2008 maintenance & 9001:2015 implementation and the defined assessment plan provided in terms of locations and areas of the system and organization to be assessed. BS EN ISO 9001:2008 maintenance & 9001:2015 implementation Positive Weighing Solutions Ltd management system documentation

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NCR summary Which standard(s) BSI recorded findings against

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Assessment Report.

Assessment Report. Where BSI recorded findings

Definitions: Nonconformity Non-fulfilment of a requirement.

Major nonconformity Nonconformity that affects the capability of the management system to achieve the intended results. Nonconformities could be classified as major in the following circumstances: - If there is a significant doubt that effective process control is in place, or that products or services will meet specified requirements; - A number of minor nonconformities associated with the same requirement or issue could demonstrate a systemic failure and thus constitute a major nonconformity. Minor nonconformity Nonconformity that does not affect the capability of the management system to achieve the intended results.

Opportunity for improvement It is a statement of fact made by an assessor during an assessment, and substantiated by objective evidence, referring to a weakness or potential deficiency in a management system which if not improved may lead to nonconformity in the future. We may provide generic information about industrial best practices but no specific solution shall be provided as a part of an opportunity for improvement.

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Assessment Report.

Assessment participants Name

Lucy Bennett - Poole Rob May


Managing Director

Technical Manager

Opening meeting X

Closing meeting X

Interviewed (processes) X X

Status of actions from the previous assessment Ref 1455063201703-N1 Scope Category


Objective evidence:

1. There was no evidence (e. g. in the incident logs for customer complaints, audit non-conformances, workshop errors) that the root causes had been identified (e. g. in terms of the failing process) such that process improvements to prevent recurrence could be considered. 2. Also it was not clear whether sub-clauses b, d and e had been adequately addressed in the QMS.



Transition readiness review FS 567522 Minor



No evidence that root causes were identified leading to actions to prevent recurrence.

Correction / containment Corrective action

Closed?: Justification

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Due to an oversight the organisation has omitted to act on this NC. NC to be assessed at next assessment.

Assessment Report.

Assessment findings The assessment was conducted on behalf of BSI by Name

Ken Stafford


Team leader

Assessment conclusion and recommendation The audit objectives have been achieved and the certificate scope remains appropriate. The audit team concludes based on the results of this audit that Positive Weighing Solutions does fulfil the standards and audit criteria identified within the audit report and it is deemed that the management system continues to achieve its intended outcomes. RECOMMENDED - Corrective Action Plan Required ('Minor' findings only): The audited organization may be recommended for certification to ISO 9001:2015, based upon the acceptance of a satisfactory corrective action plan for all 'Minor' findings as shown in this report. Effective implementation of corrective actions will be reviewed during the next surveillance audit. Please submit a plan to BSI detailing the nonconformity, the cause, correction and your proposed corrective action, with responsibilities and timescales allocated. The plan is to be submitted no later than 05/10/2017 by e-mail to, referencing the report number, or through the BSI Assurance Portal if this is enabled for your account.

Use of certification documents, mark / logo or report The use of the BSI certification documents and mark / logo is effectively controlled.

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Assessment Report.

Context of the organisation: 4.1 • Organisation has determined its external and internal issues relevant to its purpose and strategic direction. • External and internal issues have been documented within the QMS Manual. • Monitor and review of these issues are included within the management review process and by "What If" reviews. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

4.2 • The organisation has determined its interested parties relevant to the Quality Management System. • The organisation has determined the requirements of relevant interested parties • The aforementioned have been documented in the QMS Manual. • Monitor and review of these issues are included within the management review process and by "What If" reviews. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

4.3 • The scope of the organization’s quality management system has been established, it is available and maintained as documented information within QMS manual. • The scope states the types of products and services covered, and there are no declared exclusions. • In establishing the scope considerations have been given to:o the external and internal issues relevant to the organisations purpose o the requirements of relevant interested parties o the products and services of the organization Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

