ISO9001/2015 Internal Audit- SUPPLIER MANAGEMENT V1 Date
Audit Number
2018 Q2-9
Name of Auditor
Lucy Bennett-Poole
Scope & Objective of Audit
To ensure that Section 8.4.1-8.4.3 of the QMW is being adhered to. To ensure that all suppliers and third party providers are of a suitable standard to ensure the sufficient levels of service our client base expects.
Have there been any changes to the QMS section 8.4 since the last audit?
Are the Supplier quality accreditation submissions being kept up to date?
YES Requested - But some have not responded
Have there been any suppliers causing significant quality or service reliability issues since the last audit?
Are there any suppliers that require a 'quality review' as a result of poor performance?
Statement of Finding
The supplier management process is clearly working and deemed as thorough enough.
The requirement, as stated in section 8.4 of ISO9001:2015 and our statament within the aligned section 8.4, requires that suppliers are monitored regularly to ensure quality standards are met.
The supplier assessment has been reviewed, alongside the non conforming product log. These are live on the PWS QUALITY WEBSITE and can be viewed at any time by any member of the PWS team.
Corrective Action Required
How have we related the findings back to the standard?
We have ensured that the findings of this Audit conform to section 8.4 of the PWS QMS
Result of Audit