ISO9001/2015 Internal Audit- DOCUMENT CONTROL V1 Date
Scope & Objective of Audit
Audit Number
2018 Q2-8
Name of Auditor
Lucy Bennett-Poole
To ensure that Section 7.5.3 is being adhered to on a continuous basis and that where new external documents are introduced to the business processes, they are documented and controlled in the same manner.
Have any new relevant External Documents been introduced to the Company since the last audit?
Have the current External Documents contained within the QMS been reviewed and confirmed as the latest revision since the last Audit?
Have there been any changes to the electronic cloud storage facility since the last audit?
Has the Hard Copy Document retention policy been maintained since the last audit?
Has the Hard Copy document retention policy changed since the last audit?
Have there been ANY changes to the Document Control statement contained within QMS 7.5.3 since the last audit?
Statement of Finding
The audit process has found that the document control policy is being maintained.
The requirement, as stated in section 7.5 of ISO9001:2015 is for documented information relevant to the companies processes be controlled in such a mannger as to allow only up to date versions to be in use.
THE PWS Website is the only place whereby this information is available and is been reviewed suffiently by both internal and external personell to ensure that the documents contained within it are up to date.
Corrective Action Required
How have we related the findings back to the standard?
We have ensured that the findings of this Audit conform to section 7.5 of the PWS QMS
Result of Audit Pass