4.4 • The organization has established, implemented, maintains and strives to continually improve its quality management system. • The organization has determined the processes needed for the quality management system and their application throughout the organization. • These processes are represented by means of a flow chart and are included within the Quality Manual. • Consideration has been given to the processes needed and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of the Standard. • Inputs required and resulting outputs have been determined. • Evidence was available internal audit & management review to support the operation of its processes and that the processes are being carried out as planned. • Process performance indicators developed but are in their infancy and need further clarification. Page 8 of 27

Assessment Report. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized. Opportunity for improvement Ref. no




Area/process Scope


Context of the organisation FS 567522

Process performance indicators have been developed to determine effective operation but are in their infancy and need further clarification.

5 Leadership: 5.1 Senior management have demonstrated leadership and commitment with respect to the quality management systems by: • Taking accountability of the QMS • Establishing quality objectives and a quality policy that is appropriate to the organisations context and strategic direction. • Promoting improvement throughout the organisation "What if". • Attendance at management reviews, ensuring the quality management system is achieving its intended results, resource needs are available and communicating the importance of effective quality management and how this directly affects the products and services supplied by the organisation. • The promoting of risk based thinking is evident by the PDCA cycle, management was observed to support their staff through engagement at all levels. • Ensuring customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and met. • Ensuring the resources needed for the QMS are available. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

5.2 • Be appropriate to the purpose and context of the organisation. • Provide a framework for establishing quality objectives. • Include a commitment to satisfy pertinent requirements. • Continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS. The Quality Policy was:• Available and documented within QMS. • Communicated via, induction process, team briefings, displayed at key strategic locations and available on the organisation intranet. • Understanding was assessed by interview during the assessment where by individuals were able to articulate the policy in their own words. • Available to interested parties via the company’s web site. Page 9 of 27

Assessment Report. Planned activities have not been realized. Minor non-conformance(s) has been identified which will require corrective actions to be taken, in order for the process to meet the requirements ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have not been realized.

5.3 • Roles, responsibilities and authorities have been assigned at all levels via job descriptions, individuals are recruited against these requirements. • The organisations performance management process assesses performance against these requirements on an annual basis. • The structure of the organisation is defined by means of an organisation chart section 5.3 of QMS Manual. • Meeting the requirements of the standard is via the organisations internal audit programme, where process inputs and outputs are also assessed. • Reporting of the organisations quality management system is done through the management review process where meetings are held at least twice per year. • Changes to the quality management system are planned in advance and changes made in a controlled manner. • Promotion of customer focus is assessed by the customer services score card. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

6 Planning: 6.1 6.1.1 • Actions to address risk and opportunities have been considered and included within the quality management system "contingency`s". • These include the organisations context and various internal and external issues relative to the organisation. • Furthermore; the organisation has determined the interested parties and the requirements that are relevant to the quality management system. • By their inclusion the objective is to enhance desirable effects and prevent, or reduce undesirable effects.

6.1.2 • The quality management system is supported by a number of processes designed to assess risk and opportunities. • Consideration is given to how these are planned and integrated into the quality management system, along with the assessment of their effectiveness. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized. 6.2 Quality Objectives; Page 10 of 27

Assessment Report.

• Have been established at relevant functions, levels and processes needed for the quality management system. • Objectives were found to be measurable and consistent with the quality policy. • The objectives took into account applicable requirements, relevant to the organisations products and services and enhancement of customer satisfaction. • They are monitored via a live scorecard, communicated by the organisations intranet and updated monthly. • Objectives included:~ Complaints ~ H&S ~ Warranty ~ On time delivery ~ Customer Satisfaction ~ Non-conforming product • Visual management is used to identify performance against targets. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

6.3 Planning for change originated from the management review, "Changes that could affect the QMS". Examples being:-

The aforementioned are documented in the organisation QMS, "change tracker". Changes are performed in a planned manner with consideration to; determination of resources, process interaction, responsibility assigned and assessment of risk. • Planning for change originates from the management review, "Changes that could affect the QMS". • Examples being:o Transition to ISO 9001:2015 o Re-issue of Quality Policy o Pallet Force Order due to value of order • The aforementioned were documented in the organisation management review, latest minutes 24/08/17. • Changes are performed in a planned manner with consideration to; determination of resources, process interaction, responsibility assigned and assessment of risk. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

7 Support: 7.1 Resources 7.1.1 General • The organisation has provided resources for its quality management system to ensure effective implementation maintenance and continual improvement. • Consideration is given to the capabilities and constraints of its existing resource and acquisition of any further resource. 7.1.2 People • The organisation has determined the persons necessary for the effective implementation of its QMS, along with the operation and control of its processes. Page 11 of 27

Assessment Report. 7.1.3 Infrastructure The infrastructure of the organisation facilitates the achievement of product conformity. • Buildings and utilities were found to be satisfactory. • IT support for business operating systems is a combination of in house and via a 3rd party. • Cloud storage is used for electronic data. • Data retrieval has been conducted successfully in the past early 2017. • Contingency exists for moving to alternative locations. • The organisation takes appropriates precautions for e threats. • Information and communication technology were found fit for purpose. • The organisation has its own transportation resources.

7.1.4 Environment • The organisation has determined, provides and maintains the environment necessary for the operation of its processes. • The environment facilitates the achievement of product conformity. • A suitable environment exists in relation to human and physical factors. • During the assessment there were no signals to indicate otherwise. 7.1.5 Monitoring & Measuring General • The organisation has determined and provided resources to ensure valid and reliable results when measuring equipment is used to verify product conformity. • The resources provided were suitable for the type of measurement, e.g. reference weights • They were observed to be maintained for continuing fitness for purpose. The organisation has established processes to ensure that monitoring and measurement is carried out. • Items observed had identification that clearly indicated their calibration status. • Items were found to be calibrated or verified at specified intervals. • Records available of calibration taking place. • Records traceable to international or national standards. o Observed; Various weights 100 g to 25,00 g Cal Cert UF 1554, Exp Feb 2018. 7.1.6 Organisational Knowledge The organisation has determined the knowledge necessary for the operation of its processes and to achieve conformity of products and services by:• The experience and learning’s from dealings with its customers and suppliers. • Staff training in relevant tasks by means of work instructions. • Previous projects and objectives. • External Sources, Internet, Standards, Publications, Training, Conferences etc. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

7.2 Competence • Training & Competency; records are maintained along with records of education, previous training, skills and experience. • Additional records are available relating to specific training given to the employee during their Page 12 of 27

employment. Within the production areas skills matrix`s were evident. • Quality Policy awareness included as part of the induction process. o Observed training records for A. Grant, L. Natkeniac

Assessment Report.

Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

7.3 Awareness • Employees are made aware of the company quality policy through initial induction as well as it being displayed within the business and readily available to all via the web site. • Quality objectives are documented within the organisation and are communicated within the organisation via the intranet. • Implications of not following the quality management system are identified as not meeting requirements and these can manifest themselves as defective product scrap or rework, customer complaints and warranty claims. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized

7.4 Communication • Communication channels are retained within the organisation, between various levels and functions, these can include; notice boards and other forms of electronic information systems. The later is applicable also to external communication, where risk assessments are communicated. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized

7.5 Documented Information The organisation has established a QMS to meet the requirements of the International Standard, which includes:• Documents are approved prior to issue • Reviewed as required following changes "Auto tracker" • Revision status • Documents are legible • Retention periods • Obsolete documents are removed from circulation. • Control of documented information of external origin. Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized

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Assessment Report.

8 Operations: 8.1 • The organisation has planned, implemented and controls the processes needed to achieve product conformity. • Internal processes include but are not limited to; Calibration call, Creating a calibration certificate, Assembling a Scale. • External processes; On site calibration of scales, • Documented information is maintained in order to demonstrate product conformity, Works order, Equipment serial number. 8.2 A review of the process was undertaken sampling "Call Out R2008", Scale Reading Incorrectly. • Customer communication was evident via emails and telephone calls. • Engineer identified requirements via electronic image. • Quote 3065 prepared, 15/09/17, accepted by customer ref PO 4939569149, dated 15/09/17. • PO reviewed in order to ensure it was within the organisations core competencies. • Sales Order 2675 raised as acknowledgement, dated 15/09/17. • Invoice raised 5117 22/09/17.

8.3 • Since the last assessment the organisation has identified a need to include "design" within its scope. Therefore the organisation has outlined a Process Flow for Design. • Currently the organisation has one project at Development Phase "Bostik" and is anticipating a further project at Feasibility "Pallet Force". • As neither of these projects have completed the full process, an assessment of conformance can not be currently undertaken. • It is suggested that a review of this clause will be assessed at re-certification review 2018. 8.4 A review of the process was under taken by sampling purchase order 2370, 03/07/17 Avery Berkel. • Suppliers evaluated via questionnaire ID 3775671884218849578, ISO 9001 certification Exp. Sept. 2018. • Re-evaluation of supplier based on performance, evidence in management review minutes. • Purchase order 2370 placed against suppliers part number FX50, which in turn has its own technical sheets/specifications. • Verification of goods is based on items supplied, delivery note/invoice SLS/50329608 and purchase order 2370. Invoice stamped detailing Customer, Sales order, PWS Invoice, Acceptance and SAGE.

8.5 8.5.1 The organisation operates production and service provision under controlled conditions, which include:• Availability of documented information, • Calibrated equipment. • Multi skilled staff. • Suitable environment and infrastructure. • Traceability of product maintained. • Final product release activities. A review of the process was undertaken sampling Sales Order 2678, repair. o Repair scale as per Quote PWSQ3011 o Works order 2678 defined work carried out, "replace weight indicator SS-30-60 kg". Page 14 of 27

o Serial No. 0100573495.

Assessment Report.

A review of the process was undertaken sampling Sales Order 2637, supply. o Supply 5 off bench scale S3 ref works order 2637. o Customer Palethorpes Bakery. o Scales suppliers serial No. 0100547452, 0100498062, 0100547463, 0100497996, 0100547457.

8.5.2 • Identification is maintained through to the end user by the use of unique individual serial numbers. • Documented information was retained both electronically and manually. 8.5.3 • The organisation exercises care with customer property while under its control. • Care is taken to identify, verify and protect customer’s products. • The organisation ensures product integrity during internal processing and delivery to its intended destination is maintained. • Handling packaging, storage and protection were observed to be satisfactory.

8.5.4 • The organisation ensures that its products are preserved to the extent necessary to ensure conformity to requirements.

8.5.5 • The organisation has determined its post-delivery activities relates only to the warranty offered against its products, which is typically 1 year. • The intended lifetime of the organisations products is dependent on the environment it operates within. • The organisation acquires information routinely from field service visits and customer feedback. This information is analysed and feedback through the QMS to correct and improve products and services offered. 8.5.6 • The organisation ensures change is carried out in a controlled manner, where the risks affecting change are considered ensuring continuing conformity to requirements. • Documented information is retained relating to changes made.

8.6 • The organisation has implemented planned arrangements at appropriate stages of its process to ensure that product/service requirements have been satisfied. • Documented evidence is retained by product serial number. • Traceability is maintained of the authorising and release process.

8.7 • The organisation ensures that nonconforming outputs are identified and controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery. • Segregation of product is under taken where possible, or items are clearly identified to prevent use. • Documented information retained, that describes the nonconformity, action taken and authority deciding action.

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Assessment Report.

Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized. 9 Performance evaluation: 9.1.1 The organisation monitors and measures the effectiveness of its QMS in the following ways:• Internal Audits • Results of KPI measurement processes (including assessment of customer satisfaction) • Management Reviews

9.1.2 The organisation monitors customer’s perception and the extent their needs and expectations are being fulfilled. • Customer Questionnaire o Observed; Crane Process Flow, LF Dangerfield Bakery Ltd, 2SFG Derby, Coltman Precast Concrete o All feedback sampled was rated between "Very Good & Good". 9.1.3 During the assessment it has been observed that the organisation is conducting analysis of data, with the results being used as a driver to improve its:• Process performance • Customer satisfaction • QMS • External providers Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

9.2 The organisation has established:• An audit plan is available 2017, taking into consideration the status and importance of the processes and areas to be audited, as well as the results of previous audits. • The audit criteria and scope • The selection of auditors ensuring objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. Auditors shall not audit their own work. • The management responsible for the area being audited ensures that any necessary corrections and corrective actions are taken without undue delay to eliminate detected nonconformities and their causes. • Records were available to demonstrate competence. o Observed; Audit Q2 17-07, Auditor Gene Willis, Sales process

Planned activities have not been realized. Minor non-conformance(s) has been identified which will require corrective actions to be taken, in order for the process to meet the requirements ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have not been realized.

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Assessment Report.

9.3 • The organisation plans and conducts management reviews at least once per year 24/08/17, to ensure its QMS continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness with its strategic direction. • The review includes the inputs required by the standard and the subsequent outputs. • Documented information of management reviews is maintained.

Planned activities have not been realized. Minor non-conformance(s) has been identified which will require corrective actions to be taken, in order for the process to meet the requirements ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have not been realized. 10 Improvement: 10.1 Based on the organisations internal processes it, selects opportunities for improvement and implementation of actions to • Meet customer requirements and further customer satisfaction. • Correcting, preventing and reducing undesired effects. • Improving its QMS.

Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized. 10.2 Existing non-conformance is still outstanding.

Planned activities have not been realized. Minor non-conformance(s) has been identified which will require corrective actions to be taken, in order for the process to meet the requirements ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have not been realized. 10.3 • Outputs from management review are primarily used as the improvement tool for its QMS.

Planned activities have been realized. The aspects of the process sampled, were found to meet the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. Planned results have been realized.

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Minor (3) nonconformities arising from this assessment. Ref. no




Area/process Scope


Statement of nonconformance:

Assessment Report.

5 Leadership FS 567522 Minor

"satisfy applicable requirements" not included in the quality policy.

Clause requirements

Developing the quality policy

Objective evidence

The quality policy did not include a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements ref 5.2.1 c.


Correction / containment

Corrective action

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Top management shall establish, implement and maintain a quality policy that: a) is appropriate to the purpose and context of the organization and supports its strategic direction; b) provides a framework for setting quality objectives; c) includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements; d) includes a commitment to continual improvement of the quality management system

Assessment Report. Ref. no




Area/process Scope


Statement of nonconformance: Clause requirements Objective evidence


Correction / containment

Corrective action

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9 Performance evaluation FS 567522 Minor

The organisation internal audit programme was found not to meet the requirements of the international standard Internal audit The organisation internal audit programme was found not to meet the requirements of the international standard:1) Not all process were found to be audited. i.e Internal audit process. 9.2.2 a 2) Audit reports sampled did not indicated, conformance with the international standard. 9.2.1 a2 3) Audit criteria and scope not established for each audit. 9.2.2b

Assessment Report. Ref. no




Area/process Scope


Statement of nonconformance:

9 Performance evaluation FS 567522 Minor

Not all inputs as required by the standard had been included within the management review process

Clause requirements

Management review inputs

Objective evidence

Not all inputs as required by the standard had been included within the management review process. i.e. Internal & External Issues, Interested parties.


Correction / containment

Corrective action

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The management review shall be planned and carried out taking into consideration: a)the status of actions from previous management reviews; b) changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the quality management system; c) information on the performance and effectiveness of the quality management system, including trends in: 1) customer satisfaction and feedback from relevant interested parties; 2) the extent to which quality objectives have been met; 3) process performance and conformity of products and services; 4) nonconformities and corrective actions; 5) monitoring and measurement results; 6) audit results; 7) the performance of external providers; d) the adequacy of resources; e) the effectiveness of actions taken to address risks and opportunities (see 6.1); f) opportunities for improvement.

Assessment Report.

Our next steps Next visit plan Date



K Stafford

Time 9:00


Opening Meeting

Review of outstanding Nonconformance Mandatory Clauses

Design & Development Lunch


4.4, 4.4, 5.2, 6.2, 7.5, 9.1.2, 9.2, 9.3 & 10.2 8.3

Site Visit, timing dependant on clients availability.

PWS to advise BSI 4 weeks prior to assessment. Report Preparation 16:30

Closing Meeting

End of assessment

Next visit objectives, scope and criteria The objective of the assessment is to ascertain the integrity of the organization's management system over the current assessment cycle to enable recertification and confirm the forward strategic assessment plan. ***Timings for the next visit have been intentionally left blank, this to cater for site visit availability.*** The scope of the assessment is the documented management system with relation to the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015 and the defined assessment plan provided in terms of locations and areas of the system and organization to be assessed. BS EN ISO 9001:2015 Positive Weighing Solutions Ltd management system documentation Please note that BSI reserves the right to apply a charge equivalent to the full daily rate for cancellation of the visit by the organization within 30 days of an agreed visit date. It is a condition of registration that a deputy management representative be nominated. It is expected that the deputy would stand in should the management representative find themselves unavailable to attend an agreed visit within 30 days of its conduct. Page 21 of 27

Your next steps

Assessment Report.

NCR close out process Corrective actions with respect to minor nonconformities raised previously have not been implemented. 3 minor nonconformities requiring attention were identified. These, along with other findings, are contained within subsequent sections of the report. A minor nonconformity relates to a single identified lapse, which in itself would not indicate a breakdown in the management system's ability to effectively control the processes for which it was intended. It is necessary to investigate the underlying cause of any issue to determine corrective action. The proposed action will be reviewed for effective implementation at the next assessment.

How to contact customer service 'Just for Customers' is the website that we are pleased to offer our clients following successful registration, designed to support you in maximising the benefits of your BSI registration - please go to to register. When registering for the first time you will need your client reference number and your certificate number (47396596/FS 567522). Should you wish to speak with BSI in relation to your registration, please contact our Customer Engagement and Planning team: Customer Services BSI Kitemark Court, Davy Avenue, Knowlhill Milton Keynes MK5 8PP

Tel: +44 (0)345 080 9000


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Assessment Report.

Appendix: Your certification structure & on-going assessment programme Scope of certification

FS 567522 (ISO 9001:2008) The provision, supply, including partial assembly, packaging, installation management and ongoing support for the quality management system for the calibration, maintenance and repair for weighing, bagging, bag-stitchers, liquid filling and related products and spares.

Assessed location(s) The audit has been performed at Central Office. Worcester / FS 567522 (ISO 9001:2008) Location reference Address


Visit type Assessment reference Assessment dates

Continuing assessment (surveillance) 8582005 25/09/2017

Deviation from audit plan

No. of full time equivalent employees Total no. of effective employees at the site Scope of activities at the site Assessment duration

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Positive Weighing Solutions Ltd Unit 8 The Clifton Centre Spring Lane South Malvern Worcester WR14 1BJ United Kingdom

No 11 6

Main certificate scope applies. 1 day(s)

Changes in the organization since last assessment

Assessment Report.

The following changes in relation to organization structure and key personnel involved in the certified management system were noted: A new Technical Manager Rob May joined the business May 2017. No change in relation to the audited organization’s activities, products or services covered by the scope of certification was identified. The reference or normative documents applicable to the scope of certification were revised as follows: QMS has been rewritten to reflect the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.

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Assessment Report.

Certification assessment programme Certificate number - FS 567522 Location reference - 0047396596-000

Business area/location Transition to ISO 9001:2015

Date (mm/yy):

Duration (days):

4.3 Scope

4.4 QMS & its processes

5.2 & 7.3 Policy & Awareness

6.2 & 7.3 Objectives & Awareness 7.5 Documented Information 9.1.2 Customer Satisfaction 9.2 Internal audit

9.3 Management Review

10.2 Non-conformity & C/A

4.1 & 4.2 External/Internal issues & Interest parties 5.1 & 5.2 Leadership, Roles & Responsibilities

6.1 & 6.3 Risk & Opportunities, Planning for Change

7.1.3 & 7.1.4 Infrastructure Inc. Maintenance & Environment 7.1.5 Monitoring & measuring 7.2 Competence

7.4 Communication

8.1 Operational planning & control

8.2 Requirements for products & services 8.3 Design & Development

8.4 Control of externally provided processes, products & services


09/17 1









8.6 Release of products & services


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8.7 Control of Non-conforming product




8.5 Repair, service, hire and calibration

8.5 Site Visit, timing dependant on clients availability. PWS to advise BSI 4 weeks prior to assessment.






Assessment Report. 9.1.1 & 9.1.3 Performance evaluation 10.1 & 10.3 Improvement

Strategic Review/Top management interview



Expected outcomes for accredited certification

What accredited certification to ISO 9001 means ISO 9001:2015 specifies requirements for a quality management system when an organization: needs to demonstrate its ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements; and aims to enhance customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for improvement of the system and the assurance of conformity to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. What accredited certification to ISO 9001 does not mean 1) It is important to recognize that ISO 9001 defines the requirements for an organization’s quality management system, not for its products and services. Accredited certification to ISO 9001 should provide confidence in the organization’s ability to “consistently provide product that meets customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements”. It does not necessarily ensure that the organization will always achieve 100% product conformity, though this should of course be a permanent goal. 2) ISO 9001 accredited certification does not imply that the organization is providing a superior product or service, or that the product or service itself is certified as meeting the requirements of an ISO (or any other) standard or specification.


This report and related documents are prepared for and only for BSI’s client and for no other purpose. As such, BSI does not accept or assume any responsibility (legal or otherwise) or accept any liability for or in connection with any other purpose for which the Report may be used, or to any other person to whom the Report is shown or in to whose hands it may come, and no other persons shall be entitled to rely on the Report.If you wish to distribute copies of this report external to your organization, then all pages must be included. BSI, its staff and agents shall keep confidential all information relating to your organization and shall not disclose any such information to any third party, except that in the public domain or required by law or relevant accreditation bodies. BSI staff, agents and accreditation bodies have signed individual confidentiality undertakings and will only receive confidential information on a 'need to know' basis. This audit was conducted on-site through document reviews, interviews and observation of activities. The audit method used was based on sampling the organization’s activities and it was aimed to evaluate the fulfilment of the audited requirements of the relevant management system standard or other normative document and confirm the conformity and effectiveness of the management system and its continued relevance and applicability for the scope of certification. As this audit was based on a sample of the organization’s activities, the findings reported do not imply to include all issues within the system. Page 26 of 27

Regulatory compliance

Assessment Report.

BSI conditions of contract for this visit require that BSI be informed of all relevant regulatory non-compliance or incidents that require notification to any regulatory authority. Acceptance of this report by the client signifies that all such issues have been disclosed as part of the assessment process and agreement that any such noncompliance or incidents occurring after this visit will be notified to the BSI client manager as soon as practical after the event.


PWS to advise BSI 4 weeks prior to assessment for site visit.

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